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"Expected 1 channels in audio block, got 2" when encoding a sample #24

Answered by AlexTMjugador
Niedzwiedzw asked this question in Q&A
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I'm happy to hear you've figured out a solution to your problem!

As you may have already noticed, vorbis_rs, like the C APIs it wraps and as stated in its documentation, expects audio sample blocks to be provided in planar format, which means the samples are structured as an array of arrays: the outer array represents the channels, and each inner array contains the consecutive samples for a channel.

For instance, [[a, b, c], [d, e, f]] would be a representation of a planar audio sample buffer for two channels, where the first channel would have samples [a, b, c], and the second channel samples [d, e, f].

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Answer selected by AlexTMjugador
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This discussion was converted from issue #23 on January 17, 2025 10:28.