diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/addons.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/addons.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45df92914 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/addons.yml @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Addons &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Info' + lore: | + &7Addons are additional + downloadable content that + can be installed separately. + + The reason why addons exist in + the first place, is because of + {$p}performance{$sep}, {$p}modularization + &7and {$p}file size limits. + + {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] &7In order to be + able to install addons, you need to + have a internet connection that's + able to connect to {$p}GitHub.com + {$sep}(&7not blocked by firewall, + country censoreship and etc.{$sep}) + addons: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + pending-restart: + condition: waiting_to_restart + name: '&8[&5Pending Restart&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &5The addon is downloaded. Waiting + for the server to be restarted to + enable the addon. + material: PURPLE_WOOL + updated: + condition: 'installed && !outdated' + name: '&8[&2Up to date&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: GREEN_WOOL + outdated-core-version: + condition: 'installed && outdated && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + + {$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}This version requires + kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$es}to work. + Current version{$sep}: {$e}%current-core-version% + + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + outdated: + condition: 'installed && outdated' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + not-installed: + name: '&8[&6Not installed&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to install + condition: '!installed' + material: BLUE_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/book.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/book.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab0eb53e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/book.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +title: "&4&lHandbook" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + chapters: + material: BOOK + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + name: "&2%chapter%" + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/colors.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/colors.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50afe4daf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/colors.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: chest +rows: 1 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + yellow: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow' + green: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Green' + red: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&4Red' + blue: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Blue' + pink: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dPink' + purple: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Purple' + white: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03e24fbc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2BossBar Settings &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + title: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Title' + lore: "&f%bossbar-title%" + colors: + slot: 2 + name: '&2Color&8: &9%bossbar_color%' + yellow: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'YELLOW'" + material: YELLOW_WOOL + lime-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'GREEN'" + material: LIME_WOOL + red-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'RED'" + material: RED_WOOL + blue-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'BLUE'" + material: BLUE_WOOL + magenta-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PINK'" + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + purple-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PURPLE'" + material: PURPLE_WOOL + white-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'WHITE'" + material: WHITE_WOOL + styles: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Style&8: &3%bossbar_style%' + SOLID: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SOLID'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + SEGMENTED_6: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_6'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_10'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_12'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_20'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= + flags: + slot: 4 + material: WHITE_BANNER + name: '&fFlags' + lore: | + &9Music&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% + &9Darken Sky&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% + &9Fog&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/flags.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4844f444 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + back: + slot: 0 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + play-boss-music: + slot: 2 + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + lore: | + &7Plays the ender dragon theme + while this bossbar is active for + the player. This doesn't work + reliably for all servers. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Music' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Music' + darken-sky: + slot: 3 + material: CLOCK + lore: | + &7It's similar to blindness + potion effect. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Darken Sky' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Darken Sky' + create-fog: + slot: 4 + material: COBWEB + lore: | + &7Mostly restricts the player's + sight and view distance. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Fog' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fog' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/styles.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/styles.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68d16d0ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/bossbar/styles.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + SOLID: + name: "&3Solid" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + lore: | + &7Bossbar styles are those black + lines that separate the bar + into multiple parts. + + Solid means no lines. + SEGMENTED_6: + name: "&36 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 1 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + name: "&310 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 2 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + name: "&312 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 3 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + name: "&320 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 4 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/challenge.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/challenge.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cbb61f2a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/challenge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +title: "&6-=( &cChallenges &6)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + time-two-days: + name: "&2In 2 days" + material: IRON_BLOCK + slot: 0 + time: 2days + time-three-days: + name: "&2In 3 days" + material: GOLD_BLOCK + slot: 1 + time: 3days + time-five-days: + name: "&2In 5 days" + material: DIAMOND_BLOCK + slot: 2 + time: 2days + time-week: + name: "&2In 1 week" + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + slot: 3 + time: 7days + info: + name: "&2Challenges" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7They are planned invasions. + When you want to invade someone, you + have to plan an invasion in advance. + + You click the amount of time you want + to give to your enemy before being able + to attack them. After this time has passed + you will have &26 hours &7to invade any of + the lands of the challenged kingdom. diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/disband.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/disband.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6dc1578e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/disband.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +title: "&4&lConfirm Disband" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Your kingdom's data will be" + - "&6permanently lost." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a20d7436 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +title: "&4&lDemote All" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Are you sure you want to demote all" + - "the members in your kingdom?" + - "Everyone will be demoted to the member rank." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f2cf6c7a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +title: "&4&lReset Ranks" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Are you sure you want to reset all" + - "the custom ranks made in your kingdom?" + - "Doing so will result in &lall &6your" + - "members being demoted to member rank." + - "" + - "This will reset the rank settings to their" + - "original state defined by the server." + - "This includes deleting newly created ranks" + - "and adding back the default settings for each rank." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2f39c71d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +title: "&4&lConfirm Unclaim All" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Once all your lands has" + - "been unclaimed, everyone" + - "can access protected chests," + - "structures and turrets." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/election-candidates.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/election-candidates.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bc8f3fff --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/election-candidates.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6Election Candidates &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + candidates: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player% &8| &6%votes%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: '&7%candidates-description%' + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/error.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/error.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..022cd6152 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/error.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +title: "&4&lError" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +options: + error: + name: "&cThis GUI is broken" + lore: | + &fIf you're a player contact + the server's administrators. + + If you're an admin, this GUI: + &6%gui_path% + &fError&7: + &e%message% + material: BARRIER + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/input.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/input.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be1fba820 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/input.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInput &0)=-" +type: ANVIL +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + question: + name: "%question%" + lore: "test" + material: GREEN_WOOL + slot: 0 + cancel: + name: "&cCancel" + material: RED_WOOL + slot: 1 + done: + name: "&aDone" + lore: "&7Click to finish input." + material: BLUE_WOOL + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/invite-codes.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/invite-codes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9139a5d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/invite-codes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvite Codes &0)=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite-codes: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + {$p}Code{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-code% + {$p}Uses{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% + {$p}Created By{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-creator% + {$p}Created At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% + {$p}Expires At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-expiration% + + {$p}Left-click to buy paper codes. + &9Middle-click to redeem the code. + {$e}Right-click to delete. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + info: + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + lore: | + &7Invite codes are an alternative + way of inviting players to your kingdom. + They're similar to discord invite codes. + + Once you create a new invite code, a player + can either type the code using + {$p}/k invitecode {$s} &7or you can + generate a physical paper which players can + right-click to use them. + Each invite code paper costs {$s}%invitecode-paper-cost% + &7resource points. + + Invite codes expire at a certain point and + they can either have limited or unlimited uses. + new-invite-code: + name: "&2Create New Invite Code" + lore: | + &7You can only make up to + {$p}%invitecode-max% &7invite codes. + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + delete-all: + name: "&4Delete All Invite Codes" + material: RED_WOOL + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/invites.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/invites.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbf8fa442 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/invites.yml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvitations &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/invsee.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/invsee.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e18c025a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/invsee.yml @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6%target% &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. +context-start-row: 3 +#It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. +#These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. +options: + helmet: + name: '&cNo Helmet' + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_HELMET + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + chestplate: + name: '&cNo Chestplate' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + leggings: + name: '&cNo Leggings' + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_LEGGINGS + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + boots: + name: '&cNo Boots' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_BOOTS + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + offhand: + name: '&cNo item in offhand' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: WOODEN_HOE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + mainhand: + name: '&cNo item in main hand' + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: WOODEN_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + offhand-indicator: + name: '&cAbove is showing the offhand' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + mainhand-indicator: + name: '&cAbove is showing the main hand in slot&8: &e%held_slot%' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + separators: + name: '' + slots: + - 0 + - 5 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 17 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..637a92b42 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 10 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + type: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Attribute{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' + uuid: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid%' + lore: | + &7This is the unique ID for this modifier. + Since items can have multiple attributes + of the same type, this is used to identify + specific modifiers. + You almost never need to change this manually + yourself since they're automatically + generated with minimal conflict. + name: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' + lore: | + &7This is more like a small description + for this modifier, mostly for human-readable + identification purposes. + amount: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' + operation: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' + lore: | + &7How this attribute affects + other attributes with the + same type with the given amount. + equipment-slot: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' + lore: | + &7The slot which this + attribute takes effect + when placed in. diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8500f975 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Equipment Slots {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + outer-decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + inner-decoration: + slots: + - 3 + - 5 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 41 + - 42 + - 48 + - 50 + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + head: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_HELMET + name: '{$p}Head' + off-hand: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: '{$p}Off Hand' + chest: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: '{$p}Chest' + hand: #main hand + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Main Hand' + legs: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + name: '{$p}Legs' + feet: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: '{$p}Feet' + none: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}None' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71f68544b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute List {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + add-attribute: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ==' + name: '{$p}Add Attribute' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All' + attribute: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: POLISHED_ANDESITE + name: '{$p}%attribute_type%' + lore: | + {$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid% + {$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% + {$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% + {$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% + + &9Left-click to modify + &9Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..656314128 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Operations {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +op: + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$p}" +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&eInfo' + lore: | + &7A modifier's operation dictates + how it modifies an attribute's base value + add-number: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + glow: true + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGQ4YjcxNzNkODQxZjI1NjNlYzEwODg4OGIwZjc5NzkxN2VmYzE4YmUyNzg2MWYwYTY3NjFhYTNlZDkxY2UifX19' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Adds all of the modifiers' amounts to + the current value of the attribute. + For example, modifying an attribute with + {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p} Amount 4 &7with + a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 + multiply-scalar-1: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7For every modifier, multiplies the + current value of the attribute by {$p}(1 + x)&7, + where x is the amount of the particular + modifier. Functions the same as {$p}Add Scalar + &7if there is only a single modifier with + {$p}operation 1 or 2&7. However, for multiple + modifiers it multiplies the modifiers rather + than adding them. For example, modifying an + attribute with {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p}Amount 4 + &7with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) = 45 + add-scalar: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ4NmRiOWExNGQ1ODc5ZmEyODExZDMwMWNjYmQ1MjY5OTRmODcxMjQ3YjYyZjJkOWE0ODE4M2U5NjQxYWQ2OSJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Multiplies the current value of the + attribute by {$p}1 + x&7, where x is the sum + of the modifiers' amounts. For example, + modifying an attribute with {$p}Amount 2&7 + and {$p}Amount 4 with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1592484e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-" +rows: 4 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + orange-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + generic-max-health: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0=' + name: Generic Max Health + lore: | + &7The maximum health of this mob + (in half-hearts); determines the + highest health they may be healed to. + If the player is using this to summon + a mob with high health, use this and + the Health tag {Health:200.0f} for example. + (Disabled in 1.17) + generic-follow-range: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: Generic Follow Range + lore: | + &7The range in blocks within which + a mob with this attribute targets players + or other mobs to track. + Exiting this range causes the mob to + cease following the player/mob. + Actual value used by most mobs is {$p}16&7; + for zombies it is {$p}40&7. + generic-knockback-resistance: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ANVIL + name: Generic Knockback Resistance + lore: | + &7The scale of horizontal knockback + resisted from attacks and projectiles. + Vertical knockback is not affected. + Does not affect explosions. {$p}1.0 &7is {$p}100% + &7knockback resistance. {$p}0.4 &7means {$p}60% &7of + knockback is applied. + generic-movement-speed: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: Generic Movement Speed + lore: | + &7Movement speed of an entity. + The mob's maximum speed in + blocks/second is a bit over {$p}43 + &7times this value, but can be + affected by various conditions, such as: + being ridden (if a horse), sprinting, + fleeing (if a passive mob), attacking + (if an Enderman or Zombified Piglin), + being led by a leash, being under the + effect of a Speed or Slowness potion, + being a baby zombie, or being a witch + and drinking a potion. + generic-flying-speed: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ELYTRA + name: Generic Flying Speed + lore: "&7Fly speed of an entity." + generic-armor: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor + lore: "&7Armor bonus of an entity." + generic-armor-toughness: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor Toughness + lore: "&7Armor durability bonus of an entity." + generic-attack-damage: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Damage + lore: "&7Attack strength of an entity." + generic-attack-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Speed + lore: | + &7Attack speed of an entity. + Value is the number of full-strength + attacks per second. + generic-attack-knockback: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: FISHING_ROD + name: Generic Attack Knockback + lore: | + &7Attack knockback strength of an entity. + Applies only to mobs with physical attacks. + {$p}Ravager{$sep}: {$s}1.5 + {$p}Hoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + {$p}Zoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + horse-jump-strength: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR + name: Horse Jump Strength + lore: "&7How high horses can jump." + generic-luck: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: Generic Luck + lore: | + &7Affects the results of {$p}loot tables + &7using the {$p}quality &7or {$p}bonus_rolls {$p}tag + &7(e.g. when opening chests or chest + minecarts, fishing, and killing mobs). + zombie-spawn-reinforcements: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: Zombie Spawn Reinforcements + lore: | + &7Chance for a zombie to spawn + another zombie when attacked. diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1deb5a72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml @@ -0,0 +1,769 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Enchantments {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +#What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml +'[fn-enchant]': + args: + - "" + return: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}" + lore: | + {$e}This enchantment is not + supported in your current server + version. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" + glow: true + lore: | + &7Left-click to change level + &7Right-click to remove + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: | + &7Left-click to add enchant +options: + water-worker: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + depth-strider: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + impaling: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + oxygen: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + knockback: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + dig-speed: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + frost-walker: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_ICE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + swift-sneak: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-damage: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-knockback: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-fire: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + multishot: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + piercing: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-infinite: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + quick-charge: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: CROSSBOW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + mending: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + durability: + posx: 9 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + fire-aspect: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + channeling: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loyalty: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + riptide: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-environmental: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-projectile: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-explosions: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: TNT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fire: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAVA_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + thorns: + posx: 9 + posy: 3 + material: ROSE_BUSH + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-undead: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-arthropods: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + soul-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: SOUL_SAND + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + vanishing-curse: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_EYE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + binding-curse: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-mobs: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-blocks: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + silk-touch: + posx: 9 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + luck: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + lure: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fall: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: FEATHER + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All Enchantments' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/flags.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3f5557c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Flags {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7Item flags can hide some + properties from items. + This won't change their actual + behavior it just hides them + from the item's description + which is either above or below + ther item's lore. + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove all flags' + flag-hide-attributes: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Attributes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Attributes' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Attributes' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: | + &7Item attributes are the small descriptions + shown under the lore of some items. + attributes: + GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE: + name: Test + amount: 10 + operation: ADD_NUMBER + flag-hide-destroys: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Destroys" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Destroys' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Destroys' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + + &7Can break: + &8Stone + flag-hide-dye: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + color: 255, 255, 255 + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Dyes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Dye' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Dye' + lore: | + &7Hide dye information from + colored leather armors. + flag-hide-enchants: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Enchants" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Enchants' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Enchants' + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: | + &7Hides item enchantments from + their description above the lore + however this will still keep the + item's glowing effect. + flag-hide-placed-on: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Placed On" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Placed On' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Placed On' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + + &7Can be placed on: + &8Stone + flag-hide-potion-effects: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: POTION + effects: + - "BLINDNESS, 1, 10" + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Potion Effects" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Potion Effects' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Potion Effects' + lore: | + &7This is one of those Minecraft + weird behaviors, this flag has + multiple functionalities. It Hides{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}Potion effects + &7⚫ {$s}Book information such as the author + &7⚫ {$s}Firework information + &7⚫ {$s}Map tooltips + &7⚫ {$s}Patterns of banners + &7⚫ {$s}Enchantments of enchanted books + flag-hide-unbreakable: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + unbreakable: true + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Unbreakable" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Unbreakable' + lore: | + &7Hides the unbreakable description + from items. Unbreakable items don't + lose durability when you use them. diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/main.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f8a0e5df --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + item: + #Will be replaced by the actual item + material: STONE + interaction: FREE + slot: 15 + name: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '{$p}Name' + lore: "%item_name%" + flags: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '{$p}Flags' + lore: | + &7Click to modify + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Attributes{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Destroys{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Dye{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Enchants{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Placed On{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Unbreakable{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% + attributes: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Attributes' + decoration: + slots: + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 13 + - 14 + - 16 + - 17 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + lore: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Lore' + #The lore is automatically set by the plugin for this option + enchantments: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Enchantments' + lore: #The lore is modified by the plugin to add set enchants + - "&7Click to modify" + unbreakable: + isUnbreakable: + condition: item_unbreakable + name: '{$p}Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$e}Breakable' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BEDROCK + lore: | + &7If an item is unbreakable, + it'll not decrease its durability + when you use it. + nbt: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BOOKSHELF + name: '{$p}NBT Viewer' + amount: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' + lore: | + &7Maximum amount would be {$p}64 + &7while you can technically set up + to {$p}127 &7it will cause issues + in rare situations. For example, + the GUI isn't able to show this + change and when it's being + transferred to your inventory, + it might not keep its amount. + custom-model-data: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: FIREWORK_STAR + name: '{$p}Custom Model Data{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' + lore: | + &7This is used for resource packs + that are made for 1.14+ + to add new items to the game. + This is basically just a reskin + of the same item type. + This is what plugins like ItemsAdder + use to add new items to the game. + material: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: STONE #This is a template material, the actual material is taken from the placed item + name: '{$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0962ab86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Back' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + nbt-NBTTagCompound: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&fNBTTagCompound{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagString: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagInt: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&9NBTTagInt{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagByte: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagShort: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagLong: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagDouble: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagList: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&8NBTTagList{$sep}]' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..807d19309 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Viewer {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + lore: | + &7NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7is a way + for Minecraft to store data for different + things in the game such as items, entities + and blocks in general. + + Everything you see on an item, such + as its name, lore, enchants and etc are + all stored as NBT data. You almost + will and should not modify NBT data + directly as they're extremely hard + to work with. + + This is mostly for debugging purposes + to see what's actually going on under + the hood. + path: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Current Path{$sep}:' + lore: '%path%' + add-nbt: + name: "{$p}Add Tag" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + lore: | + &7Adds a new tag to + the current compound. + + &7You can also {$p}left-click + &7to edit an existing tag or + {$p}right-click &7to remove a tag. + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + tag: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + compound: + condition: "tag == 'compound'" + name: '{$sep}[{$s}NBTTagCompound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: WHITE_WOOL + strings: + condition: "tag == 'string'" + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GREEN_WOOL + integers: + condition: "tag == 'int'" + name: '{$sep}[&9Integer{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: BLUE_WOOL + byte: + condition: "tag == 'byte'" + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: LIME_WOOL + short: + condition: "tag == 'short'" + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: YELLOW_WOOL + long: + condition: "tag == 'long'" + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: PURPLE_WOOL + double: + condition: "tag == 'double'" + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: CYAN_WOOL + list: + condition: "tag == 'list'" + name: '{$sep}[&7NBTTagList{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GRAY_WOOL + else: + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Unknown{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%" + material: RED_WOOL + #The lore is the value which is set automatically by the plugin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/kingdom-create.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/kingdom-create.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9d85ade7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/kingdom-create.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6Kingdom Type &0)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + pacifist: + name: "&2Pacifist" + material: OAK_SAPLING + lore: + - '&7Pacifist kingdoms cannot invade' + - 'other kingdoms and cannot be invaded.' + - "They cannot PvP other players" + - "unless &6/k pvp &7is enabled." + - "Basically it'll provide a" + - '&4permanent &7peaceful gameplay.' + slot: 1 + aggressor: + name: "&cAggressor" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: ALL + lore: + - '&7These kingdoms can invade and PvP' + - 'other non-ally kingdoms, but they may' + - 'use shields for a peaceful experience' + - 'to a certain extent temporarily.' + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a2677a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aJoin Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + requests: + name: "{$p}%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + %online% + {$p}Sent{$sep}: {$s}%sent_date% + + {$p}Left-click &7to accept. + {$e}Right-click &7to deny. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&4Close" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd6a3e0ac --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aRelationship Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + request: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/language-packs.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/language-packs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a651dd2cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/language-packs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Language Packs &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '&2Available Languages To Download' + lore: | + &7They're all under &2500kb + &7note that always the latest version is + downloaded, so if a GUI/message gets + renamed, moved or deleted which rarely + happens, the plugin &cwill not be able + to show them. + + &2English &7is always installed and + &ccannot be uninstalled &7since its + the 'reference' language. + + &7All downloaded language packs are saved + in a folder named &2repository&7. That + folder should never be edited manually. + That's the reference folder. + + If you want to modify the downloaded + languages, you should do so in the + &2languages &7folder instead. Even deleting + those are fine, the plugin will regenerate + them back without redownloading. + download-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + name: "&2Download & Update All" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZWMzYzdmYWIyYTM3MjkwNWZhM2ZjMWZiMjI4ZTc4M2JiOTNhNTNlNmQzMmU0NWViZGI0YTAyMThmY2NhIn19fQ==' + lore: | + &7This option downloads all + languages that haven't been + downloaded yet and updates all + other languages that have already + been downloaded but are outdated. + languages: + #The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%native-name% &8(&9%lang%&8)' + up-to-date: + condition: installed && updated + lore: | + &2Up to date + &4Right-click to uninstall. + outdated: + condition: installed + lore: | + &eOutdated. Left-click to update. + &8(&4!&8) &eUpdating will override all + files that needs updating. Only the + files shown below will be redownloaded. + &4Right-click to uninstall + &9Middle-click to see a full list of + updated files. + + &cUpdated files summary&8: + not-installed: + lore: | + &4Not installed + Left-click to download diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/languages.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/languages.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..874fe10fa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/languages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Languages &8)=-" +rows: 6 +skulls: + en: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19' + ru: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZlYWZlZjk4MGQ2MTE3ZGFiZTg5ODJhYzRiNDUwOTg4N2UyYzQ2MjFmNmE4ZmU1YzliNzM1YTgzZDc3NWFkIn19fQ==' + hu: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGE5YzNjNGI2YzUwMzEzMzJkZDJiZmVjZTVlMzFlOTk5ZjhkZWZmNTU0NzQwNjVjYzg2OTkzZDdiZGNkYmQwIn19fQ==' + es: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJiZDQ1MjE5ODMzMDllMGFkNzZjMWVlMjk4NzQyODc5NTdlYzNkOTZmOGQ4ODkzMjRkYThjODg3ZTQ4NWVhOCJ9fX0=' + de: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWU3ODk5YjQ4MDY4NTg2OTdlMjgzZjA4NGQ5MTczZmU0ODc4ODY0NTM3NzQ2MjZiMjRiZDhjZmVjYzc3YjNmIn19fQ==' + pl: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTIxYjJhZjhkMjMyMjI4MmZjZTRhMWFhNGYyNTdhNTJiNjhlMjdlYjMzNGY0YTE4MWZkOTc2YmFlNmQ4ZWIifX19' + zh: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Y5YmMwMzVjZGM4MGYxYWI1ZTExOThmMjlmM2FkM2ZkZDJiNDJkOWE2OWFlYjY0ZGU5OTA2ODE4MDBiOThkYyJ9fX0=' + tr: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=' + cs: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzliYmNjYzIxMDI2NDRkNGUzNmRmYWJlNzM1ZjBmOTMwN2FkYzVjODRlMjBhMGZkYzViM2ZhM2RlNDgwZDQ5OCJ9fX0=' + it: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODVjZTg5MjIzZmE0MmZlMDZhZDY1ZDhkNDRjYTQxMmFlODk5YzgzMTMwOWQ2ODkyNGRmZTBkMTQyZmRiZWVhNCJ9fX0=' +#This GUI is quite... controversial. +#Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + current-language: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Current Language&8: &9%kingdoms_lang%' + language: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%lang%' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/mails/editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/mails/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54db465db --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/mails/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mail &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + subject: + slot: 0 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '&2Subject&8:' + lore: '&f%subject%' + recipients: + slot: 1 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Recipients&8:' + lore: | + &6To&8: &9%to% + &6CC&8: &9%cc% + summary: + slot: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Summary&8:' + lore: '&f%summary%' + reset: + slot: 3 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cReset' + lore: | + &7Resets all mail properties such + as the subject, recipients and + the content. + preview: + slot: 4 + material: WRITTEN_BOOK + name: '&9Preview' + lore: | + &7Shows how this mail would + look like when people read it. diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/mails/mailbox.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/mails/mailbox.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ee52190d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/mails/mailbox.yml @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mailbox &8)=-" +rows: 6 +interactable: empty +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + previous: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19' + name: '&7Previous Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + next: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ==' + name: '&7Next Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + separators: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + sent-indicator: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Sent Mails' + inbox-indicator: + slot: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Inbox' + get-envelope: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&2Send Mail' + lore: | + &7Gives you a special book + to start writing your mail. + + You can put this book anywhere + you want. To edit the mail &9contents + &7just &2right-click &7and write like + you normally would. + + To edit other properties like the + &9subject &7or &9recipients&7, + &2right-click while sneaking&7. + + Once you're done and ready to &9send + &7the mail, drop this book back into + the sent section here. + + &2Needed Money&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% + &2Needed Resource Points&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% + sent: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + inbox: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/mails/recipients.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/mails/recipients.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be2fc1e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/mails/recipients.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Recipients &8)=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + to: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2To&8: &9%to%' + cc-add: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0=' + name: '&7CC&8:' + lore: "&2Click to add" + cc: + slots: + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&9%singular-cc%' + lore: '&cClick to remove' + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/map-settings.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/map-settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37737ee0c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/map-settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +title: "&cMap Settings" +type: HOPPER +options: + scoreboard: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the kingdom map as a scoreboard + which is much more convenient than + auto map mode and updates automatically. + + The disadvantage is that + it takes a huge portion of your screen + and you must memorize the symbols and + colors and what they mean. + + This option resets if you leave. + enabled: + condition: scoreboard_enabled + name: "{$enabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + reset: + slot: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&4Reset Settings' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzA1ZWI3ZTA0ODg2ODMyNTRlZGI2NzgyYzVkYjhkMjdjZDA3OGU3ODRkZTJkY2RjZDI1Y2UwODY0ZGZhYmQzOCJ9fX0=' + resize: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Resize' + lore: + - "&7Resize your own map &awidth &7and &aheight" + - "&7Your current size&8: &2%kingdoms_map_width%&7, &2%kingdoms_map_height%" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc5ZTU0Y2JlODc4NjdkMTRiMmZiZGYzZjE4NzA4OTQzNTIwNDhkZmVjZDk2Mjg0NmRlYTg5M2IyMTU0Yzg1In19fQ==' + auto: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "&7The map keeps appearing automatically" + - "as you walk to different lands." + enabled: + condition: 'auto_map_enabled' + name: "{$enabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=' + else: + name: "{$disabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' + gui: + slot: 4 + material: CHEST + name: "&2See the map in a GUI" + lore: | + &7Advantages would be better + clicking behavior and clearer + icons for different lands. + + Disadvantages would be the + limit of GUI inventory size + and limiting your mobility. diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/map.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/map.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54cc04624 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/map.yml @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +title: "&0-=( &a&lMap &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config +#You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. +options: + element: + material: DIRT + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2217dce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-" +rows: 4 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + name: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Name&8: &6%outpost-name%' + region: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '&2Region&8: &6%outpost-region%' + center: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: '&2Center' + lore: | + %outpost-center% + &7The location where the rewards + are dropped and fireworks are spawned. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + spawn: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '&2Spawn' + lore: | + %outpost-spawn% + &7Where the players get teleported + to when they join the event. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + bossbar: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: BREWING_STAND + name: '&2BossBar Settings' + delete: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cDelete this outpost' + entrance-money: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '&2Entrance Money Fee&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' + rewards: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rewards' + entrance-resource-points-fee: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '&2Entrance Resource Points Fee&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c02347924 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Command Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These commands are executed + for the kingdom that won the event. + + So any command that targets players + individually will not work. + add: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Add' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + commands: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '%command%' + lore: | + {$p}Left-click to edit + {$s}Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0e63858f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Items go here +interactable: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration-1: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 49 + - 51 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + decoration-2: + slots: + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 48 + - 50 + - 52 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These items are randomly + thrown in the Outpost event + area and players can pick + them up. + + You can freely interact with + the items in this GUI, taking + them and adding your own. + + To make custom items you can use + the {$p}/k admin item editor + &7command as well. + items: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: STONE diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7588ca55e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + resource-points: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Resource Points{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-resource-points%" + money: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Money{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-money%" + commands: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '{$p}Commands' + items: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Items' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76c1c34cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + include: + name: "&2Include Kingdom" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add a kingdom so their members" + - "can access this block." + - "" + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + exclude: + name: "&cExclude Kingdom" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add a kingdom to exclude their members" + - "from accessing the block." + - "" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + clear: + name: "&4Clear" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Remove all the kingdoms" + - "from this list." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&4Back" + material: BARRIER + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + members: + included: + condition: included + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + else: + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/players.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/players.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d59d550b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/players.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + include: + name: "&2Include Player" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone so they" + - "can access this block." + - "" + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + exclude: + name: "&cExclude Player" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone to exclude" + - "them from accessing the block." + - "" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + clear: + name: "&4Clear" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from this list." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&4Back" + material: BARRIER + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + members: + included: + condition: included + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included &8- %online%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + else: + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded &8- %online%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec2913973 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + players: + name: "&2Manage Players" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude individual players + for accessing this block. + + Player settings override the kingdom + settings. Meaning that if a player is + a part of an included or excluded kingdom, + they can still use the block if the kingdom + is excluded or not use the block if the + kingdom is included. + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: '%owner%' + slot: 0 + kingdoms: + name: "&2Manage Kingdoms" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude kingdoms for + accessing this block so everyone in + that kingdom are included or excluded. + material: RED_BANNER + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + slot: 1 + info: + name: "&5Protection Signs" + lore: |- + &6Protected blocks are protected + against griefs and no player can use it + without permission. + + If a player has access to this block, + they still cannot change the sign settings + or break the sign or the block. + + &7Click here to set a password on the block. + This only works if the block being protected + is a container such as a chest. + material: NETHER_STAR + slot: 2 + protection-type: + name: "&2Protection Type&8: &9%protection_type%" + lore: |- + &6Change the method of how + this block is protected from + other players by default. + material: CHEST + slot: 3 + back: + name: "&4Close the GUI" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f501cebb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection Type &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + protected: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. + material: OAK_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&4%protection%" + material: OAK_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. + slot: 1 + everyone-in-kingdom: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. + material: SPRUCE_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2%protection%" + material: SPRUCE_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. + slot: 2 + everyone: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + material: DARK_OAK_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2%protection%" + material: DARK_OAK_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/extractor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/extractor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..510adb455 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/extractor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +title: "&2Extractor" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + collect: + outOfFuel: + condition: 'fuel <= 0' + name: "{$e}Out of fuel &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: RED_WOOL + nothing-to-collect: + condition: 'amount <= 0' + name: "{$e}Nothing to collect &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed%" + material: RED_WOOL + else: + name: "&2Collect&8: &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP + lore: + - "&6Collect all the generated" + - "resource points." + - "Last collected by&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" + slot: 0 + fuel: + name: "&2Fuel&8: &6%fancy_fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: COAL + refresh: true + slot: 1 + lore: | + &7To fill the fuel, simply drop + one of the fuel items on the + extractor block. + + &7Additionally you can place a {$p}hopper + &7on north, south, east, west or top of + the extractor with the following items. + Note that this only works once the extractor's + fuel is almost at zero. + + &2Coal&8: &95 + &2Charcoal&8: &93 + &2Blaze Rods&8: &9100 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ &6%fancy_next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce42f797b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Settings &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + upgrade: + name: "&bUpgrade Equipment" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + lore: + - "&7Improve your champions" + - "armor and weapon with each upgrade." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + slot: 0 + change: + name: "&6Change" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Change your champion type." + slot: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to champion upgrades." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c51cf55e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Upgrades &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + settings: + name: "&bSettings" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7Change your champion's settings" + - "such as upgrading its equipment or" + - "changing your champion type." + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + health: + name: "&bChampion Health" + material: MELON_SLICE + lore: + - "&7Increases champion's health" + - "by &250 &7every level." + - "&7Current champion's health&8: &2%scaling%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + reinforcements: + name: "&bReinforcements" + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - "&7Spawns nexus guardian every {$p}3 &7minutes." + - "Each upgrade will reduce the time by {$p}15 seconds&7." + - "The spawned guards exactly match your" + - "nexus guards depending on the" + - "misc upgrade." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + resistance: + name: "&bResistance" + material: BRICK + lore: + - "&7Each upgrade adds &2%scaling%% &7chance that the" + - "Champion won't be knocked back by an attack." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + speed: + name: "&bSpeed" + material: POTION + lore: + - "&7Increases champion's Speed when" + - "his health is lower than &220%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + focus: + name: "&bFocus" + material: ENDER_EYE + lore: + - "&7Players hit by the champion will" + - "have &2%scaling% &7second removed from all" + - "their active potion effects." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + strength: + name: "&bStrength" + material: ANVIL + lore: + - "&7Strength potion will be" + - "added to the champion" + - "&7and will be amplified each level." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + throw: + name: "&bThrow" + material: COOKED_PORKCHOP + lore: + - "&7Every attack, there will be a chance" + - "&7to knock the player into the sky." + - "&7Each upgrade increases this chance by &210%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + death-duel: + name: "&bDeath Duel" + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7All players except the invader will deal" + - "&250% &7less damage to the champion. The" + - "champion will also deal double damage" + - "to all players except the invaders." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + drag: + name: "&bDrag" + material: FISHING_ROD + lore: + - "&7If the invading player is more than" + - "&2%scaling% &7blocks away from the champion, the" + - "player will be dragged to the champion." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + damage-cap: + name: "&bDamage Cap" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7Your champion can only receive up to" + - "&2%scaling% &7damages on any attack." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + thor: + name: "&bThor" + material: DIAMOND_AXE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7Every {$p}%cooldown%&7, lightning" + - "&7strikes the invading player and all" + - "&7nearby non-allied players. Deals" + - "&7damage, and knocks the players back also." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + plow: + name: "&bPlow" + material: COBWEB + lore: + - "&7Your champion will try to clear" + - "lava and webs every {$p}%cooldown%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + fangs: + name: "&bFangs" + material: EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG + lore: + - "&7Spawn fangs for the enemy" + - "players around the champion" + - "every {$p}%cooldown%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + purple-glass: + name: "" + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 51 + - 53 + black-glass: + name: "" + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 52 + magenta-glass: + name: "" + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 10 + - 16 + - 37 + - 43 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1293d1947 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Champions &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + zombie: + name: "&2Zombie" + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + slot: 0 + skeleton: + name: "&6Skeleton" + material: SKELETON_SKULL + slot: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to champion settings." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d0d77ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Logs Filters & Sorting &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-player: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Player Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_player_name%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Player Filter' + filters-time: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CLOCK + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Time Filter' + lore: | + {$p}After{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_after% + {$p}Before{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_before% + else: + name: '{$disabled} Time Filter' + filters-type: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER #Template + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_type_type%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Filter' + sort-ascending-time: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ascending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ascending Time Sort' + sort-descending-time: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Descending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Descending Time Sort' + sort-type: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Sort' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81208766f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Audit Logs &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#-NOSYNC +'[type]': + kingdom-join: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Player Joined{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Invited By{$sep}: &6%inviter% + kingdom-kick: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Kicked Member{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Kicker{$sep}: &6%kicker% + kingdom-leave: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Player Left{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + &2At{$sep}: &6%time% + &2Reason{$sep}: &6%reason% + kingdom-challenge-challenger: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Challenged' + lore: | + &e%player% &chas challenged + &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% &ckingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare to attack. + kingdom-challenge-challenged: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cChallenged' + lore: | + &e%kingdoms_kingdom_name% &ckingdom has + &cchallenged your kingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare before they attack. + kingdom-claim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&2Claimed' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has claimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-unclaim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&cUnclaimed' + lore: | + {$es}%player% {$e}has unclaimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invasion-invader: + material: IRON_SWORD + name: '&2Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-invasion-invaded: + material: GOLD_SWORD + name: '&cGot Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded your kingdom at{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-upgrade-misc: + material: DIAMOND_HOE + name: '&9Misc Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}misc upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-champion: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: '&9Champion Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}champion upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-powerup: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '&9Powerup Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}powerup. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-upgrade: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structure at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structures. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aTurret Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turrets. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase-ammo: + name: '&aTurret Ammo Purchase' + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased ammo for + {$s}%style% {$p}turret at {$s}%translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%y%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$s}%fancy_old_amount% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_new_amount% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-upgrade: + material: ARROW + name: '&aTurret Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turret at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-resource-points-convert: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&aResource Points Convert' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed + resource points{$sep}: + {$s}%fancy_amount-before% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_amount-after% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + extractor-collect: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aExtractor Collect' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has collected the + extractor located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Collected Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + warppad-teleport: + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: '&3Warp Pad Teleport' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has teleported + using the Warp Pad located at + {$s}%from_location% {$p}to + {$s}%precise_location% + {$p}Fuel Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + outpost-item-purchase: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&eOutpost Item Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + the following items from the + Outpost structure located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Total Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + %purchases% + kingdom-pacifism-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&5Pacifism Change' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed the + pacifism state of the kingdom. + {$p}Pacifist{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + shield-purchase: + material: SHIELD + name: '&5Shield Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + a shield for the kingdom. + {$p}Purchased Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% + {$p}Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-shield-time% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-relation-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Relationship Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's relationship has + changed with {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% {$p}kingdom{$sep}: + %old-relation% {$sep}➜ %new-relation% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invite: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Invite' + lore: | + {$s}%inviter% {$p}has invited {$s}%player% + {$p}to the kingdom. They have {$s}%accept-time% + {$p}to accept the request. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-king-change: + material: BOOK + name: '&4King Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's king has been changed{$sep}: + {$s}%old-king% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-king% + {$p}Reason{$sep}: {$s}%reason% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + player-rank-change: + lore: | + {$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank% + {$p}By{$sep}: {$s}%by-player% + promoted: + condition: 'old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority' #It's the opposite + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&aPlayer Promoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + else: #demoted + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cPlayer Demoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + rank-create: + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rank Created' + lore: | + {$p}A rank was created by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-delete: + material: BOOK + name: '&cRank Deleted' + lore: | + {$p}Rank was deleted by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-name: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Name Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-name% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-name% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-symbol: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Symbol Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}symbol was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-symbol% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-symbol% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-color: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Color Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-color%color {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-color%color + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-priority: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Priority Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}priority was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-priority% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-priority% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-max-claims: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Max Claims Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}max claims was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-max-claims% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-max-claims% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-material: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Material Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}material was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-material% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + structures-nexus-move: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nexus Placed' + placed: + condition: placed + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + placed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + else: + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + moved by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%from_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%from_x%{$sep}, {$s}%from_y%{$sep}, {$s}%from_z% {$sep}➜ {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + group-tax-server-pay: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Server Tax" + lore: | + {$p}Server taxes paid. + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-champion-change: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: "&9Champion Change" + lore: | + {$p}The champion was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-lore: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Lore" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's lore was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-rename: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Rename" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom was renamed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-tag: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Tag" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's tag was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-join: + material: BEACON + name: "&9Nation Join" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has joined + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-leave: + material: BEACON + name: "&cNation Leave" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has left + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + 'PeaceTreaties:received': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Received Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}Proposer{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + 'PeaceTreaties:sent': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Sent Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}To{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + '[else]': + material: BARRIER + name: '{$e}Unknown log type{$sep}:' + lore: '{$es}%type%' +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-and-sorting: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: BOOK + name: "{$p}Filters & Sorting" + lore: | + {$p}Filters{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Player{$sep}: %bool_filters_player% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Time{$sep}: %bool_filters_time% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_filters_type% + + {$p}Sorting{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Ascending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_ascending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Descending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_descending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_sorting_type% + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + entry: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + '[switch]': type + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f060c70e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%player%" +type: HOPPER +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + kick: + name: "&cKick" + material: RED_WOOL + cantKick: + condition: '!can_kick' + lore: | + &cYou can't kick this member. + else: { } + slot: 0 + demote: + name: '&eDemote' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0=" + cantDemote: + condition: '!can_demote' + lore: | + &cYou can't demote this member. + else: { } + slot: 1 + member: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slot: 2 + promote: + name: '&aPromote' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0=" + canPromote: + condition: '!can_promote' + lore: | + &cYou can't promote this member. + else: { } + slot: 3 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to members menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb755f8e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aMembers &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + members: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da670ccc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml @@ -0,0 +1,522 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &3Misc Upgrades {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc]': + args: + - "" + - "" + - "" + return: + pacifist: + condition: ' && kingdoms_pacifist' + name: "" + perform-action: false + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "&cYour kingdom is pacifist" + - "and cannot use this upgrade." + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%" + - "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable" + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%" + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc-basic]': + args: + - "" + return: + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' +options: + glory: + material: NETHER_STAR + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + anti-trample: + material: WHEAT_SEEDS + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + nexus-guards: + material: DIAMOND_AXE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + guards: + material: IRON_AXE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + insanity: + material: REDSTONE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + invasion-teleportation: + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + invasions: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + anti-explosion: + material: GUNPOWDER + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + max-claims: + name: "&3Max Claims" + material: MAP + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + max-turrets: + name: "&3Max Turrets" + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + max-members: + name: "&3Max Players" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + chest-size: + name: "&3Nexus Chest Size" + material: ENDER_CHEST + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + back: + name: "{$p}Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + cyan-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + light-blue-glass: + name: '' + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3a1fea16 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation_name%'s &6&lNation Nexus" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 +options: + settings: + name: "&7Settings" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&6Change your nation settings." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + resource-points: + name: "&eResource Points Converter" + material: HAY_BLOCK + lore: + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your nation has &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6resource points." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + ranks: + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" + material: BOOKSHELF + lore: + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your nation." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + red-glass: + name: "" + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + black-glass: + name: "" + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bc8a9a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + nation settings located inside + nexus GUI. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ec33e98a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Template material. Gets replaced + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Maximum amount of claims a + player with this rank can claim + if they have claiming permissions. + + It'll only free more claims once + the player or someone else {$p}/k unclaim + &7the land that they claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1875d116 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: "&aResource Points Converter" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE +interactable: empty +disallow-creative: true +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. +options: + info: + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + apply: + name: "&2Apply" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + refresh: true + lore: + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + back: + name: "&cBack" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + lime-glass: + name: '' + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..624713068 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + else: + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + else: + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + else: + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + interact: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Interact&8: &2Enabled" + material: CAULDRON + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." + else: + name: "&2Interact&8: &cDisabled" + material: CAULDRON + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + use: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Use&8: &2Enabled" + material: LEVER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + else: + name: "&2Use&8: &cDisabled" + material: LEVER + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + else: + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + else: + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" + material: ARROW + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + manage-structures: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &2Enabled" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + else: + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &cDisabled" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49eee5962 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + neutral: + name: "Neutral" + material: WHITE_CONCRETE + slot: 0 + ally: + name: "&2Ally" + material: LIME_CONCRETE + slot: 1 + truce: + name: "&eTruce" + material: YELLOW_CONCRETE + slot: 2 + enemy: + name: "&cEnemy" + material: RED_CONCRETE + slot: 3 + nation: + name: "&9Nation" + material: BLUE_CONCRETE + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..117480436 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_nation_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k nation home %kingdoms_nation_name% + tax: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your nation taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Member Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + + &6Nation Server Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other nations. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your nation's flag for online maps. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_nation_color@hex%%kingdoms_nation_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your nation marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_nation_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + nation to protect your kingdom + against invades. + + Kingdom members who invade when + nation shields are enabled, will + temporarily lose access to nation's + shield. diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fe82ac3f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: "&8-=( &8Shields &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + shield-6hr: + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + material: SHIELD + cost: 5000 + time: 6hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &25000" + slot: 0 + shield-12hr: + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 8000 + time: 12hr + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &28000" + slot: 1 + shield-1day: + name: "&21 Day Shield" + material: SHIELD + cost: 15000 + time: 1day + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &215000" + slot: 2 + shield-1week: + name: "&21 Week Shield" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 70000 + time: 7days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CROSS: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &270000" + slot: 3 + shield-1month: + name: "&21 Month Shield" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 150000 + time: 30days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + MOJANG: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &2150000" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc13d133e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_kingdom_name%'s &6&lNexus" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 +icon: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Nexus-Logo.png" +form-type: CUSTOM +form-options: + settings: + component-type: LABEL + text: "&5Settings" +options: + settings: + name: "&7Settings" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&6Change your kingdom settings." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + members: + name: "&2Members" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0=' + lore: + - "&6Manage your kingdom members." + - "&6Promote or demote them." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + masswar: + running: + condition: kingdoms_masswar_is_running + name: "&4Masswar" + material: CLOCK + lore: + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &2running." + - "" + - "{$p}Mass War ends in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" + else: + name: "&4Masswar" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &cnot running." + - "" + - "{$p}Next Mass War in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + nexus-chest: + name: "&eNexus Chest" + material: CHEST + lore: + - "&6Put items in your kingdoms chest" + - "&6for everyone to use." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + turrets: + name: "&9Turrets" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&6You can buy turrets with" + - "resource points to place them" + - "on your land. It protects against" + - "mobs and invaders." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + structures: + name: "&5Structures" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - "&6Structures can do different things." + - "You can only have one structure per land." + - "Note that the nexus is a structure itself." + - "You can buy structures with resource points." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + misc-upgrades: + name: "&bMisc Upgrades" + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + lore: + - "&6Extra miscellaneous upgrades" + - "to improve your kingdom" + - "in different aspects." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + logs: + name: "&aAudit Logs" + material: KNOWLEDGE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6View kingdom logs including" + - "invasions, claiming, unclaiming," + - "and other member activities." + - "" + - "&7Most of these logs stay for" + - "30 days after they're deleted." + - "Some may stay for a shorter time" + - "that are less important." + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + resource-points: + name: "&eResource Points Converter" + material: HAY_BLOCK + lore: + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your kingdom has &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6resource points." + posx: 4 + posy: 5 + damage-reduction: + name: "&3Damage Reduction" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade reduces damage" + - "taken by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + damage-boost: + name: "&3Damage Boost" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + arrow-boost: + name: "&7Arrow Boost" + material: BOW + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade increases your bow" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + regeneration-boost: + name: "&dRegeneration Boost" + material: GOLDEN_APPLE + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "regeneration rate by &e1% &6in your land." + - "This update doesn't do any regeneration by" + - "itself. It only boosts your health regeneration" + - "amount that you gained by eating food." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + ranks: + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" + material: BOOKSHELF + lore: + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your kingdom." + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + champion-upgrades: + name: "&2Champion Upgrades" + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - "&6Upgrade your champion for stronger" + - "defence against invaders." + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + mailbox: + name: "&2Mailbox" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18054-mailbox-green + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + lore: | + &7Send & recieve mails from + other kingdoms. + &2Total mails&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + red-glass: + name: "" + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 4 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 46 + - 49 + - 52 + black-glass: + name: "" + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b379ab893 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,719 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +import: + pagination: { } +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + alliance: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k ally &7command. + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission to build anywhere + in the kingdom. + + For the difference between this + and {$p}BUILD_OWNED &7permission + refer to the other permission. + build-owned: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7The difference between &2BUILD &7and + &2BUILD_OWNED &7is that &2BUILD &7allows + you to build anywhere in your kingdom + (except the nexus land that needs + &2NEXUS_BUILD&7) + + &2BUILD_OWNED &7only allows you to build + in the lands that you claimed yourself. + For example if you &6/k claim &7somewhere + other people with &2BUILD_OWNED &7can't + build there, but you or people who have + &2BUILD &7permission can. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + enemy: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k enemy &7command. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invade &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + nexus: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for moving the + kingdom nexus using + {$s}/k nexus &7command. + nexus-build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for building + in the nexus land + nexus-chest: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for modifying + the kingdom's nexus chest. + outpost: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying + items from outpost structures. + protection-signs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for bypassing + sign protected blocks inside + kingdom lands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + invsee: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invsee &7command. + structures: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying structures. + use: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using certain + blocks inside the kingdom. + interact: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for interacting + with certain blocks such as + doors and buttons inside + kingdom lands. + upgrade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for upgrading + anything that can be upgraded + inside the kingdom such as + misc-upgrades, champion upgrades, + powerups, turrets and structures. + truce: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k truce &7command. + turrets: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying turrets. + unclaim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k unclaim &7commands. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + fly: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k fly &7command. + nation: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for joining + or leaving nations. + exclude-tax: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Kingdom members with this + permission are not required + to pay taxes to the kingdom. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + kingdom settings located inside + nexus GUI. + claim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k claim &7commands. + unclaim-owned: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Allows you to only unclaim + the lands that you claimed yourself. + instant-teleport: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Instantly teleport to your + members when using the &2/k tpa + &7command. Otherwise you'll have + to wait for them to accept the request. + + You will still have the teleport + countdown before teleporting. + view-logs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7View your kingdom audit logs + which can be accessed from + your nexus. + read-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for reading + kingdom mails located inside + nexus GUI. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + manage-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Send new mails and reply. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + 'Outposts:join': + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission to use + {$s}/k outposts join &7command. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b5ec9867 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Gets replaced by the material that the player picked, don't change. + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Players with this rank will not + be able to claim more lands than + the specified value. + + If they want to claim more lands, + they have to unclaim the lands that + they claimed themselves not the + claims that other members claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed0e84105 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +title: "&aResource Points Converter" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE +interactable: empty +disallow-creative: true +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. +options: + withdraw: + name: "&2Withdraw" + material: PAPER + posx: 4 + posy: 6 + lore: + - "&6Withdraw resource points" + - "from your kingdom to your balance." + info: + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" + lore: + - "&6Total Donations&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" + - "&6Last Donation Time&8: &2%kingdoms_date_last_donation_time%" + - "&6Last Donation Amount&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_last_donation_amount%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + deposit: + name: "&2Deposit" + material: PAPER + posx: 6 + posy: 6 + lore: + - "&6Deposit resource points" + - "to your kingdom from your balance." + apply: + name: "&2Apply" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + refresh: true + lore: + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + back: + name: "&cBack" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + lime-glass: + name: '' + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7c18b85f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes +options: + #Only options starting with "color" will be interpreted as predefined colors. + #You can add your own colors, just don't forget the "color" option AND the GUI option entry name itself + #must begin with the word "color" + separator: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 4 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + back: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' + hex-picker: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Enter a hex color' + unavailable-color-dark-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + name: '&4Dark Red #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + color: '#FF5555' + unavailable-color-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cRed #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + color: '#FF5555' + color-dark-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_BLOCK + name: '&1Dark Blue #0000AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#0000AA' + color-light-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Light Blue #5555FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#5555FF' + color-black: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: BLACK_WOOL + name: '&0Black #000000' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#000000' + color-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '&8Gray #555555' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#555555' + color-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Dark Purple #AA00AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AA00AA' + color-dark-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Dark Green #00AA00' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AA00' + color-orange: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: ORANGE_WOOL + name: '&6Minecoin Gold #DDD605' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#DDD605' + color-dark-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '&3Dark Aqua #00AAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AAAA' + color-white: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite #FFFFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFFFF' + color-light-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + material: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL + name: '&7Light Gray #AAAAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AAAAAA' + color-light-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dLight Purple #FF55FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FF55FF' + color-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '&aGreen #55FF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FF55' + color-yellow: + posx: 2 + posy: 6 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow #FFFF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFF55' + color-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL + name: '&bAqua #55FFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FFFF' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b755a907e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + green-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fly" + material: ELYTRA + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fly" + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Build" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Build" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Ceasefire" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Ceasefire" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + interact: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Interact" + material: CAULDRON + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Interact" + material: CAULDRON + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction" + - "for opening containers." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + use: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Use" + material: LEVER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Use" + material: LEVER + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Turret Ceasefire" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + glow: true + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + else: + name: "{$disabled} Turret Ceasefire" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Turrets" + material: ARROW + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Manage Turrets" + material: ARROW + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + manage-structures: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Structures" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Manage Structures" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + show-holograms: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the holograms of + kingdom items to the members + of kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97da8366e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + neutral: + name: "Neutral" + material: WHITE_CONCRETE + slot: 0 + ally: + name: "&2Ally" + material: LIME_CONCRETE + slot: 1 + truce: + name: "&eTruce" + material: YELLOW_CONCRETE + slot: 2 + enemy: + name: "&cEnemy" + material: RED_CONCRETE + slot: 3 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to settings menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7f3ec13c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k home %kingdoms_name% + hidden: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: POTION + color: 818595 + name: "{$s}Hidden{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_hidden%" + lore: | + &7Hidden kingdoms aren't displayed + in {$p}/k map &7and online maps. + tax: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your kingdom taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Personal Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax% + + &6Kingdom Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other kingdoms. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom flag for Dynmap. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + pacifism: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: END_CRYSTAL + name: '&6Pacifist&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_pacifist%' + lore: | + &7When you're in pacifism mode, + your kingdom cannot invade + and cannot be invaded by other kingdoms. + + If you invade a Kingdom, you cannot go + back into pacifism mode for a week. + + &2Cooldown&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown% + invites: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: BOOK + name: '&6Requires Invite&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_requires_invite%' + lore: | + &7When turned off, anyone can + join this kingdom without needing + an invitation with {$p}/k join %kingdoms_name% + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_kingdom_color@hex%%kingdoms_kingdom_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + kingdom to protect your kingdom + against invades. diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5aa70ef4c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Shields {$sep})=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + shield-6hr: + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + cost: 1000 + time: 6hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + slot: 0 + shield-12hr: + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 1900 + time: 12hr + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + slot: 1 + shield-1day: + name: "&21 Day Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + cost: 4500 + time: 1day + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED + slot: 2 + shield-1week: + name: "&21 Week Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 50000 + time: 7days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CROSS: RED + slot: 3 + shield-1month: + name: "&21 Month Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 100000 + time: 30days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + MOJANG: RED + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d73f36ae --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Structures &8)=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE +#Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will +#remove the disc's name from the lore... +options: + powercell: + name: "&4Powercell" + material: MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP + sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Lands surrounded by a powercell cannot" + - "be invaded until the powercell" + - "land is invaded first." + - "The protection radius is &23x3 &6for level 1" + - "and &25x5 &6for level 2." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + extractor: + name: "&aExtractor" + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Extractors will produce resource points." + - "&6You can collect the resource points" + - "at any time." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + outpost: + name: "&eOutpost" + material: MUSIC_DISC_13 + sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1.5 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6You can get EXP Bottles from" + - "outposts using resource points." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + warppad: + name: "&cWarp Pad" + material: MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS + sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Warp pads can be used to teleport" + - "from a structure to another." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + regulator: + name: "&3Regulator" + material: MUSIC_DISC_WARD + sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Manage player attributes such as building," + - "turret ceasefire and etc..." + - "Change which player can interact with what block." + - "Disable mob or animal spawning and turrets." + - "Enable explosions." + - "Auto fill turrets ammo." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + siege-cannon: + name: "&3Siege Cannon" + material: MUSIC_DISC_STRAD + sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Cannon used to break a kingdom's" + - "shield." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + cyan-glass: + name: "" + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + light-blue-glass: + name: "" + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..883388eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Turrets &8)=-" +rows: 4 +sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE +options: + arrow: + name: "&2Arrow" + material: ARROW + sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT + lore: + - "&6A simple turret that fires plain" + - "arrows at enemies at a moderate rate." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + flame: + name: "&3Flame" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + sound: ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Fast firing turret that sets" + - "targets ablaze." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + healing: + name: "&dHealing" + material: TIPPED_ARROW + sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Heals nearby members and allies." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + psionic: + name: "&aPsionic" + material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK + sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Effects the enemies nearby." + - "Higher levels add more effects." + - "But never deals killing damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + hellfire: + name: "&cHellfire" + material: FIRE_CHARGE + sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE + lore: + - "&6Powerful turret that fires quickly" + - "with high damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + soldier: + name: "&5Soldier" + sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - "&6Spawns guards to kill the" + - "target player." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + heatbeam: + name: "&3Heatbeam" + sound: ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK + material: MAGMA_CREAM + lore: + - "&6Targets singular targets and deals" + - "a high damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + inferno: + name: "&4Inferno" + material: END_CRYSTAL + sound: ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE + lore: + - "&6Similar to Heatbeams." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + spring: + name: "&7Spring" + material: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "throw the player into" + - "the air when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + explosive-mine: + name: "&7Explosive Mine" + material: HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "explode when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + chemical-mine: + name: "&8Chemical Mine" + material: LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will give" + - "you debuffs when stepped on." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + Cyan-Glass: + name: "" + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 28 + - 34 + Light-Blue-Glass: + name: "" + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 27 + - 35 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fa2e56cb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + sell-coal: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: COAL + name: '{$p}Coal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3 + item: + material: COAL + sell-charcoal: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CHARCOAL + name: '{$p}Charcoal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 2 + item: + material: CHARCOAL + sell-flint: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: FLINT + name: '{$p}Flint {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1 + item: + material: FLINT + sell-ender-eye: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '{$p}Ender Eye {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1000 + item: + material: ENDER_EYE + sell-ender-pearl: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '{$p}Ender Pearl {$s}%cost%' + cost: 100 + item: + material: ENDER_PEARL + sell-slime-ball: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Slime Ball {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: SLIME_BALL + sell-book: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Book {$s}%cost%' + cost: 10 + item: + material: BOOK + sell-emerald: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '{$p}Emerald {$s}%cost%' + cost: 70 + item: + material: EMERALD + sell-diamond: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '{$p}Diamond {$s}%cost%' + cost: 60 + item: + material: DIAMOND + sell-gold-ingot: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLD_INGOT + name: '{$p}Gold Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLD_INGOT + sell-iron-ingot: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: IRON_INGOT + name: '{$p}Iron Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 40 + item: + material: IRON_INGOT + sell-nether-brick: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: NETHER_BRICK + name: '{$p}Nether Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: NETHER_BRICK + sell-brick: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: BRICK + name: '{$p}Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BRICK + sell-lapis-lazuli: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + name: '{$p}Lapis Lazuli {$s}%cost%' + cost: 15 + item: + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + sell-experience-bottle: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + name: '{$p}Experience Bottle {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + sell-dragon-breath: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: DRAGON_BREATH + name: '{$p}Dragon Breath {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3000 + item: + material: DRAGON_BREATH + sell-blaze-rod: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_ROD + name: '{$p}Blaze Rod {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BLAZE_ROD + sell-prismarine-crystals: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + name: '{$p}Prismarine Crystals {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + sell-blaze-powder: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_POWDER + name: '{$p}Blaze Powder {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: BLAZE_POWDER + sell-golden-carrot: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + name: '{$p}Golden Carrot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + sell-magma-cream: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: MAGMA_CREAM + name: '{$p}Magma Cream {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: MAGMA_CREAM + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79a4218dc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + construction: + material: STONE_PICKAXE + name: "&4Under construction..." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..275983b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &aAmount Picker {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + cancel: + name: "{$e}Click to cancel" + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + done: + name: "{$p}Click to buy" + lore: "{$p}Price{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_cost%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + skull: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + decrease: + name: '{$e}Decrease' + cantDecrease: + condition: '!can_decrease' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Minimum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%min% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + decrease by {$p}10 + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + item: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: GRASS_BLOCK + increase: + cantIncrease: + condition: '!can_increase' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Maximum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%max% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + increase by {$p}10 + {$e}Maximum amount{$sep}: {$es}%max% + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + name: '{$p}Increase' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/powercell.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/powercell.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f58b65d17 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/powercell.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +title: "&cPowercell" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT +options: + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 0 + upgrade: + slot: 2 + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &61 &7➔ &62" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &62" + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c77795b51 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: "&eAttribute Editor" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + all: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" + lore: + - '&7All the attributes.' + material: BOOK + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" + material: BOOK + slot: 0 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + slot: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" + material: ELYTRA + slot: 2 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + slot: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" + material: ARROW + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..585214017 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +title: "&eAttributes" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + members: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + add: + name: "&2Add Player" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone to the list." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + remove-all: + name: "&4Remove All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8091e7e82 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +title: "&eInteraction Editor" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + all: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" + material: BOOK + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" + material: BOOK + slot: 0 + doors: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Doors&8: &2Enabled" + material: OAK_DOOR + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Doors&8: &cDisabled" + material: OAK_DOOR + slot: 1 + buttons-and-levers: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &2Enabled" + material: LEVER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &cDisabled" + material: LEVER + slot: 2 + shulker-boxes: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &2Enabled" + material: SHULKER_BOX + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &cDisabled" + material: SHULKER_BOX + slot: 3 + enchantment-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &2Enabled" + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &cDisabled" + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + slot: 4 + crafting-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &2Enabled" + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &cDisabled" + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + slot: 5 + chests: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Chests&8: &2Enabled" + material: CHEST + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Chests&8: &cDisabled" + material: CHEST + slot: 6 + beds: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Beds&8: &2Enabled" + material: RED_BED + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Beds&8: &cDisabled" + material: RED_BED + slot: 7 + loom: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Loom&8: &2Enabled" + material: LOOM + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Loom&8: &cDisabled" + material: LOOM + slot: 8 + jigsaw: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &2Enabled" + material: JIGSAW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &cDisabled" + material: JIGSAW + slot: 9 + hopper: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Hopper&8: &2Enabled" + material: HOPPER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Hopper&8: &cDisabled" + material: HOPPER + slot: 10 + dispenser: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &2Enabled" + material: DISPENSER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &cDisabled" + material: DISPENSER + slot: 11 + smoker: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Smoker&8: &2Enabled" + material: SMOKER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Smoker&8: &cDisabled" + material: SMOKER + slot: 12 + furnaces: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &2Enabled" + material: FURNACE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &cDisabled" + material: FURNACE + slot: 13 + dropper: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Dropper&8: &2Enabled" + material: DROPPER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Dropper&8: &cDisabled" + material: DROPPER + slot: 14 + beacon: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Beacon&8: &2Enabled" + material: BEACON + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Beacon&8: &cDisabled" + material: BEACON + slot: 15 + anvils: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Anvils&8: &2Enabled" + material: ANVIL + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Anvils&8: &cDisabled" + material: ANVIL + slot: 16 + brewing-stand: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &2Enabled" + material: BREWING_STAND + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &cDisabled" + material: BREWING_STAND + slot: 17 + cartography-tables: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &2Enabled" + material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &cDisabled" + material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE + slot: 18 + smithing-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &2Enabled" + material: SMITHING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &cDisabled" + material: SMITHING_TABLE + slot: 19 + plates: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Plates&8: &2Enabled" + material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Plates&8: &cDisabled" + material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE + slot: 20 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e3b36ca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +title: "&eInteractions" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + members: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + add: + name: "&2Add Player" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone to the list." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + remove-all: + name: "&4Remove All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3297b877 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: "&eRegulator" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + rules: + name: "&2Rules" + material: LECTERN + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 0 + lore: + - "&7Change this land's rules" + - "such as disabling turrets or" + - "auto refilling turret within" + - "this land." + attributes: + name: "&2Attributes" + material: BOOK + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 1 + lore: + - "&7Change different attributes" + - "for each player such as" + - "building and turret ceasefire." + interactions: + name: "&2Interactions" + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 2 + lore: + - "&7Manage who can interact with" + - "what kind of blocks." + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + slot: 3 + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..382d41f65 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +title: "&eRules" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + pink-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 13 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 25 + - 26 + material: PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + disable-mob-spawning: + material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7mob + spawning. All mobs except animals. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + disable-animal-spawning: + material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7animal + spawning. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + disable-turrets: + material: ARROW + lore: | + &7Prevents all turrets from + shooting that are placed in + this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Turrets" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Turrets" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + auto-fill-turrets: + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: | + &7Automatically fills the turrets + within this land with ammo. + {$p}Conditions{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be completely + out of ammo. + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be in the same + land as the regulator. + &7⚫ {$s}Your kingdom must have enough + resource points to afford the refill. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + allow-explosions: + material: TNT + lore: | + &7Allows all types of + explosions to damge this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Allow Explosions" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Allow Explosions" + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + allow-fire: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + lore: | + &7Allows all types of fire + damages to this territory. + Including fire spreads, block + burns, etc. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fire" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fire" diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..070dea501 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +title: "&3Siege Cannon" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +interactable: #The ammo slot + - 2 +options: + sit: + name: "&2Sit" + lore: + - "&7Sit on the cannon" + - "to start shooting." + material: BRICK_STAIRS + slot: 0 + ammo: + name: "&4-------->" + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + lore: + - "&2Put a fire charge in this" + - "slot to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7Loaded projectiles will disappear" + - "once the server is restarted." + - "" + - "&2Iron Blocks&8: &9Tier I" + - "&2Gold Blocks&8: &9Tier II" + - "&2Fire Charges&8: &9Tier III" + slot: 1 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ &6%next-explosion-radius%" + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7The values shown here might" + - "differ based on the projectile that you" + - "used to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/warppad.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/warppad.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a26816ca --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/structures/warppad.yml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +title: "&eWarppad" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + nexus: + name: "&2Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + material: BEACON + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + national-nexus: + name: "&9National Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + material: BEACON + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + rename: + name: "&2Rename" + lore: + - "&7Rename this warp pad." + - "{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%structure-custom-name%" + - "{$p}Fuel{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel%{$sep}/{$s}%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: PAPER + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + orange-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&cPowercells&8:' + powercell: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + name: "&cPowercell&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + lime-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&aExtractors&8:' + extractor: + slots: + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + green-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2Warp Pads&8:' + warppad: + slots: + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: "&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + yellow-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&eOutposts&8:' + outpost: + name: "&eOutpost&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: HAY_BLOCK + brown-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&7Regulators&8:' + regulator: + name: "&3Regulator&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LECTERN diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/surrender.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/surrender.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41231a7a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/surrender.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Surrender {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + purple-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 45 + - 46 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + invasion: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + invading: + condition: kingdoms_is_invading + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "{$p}You are invading{$sep}:" + lore: | + {$p}Land{$sep}: {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$p}Champion{$sep}: {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) + {$p}Since{$sep}: {$s}%since% + {$p}Duration{$sep}: {$s}%duration% + {$p}Passed{$sep}: {$s}%passed% + {$p}Total Lands{$sep}: {$s}%total_lands% + #These are for plunders only. + #{$p}Attacker Score{$sep}: {$s}%attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%defender_death_limit% + #{$p}Defender Score{$sep}: {$s}%defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%attacker_death_limit% + else: + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + attacking: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Defender{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + defending: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$e}Invader{$sep}: {$es}%kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + attacking-info: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Lands that your kingdom is attacking' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWRhMDI3NDc3MTk3YzZmZDdhZDMzMDE0NTQ2ZGUzOTJiNGE1MWM2MzRlYTY4YzhiN2JjYzAxMzFjODNlM2YifX19' + defending-info: + posx: 7 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmQ5Mjg3NjE2MzQzZDgzM2U5ZTczMTcxNTljYWEyY2IzZTU5NzQ1MTEzOTYyYzEzNzkwNTJjZTQ3ODg4NGZhIn19fQ==' + name: '{$es}Your kingdom lands that are under attack' diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/templates/pagination.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/templates/pagination.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c228d4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/templates/pagination.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +options: + next-page: + has-next: + condition: 'page < pages' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + else: + name: '&cNo more pages &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/9382-red-x + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 8 + previous-page: + has-previous: + condition: 'page > 1' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + else: + name: '&cFirst page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/arrow.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/arrow.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7675f3fc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/arrow.yml @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +title: "&aArrow Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + #Set to 0 to disable. + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/flame.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/flame.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2319d810 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/flame.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&cFlame Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/healing.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/healing.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a777302d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/healing.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&dHealing Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..300b5e76c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&9Heatbeam Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df9597cd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&4HellFire Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/inferno.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/inferno.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1973a2852 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/inferno.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&0Inferno Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/psionic.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/psionic.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69dcc7d50 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/psionic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +title: "&aPsionic Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/soldier.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/soldier.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e59a990f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/turrets/soldier.yml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +title: "&5Soldier Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/cs/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml b/resources/languages/cs/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b43867016 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/cs/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +title: "&cUnclaimed %kingdom-item-name%" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/addons.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/addons.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45df92914 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/addons.yml @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Addons &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Info' + lore: | + &7Addons are additional + downloadable content that + can be installed separately. + + The reason why addons exist in + the first place, is because of + {$p}performance{$sep}, {$p}modularization + &7and {$p}file size limits. + + {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] &7In order to be + able to install addons, you need to + have a internet connection that's + able to connect to {$p}GitHub.com + {$sep}(&7not blocked by firewall, + country censoreship and etc.{$sep}) + addons: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + pending-restart: + condition: waiting_to_restart + name: '&8[&5Pending Restart&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &5The addon is downloaded. Waiting + for the server to be restarted to + enable the addon. + material: PURPLE_WOOL + updated: + condition: 'installed && !outdated' + name: '&8[&2Up to date&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: GREEN_WOOL + outdated-core-version: + condition: 'installed && outdated && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + + {$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}This version requires + kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$es}to work. + Current version{$sep}: {$e}%current-core-version% + + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + outdated: + condition: 'installed && outdated' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + not-installed: + name: '&8[&6Not installed&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to install + condition: '!installed' + material: BLUE_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/book.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/book.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab0eb53e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/book.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +title: "&4&lHandbook" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + chapters: + material: BOOK + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + name: "&2%chapter%" + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/colors.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/colors.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50afe4daf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/colors.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: chest +rows: 1 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + yellow: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow' + green: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Green' + red: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&4Red' + blue: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Blue' + pink: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dPink' + purple: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Purple' + white: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03e24fbc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2BossBar Settings &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + title: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Title' + lore: "&f%bossbar-title%" + colors: + slot: 2 + name: '&2Color&8: &9%bossbar_color%' + yellow: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'YELLOW'" + material: YELLOW_WOOL + lime-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'GREEN'" + material: LIME_WOOL + red-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'RED'" + material: RED_WOOL + blue-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'BLUE'" + material: BLUE_WOOL + magenta-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PINK'" + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + purple-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PURPLE'" + material: PURPLE_WOOL + white-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'WHITE'" + material: WHITE_WOOL + styles: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Style&8: &3%bossbar_style%' + SOLID: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SOLID'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + SEGMENTED_6: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_6'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_10'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_12'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_20'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= + flags: + slot: 4 + material: WHITE_BANNER + name: '&fFlags' + lore: | + &9Music&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% + &9Darken Sky&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% + &9Fog&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/flags.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4844f444 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + back: + slot: 0 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + play-boss-music: + slot: 2 + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + lore: | + &7Plays the ender dragon theme + while this bossbar is active for + the player. This doesn't work + reliably for all servers. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Music' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Music' + darken-sky: + slot: 3 + material: CLOCK + lore: | + &7It's similar to blindness + potion effect. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Darken Sky' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Darken Sky' + create-fog: + slot: 4 + material: COBWEB + lore: | + &7Mostly restricts the player's + sight and view distance. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Fog' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fog' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/styles.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/styles.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68d16d0ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/bossbar/styles.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + SOLID: + name: "&3Solid" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + lore: | + &7Bossbar styles are those black + lines that separate the bar + into multiple parts. + + Solid means no lines. + SEGMENTED_6: + name: "&36 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 1 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + name: "&310 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 2 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + name: "&312 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 3 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + name: "&320 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 4 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/challenge.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/challenge.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cbb61f2a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/challenge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +title: "&6-=( &cChallenges &6)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + time-two-days: + name: "&2In 2 days" + material: IRON_BLOCK + slot: 0 + time: 2days + time-three-days: + name: "&2In 3 days" + material: GOLD_BLOCK + slot: 1 + time: 3days + time-five-days: + name: "&2In 5 days" + material: DIAMOND_BLOCK + slot: 2 + time: 2days + time-week: + name: "&2In 1 week" + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + slot: 3 + time: 7days + info: + name: "&2Challenges" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7They are planned invasions. + When you want to invade someone, you + have to plan an invasion in advance. + + You click the amount of time you want + to give to your enemy before being able + to attack them. After this time has passed + you will have &26 hours &7to invade any of + the lands of the challenged kingdom. diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/disband.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/disband.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6dc1578e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/disband.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +title: "&4&lConfirm Disband" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Your kingdom's data will be" + - "&6permanently lost." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a20d7436 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +title: "&4&lDemote All" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Are you sure you want to demote all" + - "the members in your kingdom?" + - "Everyone will be demoted to the member rank." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f2cf6c7a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +title: "&4&lReset Ranks" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Are you sure you want to reset all" + - "the custom ranks made in your kingdom?" + - "Doing so will result in &lall &6your" + - "members being demoted to member rank." + - "" + - "This will reset the rank settings to their" + - "original state defined by the server." + - "This includes deleting newly created ranks" + - "and adding back the default settings for each rank." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2f39c71d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +title: "&4&lConfirm Unclaim All" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Once all your lands has" + - "been unclaimed, everyone" + - "can access protected chests," + - "structures and turrets." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/election-candidates.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/election-candidates.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bc8f3fff --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/election-candidates.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6Election Candidates &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + candidates: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player% &8| &6%votes%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: '&7%candidates-description%' + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/error.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/error.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..022cd6152 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/error.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +title: "&4&lError" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +options: + error: + name: "&cThis GUI is broken" + lore: | + &fIf you're a player contact + the server's administrators. + + If you're an admin, this GUI: + &6%gui_path% + &fError&7: + &e%message% + material: BARRIER + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/input.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/input.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be1fba820 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/input.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInput &0)=-" +type: ANVIL +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + question: + name: "%question%" + lore: "test" + material: GREEN_WOOL + slot: 0 + cancel: + name: "&cCancel" + material: RED_WOOL + slot: 1 + done: + name: "&aDone" + lore: "&7Click to finish input." + material: BLUE_WOOL + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/invite-codes.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/invite-codes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9139a5d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/invite-codes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvite Codes &0)=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite-codes: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + {$p}Code{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-code% + {$p}Uses{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% + {$p}Created By{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-creator% + {$p}Created At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% + {$p}Expires At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-expiration% + + {$p}Left-click to buy paper codes. + &9Middle-click to redeem the code. + {$e}Right-click to delete. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + info: + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + lore: | + &7Invite codes are an alternative + way of inviting players to your kingdom. + They're similar to discord invite codes. + + Once you create a new invite code, a player + can either type the code using + {$p}/k invitecode {$s} &7or you can + generate a physical paper which players can + right-click to use them. + Each invite code paper costs {$s}%invitecode-paper-cost% + &7resource points. + + Invite codes expire at a certain point and + they can either have limited or unlimited uses. + new-invite-code: + name: "&2Create New Invite Code" + lore: | + &7You can only make up to + {$p}%invitecode-max% &7invite codes. + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + delete-all: + name: "&4Delete All Invite Codes" + material: RED_WOOL + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/invites.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/invites.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbf8fa442 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/invites.yml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvitations &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/invsee.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/invsee.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e18c025a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/invsee.yml @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6%target% &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. +context-start-row: 3 +#It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. +#These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. +options: + helmet: + name: '&cNo Helmet' + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_HELMET + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + chestplate: + name: '&cNo Chestplate' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + leggings: + name: '&cNo Leggings' + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_LEGGINGS + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + boots: + name: '&cNo Boots' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_BOOTS + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + offhand: + name: '&cNo item in offhand' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: WOODEN_HOE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + mainhand: + name: '&cNo item in main hand' + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: WOODEN_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + offhand-indicator: + name: '&cAbove is showing the offhand' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + mainhand-indicator: + name: '&cAbove is showing the main hand in slot&8: &e%held_slot%' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + separators: + name: '' + slots: + - 0 + - 5 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 17 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..637a92b42 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 10 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + type: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Attribute{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' + uuid: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid%' + lore: | + &7This is the unique ID for this modifier. + Since items can have multiple attributes + of the same type, this is used to identify + specific modifiers. + You almost never need to change this manually + yourself since they're automatically + generated with minimal conflict. + name: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' + lore: | + &7This is more like a small description + for this modifier, mostly for human-readable + identification purposes. + amount: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' + operation: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' + lore: | + &7How this attribute affects + other attributes with the + same type with the given amount. + equipment-slot: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' + lore: | + &7The slot which this + attribute takes effect + when placed in. diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8500f975 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Equipment Slots {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + outer-decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + inner-decoration: + slots: + - 3 + - 5 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 41 + - 42 + - 48 + - 50 + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + head: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_HELMET + name: '{$p}Head' + off-hand: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: '{$p}Off Hand' + chest: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: '{$p}Chest' + hand: #main hand + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Main Hand' + legs: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + name: '{$p}Legs' + feet: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: '{$p}Feet' + none: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}None' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71f68544b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute List {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + add-attribute: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ==' + name: '{$p}Add Attribute' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All' + attribute: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: POLISHED_ANDESITE + name: '{$p}%attribute_type%' + lore: | + {$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid% + {$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% + {$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% + {$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% + + &9Left-click to modify + &9Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..656314128 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Operations {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +op: + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$p}" +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&eInfo' + lore: | + &7A modifier's operation dictates + how it modifies an attribute's base value + add-number: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + glow: true + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGQ4YjcxNzNkODQxZjI1NjNlYzEwODg4OGIwZjc5NzkxN2VmYzE4YmUyNzg2MWYwYTY3NjFhYTNlZDkxY2UifX19' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Adds all of the modifiers' amounts to + the current value of the attribute. + For example, modifying an attribute with + {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p} Amount 4 &7with + a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 + multiply-scalar-1: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7For every modifier, multiplies the + current value of the attribute by {$p}(1 + x)&7, + where x is the amount of the particular + modifier. Functions the same as {$p}Add Scalar + &7if there is only a single modifier with + {$p}operation 1 or 2&7. However, for multiple + modifiers it multiplies the modifiers rather + than adding them. For example, modifying an + attribute with {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p}Amount 4 + &7with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) = 45 + add-scalar: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ4NmRiOWExNGQ1ODc5ZmEyODExZDMwMWNjYmQ1MjY5OTRmODcxMjQ3YjYyZjJkOWE0ODE4M2U5NjQxYWQ2OSJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Multiplies the current value of the + attribute by {$p}1 + x&7, where x is the sum + of the modifiers' amounts. For example, + modifying an attribute with {$p}Amount 2&7 + and {$p}Amount 4 with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1592484e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-" +rows: 4 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + orange-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + generic-max-health: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0=' + name: Generic Max Health + lore: | + &7The maximum health of this mob + (in half-hearts); determines the + highest health they may be healed to. + If the player is using this to summon + a mob with high health, use this and + the Health tag {Health:200.0f} for example. + (Disabled in 1.17) + generic-follow-range: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: Generic Follow Range + lore: | + &7The range in blocks within which + a mob with this attribute targets players + or other mobs to track. + Exiting this range causes the mob to + cease following the player/mob. + Actual value used by most mobs is {$p}16&7; + for zombies it is {$p}40&7. + generic-knockback-resistance: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ANVIL + name: Generic Knockback Resistance + lore: | + &7The scale of horizontal knockback + resisted from attacks and projectiles. + Vertical knockback is not affected. + Does not affect explosions. {$p}1.0 &7is {$p}100% + &7knockback resistance. {$p}0.4 &7means {$p}60% &7of + knockback is applied. + generic-movement-speed: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: Generic Movement Speed + lore: | + &7Movement speed of an entity. + The mob's maximum speed in + blocks/second is a bit over {$p}43 + &7times this value, but can be + affected by various conditions, such as: + being ridden (if a horse), sprinting, + fleeing (if a passive mob), attacking + (if an Enderman or Zombified Piglin), + being led by a leash, being under the + effect of a Speed or Slowness potion, + being a baby zombie, or being a witch + and drinking a potion. + generic-flying-speed: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ELYTRA + name: Generic Flying Speed + lore: "&7Fly speed of an entity." + generic-armor: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor + lore: "&7Armor bonus of an entity." + generic-armor-toughness: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor Toughness + lore: "&7Armor durability bonus of an entity." + generic-attack-damage: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Damage + lore: "&7Attack strength of an entity." + generic-attack-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Speed + lore: | + &7Attack speed of an entity. + Value is the number of full-strength + attacks per second. + generic-attack-knockback: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: FISHING_ROD + name: Generic Attack Knockback + lore: | + &7Attack knockback strength of an entity. + Applies only to mobs with physical attacks. + {$p}Ravager{$sep}: {$s}1.5 + {$p}Hoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + {$p}Zoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + horse-jump-strength: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR + name: Horse Jump Strength + lore: "&7How high horses can jump." + generic-luck: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: Generic Luck + lore: | + &7Affects the results of {$p}loot tables + &7using the {$p}quality &7or {$p}bonus_rolls {$p}tag + &7(e.g. when opening chests or chest + minecarts, fishing, and killing mobs). + zombie-spawn-reinforcements: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: Zombie Spawn Reinforcements + lore: | + &7Chance for a zombie to spawn + another zombie when attacked. diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1deb5a72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml @@ -0,0 +1,769 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Enchantments {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +#What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml +'[fn-enchant]': + args: + - "" + return: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}" + lore: | + {$e}This enchantment is not + supported in your current server + version. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" + glow: true + lore: | + &7Left-click to change level + &7Right-click to remove + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: | + &7Left-click to add enchant +options: + water-worker: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + depth-strider: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + impaling: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + oxygen: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + knockback: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + dig-speed: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + frost-walker: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_ICE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + swift-sneak: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-damage: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-knockback: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-fire: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + multishot: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + piercing: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-infinite: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + quick-charge: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: CROSSBOW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + mending: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + durability: + posx: 9 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + fire-aspect: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + channeling: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loyalty: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + riptide: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-environmental: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-projectile: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-explosions: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: TNT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fire: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAVA_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + thorns: + posx: 9 + posy: 3 + material: ROSE_BUSH + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-undead: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-arthropods: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + soul-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: SOUL_SAND + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + vanishing-curse: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_EYE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + binding-curse: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-mobs: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-blocks: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + silk-touch: + posx: 9 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + luck: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + lure: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fall: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: FEATHER + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All Enchantments' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/flags.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3f5557c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Flags {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7Item flags can hide some + properties from items. + This won't change their actual + behavior it just hides them + from the item's description + which is either above or below + ther item's lore. + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove all flags' + flag-hide-attributes: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Attributes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Attributes' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Attributes' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: | + &7Item attributes are the small descriptions + shown under the lore of some items. + attributes: + GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE: + name: Test + amount: 10 + operation: ADD_NUMBER + flag-hide-destroys: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Destroys" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Destroys' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Destroys' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + + &7Can break: + &8Stone + flag-hide-dye: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + color: 255, 255, 255 + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Dyes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Dye' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Dye' + lore: | + &7Hide dye information from + colored leather armors. + flag-hide-enchants: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Enchants" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Enchants' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Enchants' + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: | + &7Hides item enchantments from + their description above the lore + however this will still keep the + item's glowing effect. + flag-hide-placed-on: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Placed On" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Placed On' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Placed On' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + + &7Can be placed on: + &8Stone + flag-hide-potion-effects: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: POTION + effects: + - "BLINDNESS, 1, 10" + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Potion Effects" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Potion Effects' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Potion Effects' + lore: | + &7This is one of those Minecraft + weird behaviors, this flag has + multiple functionalities. It Hides{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}Potion effects + &7⚫ {$s}Book information such as the author + &7⚫ {$s}Firework information + &7⚫ {$s}Map tooltips + &7⚫ {$s}Patterns of banners + &7⚫ {$s}Enchantments of enchanted books + flag-hide-unbreakable: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + unbreakable: true + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Unbreakable" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Unbreakable' + lore: | + &7Hides the unbreakable description + from items. Unbreakable items don't + lose durability when you use them. diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/main.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f8a0e5df --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + item: + #Will be replaced by the actual item + material: STONE + interaction: FREE + slot: 15 + name: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '{$p}Name' + lore: "%item_name%" + flags: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '{$p}Flags' + lore: | + &7Click to modify + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Attributes{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Destroys{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Dye{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Enchants{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Placed On{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Unbreakable{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% + attributes: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Attributes' + decoration: + slots: + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 13 + - 14 + - 16 + - 17 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + lore: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Lore' + #The lore is automatically set by the plugin for this option + enchantments: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Enchantments' + lore: #The lore is modified by the plugin to add set enchants + - "&7Click to modify" + unbreakable: + isUnbreakable: + condition: item_unbreakable + name: '{$p}Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$e}Breakable' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BEDROCK + lore: | + &7If an item is unbreakable, + it'll not decrease its durability + when you use it. + nbt: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BOOKSHELF + name: '{$p}NBT Viewer' + amount: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' + lore: | + &7Maximum amount would be {$p}64 + &7while you can technically set up + to {$p}127 &7it will cause issues + in rare situations. For example, + the GUI isn't able to show this + change and when it's being + transferred to your inventory, + it might not keep its amount. + custom-model-data: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: FIREWORK_STAR + name: '{$p}Custom Model Data{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' + lore: | + &7This is used for resource packs + that are made for 1.14+ + to add new items to the game. + This is basically just a reskin + of the same item type. + This is what plugins like ItemsAdder + use to add new items to the game. + material: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: STONE #This is a template material, the actual material is taken from the placed item + name: '{$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0962ab86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Back' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + nbt-NBTTagCompound: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&fNBTTagCompound{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagString: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagInt: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&9NBTTagInt{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagByte: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagShort: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagLong: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagDouble: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagList: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&8NBTTagList{$sep}]' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..807d19309 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Viewer {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + lore: | + &7NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7is a way + for Minecraft to store data for different + things in the game such as items, entities + and blocks in general. + + Everything you see on an item, such + as its name, lore, enchants and etc are + all stored as NBT data. You almost + will and should not modify NBT data + directly as they're extremely hard + to work with. + + This is mostly for debugging purposes + to see what's actually going on under + the hood. + path: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Current Path{$sep}:' + lore: '%path%' + add-nbt: + name: "{$p}Add Tag" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + lore: | + &7Adds a new tag to + the current compound. + + &7You can also {$p}left-click + &7to edit an existing tag or + {$p}right-click &7to remove a tag. + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + tag: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + compound: + condition: "tag == 'compound'" + name: '{$sep}[{$s}NBTTagCompound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: WHITE_WOOL + strings: + condition: "tag == 'string'" + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GREEN_WOOL + integers: + condition: "tag == 'int'" + name: '{$sep}[&9Integer{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: BLUE_WOOL + byte: + condition: "tag == 'byte'" + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: LIME_WOOL + short: + condition: "tag == 'short'" + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: YELLOW_WOOL + long: + condition: "tag == 'long'" + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: PURPLE_WOOL + double: + condition: "tag == 'double'" + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: CYAN_WOOL + list: + condition: "tag == 'list'" + name: '{$sep}[&7NBTTagList{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GRAY_WOOL + else: + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Unknown{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%" + material: RED_WOOL + #The lore is the value which is set automatically by the plugin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/kingdom-create.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/kingdom-create.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9d85ade7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/kingdom-create.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6Kingdom Type &0)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + pacifist: + name: "&2Pacifist" + material: OAK_SAPLING + lore: + - '&7Pacifist kingdoms cannot invade' + - 'other kingdoms and cannot be invaded.' + - "They cannot PvP other players" + - "unless &6/k pvp &7is enabled." + - "Basically it'll provide a" + - '&4permanent &7peaceful gameplay.' + slot: 1 + aggressor: + name: "&cAggressor" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: ALL + lore: + - '&7These kingdoms can invade and PvP' + - 'other non-ally kingdoms, but they may' + - 'use shields for a peaceful experience' + - 'to a certain extent temporarily.' + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a2677a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aJoin Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + requests: + name: "{$p}%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + %online% + {$p}Sent{$sep}: {$s}%sent_date% + + {$p}Left-click &7to accept. + {$e}Right-click &7to deny. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&4Close" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd6a3e0ac --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aRelationship Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + request: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/language-packs.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/language-packs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a651dd2cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/language-packs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Language Packs &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '&2Available Languages To Download' + lore: | + &7They're all under &2500kb + &7note that always the latest version is + downloaded, so if a GUI/message gets + renamed, moved or deleted which rarely + happens, the plugin &cwill not be able + to show them. + + &2English &7is always installed and + &ccannot be uninstalled &7since its + the 'reference' language. + + &7All downloaded language packs are saved + in a folder named &2repository&7. That + folder should never be edited manually. + That's the reference folder. + + If you want to modify the downloaded + languages, you should do so in the + &2languages &7folder instead. Even deleting + those are fine, the plugin will regenerate + them back without redownloading. + download-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + name: "&2Download & Update All" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZWMzYzdmYWIyYTM3MjkwNWZhM2ZjMWZiMjI4ZTc4M2JiOTNhNTNlNmQzMmU0NWViZGI0YTAyMThmY2NhIn19fQ==' + lore: | + &7This option downloads all + languages that haven't been + downloaded yet and updates all + other languages that have already + been downloaded but are outdated. + languages: + #The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%native-name% &8(&9%lang%&8)' + up-to-date: + condition: installed && updated + lore: | + &2Up to date + &4Right-click to uninstall. + outdated: + condition: installed + lore: | + &eOutdated. Left-click to update. + &8(&4!&8) &eUpdating will override all + files that needs updating. Only the + files shown below will be redownloaded. + &4Right-click to uninstall + &9Middle-click to see a full list of + updated files. + + &cUpdated files summary&8: + not-installed: + lore: | + &4Not installed + Left-click to download diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/languages.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/languages.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..874fe10fa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/languages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Languages &8)=-" +rows: 6 +skulls: + en: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19' + ru: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZlYWZlZjk4MGQ2MTE3ZGFiZTg5ODJhYzRiNDUwOTg4N2UyYzQ2MjFmNmE4ZmU1YzliNzM1YTgzZDc3NWFkIn19fQ==' + hu: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGE5YzNjNGI2YzUwMzEzMzJkZDJiZmVjZTVlMzFlOTk5ZjhkZWZmNTU0NzQwNjVjYzg2OTkzZDdiZGNkYmQwIn19fQ==' + es: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJiZDQ1MjE5ODMzMDllMGFkNzZjMWVlMjk4NzQyODc5NTdlYzNkOTZmOGQ4ODkzMjRkYThjODg3ZTQ4NWVhOCJ9fX0=' + de: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWU3ODk5YjQ4MDY4NTg2OTdlMjgzZjA4NGQ5MTczZmU0ODc4ODY0NTM3NzQ2MjZiMjRiZDhjZmVjYzc3YjNmIn19fQ==' + pl: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTIxYjJhZjhkMjMyMjI4MmZjZTRhMWFhNGYyNTdhNTJiNjhlMjdlYjMzNGY0YTE4MWZkOTc2YmFlNmQ4ZWIifX19' + zh: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Y5YmMwMzVjZGM4MGYxYWI1ZTExOThmMjlmM2FkM2ZkZDJiNDJkOWE2OWFlYjY0ZGU5OTA2ODE4MDBiOThkYyJ9fX0=' + tr: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=' + cs: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzliYmNjYzIxMDI2NDRkNGUzNmRmYWJlNzM1ZjBmOTMwN2FkYzVjODRlMjBhMGZkYzViM2ZhM2RlNDgwZDQ5OCJ9fX0=' + it: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODVjZTg5MjIzZmE0MmZlMDZhZDY1ZDhkNDRjYTQxMmFlODk5YzgzMTMwOWQ2ODkyNGRmZTBkMTQyZmRiZWVhNCJ9fX0=' +#This GUI is quite... controversial. +#Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + current-language: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Current Language&8: &9%kingdoms_lang%' + language: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%lang%' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/mails/editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/mails/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54db465db --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/mails/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mail &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + subject: + slot: 0 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '&2Subject&8:' + lore: '&f%subject%' + recipients: + slot: 1 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Recipients&8:' + lore: | + &6To&8: &9%to% + &6CC&8: &9%cc% + summary: + slot: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Summary&8:' + lore: '&f%summary%' + reset: + slot: 3 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cReset' + lore: | + &7Resets all mail properties such + as the subject, recipients and + the content. + preview: + slot: 4 + material: WRITTEN_BOOK + name: '&9Preview' + lore: | + &7Shows how this mail would + look like when people read it. diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/mails/mailbox.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/mails/mailbox.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ee52190d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/mails/mailbox.yml @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mailbox &8)=-" +rows: 6 +interactable: empty +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + previous: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19' + name: '&7Previous Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + next: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ==' + name: '&7Next Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + separators: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + sent-indicator: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Sent Mails' + inbox-indicator: + slot: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Inbox' + get-envelope: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&2Send Mail' + lore: | + &7Gives you a special book + to start writing your mail. + + You can put this book anywhere + you want. To edit the mail &9contents + &7just &2right-click &7and write like + you normally would. + + To edit other properties like the + &9subject &7or &9recipients&7, + &2right-click while sneaking&7. + + Once you're done and ready to &9send + &7the mail, drop this book back into + the sent section here. + + &2Needed Money&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% + &2Needed Resource Points&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% + sent: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + inbox: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/mails/recipients.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/mails/recipients.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be2fc1e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/mails/recipients.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Recipients &8)=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + to: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2To&8: &9%to%' + cc-add: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0=' + name: '&7CC&8:' + lore: "&2Click to add" + cc: + slots: + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&9%singular-cc%' + lore: '&cClick to remove' + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/map-settings.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/map-settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37737ee0c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/map-settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +title: "&cMap Settings" +type: HOPPER +options: + scoreboard: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the kingdom map as a scoreboard + which is much more convenient than + auto map mode and updates automatically. + + The disadvantage is that + it takes a huge portion of your screen + and you must memorize the symbols and + colors and what they mean. + + This option resets if you leave. + enabled: + condition: scoreboard_enabled + name: "{$enabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + reset: + slot: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&4Reset Settings' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzA1ZWI3ZTA0ODg2ODMyNTRlZGI2NzgyYzVkYjhkMjdjZDA3OGU3ODRkZTJkY2RjZDI1Y2UwODY0ZGZhYmQzOCJ9fX0=' + resize: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Resize' + lore: + - "&7Resize your own map &awidth &7and &aheight" + - "&7Your current size&8: &2%kingdoms_map_width%&7, &2%kingdoms_map_height%" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc5ZTU0Y2JlODc4NjdkMTRiMmZiZGYzZjE4NzA4OTQzNTIwNDhkZmVjZDk2Mjg0NmRlYTg5M2IyMTU0Yzg1In19fQ==' + auto: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "&7The map keeps appearing automatically" + - "as you walk to different lands." + enabled: + condition: 'auto_map_enabled' + name: "{$enabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=' + else: + name: "{$disabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' + gui: + slot: 4 + material: CHEST + name: "&2See the map in a GUI" + lore: | + &7Advantages would be better + clicking behavior and clearer + icons for different lands. + + Disadvantages would be the + limit of GUI inventory size + and limiting your mobility. diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/map.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/map.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54cc04624 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/map.yml @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +title: "&0-=( &a&lMap &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config +#You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. +options: + element: + material: DIRT + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2217dce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-" +rows: 4 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + name: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Name&8: &6%outpost-name%' + region: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '&2Region&8: &6%outpost-region%' + center: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: '&2Center' + lore: | + %outpost-center% + &7The location where the rewards + are dropped and fireworks are spawned. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + spawn: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '&2Spawn' + lore: | + %outpost-spawn% + &7Where the players get teleported + to when they join the event. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + bossbar: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: BREWING_STAND + name: '&2BossBar Settings' + delete: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cDelete this outpost' + entrance-money: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '&2Entrance Money Fee&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' + rewards: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rewards' + entrance-resource-points-fee: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '&2Entrance Resource Points Fee&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c02347924 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Command Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These commands are executed + for the kingdom that won the event. + + So any command that targets players + individually will not work. + add: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Add' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + commands: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '%command%' + lore: | + {$p}Left-click to edit + {$s}Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0e63858f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Items go here +interactable: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration-1: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 49 + - 51 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + decoration-2: + slots: + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 48 + - 50 + - 52 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These items are randomly + thrown in the Outpost event + area and players can pick + them up. + + You can freely interact with + the items in this GUI, taking + them and adding your own. + + To make custom items you can use + the {$p}/k admin item editor + &7command as well. + items: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: STONE diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7588ca55e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + resource-points: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Resource Points{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-resource-points%" + money: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Money{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-money%" + commands: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '{$p}Commands' + items: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Items' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76c1c34cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + include: + name: "&2Include Kingdom" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add a kingdom so their members" + - "can access this block." + - "" + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + exclude: + name: "&cExclude Kingdom" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add a kingdom to exclude their members" + - "from accessing the block." + - "" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + clear: + name: "&4Clear" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Remove all the kingdoms" + - "from this list." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&4Back" + material: BARRIER + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + members: + included: + condition: included + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + else: + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/players.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/players.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d59d550b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/players.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + include: + name: "&2Include Player" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone so they" + - "can access this block." + - "" + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + exclude: + name: "&cExclude Player" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone to exclude" + - "them from accessing the block." + - "" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + clear: + name: "&4Clear" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from this list." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&4Back" + material: BARRIER + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + members: + included: + condition: included + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included &8- %online%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + else: + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded &8- %online%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec2913973 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + players: + name: "&2Manage Players" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude individual players + for accessing this block. + + Player settings override the kingdom + settings. Meaning that if a player is + a part of an included or excluded kingdom, + they can still use the block if the kingdom + is excluded or not use the block if the + kingdom is included. + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: '%owner%' + slot: 0 + kingdoms: + name: "&2Manage Kingdoms" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude kingdoms for + accessing this block so everyone in + that kingdom are included or excluded. + material: RED_BANNER + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + slot: 1 + info: + name: "&5Protection Signs" + lore: |- + &6Protected blocks are protected + against griefs and no player can use it + without permission. + + If a player has access to this block, + they still cannot change the sign settings + or break the sign or the block. + + &7Click here to set a password on the block. + This only works if the block being protected + is a container such as a chest. + material: NETHER_STAR + slot: 2 + protection-type: + name: "&2Protection Type&8: &9%protection_type%" + lore: |- + &6Change the method of how + this block is protected from + other players by default. + material: CHEST + slot: 3 + back: + name: "&4Close the GUI" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f501cebb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection Type &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + protected: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. + material: OAK_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&4%protection%" + material: OAK_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. + slot: 1 + everyone-in-kingdom: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. + material: SPRUCE_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2%protection%" + material: SPRUCE_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. + slot: 2 + everyone: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + material: DARK_OAK_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2%protection%" + material: DARK_OAK_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/extractor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/extractor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..510adb455 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/extractor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +title: "&2Extractor" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + collect: + outOfFuel: + condition: 'fuel <= 0' + name: "{$e}Out of fuel &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: RED_WOOL + nothing-to-collect: + condition: 'amount <= 0' + name: "{$e}Nothing to collect &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed%" + material: RED_WOOL + else: + name: "&2Collect&8: &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP + lore: + - "&6Collect all the generated" + - "resource points." + - "Last collected by&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" + slot: 0 + fuel: + name: "&2Fuel&8: &6%fancy_fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: COAL + refresh: true + slot: 1 + lore: | + &7To fill the fuel, simply drop + one of the fuel items on the + extractor block. + + &7Additionally you can place a {$p}hopper + &7on north, south, east, west or top of + the extractor with the following items. + Note that this only works once the extractor's + fuel is almost at zero. + + &2Coal&8: &95 + &2Charcoal&8: &93 + &2Blaze Rods&8: &9100 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ &6%fancy_next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce42f797b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Settings &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + upgrade: + name: "&bUpgrade Equipment" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + lore: + - "&7Improve your champions" + - "armor and weapon with each upgrade." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + slot: 0 + change: + name: "&6Change" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Change your champion type." + slot: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to champion upgrades." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c51cf55e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Upgrades &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + settings: + name: "&bSettings" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7Change your champion's settings" + - "such as upgrading its equipment or" + - "changing your champion type." + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + health: + name: "&bChampion Health" + material: MELON_SLICE + lore: + - "&7Increases champion's health" + - "by &250 &7every level." + - "&7Current champion's health&8: &2%scaling%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + reinforcements: + name: "&bReinforcements" + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - "&7Spawns nexus guardian every {$p}3 &7minutes." + - "Each upgrade will reduce the time by {$p}15 seconds&7." + - "The spawned guards exactly match your" + - "nexus guards depending on the" + - "misc upgrade." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + resistance: + name: "&bResistance" + material: BRICK + lore: + - "&7Each upgrade adds &2%scaling%% &7chance that the" + - "Champion won't be knocked back by an attack." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + speed: + name: "&bSpeed" + material: POTION + lore: + - "&7Increases champion's Speed when" + - "his health is lower than &220%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + focus: + name: "&bFocus" + material: ENDER_EYE + lore: + - "&7Players hit by the champion will" + - "have &2%scaling% &7second removed from all" + - "their active potion effects." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + strength: + name: "&bStrength" + material: ANVIL + lore: + - "&7Strength potion will be" + - "added to the champion" + - "&7and will be amplified each level." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + throw: + name: "&bThrow" + material: COOKED_PORKCHOP + lore: + - "&7Every attack, there will be a chance" + - "&7to knock the player into the sky." + - "&7Each upgrade increases this chance by &210%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + death-duel: + name: "&bDeath Duel" + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7All players except the invader will deal" + - "&250% &7less damage to the champion. The" + - "champion will also deal double damage" + - "to all players except the invaders." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + drag: + name: "&bDrag" + material: FISHING_ROD + lore: + - "&7If the invading player is more than" + - "&2%scaling% &7blocks away from the champion, the" + - "player will be dragged to the champion." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + damage-cap: + name: "&bDamage Cap" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7Your champion can only receive up to" + - "&2%scaling% &7damages on any attack." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + thor: + name: "&bThor" + material: DIAMOND_AXE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7Every {$p}%cooldown%&7, lightning" + - "&7strikes the invading player and all" + - "&7nearby non-allied players. Deals" + - "&7damage, and knocks the players back also." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + plow: + name: "&bPlow" + material: COBWEB + lore: + - "&7Your champion will try to clear" + - "lava and webs every {$p}%cooldown%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + fangs: + name: "&bFangs" + material: EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG + lore: + - "&7Spawn fangs for the enemy" + - "players around the champion" + - "every {$p}%cooldown%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + purple-glass: + name: "" + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 51 + - 53 + black-glass: + name: "" + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 52 + magenta-glass: + name: "" + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 10 + - 16 + - 37 + - 43 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1293d1947 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Champions &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + zombie: + name: "&2Zombie" + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + slot: 0 + skeleton: + name: "&6Skeleton" + material: SKELETON_SKULL + slot: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to champion settings." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d0d77ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Logs Filters & Sorting &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-player: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Player Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_player_name%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Player Filter' + filters-time: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CLOCK + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Time Filter' + lore: | + {$p}After{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_after% + {$p}Before{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_before% + else: + name: '{$disabled} Time Filter' + filters-type: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER #Template + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_type_type%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Filter' + sort-ascending-time: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ascending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ascending Time Sort' + sort-descending-time: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Descending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Descending Time Sort' + sort-type: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Sort' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81208766f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Audit Logs &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#-NOSYNC +'[type]': + kingdom-join: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Player Joined{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Invited By{$sep}: &6%inviter% + kingdom-kick: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Kicked Member{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Kicker{$sep}: &6%kicker% + kingdom-leave: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Player Left{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + &2At{$sep}: &6%time% + &2Reason{$sep}: &6%reason% + kingdom-challenge-challenger: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Challenged' + lore: | + &e%player% &chas challenged + &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% &ckingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare to attack. + kingdom-challenge-challenged: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cChallenged' + lore: | + &e%kingdoms_kingdom_name% &ckingdom has + &cchallenged your kingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare before they attack. + kingdom-claim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&2Claimed' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has claimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-unclaim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&cUnclaimed' + lore: | + {$es}%player% {$e}has unclaimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invasion-invader: + material: IRON_SWORD + name: '&2Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-invasion-invaded: + material: GOLD_SWORD + name: '&cGot Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded your kingdom at{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-upgrade-misc: + material: DIAMOND_HOE + name: '&9Misc Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}misc upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-champion: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: '&9Champion Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}champion upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-powerup: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '&9Powerup Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}powerup. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-upgrade: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structure at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structures. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aTurret Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turrets. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase-ammo: + name: '&aTurret Ammo Purchase' + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased ammo for + {$s}%style% {$p}turret at {$s}%translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%y%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$s}%fancy_old_amount% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_new_amount% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-upgrade: + material: ARROW + name: '&aTurret Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turret at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-resource-points-convert: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&aResource Points Convert' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed + resource points{$sep}: + {$s}%fancy_amount-before% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_amount-after% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + extractor-collect: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aExtractor Collect' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has collected the + extractor located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Collected Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + warppad-teleport: + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: '&3Warp Pad Teleport' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has teleported + using the Warp Pad located at + {$s}%from_location% {$p}to + {$s}%precise_location% + {$p}Fuel Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + outpost-item-purchase: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&eOutpost Item Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + the following items from the + Outpost structure located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Total Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + %purchases% + kingdom-pacifism-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&5Pacifism Change' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed the + pacifism state of the kingdom. + {$p}Pacifist{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + shield-purchase: + material: SHIELD + name: '&5Shield Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + a shield for the kingdom. + {$p}Purchased Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% + {$p}Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-shield-time% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-relation-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Relationship Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's relationship has + changed with {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% {$p}kingdom{$sep}: + %old-relation% {$sep}➜ %new-relation% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invite: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Invite' + lore: | + {$s}%inviter% {$p}has invited {$s}%player% + {$p}to the kingdom. They have {$s}%accept-time% + {$p}to accept the request. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-king-change: + material: BOOK + name: '&4King Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's king has been changed{$sep}: + {$s}%old-king% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-king% + {$p}Reason{$sep}: {$s}%reason% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + player-rank-change: + lore: | + {$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank% + {$p}By{$sep}: {$s}%by-player% + promoted: + condition: 'old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority' #It's the opposite + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&aPlayer Promoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + else: #demoted + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cPlayer Demoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + rank-create: + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rank Created' + lore: | + {$p}A rank was created by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-delete: + material: BOOK + name: '&cRank Deleted' + lore: | + {$p}Rank was deleted by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-name: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Name Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-name% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-name% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-symbol: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Symbol Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}symbol was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-symbol% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-symbol% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-color: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Color Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-color%color {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-color%color + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-priority: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Priority Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}priority was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-priority% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-priority% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-max-claims: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Max Claims Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}max claims was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-max-claims% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-max-claims% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-material: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Material Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}material was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-material% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + structures-nexus-move: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nexus Placed' + placed: + condition: placed + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + placed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + else: + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + moved by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%from_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%from_x%{$sep}, {$s}%from_y%{$sep}, {$s}%from_z% {$sep}➜ {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + group-tax-server-pay: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Server Tax" + lore: | + {$p}Server taxes paid. + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-champion-change: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: "&9Champion Change" + lore: | + {$p}The champion was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-lore: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Lore" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's lore was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-rename: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Rename" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom was renamed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-tag: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Tag" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's tag was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-join: + material: BEACON + name: "&9Nation Join" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has joined + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-leave: + material: BEACON + name: "&cNation Leave" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has left + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + 'PeaceTreaties:received': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Received Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}Proposer{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + 'PeaceTreaties:sent': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Sent Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}To{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + '[else]': + material: BARRIER + name: '{$e}Unknown log type{$sep}:' + lore: '{$es}%type%' +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-and-sorting: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: BOOK + name: "{$p}Filters & Sorting" + lore: | + {$p}Filters{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Player{$sep}: %bool_filters_player% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Time{$sep}: %bool_filters_time% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_filters_type% + + {$p}Sorting{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Ascending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_ascending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Descending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_descending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_sorting_type% + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + entry: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + '[switch]': type + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f060c70e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%player%" +type: HOPPER +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + kick: + name: "&cKick" + material: RED_WOOL + cantKick: + condition: '!can_kick' + lore: | + &cYou can't kick this member. + else: { } + slot: 0 + demote: + name: '&eDemote' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0=" + cantDemote: + condition: '!can_demote' + lore: | + &cYou can't demote this member. + else: { } + slot: 1 + member: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slot: 2 + promote: + name: '&aPromote' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0=" + canPromote: + condition: '!can_promote' + lore: | + &cYou can't promote this member. + else: { } + slot: 3 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to members menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb755f8e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aMembers &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + members: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da670ccc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml @@ -0,0 +1,522 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &3Misc Upgrades {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc]': + args: + - "" + - "" + - "" + return: + pacifist: + condition: ' && kingdoms_pacifist' + name: "" + perform-action: false + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "&cYour kingdom is pacifist" + - "and cannot use this upgrade." + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%" + - "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable" + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%" + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc-basic]': + args: + - "" + return: + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' +options: + glory: + material: NETHER_STAR + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + anti-trample: + material: WHEAT_SEEDS + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + nexus-guards: + material: DIAMOND_AXE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + guards: + material: IRON_AXE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + insanity: + material: REDSTONE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + invasion-teleportation: + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + invasions: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + anti-explosion: + material: GUNPOWDER + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + max-claims: + name: "&3Max Claims" + material: MAP + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + max-turrets: + name: "&3Max Turrets" + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + max-members: + name: "&3Max Players" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + chest-size: + name: "&3Nexus Chest Size" + material: ENDER_CHEST + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + back: + name: "{$p}Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + cyan-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + light-blue-glass: + name: '' + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3a1fea16 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation_name%'s &6&lNation Nexus" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 +options: + settings: + name: "&7Settings" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&6Change your nation settings." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + resource-points: + name: "&eResource Points Converter" + material: HAY_BLOCK + lore: + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your nation has &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6resource points." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + ranks: + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" + material: BOOKSHELF + lore: + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your nation." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + red-glass: + name: "" + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + black-glass: + name: "" + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bc8a9a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + nation settings located inside + nexus GUI. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ec33e98a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Template material. Gets replaced + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Maximum amount of claims a + player with this rank can claim + if they have claiming permissions. + + It'll only free more claims once + the player or someone else {$p}/k unclaim + &7the land that they claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1875d116 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: "&aResource Points Converter" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE +interactable: empty +disallow-creative: true +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. +options: + info: + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + apply: + name: "&2Apply" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + refresh: true + lore: + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + back: + name: "&cBack" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + lime-glass: + name: '' + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..624713068 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + else: + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + else: + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + else: + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + interact: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Interact&8: &2Enabled" + material: CAULDRON + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." + else: + name: "&2Interact&8: &cDisabled" + material: CAULDRON + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + use: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Use&8: &2Enabled" + material: LEVER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + else: + name: "&2Use&8: &cDisabled" + material: LEVER + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + else: + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + else: + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" + material: ARROW + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + manage-structures: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &2Enabled" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + else: + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &cDisabled" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49eee5962 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + neutral: + name: "Neutral" + material: WHITE_CONCRETE + slot: 0 + ally: + name: "&2Ally" + material: LIME_CONCRETE + slot: 1 + truce: + name: "&eTruce" + material: YELLOW_CONCRETE + slot: 2 + enemy: + name: "&cEnemy" + material: RED_CONCRETE + slot: 3 + nation: + name: "&9Nation" + material: BLUE_CONCRETE + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..117480436 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_nation_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k nation home %kingdoms_nation_name% + tax: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your nation taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Member Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + + &6Nation Server Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other nations. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your nation's flag for online maps. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_nation_color@hex%%kingdoms_nation_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your nation marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_nation_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + nation to protect your kingdom + against invades. + + Kingdom members who invade when + nation shields are enabled, will + temporarily lose access to nation's + shield. diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fe82ac3f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: "&8-=( &8Shields &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + shield-6hr: + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + material: SHIELD + cost: 5000 + time: 6hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &25000" + slot: 0 + shield-12hr: + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 8000 + time: 12hr + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &28000" + slot: 1 + shield-1day: + name: "&21 Day Shield" + material: SHIELD + cost: 15000 + time: 1day + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &215000" + slot: 2 + shield-1week: + name: "&21 Week Shield" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 70000 + time: 7days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CROSS: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &270000" + slot: 3 + shield-1month: + name: "&21 Month Shield" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 150000 + time: 30days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + MOJANG: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &2150000" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc13d133e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_kingdom_name%'s &6&lNexus" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 +icon: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Nexus-Logo.png" +form-type: CUSTOM +form-options: + settings: + component-type: LABEL + text: "&5Settings" +options: + settings: + name: "&7Settings" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&6Change your kingdom settings." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + members: + name: "&2Members" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0=' + lore: + - "&6Manage your kingdom members." + - "&6Promote or demote them." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + masswar: + running: + condition: kingdoms_masswar_is_running + name: "&4Masswar" + material: CLOCK + lore: + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &2running." + - "" + - "{$p}Mass War ends in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" + else: + name: "&4Masswar" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &cnot running." + - "" + - "{$p}Next Mass War in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + nexus-chest: + name: "&eNexus Chest" + material: CHEST + lore: + - "&6Put items in your kingdoms chest" + - "&6for everyone to use." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + turrets: + name: "&9Turrets" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&6You can buy turrets with" + - "resource points to place them" + - "on your land. It protects against" + - "mobs and invaders." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + structures: + name: "&5Structures" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - "&6Structures can do different things." + - "You can only have one structure per land." + - "Note that the nexus is a structure itself." + - "You can buy structures with resource points." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + misc-upgrades: + name: "&bMisc Upgrades" + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + lore: + - "&6Extra miscellaneous upgrades" + - "to improve your kingdom" + - "in different aspects." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + logs: + name: "&aAudit Logs" + material: KNOWLEDGE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6View kingdom logs including" + - "invasions, claiming, unclaiming," + - "and other member activities." + - "" + - "&7Most of these logs stay for" + - "30 days after they're deleted." + - "Some may stay for a shorter time" + - "that are less important." + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + resource-points: + name: "&eResource Points Converter" + material: HAY_BLOCK + lore: + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your kingdom has &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6resource points." + posx: 4 + posy: 5 + damage-reduction: + name: "&3Damage Reduction" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade reduces damage" + - "taken by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + damage-boost: + name: "&3Damage Boost" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + arrow-boost: + name: "&7Arrow Boost" + material: BOW + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade increases your bow" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + regeneration-boost: + name: "&dRegeneration Boost" + material: GOLDEN_APPLE + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "regeneration rate by &e1% &6in your land." + - "This update doesn't do any regeneration by" + - "itself. It only boosts your health regeneration" + - "amount that you gained by eating food." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + ranks: + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" + material: BOOKSHELF + lore: + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your kingdom." + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + champion-upgrades: + name: "&2Champion Upgrades" + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - "&6Upgrade your champion for stronger" + - "defence against invaders." + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + mailbox: + name: "&2Mailbox" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18054-mailbox-green + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + lore: | + &7Send & recieve mails from + other kingdoms. + &2Total mails&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + red-glass: + name: "" + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 4 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 46 + - 49 + - 52 + black-glass: + name: "" + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b379ab893 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,719 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +import: + pagination: { } +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + alliance: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k ally &7command. + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission to build anywhere + in the kingdom. + + For the difference between this + and {$p}BUILD_OWNED &7permission + refer to the other permission. + build-owned: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7The difference between &2BUILD &7and + &2BUILD_OWNED &7is that &2BUILD &7allows + you to build anywhere in your kingdom + (except the nexus land that needs + &2NEXUS_BUILD&7) + + &2BUILD_OWNED &7only allows you to build + in the lands that you claimed yourself. + For example if you &6/k claim &7somewhere + other people with &2BUILD_OWNED &7can't + build there, but you or people who have + &2BUILD &7permission can. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + enemy: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k enemy &7command. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invade &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + nexus: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for moving the + kingdom nexus using + {$s}/k nexus &7command. + nexus-build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for building + in the nexus land + nexus-chest: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for modifying + the kingdom's nexus chest. + outpost: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying + items from outpost structures. + protection-signs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for bypassing + sign protected blocks inside + kingdom lands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + invsee: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invsee &7command. + structures: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying structures. + use: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using certain + blocks inside the kingdom. + interact: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for interacting + with certain blocks such as + doors and buttons inside + kingdom lands. + upgrade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for upgrading + anything that can be upgraded + inside the kingdom such as + misc-upgrades, champion upgrades, + powerups, turrets and structures. + truce: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k truce &7command. + turrets: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying turrets. + unclaim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k unclaim &7commands. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + fly: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k fly &7command. + nation: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for joining + or leaving nations. + exclude-tax: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Kingdom members with this + permission are not required + to pay taxes to the kingdom. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + kingdom settings located inside + nexus GUI. + claim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k claim &7commands. + unclaim-owned: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Allows you to only unclaim + the lands that you claimed yourself. + instant-teleport: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Instantly teleport to your + members when using the &2/k tpa + &7command. Otherwise you'll have + to wait for them to accept the request. + + You will still have the teleport + countdown before teleporting. + view-logs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7View your kingdom audit logs + which can be accessed from + your nexus. + read-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for reading + kingdom mails located inside + nexus GUI. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + manage-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Send new mails and reply. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + 'Outposts:join': + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission to use + {$s}/k outposts join &7command. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b5ec9867 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Gets replaced by the material that the player picked, don't change. + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Players with this rank will not + be able to claim more lands than + the specified value. + + If they want to claim more lands, + they have to unclaim the lands that + they claimed themselves not the + claims that other members claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed0e84105 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +title: "&aResource Points Converter" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE +interactable: empty +disallow-creative: true +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. +options: + withdraw: + name: "&2Withdraw" + material: PAPER + posx: 4 + posy: 6 + lore: + - "&6Withdraw resource points" + - "from your kingdom to your balance." + info: + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" + lore: + - "&6Total Donations&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" + - "&6Last Donation Time&8: &2%kingdoms_date_last_donation_time%" + - "&6Last Donation Amount&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_last_donation_amount%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + deposit: + name: "&2Deposit" + material: PAPER + posx: 6 + posy: 6 + lore: + - "&6Deposit resource points" + - "to your kingdom from your balance." + apply: + name: "&2Apply" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + refresh: true + lore: + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + back: + name: "&cBack" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + lime-glass: + name: '' + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7c18b85f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes +options: + #Only options starting with "color" will be interpreted as predefined colors. + #You can add your own colors, just don't forget the "color" option AND the GUI option entry name itself + #must begin with the word "color" + separator: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 4 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + back: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' + hex-picker: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Enter a hex color' + unavailable-color-dark-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + name: '&4Dark Red #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + color: '#FF5555' + unavailable-color-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cRed #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + color: '#FF5555' + color-dark-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_BLOCK + name: '&1Dark Blue #0000AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#0000AA' + color-light-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Light Blue #5555FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#5555FF' + color-black: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: BLACK_WOOL + name: '&0Black #000000' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#000000' + color-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '&8Gray #555555' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#555555' + color-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Dark Purple #AA00AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AA00AA' + color-dark-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Dark Green #00AA00' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AA00' + color-orange: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: ORANGE_WOOL + name: '&6Minecoin Gold #DDD605' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#DDD605' + color-dark-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '&3Dark Aqua #00AAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AAAA' + color-white: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite #FFFFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFFFF' + color-light-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + material: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL + name: '&7Light Gray #AAAAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AAAAAA' + color-light-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dLight Purple #FF55FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FF55FF' + color-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '&aGreen #55FF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FF55' + color-yellow: + posx: 2 + posy: 6 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow #FFFF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFF55' + color-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL + name: '&bAqua #55FFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FFFF' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b755a907e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + green-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fly" + material: ELYTRA + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fly" + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Build" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Build" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Ceasefire" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Ceasefire" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + interact: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Interact" + material: CAULDRON + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Interact" + material: CAULDRON + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction" + - "for opening containers." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + use: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Use" + material: LEVER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Use" + material: LEVER + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Turret Ceasefire" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + glow: true + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + else: + name: "{$disabled} Turret Ceasefire" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Turrets" + material: ARROW + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Manage Turrets" + material: ARROW + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + manage-structures: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Structures" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Manage Structures" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + show-holograms: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the holograms of + kingdom items to the members + of kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97da8366e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + neutral: + name: "Neutral" + material: WHITE_CONCRETE + slot: 0 + ally: + name: "&2Ally" + material: LIME_CONCRETE + slot: 1 + truce: + name: "&eTruce" + material: YELLOW_CONCRETE + slot: 2 + enemy: + name: "&cEnemy" + material: RED_CONCRETE + slot: 3 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to settings menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7f3ec13c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k home %kingdoms_name% + hidden: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: POTION + color: 818595 + name: "{$s}Hidden{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_hidden%" + lore: | + &7Hidden kingdoms aren't displayed + in {$p}/k map &7and online maps. + tax: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your kingdom taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Personal Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax% + + &6Kingdom Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other kingdoms. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom flag for Dynmap. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + pacifism: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: END_CRYSTAL + name: '&6Pacifist&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_pacifist%' + lore: | + &7When you're in pacifism mode, + your kingdom cannot invade + and cannot be invaded by other kingdoms. + + If you invade a Kingdom, you cannot go + back into pacifism mode for a week. + + &2Cooldown&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown% + invites: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: BOOK + name: '&6Requires Invite&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_requires_invite%' + lore: | + &7When turned off, anyone can + join this kingdom without needing + an invitation with {$p}/k join %kingdoms_name% + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_kingdom_color@hex%%kingdoms_kingdom_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + kingdom to protect your kingdom + against invades. diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5aa70ef4c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Shields {$sep})=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + shield-6hr: + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + cost: 1000 + time: 6hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + slot: 0 + shield-12hr: + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 1900 + time: 12hr + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + slot: 1 + shield-1day: + name: "&21 Day Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + cost: 4500 + time: 1day + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED + slot: 2 + shield-1week: + name: "&21 Week Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 50000 + time: 7days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CROSS: RED + slot: 3 + shield-1month: + name: "&21 Month Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 100000 + time: 30days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + MOJANG: RED + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d73f36ae --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Structures &8)=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE +#Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will +#remove the disc's name from the lore... +options: + powercell: + name: "&4Powercell" + material: MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP + sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Lands surrounded by a powercell cannot" + - "be invaded until the powercell" + - "land is invaded first." + - "The protection radius is &23x3 &6for level 1" + - "and &25x5 &6for level 2." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + extractor: + name: "&aExtractor" + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Extractors will produce resource points." + - "&6You can collect the resource points" + - "at any time." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + outpost: + name: "&eOutpost" + material: MUSIC_DISC_13 + sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1.5 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6You can get EXP Bottles from" + - "outposts using resource points." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + warppad: + name: "&cWarp Pad" + material: MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS + sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Warp pads can be used to teleport" + - "from a structure to another." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + regulator: + name: "&3Regulator" + material: MUSIC_DISC_WARD + sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Manage player attributes such as building," + - "turret ceasefire and etc..." + - "Change which player can interact with what block." + - "Disable mob or animal spawning and turrets." + - "Enable explosions." + - "Auto fill turrets ammo." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + siege-cannon: + name: "&3Siege Cannon" + material: MUSIC_DISC_STRAD + sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Cannon used to break a kingdom's" + - "shield." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + cyan-glass: + name: "" + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + light-blue-glass: + name: "" + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..883388eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Turrets &8)=-" +rows: 4 +sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE +options: + arrow: + name: "&2Arrow" + material: ARROW + sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT + lore: + - "&6A simple turret that fires plain" + - "arrows at enemies at a moderate rate." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + flame: + name: "&3Flame" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + sound: ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Fast firing turret that sets" + - "targets ablaze." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + healing: + name: "&dHealing" + material: TIPPED_ARROW + sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Heals nearby members and allies." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + psionic: + name: "&aPsionic" + material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK + sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Effects the enemies nearby." + - "Higher levels add more effects." + - "But never deals killing damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + hellfire: + name: "&cHellfire" + material: FIRE_CHARGE + sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE + lore: + - "&6Powerful turret that fires quickly" + - "with high damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + soldier: + name: "&5Soldier" + sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - "&6Spawns guards to kill the" + - "target player." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + heatbeam: + name: "&3Heatbeam" + sound: ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK + material: MAGMA_CREAM + lore: + - "&6Targets singular targets and deals" + - "a high damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + inferno: + name: "&4Inferno" + material: END_CRYSTAL + sound: ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE + lore: + - "&6Similar to Heatbeams." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + spring: + name: "&7Spring" + material: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "throw the player into" + - "the air when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + explosive-mine: + name: "&7Explosive Mine" + material: HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "explode when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + chemical-mine: + name: "&8Chemical Mine" + material: LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will give" + - "you debuffs when stepped on." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + Cyan-Glass: + name: "" + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 28 + - 34 + Light-Blue-Glass: + name: "" + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 27 + - 35 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fa2e56cb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + sell-coal: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: COAL + name: '{$p}Coal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3 + item: + material: COAL + sell-charcoal: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CHARCOAL + name: '{$p}Charcoal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 2 + item: + material: CHARCOAL + sell-flint: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: FLINT + name: '{$p}Flint {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1 + item: + material: FLINT + sell-ender-eye: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '{$p}Ender Eye {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1000 + item: + material: ENDER_EYE + sell-ender-pearl: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '{$p}Ender Pearl {$s}%cost%' + cost: 100 + item: + material: ENDER_PEARL + sell-slime-ball: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Slime Ball {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: SLIME_BALL + sell-book: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Book {$s}%cost%' + cost: 10 + item: + material: BOOK + sell-emerald: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '{$p}Emerald {$s}%cost%' + cost: 70 + item: + material: EMERALD + sell-diamond: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '{$p}Diamond {$s}%cost%' + cost: 60 + item: + material: DIAMOND + sell-gold-ingot: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLD_INGOT + name: '{$p}Gold Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLD_INGOT + sell-iron-ingot: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: IRON_INGOT + name: '{$p}Iron Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 40 + item: + material: IRON_INGOT + sell-nether-brick: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: NETHER_BRICK + name: '{$p}Nether Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: NETHER_BRICK + sell-brick: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: BRICK + name: '{$p}Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BRICK + sell-lapis-lazuli: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + name: '{$p}Lapis Lazuli {$s}%cost%' + cost: 15 + item: + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + sell-experience-bottle: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + name: '{$p}Experience Bottle {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + sell-dragon-breath: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: DRAGON_BREATH + name: '{$p}Dragon Breath {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3000 + item: + material: DRAGON_BREATH + sell-blaze-rod: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_ROD + name: '{$p}Blaze Rod {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BLAZE_ROD + sell-prismarine-crystals: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + name: '{$p}Prismarine Crystals {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + sell-blaze-powder: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_POWDER + name: '{$p}Blaze Powder {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: BLAZE_POWDER + sell-golden-carrot: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + name: '{$p}Golden Carrot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + sell-magma-cream: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: MAGMA_CREAM + name: '{$p}Magma Cream {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: MAGMA_CREAM + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79a4218dc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + construction: + material: STONE_PICKAXE + name: "&4Under construction..." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..275983b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &aAmount Picker {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + cancel: + name: "{$e}Click to cancel" + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + done: + name: "{$p}Click to buy" + lore: "{$p}Price{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_cost%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + skull: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + decrease: + name: '{$e}Decrease' + cantDecrease: + condition: '!can_decrease' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Minimum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%min% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + decrease by {$p}10 + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + item: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: GRASS_BLOCK + increase: + cantIncrease: + condition: '!can_increase' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Maximum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%max% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + increase by {$p}10 + {$e}Maximum amount{$sep}: {$es}%max% + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + name: '{$p}Increase' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/powercell.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/powercell.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f58b65d17 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/powercell.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +title: "&cPowercell" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT +options: + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 0 + upgrade: + slot: 2 + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &61 &7➔ &62" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &62" + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c77795b51 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: "&eAttribute Editor" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + all: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" + lore: + - '&7All the attributes.' + material: BOOK + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" + material: BOOK + slot: 0 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + slot: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" + material: ELYTRA + slot: 2 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + slot: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" + material: ARROW + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..585214017 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +title: "&eAttributes" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + members: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + add: + name: "&2Add Player" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone to the list." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + remove-all: + name: "&4Remove All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8091e7e82 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +title: "&eInteraction Editor" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + all: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" + material: BOOK + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" + material: BOOK + slot: 0 + doors: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Doors&8: &2Enabled" + material: OAK_DOOR + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Doors&8: &cDisabled" + material: OAK_DOOR + slot: 1 + buttons-and-levers: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &2Enabled" + material: LEVER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &cDisabled" + material: LEVER + slot: 2 + shulker-boxes: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &2Enabled" + material: SHULKER_BOX + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &cDisabled" + material: SHULKER_BOX + slot: 3 + enchantment-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &2Enabled" + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &cDisabled" + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + slot: 4 + crafting-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &2Enabled" + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &cDisabled" + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + slot: 5 + chests: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Chests&8: &2Enabled" + material: CHEST + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Chests&8: &cDisabled" + material: CHEST + slot: 6 + beds: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Beds&8: &2Enabled" + material: RED_BED + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Beds&8: &cDisabled" + material: RED_BED + slot: 7 + loom: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Loom&8: &2Enabled" + material: LOOM + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Loom&8: &cDisabled" + material: LOOM + slot: 8 + jigsaw: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &2Enabled" + material: JIGSAW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &cDisabled" + material: JIGSAW + slot: 9 + hopper: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Hopper&8: &2Enabled" + material: HOPPER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Hopper&8: &cDisabled" + material: HOPPER + slot: 10 + dispenser: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &2Enabled" + material: DISPENSER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &cDisabled" + material: DISPENSER + slot: 11 + smoker: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Smoker&8: &2Enabled" + material: SMOKER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Smoker&8: &cDisabled" + material: SMOKER + slot: 12 + furnaces: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &2Enabled" + material: FURNACE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &cDisabled" + material: FURNACE + slot: 13 + dropper: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Dropper&8: &2Enabled" + material: DROPPER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Dropper&8: &cDisabled" + material: DROPPER + slot: 14 + beacon: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Beacon&8: &2Enabled" + material: BEACON + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Beacon&8: &cDisabled" + material: BEACON + slot: 15 + anvils: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Anvils&8: &2Enabled" + material: ANVIL + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Anvils&8: &cDisabled" + material: ANVIL + slot: 16 + brewing-stand: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &2Enabled" + material: BREWING_STAND + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &cDisabled" + material: BREWING_STAND + slot: 17 + cartography-tables: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &2Enabled" + material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &cDisabled" + material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE + slot: 18 + smithing-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &2Enabled" + material: SMITHING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &cDisabled" + material: SMITHING_TABLE + slot: 19 + plates: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Plates&8: &2Enabled" + material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Plates&8: &cDisabled" + material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE + slot: 20 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e3b36ca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +title: "&eInteractions" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + members: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + add: + name: "&2Add Player" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone to the list." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + remove-all: + name: "&4Remove All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3297b877 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: "&eRegulator" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + rules: + name: "&2Rules" + material: LECTERN + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 0 + lore: + - "&7Change this land's rules" + - "such as disabling turrets or" + - "auto refilling turret within" + - "this land." + attributes: + name: "&2Attributes" + material: BOOK + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 1 + lore: + - "&7Change different attributes" + - "for each player such as" + - "building and turret ceasefire." + interactions: + name: "&2Interactions" + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 2 + lore: + - "&7Manage who can interact with" + - "what kind of blocks." + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + slot: 3 + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..382d41f65 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +title: "&eRules" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + pink-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 13 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 25 + - 26 + material: PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + disable-mob-spawning: + material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7mob + spawning. All mobs except animals. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + disable-animal-spawning: + material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7animal + spawning. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + disable-turrets: + material: ARROW + lore: | + &7Prevents all turrets from + shooting that are placed in + this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Turrets" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Turrets" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + auto-fill-turrets: + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: | + &7Automatically fills the turrets + within this land with ammo. + {$p}Conditions{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be completely + out of ammo. + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be in the same + land as the regulator. + &7⚫ {$s}Your kingdom must have enough + resource points to afford the refill. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + allow-explosions: + material: TNT + lore: | + &7Allows all types of + explosions to damge this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Allow Explosions" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Allow Explosions" + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + allow-fire: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + lore: | + &7Allows all types of fire + damages to this territory. + Including fire spreads, block + burns, etc. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fire" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fire" diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..070dea501 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +title: "&3Siege Cannon" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +interactable: #The ammo slot + - 2 +options: + sit: + name: "&2Sit" + lore: + - "&7Sit on the cannon" + - "to start shooting." + material: BRICK_STAIRS + slot: 0 + ammo: + name: "&4-------->" + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + lore: + - "&2Put a fire charge in this" + - "slot to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7Loaded projectiles will disappear" + - "once the server is restarted." + - "" + - "&2Iron Blocks&8: &9Tier I" + - "&2Gold Blocks&8: &9Tier II" + - "&2Fire Charges&8: &9Tier III" + slot: 1 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ &6%next-explosion-radius%" + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7The values shown here might" + - "differ based on the projectile that you" + - "used to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/warppad.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/warppad.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a26816ca --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/structures/warppad.yml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +title: "&eWarppad" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + nexus: + name: "&2Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + material: BEACON + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + national-nexus: + name: "&9National Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + material: BEACON + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + rename: + name: "&2Rename" + lore: + - "&7Rename this warp pad." + - "{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%structure-custom-name%" + - "{$p}Fuel{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel%{$sep}/{$s}%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: PAPER + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + orange-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&cPowercells&8:' + powercell: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + name: "&cPowercell&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + lime-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&aExtractors&8:' + extractor: + slots: + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + green-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2Warp Pads&8:' + warppad: + slots: + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: "&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + yellow-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&eOutposts&8:' + outpost: + name: "&eOutpost&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: HAY_BLOCK + brown-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&7Regulators&8:' + regulator: + name: "&3Regulator&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LECTERN diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/surrender.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/surrender.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41231a7a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/surrender.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Surrender {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + purple-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 45 + - 46 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + invasion: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + invading: + condition: kingdoms_is_invading + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "{$p}You are invading{$sep}:" + lore: | + {$p}Land{$sep}: {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$p}Champion{$sep}: {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) + {$p}Since{$sep}: {$s}%since% + {$p}Duration{$sep}: {$s}%duration% + {$p}Passed{$sep}: {$s}%passed% + {$p}Total Lands{$sep}: {$s}%total_lands% + #These are for plunders only. + #{$p}Attacker Score{$sep}: {$s}%attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%defender_death_limit% + #{$p}Defender Score{$sep}: {$s}%defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%attacker_death_limit% + else: + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + attacking: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Defender{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + defending: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$e}Invader{$sep}: {$es}%kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + attacking-info: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Lands that your kingdom is attacking' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWRhMDI3NDc3MTk3YzZmZDdhZDMzMDE0NTQ2ZGUzOTJiNGE1MWM2MzRlYTY4YzhiN2JjYzAxMzFjODNlM2YifX19' + defending-info: + posx: 7 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmQ5Mjg3NjE2MzQzZDgzM2U5ZTczMTcxNTljYWEyY2IzZTU5NzQ1MTEzOTYyYzEzNzkwNTJjZTQ3ODg4NGZhIn19fQ==' + name: '{$es}Your kingdom lands that are under attack' diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/templates/pagination.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/templates/pagination.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c228d4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/templates/pagination.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +options: + next-page: + has-next: + condition: 'page < pages' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + else: + name: '&cNo more pages &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/9382-red-x + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 8 + previous-page: + has-previous: + condition: 'page > 1' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + else: + name: '&cFirst page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/arrow.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/arrow.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7675f3fc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/arrow.yml @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +title: "&aArrow Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + #Set to 0 to disable. + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/flame.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/flame.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2319d810 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/flame.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&cFlame Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/healing.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/healing.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a777302d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/healing.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&dHealing Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..300b5e76c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&9Heatbeam Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df9597cd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&4HellFire Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/inferno.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/inferno.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1973a2852 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/inferno.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&0Inferno Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/psionic.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/psionic.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69dcc7d50 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/psionic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +title: "&aPsionic Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/soldier.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/soldier.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e59a990f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/turrets/soldier.yml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +title: "&5Soldier Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/en/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml b/resources/languages/en/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b43867016 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/en/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +title: "&cUnclaimed %kingdom-item-name%" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/addons.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/addons.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45df92914 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/addons.yml @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Addons &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Info' + lore: | + &7Addons are additional + downloadable content that + can be installed separately. + + The reason why addons exist in + the first place, is because of + {$p}performance{$sep}, {$p}modularization + &7and {$p}file size limits. + + {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] &7In order to be + able to install addons, you need to + have a internet connection that's + able to connect to {$p}GitHub.com + {$sep}(&7not blocked by firewall, + country censoreship and etc.{$sep}) + addons: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + pending-restart: + condition: waiting_to_restart + name: '&8[&5Pending Restart&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &5The addon is downloaded. Waiting + for the server to be restarted to + enable the addon. + material: PURPLE_WOOL + updated: + condition: 'installed && !outdated' + name: '&8[&2Up to date&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: GREEN_WOOL + outdated-core-version: + condition: 'installed && outdated && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + + {$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}This version requires + kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$es}to work. + Current version{$sep}: {$e}%current-core-version% + + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + outdated: + condition: 'installed && outdated' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + not-installed: + name: '&8[&6Not installed&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to install + condition: '!installed' + material: BLUE_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/book.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/book.yml index 197460ca0..ab0eb53e0 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/book.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/book.yml @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ -title: "&4&lManual" +title: "&4&lHandbook" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: chapters: material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN name: "&2%chapter%" - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/colors.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/colors.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50afe4daf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/colors.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: chest +rows: 1 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + yellow: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow' + green: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Green' + red: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&4Red' + blue: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Blue' + pink: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dPink' + purple: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Purple' + white: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03e24fbc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2BossBar Settings &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + title: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Title' + lore: "&f%bossbar-title%" + colors: + slot: 2 + name: '&2Color&8: &9%bossbar_color%' + yellow: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'YELLOW'" + material: YELLOW_WOOL + lime-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'GREEN'" + material: LIME_WOOL + red-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'RED'" + material: RED_WOOL + blue-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'BLUE'" + material: BLUE_WOOL + magenta-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PINK'" + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + purple-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PURPLE'" + material: PURPLE_WOOL + white-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'WHITE'" + material: WHITE_WOOL + styles: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Style&8: &3%bossbar_style%' + SOLID: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SOLID'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + SEGMENTED_6: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_6'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_10'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_12'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_20'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= + flags: + slot: 4 + material: WHITE_BANNER + name: '&fFlags' + lore: | + &9Music&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% + &9Darken Sky&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% + &9Fog&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/flags.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4844f444 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + back: + slot: 0 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + play-boss-music: + slot: 2 + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + lore: | + &7Plays the ender dragon theme + while this bossbar is active for + the player. This doesn't work + reliably for all servers. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Music' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Music' + darken-sky: + slot: 3 + material: CLOCK + lore: | + &7It's similar to blindness + potion effect. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Darken Sky' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Darken Sky' + create-fog: + slot: 4 + material: COBWEB + lore: | + &7Mostly restricts the player's + sight and view distance. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Fog' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fog' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/styles.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/styles.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68d16d0ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/bossbar/styles.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + SOLID: + name: "&3Solid" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + lore: | + &7Bossbar styles are those black + lines that separate the bar + into multiple parts. + + Solid means no lines. + SEGMENTED_6: + name: "&36 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 1 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + name: "&310 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 2 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + name: "&312 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 3 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + name: "&320 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 4 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/challenge.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/challenge.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cbb61f2a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/challenge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +title: "&6-=( &cChallenges &6)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + time-two-days: + name: "&2In 2 days" + material: IRON_BLOCK + slot: 0 + time: 2days + time-three-days: + name: "&2In 3 days" + material: GOLD_BLOCK + slot: 1 + time: 3days + time-five-days: + name: "&2In 5 days" + material: DIAMOND_BLOCK + slot: 2 + time: 2days + time-week: + name: "&2In 1 week" + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + slot: 3 + time: 7days + info: + name: "&2Challenges" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7They are planned invasions. + When you want to invade someone, you + have to plan an invasion in advance. + + You click the amount of time you want + to give to your enemy before being able + to attack them. After this time has passed + you will have &26 hours &7to invade any of + the lands of the challenged kingdom. diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/disband.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/disband.yml index e5a9147f6..6dc1578e5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/disband.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/disband.yml @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -title: "&4&lConfirmar Eliminacion" +title: "&4&lConfirm Disband" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&8▸ &cConfirmar" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&8▪ &6Todos los datos de tu reino serán" - - "borrados permanentemente." + - "&6Your kingdom's data will be" + - "&6permanently lost." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cCancelar" - lore: [ "&6Confirmacion de cancelamiento." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml index 1ec04fc7b..4a20d7436 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -title: "&4&lDegradar a Todos" +title: "&4&lDemote All" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&8▸ &cConfirmar" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&8▪ &6¿Estás seguro que quieres degradar" - - "a todos los miembros de tu reino?" - - "Todos serán degradadados a rango miembro." + - "&6Are you sure you want to demote all" + - "the members in your kingdom?" + - "Everyone will be demoted to the member rank." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cCancelar" - lore: [ "&6Confirmacion de cancelamiento." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml index d97b2adc4..1f2cf6c7a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -title: "&4&lResetear Rangos" +title: "&4&lReset Ranks" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&8▸ &cConfirmar" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&8▪ &6¿Estás seguro de que quieres resetar" - - "todos los rangos personalizados de tu reino?" - - "Hacerlo resultará en <odos &6tus" - - "miembros siendo degradados al rango de miembro." + - "&6Are you sure you want to reset all" + - "the custom ranks made in your kingdom?" + - "Doing so will result in &lall &6your" + - "members being demoted to member rank." - "" - - "Esto restablecerá la configuración de clasificación a su" - - "estado original definido por el servidor." - - "Esto incluye la eliminación de rangos recién creados." - - "y volviendo a agregar la configuración predeterminada para cada rango." + - "This will reset the rank settings to their" + - "original state defined by the server." + - "This includes deleting newly created ranks" + - "and adding back the default settings for each rank." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cCancelar" - lore: [ "&6Confirmacion de cancelamiento." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml index 3b988bba7..2f39c71d7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -title: "&4&lConfirmar Retirar todo" +title: "&4&lConfirm Unclaim All" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Confirmar" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&6Trás hacer esto, todas tus tierras" - - "previamente claimeadas dejarán de " - - "proteger tus cofres,estructuras y" - - "torretas." + - "&6Once all your lands has" + - "been unclaimed, everyone" + - "can access protected chests," + - "structures and turrets." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cCancelar" - lore: [ "&6Confirmacion de cancelamiento." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/election-candidates.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/election-candidates.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bc8f3fff --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/election-candidates.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6Election Candidates &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + candidates: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player% &8| &6%votes%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: '&7%candidates-description%' + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/error.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/error.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..022cd6152 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/error.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +title: "&4&lError" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +options: + error: + name: "&cThis GUI is broken" + lore: | + &fIf you're a player contact + the server's administrators. + + If you're an admin, this GUI: + &6%gui_path% + &fError&7: + &e%message% + material: BARRIER + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/input.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/input.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be1fba820 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/input.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInput &0)=-" +type: ANVIL +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + question: + name: "%question%" + lore: "test" + material: GREEN_WOOL + slot: 0 + cancel: + name: "&cCancel" + material: RED_WOOL + slot: 1 + done: + name: "&aDone" + lore: "&7Click to finish input." + material: BLUE_WOOL + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/invite-codes.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/invite-codes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9139a5d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/invite-codes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvite Codes &0)=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite-codes: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + {$p}Code{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-code% + {$p}Uses{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% + {$p}Created By{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-creator% + {$p}Created At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% + {$p}Expires At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-expiration% + + {$p}Left-click to buy paper codes. + &9Middle-click to redeem the code. + {$e}Right-click to delete. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + info: + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + lore: | + &7Invite codes are an alternative + way of inviting players to your kingdom. + They're similar to discord invite codes. + + Once you create a new invite code, a player + can either type the code using + {$p}/k invitecode {$s} &7or you can + generate a physical paper which players can + right-click to use them. + Each invite code paper costs {$s}%invitecode-paper-cost% + &7resource points. + + Invite codes expire at a certain point and + they can either have limited or unlimited uses. + new-invite-code: + name: "&2Create New Invite Code" + lore: | + &7You can only make up to + {$p}%invitecode-max% &7invite codes. + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + delete-all: + name: "&4Delete All Invite Codes" + material: RED_WOOL + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/invites.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/invites.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbf8fa442 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/invites.yml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvitations &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/invsee.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/invsee.yml index f6578ae0d..1e18c025a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/invsee.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/invsee.yml @@ -1,60 +1,74 @@ title: "&0-=( &6%target% &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - -# We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. +#We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. context-start-row: 3 - -# It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. -# These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. +#It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. +#These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. options: helmet: - name: '&cSin casco' + name: '&cNo Helmet' posx: 2 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_HELMET - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES chestplate: - name: '&cSin pechera' + name: '&cNo Chestplate' posx: 3 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES leggings: - name: '&cSin pantalones' + name: '&cNo Leggings' posx: 4 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_LEGGINGS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES boots: - name: '&cSin botas' + name: '&cNo Boots' posx: 5 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_BOOTS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES offhand: - name: '&cNingún item en la segunda mano' + name: '&cNo item in offhand' posx: 7 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_HOE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES mainhand: - name: '&cNingún item en la mano principal' + name: '&cNo item in main hand' posx: 8 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES offhand-indicator: - name: '&cArriba se muestra el item de la mano secundaria' + name: '&cAbove is showing the offhand' posx: 7 posy: 2 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE mainhand-indicator: - name: '&cArriba se muestra el item la mano principal\nque está puesta en la ranura&8: &e%held_slot% &cde la hotbar' + name: '&cAbove is showing the main hand in slot&8: &e%held_slot%' posx: 8 posy: 2 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE separators: name: '' - slots: [ 0, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 ] - material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 5 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 17 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..637a92b42 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 10 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + type: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Attribute{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' + uuid: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid%' + lore: | + &7This is the unique ID for this modifier. + Since items can have multiple attributes + of the same type, this is used to identify + specific modifiers. + You almost never need to change this manually + yourself since they're automatically + generated with minimal conflict. + name: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' + lore: | + &7This is more like a small description + for this modifier, mostly for human-readable + identification purposes. + amount: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' + operation: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' + lore: | + &7How this attribute affects + other attributes with the + same type with the given amount. + equipment-slot: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' + lore: | + &7The slot which this + attribute takes effect + when placed in. diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8500f975 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Equipment Slots {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + outer-decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + inner-decoration: + slots: + - 3 + - 5 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 41 + - 42 + - 48 + - 50 + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + head: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_HELMET + name: '{$p}Head' + off-hand: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: '{$p}Off Hand' + chest: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: '{$p}Chest' + hand: #main hand + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Main Hand' + legs: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + name: '{$p}Legs' + feet: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: '{$p}Feet' + none: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}None' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71f68544b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute List {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + add-attribute: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ==' + name: '{$p}Add Attribute' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All' + attribute: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: POLISHED_ANDESITE + name: '{$p}%attribute_type%' + lore: | + {$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid% + {$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% + {$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% + {$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% + + &9Left-click to modify + &9Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..656314128 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Operations {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +op: + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$p}" +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&eInfo' + lore: | + &7A modifier's operation dictates + how it modifies an attribute's base value + add-number: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + glow: true + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGQ4YjcxNzNkODQxZjI1NjNlYzEwODg4OGIwZjc5NzkxN2VmYzE4YmUyNzg2MWYwYTY3NjFhYTNlZDkxY2UifX19' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Adds all of the modifiers' amounts to + the current value of the attribute. + For example, modifying an attribute with + {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p} Amount 4 &7with + a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 + multiply-scalar-1: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7For every modifier, multiplies the + current value of the attribute by {$p}(1 + x)&7, + where x is the amount of the particular + modifier. Functions the same as {$p}Add Scalar + &7if there is only a single modifier with + {$p}operation 1 or 2&7. However, for multiple + modifiers it multiplies the modifiers rather + than adding them. For example, modifying an + attribute with {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p}Amount 4 + &7with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) = 45 + add-scalar: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ4NmRiOWExNGQ1ODc5ZmEyODExZDMwMWNjYmQ1MjY5OTRmODcxMjQ3YjYyZjJkOWE0ODE4M2U5NjQxYWQ2OSJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Multiplies the current value of the + attribute by {$p}1 + x&7, where x is the sum + of the modifiers' amounts. For example, + modifying an attribute with {$p}Amount 2&7 + and {$p}Amount 4 with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1592484e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-" +rows: 4 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + orange-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + generic-max-health: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0=' + name: Generic Max Health + lore: | + &7The maximum health of this mob + (in half-hearts); determines the + highest health they may be healed to. + If the player is using this to summon + a mob with high health, use this and + the Health tag {Health:200.0f} for example. + (Disabled in 1.17) + generic-follow-range: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: Generic Follow Range + lore: | + &7The range in blocks within which + a mob with this attribute targets players + or other mobs to track. + Exiting this range causes the mob to + cease following the player/mob. + Actual value used by most mobs is {$p}16&7; + for zombies it is {$p}40&7. + generic-knockback-resistance: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ANVIL + name: Generic Knockback Resistance + lore: | + &7The scale of horizontal knockback + resisted from attacks and projectiles. + Vertical knockback is not affected. + Does not affect explosions. {$p}1.0 &7is {$p}100% + &7knockback resistance. {$p}0.4 &7means {$p}60% &7of + knockback is applied. + generic-movement-speed: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: Generic Movement Speed + lore: | + &7Movement speed of an entity. + The mob's maximum speed in + blocks/second is a bit over {$p}43 + &7times this value, but can be + affected by various conditions, such as: + being ridden (if a horse), sprinting, + fleeing (if a passive mob), attacking + (if an Enderman or Zombified Piglin), + being led by a leash, being under the + effect of a Speed or Slowness potion, + being a baby zombie, or being a witch + and drinking a potion. + generic-flying-speed: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ELYTRA + name: Generic Flying Speed + lore: "&7Fly speed of an entity." + generic-armor: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor + lore: "&7Armor bonus of an entity." + generic-armor-toughness: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor Toughness + lore: "&7Armor durability bonus of an entity." + generic-attack-damage: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Damage + lore: "&7Attack strength of an entity." + generic-attack-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Speed + lore: | + &7Attack speed of an entity. + Value is the number of full-strength + attacks per second. + generic-attack-knockback: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: FISHING_ROD + name: Generic Attack Knockback + lore: | + &7Attack knockback strength of an entity. + Applies only to mobs with physical attacks. + {$p}Ravager{$sep}: {$s}1.5 + {$p}Hoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + {$p}Zoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + horse-jump-strength: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR + name: Horse Jump Strength + lore: "&7How high horses can jump." + generic-luck: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: Generic Luck + lore: | + &7Affects the results of {$p}loot tables + &7using the {$p}quality &7or {$p}bonus_rolls {$p}tag + &7(e.g. when opening chests or chest + minecarts, fishing, and killing mobs). + zombie-spawn-reinforcements: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: Zombie Spawn Reinforcements + lore: | + &7Chance for a zombie to spawn + another zombie when attacked. diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1deb5a72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml @@ -0,0 +1,769 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Enchantments {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +#What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml +'[fn-enchant]': + args: + - "" + return: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}" + lore: | + {$e}This enchantment is not + supported in your current server + version. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" + glow: true + lore: | + &7Left-click to change level + &7Right-click to remove + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: | + &7Left-click to add enchant +options: + water-worker: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + depth-strider: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + impaling: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + oxygen: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + knockback: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + dig-speed: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + frost-walker: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_ICE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + swift-sneak: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-damage: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-knockback: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-fire: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + multishot: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + piercing: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-infinite: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + quick-charge: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: CROSSBOW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + mending: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + durability: + posx: 9 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + fire-aspect: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + channeling: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loyalty: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + riptide: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-environmental: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-projectile: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-explosions: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: TNT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fire: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAVA_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + thorns: + posx: 9 + posy: 3 + material: ROSE_BUSH + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-undead: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-arthropods: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + soul-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: SOUL_SAND + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + vanishing-curse: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_EYE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + binding-curse: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-mobs: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-blocks: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + silk-touch: + posx: 9 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + luck: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + lure: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fall: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: FEATHER + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All Enchantments' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/flags.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3f5557c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Flags {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7Item flags can hide some + properties from items. + This won't change their actual + behavior it just hides them + from the item's description + which is either above or below + ther item's lore. + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove all flags' + flag-hide-attributes: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Attributes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Attributes' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Attributes' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: | + &7Item attributes are the small descriptions + shown under the lore of some items. + attributes: + GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE: + name: Test + amount: 10 + operation: ADD_NUMBER + flag-hide-destroys: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Destroys" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Destroys' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Destroys' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + + &7Can break: + &8Stone + flag-hide-dye: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + color: 255, 255, 255 + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Dyes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Dye' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Dye' + lore: | + &7Hide dye information from + colored leather armors. + flag-hide-enchants: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Enchants" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Enchants' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Enchants' + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: | + &7Hides item enchantments from + their description above the lore + however this will still keep the + item's glowing effect. + flag-hide-placed-on: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Placed On" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Placed On' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Placed On' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + + &7Can be placed on: + &8Stone + flag-hide-potion-effects: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: POTION + effects: + - "BLINDNESS, 1, 10" + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Potion Effects" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Potion Effects' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Potion Effects' + lore: | + &7This is one of those Minecraft + weird behaviors, this flag has + multiple functionalities. It Hides{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}Potion effects + &7⚫ {$s}Book information such as the author + &7⚫ {$s}Firework information + &7⚫ {$s}Map tooltips + &7⚫ {$s}Patterns of banners + &7⚫ {$s}Enchantments of enchanted books + flag-hide-unbreakable: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + unbreakable: true + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Unbreakable" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Unbreakable' + lore: | + &7Hides the unbreakable description + from items. Unbreakable items don't + lose durability when you use them. diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/main.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f8a0e5df --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + item: + #Will be replaced by the actual item + material: STONE + interaction: FREE + slot: 15 + name: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '{$p}Name' + lore: "%item_name%" + flags: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '{$p}Flags' + lore: | + &7Click to modify + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Attributes{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Destroys{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Dye{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Enchants{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Placed On{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Unbreakable{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% + attributes: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Attributes' + decoration: + slots: + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 13 + - 14 + - 16 + - 17 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + lore: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Lore' + #The lore is automatically set by the plugin for this option + enchantments: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Enchantments' + lore: #The lore is modified by the plugin to add set enchants + - "&7Click to modify" + unbreakable: + isUnbreakable: + condition: item_unbreakable + name: '{$p}Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$e}Breakable' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BEDROCK + lore: | + &7If an item is unbreakable, + it'll not decrease its durability + when you use it. + nbt: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BOOKSHELF + name: '{$p}NBT Viewer' + amount: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' + lore: | + &7Maximum amount would be {$p}64 + &7while you can technically set up + to {$p}127 &7it will cause issues + in rare situations. For example, + the GUI isn't able to show this + change and when it's being + transferred to your inventory, + it might not keep its amount. + custom-model-data: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: FIREWORK_STAR + name: '{$p}Custom Model Data{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' + lore: | + &7This is used for resource packs + that are made for 1.14+ + to add new items to the game. + This is basically just a reskin + of the same item type. + This is what plugins like ItemsAdder + use to add new items to the game. + material: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: STONE #This is a template material, the actual material is taken from the placed item + name: '{$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0962ab86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Back' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + nbt-NBTTagCompound: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&fNBTTagCompound{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagString: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagInt: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&9NBTTagInt{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagByte: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagShort: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagLong: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagDouble: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagList: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&8NBTTagList{$sep}]' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..807d19309 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Viewer {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + lore: | + &7NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7is a way + for Minecraft to store data for different + things in the game such as items, entities + and blocks in general. + + Everything you see on an item, such + as its name, lore, enchants and etc are + all stored as NBT data. You almost + will and should not modify NBT data + directly as they're extremely hard + to work with. + + This is mostly for debugging purposes + to see what's actually going on under + the hood. + path: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Current Path{$sep}:' + lore: '%path%' + add-nbt: + name: "{$p}Add Tag" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + lore: | + &7Adds a new tag to + the current compound. + + &7You can also {$p}left-click + &7to edit an existing tag or + {$p}right-click &7to remove a tag. + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + tag: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + compound: + condition: "tag == 'compound'" + name: '{$sep}[{$s}NBTTagCompound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: WHITE_WOOL + strings: + condition: "tag == 'string'" + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GREEN_WOOL + integers: + condition: "tag == 'int'" + name: '{$sep}[&9Integer{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: BLUE_WOOL + byte: + condition: "tag == 'byte'" + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: LIME_WOOL + short: + condition: "tag == 'short'" + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: YELLOW_WOOL + long: + condition: "tag == 'long'" + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: PURPLE_WOOL + double: + condition: "tag == 'double'" + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: CYAN_WOOL + list: + condition: "tag == 'list'" + name: '{$sep}[&7NBTTagList{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GRAY_WOOL + else: + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Unknown{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%" + material: RED_WOOL + #The lore is the value which is set automatically by the plugin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/kingdom-create.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/kingdom-create.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9d85ade7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/kingdom-create.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6Kingdom Type &0)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + pacifist: + name: "&2Pacifist" + material: OAK_SAPLING + lore: + - '&7Pacifist kingdoms cannot invade' + - 'other kingdoms and cannot be invaded.' + - "They cannot PvP other players" + - "unless &6/k pvp &7is enabled." + - "Basically it'll provide a" + - '&4permanent &7peaceful gameplay.' + slot: 1 + aggressor: + name: "&cAggressor" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: ALL + lore: + - '&7These kingdoms can invade and PvP' + - 'other non-ally kingdoms, but they may' + - 'use shields for a peaceful experience' + - 'to a certain extent temporarily.' + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a2677a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aJoin Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + requests: + name: "{$p}%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + %online% + {$p}Sent{$sep}: {$s}%sent_date% + + {$p}Left-click &7to accept. + {$e}Right-click &7to deny. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&4Close" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd6a3e0ac --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aRelationship Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + request: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/language-packs.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/language-packs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a651dd2cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/language-packs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Language Packs &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '&2Available Languages To Download' + lore: | + &7They're all under &2500kb + &7note that always the latest version is + downloaded, so if a GUI/message gets + renamed, moved or deleted which rarely + happens, the plugin &cwill not be able + to show them. + + &2English &7is always installed and + &ccannot be uninstalled &7since its + the 'reference' language. + + &7All downloaded language packs are saved + in a folder named &2repository&7. That + folder should never be edited manually. + That's the reference folder. + + If you want to modify the downloaded + languages, you should do so in the + &2languages &7folder instead. Even deleting + those are fine, the plugin will regenerate + them back without redownloading. + download-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + name: "&2Download & Update All" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZWMzYzdmYWIyYTM3MjkwNWZhM2ZjMWZiMjI4ZTc4M2JiOTNhNTNlNmQzMmU0NWViZGI0YTAyMThmY2NhIn19fQ==' + lore: | + &7This option downloads all + languages that haven't been + downloaded yet and updates all + other languages that have already + been downloaded but are outdated. + languages: + #The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%native-name% &8(&9%lang%&8)' + up-to-date: + condition: installed && updated + lore: | + &2Up to date + &4Right-click to uninstall. + outdated: + condition: installed + lore: | + &eOutdated. Left-click to update. + &8(&4!&8) &eUpdating will override all + files that needs updating. Only the + files shown below will be redownloaded. + &4Right-click to uninstall + &9Middle-click to see a full list of + updated files. + + &cUpdated files summary&8: + not-installed: + lore: | + &4Not installed + Left-click to download diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/languages.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/languages.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..874fe10fa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/languages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Languages &8)=-" +rows: 6 +skulls: + en: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19' + ru: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZlYWZlZjk4MGQ2MTE3ZGFiZTg5ODJhYzRiNDUwOTg4N2UyYzQ2MjFmNmE4ZmU1YzliNzM1YTgzZDc3NWFkIn19fQ==' + hu: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGE5YzNjNGI2YzUwMzEzMzJkZDJiZmVjZTVlMzFlOTk5ZjhkZWZmNTU0NzQwNjVjYzg2OTkzZDdiZGNkYmQwIn19fQ==' + es: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJiZDQ1MjE5ODMzMDllMGFkNzZjMWVlMjk4NzQyODc5NTdlYzNkOTZmOGQ4ODkzMjRkYThjODg3ZTQ4NWVhOCJ9fX0=' + de: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWU3ODk5YjQ4MDY4NTg2OTdlMjgzZjA4NGQ5MTczZmU0ODc4ODY0NTM3NzQ2MjZiMjRiZDhjZmVjYzc3YjNmIn19fQ==' + pl: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTIxYjJhZjhkMjMyMjI4MmZjZTRhMWFhNGYyNTdhNTJiNjhlMjdlYjMzNGY0YTE4MWZkOTc2YmFlNmQ4ZWIifX19' + zh: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Y5YmMwMzVjZGM4MGYxYWI1ZTExOThmMjlmM2FkM2ZkZDJiNDJkOWE2OWFlYjY0ZGU5OTA2ODE4MDBiOThkYyJ9fX0=' + tr: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=' + cs: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzliYmNjYzIxMDI2NDRkNGUzNmRmYWJlNzM1ZjBmOTMwN2FkYzVjODRlMjBhMGZkYzViM2ZhM2RlNDgwZDQ5OCJ9fX0=' + it: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODVjZTg5MjIzZmE0MmZlMDZhZDY1ZDhkNDRjYTQxMmFlODk5YzgzMTMwOWQ2ODkyNGRmZTBkMTQyZmRiZWVhNCJ9fX0=' +#This GUI is quite... controversial. +#Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + current-language: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Current Language&8: &9%kingdoms_lang%' + language: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%lang%' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/mails/editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/mails/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54db465db --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/mails/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mail &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + subject: + slot: 0 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '&2Subject&8:' + lore: '&f%subject%' + recipients: + slot: 1 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Recipients&8:' + lore: | + &6To&8: &9%to% + &6CC&8: &9%cc% + summary: + slot: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Summary&8:' + lore: '&f%summary%' + reset: + slot: 3 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cReset' + lore: | + &7Resets all mail properties such + as the subject, recipients and + the content. + preview: + slot: 4 + material: WRITTEN_BOOK + name: '&9Preview' + lore: | + &7Shows how this mail would + look like when people read it. diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/mails/mailbox.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/mails/mailbox.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ee52190d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/mails/mailbox.yml @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mailbox &8)=-" +rows: 6 +interactable: empty +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + previous: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19' + name: '&7Previous Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + next: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ==' + name: '&7Next Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + separators: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + sent-indicator: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Sent Mails' + inbox-indicator: + slot: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Inbox' + get-envelope: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&2Send Mail' + lore: | + &7Gives you a special book + to start writing your mail. + + You can put this book anywhere + you want. To edit the mail &9contents + &7just &2right-click &7and write like + you normally would. + + To edit other properties like the + &9subject &7or &9recipients&7, + &2right-click while sneaking&7. + + Once you're done and ready to &9send + &7the mail, drop this book back into + the sent section here. + + &2Needed Money&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% + &2Needed Resource Points&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% + sent: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + inbox: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/mails/recipients.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/mails/recipients.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be2fc1e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/mails/recipients.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Recipients &8)=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + to: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2To&8: &9%to%' + cc-add: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0=' + name: '&7CC&8:' + lore: "&2Click to add" + cc: + slots: + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&9%singular-cc%' + lore: '&cClick to remove' + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/map-settings.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/map-settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37737ee0c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/map-settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +title: "&cMap Settings" +type: HOPPER +options: + scoreboard: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the kingdom map as a scoreboard + which is much more convenient than + auto map mode and updates automatically. + + The disadvantage is that + it takes a huge portion of your screen + and you must memorize the symbols and + colors and what they mean. + + This option resets if you leave. + enabled: + condition: scoreboard_enabled + name: "{$enabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + reset: + slot: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&4Reset Settings' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzA1ZWI3ZTA0ODg2ODMyNTRlZGI2NzgyYzVkYjhkMjdjZDA3OGU3ODRkZTJkY2RjZDI1Y2UwODY0ZGZhYmQzOCJ9fX0=' + resize: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Resize' + lore: + - "&7Resize your own map &awidth &7and &aheight" + - "&7Your current size&8: &2%kingdoms_map_width%&7, &2%kingdoms_map_height%" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc5ZTU0Y2JlODc4NjdkMTRiMmZiZGYzZjE4NzA4OTQzNTIwNDhkZmVjZDk2Mjg0NmRlYTg5M2IyMTU0Yzg1In19fQ==' + auto: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "&7The map keeps appearing automatically" + - "as you walk to different lands." + enabled: + condition: 'auto_map_enabled' + name: "{$enabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=' + else: + name: "{$disabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' + gui: + slot: 4 + material: CHEST + name: "&2See the map in a GUI" + lore: | + &7Advantages would be better + clicking behavior and clearer + icons for different lands. + + Disadvantages would be the + limit of GUI inventory size + and limiting your mobility. diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/map.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/map.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54cc04624 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/map.yml @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +title: "&0-=( &a&lMap &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config +#You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. +options: + element: + material: DIRT + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2217dce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-" +rows: 4 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + name: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Name&8: &6%outpost-name%' + region: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '&2Region&8: &6%outpost-region%' + center: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: '&2Center' + lore: | + %outpost-center% + &7The location where the rewards + are dropped and fireworks are spawned. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + spawn: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '&2Spawn' + lore: | + %outpost-spawn% + &7Where the players get teleported + to when they join the event. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + bossbar: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: BREWING_STAND + name: '&2BossBar Settings' + delete: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cDelete this outpost' + entrance-money: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '&2Entrance Money Fee&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' + rewards: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rewards' + entrance-resource-points-fee: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '&2Entrance Resource Points Fee&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c02347924 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Command Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These commands are executed + for the kingdom that won the event. + + So any command that targets players + individually will not work. + add: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Add' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + commands: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '%command%' + lore: | + {$p}Left-click to edit + {$s}Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0e63858f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Items go here +interactable: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration-1: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 49 + - 51 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + decoration-2: + slots: + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 48 + - 50 + - 52 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These items are randomly + thrown in the Outpost event + area and players can pick + them up. + + You can freely interact with + the items in this GUI, taking + them and adding your own. + + To make custom items you can use + the {$p}/k admin item editor + &7command as well. + items: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: STONE diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7588ca55e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + resource-points: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Resource Points{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-resource-points%" + money: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Money{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-money%" + commands: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '{$p}Commands' + items: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Items' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml index b4a2d7fee..76c1c34cd 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Proteccion &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "&2Incluir Reino" + name: "&2Include Kingdom" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Agregue al reino para que sus miembros" - - "puedan acceder a este bloque." + - "&6Add a kingdom so their members" + - "can access this block." - "" - - "Ellos no podrán cambiar" - - "el grupo o romper el bloque." + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "&cExcluir Reino" + name: "&cExclude Kingdom" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Agregue al reino para excluir a sus" - - " miembros del acceso al bloque." + - "&6Add a kingdom to exclude their members" + - "from accessing the block." - "" - - "Jugadores en tu reino con permiso" - - "para anular las protecciones aún podrán acceder" - - "al bloque o romperlo." + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4Limpiar" + name: "&4Clear" material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "&6Eliminar a todos los del reino" - - "de esta lista." + - "&6Remove all the kingdoms" + - "from this list." posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&cVolver" + name: "&4Back" material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "&6%name% &8- &2Incluido" + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included" material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluido" + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/players.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/players.yml index 53ea7a516..d59d550b6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/players.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/players.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Proteccion &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "&2Includir Jugador" + name: "&2Include Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Añade a alguien para que" - - "tenga acceso a este bloque." + - "&6Add someone so they" + - "can access this block." - "" - - "Ellos no podran cambiar el grupo" - - "o romper el bloque." + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "&cExcluir Jugador" + name: "&cExclude Player" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&Añade a alguien como excluido" - - "de tener acceso al bloque." + - "&6Add someone to exclude" + - "them from accessing the block." - "" - - "Jugadoras en tu reino con permiso" - - "para anular las protecciones aún puede acceder" - - "al bloque o romperlo." + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4Limpiar" + name: "&4Clear" material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "&6Eliminar todos los jugadores" - - "de esta lista." + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from this list." posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&cVolver" + name: "&4Back" material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "&6%name% &8- &2Incluido &8- %online%" + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included &8- %online%" material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluido &8- %online%" + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded &8- %online%" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml index f4f08241d..ec2913973 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml @@ -1,57 +1,56 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Protección &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: players: - name: "&2Administrar jugadores(" + name: "&2Manage Players" lore: |- - &6Incluir o excluir jugadores individuales - al acceso de este bloque + &6Include or exclude individual players + for accessing this block. - La configuración del jugador anula la configuracion - del reino. Lo que significa que si un jugador es - parte de un reino que esté incluido o excluido. - Ellos todavía podrán usar el bloque si el reino - está excluido o no usar el bloque si el - reino esta incluido. + Player settings override the kingdom + settings. Meaning that if a player is + a part of an included or excluded kingdom, + they can still use the block if the kingdom + is excluded or not use the block if the + kingdom is included. material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: '%owner%' slot: 0 kingdoms: - name: "&2Administrar Reinos" + name: "&2Manage Kingdoms" lore: |- - &6Incluir o excluir reinos para - el acceso a este bloque, para que todos en - ese reino están incluidos o excluidos. + &6Include or exclude kingdoms for + accessing this block so everyone in + that kingdom are included or excluded. material: RED_BANNER sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS slot: 1 info: - name: "&5Carteles de protección" + name: "&5Protection Signs" lore: |- - &6Los bloques protegidos están protegidos - Contra el grief y ningun jugador puede usarlo - sin permiso. + &6Protected blocks are protected + against griefs and no player can use it + without permission. - Si un jugador tiene acceso a este bloque, - todavía no podrán cambiar la configuración de la señal - o romper el letrero o el bloque. + If a player has access to this block, + they still cannot change the sign settings + or break the sign or the block. - &7Click aquí para establecer una contraseña en el bloque. - Esto solo funciona si el bloque que se está protegiendo - es un contenedor como un cofre. + &7Click here to set a password on the block. + This only works if the block being protected + is a container such as a chest. material: NETHER_STAR slot: 2 protection-type: - name: "&2Tipo de Proteccion&8: &9%protection_type%" + name: "&2Protection Type&8: &9%protection_type%" lore: |- - &6Cambia el metodo de como - este bloque se protege de - de otros jugadores por defecto. + &6Change the method of how + this block is protected from + other players by default. material: CHEST slot: 3 back: - name: "&4Cerrar el menu" + name: "&4Close the GUI" material: BARRIER - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml index 7f01e0e8b..f501cebb4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml @@ -1,69 +1,71 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Tipo de Proteccion &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection Type &8]=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: protected: enabled: condition: enabled name: "&2%protection%" lore: |- - &7Este bloque estará protegido. - De todos los jugadores a menos que sean - agregados manualmente para acceder al bloque. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: OAK_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&4%protection%" material: OAK_SIGN lore: |- - &7Este bloque estará protegido. - De todos los jugadores a menos que sean - agregados manualmente para acceder al bloque. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 1 everyone-in-kingdom: enabled: condition: enabled name: "&2%protection%" lore: |- - &7Este bloque estará protegido. - De todos los jugadores que no son - de tu reino, a menos que sean - agregados manualmente para acceder al bloque. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: SPRUCE_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&2%protection%" material: SPRUCE_SIGN lore: |- - &7Este bloque estará protegido. - De todos los jugadores que no son - de tu reino, a menos que sean - agregados manualmente para acceder al bloque. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 2 everyone: enabled: condition: enabled name: "&2%protection%" lore: |- - &7A este bloque puede acceder cualquier - jugador, esté fuera o dentro de tu reino - a menos que se agreguen manualmente para no - tener acceso a este bloque. + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. material: DARK_OAK_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&2%protection%" material: DARK_OAK_SIGN lore: |- - &7A este bloque puede acceder cualquier - jugador, esté fuera o dentro de tu - reino a menos, que se agreguen manualmente - para no tener acceso a este bloque. - slot: 3 \ No newline at end of file + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/extractor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/extractor.yml index 427056492..510adb455 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/extractor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/extractor.yml @@ -1,27 +1,68 @@ title: "&2Extractor" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: - break: - name: "&4Destruir" - material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK - lore: - - "&6Destruir la estructura." - slot: 0 collect: - name: "&2Recoger&8: &9%time% &7- &9%amount%" - material: GREEN_WOOL + outOfFuel: + condition: 'fuel <= 0' + name: "{$e}Out of fuel &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: RED_WOOL + nothing-to-collect: + condition: 'amount <= 0' + name: "{$e}Nothing to collect &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed%" + material: RED_WOOL + else: + name: "&2Collect&8: &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: GREEN_WOOL sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&6Recoge todos lo puntos de" - - "recursos generados." - - "Último vez recogido por&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" - slot: 2 - close: - name: "&2Cerrar" - material: BARRIER + - "&6Collect all the generated" + - "resource points." + - "Last collected by&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" + slot: 0 + fuel: + name: "&2Fuel&8: &6%fancy_fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: COAL + refresh: true + slot: 1 + lore: | + &7To fill the fuel, simply drop + one of the fuel items on the + extractor block. + + &7Additionally you can place a {$p}hopper + &7on north, south, east, west or top of + the extractor with the following items. + Note that this only works once the extractor's + fuel is almost at zero. + + &2Coal&8: &95 + &2Charcoal&8: &93 + &2Blaze Rods&8: &9100 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ &6%fancy_next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml index 1a549560e..ce42f797b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml @@ -1,29 +1,26 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Configuracion de Campeones &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Settings &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: upgrade: - name: "&bActualizar equipamiento" + name: "&bUpgrade Equipment" material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - lore: - - "&7Mejora a tus campeones, la" - - "armadura y el arma con cada mejora." + - "&7Improve your champions" + - "armor and weapon with each upgrade." - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" slot: 0 change: - name: "&6Cambiar" + name: "&6Change" material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "&7Cambia el tipo de tu campeón." + - "&7Change your champion type." slot: 1 - back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Volver a las mejoras de campeones." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to champion upgrades." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml index 0b45b9b14..c51cf55e9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml @@ -1,205 +1,220 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Mejora de Campeones &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Upgrades &8)=-" rows: 6 sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: settings: - name: "&bConfiguraciones" + name: "&bSettings" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Cambia la configuración de tu campeón" - - "tales como actualizar su equipo o" - - "cambiar el tipo de campeón." + - "&7Change your champion's settings" + - "such as upgrading its equipment or" + - "changing your champion type." posx: 3 posy: 2 health: - name: "&bVida del campeón" + name: "&bChampion Health" material: MELON_SLICE - lore: - - "&7Incremenda la vida del campeón" - - "por &250 &7cada nivel." - - "&7Vida actual del campeón&8: &2%scaling%" + - "&7Increases champion's health" + - "by &250 &7every level." + - "&7Current champion's health&8: &2%scaling%" - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 reinforcements: - name: "&bRefuerzos" + name: "&bReinforcements" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - lore: - - "&7Cada mejora hará que se genere un Guardia" - - "adicional de la central cada &230 &7segundos." + - "&7Spawns nexus guardian every {$p}3 &7minutes." + - "Each upgrade will reduce the time by {$p}15 seconds&7." + - "The spawned guards exactly match your" + - "nexus guards depending on the" + - "misc upgrade." - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 resistance: - name: "&bResistencia" + name: "&bResistance" material: BRICK - lore: - - "&7Cada mejora agrega &2%scaling%% &7posibilidad de que el" - - "campeón no sea derribado por un ataque." + - "&7Each upgrade adds &2%scaling%% &7chance that the" + - "Champion won't be knocked back by an attack." - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 speed: - name: "&bVelocidad" + name: "&bSpeed" material: POTION - lore: - - "&7Aumenta la velocidad del campeón cuando" - - "Su salud es inferior a &220%" + - "&7Increases champion's Speed when" + - "his health is lower than &220%" - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 focus: - name: "&bEnfocar" + name: "&bFocus" material: ENDER_EYE - lore: - - "&7Los jugadores golpeados por el campeón" - - "perderán durante &2%scaling% &7segundos todos" - - "sus efectos de pociones activas." + - "&7Players hit by the champion will" + - "have &2%scaling% &7second removed from all" + - "their active potion effects." - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 3 strength: - name: "&bFuerza" + name: "&bStrength" material: ANVIL - lore: - - "&7La poción de fuerza será" - - "añadida al campeón y se" - - "amplificará por cada nivel." + - "&7Strength potion will be" + - "added to the champion" + - "&7and will be amplified each level." - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 3 throw: - name: "&bLanzar" + name: "&bThrow" material: COOKED_PORKCHOP - lore: - - "&7Con cada ataque, habrá una oportunidad" - - "&7de lanzar al jugador al cielo." - - "&7Cada mejora aumenta esta posibilidad en &210%" + - "&7Every attack, there will be a chance" + - "&7to knock the player into the sky." + - "&7Each upgrade increases this chance by &210%" - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 3 death-duel: - name: "&b -Duelo a muerte" + name: "&bDeath Duel" material: GOLDEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Todos los jugadores excepto el agresor principal harán" - - "&250% &7menos daño al campeón." - - "El campeón también hará doble daño a todos los jugadores" - - "de las invasiones. ? " + - "&7All players except the invader will deal" + - "&250% &7less damage to the champion. The" + - "champion will also deal double damage" + - "to all players except the invaders." - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 3 drag: - name: "&bArrastrar" + name: "&bDrag" material: FISHING_ROD - lore: - - "&7Si el jugador invasor está a más de" - - "&2%scaling% &7bloques del campeón, el" - - "jugador será arrastrado hacia el campeón." + - "&7If the invading player is more than" + - "&2%scaling% &7blocks away from the champion, the" + - "player will be dragged to the champion." - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 3 damage-cap: - name: "&bLímite de daño" + name: "&bDamage Cap" material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Tu campeón solo puede recibir hasta" - - "&2%scaling% &7de daño en cualquier ataque." + - "&7Your champion can only receive up to" + - "&2%scaling% &7damages on any attack." - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 4 thor: name: "&bThor" material: DIAMOND_AXE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Cada &23 segundos&7, caerá" - - "&7un rayo al jugador invasor y a todos" - - "&7jugadores no aliados cercanos. Inflige" - - "&7daño, y golpea a los jugadores hacia atrás también." + - "&7Every {$p}%cooldown%&7, lightning" + - "&7strikes the invading player and all" + - "&7nearby non-allied players. Deals" + - "&7damage, and knocks the players back also." - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 4 plow: - name: "&bLimpieza" + name: "&bPlow" material: COBWEB - lore: - - "&7Tu campeón intentará limpar la" - - "lava y telarañas que haya en la zona." + - "&7Your champion will try to clear" + - "lava and webs every {$p}%cooldown%" - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 4 fangs: - name: "&bColmillos" + name: "&bFangs" material: EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG - lore: - - "&7Engendra colmillos para los enemigos" - - "alrededor del campeón. ? " + - "&7Spawn fangs for the enemy" + - "players around the champion" + - "every {$p}%cooldown%" - "" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 4 - back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 6 purple-glass: name: "" material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 2, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 51, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 51 + - 53 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 36, 44, 46, 52 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 52 magenta-glass: name: "" material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 10, 16, 37, 43 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 10 + - 16 + - 37 + - 43 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml index 3c9775834..1293d1947 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Campeones &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Champions &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: zombie: - name: "&2Zombi" + name: "&2Zombie" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD slot: 0 skeleton: - name: "&6Esqueleto" + name: "&6Skeleton" material: SKELETON_SKULL slot: 1 - back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Volver a la configuración de campeones." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to champion settings." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d0d77ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Logs Filters & Sorting &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-player: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Player Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_player_name%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Player Filter' + filters-time: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CLOCK + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Time Filter' + lore: | + {$p}After{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_after% + {$p}Before{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_before% + else: + name: '{$disabled} Time Filter' + filters-type: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER #Template + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_type_type%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Filter' + sort-ascending-time: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ascending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ascending Time Sort' + sort-descending-time: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Descending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Descending Time Sort' + sort-type: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Sort' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81208766f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Audit Logs &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#-NOSYNC +'[type]': + kingdom-join: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Player Joined{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Invited By{$sep}: &6%inviter% + kingdom-kick: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Kicked Member{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Kicker{$sep}: &6%kicker% + kingdom-leave: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Player Left{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + &2At{$sep}: &6%time% + &2Reason{$sep}: &6%reason% + kingdom-challenge-challenger: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Challenged' + lore: | + &e%player% &chas challenged + &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% &ckingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare to attack. + kingdom-challenge-challenged: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cChallenged' + lore: | + &e%kingdoms_kingdom_name% &ckingdom has + &cchallenged your kingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare before they attack. + kingdom-claim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&2Claimed' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has claimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-unclaim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&cUnclaimed' + lore: | + {$es}%player% {$e}has unclaimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invasion-invader: + material: IRON_SWORD + name: '&2Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-invasion-invaded: + material: GOLD_SWORD + name: '&cGot Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded your kingdom at{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-upgrade-misc: + material: DIAMOND_HOE + name: '&9Misc Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}misc upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-champion: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: '&9Champion Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}champion upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-powerup: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '&9Powerup Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}powerup. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-upgrade: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structure at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structures. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aTurret Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turrets. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase-ammo: + name: '&aTurret Ammo Purchase' + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased ammo for + {$s}%style% {$p}turret at {$s}%translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%y%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$s}%fancy_old_amount% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_new_amount% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-upgrade: + material: ARROW + name: '&aTurret Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turret at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-resource-points-convert: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&aResource Points Convert' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed + resource points{$sep}: + {$s}%fancy_amount-before% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_amount-after% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + extractor-collect: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aExtractor Collect' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has collected the + extractor located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Collected Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + warppad-teleport: + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: '&3Warp Pad Teleport' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has teleported + using the Warp Pad located at + {$s}%from_location% {$p}to + {$s}%precise_location% + {$p}Fuel Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + outpost-item-purchase: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&eOutpost Item Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + the following items from the + Outpost structure located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Total Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + %purchases% + kingdom-pacifism-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&5Pacifism Change' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed the + pacifism state of the kingdom. + {$p}Pacifist{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + shield-purchase: + material: SHIELD + name: '&5Shield Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + a shield for the kingdom. + {$p}Purchased Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% + {$p}Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-shield-time% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-relation-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Relationship Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's relationship has + changed with {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% {$p}kingdom{$sep}: + %old-relation% {$sep}➜ %new-relation% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invite: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Invite' + lore: | + {$s}%inviter% {$p}has invited {$s}%player% + {$p}to the kingdom. They have {$s}%accept-time% + {$p}to accept the request. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-king-change: + material: BOOK + name: '&4King Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's king has been changed{$sep}: + {$s}%old-king% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-king% + {$p}Reason{$sep}: {$s}%reason% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + player-rank-change: + lore: | + {$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank% + {$p}By{$sep}: {$s}%by-player% + promoted: + condition: 'old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority' #It's the opposite + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&aPlayer Promoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + else: #demoted + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cPlayer Demoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + rank-create: + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rank Created' + lore: | + {$p}A rank was created by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-delete: + material: BOOK + name: '&cRank Deleted' + lore: | + {$p}Rank was deleted by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-name: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Name Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-name% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-name% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-symbol: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Symbol Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}symbol was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-symbol% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-symbol% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-color: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Color Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-color%color {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-color%color + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-priority: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Priority Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}priority was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-priority% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-priority% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-max-claims: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Max Claims Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}max claims was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-max-claims% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-max-claims% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-material: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Material Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}material was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-material% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + structures-nexus-move: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nexus Placed' + placed: + condition: placed + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + placed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + else: + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + moved by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%from_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%from_x%{$sep}, {$s}%from_y%{$sep}, {$s}%from_z% {$sep}➜ {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + group-tax-server-pay: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Server Tax" + lore: | + {$p}Server taxes paid. + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-champion-change: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: "&9Champion Change" + lore: | + {$p}The champion was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-lore: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Lore" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's lore was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-rename: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Rename" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom was renamed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-tag: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Tag" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's tag was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-join: + material: BEACON + name: "&9Nation Join" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has joined + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-leave: + material: BEACON + name: "&cNation Leave" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has left + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + 'PeaceTreaties:received': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Received Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}Proposer{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + 'PeaceTreaties:sent': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Sent Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}To{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + '[else]': + material: BARRIER + name: '{$e}Unknown log type{$sep}:' + lore: '{$es}%type%' +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-and-sorting: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: BOOK + name: "{$p}Filters & Sorting" + lore: | + {$p}Filters{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Player{$sep}: %bool_filters_player% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Time{$sep}: %bool_filters_time% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_filters_type% + + {$p}Sorting{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Ascending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_ascending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Descending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_descending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_sorting_type% + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + entry: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + '[switch]': type + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml index 959349545..7f060c70e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml @@ -1,35 +1,49 @@ title: "%player%" type: HOPPER sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: kick: - name: "&cExpulsar" + name: "&cKick" material: RED_WOOL + cantKick: + condition: '!can_kick' + lore: | + &cYou can't kick this member. + else: { } slot: 0 demote: - name: '&eDegradar' + name: '&eDemote' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0=" + cantDemote: + condition: '!can_demote' + lore: | + &cYou can't demote this member. + else: { } slot: 1 member: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Unido&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Donaciones&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Última donación&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rango&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" slot: 2 promote: - name: '&aAscender' + name: '&aPromote' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0=" + canPromote: + condition: '!can_promote' + lore: | + &cYou can't promote this member. + else: { } slot: 3 back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de miembros." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to members menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml index e27c3cc6b..eb755f8e9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml @@ -1,36 +1,86 @@ -title: "&0-=( &aMiembros &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aMembers &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: members: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Unido&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Donaciones&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Última donacion&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rango&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 next-page: - name: '&6Siguente página &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '&6Página anterior &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml index 51f23ecb3..da670ccc5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml @@ -1,158 +1,522 @@ -title: "&8-=( &3Actualizaciones Varias &8)=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( &3Misc Upgrades {$sep})=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE - +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc]': + args: + - "" + - "" + - "" + return: + pacifist: + condition: ' && kingdoms_pacifist' + name: "" + perform-action: false + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "&cYour kingdom is pacifist" + - "and cannot use this upgrade." + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%" + - "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable" + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%" + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc-basic]': + args: + - "" + return: + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' options: glory: - name: "&3Gloria" material: NETHER_STAR - - lore: - - "&2Nivel 1&8: &6Matar a no-jugadores en tus tierras\ndará x2 de experiencia." - - "&2Nivel 2&8: &6Matar a un jugador en tus tierras\ndará x4 de experiencia." - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 3 posy: 1 anti-trample: - name: "&aAnti-Pisoteo" material: WHEAT_SEEDS - - lore: - - "&2Nivel 1&8: &6Tu suelo labrado no puede" - - "Ser pisoteado por los jugadores." - - '' - - "&2Nivel 2&8: &6Pistones colocados fuera de tus" - - "tierras ya no funcionará. ? " - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 1 nexus-guards: - name: "&4Guardias de la central" material: DIAMOND_AXE - - lore: - - "&6Cuando alguien rompa tu central," - - "un bebé zombie junto con tus campeones" - - "y armas apareceran." - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 5 posy: 1 guards: - name: "&eGuardias" material: IRON_AXE - - lore: - - "&6Los guardias aparecerán al azar" - - "para proteger el reino si" - - "Un no-aliado entra en tu reino." - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 6 posy: 1 insanity: - name: "&cLocura" material: REDSTONE - - lore: - - "&6Defensores y guardias de la Central" - - "aparecerán en las tierras de powercell." - - "Y tendrán Fuerza I por 10 segundos." - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 7 posy: 1 - invasion-teleportation: - name: "&3Teletransporte defensivo" material: ENDER_PEARL - - lore: - - "&2Disminuye tu retraso al teletransportarte" - - "cuando usas &e/k tp &2después de cada mejora." - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 3 posy: 2 + invasions: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 anti-explosion: - name: "&5Anti-Explocion" material: GUNPOWDER - - lore: - - "&2Nivel 1&8: &7Si un CREEPER explota" - - "en tu tierra, no romperá bloques y" - - "tampoco hará daño daño a tus miembros" - - "" - - "&2Nivel 2&8: &7La TNT ya no puede dañar" - - "tu tierra, pero causara daño a los no" - - "aliados y no miembros cercanos." - - "" - - "&2Nivel 3&8: &7Protege a los miembros de tu reino," - - "animales, y todas las demás cosas atrapadas" - - "de explosiones en tu tierra." - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 2 max-claims: - name: "&3Reclamaciones máximas" + name: "&3Max Claims" material: MAP - - lore: - - "&6Aumenta tus claimeos máximos" - - "por &2x2 &6cada mejora." - - "" - - "&2Tierras máximas actuales&8: &6%kingdoms_max_lands%" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + max-turrets: + name: "&3Max Turrets" + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 5 posy: 2 max-members: - name: "&3Jugadores maximos" + name: "&3Max Players" material: PLAYER_HEAD - - lore: - - "&6Cada mejora añade 3 ranuras de miembros." - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 6 posy: 2 chest-size: - name: "&3Tamaño del cofre de la central" + name: "&3Nexus Chest Size" material: ENDER_CHEST - - lore: - - "&6Aumenta la capacidad" - - "de tu cofre de central." - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Nivel&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 7 posy: 2 - back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "{$p}Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." + lore: "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: name: '' material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml index 5832e3c9b..e3a1fea16 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml @@ -1,38 +1,46 @@ -title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation%'s &6&lCentral de la nación" +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation_name%'s &6&lNation Nexus" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - options: settings: - name: "&7Ajustes" + name: "&7Settings" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&6Cambia los ajustes de tu nación." + - "&6Change your nation settings." posx: 5 posy: 2 resource-points: - name: "&eConversor de puntos de recursos" + name: "&eResource Points Converter" material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "&6Convierte tus artículos en" - - "puntos de recursos." - - "Tu nación tiene &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6puntos de recursos." + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your nation has &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6resource points." posx: 4 posy: 2 ranks: - name: "&5Rangos y permisos" + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "&6Modificar rangos y permisos de" - - "tu nacion." + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your nation." posx: 6 posy: 2 - red-glass: name: "" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bc8a9a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + nation settings located inside + nexus GUI. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ec33e98a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Template material. Gets replaced + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Maximum amount of claims a + player with this rank can claim + if they have claiming permissions. + + It'll only free more claims once + the player or someone else {$p}/k unclaim + &7the land that they claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml index 9ab9eda4f..d1875d116 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,35 +1,44 @@ -title: "&aConversor de puntos de recursos" +title: "&aResource Points Converter" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE interactable: empty -#disallow-creative: true - +disallow-creative: true +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. options: info: - name: "&6Puntos de recursos&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 apply: - name: "&2Aplicar" + name: "&2Apply" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + refresh: true lore: - - "&6Convertir los elementos actuales" - - "en puntos de recursos." + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" posx: 9 posy: 6 back: - name: "&cVolver" + name: "&cBack" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Volver al menú de la central." - - "esto cancelara la conversion" - - "de puntos de recursos." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml index a540b3094..624713068 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,156 +1,162 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Editor de Relaciones &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" rows: 1 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Vuelo&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Permitir el vuelo del reino en" - - "tu tierra." + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." else: - name: "&2Vuelo&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" material: ELYTRA lore: - - "&7Permitir el vuelo del reino en" - - "tu tierra." + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." posx: 1 posy: 1 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Construir&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Permitir la construcción en su terreno." + - "&7Allow building in your land." else: - name: "&2Construir&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE lore: - - "&7Permitir la construcción en su terreno." + - "&7Allow building in your land." posx: 2 posy: 1 ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Alto el fuego&8: &2Activo" + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Desactivar fuego amigo." + - "&7Disable friendly fire." else: - name: "&2Alto el fuego&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "&7Desactivar fuego amigo." + - "&7Disable friendly fire." posx: 3 posy: 1 interact: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Interactuar&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Interact&8: &2Enabled" material: CAULDRON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Permitir la interacción de bloques para abrir contenedores." + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." else: - name: "&2Interactuar&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Interact&8: &cDisabled" material: CAULDRON lore: - - "&7Permitir la interacción de bloques para abrir contenedores." + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." posx: 4 posy: 1 use: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Usar&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Use&8: &2Enabled" material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Permitir el uso de bloques." - - "Como puertas, mesas de trabajo y botones." + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." else: - name: "&2Usar&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Use&8: &cDisabled" material: LEVER lore: - - "&7Permitir el uso de bloques." - - "Como puertas, mesas de trabajo y botones." + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." posx: 5 posy: 1 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Alto el fuego de la torreta&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Deshabilitar fuego amigo para torretas." + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." else: - name: "&2Alto el fuego de la torreta&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW lore: - - "&7Deshabilitar fuego amigo para torretas." + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." posx: 6 posy: 1 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Administrar torretas&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Permitir romper, colocar y" - - "interactuar con torretas." + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." else: - name: "&2Administrar torretas&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" material: ARROW lore: - - "&7Permitir romper, colocar y" - - "interactuar con torretas." + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." posx: 7 posy: 1 manage-structures: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Administrar Estructuras&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &2Enabled" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Permitir romper, colocar e interactuar con estructuras." + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." else: - name: "&2Administrar Estructuras&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &cDisabled" material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "&7Permitir romper, colocar e interactuar con estructuras." + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." posx: 8 posy: 1 - back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml index b80dc7a6d..49eee5962 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Relaciones &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: name: "Neutral" material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "&2Aliado" + name: "&2Ally" material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&eTregua" + name: "&eTruce" material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "&cEnemigo" + name: "&cEnemy" material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 nation: - name: "&9Nación" + name: "&9Nation" material: BLUE_CONCRETE - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml index 63806fbca..117480436 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,52 +1,140 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Configuracion &8)=-" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - shields: - name: "&6Escudo&8: &2%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "&7Compra un escudo para tu" - - "nación para proteger a su nación" + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - invites: - name: "&6Invitaciones&8: %invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "&7Cuando está apagado, cualquiera puede" - - "unirse a esta nación sin necesidad de" - - "una invitación con &2/k nation join %kingdoms_nation%" - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "&6Relaciones" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "&7Cambia los atributos de tu relación" - - "con otras naciones." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 3 - posy: 1 + posy: 5 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_nation_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k nation home %kingdoms_nation_name% tax: - name: "&6Impuesto" + posx: 7 + posy: 5 material: PAPER - lore: - - "&7Cambia los impuestos de tu nación" - - "para reinos." - - "" - - "&6Impuesto&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax%" - - "&6Ecuación&8: &2%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "&6Impuesto de facturación&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_server_nation_tax%" - posx: 4 - posy: 1 + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your nation taxes + for members. - back: - name: "&2Volver" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Member Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + + &6Nation Server Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other nations. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your nation's flag for online maps. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_nation_color@hex%%kingdoms_nation_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your nation marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_nation_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + nation to protect your kingdom + against invades. + + Kingdom members who invade when + nation shields are enabled, will + temporarily lose access to nation's + shield. diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml index d9ad5cc1b..0fe82ac3f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,48 +1,51 @@ -title: "&8-=( &8Escudos &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &8Shields &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "&2Escudo de 6 Horas" + name: "&26 Hours Shield" material: SHIELD cost: 5000 time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &25000" + - "&6Cost&8: &25000" slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "&2Escudo de 12 Horas" + name: "&212 Hours Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 8000 time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &28000" + - "&6Cost&8: &28000" slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "&2Escudo de 1 Dia" + name: "&21 Day Shield" material: SHIELD cost: 15000 time: 1day - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &215000" + - "&6Cost&8: &215000" slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "&2Escudo de 1 Semana" + name: "&21 Week Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 70000 time: 7days patterns: @@ -50,12 +53,13 @@ options: BORDER: RED CROSS: RED lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &270000" + - "&6Cost&8: &270000" slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "&2Escudo de 1 Mes" + name: "&21 Month Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 150000 time: 30days patterns: @@ -63,5 +67,5 @@ options: BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &2150000" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Cost&8: &2150000" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml index 6f309f5f7..cc13d133e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml @@ -1,175 +1,225 @@ -title: "&2&l%kingdoms_name% &6&lCentral (Ayuntamiento)" +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_kingdom_name%'s &6&lNexus" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - +icon: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Nexus-Logo.png" +form-type: CUSTOM +form-options: + settings: + component-type: LABEL + text: "&5Settings" options: settings: - name: "&7Ajustes" + name: "&7Settings" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&6Cambia los ajustes de tu reino." + - "&6Change your kingdom settings." posx: 5 posy: 2 members: - name: "&2Miembros" + name: "&2Members" material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0=' lore: - - "&6Administra los miembros de tu reino." - - "&6asciendelos o degradalos." + - "&6Manage your kingdom members." + - "&6Promote or demote them." posx: 5 posy: 3 masswar: running: condition: kingdoms_masswar_is_running - name: "&4Guerra de masas" + name: "&4Masswar" material: CLOCK lore: - - "&6Durante la guerra de masas, la" - - "invasión es gratis. actualmente &2ejecutando." + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &2running." + - "" + - "{$p}Mass War ends in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" else: - name: "&4Guerra de masas" + name: "&4Masswar" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Durante la guerra de masas, la" - - "invasión es gratis. actualmente &cno ejecutando." + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &cnot running." + - "" + - "{$p}Next Mass War in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" posx: 6 posy: 3 nexus-chest: - name: "&eCofre de la central" + name: "&eNexus Chest" material: CHEST lore: - - "&6Pon objetos en el cofre de tu reino" - - "&6para que todos lo usen." + - "&6Put items in your kingdoms chest" + - "&6for everyone to use." posx: 7 posy: 3 turrets: - name: "&9Torretas" + name: "&9Turrets" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW lore: - - "&6Puedes comprar torretas con" - - "Puntos de recursos para colocarlas" - - "en tu tierra Protege contra" - - "mobs y invasores." + - "&6You can buy turrets with" + - "resource points to place them" + - "on your land. It protects against" + - "mobs and invaders." posx: 3 posy: 3 structures: - name: "&5Estructuras" + name: "&5Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "&6Las estructuras pueden hacer cosas diferentes." - - "Solo puedes tener una estructura por terreno." - - "Tenga en cuenta que la central es una estructura" - - "en sí mismo. Puedes comprar estructuras con" - - "puntos de recursos" + - "&6Structures can do different things." + - "You can only have one structure per land." + - "Note that the nexus is a structure itself." + - "You can buy structures with resource points." posx: 4 posy: 3 misc-upgrades: - name: "&bMejoras varias" + name: "&bMisc Upgrades" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE lore: - - "&6Actualizaciones adiciones" - - "variadas, para mejorar tu reino" - - "en diferentes aspectos." + - "&6Extra miscellaneous upgrades" + - "to improve your kingdom" + - "in different aspects." posx: 2 posy: 3 logs: - name: "&aRegistros" + name: "&aAudit Logs" material: KNOWLEDGE_BOOK - sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS lore: - - "&c&lPROXIMAMENTE..." - - "&6Ver registros del reino, incluido:" - - "invasiones, reclamos, no reclamos," - - "y otras actividades de miembros." + - "&6View kingdom logs including" + - "invasions, claiming, unclaiming," + - "and other member activities." + - "" + - "&7Most of these logs stay for" + - "30 days after they're deleted." + - "Some may stay for a shorter time" + - "that are less important." posx: 8 posy: 3 resource-points: - name: "&eConversor de puntos de recursos" + name: "&eResource Points Converter" material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "&6Convierte tus items en" - - "puntos de recursos." - - "Tu reino tiene &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6puntos de recursos." + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your kingdom has &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6resource points." posx: 4 posy: 5 damage-reduction: - name: "&3Reduccion de daño" + name: "&3Damage Reduction" material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&6Cada mejora reduce el daño." - - "tomado por &e1%" + - "&6Each upgrade reduces damage" + - "taken by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "&6Nivel&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Costo&8: &2%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 4 damage-boost: - name: "&3Aumento de daño" + name: "&3Damage Boost" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&6Cada mejora aumenta su" - - "daño por &e1%" + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "&6Nivel&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Costo&8: &2%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 4 arrow-boost: - name: "&7Aumento del daño de flechas" + name: "&7Arrow Boost" material: BOW lore: - - "&6Cada mejora aumenta tu daño" - - "de arco por &e1%" + - "&6Each upgrade increases your bow" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "&6Nivel&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Costo&8: &2%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 4 regeneration-boost: - name: "&dAumento de la regeneración" + name: "&dRegeneration Boost" material: GOLDEN_APPLE lore: - - "&6Cada mejora aumenta su" - - "tasa de regeneración por &e1% &6en tu tierra" + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "regeneration rate by &e1% &6in your land." + - "This update doesn't do any regeneration by" + - "itself. It only boosts your health regeneration" + - "amount that you gained by eating food." - "" - - "&6Nivel&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Costo&8: &2%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 4 ranks: - name: "&5Rangos y Permisos" + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "&6Modificar rangos y permisos para" - - "tu reino." + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your kingdom." posx: 6 posy: 5 champion-upgrades: - name: "&2Mejoras de Campeones" + name: "&2Champion Upgrades" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "&6Mejora a tu campeón para que sea más" - - "fuerte la defensa contra invasores." + - "&6Upgrade your champion for stronger" + - "defence against invaders." posx: 5 posy: 5 - mail-box: - name: "&eBuzón" + mailbox: + name: "&2Mailbox" material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18059-letter-box-gray - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjk2YWYzNmVhYWVkOGE3ZGJkMjcyN2ZkNGNkN2FmYmM2YzBhZmI4Yzc2MDYyOTRjOWNiNDAxMTQxYWFjMzc5In19fQ==" - lore: - - "&c&lPROXIMAMENTE..." + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18054-mailbox-green + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + lore: | + &7Send & recieve mails from + other kingdoms. + &2Total mails&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% posx: 5 posy: 4 - red-glass: name: "" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 36, 37, 43, 44, 46, 49, 52 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 4 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 46 + - 49 + - 52 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b379ab893 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,719 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +import: + pagination: { } +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + alliance: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k ally &7command. + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission to build anywhere + in the kingdom. + + For the difference between this + and {$p}BUILD_OWNED &7permission + refer to the other permission. + build-owned: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7The difference between &2BUILD &7and + &2BUILD_OWNED &7is that &2BUILD &7allows + you to build anywhere in your kingdom + (except the nexus land that needs + &2NEXUS_BUILD&7) + + &2BUILD_OWNED &7only allows you to build + in the lands that you claimed yourself. + For example if you &6/k claim &7somewhere + other people with &2BUILD_OWNED &7can't + build there, but you or people who have + &2BUILD &7permission can. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + enemy: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k enemy &7command. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invade &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + nexus: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for moving the + kingdom nexus using + {$s}/k nexus &7command. + nexus-build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for building + in the nexus land + nexus-chest: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for modifying + the kingdom's nexus chest. + outpost: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying + items from outpost structures. + protection-signs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for bypassing + sign protected blocks inside + kingdom lands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + invsee: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invsee &7command. + structures: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying structures. + use: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using certain + blocks inside the kingdom. + interact: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for interacting + with certain blocks such as + doors and buttons inside + kingdom lands. + upgrade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for upgrading + anything that can be upgraded + inside the kingdom such as + misc-upgrades, champion upgrades, + powerups, turrets and structures. + truce: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k truce &7command. + turrets: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying turrets. + unclaim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k unclaim &7commands. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + fly: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k fly &7command. + nation: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for joining + or leaving nations. + exclude-tax: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Kingdom members with this + permission are not required + to pay taxes to the kingdom. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + kingdom settings located inside + nexus GUI. + claim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k claim &7commands. + unclaim-owned: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Allows you to only unclaim + the lands that you claimed yourself. + instant-teleport: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Instantly teleport to your + members when using the &2/k tpa + &7command. Otherwise you'll have + to wait for them to accept the request. + + You will still have the teleport + countdown before teleporting. + view-logs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7View your kingdom audit logs + which can be accessed from + your nexus. + read-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for reading + kingdom mails located inside + nexus GUI. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + manage-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Send new mails and reply. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + 'Outposts:join': + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission to use + {$s}/k outposts join &7command. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b5ec9867 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Gets replaced by the material that the player picked, don't change. + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Players with this rank will not + be able to claim more lands than + the specified value. + + If they want to claim more lands, + they have to unclaim the lands that + they claimed themselves not the + claims that other members claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml index f9d99639c..ed0e84105 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,59 +1,62 @@ -title: "&aConversor de puntos de recursos" +title: "&aResource Points Converter" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE interactable: empty disallow-creative: true - -# "refresh" option below is used to update %total_worth% placeholders when -# players change the items in the GUI. +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. options: withdraw: - name: "&2Retirar" + name: "&2Withdraw" material: PAPER posx: 4 posy: 6 lore: - - "&6Retirar puntos de recursos" - - "de tu reino a tu saldo." + - "&6Withdraw resource points" + - "from your kingdom to your balance." info: - name: "&6Puntos de recursos&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" lore: - - "&6Donaciones totales&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" - - "&6Hora de la última donación&8: &2%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&6Importe de la última donación&8: &2%kingdoms_last_donation_amount%" + - "&6Total Donations&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" + - "&6Last Donation Time&8: &2%kingdoms_date_last_donation_time%" + - "&6Last Donation Amount&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_last_donation_amount%" material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 deposit: - name: "&2Depositar" + name: "&2Deposit" material: PAPER posx: 6 posy: 6 lore: - - "&6Depositar puntos de recursos" - - "a tu reino desde tu saldo." + - "&6Deposit resource points" + - "to your kingdom from your balance." apply: - name: "&2Aplicar" + name: "&2Apply" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" refresh: true lore: - - "&6Convertir los elementos actuales" - - "en puntos de recursos." - - "&2Valor actual&8: &e%total_worth%" + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" posx: 9 posy: 6 back: - name: "&cVolver" + name: "&cBack" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Volver al menú de la central." - - "esto cancelara la conversion" - - "de puntos de recursos." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 46, 47, 51, 52 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7c18b85f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes +options: + #Only options starting with "color" will be interpreted as predefined colors. + #You can add your own colors, just don't forget the "color" option AND the GUI option entry name itself + #must begin with the word "color" + separator: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 4 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + back: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' + hex-picker: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Enter a hex color' + unavailable-color-dark-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + name: '&4Dark Red #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + color: '#FF5555' + unavailable-color-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cRed #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + color: '#FF5555' + color-dark-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_BLOCK + name: '&1Dark Blue #0000AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#0000AA' + color-light-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Light Blue #5555FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#5555FF' + color-black: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: BLACK_WOOL + name: '&0Black #000000' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#000000' + color-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '&8Gray #555555' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#555555' + color-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Dark Purple #AA00AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AA00AA' + color-dark-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Dark Green #00AA00' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AA00' + color-orange: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: ORANGE_WOOL + name: '&6Minecoin Gold #DDD605' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#DDD605' + color-dark-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '&3Dark Aqua #00AAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AAAA' + color-white: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite #FFFFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFFFF' + color-light-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + material: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL + name: '&7Light Gray #AAAAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AAAAAA' + color-light-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dLight Purple #FF55FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FF55FF' + color-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '&aGreen #55FF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FF55' + color-yellow: + posx: 2 + posy: 6 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow #FFFF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFF55' + color-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL + name: '&bAqua #55FFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FFFF' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml index 9bb81133d..b755a907e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,158 +1,176 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Editor de Relaciones &8)=-" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 5 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: + green-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Vuelo&8: &2Activado" + name: "{$enabled} Fly" material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Permitir el vuelo dentro de tu" - - "reino y tus tierra." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Vuelo&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "{$disabled} Fly" material: ELYTRA - lore: - - "&7PPermitir el vuelo dentro de tu" - - "reino y tus tierra." - posx: 1 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Construir&8: &2Activado" + name: "{$enabled} Build" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Prohibir la construcción en las tierras del reino." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Constuir&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "{$disabled} Build" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - lore: - - "&7Permitir la construcción en las tierras del reino." - posx: 2 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Fuego amigo&8: &2Activado" + name: "{$enabled} Ceasefire" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Desactivar fuego amigo." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Fuego amigo&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "{$disabled} Ceasefire" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - lore: - - "&7Activar fuego amigo." - posx: 3 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 interact: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Interactuar&8: &2Activado" + name: "{$enabled} Interact" material: CAULDRON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Permitir interacción de bloques" - - "para abrir contenedores." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Interactuar&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "{$disabled} Interact" material: CAULDRON - lore: - - "&7Allow block interaction" - - "for opening containers." + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction" + - "for opening containers." posx: 4 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 use: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Usar&8: &2Activar" + name: "{$enabled} Use" material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Permitir el uso de bloques." - - "Como puertas, mesa de trabajo y botones." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Usar&8: &cDesactivar" + name: "{$disabled} Use" material: LEVER - lore: - - "&7Permitir el uso de bloques." - - "Como puertas, mesa de trabajo y botones." + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." posx: 5 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Alto el fuego de la torreta&8: &2Activado" + name: "{$enabled} Turret Ceasefire" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + glow: true lore: - - "&7Deshabilitar fuego amigo para torretas." + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." else: - name: "&2Alto el fuego de la torreta&8: &cDesactivar" + name: "{$disabled} Turret Ceasefire" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - lore: - - "&7Deshabilitar fuego amigo para torretas." + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." posx: 6 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Administrar Torretas&8: &2Activado" + name: "{$enabled} Manage Turrets" material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Permitir romper, colocar y" - - "interactuando con torretas." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Administrar Torretas&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "{$disabled} Manage Turrets" material: ARROW - lore: - - "&7Permitir romper, colocar y" - - "interactuando con torretas." - posx: 7 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 4 + posy: 4 manage-structures: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Administrar Estructuras&8: &2Activado" + name: "{$enabled} Manage Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Permitir romper, colocar e interactuar con estructuras." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Administrar Estructuras&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "{$disabled} Manage Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - lore: - - "&7Permitir romper, colocar e interactuar con estructuras." - posx: 8 - posy: 1 - - back: - name: "&2Volver" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + show-holograms: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the holograms of + kingdom items to the members + of kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml index 0a684611f..97da8366e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,29 +1,27 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Relaciones &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: name: "Neutral" material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "&2Aliado" + name: "&2Ally" material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&eTregua" + name: "&eTruce" material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "&cEnemigo" + name: "&cEnemy" material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 - back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de configuracion." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to settings menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml index b4ed53a58..b7f3ec13c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,94 +1,164 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Configuracion &8)=-" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - pacifism: - name: "&6Pacifismo&8: %pacifism%" - material: END_CRYSTAL - lore: - - "&7Cuando estás en modo pacífico," - - "tu reino no puede invadir" - - "y no puede ser invadido por otros reinos." - - "" - - "Si invades un Reino, no podrás" - - "volver al modo pacífico durante una semana." - - "" - - "&2Tiempo de Espera&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown%" + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - shields: - name: "&6Escudo&8: &2%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "&7Compra un escudo para tu" - - "reino para proteger tu reino" - - "contra invasores." - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - invites: - name: "&6Invitaciones&8: %invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "&7Cuando está apagado, cualquiera puede" - - "únirse a este reino sin necesidad" - - "una invitación con &2/k join %kingdoms_name%" - posx: 3 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "&6Relaciones" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "&7Cambia las relaciónes" - - "con otros reinos." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 4 posy: 1 - tax: - name: "&6Impuestos" - material: PAPER - lore: - - "&7Cambia los impuestos de tu reino" - - "para los miembros." - - "" - - "&6Impuestos&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax%" - - "&6Ecuacion&8: &2%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "&6Impuesto de facturación&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax%" + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k home %kingdoms_name% + hidden: posx: 5 posy: 1 - public-home: - name: "&6Casa Publica&8: &2%public_home%" - material: DARK_OAK_DOOR - lore: - - "&7Puedes hacer tu casa" - - "público para que otros jugadores puedan visitar" - - "utilizando el comando &6/k home %kingdoms_name%&7." + material: POTION + color: 818595 + name: "{$s}Hidden{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_hidden%" + lore: | + &7Hidden kingdoms aren't displayed + in {$p}/k map &7and online maps. + tax: posx: 6 posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your kingdom taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Personal Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax% + + &6Kingdom Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other kingdoms. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. flag: - name: "&6Bandera" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 material: BLACK_BANNER - lore: - - "&7Establece la bandera de tu reino para Dynmap." - - "Click para ver la URL de su bandera." - - "Esto no actualizará el mapa al instante." + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom flag for Dynmap. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + pacifism: posx: 7 - posy: 1 - color: - name: "&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(&d%hex%&7)" - material: BLACK_DYE - lore: - - "&7Establece el marcador de color de" - - "tu reino para Dynmap." - - "Esto no actualizará el mapa al instante." - posx: 8 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 + material: END_CRYSTAL + name: '&6Pacifist&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_pacifist%' + lore: | + &7When you're in pacifism mode, + your kingdom cannot invade + and cannot be invaded by other kingdoms. - back: - name: "&2Volver" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + If you invade a Kingdom, you cannot go + back into pacifism mode for a week. + + &2Cooldown&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown% + invites: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: BOOK + name: '&6Requires Invite&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_requires_invite%' + lore: | + &7When turned off, anyone can + join this kingdom without needing + an invitation with {$p}/k join %kingdoms_name% + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_kingdom_color@hex%%kingdoms_kingdom_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + kingdom to protect your kingdom + against invades. diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml index 236810d44..5aa70ef4c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,67 +1,66 @@ -title: "&8-=( &8Escudos &8)=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Shields {$sep})=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "&2Escudo de 6 Horas" + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD cost: 1000 time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK - lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &2%cost%" slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "&2Escudo de 12 Horas" + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 1900 time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED - lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &2%cost%" slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "&2Escudo de 1 Dia" + name: "&21 Day Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD cost: 4500 time: 1day - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED - lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &2%cost%" slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "&2Escudo de 1 Semana" + name: "&21 Week Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 50000 time: 7days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CROSS: RED - lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &2%cost%" slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "&2Escudo de 1 Mes" + name: "&21 Month Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 100000 time: 30days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED - lore: - - "&6Costo&8: &2%cost%" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml index 371a8305b..4d73f36ae 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml @@ -1,102 +1,117 @@ -title: "&8-=( &5Estructuras &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &5Structures &8)=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE - -# Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will -# remove the disc's name from the lore... +#Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will +#remove the disc's name from the lore... options: powercell: - name: "&4Celda de poder" + name: "&4Powercell" material: MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Todas las tierras rodeadas por un powercell harán" - - "que la tierra en un (9x9) no pueda ser invadida " - - "hasta que el powercell sea invadido primero." - - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&6Lands surrounded by a powercell cannot" + - "be invaded until the powercell" + - "land is invaded first." + - "The protection radius is &23x3 &6for level 1" + - "and &25x5 &6for level 2." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 2 extractor: name: "&aExtractor" material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Los extractores producirán puntos de recursos." - - "&6Podrás recoger los puntos de recursos" - - "en cualquier momento." + - "&6Extractors will produce resource points." + - "&6You can collect the resource points" + - "at any time." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 outpost: - name: "&eAvanzada" + name: "&eOutpost" material: MUSIC_DISC_13 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1.5 - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Puedes obtener Botellas EXP de" - - "puestos de avanzada usando puntos de recursos." + - "&6You can get EXP Bottles from" + - "outposts using resource points." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 warppad: - name: "&cPlataforma de Teletransporte" + name: "&cWarp Pad" material: MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Las plataformas de teletransporte se pueden" - - "usar para ir de una estructura a otra." + - "&6Warp pads can be used to teleport" + - "from a structure to another." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 regulator: - name: "&3Regulador" + name: "&3Regulator" material: MUSIC_DISC_WARD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Administre los atributos de jugadores," - - "las reglas de las torretas, permisos, etc..." - - "Cambiar qué jugador puede interactuar con qué bloque." - - "Deshabilite mobs o el apareamiento de animales." - - "Habilitar explosiones." - - "Munición de torretas de relleno automático." + - "&6Manage player attributes such as building," + - "turret ceasefire and etc..." + - "Change which player can interact with what block." + - "Disable mob or animal spawning and turrets." + - "Enable explosions." + - "Auto fill turrets ammo." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 siege-cannon: - name: "&3Cañón de asedio" + name: "&3Siege Cannon" material: MUSIC_DISC_STRAD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Cañón utilizado para destruir el escudo" - - "de reino enemigo." - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&6Cannon used to break a kingdom's" + - "shield." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 1 - back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: name: "" material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: name: "" material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml index 13906a980..883388eb2 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml @@ -1,87 +1,88 @@ -title: "&8-=( &9Torretas &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &9Turrets &8)=-" rows: 4 sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE - options: arrow: - name: "&2Flecha" + name: "&2Arrow" material: ARROW sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT lore: - - "&6Una torreta simple que dispara" - - "directamente flechas a los enemigos" - - "a un ritmo moderado." + - "&6A simple turret that fires plain" + - "arrows at enemies at a moderate rate." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 2 posy: 2 flame: - name: "&3Fuego" + name: "&3Flame" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW sound: ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Torreta de disparo rapido" - - "que establece objetivos en llamas." + - "&6Fast firing turret that sets" + - "targets ablaze." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 2 healing: - name: "&dCuración" + name: "&dHealing" material: TIPPED_ARROW sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Cura a miembros y aliados cercanos." + - "&6Heals nearby members and allies." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 psionic: - name: "&aPsiónico" + name: "&aPsionic" material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Afecta a los enemigos cercanos." - - "Los niveles más altos añaden más efectos." - - "Pero nunca inflige daño mortal." + - "&6Effects the enemies nearby." + - "Higher levels add more effects." + - "But never deals killing damage." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 hellfire: - name: "&cFuego infernal" + name: "&cHellfire" material: FIRE_CHARGE sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE lore: - - "&6Potente torreta que dispara" - - "rápidamente con alto daño." + - "&6Powerful turret that fires quickly" + - "with high damage." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 soldier: - name: "&5Soldado" + name: "&5Soldier" sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "&6Engendra guardias para matar a los" - - "jugadores enemigos cercanos." + - "&6Spawns guards to kill the" + - "target player." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 heatbeam: - name: "&3Rayos de calor" + name: "&3Heatbeam" sound: ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK material: MAGMA_CREAM lore: - - "&6Apunta a objetivos individualmente" - - "e inflige un gran daño." + - "&6Targets singular targets and deals" + - "a high damage." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 8 posy: 2 inferno: @@ -89,47 +90,70 @@ options: material: END_CRYSTAL sound: ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE lore: - - "&6Similar a Rayos de calor." + - "&6Similar to Heatbeams." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + spring: + name: "&7Spring" + material: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "throw the player into" + - "the air when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 3 explosive-mine: - name: "&7Mina explosiva" + name: "&7Explosive Mine" material: HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "&6Una mina que explota" - - "cuando la pisa un jugador enemigo." + - "&6A mine that will" + - "explode when stepped one." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 3 chemical-mine: - name: "&8Mina química" + name: "&8Chemical Mine" material: LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "&6Una mina dará efectos de debilitación" - - "cuando la pisa un jugador enemigo." + - "&6A mine that will give" + - "you debuffs when stepped on." - "" - - "&2Costo&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 3 - back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 4 Cyan-Glass: name: "" material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 28, 34 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 28 + - 34 Light-Blue-Glass: name: "" material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 27, 35 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 27 + - 35 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fa2e56cb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + sell-coal: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: COAL + name: '{$p}Coal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3 + item: + material: COAL + sell-charcoal: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CHARCOAL + name: '{$p}Charcoal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 2 + item: + material: CHARCOAL + sell-flint: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: FLINT + name: '{$p}Flint {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1 + item: + material: FLINT + sell-ender-eye: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '{$p}Ender Eye {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1000 + item: + material: ENDER_EYE + sell-ender-pearl: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '{$p}Ender Pearl {$s}%cost%' + cost: 100 + item: + material: ENDER_PEARL + sell-slime-ball: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Slime Ball {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: SLIME_BALL + sell-book: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Book {$s}%cost%' + cost: 10 + item: + material: BOOK + sell-emerald: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '{$p}Emerald {$s}%cost%' + cost: 70 + item: + material: EMERALD + sell-diamond: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '{$p}Diamond {$s}%cost%' + cost: 60 + item: + material: DIAMOND + sell-gold-ingot: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLD_INGOT + name: '{$p}Gold Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLD_INGOT + sell-iron-ingot: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: IRON_INGOT + name: '{$p}Iron Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 40 + item: + material: IRON_INGOT + sell-nether-brick: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: NETHER_BRICK + name: '{$p}Nether Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: NETHER_BRICK + sell-brick: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: BRICK + name: '{$p}Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BRICK + sell-lapis-lazuli: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + name: '{$p}Lapis Lazuli {$s}%cost%' + cost: 15 + item: + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + sell-experience-bottle: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + name: '{$p}Experience Bottle {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + sell-dragon-breath: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: DRAGON_BREATH + name: '{$p}Dragon Breath {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3000 + item: + material: DRAGON_BREATH + sell-blaze-rod: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_ROD + name: '{$p}Blaze Rod {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BLAZE_ROD + sell-prismarine-crystals: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + name: '{$p}Prismarine Crystals {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + sell-blaze-powder: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_POWDER + name: '{$p}Blaze Powder {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: BLAZE_POWDER + sell-golden-carrot: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + name: '{$p}Golden Carrot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + sell-magma-cream: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: MAGMA_CREAM + name: '{$p}Magma Cream {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: MAGMA_CREAM + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79a4218dc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + construction: + material: STONE_PICKAXE + name: "&4Under construction..." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..275983b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &aAmount Picker {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + cancel: + name: "{$e}Click to cancel" + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + done: + name: "{$p}Click to buy" + lore: "{$p}Price{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_cost%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + skull: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + decrease: + name: '{$e}Decrease' + cantDecrease: + condition: '!can_decrease' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Minimum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%min% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + decrease by {$p}10 + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + item: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: GRASS_BLOCK + increase: + cantIncrease: + condition: '!can_increase' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Maximum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%max% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + increase by {$p}10 + {$e}Maximum amount{$sep}: {$es}%max% + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + name: '{$p}Increase' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/powercell.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/powercell.yml index aba519d63..f58b65d17 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/powercell.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/powercell.yml @@ -1,17 +1,32 @@ -title: "&cCelda de poder" +title: "&cPowercell" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - options: break: - name: "&4Destruir" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&6Destruir la estructura." + - "&6Breaks the structure." slot: 0 + upgrade: + slot: 2 + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &61 &7➔ &62" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &62" close: - name: "&2Cerrar" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml index c17d24207..c77795b51 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml @@ -1,67 +1,71 @@ -title: "&eEditor de atributos" +title: "&eAttribute Editor" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Todos&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" lore: - - '&7todos los atributos.' + - '&7All the attributes.' material: BOOK - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Todos&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" material: BOOK slot: 0 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Construir&8: &2Activar" + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Construir&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE slot: 1 fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Vuelo&8: &2Activar" + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Vuelo&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" material: ELYTRA slot: 2 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Alto el fuego de la torreta&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Alto el fuego de la torreta&8: &cDisabled" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW slot: 3 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Administrar torretas&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Administrar torretas&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" material: ARROW - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml index a0170098b..585214017 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml @@ -1,31 +1,81 @@ -title: "&eAtributos" +title: "&eAttributes" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Unido&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Donaciones&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Ultima donacion&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rango&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "&2Añadir jugador" + name: "&2Add Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - "&6Add someone to the list." posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4Remover todos" + name: "&4Remove All" material: RED_WOOL lore: - "&6Remove all the players" @@ -33,9 +83,9 @@ options: posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Voler al menu de la central." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml index c9e95ae5c..8091e7e82 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml @@ -1,261 +1,277 @@ -title: "&eEditor de interacciones" +title: "&eInteraction Editor" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Todos&8: &2Activado" - lore: - - '&7Todos los bloques interactuables..' - - '&c&lNota: Faltan algunos bloques' - - 'en este menu.' + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" material: BOOK - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Todos&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" material: BOOK slot: 0 doors: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Puertas&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Doors&8: &2Enabled" material: OAK_DOOR - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Puertas&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Doors&8: &cDisabled" material: OAK_DOOR slot: 1 buttons-and-levers: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Botones y Palancas&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &2Enabled" material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Botones y Palancas&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &cDisabled" material: LEVER slot: 2 shulker-boxes: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Cajas Shulker&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &2Enabled" material: SHULKER_BOX - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Cajas Shulker&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &cDisabled" material: SHULKER_BOX slot: 3 enchantment-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Mesa de encantamiento&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &2Enabled" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Mesa de encantamiento&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &cDisabled" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE slot: 4 crafting-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Mesa de crafteo&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &2Enabled" material: CRAFTING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Mesa de crafteo&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &cDisabled" material: CRAFTING_TABLE slot: 5 chests: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Cofres&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Chests&8: &2Enabled" material: CHEST - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Cofres&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Chests&8: &cDisabled" material: CHEST slot: 6 beds: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Camas&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Beds&8: &2Enabled" material: RED_BED - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Camas&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Beds&8: &cDisabled" material: RED_BED slot: 7 loom: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Telar&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Loom&8: &2Enabled" material: LOOM - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Telar&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Loom&8: &cDisabled" material: LOOM slot: 8 jigsaw: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &2Enabled" material: JIGSAW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &cDisabled" material: JIGSAW slot: 9 hopper: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Tolva&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Hopper&8: &2Enabled" material: HOPPER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Tolva&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Hopper&8: &cDisabled" material: HOPPER slot: 10 dispenser: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Dispensador&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &2Enabled" material: DISPENSER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Dispensador&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &cDisabled" material: DISPENSER slot: 11 smoker: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Ahumador&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Smoker&8: &2Enabled" material: SMOKER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Ahumador&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Smoker&8: &cDisabled" material: SMOKER slot: 12 furnaces: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Hornos&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &2Enabled" material: FURNACE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Hornos&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &cDisabled" material: FURNACE slot: 13 dropper: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Soltador&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Dropper&8: &2Enabled" material: DROPPER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Soltador&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Dropper&8: &cDisabled" material: DROPPER slot: 14 beacon: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Faro&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Beacon&8: &2Enabled" material: BEACON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Faro&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Beacon&8: &cDisabled" material: BEACON slot: 15 anvils: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Yunques&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Anvils&8: &2Enabled" material: ANVIL - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Yunques&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Anvils&8: &cDisabled" material: ANVIL slot: 16 brewing-stand: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Soporte para pociones&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &2Enabled" material: BREWING_STAND - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Soporte para pociones&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &cDisabled" material: BREWING_STAND slot: 17 cartography-tables: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Tablas de Cartografía&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &2Enabled" material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Tablas de Cartografía&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &cDisabled" material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE slot: 18 smithing-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Mesa de herrería&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &2Enabled" material: SMITHING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Mesa de herrería&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &cDisabled" material: SMITHING_TABLE slot: 19 plates: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Placas&8: &2Activado" + name: "&2Plates&8: &2Enabled" material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Placass&8: &cDesactivado" + name: "&2Plates&8: &cDisabled" material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - slot: 20 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 20 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml index 834413674..6e3b36ca9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml @@ -1,41 +1,91 @@ -title: "&eInteraccions" +title: "&eInteractions" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Unido&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Donaciones&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Ultima donacion&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rango&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "&2Añadir jugador" + name: "&2Add Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - "&6Add someone to the list." posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4Remover todos" + name: "&4Remove All" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Remover todos los jugadores" - - "de la lista." + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "&2Volver" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Volver al menu de la central." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml index 021fd3c0b..c3297b877 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml @@ -1,46 +1,44 @@ -title: "&eRegulador" +title: "&eRegulator" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: rules: - name: "&2Reglas" + name: "&2Rules" material: LECTERN sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 0 lore: - - "&7Cambiar las reglas de esta tierra" - - "como deshabilitar torretas o" - - "torreta de recarga automática dentro" - - "de esta tierra." + - "&7Change this land's rules" + - "such as disabling turrets or" + - "auto refilling turret within" + - "this land." attributes: - name: "&2Atributos" + name: "&2Attributes" material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 1 lore: - - "&7Cambiar diferentes atributos" - - "Para cada jugador como" - - "alto el fuego de edificios y torretas." + - "&7Change different attributes" + - "for each player such as" + - "building and turret ceasefire." interactions: - name: "&2Interaccions" + name: "&2Interactions" material: CRAFTING_TABLE sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 2 lore: - - "&7Administrar con quién puede interactuar" - - "que tipo de bloques." - + - "&7Manage who can interact with" + - "what kind of blocks." break: - name: "&4Romper" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK slot: 3 lore: - - "&6Romper estructuras." + - "&6Breaks the structure." close: - name: "&2Cerrar" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER slot: 4 lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu." \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI." diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml index ce9d022d3..382d41f65 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml @@ -1,65 +1,122 @@ -title: "&eReglas" -type: HOPPER +title: "&eRules" +rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + pink-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 13 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 25 + - 26 + material: PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' disable-mob-spawning: + material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7mob + spawning. All mobs except animals. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Desactivar el spawneo de mob&8: &2Activado" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Desactivar el spawneo de mob&8: &cDesactivado" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 0 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 1 disable-animal-spawning: + material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7animal + spawning. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Desactivar el spawneo de animales&8: &2Activado" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Desactivar el spawneo de animales&8: &cDesactivado" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 1 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 disable-turrets: + material: ARROW + lore: | + &7Prevents all turrets from + shooting that are placed in + this land. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Deshabilitar torretas&8: &2Activado" - material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Disable Turrets" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Deshabilitar torretas&8: &cDesactivado" - material: ARROW - slot: 2 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Turrets" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 auto-fill-turrets: + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: | + &7Automatically fills the turrets + within this land with ammo. + {$p}Conditions{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be completely + out of ammo. + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be in the same + land as the regulator. + &7⚫ {$s}Your kingdom must have enough + resource points to afford the refill. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Torretas de llenado automático&8: &2Activado" - material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Torretas de llenado automático&8: &cDesactivado" - material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - slot: 3 + name: "{$disabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 allow-explosions: + material: TNT + lore: | + &7Allows all types of + explosions to damge this land. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Permitir explosiones&8: &2Activado" - material: TNT - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Allow Explosions" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Permitir explosiones&8: &cDesactivado" - material: TNT - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + name: "{$disabled} Allow Explosions" + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + allow-fire: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + lore: | + &7Allows all types of fire + damages to this territory. + Including fire spreads, block + burns, etc. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fire" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fire" diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml index cb11ee497..070dea501 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml @@ -1,33 +1,62 @@ -title: "&3Cañón de asedio" +title: "&3Siege Cannon" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE -interactable: [ 2 ] # The ammo slot - +interactable: #The ammo slot + - 2 options: sit: - name: "&2Sentarse" + name: "&2Sit" lore: - - "&7Siéntate en el cañón" - - "para empezar a disparar." + - "&7Sit on the cannon" + - "to start shooting." material: BRICK_STAIRS slot: 0 ammo: name: "&4-------->" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE lore: - - "&2Pon un bloque de hierro en esta" - - "ranura para cargar el cañón." + - "&2Put a fire charge in this" + - "slot to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7Loaded projectiles will disappear" + - "once the server is restarted." + - "" + - "&2Iron Blocks&8: &9Tier I" + - "&2Gold Blocks&8: &9Tier II" + - "&2Fire Charges&8: &9Tier III" slot: 1 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ &6%next-explosion-radius%" + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7The values shown here might" + - "differ based on the projectile that you" + - "used to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius%" break: - name: "&4Destruir" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6Destruir la estructura." - slot: 3 - close: - name: "&2Cerrar" - material: BARRIER - lore: - - "&6Cierra el menu." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/warppad.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/warppad.yml index fb242bc72..1a26816ca 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/warppad.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/structures/warppad.yml @@ -1,57 +1,140 @@ title: "&eWarppad" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 nexus: - name: "&2Central" + name: "&2Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" material: BEACON - slots: [ 0 ] + posx: 2 + posy: 1 national-nexus: - name: "&9Central de la nacion" + name: "&9National Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" material: BEACON - slots: [ 1 ] - powercell: - name: "&cCelda de poder&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - material: REDSTONE_LAMP - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] - extractor: - name: "&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - material: EMERALD_BLOCK - slots: [ 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] - warppad: - name: "&c%warppad%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - material: END_PORTAL_FRAME - slots: [ 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 ] - regulator: - name: "&3Regulador&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - material: LECTERN - slots: [ 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 ] - outpost: - name: "&eAvanzada&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - material: HAY_BLOCK - slots: [ 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 ] - + posx: 3 + posy: 1 rename: - name: "&2Renombrar" + name: "&2Rename" lore: - - "&7Renombrar este warp pad." - - "&2Nombre&8: &7%name%" + - "&7Rename this warp pad." + - "{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%structure-custom-name%" + - "{$p}Fuel{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel%{$sep}/{$s}%fancy_max_fuel%" material: PAPER - posx: 7 + posx: 6 posy: 1 break: - name: "&4Destruir" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6Destruir la estructura." - posx: 8 + - "&6Breaks the structure." + posx: 7 posy: 1 close: - name: "&2Cerrar" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + orange-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&cPowercells&8:' + powercell: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + name: "&cPowercell&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + lime-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&aExtractors&8:' + extractor: + slots: + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + green-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2Warp Pads&8:' + warppad: + slots: + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: "&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + yellow-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&eOutposts&8:' + outpost: + name: "&eOutpost&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: HAY_BLOCK + brown-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&7Regulators&8:' + regulator: + name: "&3Regulator&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LECTERN diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/surrender.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/surrender.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41231a7a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/surrender.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Surrender {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + purple-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 45 + - 46 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + invasion: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + invading: + condition: kingdoms_is_invading + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "{$p}You are invading{$sep}:" + lore: | + {$p}Land{$sep}: {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$p}Champion{$sep}: {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) + {$p}Since{$sep}: {$s}%since% + {$p}Duration{$sep}: {$s}%duration% + {$p}Passed{$sep}: {$s}%passed% + {$p}Total Lands{$sep}: {$s}%total_lands% + #These are for plunders only. + #{$p}Attacker Score{$sep}: {$s}%attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%defender_death_limit% + #{$p}Defender Score{$sep}: {$s}%defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%attacker_death_limit% + else: + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + attacking: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Defender{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + defending: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$e}Invader{$sep}: {$es}%kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + attacking-info: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Lands that your kingdom is attacking' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWRhMDI3NDc3MTk3YzZmZDdhZDMzMDE0NTQ2ZGUzOTJiNGE1MWM2MzRlYTY4YzhiN2JjYzAxMzFjODNlM2YifX19' + defending-info: + posx: 7 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmQ5Mjg3NjE2MzQzZDgzM2U5ZTczMTcxNTljYWEyY2IzZTU5NzQ1MTEzOTYyYzEzNzkwNTJjZTQ3ODg4NGZhIn19fQ==' + name: '{$es}Your kingdom lands that are under attack' diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/templates/pagination.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/templates/pagination.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c228d4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/templates/pagination.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +options: + next-page: + has-next: + condition: 'page < pages' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + else: + name: '&cNo more pages &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/9382-red-x + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 8 + previous-page: + has-previous: + condition: 'page > 1' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + else: + name: '&cFirst page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/arrow.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/arrow.yml index e8b7767be..7675f3fc2 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/arrow.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/arrow.yml @@ -1,51 +1,81 @@ -title: "&aTorreta de Flechas" +title: "&aArrow Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Municion&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Comprar &6100 &2municiones por &610 &2puntos de recurso.' + #Set to 0 to disable. + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Mejorar&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Nivel máximo&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Costo&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Nivel&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 break: - name: "&cDestruir" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Destruir esta torreta." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cCerrar" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/flame.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/flame.yml index 5fe624632..c2319d810 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/flame.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/flame.yml @@ -1,51 +1,80 @@ -title: "&cTorreta de llamas" +title: "&cFlame Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Municion&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Comprar &6100 &2municiones por &610 &2puntos de recurso.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Mejorar&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Nivel máximo&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Costo&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Nivel&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 break: - name: "&cDestruir" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Destruir esta torreta." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cCerrar" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/healing.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/healing.yml index 9b91d209d..a777302d5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/healing.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/healing.yml @@ -1,51 +1,53 @@ title: "&dHealing Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Municion&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Comprar &6100 &2municiones por &610 &2puntos de recurso.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Mejorar&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Nivel máximo&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Costo&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Nivel&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cDestruir" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Destruir esta torreta." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cCerrar" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml index f92e5cd23..300b5e76c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml @@ -1,51 +1,53 @@ -title: "&9Torreta de rayos de calor" +title: "&9Heatbeam Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Municion&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Comprar &6100 &2municiones por &610 &2puntos de recurso.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Mejorar&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Nivel máximo&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Costo&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Nivel&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cDestruir" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Destruir esta torreta." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cCerrar" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml index bdbc1cfd0..df9597cd6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml @@ -1,51 +1,80 @@ -title: "&4Torreta de fuego infernal" +title: "&4HellFire Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Municion&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Comprar &6100 &2municiones por &610 &2puntos de recurso.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Mejorar&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Nivel máximo&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Costo&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Nivel&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 break: - name: "&cDestruir" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Destruir esta torreta." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cCerrar" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/inferno.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/inferno.yml index a6ffa7a51..1973a2852 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/inferno.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/inferno.yml @@ -1,51 +1,53 @@ -title: "&0Torreta infernal" +title: "&0Inferno Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Municion&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Comprar &6100 &2municiones por &610 &2puntos de recurso.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Mejorar&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Nivel máximo&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Costo&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Nivel&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos máximos&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Velocidad&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Daño&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cDestruir" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Destruir esta torreta." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cCerrar" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/psionic.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/psionic.yml index 68d69ae5f..69dcc7d50 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/psionic.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/psionic.yml @@ -1,48 +1,50 @@ -title: "&aTorreta psiónica" +title: "&aPsionic Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Municion&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Comprar &6100 &2municiones por &610 &2puntos de recurso.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion máxima&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Retroceso&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Nivel maximo&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Costo&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Level&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion maxima&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Objetivos maximos&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Retroceso&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cDestruir" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Destruir esta torreta." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cCerrar" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/soldier.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/soldier.yml index dfb1bf66a..e59a990f4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/soldier.yml +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/turrets/soldier.yml @@ -1,45 +1,47 @@ -title: "&5Torreta de soldado" +title: "&5Soldier Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Municion&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Comprar &6100 &2municiones por &610 &2puntos de recurso.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion maxima&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Nivel maximo&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Costo&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Level&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Rango&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Municion maxima&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Tiempo de espera&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cDestruir" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Destruir esta torreta." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cCerrar" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Cerrar el menu" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/es/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml b/resources/languages/es/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b43867016 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/es/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +title: "&cUnclaimed %kingdom-item-name%" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/addons.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/addons.yml index 300cf105f..b669c4cf0 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/addons.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/addons.yml @@ -1,66 +1,156 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Kiegészítők &8)=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Addons {$sep})=-" rows: 6 options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: NETHER_STAR - name: '&9Információ' + name: '{$sp}Info' lore: | - &7A kiegészítők letölthető - tartalmak, amelyek külön - telepíthetőek. - - A kiegészítők a {$p}teljesítmény{$sep}, - {$p}modularizáció &7és a {$p}fájlméret - korlátok miatt léteznek. - - {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] &7Ahhoz, hogy a - kiegészítőket telepíteni lehessen, olyan - internetkapcsolattal kell rendelkezned, - amely képes csatlakozni a {$p}GitHub.com - {$sep} címhez (&7nem blokkolja tűzfal, - országcenzúra stb.{$sep}). + {$sep}Addons are additional + downloadable content that + can be installed separately. + + The reason why addons exist in + the first place, is because of + {$p}performance{$sep}, {$p}modularization + {$sep}and {$p}file size limits. + + {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] {$sep}In order to be + able to install addons, you need to + have a internet connection that's + able to connect to {$p}GitHub.com + {$sep}({$sep}not blocked by firewall, + country censoreship and etc.{$sep}) addons: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + installing: + condition: installing + name: '&8[&3Installing...&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + {$p}Version{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + material: CYAN_WOOL pending-restart: condition: waiting_to_restart - name: '&8[&5Várakozás az újraindításra&8] &9%addon-name%' + name: '&8[&5Pending Restart&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' lore: | %description% - - &2Verzió8: &9%latest-version% - &5A kiegészítő letöltésre került. - Várakozás a szerver újraindítására, - hogy a kiegészítő engedélyezve legyen. + + {$p}Version{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + &5The addon is downloaded. Waiting + for the server to be restarted to + enable the addon. material: PURPLE_WOOL updated: condition: 'installed && !outdated' - name: '&8[&2Naprakész&8] &9%addon-name%' + name: '&8[{$p}Up to date&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' lore: | %description% - &2Verzió&8: &9%installed-version% - &4Jobb klikk az eltávolításhoz + {$p}Version{$colon} {$sp}%installed-version% + &4Right-click to uninstall material: GREEN_WOOL + outdated-and-outdated-core-version: + condition: 'installed && outdated && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &4Installed Version{$colon} {$sp}%installed-version% + {$p}Latest Version{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + + {$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}This version requires + kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$es}to work. + Current version{$colon} {$e}%current-core-version% + + {$p}Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + not=installed-outdated-core-version: + condition: '!installed && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Outdated Core&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + {$p}Version{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + + {$warning}This version requires + kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$sep}to work. + Current version{$colon} {$e}%current-core-version% + material: RED_WOOL outdated: condition: 'installed && outdated' - name: '&8[&4Elavult&8] &9%addon-name%' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' lore: | %description% - &4Telepített verzió&8: &9%installed-version% - &2Legfrisebb verzió&8: &9%latest-version% - &2Bal klikk a telepítéshez - &4Jobb klikk az eltávolításhoz + &4Installed Version{$colon} {$sp}%installed-version% + {$p}Latest Version{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + {$p}Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall material: RED_WOOL not-installed: - name: '&8[&6Nincs telepítve&8] &9%addon-name%' + name: '&8[{$s}Not installed&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' lore: | %description% - &2Verzió&8: &9%latest-version% - &2Bal klikk a telepítéshez + {$p}Version{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + {$p}Left-click to install condition: '!installed' - material: BLUE_WOOL \ No newline at end of file + material: BLUE_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/book.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/book.yml index bc154d1dc..7b906419b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/book.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/book.yml @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ -title: "&4&lKézikönyv" +title: "&4&lHandbook" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: chapters: material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - name: "&2%chapter%" - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "{$p}%chapter%" + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/colors.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/colors.yml index 057bb190d..1665d4ebd 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/colors.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/colors.yml @@ -1,44 +1,45 @@ -title: Láda +title: chest rows: 1 options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '&cVissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' yellow: posx: 3 posy: 1 material: YELLOW_WOOL - name: '&eSárga' + name: '&eYellow' green: posx: 4 posy: 1 material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '&2Zöld' + name: '&2Green' red: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: RED_WOOL - name: '&4Piros' + name: '&4Red' blue: posx: 6 posy: 1 material: BLUE_WOOL - name: '&9Kék' + name: '&9Blue' pink: posx: 7 posy: 1 material: MAGENTA_WOOL - name: '&dRózsaszín' + name: '&dPink' purple: posx: 8 posy: 1 material: PURPLE_WOOL - name: '&5Lila' + name: '&5Purple' white: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: WHITE_WOOL - name: '&fFehér' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&fWhite' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/editor.yml index 137e32e31..6127cf29a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/editor.yml @@ -1,59 +1,64 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &2Főszörnysáv beállításai &8]=-" +title: '&8-=[ &2BossBar Settings &8]=-' type: HOPPER options: title: slot: 0 material: PAPER - name: '&2Cím' - lore: "&f%bossbar-title%" + name: '&2Title' + lore: '&f%bossbar-title%' colors: slot: 2 - name: '&2Szín&8: &9%bossbar_color%' + name: '&2Color&8: &9%bossbar_color%' yellow: - condition: "bossbar_color == 'YELLOW'" + condition: bossbar_color == 'YELLOW' material: YELLOW_WOOL lime-wool: - condition: "bossbar_color == 'GREEN'" + condition: bossbar_color == 'GREEN' material: LIME_WOOL red-wool: - condition: "bossbar_color == 'RED'" + condition: bossbar_color == 'RED' material: RED_WOOL blue-wool: - condition: "bossbar_color == 'BLUE'" + condition: bossbar_color == 'BLUE' material: BLUE_WOOL magenta-wool: - condition: "bossbar_color == 'PINK'" + condition: bossbar_color == 'PINK' material: MAGENTA_WOOL purple-wool: - condition: "bossbar_color == 'PURPLE'" + condition: bossbar_color == 'PURPLE' material: PURPLE_WOOL white-wool: - condition: "bossbar_color == 'WHITE'" + condition: bossbar_color == 'WHITE' material: WHITE_WOOL styles: slot: 3 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&2Stílus&8: &3%bossbar_style%' + name: '&2Style&8: &3%bossbar_style%' SOLID: - condition: "bossbar_style == 'SOLID'" - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + condition: bossbar_style == 'SOLID' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= SEGMENTED_6: - condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_6'" - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + condition: bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_6' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== SEGMENTED_10: - condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_10'" - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + condition: bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_10' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== SEGMENTED_12: - condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_12'" - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + condition: bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_12' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== SEGMENTED_20: - condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_20'" - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= + condition: bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_20' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= flags: slot: 4 material: WHITE_BANNER - name: '&fZászlók' + name: '&fFlags' lore: | - &9Zene&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% - &9Sötét égbolt&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% - &9Köd&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% \ No newline at end of file + &9Music&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% + &9Darken Sky&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% + &9Fog&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/flags.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/flags.yml index bf5159f2f..efdf83ee4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/flags.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/flags.yml @@ -4,43 +4,44 @@ options: back: slot: 0 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '&cVissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' play-boss-music: slot: 2 material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT lore: | - &7A Végzetsárkány témáját jeleníti - meg, amíg ez a főszörnysáv aktív a - játékos számára. Ez nem minden - szerveren működik megbízhatóan. + &7Plays the ender dragon theme + while this bossbar is active for + the player. This doesn't work + reliably for all servers. enabled: - name: '{$enabled} Zene' + name: '{$enabled} Music' condition: enabled glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled} Zene' + name: '{$disabled} Music' darken-sky: slot: 3 material: CLOCK lore: | - &7Hasonló a vakság bájital - hatásához. + &7It's similar to blindness + potion effect. enabled: - name: '{$enabled} Sötét égbolt' + name: '{$enabled} Darken Sky' condition: enabled glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled} Sötét égbolt' + name: '{$disabled} Darken Sky' create-fog: slot: 4 material: COBWEB lore: | - &7Többnyire korlátozza a játékos - látóterét és a látótávolságát. + &7Mostly restricts the player's + sight and view distance. enabled: - name: '{$enabled} Köd' + name: '{$enabled} Fog' condition: enabled glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled} Köd' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$disabled} Fog' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/styles.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/styles.yml index a941490cd..2543e0e98 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/styles.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/bossbar/styles.yml @@ -2,34 +2,38 @@ title: hopper type: HOPPER options: SOLID: - name: "&3Tömör" + name: '&3Solid' material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 0 - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= lore: | - &7A főszörnysáv stílusa azok - a fekete vonalak, amelyek a - sávot több részre osztják. - - Tömör azt jelenti, hogy - nincsenek vonalak. + &7Bossbar styles are those black + lines that separate the bar + into multiple parts. + + Solid means no lines. SEGMENTED_6: - name: "&36 szegmens" + name: '&36 Segments' material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 1 - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== SEGMENTED_10: - name: "&310 szegmens" + name: '&310 Segments' material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 2 - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== SEGMENTED_12: - name: "&312 szegmens" + name: '&312 Segments' material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 3 - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== SEGMENTED_20: - name: "&320 szegmens" + name: '&320 Segments' material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 4 - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= \ No newline at end of file + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/challenge.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/challenge.yml index 635a5336d..c0acd91f6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/challenge.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/challenge.yml @@ -1,43 +1,40 @@ -title: "&6-=( &cKihívások &6)=-" +title: "{$s}-=( &cChallenges {$s})=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: time-two-days: - name: "&22 napon belül" + name: "{$p}In 2 days" material: IRON_BLOCK slot: 0 time: 2days time-three-days: - name: "&23 napon belül" + name: "{$p}In 3 days" material: GOLD_BLOCK slot: 1 time: 3days time-five-days: - name: "&25 napon belül" + name: "{$p}In 5 days" material: DIAMOND_BLOCK slot: 2 time: 2days time-week: - name: "&21 héten belül" + name: "{$p}In 1 week" material: EMERALD_BLOCK slot: 3 time: 7days info: - name: "&2Kihívások" + name: "{$p}Challenges" material: PLAYER_HEAD - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' slot: 4 lore: | - &7Ezek tervezett ostromok. - Ha valakit meg akarsz ostromolni, - akkor előre meg kell tervezni az - ostromot. - - Klikkeld be, hogy mennyi időt akarsz adni - az ellenségnek, mielőtt megtámadadnád. - Miután ez az idő letelt, &26 órád &7lesz - arra, hogy megostromold a kihívott - királyság bármelyik földjét. - \ No newline at end of file + {$sep}They are planned invasions. + When you want to invade someone, you + have to plan an invasion in advance. + + You click the amount of time you want + to give to your enemy before being able + to attack them. After this time has passed + you will have {$p}6 hours {$sep}to invade any of + the lands of the challenged kingdom. diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/disband.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/disband.yml index a3eef7bdc..95299c6a0 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/disband.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/disband.yml @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -title: "&4&lFeloszlás megerősítése" +title: '&4&lConfirm Disband' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Megerősítés" + name: '&4Confirm' lore: - - "&6A királyságod minden adata" - - "&6végérvényesen el fog veszni." + - '&6Your kingdom''s data will be' + - '&6permanently lost.' cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cMegszakít" - lore: [ "&6Megerősítés megszakítása." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cCancel' + lore: + - '&6Cancel confirmation.' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml index dbdab1824..83deae940 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -title: "&4&lMindneki lefokozása" +title: '&4&lDemote All' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Megerősítés" + name: '&4Confirm' lore: - - "&6Biztos vagy benne, hogy le akarod" - - "fokozni a királyságod minden tagját?" - - "Mindenki lefokozol alattvaló rangúvá." + - '&6Are you sure you want to demote all' + - the members in your kingdom? + - Everyone will be demoted to the member rank. cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cMegszakít" - lore: [ "&6Megerősítés megszakítása." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cCancel' + lore: + - '&6Cancel confirmation.' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml index 00a6612e1..47fffd9cb 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -title: "&4&lRangok visszaállítása" +title: '&4&lReset Ranks' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Megerősítés" + name: '&4Confirm' lore: - - "&6Biztos, hogy vissza szeretnéd állítani" - - "az összes egyéni rangot a királyságban?" - - "Ha megteszed, akkor az &lösszes &6tagod" - - "leminősül alattvaló rangúvá." - - "" - - "Ez visszaállítja a rangbeállításokat a" - - "szerver eredeti állapotára, ami az újonnan" - - "létrehozott rangok törlésével és a rangok" - - "alapértelmezetre való visszaállásával jár." + - '&6Are you sure you want to reset all' + - the custom ranks made in your kingdom? + - Doing so will result in &lall &6your + - members being demoted to member rank. + - '' + - This will reset the rank settings to their + - original state defined by the server. + - This includes deleting newly created ranks + - and adding back the default settings for each rank. cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cMegszakít" - lore: [ "&6Megerősítés megszakítása." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cCancel' + lore: + - '&6Cancel confirmation.' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml index 29e3a3b41..3002de27b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -title: "&4&lÖsszes felszabadítás megerősítése" +title: '&4&lConfirm Unclaim All' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Megerősítés" + name: '&4Confirm' lore: - - "&6Miután az összes területed" - - "felszabadult, mindenki hozzáférhet" - - "a védett ládákhoz, struktúrákhoz" - - "és a tornyokhoz." + - '&6Once all your lands has' + - been unclaimed, everyone + - can access protected chests, + - structures and turrets. cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cMegszakít" - lore: [ "&6Megerősítés megszakítása." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cCancel' + lore: + - '&6Cancel confirmation.' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/election-candidates.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/election-candidates.yml index b1d5dfe96..84288924e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/election-candidates.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/election-candidates.yml @@ -1,32 +1,82 @@ -title: "&0-=( &6Választási jelöltek &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( {$s}Election Candidates &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: candidates: - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player% &8| &6%votes%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player% &8| {$s}%votes%" material: PLAYER_HEAD - lore: '&7%candidates-description%' + lore: '{$sep}%candidates-description%' sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 next-page: - name: '&6Következő oldal &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '&6Előző oldal &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/error.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/error.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba9967615 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/error.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +title: "&4&lError" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +options: + error: + name: "&cThis GUI is broken" + lore: | + &fIf you're a player contact + the server's administrators. + + If you're an admin, this GUI: + {$s}%gui_path% + &fError{$colon} + &e%message% + material: BARRIER + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/input.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/input.yml index c178a1a9b..8c71e904b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/input.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/input.yml @@ -1,19 +1,18 @@ -title: "&0-=( &aBevitel &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aInput &0)=-" type: ANVIL sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: question: name: "%question%" - lore: "teszt" + lore: "test" material: GREEN_WOOL slot: 0 cancel: - name: "&cMegszakít" + name: "&cCancel" material: RED_WOOL slot: 1 done: - name: "&aKész" - lore: "&7Klikk a bevitel befejezéséhez." + name: "&aDone" + lore: "{$sep}Click to finish input." material: BLUE_WOOL - slot: 2 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/invite-codes.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/invite-codes.yml index 733d78a19..3efcdb5b9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/invite-codes.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/invite-codes.yml @@ -1,68 +1,90 @@ -title: "&0-=( &aMeghívókódok &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aInvite Codes &0)=-" rows: 3 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: invite-codes: - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: | - {$p}Kód{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-code% - {$p}Használat{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% - {$p}Létrehozta{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-creator% - {$p}Letrehozva{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% - {$p}LEjárat{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-expiration% - - {$p}Bal klikk a papírkód megvásárlásához. - &9Közéspő klikk a kód beváltásához. - {$e}Jobb klikk a törléshez. - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ] + {$p}Code{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-code% + {$p}Uses{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% + {$p}Created By{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-creator% + {$p}Created At{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% + {$p}Expires At{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-expiration% + + {$p}Left-click to buy paper codes. + {$sp}Middle-click to redeem the code. + {$e}Right-click to delete. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 info: - name: "&eInformáció" + name: "&eInfo" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' posx: 5 posy: 1 lore: | - &7A meghívókódok egy alternatív módja a - játékosok meghívásának a királyságodba. - Hasonlóak a discord-os meghívókódokhoz. - - Miután létrehoztál egy új meghívókódot, - a játékosok vagy beírhatják a kódot a - {$p}/k invitecode {$s} &7parancs - használatával, vagy létrehozhatsz egy papírt, - amit a játékosok jobb klikkel használhatnak - fel. Minden egyes meghívókód-papír {$s}%invitecode-papír-költség% - &7Nexus pontba kerül. - - A meghívókódok egy bizonyos ponton lejárnak és - korlátozottan vagy korlátlanul használhatóak. + {$sep}Invite codes are an alternative + way of inviting players to your kingdom. + They're similar to discord invite codes. + + Once you create a new invite code, a player + can either type the code using + {$p}/k invitecode {$s} {$sep}or you can + generate a physical paper which players can + right-click to use them. + Each invite code paper costs {$s}%invitecode-paper-cost% + {$sep}resource points. + + Invite codes expire at a certain point and + they can either have limited or unlimited uses. new-invite-code: - name: "&2Új meghívókód készítése" + name: "{$p}Create New Invite Code" lore: | - &7Legfeljebb {$p}%invitecode-max% &7meghívókódot - készíthetsz. + {$sep}You can only make up to + {$p}%invitecode-max% {$sep}invite codes. material: GREEN_WOOL posx: 6 posy: 1 delete-all: - name: "&4Az összes meghívókód törlése" + name: "&4Delete All Invite Codes" material: RED_WOOL posx: 4 posy: 1 blue-glass: name: '' material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] - -# next-page: -# name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" -# slot: 8 -# previous-page: -# name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" -# slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 +#next-page: +#name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/invites.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/invites.yml index f7c03291a..89dcc4718 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/invites.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/invites.yml @@ -1,45 +1,76 @@ -title: "&0-=( &aMeghívók &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aInvitations &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: invite: material: PLAYER_HEAD - valid: condition: expired - name: "Lejárt &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" lore: | - &2Küldve&8: &6%timestamp% - &cKlikk a törléshez + {$p}Sent{$colon} {$s}%timestamp% + &cClick to delete else: - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" lore: | - &2LEjárat&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% - &2Küldve&8: &6%timestamp% - &2Eltelt idő&8: &6%time-passed% - - &2&lBal klikk az elfogadás - &c&lJobb klikk az elutasítás - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 ] + {$p}Expires in{$colon} {$s}%time-left-to-accpet% + {$p}Sent{$colon} {$s}%timestamp% + {$p}Time Passed{$colon} {$s}%time-passed% + + {$p}&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 decline-all: - name: "&cÖsszes elutasítása" + name: "&cDecline All" material: RED_WOOL - lore: "&4Összes meghívás elutasítása" + lore: "&4Decline all invites" posx: 5 posy: 1 blue-glass: name: '' material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] - -# next-page: -# name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" -# slot: 8 -# previous-page: -# name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" -# slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/invsee.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/invsee.yml index 33b5e6e46..dcdc443ff 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/invsee.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/invsee.yml @@ -1,60 +1,74 @@ -title: "&0-=( &6%target% &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( {$s}%target% &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - -# We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. +#We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. context-start-row: 3 - -# It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. -# These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. +#It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. +#These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. options: helmet: - name: '&cNincs sisak' + name: '&cNo Helmet' posx: 2 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_HELMET - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - ALL chestplate: - name: '&cNincs mellvért' + name: '&cNo Chestplate' posx: 3 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - ALL leggings: - name: '&cNincs lábszárvédő' + name: '&cNo Leggings' posx: 4 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_LEGGINGS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - ALL boots: - name: '&cNincs csizma' + name: '&cNo Boots' posx: 5 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_BOOTS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - ALL offhand: - name: '&cNincs tárgy a másodkezedben' + name: '&cNo item in offhand' posx: 7 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_HOE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - ALL mainhand: - name: '&cNincs tárgy az elsődleges kezedben' + name: '&cNo item in main hand' posx: 8 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - ALL offhand-indicator: - name: '&cFent látható a másodkezed' + name: '&cAbove is showing the offhand' posx: 7 posy: 2 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE mainhand-indicator: - name: '&cFent látható ami a kezedben van&8: &e%held_slot%' + name: '&cAbove is showing the main hand in slot{$colon} &e%held_slot%' posx: 8 posy: 2 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE separators: name: '' - slots: [ 0, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 ] - material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 5 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 17 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml index 4a235a677..5d62800f4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml @@ -1,68 +1,84 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribútum szerkesztő {$sep})=-" +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Editor {$sep})=-' rows: 3 options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 10 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' back: posx: 1 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '&cVissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' type: posx: 3 posy: 2 - # This is a template. It'll get replaced. - # The lore is also set automatically material: STONE - name: '{$p}Attribútum{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' + name: '{$p}Attribute{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' uuid: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: PAPER name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid%' lore: | - &7Ez a módosító egyedi azonosítója. Mivel - az elemek több azonos típusú attribútummal - is rendelkezhetnek, ez az azonosító a konkrét - módosítók azonosítására szolgál. Ezt szinte - soha nem kell manuálisan megváltoztatni, - mivel automatikusan generálódik, minimális - konfliktussal. + &7This is the unique ID for this modifier. + Since items can have multiple attributes + of the same type, this is used to identify + specific modifiers. + You almost never need to change this manually + yourself since they're automatically + generated with minimal conflict. name: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}Név{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' + name: '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' lore: | - &7Ez egy kis leírás ehhez a módosítóhoz, - leginkább az ember által olvasható - azonosítás céljából. + &7This is more like a small description + for this modifier, mostly for human-readable + identification purposes. amount: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}Mennyiség{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' operation: posx: 7 posy: 2 - # This is a template. It'll get replaced. - # The lore is also set automatically material: STONE - name: '{$p}Művelet{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' + name: '{$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' lore: | - &Hogyan hat ez az attribútum más, - azonos típusú attribútumokra az - adott mennyiséggel. + &7How this attribute affects + other attributes with the + same type with the given amount. equipment-slot: posx: 8 posy: 2 - # This is a template. It'll get replaced. - # The lore is also set automatically material: STONE - name: '{$p}Felszerelés helye{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' + name: '{$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' lore: | - &7A hely, ahova helyezve ez az - attribútum érvénybe lép. \ No newline at end of file + &7The slot which this + attribute takes effect + when placed in. diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml index 31fd641b9..91f24fd33 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml @@ -1,59 +1,105 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Felszerelés helye {$sep})=-" +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Equipment Slots {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 name: '&cBack' outer-decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' inner-decoration: - slots: [ 3, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 39, 41, 42, 48, 50 ] + slots: + - 3 + - 5 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 41 + - 42 + - 48 + - 50 material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 - name: "&eInformáció" + name: '&eInfo' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= head: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_HELMET - name: '{$p}Fej' + name: '{$p}Head' off-hand: posx: 4 posy: 3 material: GOLDEN_SWORD - name: '{$p}Balkéz' + name: '{$p}Off Hand' chest: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - name: '{$p}Mellkas' - hand: # main hand + name: '{$p}Chest' + hand: posx: 6 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - name: '{$p}Főkéz' + name: '{$p}Main Hand' legs: posx: 5 posy: 4 material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS - name: '{$p}Lábszár' + name: '{$p}Legs' feet: posx: 5 posy: 5 material: DIAMOND_BOOTS - name: '{$p}Lábfej' + name: '{$p}Feet' none: posx: 5 posy: 6 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}Semmi' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$e}None' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml index b5e80f0c3..974d52ca9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml @@ -1,37 +1,90 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribútum lista {$sep})=-" +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute List {$sep})=-' rows: 6 options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}Vissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' add-attribute: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ==' - name: '{$p}Attribútum hozzáadása' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ== + name: '{$p}Add Attribute' remove-all: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}Összes eltávolítása' + name: '{$e}Remove All' attribute: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: POLISHED_ANDESITE name: '{$p}%attribute_type%' lore: | {$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid% - {$p}Név{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% - {$p}Mennyiség{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% - {$p}Művelet{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% - {$p}Felszerelés helye{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% - - &9Bal klikk a módosításhoz - &9Jobb klikk az eltávolításhoz \ No newline at end of file + {$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% + {$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% + {$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% + + &9Left-click to modify + &9Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml index 5f23b5420..47b0a084c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml @@ -1,75 +1,121 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribútum műveletek {$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Operations {$sep})=-" rows: 3 - -op: &fn-op - args: [ "" ] +op: + args: + - "" return: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$sep}[{$p}Aktív{$sep}] {$p}" + name: "{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}" glow: true else: name: "{$p}" - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}Vissza' + skull: "{$gui-back}" + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: NETHER_STAR - name: '&eInformáció' + name: '&eInfo' lore: | - &7A módosító művelete határozza meg, - hogyan módosítja az attribútum alapértékét. + {$sep}A modifier's operation dictates + how it modifies an attribute's base value add-number: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD glow: true skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGQ4YjcxNzNkODQxZjI1NjNlYzEwODg4OGIwZjc5NzkxN2VmYzE4YmUyNzg2MWYwYTY3NjFhYTNlZDkxY2UifX19' - <<: *fn-op [ "Szám hozzáadása" ] + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' lore: | - &7Hozzáadja az összes módosító összegét - az attribútum aktuális értékéhez. Például - egy attribútum {$p}Összeg 2 &7és {$p}Összeg 4 - &7módosítása egy {$p}Alap 3 &7értékkel - {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 értéket eredményez. + {$sep}Adds all of the modifiers' amounts to + the current value of the attribute. + For example, modifying an attribute with + {$p}Amount 2 {$sep}and {$p} Amount 4 {$sep}with + a {$p}Base of 3 {$sep}results in {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 multiply-scalar-1: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0=' - <<: *fn-op [ "Szorzás" ] + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' lore: | - &7Minden módosító esetében megszorozza az - attribútum aktuális értékét (1 + x) értékkel, - ahol x az adott módosító összege. Ugyanúgy - működik, mint a Skalár hozzáadása, ha csak - egyetlen módosító van 1 vagy 2 művelettel. - Több módosító esetén azonban a módosítókat - összeszorozza ahelyett, hogy összeadná őket. - Például egy attribútum {$p}Összeg 2 &7és {$p}Összeg - 4 &7módosítása egy {$p}Alap 3 &7értékkel - {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) * (1 + 4) = 45 - értéket eredményez. + {$sep}For every modifier, multiplies the + current value of the attribute by {$p}(1 + x){$sep}, + where x is the amount of the particular + modifier. Functions the same as {$p}Add Scalar + {$sep}if there is only a single modifier with + {$p}operation 1 or 2{$sep}. However, for multiple + modifiers it multiplies the modifiers rather + than adding them. For example, modifying an + attribute with {$p}Amount 2 {$sep}and {$p}Amount 4 + {$sep}with a {$p}Base of 3 {$sep}results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) = 45 add-scalar: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ4NmRiOWExNGQ1ODc5ZmEyODExZDMwMWNjYmQ1MjY5OTRmODcxMjQ3YjYyZjJkOWE0ODE4M2U5NjQxYWQ2OSJ9fX0=' - <<: *fn-op [ "Skalár hozzáadása" ] + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' lore: | - &7Az attribútum aktuális értékét megszorozza - {$p}1 + x&7 értékkel, ahol x a módosítók összege. - Például egy attribútum {$p}Összeg 2 &7és {$p}Összeg - 4 &7módosítása egy {$p}Alap 3 &7értékkel - {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 értéket eredményez. \ No newline at end of file + {$sep}Multiplies the current value of the + attribute by {$p}1 + x{$sep}, where x is the sum + of the modifiers' amounts. For example, + modifying an attribute with {$p}Amount 2{$sep} + and {$p}Amount 4 with a {$p}Base of 3 {$sep}results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml index 35df68ded..f8f4c2a6e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml @@ -1,144 +1,161 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-" +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-' rows: 4 - - - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}Vissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' orange-stained-glass-pane: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' generic-max-health: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0=' - name: Általános max egészség + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0= + name: Generic Max Health lore: | - &7A lény maximális életereje (fél - szívekben) meghatározza a legmagasabb - életerő amire gyógyítható. Ha a játékos - ezt használja, hogy egy magas életerejű - lényt idézzen meg, használd ezt és - például az {Egészség:200.0f} életerőcímkét. - (1.17-ben letíiltva) + &7The maximum health of this mob + (in half-hearts); determines the + highest health they may be healed to. + If the player is using this to summon + a mob with high health, use this and + the Health tag {Health:200.0f} for example. + (Disabled in 1.17) generic-follow-range: posx: 3 posy: 2 material: COMPASS - name: Általános követési tartomány + name: Generic Follow Range lore: | - &7Az a blokkokban megadott tartomány, - amelyen belül az ezzel az attribútummal - rendelkező lény a játékosokat vagy más - lényeket követ. Ha a lény kilép ebből a - tartományból, akkor nem követi tovább a - játékost/lényt. A legtöbb lény által - használt tényleges érték {$p}16&7; - a zombik esetében {$p}40&7. + &7The range in blocks within which + a mob with this attribute targets players + or other mobs to track. + Exiting this range causes the mob to + cease following the player/mob. + Actual value used by most mobs is {$p}16&7; + for zombies it is {$p}40&7. generic-knockback-resistance: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: ANVIL - name: Általános hátralökés-ellenállás + name: Generic Knockback Resistance lore: | - &7A támadások és lövedékek vízszintes - hátralökéseivel szembeni ellenállásnak - a skálája. A függőleges és a robbanások - hátralökéseit nem befolyásolja. Az {$p}1.0 - &7az {$p}100%-os &7hátralökés-ellenállás. - {$p}0.4 &7az {$p}60%-os &7hátralökődést jelent. + &7The scale of horizontal knockback + resisted from attacks and projectiles. + Vertical knockback is not affected. + Does not affect explosions. {$p}1.0 &7is {$p}100% + &7knockback resistance. {$p}0.4 &7means {$p}60% &7of + knockback is applied. generic-movement-speed: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_BOOTS - name: Általános mozgási sebesség + name: Generic Movement Speed lore: | - &7Egy entitás mozgási sebessége. Az - értéknél a lény maximális sebessége - valamivel többb mint {$p}43-szoros &7lesz - blokk/másodpercben kifejezve, de ezt - különböző körülmények befolyásolják, - például: ha lovagolják (ha ló), - sprintel, menekül (ha passzív lény), - támad (ha Enderman vagy Zombi malac), - ha pórázon vezetik, ha Gyorsaság vagy - Lassúság bájital hatása alatt áll, ha - bébizombi, vagy ha boszorkány és - bájitalt iszik. + &7Movement speed of an entity. + The mob's maximum speed in + blocks/second is a bit over {$p}43 + &7times this value, but can be + affected by various conditions, such as: + being ridden (if a horse), sprinting, + fleeing (if a passive mob), attacking + (if an Enderman or Zombified Piglin), + being led by a leash, being under the + effect of a Speed or Slowness potion, + being a baby zombie, or being a witch + and drinking a potion. generic-flying-speed: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: ELYTRA - name: Általános repülési sebesség - lore: "&7Egy entitás repülési sebessége." + name: Generic Flying Speed + lore: '&7Fly speed of an entity.' generic-armor: posx: 7 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - name: Általános páncék - lore: "&7Egy entitás páncélbónusza." + name: Generic Armor + lore: '&7Armor bonus of an entity.' generic-armor-toughness: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE - name: Általános páncélszilárdság - lore: "&7Egy entitás páncéltartóssági bónusza." + name: Generic Armor Toughness + lore: '&7Armor durability bonus of an entity.' generic-attack-damage: posx: 2 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - name: Általános támadási sebzés - lore: "&7Egy entitás támadóereje." + name: Generic Attack Damage + lore: '&7Attack strength of an entity.' generic-attack-speed: posx: 3 posy: 3 material: GOLDEN_SWORD - name: Általános támadási sebesség + name: Generic Attack Speed lore: | - &7Egy entitás támadási sebessége. - Az érték a másodpercenkénti teljes - erejű támadások száma. + &7Attack speed of an entity. + Value is the number of full-strength + attacks per second. generic-attack-knockback: posx: 4 posy: 3 material: FISHING_ROD - name: Általános támadás hátralökés + name: Generic Attack Knockback lore: | - &7Egy entitás támadás-hátralökésének - erőssége. Csak fizikai támadásokkal - rendelkező lényekre vonatkozik. - {$p}Pusztító{$sep}: {$s}1.5 + &7Attack knockback strength of an entity. + Applies only to mobs with physical attacks. + {$p}Ravager{$sep}: {$s}1.5 {$p}Hoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 {$p}Zoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 horse-jump-strength: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR - name: Lóugrás erőssége - lore: "&7Milyen magasra tudnak ugrani a lovak." + name: Horse Jump Strength + lore: '&7How high horses can jump.' generic-luck: posx: 6 posy: 3 material: EMERALD - name: Általános szerencse + name: Generic Luck lore: | - &7Befolyásolja a {$p}loot táblázatok - &7eredményeit, használva a {$p}tulajdonság - &7vagy {$p}bónusz dobás {$p}címkét &7(pl. - ládák vagy tárolócsillék kinyitásakor, - halászáskor és lények megölésekor). + &7Affects the results of {$p}loot tables + &7using the {$p}quality &7or {$p}bonus_rolls {$p}tag + &7(e.g. when opening chests or chest + minecarts, fishing, and killing mobs). zombie-spawn-reinforcements: posx: 7 posy: 3 material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - name: Zombi termelődés fokozása + name: Zombie Spawn Reinforcements lore: | - &7Esély arra, hogy egy zombi teremtsen - egy másik zombit, amikor megtámadják. \ No newline at end of file + &7Chance for a zombie to spawn + another zombie when attacked. diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml index e4d5d7a37..03b5fb04b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml @@ -1,231 +1,789 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Bűbájok {$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Enchantments {$sep})=-" rows: 6 - -# What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml -'[fn-enchant]': &fn-enchant - args: [ "" ] +#What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml +'[fn-enchant]': + args: + - "" return: not-supported: condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}Nem támogatott{$sep}] {$es}" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}" lore: | - {$e}Ez a bűbáj nem támogatott - az aktuális szerververziódon. + {$e}This enchantment is not + supported in your current server + version. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" + name: "{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" glow: true lore: | - &7Bal klikk a szint váloztatásához - &7Jobb klikk az eltávolításhoz + {$sep}Left-click to change level + {$sep}Right-click to remove else: name: "{$disabled} " lore: | - &7Bal klikk a bűbáj hozzáadásához - + {$sep}Left-click to add enchant options: - water-worker: + enchant-water-worker: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: WATER_BUCKET - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Vízaffinitás" ] - depth-strider: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-depth-strider: posx: 2 posy: 1 material: WATER_BUCKET - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Mélyjárás" ] - impaling: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-impaling: posx: 3 posy: 1 material: WATER_BUCKET - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Felnyársalás" ] - oxygen: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-oxygen: posx: 4 posy: 1 material: WATER_BUCKET - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Légzés" ] - damage-all: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-damage-all: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Élesség" ] - knockback: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-knockback: posx: 6 posy: 1 material: GOLDEN_SWORD - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Hátralökés" ] - dig-speed: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-dig-speed: posx: 7 posy: 1 material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Hatékonyság" ] - frost-walker: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-frost-walker: posx: 8 posy: 1 material: BLUE_ICE - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Fagyjárás" ] - swift-sneak: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-swift-sneak: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Gyors lopódzás" ] - arrow-damage: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-arrow-damage: posx: 1 posy: 2 material: ARROW - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Erő" ] - arrow-knockback: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-arrow-knockback: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: ARROW - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Ütés" ] - arrow-fire: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-arrow-fire: posx: 3 posy: 2 material: ARROW - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Láng" ] - multishot: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-multishot: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: ARROW - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Többszörös lövés" ] - piercing: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-piercing: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: ARROW - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Átdöfés" ] - arrow-infinite: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-arrow-infinite: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Végtelen" ] - quick-charge: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-quick-charge: posx: 7 posy: 2 material: CROSSBOW - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Gyors töltés" ] - mending: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-mending: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Önjavítás" ] - durability: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-durability: posx: 9 posy: 2 material: OBSIDIAN - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Törhetetlenség" ] - fire-aspect: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-fire-aspect: posx: 1 posy: 3 material: FIRE_CHARGE - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Lángpallos" ] - channeling: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-channeling: posx: 2 posy: 3 material: TRIDENT - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Földelés" ] - loyalty: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-loyalty: posx: 3 posy: 3 material: TRIDENT - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Hűség" ] - riptide: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-riptide: posx: 4 posy: 3 material: TRIDENT - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Szökőár" ] - protection-environmental: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-protection-environmental: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Védelem" ] - protection-projectile: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-protection-projectile: posx: 6 posy: 3 material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Lövedékvédelem" ] - protection-explosions: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-protection-explosions: posx: 7 posy: 3 material: TNT - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Robbanásvédelem" ] - protection-fire: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-protection-fire: posx: 8 posy: 3 material: LAVA_BUCKET - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Tűzállóság" ] - thorns: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-thorns: posx: 9 posy: 3 material: ROSE_BUSH - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Tüskék" ] - damage-undead: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-damage-undead: posx: 1 posy: 4 material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Sújtás" ] - damage-arthropods: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-damage-arthropods: posx: 2 posy: 4 material: SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Ízeltlábúak veszedelme" ] - soul-speed: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-soul-speed: posx: 3 posy: 4 material: SOUL_SAND - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Lélekjárás" ] - vanishing-curse: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-vanishing-curse: posx: 4 posy: 4 material: ENDER_EYE - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Felejtés átka" ] - binding-curse: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-binding-curse: posx: 5 posy: 4 material: ENDER_PEARL - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Bilincselés átka" ] - loot-bonus-mobs: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-wind-burst: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: WIND_CHARGE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-loot-bonus-mobs: posx: 7 posy: 4 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Zsákmányolás" ] - loot-bonus-blocks: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-loot-bonus-blocks: posx: 8 posy: 4 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Szerencse" ] - silk-touch: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-silk-touch: posx: 9 posy: 4 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Gyngéd érintés" ] - luck: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-luck: posx: 1 posy: 5 material: FISHING_ROD - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Horgászszerencse" ] - lure: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-lure: posx: 2 posy: 5 material: FISHING_ROD - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Csalétek" ] - protection-fall: + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' + enchant-protection-fall: posx: 3 posy: 5 material: FEATHER - <<: *fn-enchant [ "Könnyű esés" ] + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Left-click to change level\n{$sep}Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '{$sep}Left-click to add enchant' back: posx: 1 posy: 6 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}Vissza' + skull: "{$gui-back}" + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [ 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52 ] + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' remove-all: posx: 9 posy: 6 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}Az összes bűbáj eltávolítása' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$e}Remove All Enchantments' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/flags.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/flags.yml index d2e234c60..0d329e0d8 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/flags.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/flags.yml @@ -1,52 +1,71 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Zászlók {$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Flags {$sep})=-' rows: 3 - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '&cVissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 - name: "&eInformáció" + name: '&eInfo' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= slot: 4 lore: | - &7A tárgyzászlók elrejthetnek bizonyos - tulajdonságokat a tárgyakból. Ez nem - változtatja meg a viselkedésüket, csak - elrejti őket a tárgy leírásából, ami - vagy a tárgy története felett vagy - alatt van.. + &7Item flags can hide some + properties from items. + This won't change their actual + behavior it just hides them + from the item's description + which is either above or below + ther item's lore. remove-all: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}Összes zászló eltávolítása' + name: '{$e}Remove all flags' flag-hide-attributes: not-supported: - condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}Nem támogatott{$sep}] {$es}rejtett attribútumok" + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Attributes' enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled} Rejtett attribútumok' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Attributes' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled} Rejtett attribútumok' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Attributes' posx: 2 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: | - &7A tárgy attribútumai azok a kis leírások, - amelyek egyes tárgyak története alatt látszanak. + &7Item attributes are the small descriptions + shown under the lore of some items. attributes: GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE: name: Test @@ -57,142 +76,142 @@ options: posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE not-supported: - condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}Nem támogatott{$sep}] {$es}rejtett megsemísitések" + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Destroys' enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled} Rejtett megsemísitések' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Destroys' glow: true lore: | - &7Ezt csak az igazán ritka tárgyaknál van - használva, amelyek a legtöbb szerveren - gyakorlatilag használhatatlanok. Ez egy - olyan speciális attribútumot rejt, amely - korlátozza, hogy a tárgyak ne tudjanak - elpusztítani bizonyos blokkokat, amikor - a játékos kaland módban van. + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. else: - name: '{$disabled} Rejtett megsemísitések' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Destroys' lore: | - &7Ezt csak az igazán ritka tárgyaknál van - használva, amelyek a legtöbb szerveren - gyakorlatilag használhatatlanok. Ez egy - olyan speciális attribútumot rejt, amely - korlátozza, hogy a tárgyak ne tudjanak - elpusztítani bizonyos blokkokat, amikor - a játékos kaland módban van. - - &7Kitörhető: - &8Kő + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + + &7Can break: + &8Stone flag-hide-dye: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE color: 255, 255, 255 not-supported: - condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}Nem támogatott{$sep}] {$es}rejtett festékek" + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Dyes' enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled} Rejtett festékek' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Dye' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled} Rejtett festékek' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Dye' lore: | - &7Elrejti a színes bőrpáncélok - festékinformációit. + &7Hide dye information from + colored leather armors. flag-hide-enchants: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK not-supported: - condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}Nem támogatott{$sep}] {$es}rejtett bűvölések" + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Enchants' enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled} Rejtett bűvülések' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Enchants' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled} Rejtett bűvülések' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Enchants' enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: | - &7Elrejti a tárgy bűbájait a történet - feletti leírásból, azonban a tárgy - továbbra megtartja a fénylő effektjét. + &7Hides item enchantments from + their description above the lore + however this will still keep the + item's glowing effect. flag-hide-placed-on: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: STONE not-supported: - condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}Nem támogatott{$sep}] {$es}rejtett ráhelyezés" + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Placed On' enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled} Rejtett ráhelyezés' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Placed On' glow: true lore: | - &7Ezt csak az igazán ritka - tárgyaknál van használva, - melyek a legtöbb szerveren - gyakorlatilag használhatatlanok. - Ellrejt egy speciális attribútumot, - amely korlátozza a blokkok elhelyezését - bizonyos blokkokon, amikor a játékos - kaland módban van. + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. else: - name: '{$disabled} Rejtett ráhelyezés' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Placed On' lore: | - &7Ezt csak az igazán ritka - tárgyaknál van használva, - melyek a legtöbb szerveren - gyakorlatilag használhatatlanok. - Ellrejt egy speciális attribútumot, - amely korlátozza a blokkok elhelyezését - bizonyos blokkokon, amikor a játékos - kaland módban van. - - &7Rárakhatod: - &8Kő + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + + &7Can be placed on: + &8Stone flag-hide-potion-effects: posx: 7 posy: 2 material: POTION - effects: [ "BLINDNESS, 1, 10" ] + effects: + - BLINDNESS, 1, 10 not-supported: - condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}Nem támogatott{$sep}] {$es}rejtett bájitalhatások" + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Potion Effects' enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled} Rejtett bájitalhatások' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Potion Effects' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled} Rejtett bájitalhatások' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Potion Effects' lore: | - &7Ez egyike azoknak a Minecraft furcsa - viselkedéseknek, ennek a zászlónak - több funkciója van. Rejtettek{$sep}: - &7⚫ {$s}Bájitalhatások - &7⚫ {$s}Könyvinformáció, mint például a szerző - &7⚫ {$s}Tűzijáték információ - &7⚫ {$s}Térkép gyorsúgó - &7⚫ {$s}Bannerek mintái - &7⚫ {$s}Varázskönyvek bűbájai + &7This is one of those Minecraft + weird behaviors, this flag has + multiple functionalities. It Hides{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}Potion effects + &7⚫ {$s}Book information such as the author + &7⚫ {$s}Firework information + &7⚫ {$s}Map tooltips + &7⚫ {$s}Patterns of banners + &7⚫ {$s}Enchantments of enchanted books flag-hide-unbreakable: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: OBSIDIAN unbreakable: true not-supported: - condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}Nem támogatott{$sep}] {$es}rejtett törhetetlenség" + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Unbreakable' enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled} Rejtett törhetetlenség' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Unbreakable' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled} Rejtett törhetetlenség' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Unbreakable' lore: | - &7Elrejti a törhetetlen leírást a tárgyakról. - A törhetetlen tárgyak nem veszítenek - tartósságukból, amikor használod őket. \ No newline at end of file + &7Hides the unbreakable description + from items. Unbreakable items don't + lose durability when you use them. diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/main.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/main.yml index 3f74906d0..bb8b36cc0 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/main.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/main.yml @@ -1,10 +1,8 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Tárgyszerkesztő {$sep})=-" +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Editor {$sep})=-' rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: item: - # Will be replaced by the actual item material: STONE interaction: FREE slot: 15 @@ -12,90 +10,104 @@ options: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: NAME_TAG - name: '{$p}Név' - lore: "%item_name%" + name: '{$p}Name' + lore: '%item_name%' flags: posx: 2 posy: 1 material: BLACK_BANNER - name: '{$p}Zászló' + name: '{$p}Flags' lore: | - &7Klikk a módosításhoz - &7⚫ {$p}Rejtett attribútumok{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% - &7⚫ {$p}Rejtett megsemmisítések{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% - &7⚫ {$p}Rejtett festék{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% - &7⚫ {$p}Rejtett bűvölések{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% - &7⚫ {$p}Rejtett ráhelyezés{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% - &7⚫ {$p}Rejtett törhetetlenség{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% + &7Click to modify + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Attributes{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Destroys{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Dye{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Enchants{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Placed On{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Unbreakable{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% attributes: posx: 3 posy: 1 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - name: '{$p}Attribútumok' + name: '{$p}Attributes' decoration: - slots: [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 13 + - 14 + - 16 + - 17 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' lore: posx: 1 posy: 2 material: BOOK - name: '{$p}Történet' - # The lore is automatically set by the plugin for this option + name: '{$p}Lore' enchantments: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - name: '{$p}Bűbájok' - lore: [ "&7Klikk a módosításhoz" ] # The lore is modified by the plugin to add set enchants + name: '{$p}Enchantments' + lore: + - '&7Click to modify' unbreakable: isUnbreakable: condition: item_unbreakable - name: '{$p}Törhetetlen' + name: '{$p}Unbreakable' glow: true else: - name: '{$e}Törhető' + name: '{$e}Breakable' posx: 3 posy: 2 material: BEDROCK lore: | - &7Ha egy tárgy törhetetlen, - akkor nem csökken a tartóssága, - amikor használod. + &7If an item is unbreakable, + it'll not decrease its durability + when you use it. nbt: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: BOOKSHELF - name: '{$p}NBT megjelenítő' + name: '{$p}NBT Viewer' amount: posx: 1 posy: 3 material: SLIME_BALL - name: '{$p}Mennyiség{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' lore: | - &7Maximálisan {$p}64 &7lehet ez az - összeg, de technikailag beállítható - {$p}127 &7is, ami ritka helyzetekben okozhat - problémákat. Például a GUI nem tudja - megjeleníteni ezt a változást, és - amikor a leltárba kerül, előfordulhat, - hogy nem tartja meg az összeget. + &7Maximum amount would be {$p}64 + &7while you can technically set up + to {$p}127 &7it will cause issues + in rare situations. For example, + the GUI isn't able to show this + change and when it's being + transferred to your inventory, + it might not keep its amount. custom-model-data: posx: 2 posy: 3 material: FIREWORK_STAR - name: '{$p}Egyéni modelladat{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' + name: '{$p}Custom Model Data{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' lore: | - &7Ez az 1.14+ verzióhoz készült - erőforrás csomagoknál van használva, - amelyek új tárgyakat adnak a játékhoz. - Ez alapvetően csak az azonos típusú - tárgyak újbóli kinézetét jelenti. Ezt - használják az olyan pluginek, mint az - ItemsAdder, hogy új tárgyakat adjanak - a játékhoz. + &7This is used for resource packs + that are made for 1.14+ + to add new items to the game. + This is basically just a reskin + of the same item type. + This is what plugins like ItemsAdder + use to add new items to the game. material: posx: 3 posy: 3 - material: STONE # This is a template material, the actual material is taken from the placed item - name: '{$p}Anyag{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' \ No newline at end of file + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8f77997a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Back' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + nbt-NBTTagCompound: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&fNBTTagCompound{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagString: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagInt: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&9NBTTagInt{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagByte: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagShort: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagLong: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagDouble: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagList: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&8NBTTagList{$sep}]' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml index b232859ea..33ad16ae0 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml @@ -1,84 +1,144 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT megjelenítő {$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Viewer {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}Vissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 - name: "&eInformáció" + name: '&eInfo' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= lore: | - &7Az NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7a - Minecraft egy módja, hogy adatokat tároljon - a játék különböző dolgairól, például tárgyakról, - entitásokról és blokkokról általában. - - - Minden, amit egy tárgyon látsz, mint - például a neve, a története, a bűbájok, - stb. mind NBT adatként vannak tárolva. - Szinte nem is kell az NBT adatokat, - közvetlenül módosítani, mivel rendkívül - nehéz velük dolgozni. - - Ez leginkább hibakeresési célra van, - hogy lássuk, mi történik valójában a - motorháztető alatt. - - Megjegyzés: Az adattípusokat direkt nem - fordítom le, vagy tudja valaki vagy mindegy... + &7NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7is a way + for Minecraft to store data for different + things in the game such as items, entities + and blocks in general. + + Everything you see on an item, such + as its name, lore, enchants and etc are + all stored as NBT data. You almost + will and should not modify NBT data + directly as they're extremely hard + to work with. + + This is mostly for debugging purposes + to see what's actually going on under + the hood. path: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}Aktuális útvonal{$sep}:' + name: '{$p}Current Path{$sep}:' lore: '%path%' + add-nbt: + name: '{$p}Add Tag' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19 + lore: | + &7Adds a new tag to + the current compound. + + &7You can also {$p}left-click + &7to edit an existing tag or + {$p}right-click &7to remove a tag. + posx: 5 + posy: 6 tag: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 compound: - condition: "tag == 'compound'" - name: '{$sep}[{$s}Compound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + condition: tag == 'compound' + name: '{$sep}[{$s}NBTTagCompound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: WHITE_WOOL strings: - condition: "tag == 'string'" - name: '{$sep}[&2String{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + condition: tag == 'string' + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: GREEN_WOOL integers: - condition: "tag == 'int'" + condition: tag == 'int' name: '{$sep}[&9Integer{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: BLUE_WOOL byte: - condition: "tag == 'byte'" - name: '{$sep}[&aByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + condition: tag == 'byte' + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: LIME_WOOL short: - condition: "tag == 'short'" - name: '{$sep}[&eShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + condition: tag == 'short' + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: YELLOW_WOOL long: - condition: "tag == 'long'" - name: '{$sep}[&5Long{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + condition: tag == 'long' + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: PURPLE_WOOL double: - condition: "tag == 'double'" - name: '{$sep}[&3Double{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + condition: tag == 'double' + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: CYAN_WOOL list: - condition: "tag == 'list'" - name: '{$sep}[&7List{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + condition: tag == 'list' + name: '{$sep}[&7NBTTagList{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: GRAY_WOOL else: - name: "{$sep}[{$e}Ismeretlen{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%" + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Unknown{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: RED_WOOL - # The lore is the value which is set automatically by the plugin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-create.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-create.yml index 8e6d6ca2f..ed38fbc3e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-create.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-create.yml @@ -1,26 +1,25 @@ -title: "&0-=( &6Királyság típusa &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( {$s}Kingdom Type &0)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: pacifist: - name: "&2Békés" + name: "{$p}Pacifist" material: OAK_SAPLING lore: - - '&7Békés királyság nem ostromolhat és' - - 'más királyságok nem ostromolhatják.' - - "Nem tudsz PvP-zni más jétékosokkal" - - "hacsak a &6/k pvp &7nincs engedélyezve." - - "Alapvetően ez egy" - - '&4állandó &7békés játékmenet.' + - '{$sep}Pacifist kingdoms cannot invade' + - 'other kingdoms and cannot be invaded.' + - "They cannot PvP other players" + - "unless {$s}/k pvp {$sep}is enabled." + - "Basically it'll provide a" + - '&4permanent {$sep}peaceful gameplay.' slot: 1 aggressor: - name: "&cAggresszor" + name: "&cAggressor" material: DIAMOND_SWORD flags: ALL lore: - - '&7Ezek a királyságok ostromolhatnak és' - - 'PvP-zhetnek más nem szövetséges' - - 'királyságokkal, de átmenetileg pajzsokat' - - 'is használhatnak a békésebb élményért.' - slot: 3 \ No newline at end of file + - '{$sep}These kingdoms can invade and PvP' + - 'other non-ally kingdoms, but they may' + - 'use shields for a peaceful experience' + - 'to a certain extent temporarily.' + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ddd95cbff --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aJoin Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + requests: + name: "{$p}%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + %online% + {$p}Sent{$colon} {$s}%sent_date% + + {$p}Left-click {$sep}to accept. + {$e}Right-click {$sep}to deny. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&4Close" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml index 8d44237e3..a1d52df1b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml @@ -1,49 +1,80 @@ -title: "&0-=( &aKapcsolati kérelem &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aRelationship Requests &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: request: material: PLAYER_HEAD - valid: condition: expired - name: "Lejárt &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" lore: | - &2Királyságból&8: &9%kingdoms_name% - &2Küldve&8: &6%timestamp% - &2Kapcsolati kérelem&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% - &cKlikk a törléshez + {$p}From Kingdom{$colon} {$sp}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Sent{$colon} {$s}%timestamp% + {$p}Requested Relation{$colon} %relation-color%%relation-name% + &cClick to delete else: - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" lore: | - &2Királyságból&8: &9%kingdoms_name% - &2Kapcsolati kérelem&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% - &2Lejárat&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% - &2Küldve&8: &6%timestamp% - &2Eltelt idő&8: &6%time-passed% - - &2&lBal klikk az elfogadás - &c&lJobb klikk az elutasítás - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 ] + {$p}From Kingdom{$colon} {$sp}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Requested Relation{$colon} %relation-color%%relation-name% + {$p}Expires in{$colon} {$s}%time-left-to-accpet% + {$p}Sent{$colon} {$s}%timestamp% + {$p}Time Passed{$colon} {$s}%time-passed% + + {$p}&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 decline-all: - name: "&cÖsszes elutasítása" + name: "&cDecline All" material: RED_WOOL - lore: "&4Az összes meghívás elutasítása" + lore: "&4Decline all invites" posx: 5 posy: 1 blue-glass: name: '' material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] - -# next-page: -# name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" -# slot: 8 -# previous-page: -# name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" -# slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/language-packs.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/language-packs.yml index ccf027a2f..1f3e75d08 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/language-packs.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/language-packs.yml @@ -1,9 +1,32 @@ -title: "&8-=( &9Nyelvi csomag &8)=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$sp}Language Packs {$sep})=-" rows: 6 - options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: @@ -11,64 +34,92 @@ options: posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' - name: '&2Elérhető nyelvek letöltése' + name: '{$p}Available Languages To Download' lore: | - &7Mindegyik &2500kb &7alatt van. - &7Vedd figyelembe, hogy mindig a - legfrissebb verzió van letöltve - így ha egy GUI/üzenet átnevezésre, - áthelyezésre vagy törlésre kerül, - ami ritkán történik, a plugin &cnem - lesz képes megmutatni ezeket. - - Az &2angol &7mindig telepítva van és - ezt &cnem is lehet eltávolítani &7mivel - ez a 'referencia' nyelv. - - &7Az összes letöltött nyelvi csomag - mentésre kerül a &2repository &7könyvtárba. - Ezt a foldert soha ne szerkeszd kézzel. - Ez a referencia folder. - - Ha módosítani akarsz a letöltött nyelveken - akkor azt a &2languages &7folderben kell - elvégezni. Akár törölheted is azokat, - a plugin újra létrehoza a fájlokat - újraletöltés nélkül. + {$sep}They're all under {$p}500kb + {$sep}note that always the latest version is + downloaded, so if a GUI/message gets + renamed, moved or deleted which rarely + happens, the plugin &cwill not be able + to show them. + + {$p}English {$sep}is always installed and + &ccannot be uninstalled {$sep}since its + the 'reference' language. + + {$sep}All downloaded language packs are saved + in a folder named {$p}repository{$sep}. That + folder should never be edited manually. + That's the reference folder. + + If you want to modify the downloaded + languages, you should do so in the + {$p}languages {$sep}folder instead. Even deleting + those are fine, the plugin will regenerate + them back without redownloading. download-all: posx: 5 posy: 6 - name: "&2Letöltés és az összes frissítése" + name: "{$p}Download & Update All" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZWMzYzdmYWIyYTM3MjkwNWZhM2ZjMWZiMjI4ZTc4M2JiOTNhNTNlNmQzMmU0NWViZGI0YTAyMThmY2NhIn19fQ==' lore: | - Ez az opció letölti az összes - még nem letöltött nyelvet, és - frissíti az összes többi, már - letöltött, de elavult nyelvet. + {$sep}This option downloads all + languages that haven't been + downloaded yet and updates all + other languages that have already + been downloaded but are outdated. languages: - # The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + #The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&2%native-name% &8(&9%lang%&8)' + name: '{$p}%native-name% &8({$sp}%lang%&8)' up-to-date: condition: installed && updated lore: | - &2Naprakész - &4Jobb klikk az eltávolításhoz. + {$p}Up to date + &4Right-click to uninstall. outdated: condition: installed lore: | - &eElavult. Bal klikk a frissítéshez. - &8(&4!&8) &eA frissítés felülír minden - frissítésre szoruló fájlt. Csak a lent - látható fájlok lesznek újra letöltve. - &4Jobb klikk az eltávolításhoz. - &9Középső klikk a frissített fájlok - teljes listájának megtekintéséhez. - - &cÖsszefoglaló a frissített fájlokról&8: + &eOutdated. Left-click to update. + &8(&4!&8) &eUpdating will override all + files that needs updating. Only the + files shown below will be redownloaded. + &4Right-click to uninstall + {$sp}Middle-click to see a full list of + updated files. + + &cUpdated files summary{$colon} not-installed: lore: | - &4Nincs telepítve - Bal klikk a letöltéshez \ No newline at end of file + &4Not installed + Left-click to download diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/languages.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/languages.yml index 984e4abcf..5b1db413c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/languages.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/languages.yml @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ -title: "&8-=( &9Nyelvek &8)=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$sp}Languages {$sep})=-" rows: 6 - skulls: en: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19' ru: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZlYWZlZjk4MGQ2MTE3ZGFiZTg5ODJhYzRiNDUwOTg4N2UyYzQ2MjFmNmE4ZmU1YzliNzM1YTgzZDc3NWFkIn19fQ==' @@ -11,20 +10,75 @@ skulls: zh: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Y5YmMwMzVjZGM4MGYxYWI1ZTExOThmMjlmM2FkM2ZkZDJiNDJkOWE2OWFlYjY0ZGU5OTA2ODE4MDBiOThkYyJ9fX0=' tr: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=' cs: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzliYmNjYzIxMDI2NDRkNGUzNmRmYWJlNzM1ZjBmOTMwN2FkYzVjODRlMjBhMGZkYzViM2ZhM2RlNDgwZDQ5OCJ9fX0=' - -# This GUI is quite... controversial. -# Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. + it: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODVjZTg5MjIzZmE0MmZlMDZhZDY1ZDhkNDRjYTQxMmFlODk5YzgzMTMwOWQ2ODkyNGRmZTBkMTQyZmRiZWVhNCJ9fX0=' + pt: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOWE0NjQ3NWQ1ZGNjODE1ZjZjNWYyODU5ZWRiYjEwNjExZjNlODYxYzBlYjE0ZjA4ODE2MWIzYzBjY2IyYjBkOSJ9fX0=' + uk: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjhiOWY1MmUzNmFhNWM3Y2FhYTFlN2YyNmVhOTdlMjhmNjM1ZThlYWM5YWVmNzRjZWM5N2Y0NjVmNWE2YjUxIn19fQ==' +#This GUI is quite... controversial. +#Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' current-language: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&2Jelenlegi nyelv&8: &9%kingdoms_lang%' + name: '{$p}Current Language{$colon} {$sp}%kingdoms_lang%' language: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&2%lang%' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$p}%lang%' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/editor.yml index dbed0ca89..553d9b7e5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/editor.yml @@ -1,37 +1,35 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Levél &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &2Mail &8)=-' type: HOPPER - options: subject: slot: 0 material: NAME_TAG - name: '&2Tárgy&8:' + name: '&2Subject&8:' lore: '&f%subject%' recipients: slot: 1 material: BOOK - name: '&2Címzettek&8:' + name: '&2Recipients&8:' lore: | - &6Címzett&8: &9%to% - &6Másolat&8: &9%cc% + &6To&8: &9%to% + &6CC&8: &9%cc% summary: slot: 2 material: PAPER - name: '&2Összefoglaló&8:' + name: '&2Summary&8:' lore: '&f%summary%' reset: slot: 3 material: RED_WOOL - name: '&cVisszaállítás' + name: '&cReset' lore: | - &7Visszaállítja az összes levél - tulajdonságát, például a tárgyat, - a címzetteket és a tartalmat. + &7Resets all mail properties such + as the subject, recipients and + the content. preview: slot: 4 material: WRITTEN_BOOK - name: '&9Előnézet' + name: '&9Preview' lore: | - &7Megmutatja, hogyan hogy fog - kinézni a levél, mielőtt a - címzettek elolvassák. \ No newline at end of file + &7Shows how this mail would + look like when people read it. diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/mailbox.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/mailbox.yml index 8d428ccf3..84bdf7aed 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/mailbox.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/mailbox.yml @@ -1,85 +1,136 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Postaláda &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &2Mailbox &8)=-' rows: 6 interactable: empty sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: previous: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19' - name: '&7Előző oldal {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19 + name: '&7Previous Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' next: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ==' - name: '&7Következő oldal {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ== + name: '&7Next Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' separators: - slots: [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 18, 22, 26, 27, 31, 35, 36, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' sent-indicator: slot: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' - name: '&9Elküldött levelek' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ== + name: '&9Sent Mails' inbox-indicator: slot: 6 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' - name: '&9Bejövő' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ== + name: '&9Inbox' get-envelope: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: WRITABLE_BOOK - name: '&2Levél küldése' + name: '&2Send Mail' lore: | - &7Egy speciális könyvet ad, - hogy elkezdhesd írni a leveledet. - - Ezt a könyvet bárhová el lehet helyezni, - ahová csak akarod. A levél &9tartalmának - szerkesztéséhez &7csak &2jobb klikk &7és - írj úgy, ahogy szoktál. - - Más tulajdonságok szerkesztéséhez, -mint - például a &9tárgy &7vagy a &9 címzettek&7-, - &2jobb klikk lopakodás &7aktiválása közben. - - Ha kész vagy, és készen állsz a levél - &9elküldésére&7, dobd itt vissza ezt a - könyvet az elküldött részbe. - - &2Szükséges pénz&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% - &2Szükséges Nexus point&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% + &7Gives you a special book + to start writing your mail. + + You can put this book anywhere + you want. To edit the mail &9contents + &7just &2right-click &7and write like + you normally would. + + To edit other properties like the + &9subject &7or &9recipients&7, + &2right-click while sneaking&7. + + Once you're done and ready to &9send + &7the mail, drop this book back into + the sent section here. + + &2Needed Money&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% + &2Needed Resource Points&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% sent: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&2Tárgy&8: &6%subject%' + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' lore: | - &2Feladó&8: &6%from% - &2Címzett&8: &6%to% - &2Másolat&8: &6%cc% - &2Dátum&8: &6%sent-date% %sent-time% - - &2Összefoglalás&8: + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: &f%summary% inbox: - slots: [ 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&2Tárgy&8: &6%subject%' + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' lore: | - &2Feladó&8: &6%from% - &2Címzett&8: &6%to% - &2Másolat&8: &6%cc% - &2Dátum&8: &6%sent-date% %sent-time% - - &2Összefoglalás&8: + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: &f%summary% back: posx: 5 posy: 6 material: BARRIER - name: '&cVissza' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/recipients.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/recipients.yml index 0d64c0ba5..e5f967ff1 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/recipients.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/mails/recipients.yml @@ -1,29 +1,54 @@ -title: "&8-=( &9Címzettek &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &9Recipients &8)=-' rows: 3 options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' to: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&2Hova&8: &9%to%' + name: '&2To&8: &9%to%' cc-add: posx: 3 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0=' - name: '&7Másolat&8:' - lore: "&2Klikk a hozzáadáshoz" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0= + name: '&7CC&8:' + lore: '&2Click to add' cc: - slots: [ 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ] + slots: + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '&9%singular-cc%' - lore: '&cKlikk az eltávolításhoz' + lore: '&cClick to remove' back: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: BARRIER - name: '&cVissza' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/map-settings.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/map-settings.yml index 33948770f..0fd1a6a4b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/map-settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/map-settings.yml @@ -1,69 +1,65 @@ -title: "&cTérképbeállítások" +title: "&cMap Settings" type: HOPPER - options: scoreboard: slot: 0 material: PAPER lore: | - &7Megjeleníti a királyság térképét - eredménytáblaként ami kényelmesebb, - mint az automatikus térkép mód, és - automatikusan frissül. - - Hátránya, hogy a képernyő hatalmas - részét foglalja el és meg kell - jegyezned a szimbólumokat és a - színeket és azok jelentését. - - Ez az opció visszaáll, ha kilépsz. + {$sep}Shows the kingdom map as a scoreboard + which is much more convenient than + auto map mode and updates automatically. + + The disadvantage is that + it takes a huge portion of your screen + and you must memorize the symbols and + colors and what they mean. + + This option resets if you leave. enabled: condition: scoreboard_enabled - name: "{$enabled} Eredménytábla átkapcsolása" + name: "{$enabled} Toggle Scoreboard" glow: true else: - name: "{$disabled} Eredménytábla átkapcsolása" + name: "{$disabled} Toggle Scoreboard" reset: slot: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&4Beállítások visszaállítása' - - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh + name: '&4Reset Settings' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzA1ZWI3ZTA0ODg2ODMyNTRlZGI2NzgyYzVkYjhkMjdjZDA3OGU3ODRkZTJkY2RjZDI1Y2UwODY0ZGZhYmQzOCJ9fX0=' resize: slot: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&2Átméretezés' + name: '{$p}Resize' lore: - - "&7Saját térképed méretének módosítása &awidth &7és &aheight" - - "&7Aktuális méret&8: &2%kingdoms_map_width%&7, &2%kingdoms_map_height%" - - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe + - "{$sep}Resize your own map &awidth {$sep}and &aheight" + - "{$sep}Your current size{$colon} {$p}%kingdoms_map_width%{$sep}, {$p}%kingdoms_map_height%" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc5ZTU0Y2JlODc4NjdkMTRiMmZiZGYzZjE4NzA4OTQzNTIwNDhkZmVjZDk2Mjg0NmRlYTg5M2IyMTU0Yzg1In19fQ==' auto: slot: 3 material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - - "&7A térkép automatikusan megjelenik" - - "ahogy különböző területekre sétálsz." - + - "{$sep}The map keeps appearing automatically" + - "as you walk to different lands." enabled: condition: 'auto_map_enabled' - name: "%var_enabled% Auto" - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark + name: "{$enabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=' else: - name: "%var_disabled% Auto" - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x + name: "{$disabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' gui: slot: 4 material: CHEST - name: "&2Térkép megtekintése a GUI felületében" + name: "{$p}See the map in a GUI" lore: | - &7Előny a jobb kattintási - viselkedés és egyértelműbb - ikonok a különböző területeken. - - Hátránya a a GUI eszköztár méretének - korlátozása és a mobilitás korlátozása. \ No newline at end of file + {$sep}Advantages would be better + clicking behavior and clearer + icons for different lands. + + Disadvantages would be the + limit of GUI inventory size + and limiting your mobility. diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/map.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/map.yml index 8ab113044..54cc04624 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/map.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/map.yml @@ -1,10 +1,63 @@ -title: "&0-=( &a&lTérkép &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &a&lMap &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - -# This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config -# You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. +#This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config +#You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. options: element: material: DIRT - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/editor.yml index 077ac08c0..95cc729e6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/editor.yml @@ -1,20 +1,47 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-" +title: '&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-' rows: 4 options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' name: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '&2Név&8: &6%outpost-name%' + name: '&2Name&8: &6%outpost-name%' region: posx: 3 posy: 2 material: ENDER_EYE - name: '&2Régió&8: &6%outpost-region%' + name: '&2Region&8: &6%outpost-region%' center: posx: 4 posy: 2 @@ -22,51 +49,51 @@ options: name: '&2Center' lore: | %outpost-center% - &7Az a hely, ahol jutalmakat dobnak - és a tűzijátékok teremnek. - - &2Bal klikk az aktuális - helyedre való beállításhoz - - &9Jobb klikk teleportálás a - beállított helyre + &7The location where the rewards + are dropped and fireworks are spawned. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. spawn: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: ENDER_PEARL - name: '&2Teremtőhely' + name: '&2Spawn' lore: | %outpost-spawn% - &7Ahova a játékosok teleportálnak - amikor csatlakoznak az eseményhez. - - &2Bal klikk az aktuális - helyedre való beállításhoz - - &9Jobb klikk teleportálás a - beállított helyre + &7Where the players get teleported + to when they join the event. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. bossbar: posx: 7 posy: 2 material: BREWING_STAND - name: '&2Főszörnysáv beállítások' + name: '&2BossBar Settings' delete: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: BARRIER - name: '&cEnnek az előőrsnek a törlése' + name: '&cDelete this outpost' entrance-money: posx: 4 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND - name: '&2Belépési pénzdíj&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' + name: '&2Entrance Money Fee&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' rewards: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: BOOK - name: '&2Jutalom' + name: '&2Rewards' entrance-resource-points-fee: posx: 6 posy: 3 material: EMERALD - name: '&2Belépési Nexus pontjainak díja&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&2Entrance Resource Points Fee&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml index 2a8840ff1..010d0eaee 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml @@ -1,39 +1,92 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Parancs jutalmak {$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Command Rewards {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}Vissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' - name: '{$e}Információ' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= + name: '{$e}Info' lore: | - &7Ezek a parancsok az eseményt megnyerő - királyság számára kerülnek végrehajtásra. - - Tehát bármilyen parancs, amely egyenként - célozza meg a játékosokat, nem fog működni. + &7These commands are executed + for the kingdom that won the event. + + So any command that targets players + individually will not work. add: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}Hozzáadd' - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + name: '{$p}Add' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19 commands: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: COMMAND_BLOCK name: '%command%' lore: | - {$p}Bal klikk a szerkesztéhez - {$s}Jobb klikk az eltávolításhoz \ No newline at end of file + {$p}Left-click to edit + {$s}Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml index 9bf1e050d..f11ecc709 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml @@ -1,44 +1,122 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Tárgyjutalom {$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Rewards {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - -# Items go here -interactable: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] - +interactable: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}Vissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' decoration-1: - slots: [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 27, 35, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 49 + - 51 + - 53 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' decoration-2: - slots: [ 2, 6, 8, 18, 26, 36, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52 ] + slots: + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 48 + - 50 + - 52 material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' - name: '{$e}Információ' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= + name: '{$e}Info' lore: | - &7Ezek a tárgyak véletlenszerűen - vannak eldobva az Előőrs - eseményének területén, amit a - játékosok felvehetnek. - - Szabadon interakcióba léphetsz - GUI felületében a tárgyakkal, - elveheted őket és hozzáadhatod - a sajátjaidat. - - Egyéni tárgyak készítéséhez - használd a {$p}/k admin item editor - &7parancsot. + &7These items are randomly + thrown in the Outpost event + area and players can pick + them up. + + You can freely interact with + the items in this GUI, taking + them and adding your own. + + To make custom items you can use + the {$p}/k admin item editor + &7command as well. items: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] - material: STONE \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: STONE diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml index f13f97b1e..e51538e5b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml @@ -1,36 +1,55 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Jutalom {$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Rewards {$sep})=-' rows: 3 - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}Vissza' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' resource-points: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}Nexus pontok{$sep}:' - lore: "%outpost-rewards-resource-points%" + name: '{$p}Resource Points{$sep}:' + lore: '%outpost-rewards-resource-points%' money: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}Pénz{$sep}:' - lore: "%outpost-rewards-money%" + name: '{$p}Money{$sep}:' + lore: '%outpost-rewards-money%' commands: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: COMMAND_BLOCK - name: '{$p}Parancs' + name: '{$p}Commands' items: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - name: '{$p}Tárgy' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$p}Items' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml index 784c3050c..2ea6bc0d6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Védelem &8]=-" +title: '&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-' rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "&2Királyság hozzáadása" + name: '&2Include Kingdom' material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Királyság hozzáadása, hogy a tagjaik" - - "hozzáférjenek ehhez a blokkhoz." - - "" - - "Nem tudják megváltoztatni a" - - "csoportot vagy kiütni a blokkot." + - '&6Add a kingdom so their members' + - can access this block. + - '' + - They'll not be able to change + - the group or break the block. posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "&cKirályság kizárása" + name: '&cExclude Kingdom' material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Királyság hozzáadása, hogy a tagjai" - - "ne férjenek hozzá a blokkhoz." - - "" - - "A királyságod játékosai akik felülbírálhatják" - - "a védelmeket továbbra is hozzáférnek" - - "a blokkhoz és ki is üthetik azt." + - '&6Add a kingdom to exclude their members' + - from accessing the block. + - '' + - Players in your kingdom with permission + - to override protections can still access + - the block or break it. posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4Tisztítás" + name: '&4Clear' material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "&6Az összes királyság" - - "eltávolítása a listáról." + - '&6Remove all the kingdoms' + - from this list. posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&4Vissza" + name: '&4Back' material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "&6%name% &8- &2Belevéve" + name: '&6%name% &8- &2Included' material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "&6%name% &8- &cKizárva" + name: '&6%name% &8- &cExcluded' material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/players.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/players.yml index 4a2677055..ebd4a5c61 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/players.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/players.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Védelem &8]=-" +title: '&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-' rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "&2Játékos hozzáadása" + name: '&2Include Player' material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Valakinek a hozzáadása, hogy" - - "hozzáférjen ehhez a blokkhoz." - - "" - - "Nem tudják megváltoztatni a" - - "csoportot vagy kiütni a blokkot." + - '&6Add someone so they' + - can access this block. + - '' + - They'll not be able to change + - the group or break the block. posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "&cJátékos kizárása" + name: '&cExclude Player' material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Valakinek a hozzáadása, hogy" - - "ne férjen hozzá a blokkhoz." - - "" - - "A királyságod játékosai akik felülbírálhatják" - - "a védelmeket továbbra is hozzáférnek" - - "a blokkhoz és ki is üthetik azt." + - '&6Add someone to exclude' + - them from accessing the block. + - '' + - Players in your kingdom with permission + - to override protections can still access + - the block or break it. posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4Tisztítás" + name: '&4Clear' material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "&6Az összes játékos" - - "eltávolítása a listáról." + - '&6Remove all the players' + - from this list. posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&4Vissza" + name: '&4Back' material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "&6%name% &8- &2Belevéve &8- %online%" + name: '&6%name% &8- &2Included &8- %online%' material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "&6%name% &8- &cKizárva &8- %online%" + name: '&6%name% &8- &cExcluded &8- %online%' material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml index b0d8bcb09..e16954a4f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml @@ -1,57 +1,56 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Védelem &8]=-" +title: '&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: players: - name: "&2Játékosok kezelése" + name: '&2Manage Players' lore: |- - &6Játékos felvétele vagy kizárása - ennek a blokknak az eléréséből. + &6Include or exclude individual players + for accessing this block. - A játékos beállítások felülírják a királyság - beállításait. Ez azt jelenti, ha egy játékos - egy benne levő vagy kizárt királyságban van - akkor is használhatja a blokktot, ha a királyság - ki van zárva, illetve akkor se használhatja - ha a királyságnak meg van engedve. + Player settings override the kingdom + settings. Meaning that if a player is + a part of an included or excluded kingdom, + they can still use the block if the kingdom + is excluded or not use the block if the + kingdom is included. material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: '%owner%' slot: 0 kingdoms: - name: "&2Királyság kezelése " + name: '&2Manage Kingdoms' lore: |- - &6Királyságok belefoglalása vagy kizárása a - blokkhoz való hozzáférésből, ami a királyság - tagjaira is érvényes lesz. + &6Include or exclude kingdoms for + accessing this block so everyone in + that kingdom are included or excluded. material: RED_BANNER sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS slot: 1 info: - name: "&5Védelmi táblák" + name: '&5Protection Signs' lore: |- - &6A védett blokkok védve lesznek a - vandalizmus ellen és engedély nélkül - a játékosok sem használhatják. - - Ha egy játékosnak hozzáférése van a blokkhoz, - nem tudja megváltoztatni a tábla beállításait - vagy kiütni a táblát vagy a blokkot. - - &7Klikk ide a blokk jelszavának beállításához. - Ez csak akkor működik, ha a blokk amit védetté - teszünk egy konténer, mint pl. a láda. + &6Protected blocks are protected + against griefs and no player can use it + without permission. + + If a player has access to this block, + they still cannot change the sign settings + or break the sign or the block. + + &7Click here to set a password on the block. + This only works if the block being protected + is a container such as a chest. material: NETHER_STAR slot: 2 protection-type: - name: "&2Védelem típusa&8: &9%protection_type%" + name: '&2Protection Type&8: &9%protection_type%' lore: |- - &6Ennek a blokknak az alapértelmezett - védelmi módszerének megváltoztatása - a többi játékossal szemben. + &6Change the method of how + this block is protected from + other players by default. material: CHEST slot: 3 back: - name: "&4GUI bezárása" + name: '&4Close the GUI' material: BARRIER - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml index ef08643cb..b56665419 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml @@ -1,69 +1,71 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Védelemi típus &8]=-" +title: '&8-=[ &5Protection Type &8]=-' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: protected: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2%protection%" + name: '&2%protection%' lore: |- - &7Ez a blokk védve lesz az összes - játékostól, kivéve azoktól akik - hozzáférést kaptak a blokkhoz. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: OAK_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&4%protection%" + name: '&4%protection%' material: OAK_SIGN lore: |- - &7Ez a blokk védve lesz az összes - játékostól, kivéve azoktól akik - hozzáférést kaptak a blokkhoz. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 1 everyone-in-kingdom: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2%protection%" + name: '&2%protection%' lore: |- - &77Ez a blokk védve lesz az összes - játékostól akik nem a királyságodban - vannak, kivéve azoktól, akik - hozzáférést kaptak a blokkhoz. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: SPRUCE_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2%protection%" + name: '&2%protection%' material: SPRUCE_SIGN lore: |- - &77Ez a blokk védve lesz az összes - játékostól akik nem a királyságodban - vannak, kivéve azoktól, akik - hozzáférést kaptak a blokkhoz. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 2 everyone: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2%protection%" + name: '&2%protection%' lore: |- - &7Ehhez a blokkhoz mindenki hozzáfér, - a királyságodon kívűl és belül is, - kivéve azok akik ki lettek zárva - a blokkhoz való hozzáférésből. + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. material: DARK_OAK_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2%protection%" + name: '&2%protection%' material: DARK_OAK_SIGN lore: |- - &7Ehhez a blokkhoz mindenki hozzáfér, - a királyságodon kívűl és belül is, - kivéve azok akik ki lettek zárva - a blokkhoz való hozzáférésből. - slot: 3 \ No newline at end of file + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/extractor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/extractor.yml index 164d1b79e..39d694278 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/extractor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/extractor.yml @@ -1,64 +1,76 @@ -title: "&2Fúró" +title: '&2Extractor' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: collect: outOfFuel: - condition: 'fuel <= 0' - name: "{$e}Kifogyott: &9%time% &7- &9%fancy_amount%" + condition: fuel <= 0 + name: >- + {$e}Out of fuel &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- + &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points% material: RED_WOOL nothing-to-collect: - condition: 'amount <= 0' - name: "{$e}Nincs mit begyűjteni &9%time%" + condition: amount <= 0 + name: '{$e}Nothing to collect &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed%' material: RED_WOOL else: - name: "&2Begyűjt&8: &9%time% &7- &9%fancy_amount%" + name: >- + &2Collect&8: &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- + &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points% material: GREEN_WOOL sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&6Beszedi az összes" - - "generált Nexus pontot." - - "Utoljára begyűjtötte&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" + - '&6Collect all the generated' + - resource points. + - 'Last collected by&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%' slot: 0 fuel: - name: "&2Üzemanyag&8: &6%fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%" + name: '&2Fuel&8: &6%fancy_fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%' material: COAL refresh: true slot: 1 lore: | - &7Az üzemanyag feltöltéséhez - egyszerűen dobd az egyik - üzemanyagtárgyat a fúró - blokkra. - - &2Szén&8: &95 - &2Faszén&8: &93 - &2Őrlángrúd&8: &9100 + &7To fill the fuel, simply drop + one of the fuel items on the + extractor block. + + &7Additionally you can place a {$p}hopper + &7on north, south, east, west or top of + the extractor with the following items. + Note that this only works once the extractor's + fuel is almost at zero. + + &2Coal&8: &95 + &2Charcoal&8: &93 + &2Blaze Rods&8: &9100 upgrade: slot: 3 upgrade: condition: level < max_level - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Minden&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%" - - "&7⚫ &2Nexus pont&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ &6%fancy_next-resource-points%" - - "&7⚫ &2Üzemanyag-fogyasztás&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel%" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szint&8: &6%max-level-roman%" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%' + - >- + &7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ + &6%fancy_next-resource-points% + - >- + &7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ + &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel% + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Minden&8: &6%every%" - - "&7⚫ &2Nexus pont&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%" - - "&7⚫ &2Üzemanyag-fogyasztás&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%" + - '&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every%' + - '&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%' + - '&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%' break: - name: "&4Kiütés" + name: '&4Break' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6Kiüti a struktúrát." + - '&6Breaks the structure.' slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml index c3251eab1..8cb30ec1e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml @@ -1,28 +1,26 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Bajnok beállításai &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &2Champion Settings &8)=-' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: upgrade: - name: "&bFelszerelés fejlesztése" + name: '&bUpgrade Equipment' material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE lore: - - "&7A fejlesztés tökéletesíti a" - - "bajnokod páncélját és fegyverét." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Improve your champions' + - armor and weapon with each upgrade. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' slot: 0 change: - name: "&6Csere" + name: '&6Change' material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "&7A bajnok típusának cseréje." + - '&7Change your champion type.' slot: 1 - back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Vissza a bajnok fejlesztéséhez." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Go back to champion upgrades.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml index d001ebc83..859460292 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml @@ -1,192 +1,220 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Bajnok fejlesztései &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &2Champion Upgrades &8)=-' rows: 6 sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: settings: - name: "&bBeállítások" + name: '&bSettings' material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7A Bajnok beállításainak módosítása," - - "úgymint a felszerelés fejlesztése vagy" - - "a Bajnok típusának cserélése." + - '&7Change your champion''s settings' + - such as upgrading its equipment or + - changing your champion type. posx: 3 posy: 2 health: - name: "&bBajnok életereje" + name: '&bChampion Health' material: MELON_SLICE lore: - - "&7Szintenként &250 &7életerőt" - - "add a Bajnok életerejéhez" - - "&7A Bajnok jelenlegi életereje&8: &2%scaling%" - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Increases champion''s health' + - by &250 &7every level. + - '&7Current champion''s health&8: &2%scaling%' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 4 posy: 2 reinforcements: - name: "&bErősítések" + name: '&bReinforcements' material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "&7Minden fejlesztés &230 &7másodpercenként" - - "további Nexus Őrzőket idéz le." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Spawns nexus guardian every {$p}3 &7minutes.' + - Each upgrade will reduce the time by {$p}15 seconds&7. + - The spawned guards exactly match your + - nexus guards depending on the + - misc upgrade. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 5 posy: 2 resistance: - name: "&bEllenállás" + name: '&bResistance' material: BRICK lore: - - "&7Minden fejlesztés növeli az esélyt, hogy" - - "a Bajnok ne löködjön hátra ha megtámadják." - - "Aktuális szint: &2%scaling%%&7" - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Each upgrade adds &2%scaling%% &7chance that the' + - Champion won't be knocked back by an attack. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 6 posy: 2 speed: - name: "&bSebesség" + name: '&bSpeed' material: POTION lore: - - "&7Megnöveli a Bajnok sebességét amikor" - - "az életereje &220%&7-nál kevesebb." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Increases champion''s Speed when' + - his health is lower than &220% + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 7 posy: 2 focus: - name: "&bFókusz" + name: '&bFocus' material: ENDER_EYE lore: - - "&7A játékonsak akit a Bajnok" - - "megüt &2%scaling% &7másodpercre" - - "megszűnik az összes aktív" - - "bájítal hatása." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Players hit by the champion will' + - have &2%scaling% &7second removed from all + - their active potion effects. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 3 posy: 3 strength: - name: "&bErő" + name: '&bStrength' material: ANVIL lore: - - "&7A Bajnok erő bájítal hatása" - - "alá kerül amihez minden szinent" - - "&7tovább erősödik." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Strength potion will be' + - added to the champion + - '&7and will be amplified each level.' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 4 posy: 3 throw: - name: "&bHajítás" + name: '&bThrow' material: COOKED_PORKCHOP lore: - - "&7Minden támadásnak esélye lesz a játékosok" - - "&7égbe repítésére. Minden fejlesztés &210%&7-al" - - "&7növeli ennek az esélyét." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Every attack, there will be a chance' + - '&7to knock the player into the sky.' + - '&7Each upgrade increases this chance by &210%' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 5 posy: 3 death-duel: - name: "&bHalálpárbaj" + name: '&bDeath Duel' material: GOLDEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Minden játékos az ostromló kivételével" - - "&250%&7-kal kevesebbet sebez a Bajnokon." - - "A Bajnok viszont dupla annyi sebzést okoz" - - "minden játékosnak, kivéve az ostromlónak." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7All players except the invader will deal' + - '&250% &7less damage to the champion. The' + - champion will also deal double damage + - to all players except the invaders. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 6 posy: 3 drag: - name: "&bHúzás" + name: '&bDrag' material: FISHING_ROD lore: - - "&7Ha az ostromló játékos több mint &2%scaling%" - - "&7blokkra van a Bajnoktól, akkor a Bajnok" - - "a játékost magához húzza." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7If the invading player is more than' + - '&2%scaling% &7blocks away from the champion, the' + - player will be dragged to the champion. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 7 posy: 3 damage-cap: - name: "&bSapka" - material: DIAMOND_HELMET - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + name: '&bDamage Cap' + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7A Bajnok legfeljebb &2%scaling%" - - "&7sebzést kaphat támadásonként." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Your champion can only receive up to' + - '&2%scaling% &7damages on any attack.' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 4 posy: 4 thor: - name: "&bThor" + name: '&bThor' material: DIAMOND_AXE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Minden &23. másodpercben&7 villámcsapást" - - "&7kapnak az ostromlók és a közelben levő" - - "&7nem szövetséges játékosok. A villámok" - - "&7sebzést és hátralökést okoznak." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Every {$p}%cooldown%&7, lightning' + - '&7strikes the invading player and all' + - '&7nearby non-allied players. Deals' + - '&7damage, and knocks the players back also.' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 3 posy: 4 plow: - name: "&bSzántás" + name: '&bPlow' material: COBWEB lore: - - "&7A Bajnokod megpróbálja megtisztítani" - - "a területet a lávától és a pókhálótól." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Your champion will try to clear' + - lava and webs every {$p}%cooldown% + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 6 posy: 4 fangs: - name: "&bAgyar" + name: '&bFangs' material: EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG lore: - - "&7A Bajnok körül agyarak idéződnek" - - "az ellenséges játékosokra." - - "" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&7Spawn fangs for the enemy' + - players around the champion + - every {$p}%cooldown% + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 7 posy: 4 - back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' posx: 5 posy: 6 purple-glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 2, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 51, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 51 + - 53 black-glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 36, 44, 46, 52 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 52 magenta-glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 10, 16, 37, 43 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 10 + - 16 + - 37 + - 43 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml index e7bda94a7..cd67a67b5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Bajnok &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &2Champions &8)=-' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: zombie: - name: "&2Zombi" + name: '&2Zombie' material: ZOMBIE_HEAD slot: 0 skeleton: - name: "&6Csontváz" + name: '&6Skeleton' material: SKELETON_SKULL slot: 1 - back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Vissza a bajnok beállításaihoz." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Go back to champion settings.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eaac313e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +title: '&8-=[ &4Logs Filters & Sorting &8]=-' +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-player: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Player Filter' + lore: '{$p}%filters_player_name%' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Player Filter' + filters-time: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CLOCK + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Time Filter' + lore: | + {$p}After{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_after% + {$p}Before{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_before% + else: + name: '{$disabled} Time Filter' + filters-type: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Filter' + lore: '{$p}%filters_type_type%' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Filter' + sort-ascending-time: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0= + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ascending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ascending Time Sort' + sort-descending-time: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0= + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Descending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Descending Time Sort' + sort-type: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Sort' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml index a5085b1ce..b26cf70b6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml @@ -1,337 +1,521 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &4Ellenőrzési naplók &8]=-" +title: '&8-=[ &4Audit Logs &8]=-' sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN rows: 6 - -# -NOSYNC '[type]': kingdom-join: material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '&2Játékos csatlakozott{$sep}: &6%player%' + name: '&2Player Joined{$sep}: &6%player%' lore: | - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% - &2Meghívta{$sep}: &6%inviter% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Invited By{$sep}: &6%inviter% kingdom-kick: material: RED_WOOL - name: '&2Kirúgott tag{$sep}: &6%player%' + name: '&2Kicked Member{$sep}: &6%player%' lore: | - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% - &2Kirúgta{$sep}: &6%kicker% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Kicker{$sep}: &6%kicker% kingdom-leave: material: RED_WOOL - name: '&2Kilépő játékos{$sep}: &6%player%' + name: '&2Player Left{$sep}: &6%player%' lore: | - &2Mikor{$sep}: &6%time% - &2Oka{$sep}: &6%reason% + &2At{$sep}: &6%time% + &2Reason{$sep}: &6%reason% kingdom-challenge-challenger: material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '&2Kihívott' - lore: | - &e%player% &ckihívta - &e%kingdoms_name% &ckirályságát. - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% - - &7Még &c%start_time% időd van - &7felkészülni a harcra. + name: '&2Challenged' + lore: | + &e%player% &chas challenged + &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% &ckingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare to attack. kingdom-challenge-challenged: material: RED_WOOL - name: '&cKihívott' - lore: | - &e%kingdoms_name% &ckirályság - &ckihívta a királyságodat. - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% - - &7Még &c%start_time% időd van - &7felkészülni a támadásukra. + name: '&cChallenged' + lore: | + &e%kingdoms_kingdom_name% &ckingdom has + &cchallenged your kingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare before they attack. kingdom-claim: material: GRASS_BLOCK - name: '&2Elfoglalt' + name: '&2Claimed' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}elfoglalta - a következő területet{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has claimed + the following lands{$sep}: %lands% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-unclaim: material: GRASS_BLOCK - name: '&cFelszabadította' + name: '&cUnclaimed' lore: | - {$es}%player% {$e}felszabadította - a következő területet{$sep}: + {$es}%player% {$e}has unclaimed + the following lands{$sep}: %lands% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-invasion-invader: material: IRON_SWORD - name: '&2Ostrom' + name: '&2Invaded' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}ostromolt{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded{$sep}: {$s}%chunk% - {$p}Királyság{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% - {$p}Fosztogató mód{$sep}: %ransack-mode% - {$p}Eredmény{$sep}: {$s}%result% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% - {$p}Érintett területek{$sep}: + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: %affected-lands% kingdom-invasion-invaded: material: GOLD_SWORD - name: '&cMegszálták' + name: '&cGot Invaded' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}itt ostromolta a királyságodat{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded your kingdom at{$sep}: {$s}%chunk% - {$p}Királyság{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% - {$p}Fosztogató mód{$sep}: %ransack-mode% - {$p}Eredmény{$sep}: {$s}%result% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% - {$p}Érintett területek{$sep}: + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: %affected-lands% kingdom-upgrade-misc: material: DIAMOND_HOE - name: '&9Vegyes fejlesztések' + name: '&9Misc Upgrade' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}felfejlesztette a - {$s}%upgrade% {$p}nevű vegyes fejlesztést. - {$p}Szint{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% - {$p}Nexus pont költség{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}misc upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-upgrade-champion: material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - name: '&9Bajnok fejlesztés' + name: '&9Champion Upgrade' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}felfejlesztette - {$s}%upgrade% {$p}bajnok fejlesztést. - {$p}Szint{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% - {$p}Nexus pont költség{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}champion upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-upgrade-powerup: material: DIAMOND_SWORD - name: '&9Erősítés fejlesztés' + name: '&9Powerup Upgrade' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}felfejlesztette - {$s}%upgrade% {$p}nevű erősítést. - {$p}Szint{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% - {$p}Nexus pont költség{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}powerup. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-structure-upgrade: material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: '&aStruktúra fejlesztés' + name: '&aStructure Upgrade' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}felfejlesztette a(z) - {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}struktúrát itt{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structure at {$s}%location% - {$p}Szint{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% - {$p}Nexus pont költség{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-structure-purchase: material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: '&aStruktúra vásárlása' + name: '&aStructure Purchase' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}vásárolt {$s}%amount% {$s}db - {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}struktúrát. - {$p}Nexus pont költség{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structures. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-turret-purchase: material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: '&aTorony vásárlása' - lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}vásárolt {$s}%amount% {$s}db - {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}tornyot. - {$p}Nexus pont költség{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + name: '&aTurret Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turrets. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase-ammo: + name: '&aTurret Ammo Purchase' + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + lore: > + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased ammo for + + {$s}%style% {$p}turret at {$s}%translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, + {$s}%y%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + + {$s}%fancy_old_amount% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_new_amount% + + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-turret-upgrade: material: ARROW - name: '&aTorony fejlesztés' + name: '&aTurret Upgrade' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}felfejlesztette - {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}tornyot itt{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turret at {$s}%location% - {$p}Szint{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% - {$p}Nexus pont költség{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-resource-points-convert: material: HAY_BLOCK - name: '&aNexus pont konverter' + name: '&aResource Points Convert' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}megváltoztatta - a Nexus pontokat{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed + resource points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount-before% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_amount-after% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% extractor-collect: material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: '&aFúrótól begyűjtés' + name: '&aExtractor Collect' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}begyűjtött a fúró - területről itt{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has collected the + extractor located at{$sep}: {$s}%location% - {$p}Begyűjtött Nexus pontok{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Collected Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% warppad-teleport: material: END_PORTAL_FRAME - name: '&3Teleportpad' + name: '&3Warp Pad Teleport' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}teleportált - teleportpadot használva erről a - területről {$s}%from_location% {$p}ide + {$s}%player% {$p}has teleported + using the Warp Pad located at + {$s}%from_location% {$p}to {$s}%precise_location% - {$p}Üzemanyagköltség{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Fuel Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% outpost-item-purchase: material: HAY_BLOCK - name: '&eElőőrsből tárgyvásárlás' + name: '&eOutpost Item Purchase' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}megvásárolta a - következő tárgyakat ezen a területen - található előőrsből{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + the following items from the + Outpost structure located at{$sep}: {$s}%location% - {$p}Összes Nexus pont{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Total Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% %purchases% kingdom-pacifism-change: material: NETHER_STAR - name: '&5Pacifizmus változás' + name: '&5Pacifism Change' lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}megváltoztatta a - királyságod pacifista állapotát. - {$p}Békés{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed the + pacifism state of the kingdom. + {$p}Pacifist{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% shield-purchase: material: SHIELD - name: '&5Pajzs vásárlása' - lore: | - {$s}%player% {$p}pajzsot - vásárolt a királyságnak. - {$p}Megvásárolt pajzs időtartama{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% - {$p}Pajzs időtartama{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-shield-time% - {$p}Nexus pont költség{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + name: '&5Shield Purchase' + lore: > + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + + a shield for the kingdom. + + {$p}Purchased Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% + + {$p}Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ + {$s}%new-shield-time% + + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-relation-change: material: NETHER_STAR - name: '&9Kapcsolat változás' + name: '&9Relationship Change' lore: | - {$p}Királyságod kapcsolata megváltozott - a(z) {$s}%kingdoms_name% {$p}királysággal{$sep}: + {$p}Kingdom's relationship has + changed with {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% {$p}kingdom{$sep}: %old-relation% {$sep}➜ %new-relation% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-invite: material: BOOK - name: '&9Meghívó' + name: '&9Invite' lore: | - {$s}%inviter% {$p}meghívta {$s}%player% {$p}játékost - a királyságba. Neki {$s}%accept-time% - {$p}ideje van elfogadni a meghívást. - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$s}%inviter% {$p}has invited {$s}%player% + {$p}to the kingdom. They have {$s}%accept-time% + {$p}to accept the request. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-king-change: material: BOOK - name: '&4Királycsere' + name: '&4King Change' lore: | - {$p}Királyságod királya lecserélődött{$sep}: + {$p}Kingdom's king has been changed{$sep}: {$s}%old-king% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-king% - {$p}Oka{$sep}: {$s}%reason% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Reason{$sep}: {$s}%reason% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% player-rank-change: - lore: "{$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank%" + lore: | + {$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank% + {$p}By{$sep}: {$s}%by-player% promoted: - condition: 'old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority' # It's the opposite + condition: old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '&aKinevezett játékos{$sep}: {$s}%player%' - else: # demoted + name: '&aPlayer Promoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + else: material: RED_WOOL - name: '&cLefokozott játékos{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + name: '&cPlayer Demoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' rank-create: material: BOOK - name: '&2Rang létrehozása' - lore: | - {$p}A rangot létrehozta {$s}%player%{$sep}: - {$p}Csomópont{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% - {$p}Megjelenés neve{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% - {$p}Piorítás{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% - {$p}Max foglalás{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% - {$p}Anyag{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + name: '&2Rank Created' + lore: | + {$p}A rank was created by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-delete: material: BOOK - name: '&cRang törlése' - lore: | - {$p}Rangot törölte {$s}%player%{$sep}: - {$p}Csomópont{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% - {$p}Megjelenési név{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% - {$p}Piority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% - {$p}Max foglalás{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% - {$p}Anyag{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + name: '&cRank Deleted' + lore: | + {$p}Rank was deleted by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-name: material: BOOK - name: '&9Rang nevének megváltozása' + name: '&9Rank Name Changed' lore: | - {$p}A rang %rank% - {$p}nevét megváltoztatta {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: {$s}%old-name% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-name% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-symbol: material: BOOK - name: '&9Rang szimbolúm cseréje' + name: '&9Rank Symbol Changed' lore: | - {$p}A rang %rank% - {$p}szimbolúmát megváltoztatta {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}symbol was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: {$s}%old-symbol% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-symbol% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-color: material: BOOK - name: '&9Rang színének megváltozása' + name: '&9Rank Color Changed' lore: | - {$p}A rang %rank% - {$p}színét megváltoztatta {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: {$s}%old-color%color {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-color%color - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-priority: material: BOOK - name: '&9Rang pioritásának megváltozása' + name: '&9Rank Priority Changed' lore: | - {$p}A rang %rank% - {$p}pioritást megváltoztatta {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}priority was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: {$s}%old-priority% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-priority% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-max-claims: material: BOOK - name: '&9Rang max foglalás változása' + name: '&9Rank Max Claims Changed' lore: | - {$p}A rang %rank% - {$p}max foglalását megváltoztatta {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}max claims was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: {$s}%old-max-claims% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-max-claims% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-material: material: BOOK - name: '&9Rang anyagának változása' + name: '&9Rank Material Changed' lore: | - {$p}A rang %rank% - {$p}anyagát megváltoztatta {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}material was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: {$s}%old-material% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-material% - {$p}Mikor{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + structures-nexus-move: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nexus Placed' + placed: + condition: placed + lore: > + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + + placed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, + {$s}%to_z% + + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + else: + lore: > + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + + moved by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + + {$s}%from_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%from_x%{$sep}, + {$s}%from_y%{$sep}, {$s}%from_z% {$sep}➜ + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, + {$s}%to_z% + + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + group-tax-server-pay: + material: PAPER + name: '&9Server Tax' + lore: | + {$p}Server taxes paid. + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-champion-change: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: '&9Champion Change' + lore: | + {$p}The champion was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-lore: + material: PAPER + name: '&9Change Lore' + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's lore was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-rename: + material: PAPER + name: '&9Rename' + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom was renamed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-tag: + material: PAPER + name: '&9Change Tag' + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's tag was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-join: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nation Join' + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has joined + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-leave: + material: BEACON + name: '&cNation Leave' + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has left + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + PeaceTreaties:received: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Received Peace Treaty' + commands: + - k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + lore: | + {$p}Proposer{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + PeaceTreaties:sent: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Sent Peace Treaty' + commands: + - k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + lore: | + {$p}To{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% '[else]': material: BARRIER - name: '{$e}Ismeretlen naplótípus{$sep}:' + name: '{$e}Unknown log type{$sep}:' lore: '{$es}%type%' - options: decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' + filters-and-sorting: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Filters & Sorting' + lore: | + {$p}Filters{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Player{$sep}: %bool_filters_player% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Time{$sep}: %bool_filters_time% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_filters_type% + {$p}Sorting{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Ascending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_ascending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Descending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_descending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_sorting_type% next-page: - name: '&6Következő oldal &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '&6Előző oldal &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= slot: 0 - entry: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 '[switch]': type - back: posx: 5 posy: 6 material: BARRIER - name: '&cVissza' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml index b62c5cb05..1302bc6f7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml @@ -1,35 +1,51 @@ -title: "%player%" +title: '%player%' type: HOPPER sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: kick: - name: "&cKirúgás" + name: '&cKick' material: RED_WOOL + cantKick: + condition: '!can_kick' + lore: | + &cYou can't kick this member. + else: {} slot: 0 demote: - name: '&eLefokozás' + name: '&eDemote' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0=" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0= + cantDemote: + condition: '!can_demote' + lore: | + &cYou can't demote this member. + else: {} slot: 1 member: - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + name: '&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%' material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - - "%online%" - - "&2Csatlakozott&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Adományok&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Utolsó adomány&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rang&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + - '%online%' + - '&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%' + - '&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%' + - '&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%' + - '&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%' slot: 2 promote: - name: '&aKinevezés' + name: '&aPromote' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0=" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0= + canPromote: + condition: '!can_promote' + lore: | + &cYou can't promote this member. + else: {} slot: 3 back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Vissza a tagok menübe." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Go back to members menu.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml index c26ca795f..c3f55b618 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml @@ -1,36 +1,88 @@ -title: "&0-=( &aTagok &0)=-" +title: '&0-=( &aMembers &0)=-' rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: members: - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + name: '&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%' material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - - "%online%" - - "&2Csatlakozott&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Adomány&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Utolsó adomány&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rang&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - '%online%' + - '&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%' + - '&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%' + - '&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%' + - '&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%' + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 next-page: - name: '&6Következő oldal &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '&6Előző oldal &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= slot: 0 back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml index de35c31f0..3080b0ab8 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml @@ -1,186 +1,601 @@ -title: "&8-=( &3Egyéb fejlesztések &8)=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( &3Misc Upgrades {$sep})=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE - +#[NoSync] +'[fn-misc]': + args: + - "" + - "" + - "" + return: + pacifist: + condition: ' && kingdoms_pacifist' + name: "" + perform-action: false + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "&cYour kingdom is pacifist" + - "and cannot use this upgrade." + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable" + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' +#[NoSync] +'[fn-misc-basic]': + args: + - "" + return: + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' options: glory: - name: "&3Dicsőség" material: NETHER_STAR - - lore: - - "&21. szint&8: &6A területeden a nem játékosok megölése" - - " &62x annyi tapasztalatot ér." - - "&22. szint&8: &6A területeden a játékosok megölése" - - " &64x annyi tapasztalatot ér." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 3 posy: 1 anti-trample: - name: "&aLetaposásvédelem" material: WHEAT_SEEDS - - lore: - - "&21. szint&8: &6A megművelt talajt a" - - "a játékosok nem tudják kitaposni." - - '' - - "&22.szint&8: &6Továbbiakban a területeden" - - "kivűl levő dugattyúk nem fognak működni." - - "" - - "&23.szint&8: &6Megvéd bizonyos állatokat" - - "attól, hogy a területeden sérüljenek." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 1 nexus-guards: - name: "&4Nexus Őrzők" material: DIAMOND_AXE - pacifist: - condition: kingdoms_pacifist - perform-action: false - lore: | - &cKirályságod pacifista, és nem - használhatja ezt a fejlesztést. - else: - lore: - - "&6Amikor valaki belép a Nexusod" - - "területére, akkor a normál őrzőknél" - - "erősebbek jelennek meg." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 5 posy: 1 guards: - name: "&eŐrök" material: IRON_AXE - pacifist: - condition: kingdoms_pacifist - perform-action: false - lore: | - &cKirályságod pacifista, és nem - használhatja ezt a fejlesztést. - else: - lore: - - "&6Az Őrök véletlenszerűen jelennek" - - "meg, hogy megvédjék a királyságot" - - "a nem szövetséges belépőktől." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 6 posy: 1 insanity: - name: "&cŐrület" material: REDSTONE - - lore: - - "&6Védők és a Nexus őrzők jelennek" - - "meg az erőtér területén akik Erő I" - - "hatás alatt lesznek 10 másodpercre." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 7 posy: 1 - invasion-teleportation: - name: "&3Inváziós teleport" material: ENDER_PEARL - - lore: - - "&2Minden fejlesztés után csökkent a &e/k tp" - - "&2teleportáció késleltetési ideje." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 3 posy: 2 invasions: - name: "&3Inváziók" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - - lore: - - "&2Királyságod &6%invasion-limit% &2alkalommal ostromolhat" - - "&2Elhasznált ostromok&8: &6%invasions%" - - "&2Visszatöltési idő frissítése&8: &6%invasion-refresh-cooldown%" - - "" - - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 2 posy: 2 anti-explosion: - name: "&5Robbanásvédelem" material: GUNPOWDER - - lore: - - "&21. szint&8: &7A királyságod területén" - - "a creeper-ök nem tudnak rombolni." - - "" - - "&22. szint&8: &7A királyságod területén" - - "a TNT-ék nem tudnak rombolni." - - "" - - "&23. szint&8: &7Megvédi a királyságod" - - "területén levő tagokat, állatokat és a" - - "csapdába esett szörnyeket a robbanásoktól." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 2 max-claims: - name: "&3Max foglalások" + name: "&3Max Claims" material: MAP - - lore: - - "&6Minden fejlesztés &22&6-vel növeli" - - "az elfoglalható területek számát." - - "" - - "&2Aktuális max terület&8: &6%kingdoms_max_lands%" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 8 posy: 2 + max-turrets: + name: "&3Max Turrets" + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 max-members: - name: "&3Max játékosok" + name: "&3Max Players" material: PLAYER_HEAD - - lore: - - "&6Minden fejlesztés 3-al emeli a helyet." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 6 posy: 2 chest-size: - name: "&3Nexus láda mérete" + name: "&3Nexus Chest Size" material: ENDER_CHEST - - lore: - - "&6Megnöveli a Nexus láda" - - "maximális méretét." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Szint&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 7 posy: 2 - + flight: + material: ELYTRA + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + keep-inventory: + material: CHEST + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 3 back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: "{$p}Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." + skull: "{$gui-back}" + lore: "{$s}Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: name: '' material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml index 82a41b147..e355b2efa 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml @@ -1,38 +1,48 @@ -title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation% &6&lnemzet Nexusa" +title: '&2&l%kingdoms_nation_name%''s &6&lNation Nexus' rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - options: settings: - name: "&7Beállítások" + name: '&7Settings' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&6A nemzet beállításainak megváltoztatása" + - '&6Change your nation settings.' posx: 5 posy: 2 resource-points: - name: "&eNexus pont átalakító" + name: '&eResource Points Converter' material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "&6Tárgyaid átalakítása" - - "Nexus pontokká." - - "A nemzetednek &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6Nexus pontja van." + - '&6Convert your items to' + - resource points. + - >- + Your nation has &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6resource + points. posx: 4 posy: 2 ranks: - name: "&5Rangok és jogosultságok" + name: '&5Ranks & Permissions' material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "&6A rangok és jogosultságok" - - "módosítása a nemzetben." + - '&6Modify ranks and permissions for' + - your nation. posx: 6 posy: 2 - red-glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 black-glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66d7afc91 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +title: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: '&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%' + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - '&6The name of this rank.' + - Can contain any character but must be + - 20 characters max. + - It can also contain color codes. + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: '&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%' + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - '&6The material used to display' + - this rank in the ranks GUI. + - You should use the latest material names + - even if the server is running on old versions. + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: '&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%' + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - '&6Symbol for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + - Also supports colors. + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: '%rank_color%Color' + material: COAL + lore: + - '&6The chat color for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..135e5056f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast {$sep}command. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k home {$sep}command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k invite {$sep}command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k kick {$sep}command. + + {$sep}Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit {$sep}and {$s}/k tag {$sep}commands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome {$sep}command. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw {$sep}command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for editing general + nation settings located inside + nexus GUI. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bae231a3a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +title: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: '&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%' + material: EMERALD + lore: + - '&6Node is the basically the rank''s name but' + - without colors or any special characters. + - This is used when you use promote/demote command. + - Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max. + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: '&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%' + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - '&6The name of this rank.' + - Can contain any character but must be + - 20 characters max. + - It can also contain color codes. + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: '&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%' + material: STONE + lore: + - '&6The material used to display' + - this rank in the ranks GUI. + - You should use the latest + - material names even if the + - server is running on old versions. + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: '&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%' + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - '&6Symbol for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + - Also supports colors. + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: '%rank_color%Color' + material: COAL + lore: + - '&6The chat color for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: '&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%' + material: PAPER + lore: + - '&6The priority for this rank' + - Note that lower numbers means higher priority. + - You cannot change the priority of the king rank. + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: '&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%' + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Maximum amount of claims a + player with this rank can claim + if they have claiming permissions. + + It'll only free more claims once + the player or someone else {$p}/k unclaim + &7the land that they claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: '&1Copy Rank' + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - '&6Copy properties of another rank' + - to this rank. + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to ranks menu.' + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac3cee9cc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: '&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to the rank menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0aca4088c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: '&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: '&2Add Rank' + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: '&4Reset Ranks' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Use default ranks.' + - All your current ranks + - will be deleted. + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: '&4Demote All' + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Demotes everyone to member' + - rank in your kingdom. + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml index 56ea09077..78fabf243 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,39 +1,44 @@ -title: "&aNexus pont átalakító" +title: '&aResource Points Converter' rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE interactable: empty disallow-creative: true - -# "refresh" option below is used to update %total_worth% placeholders when -# players change the items in the GUI. options: info: - name: "&6Nexus pontok&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" + name: '&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%' material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 apply: - name: "&2Alkalmaz" + name: '&2Apply' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0= refresh: true lore: - - "&6Aktuális tárgy Nexus pontoká" - - "való konvertálása." - - "&2Aktuális érték&8: &e%total_worth%" + - '&6Convert the current items' + - into resource points. + - '&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%' posx: 9 posy: 6 back: - name: "&cVissza" + name: '&cBack' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." - - "Ez megszakítja a Nexus" - - "pont konverziót." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + - this will cancel the + - resource point conversion. posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml index 6008b82ac..ffdcddd68 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,160 +1,163 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Kapcsolatok kezelése &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-' rows: 1 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Repülés&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Fly&8: &2Enabled' material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a királyság" - - "repülését a területeden." + - '&7Allow kingdom flight in' + - your land. else: - name: "&2Repülés&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Fly&8: &cDisabled' material: ELYTRA lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a királyság" - - "repülését a területeden." + - '&7Allow kingdom flight in' + - your land. posx: 1 posy: 1 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Építés&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Build&8: &2Enabled' material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi az építést a területeden." + - '&7Allow building in your land.' else: - name: "&2Építésd&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Build&8: &cDisabled' material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi az építést a területeden." + - '&7Allow building in your land.' posx: 2 posy: 1 ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Tűzszünet&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled' material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Tiltja a baráti tüzet." + - '&7Disable friendly fire.' else: - name: "&2Tűzszünet&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled' material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "&7Tiltja a baráti tüzet." + - '&7Disable friendly fire.' posx: 3 posy: 1 interact: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Interakció&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Interact&8: &2Enabled' material: CAULDRON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a blokkal való interakciót" - - "a tárolók kinyitásakor." + - '&7Allow block interaction for opening containers.' else: - name: "&2Interakció&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Interact&8: &cDisabled' material: CAULDRON lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a blokkal való interakciót" - - "a tárolók kinyitásakor." + - '&7Allow block interaction for opening containers.' posx: 4 posy: 1 use: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Használat&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Use&8: &2Enabled' material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Engedéyezi a blokkok használatát." - - "Mint pl. az ajtók, karok és gombok." + - '&7Allow using blocks.' + - Such as doors, levels and buttons. else: - name: "&2Használat&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Use&8: &cDisabled' material: LEVER lore: - - "&7Engedéyezi a blokkok használatát." - - "Mint pl. az ajtók, karok és gombok." + - '&7Allow using blocks.' + - Such as doors, levels and buttons. posx: 5 posy: 1 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Torony tűzszünet&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled' material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Tiltja a baráti tűzet a tornyoknál." + - '&7Disable friendly fire for turrets.' else: - name: "&2Torony tűzszünet&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled' material: SPECTRAL_ARROW lore: - - "&7Tiltja a baráti tűzet a tornyoknál." + - '&7Disable friendly fire for turrets.' posx: 6 posy: 1 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Toronyok kezelése&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled' material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a tornyok kiütést," - - "áthelyezését és azzokkal az interakciót." + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and' + - interacting with turrets. else: - name: "&2Toronyok kezelése&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled' material: ARROW lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a tornyok kiütést," - - "áthelyezését és azzokkal az interakciót." + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and' + - interacting with turrets. posx: 7 posy: 1 manage-structures: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Struktúrák kezelése&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Manage Structures&8: &2Enabled' material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a struktúrák kiütést," - - "áthelyezését és azzokkal az interakciót." + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures.' else: - name: "&2Struktúrák kezelése&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Manage Structures&8: &cDisabled' material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a struktúrák kiütést," - - "áthelyezését és azzokkal az interakciót." + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures.' posx: 8 posy: 1 - back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml index 9e85dbe5e..b9d6e579f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Kapcsolat &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: - name: "Semleges" + name: Neutral material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "&2Szövetséges" + name: '&2Ally' material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&eFegyverszünet" + name: '&eTruce' material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "&cEllenség" + name: '&cEnemy' material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 nation: - name: "&9Nemzet" + name: '&9Nation' material: BLUE_CONCRETE - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml index 7d5607b0f..ed721ed59 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,53 +1,143 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Beállítások &8)=-" -rows: 1 +title: '&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-' +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - shields: - name: "&6Pajzs&8: &2%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "&7Vásárolj pajzsot a nemzeted" - - "védelmére" + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - invites: - name: "&6Meghívás&8: %invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "&7Amikor ki van kapcsolva (&cDisabled&7) akkor" - - "meghívás nélkül is lehet csatlakozni a" - - "nemzetedhez a következő paranccsal:" - - "&2/k nation join %kingdoms_name%" - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "&6Kapcsolatok" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "&7Más nemzetekkel való kapcsolati" - - "attribútumok megváltoztatása." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 3 - posy: 1 + posy: 5 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: '{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_nation_home_is_public%' + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k nation home %kingdoms_nation_name% tax: - name: "&6Adó" + posx: 7 + posy: 5 material: PAPER - lore: - - "&7A királyságok nemzeti" - - "adóinak módosítása." - - "" - - "&6Adó&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax%" - - "&6Egyenlet&8: &2%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "&6Számlázott adó&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_server_nation_tax%" - posx: 4 - posy: 1 + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your nation taxes + for members. - back: - name: "&2Vissza" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Member Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + + &6Nation Server Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other nations. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your nation's flag for online maps. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: >- + &6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% + &7(%kingdoms_nation_color@hex%%kingdoms_nation_color%&7) + lore: | + &7Set your nation marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_nation_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + nation to protect your kingdom + against invades. + + Kingdom members who invade when + nation shields are enabled, will + temporarily lose access to nation's + shield. diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml index 32b6b5cab..7064b0dcf 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,48 +1,51 @@ -title: "&8-=( &8Pajzs &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &8Shields &8)=-' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "&26 órás pajzs" + name: '&26 Hours Shield' material: SHIELD cost: 5000 time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &25000" + - '&6Cost&8: &25000' slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "&212 órás pajzs" + name: '&212 Hours Shield' material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 8000 time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &28000" + - '&6Cost&8: &28000' slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "&21 napi pajzs" + name: '&21 Day Shield' material: SHIELD cost: 15000 time: 1day - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &215000" + - '&6Cost&8: &215000' slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "&21 heti pajzs" + name: '&21 Week Shield' material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 70000 time: 7days patterns: @@ -50,12 +53,13 @@ options: BORDER: RED CROSS: RED lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &270000" + - '&6Cost&8: &270000' slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "&21 havi pajzs" + name: '&21 Month Shield' material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 150000 time: 30days patterns: @@ -63,5 +67,5 @@ options: BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &2150000" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Cost&8: &2150000' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml index 6ee683ee2..54f03a99e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml @@ -1,185 +1,226 @@ -title: "&2&l%kingdoms_name% &6&lnexusa" +title: '&2&l%kingdoms_kingdom_name%''s &6&lNexus' rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - +icon: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Nexus-Logo.png +form-type: CUSTOM +form-options: + settings: + component-type: LABEL + text: '&5Settings' options: settings: - name: "&7Beállítások" + name: '&7Settings' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&6A királyság beállításainak megváltoztatása." + - '&6Change your kingdom settings.' posx: 5 posy: 2 members: - name: "&2Tagok" + name: '&2Members' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0=' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0= lore: - - "&6A királyság tagjainak kezelése." - - "&6Kinevezésük vagy lefokozásuk." + - '&6Manage your kingdom members.' + - '&6Promote or demote them.' posx: 5 posy: 3 masswar: running: condition: kingdoms_masswar_is_running - name: "&4Háború" + name: '&4Masswar' material: CLOCK lore: - - "&6A háború alatt az ostromok ingyenesek." - - "Jelenleg háburú &2van." + - '&6During masswar invasion is free.' + - Masswar is currently &2running. + - '' + - '{$p}Mass War ends in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%' else: - name: "&4Háború" + name: '&4Masswar' material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6A háború alatt az ostromok ingyenesek." - - "Jelenleg &cnincs &6háború." + - '&6During masswar invasion is free.' + - Masswar is currently &cnot running. + - '' + - '{$p}Next Mass War in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%' posx: 6 posy: 3 nexus-chest: - name: "&eNexus láda" + name: '&eNexus Chest' material: CHEST lore: - - "&6Tárgyak belehelyezése a királyságod" - - "&6ládájába, amiket mindenki használhat." + - '&6Put items in your kingdoms chest' + - '&6for everyone to use.' posx: 7 posy: 3 turrets: - name: "&9Tornyok" + name: '&9Turrets' material: SPECTRAL_ARROW lore: - - "&6Tornyokat vásárolhatsz Nexus" - - "pontokért amiket el tudsz helyezni" - - "a területeden. Ezek megvédenek a " - - "szörnyektől és az ostromlóktól." + - '&6You can buy turrets with' + - resource points to place them + - on your land. It protects against + - mobs and invaders. posx: 3 posy: 3 structures: - name: "&5Struktúrák" + name: '&5Structures' material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "&6A struktúrák különböző dolgokat tudnak." - - "Területeenként csak egy struktúra lehet." - - "Megjegyzés, hogy a Nexus is egy struktúra." - - "A struktúrák Nexus pontokért vehetőek." + - '&6Structures can do different things.' + - You can only have one structure per land. + - Note that the nexus is a structure itself. + - You can buy structures with resource points. posx: 4 posy: 3 misc-upgrades: - name: "&bVegyes fejlesztések" + name: '&bMisc Upgrades' material: ENCHANTING_TABLE lore: - - "&6Különböző szempontok szerinti" - - "egyéb vegyes fejlesztések a" - - "királyságod tökéletesítéséhez." + - '&6Extra miscellaneous upgrades' + - to improve your kingdom + - in different aspects. posx: 2 posy: 3 logs: - name: "&aEllenőrzési naplók" + name: '&aAudit Logs' material: KNOWLEDGE_BOOK lore: - - "&6Királyság naplójának megtekintése" - - "az ostromok, foglalások, visszaadások," - - "és az egyéb tagi aktivitások nyomkövetéséhez." - - "" - - "&7A legtöbb ilyen napló 30 napig" - - "marad meg azután, hogy törölték őket." - - "Néhány kevésbé fontos hamarabb is" - - "törlődhet." + - '&6View kingdom logs including' + - invasions, claiming, unclaiming, + - and other member activities. + - '' + - '&7Most of these logs stay for' + - 30 days after they're deleted. + - Some may stay for a shorter time + - that are less important. posx: 8 posy: 3 resource-points: - name: "&eNexus pont átalakító" + name: '&eResource Points Converter' material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "&6Tárgyaid átalakítása" - - "Nexus pontokká." - - "Királyságodnak &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6Nexus pontja van." + - '&6Convert your items to' + - resource points. + - Your kingdom has &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6resource points. posx: 4 posy: 5 damage-reduction: - name: "&3Sebzéscsökkentés" + name: '&3Damage Reduction' material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&6Minden fejlesztés &e1 %&6-kal" - - "csökkenti az elszenvedett sebzést" - - "a királyságod területén." - - "" - - "&6Szint&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Költség&8: &2%cost%" + - '&6Each upgrade reduces damage' + - taken by &e1% &6when you're in + - your own kingdom land. + - '' + - '&6Level&8: &2%level%' + - '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' posx: 7 posy: 4 damage-boost: - name: "&3Sebzés erősítése" + name: '&3Damage Boost' material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&6Minden fejlesztés megnöveli" - - "a sebzésedet &e1 %&6-kal a" - - "királyságod területén." - - "" - - "&6Szint&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Költség&8: &2%cost%" + - '&6Each upgrade increases your' + - damage by &e1% &6when you're in + - your own kingdom land. + - '' + - '&6Level&8: &2%level%' + - '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' posx: 3 posy: 4 arrow-boost: - name: "&7Nyilvessző erősítése" + name: '&7Arrow Boost' material: BOW lore: - - "&6Minden fejlesztés megnöveli" - - "az íj sebzését &e1 %&6-kal a" - - "királyságod területén." - - "" - - "&6Szint&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Költség&8: &2%cost%" + - '&6Each upgrade increases your bow' + - damage by &e1% &6when you're in + - your own kingdom land. + - '' + - '&6Level&8: &2%level%' + - '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' posx: 4 posy: 4 regeneration-boost: - name: "&dRegeneráció erősítése" + name: '&dRegeneration Boost' material: GOLDEN_APPLE lore: - - "&6Minden fejlesztés &e1%&6-kal növeli a" - - "területeden a regeneráció mértékét." - - "Ez a fejlesztés önmagában nem végez" - - "regenerációt. Csak az ételek evése utáni" - - "gyógyulás mértékét gyorsítja meg." - - "" - - "&6Szint&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Költség&8: &2%cost%" + - '&6Each upgrade increases your' + - regeneration rate by &e1% &6in your land. + - This update doesn't do any regeneration by + - itself. It only boosts your health regeneration + - amount that you gained by eating food. + - '' + - '&6Level&8: &2%level%' + - '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' posx: 6 posy: 4 ranks: - name: "&5Rangok és jogosultságok" + name: '&5Ranks & Permissions' material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "&6A rangok és jogosultságok" - - "módosítása a királyságodban." + - '&6Modify ranks and permissions for' + - your kingdom. posx: 6 posy: 5 champion-upgrades: - name: "&2Bajnok fejlesztései" + name: '&2Champion Upgrades' material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "&6A Bajnok fejlesztése, hogy erősebb" - - "védelmet adjon az ostromlókkal szemben." + - '&6Upgrade your champion for stronger' + - defence against invaders. posx: 5 posy: 5 mailbox: - name: "&2Postaláda" + name: '&2Mailbox' material: PLAYER_HEAD - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18054-mailbox-green - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0= lore: | - &7Küldj és fogadj leveleket - más királyságokból. - &2Összes levél&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% + &7Send & recieve mails from + other kingdoms. + &2Total mails&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% posx: 5 posy: 4 - red-glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 36, 37, 43, 44, 46, 49, 52 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 4 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 46 + - 49 + - 52 black-glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml index c2c6bb779..66d7afc91 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -1,51 +1,50 @@ -title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +title: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' rows: 1 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: name: - name: "&5Név&8: &2%rank_name%" + name: '&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%' material: DIAMOND lore: - - "&6Ennek a rangnak a neve." - - "Bármilyen 20 karakternél nem" - - "hosszabb név lehet és" - - "tartalmazhat színkódokat is." + - '&6The name of this rank.' + - Can contain any character but must be + - 20 characters max. + - It can also contain color codes. posx: 1 posy: 1 material: - name: "&eAnyag&8: &2%rank_material%" + name: '&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%' material: GOLD_INGOT lore: - - "&6A rangok GUI felületen való" - - "megjelenítéséhez használt anyag." - - "Mindig a legújabb neveket kell használni," - - "akkor is ha a szerveren régebbi verzió fut." + - '&6The material used to display' + - this rank in the ranks GUI. + - You should use the latest material names + - even if the server is running on old versions. posx: 2 posy: 1 symbol: - name: "&dSzimbólum&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + name: '&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%' material: IRON_INGOT lore: - - "&6A rang szimbóluma." - - "Csak 5 karakter lehet, de" - - "támogatottak a színek is." + - '&6Symbol for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + - Also supports colors. posx: 3 posy: 1 color: - name: "%rank_color%Szín" + name: '%rank_color%Color' material: COAL lore: - - "&6A rang színe a csevegésben." - - "Legfeljebb 5 karakter lehet." + - '&6The chat color for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. posx: 4 posy: 1 - back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml index 45f412815..73ef1315f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - -# Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. -# -NOSYNC -'[fn-std-perm]': &fn-std-perm - args: [ "" ] +(import): + pagination: { } +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" return: enabled: condition: enabled @@ -13,10 +15,11 @@ rows: 6 else: name: "{$disabled} " material: RED_WOOL - -# -NOSYNC -'[fn-perm]': &fn-perm - args: [ "", "" ] +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" return: material: enabled: @@ -25,286 +28,692 @@ rows: 6 glow: true else: name: "{$disabled} " - -# -NOSYNC +#-NOSYNC '[permission]': alliance: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Szövetség" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a {$s}/k ally &7 - {$s}parancs használatához. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k ally &7command. broadcast: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Broadcast" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a {$s}/k broadcast - &7parancs használatához. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. build: - <<: *fn-perm [ 'Építés', DIAMOND_PICKAXE ] - lore: | - &7Engedély az építésre a királyság - bármelyik területén. - - A különbség ez és az {$p}ÉPÍTÉS_SAJÁTON - &7engedélye között a másik engedélynél - található. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission to build anywhere + in the kingdom. + + For the difference between this + and {$p}BUILD_OWNED &7permission + refer to the other permission. build-owned: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Építés sajáton", GOLD_PICKAXE ] - lore: - - "&7Az &2ÉPÍTÉS &7és az &2ÉPÍTÉS_SAJÁTON" - - "&7között a különbség, hogy az &2ÉPÍTÉS" - - "&7engedélyezi bárhol az építést a" - - "királyságodban (kivéve a Nexus területet," - - "oda &2NEXUS_ÉPÍTÉS &7engedély szükséges)," - - "míg az &2ÉPÍTÉS_SAJÁTON &7csak olyan" - - "területen, amit saját magad foglaltál el." - - "" - - "Például ha valahol kiadod a &6/k claim" - - "&7parancsot, akkor más játékosok az" - - "&2ÉPÍTÉS_MAGADNAK &7engedéllyel nem" - - "építhetnek oda, csak Te vagy azok" - - "akiknek van &2ÉPÍTÉS &7engedélyük." + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7The difference between &2BUILD &7and + &2BUILD_OWNED &7is that &2BUILD &7allows + you to build anywhere in your kingdom + (except the nexus land that needs + &2NEXUS_BUILD&7) + + &2BUILD_OWNED &7only allows you to build + in the lands that you claimed yourself. + For example if you &6/k claim &7somewhere + other people with &2BUILD_OWNED &7can't + build there, but you or people who have + &2BUILD &7permission can. edit-ranks: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Rang szerkesztése" ] - lore: | - &7Jogosultság a rangok létrehozására, - törlésére és módosítására, beleértve - azok szimbólumait, nevét és jogosultságait. - - Nem módosíthatják saját rangjukat vagy - egy magasabb prioritású személy rangját. - - Ez nem ad engedélyt más játékosok - lefokozására vagy előléptetésére. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. enemy: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Ellenség" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a {$s}/k enemy - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k enemy &7command. home: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Otthon" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a {$s}/k home - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. invade: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Ostrom" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély {$s}/k invade - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invade &7command. invite: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Meghívás" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a {$s}/k invite - &7parancs használatára és a - {$s}/k invitecodes &7paranccsal - meghívókódok létrehozására. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes kick: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Kirúgás" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély {$s}/k kick - &7parancs használatára. - - &7Az ezzel a jogosultsággal - rendelkező játékosok nem - rúghatnak ki azonos vagy - magasabb rangú játékosokat. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. lore: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Történet" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a {$s}/k lore{$sep}&7, - a {$s}/k rename {$sep}&7, a - {$s}/k book edit &7és a {$s}/k tag - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. nexus: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Nexus", BEACON ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a királyság nexusának - mozgatására a {$s}/k nexus &7parancs - használatával. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for moving the + kingdom nexus using + {$s}/k nexus &7command. nexus-build: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Nexus Építés", BEACON ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a nexus földjén - való építkezésre + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for building + in the nexus land nexus-chest: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Nexus láda", CHEST ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a királyság nexus - ládájának módosítására. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for modifying + the kingdom's nexus chest. outpost: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Előőrs", HAY_BLOCK ] - lore: | - &7Engedély tárgyak vásárlására - az előőrs struktúrájából. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying + items from outpost structures. protection-signs: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Védelmi táblák megkerülése", OAK_SIGN ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a királyság területén - belüli védett blokkok megkerülésére. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for bypassing + sign protected blocks inside + kingdom lands. set-home: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Otthon beállítása" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély {$s}/k sethome - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. invsee: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Eszköztár" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély {$s}/k invsee - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invsee &7command. structures: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Struktúrák", REDSTONE_LAMP ] - lore: | - &7Engedély az építmények megvásárlására, - kiütésére és módosítására. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying structures. use: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Használat", FURNACE ] - lore: | - &7Engedély bizonyos blokkok használatára - a királyság területén belül. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using certain + blocks inside the kingdom. interact: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Interakció", OAK_DOOR ] - lore: | - &7Engedély bizonyos blokkokkal, például - ajtókkal és gombokkal való interakcióra - a királyság területén belül. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for interacting + with certain blocks such as + doors and buttons inside + kingdom lands. upgrade: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Fejlesztés" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a királyságon belül minden - fejleszthető dologok fejlesztésére, - például vegyes fejlesztések, bajnok - fejlesztései, erősítések, tornyok és - építmények fejlesztései. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for upgrading + anything that can be upgraded + inside the kingdom such as + misc-upgrades, champion upgrades, + powerups, turrets and structures. truce: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Fegyverszünet" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély {$s}/k truce - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k truce &7command. turrets: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Tornyok", ARROW ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a tornyokkal - kapcsolatos interakciókra. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying turrets. unclaim: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Felszabadít" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély {$s}/k unclaim - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k unclaim &7commands. manage-ranks: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Rangok kezelése" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a játékosnál - alacsonyabb rangú tagok - kinevezésére és lefokozására. - - Nem ad engedélyt a rangok - beállításainak módosítására. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. withdraw: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Felvétel" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a {$s}/k rp withdraw &7parancs - használatára és a Nexus pontok - pénzre történő cseréjére hasonlóan - mint például a nexus GUI felületén - belüli Nexus pont átalakító opciója. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. fly: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Repülés", ELYTRA ] - lore: | - &7Engedély {$s}/k fly - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k fly &7command. nation: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Nemzet", BLUE_WOOL ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a nemzetekhez való - csatlakozásra vagy azok elhagyására + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for joining + or leaving nations. exclude-tax: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Adózásból kizárás" ] - lore: | - &7Ezzel az engedéllyel rendelkező - királyságtagok nem kötelesek - adót fizetni a királyságnak. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Kingdom members with this + permission are not required + to pay taxes to the kingdom. relation-attributes: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Kapcsolati attribútumok" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a kapcsolati - attribútumok szerkesztésére. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. settings: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Beállítások" ] - lore: | - &7A nexus GUI felületében található - általános királysági beállítások - szerkesztésének engedélye. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + kingdom settings located inside + nexus GUI. claim: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Foglalás" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély {$s}/k claim - &7commands. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k claim &7commands. unclaim-owned: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Saját felszabadítása" ] - lore: | - &7Lehetővé teszi, hogy csak azokat a - földeket szabadítsd fel, amelyeket - te foglaltál. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Allows you to only unclaim + the lands that you claimed yourself. instant-teleport: - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Azonali teleportálás" ] - lore: | - &7Azonnali teleportálás a tagjaidhoz a - &2/k tpa &7parancs használatával. - Máskülönben meg kell várnod, hogy - elfogadják a kérést. - - A teleportálás előtt megmarad a - teleportálás visszaszámlálása. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Instantly teleport to your + members when using the &2/k tpa + &7command. Otherwise you'll have + to wait for them to accept the request. + + You will still have the teleport + countdown before teleporting. view-logs: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Napló megtekintése", KNOWLEDGE_BOOK ] - lore: | - &7Megnézheted a királyságod - ellenőrzési naplóját, amely - a nexusodból érhető el. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7View your kingdom audit logs + which can be accessed from + your nexus. read-mails: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Levelek olvasása", PLAYER_HEAD ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a nexus GUI felületében - található királysági levelek - olvasására. + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for reading + kingdom mails located inside + nexus GUI. skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" manage-mails: - <<: *fn-perm [ "Levelek kezelése", PLAYER_HEAD ] - lore: | - &7Új levelek küldése és válaszadás + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Send new mails and reply. skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" 'Outposts:join': - <<: *fn-std-perm [ "Csatlakozás előőrs eseményéhez" ] - lore: | - &7Engedély a {$s}/k outposts join - &7parancs használatára. + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission to use + {$s}/k outposts join &7command. "[else]": - name: "&4Ismeretlen: %permission%" + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" material: BARRIER - options: decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' - - next-page: - name: '&6Következő oldal &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" - slot: 8 - previous-page: - name: '&6Előző oldal &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" - slot: 0 - permissions: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] - # This is a special feature + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature '[switch]': permission - back: posx: 5 posy: 6 material: BARRIER - name: '{$p}Vissza' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml index 2a3f70cb7..c17f84aa4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -1,114 +1,147 @@ -title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +title: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' rows: 5 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' - node: - name: "&2Csomópont&8: &2%rank_node%" + name: '&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%' material: EMERALD lore: - - "&6A csomópont alapvetően a" - - "rangnak a neve, de nem" - - "tartalmazhat színeket vagy" - - "speciális karaktereket." - - "Ezt akkor használod amikor" - - "kinevezel/lefokozol valakit." - - "Nem tartalmazhat számokat és" - - "csak 15 karakter lehet." + - '&6Node is the basically the rank''s name but' + - without colors or any special characters. + - This is used when you use promote/demote command. + - Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max. posx: 2 posy: 3 name: - name: "&5Név&8: &2%rank_name%" + name: '&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%' material: DIAMOND lore: - - "&6Ez a rangnak a neve." - - "Bármilyen 20 karakternél nem" - - "hosszabb név lehet és" - - "tartalmazhat színkódokat is." + - '&6The name of this rank.' + - Can contain any character but must be + - 20 characters max. + - It can also contain color codes. posx: 3 posy: 3 material: - name: "&eNyersanyag&8: &2%rank_material%" - material: STONE # Template material. Gets replaced + name: '&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%' + material: STONE lore: - - "&6A rangok GUI felületen való" - - "megjelenítéséhez használt nyersanyag." - - "Mindig a legújabb neveket kell használni," - - "akkor is ha a szerveren régebbi verzió fut." + - '&6The material used to display' + - this rank in the ranks GUI. + - You should use the latest + - material names even if the + - server is running on old versions. posx: 4 posy: 3 symbol: - name: "&dSzimbólum&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + name: '&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%' material: IRON_INGOT lore: - - "&6A rang szimbóluma." - - "Csak 5 karakter lehet, de" - - "támogatottak a színek is." + - '&6Symbol for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + - Also supports colors. posx: 5 posy: 3 color: - name: "%rank_color%Szín" + name: '%rank_color%Color' material: COAL lore: - - "&6A rang színe a csevegésben." - - "Legfeljebb 5 karakter lehet." + - '&6The chat color for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. posx: 6 posy: 3 priority: - name: "&aPioritás&8: &2%rank_priority%" + name: '&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%' material: PAPER lore: - - "&6A rangnak a pioritása. Az alacsonyabb" - - "számok jelentik a magasabb pioritást." - - "A király rangjának a pioritása nem" - - "változtatható meg." + - '&6The priority for this rank' + - Note that lower numbers means higher priority. + - You cannot change the priority of the king rank. posx: 7 posy: 3 max-claims: - name: "&7Max foglalás&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + name: '&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%' material: BOOK - lore: - - "&6Ennek a rangnak az engedélyeinek" - - "a beállítása." + lore: | + &7Players with this rank will not + be able to claim more lands than + the specified value. + + If they want to claim more lands, + they have to unclaim the lands that + they claimed themselves not the + claims that other members claimed. posx: 8 posy: 3 copy: - name: "&1Rang másolása" + name: '&1Copy Rank' material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "&6A tulajdonságok átmásolása egy" - - "másik rangból ebbe a rangba." + - '&6Copy properties of another rank' + - to this rank. posx: 5 posy: 1 permissions: posx: 5 posy: 4 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - name: '{$p}Jogosultság' - + name: '{$p}Permissions' delete: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: BARRIER - name: '{$p}&4Törlés' + name: '{$p}&4Delete' lore: - - "&6Rangnak a törlése." - - "Az összes játékos akinek ez volt a" - - "rangja alattvalóvá lesz lefokozva," - - "hacsak nem hozol létre egy új" - - "rangot ezen a csomóponton" - - "véletlenszerű időn belül." - + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 lore: - - "&6Vissza a rangok menübe." + - '&6Go back to ranks menu.' posx: 1 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml index 1e2a13a76..ac3cee9cc 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -1,23 +1,64 @@ -title: "&8-=( &5Rangok &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-' rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: ranks: - name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + name: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, - 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, - 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, - 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 ] + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Vissza a rang menübe." + - '&6Go back to the rank menu.' posx: 5 posy: 6 black-glass: name: ' ' material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml index f1e635828..0aca4088c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -1,44 +1,83 @@ -title: "&8-=( &5Rangok &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-' rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: add: - name: "&2Rang hozzáadása" + name: '&2Add Rank' material: GREEN_WOOL posx: 1 posy: 1 reset: - name: "&4Rangok visszaállítása" + name: '&4Reset Ranks' material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Alapértelmezett rangok használata." - - "Az összes aktiális rang törlődni fog." + - '&6Use default ranks.' + - All your current ranks + - will be deleted. posx: 9 posy: 1 demote-all: - name: "&4Mindenki lefokozása" + name: '&4Demote All' material: ORANGE_WOOL lore: - - "&6A királyságodban mindenki" - - "alattvaló rangúvá válik." + - '&6Demotes everyone to member' + - rank in your kingdom. posx: 8 posy: 1 rank: - name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + name: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, - 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, - 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, - 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 ] + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menüe." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' posx: 5 posy: 6 black-glass: name: '' material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml index a03924939..00791f187 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,59 +1,62 @@ -title: "&aNexus pont átalakító" +title: '&aResource Points Converter' rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE interactable: empty disallow-creative: true - -# "refresh" option below is used to update %total_worth% placeholders when -# players change the items in the GUI. options: withdraw: - name: "&2Kivétel" + name: '&2Withdraw' material: PAPER posx: 4 posy: 6 lore: - - "&6Nexus pontok kivétele a királyságból és" - - "átrakása az egyenlegedbe (pénzé alakítása)." + - '&6Withdraw resource points' + - from your kingdom to your balance. info: - name: "&6Nexus pontok&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" + name: '&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%' lore: - - "&6Összes adomány&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" - - "&6Utolsó adomány ideje&8: &2%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&6Utolsó adomány mennyisége&8: &2%kingdoms_last_donation_amount%" + - '&6Total Donations&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%' + - '&6Last Donation Time&8: &2%kingdoms_date_last_donation_time%' + - '&6Last Donation Amount&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_last_donation_amount%' material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 deposit: - name: "&2Betétel" + name: '&2Deposit' material: PAPER posx: 6 posy: 6 lore: - - "&6Nexus pontok betétele a királyságodba az" - - "egyenlegedből (pénz Nexus pontá alakítása)." + - '&6Deposit resource points' + - to your kingdom from your balance. apply: - name: "&2Felhasznál" + name: '&2Apply' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0= refresh: true lore: - - "&6Aktuális tárgy Nexus pontoká" - - "való konvertálása." - - "&2Jelenlegi érték&8: &e%total_worth%" + - '&6Convert the current items' + - into resource points. + - '&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%' posx: 9 posy: 6 back: - name: "&cVissza" + name: '&cBack' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." - - "Ez megszakítja a Nexus" - - "pont konverziót." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + - this will cancel the + - resource point conversion. posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 46, 47, 51, 52 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml index e37aab227..47bb64e52 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml @@ -1,136 +1,147 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-' sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN rows: 6 - -# https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes options: - # Only options starting with "color" will be interpreted as predefined colors. - # You can add your own colors, just don't forget the "color" option AND the GUI option entry name itself - # must begin with the word "color" separator: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 4 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE back: posx: 4 posy: 1 material: BARRIER - name: '&cVissza' + name: '&cBack' hex-picker: posx: 6 posy: 1 material: PAPER - name: '&2Hex szín megadása' + name: '&2Enter a hex color' unavailable-color-dark-red: posx: 2 posy: 3 material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - name: '&4Sötét piros #FF5555' - lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eNem válaszhatod ezt a színt." + name: '&4Dark Red #FF5555' + lore: '&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color.' color: '#FF5555' unavailable-color-red: posx: 2 posy: 4 material: RED_WOOL - name: '&cPiros #FF5555' - lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eNem válaszhatod ezt a színt." + name: '&cRed #FF5555' + lore: '&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color.' sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS color: '#FF5555' color-dark-blue: posx: 3 posy: 3 material: LAPIS_BLOCK - name: '&1Sötétkék #0000AA' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&1Dark Blue #0000AA' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#0000AA' color-light-blue: posx: 3 posy: 4 material: BLUE_WOOL - name: '&9Világoskék #5555FF' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&9Light Blue #5555FF' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#5555FF' color-black: posx: 5 posy: 4 material: BLACK_WOOL - name: '&0Fekete #000000' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&0Black #000000' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#000000' color-gray: posx: 6 posy: 4 material: GRAY_WOOL - name: '&8Szürke #555555' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&8Gray #555555' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#555555' color-purple: posx: 7 posy: 4 material: PURPLE_WOOL - name: '&5Sötétlila #AA00AA' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&5Dark Purple #AA00AA' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#AA00AA' color-dark-green: posx: 8 posy: 4 material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '&2Sötétzöld #00AA00' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&2Dark Green #00AA00' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#00AA00' color-orange: posx: 2 posy: 5 material: ORANGE_WOOL - name: '&6Minecoin arany #DDD605' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&6Minecoin Gold #DDD605' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#DDD605' color-dark-aqua: posx: 3 posy: 5 material: CYAN_WOOL - name: '&3Sötét Aqua #00AAAA' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&3Dark Aqua #00AAAA' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#00AAAA' color-white: posx: 5 posy: 5 material: WHITE_WOOL - name: '&fFehér #FFFFFF' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&fWhite #FFFFFF' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#FFFFFF' color-light-gray: posx: 6 posy: 5 material: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL - name: '&7Világosszürke #AAAAAA' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&7Light Gray #AAAAAA' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#AAAAAA' color-light-purple: posx: 7 posy: 5 material: MAGENTA_WOOL - name: '&dVilágoslila #FF55FF' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&dLight Purple #FF55FF' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#FF55FF' color-green: posx: 8 posy: 5 material: LIME_WOOL - name: '&aZöld #55FF55' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&aGreen #55FF55' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#55FF55' color-yellow: posx: 2 posy: 6 material: YELLOW_WOOL - name: '&eSárga #FFFF55' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" + name: '&eYellow #FFFF55' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' color: '#FFFF55' color-aqua: posx: 3 posy: 6 material: LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL name: '&bAqua #55FFFF' - lore: "&r%color%Aktuális szín" - color: '#55FFFF' \ No newline at end of file + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#55FFFF' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml index d23e3d64d..f9935d50c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,160 +1,177 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Kapcsolatok kezelése &8)=-" -rows: 1 +title: '&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-' +rows: 5 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: + green-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 1 + posy: 1 fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Repülés&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '{$enabled} Fly' material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a királyság" - - "repülését a területeden." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Repülés&8: &cTiltva" + name: '{$disabled} Fly' material: ELYTRA - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a királyság" - - "repülését a területeden." - posx: 1 - posy: 1 + lore: + - '&7Allow kingdom flight in' + - your land. + posx: 4 + posy: 2 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Építés&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '{$enabled} Build' material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi az építést a területeden." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Építés&8: &cTiltva" + name: '{$disabled} Build' material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi az építést a területeden." - posx: 2 - posy: 1 + lore: + - '&7Allow building in your land.' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Tűzszünet&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '{$enabled} Ceasefire' material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Tiltja a baráti tüzet." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Tűzszünet&8: &cTiltva" + name: '{$disabled} Ceasefire' material: DIAMOND_SWORD - lore: - - "&7Tiltja a baráti tüzet." - posx: 3 - posy: 1 + lore: + - '&7Disable friendly fire.' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 interact: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Interakció&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '{$enabled} Interact' material: CAULDRON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a blokkal való" - - "interakciót a tárolók kinyitásakor." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Interakció&8: &cTiltva" + name: '{$disabled} Interact' material: CAULDRON - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a blokkal való" - - "interakciót a tárolók kinyitásakor." + lore: + - '&7Allow block interaction' + - for opening containers. posx: 4 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 use: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Használat&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '{$enabled} Use' material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Engedéyezi a blokkok használatát." - - "Mint pl. az ajtók, karok és gombok." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Használat&8: &cTiltva" + name: '{$disabled} Use' material: LEVER - lore: - - "&7Engedéyezi a blokkok használatát." - - "Mint pl. az ajtók, karok és gombok." + lore: + - '&7Allow using blocks.' + - Such as doors, levels and buttons. posx: 5 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Torony tűzszünet&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '{$enabled} Turret Ceasefire' material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + glow: true lore: - - "&7Tiltja a baráti tűzet a tornyoknál." + - '&7Disable friendly fire for turrets.' else: - name: "&2Torony tűzszünet&8: &cTiltva" + name: '{$disabled} Turret Ceasefire' material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - lore: - - "&7Tiltja a baráti tűzet a tornyoknál." + lore: + - '&7Disable friendly fire for turrets.' posx: 6 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Toronyok kezelése&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '{$enabled} Manage Turrets' material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a tornyok kiütést," - - "áthelyezését és azzokkal az interakciót." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Toronyok kezelése&8: &cTiltva" + name: '{$disabled} Manage Turrets' material: ARROW - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a tornyok kiütést," - - "áthelyezését és azzokkal az interakciót." - posx: 7 - posy: 1 + lore: + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and' + - interacting with turrets. + posx: 4 + posy: 4 manage-structures: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Struktúrák kezelése&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '{$enabled} Manage Structures' material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a struktúrák kiütést," - - "áthelyezését és azzokkal az interakciót." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Struktúrák kezelése&8: &cTiltva" + name: '{$disabled} Manage Structures' material: REDSTONE_LAMP - lore: - - "&7Engedélyezi a struktúrák kiütést," - - "áthelyezését és azzokkal az interakciót." - posx: 8 - posy: 1 - - back: - name: "&2Vissza" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures.' + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + show-holograms: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Show Holograms' + material: PAPER + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Show Holograms' + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the holograms of + kingdom items to the members + of kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml index 3481cbb85..4eb05ec43 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,29 +1,28 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Kapcsolat &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: - name: "Semleges" + name: Neutral material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "&2Szövetséges" + name: '&2Ally' material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&eFegyverszünet" + name: '&eTruce' material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "&cEllenség" + name: '&cEnemy' material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 - back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 lore: - - "&6Vissza a beállítások menübe." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Go back to settings menu.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml index 8ea571fcd..8bc904615 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,120 +1,167 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Beállítások &8)=-" -rows: 1 +title: '&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-' +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - pacifism: - disabled: - condition: kingdoms_pacifist - name: "&2Békés &6módban vagy." - material: END_CRYSTAL - lore: - - "&7Amikor a királyságod békés akkor" - - "a királyságod nem ostromolhat és más" - - "királyságok nem ostromolhatják." - - "" - - "Ha megostromolsz egy királyságot akkor" - - "egy hétig nem válthasz vissza békés módba." - - "" - - "&2Hátralevő idő&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown%" - else: - name: "&cAgresszor &6módban vagy." - material: END_CRYSTAL - lore: - - "&7Amikor a királyságod békés akkor" - - "a királyságod nem ostromolhat és más" - - "királyságok nem ostromolhatják." - - "" - - "Ha megostromolsz egy királyságot akkor" - - "egy hétig nem válthasz vissza békés módba." - - "" - - "&2Hátralevő idő&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown%" + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - shields: - name: "&6Pajzs&8: &2%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "&7Vásárolj pajzsot a királyságodnak," - - "hogy megvédjen az ostromok ellen." - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - invites: - name: "&6Meghívás&8: %invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "&7Amikor ki van kapcsolva (&cDisabled&7) akkor" - - "meghívás nélkül is lehet csatlakozni a" - - "királyságodhoz a következő paranccsal:" - - "&2/k join %kingdoms_name%" - posx: 3 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "&6Kapcsolatok" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "&7Más királyságokkal való kapcsolati" - - "attribútumok megváltoztatása." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 4 posy: 1 - tax: - name: "&6Adó" - material: PAPER - lore: - - "&7A királyság tagjainak" - - "adóinak módosítása." - - "" - - "&6Adó&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax%" - - "&6Egyenlet&8: &2%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "&6Számlázott adó&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax%" + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: '{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_home_is_public%' + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k home %kingdoms_name% + hidden: posx: 5 posy: 1 - public-home: - true: - condition: public_home - name: "&cNyilvános &6az otthonod!" - material: DARK_OAK_DOOR - lore: - - "&7Nyilvánossá teheted az otthonodat," - - "hogy más játékosok meg tudják látogatni" - - "a &6/k home %kingdoms_name%" - - "&7parancsot használva." - else: - name: "&2Nem nyilvános &6az otthonod!" - material: DARK_OAK_DOOR - lore: - - "&7Nyilvánossá teheted az otthonodat," - - "hogy más játékosok meg tudják látogatni" - - "a &6/k home %kingdoms_name%" - - "&7parancsot használva." + material: POTION + color: 818595 + name: '{$s}Hidden{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_hidden%' + lore: | + &7Hidden kingdoms aren't displayed + in {$p}/k map &7and online maps. + tax: posx: 6 posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your kingdom taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Personal Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax% + &6Kingdom Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other kingdoms. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. flag: - name: "&6Zászló" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 material: BLACK_BANNER - lore: - - "&7A királyság zászlójának beállítása a" - - "Dynmap-hoz. Klikk a zászlód URL-jére a" - - "megtekintéséhez. Nem frissíti a térképet!" + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom flag for Dynmap. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + pacifism: posx: 7 - posy: 1 - color: - name: "&6Szín&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(&d%hex%&7)" - material: BLACK_DYE - lore: - - "&7A királyság jelölőszínének beállítása" - - "a Dynmap számára." - - "Nem frissíti a térképet!" - posx: 8 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 + material: END_CRYSTAL + name: '&6Pacifist&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_pacifist%' + lore: | + &7When you're in pacifism mode, + your kingdom cannot invade + and cannot be invaded by other kingdoms. - back: - name: "&2Vissza" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + If you invade a Kingdom, you cannot go + back into pacifism mode for a week. + + &2Cooldown&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown% + invites: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: BOOK + name: '&6Requires Invite&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_requires_invite%' + lore: | + &7When turned off, anyone can + join this kingdom without needing + an invitation with {$p}/k join %kingdoms_name% + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: >- + &6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% + &7(%kingdoms_kingdom_color@hex%%kingdoms_kingdom_color%&7) + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + kingdom to protect your kingdom + against invades. diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml index b8370f1a9..b26bc0f18 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,67 +1,66 @@ -title: "&8-=( &8Pajzs &8)=-" +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Shields {$sep})=-' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "&26 órás Pajzs" + name: '&26 Hours Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' material: SHIELD cost: 1000 time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK - lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &2%cost%" slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "&212 órás Pajzs" + name: '&212 Hours Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 1900 time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED - lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &2%cost%" slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "&21 napos Pajzs" + name: '&21 Day Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' material: SHIELD cost: 4500 time: 1day - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED - lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &2%cost%" slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "&21 hetes Pajzs" + name: '&21 Week Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 50000 time: 7days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CROSS: RED - lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &2%cost%" slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "&21 havi Pajzs" + name: '&21 Month Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 100000 time: 30days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED - lore: - - "&6Költség&8: &2%cost%" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml index 5d75dffc4..ee6111d5e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml @@ -1,105 +1,115 @@ -title: "&8-=( &5Struktúrák &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &5Structures &8)=-' rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE - -# Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will -# remove the disc's name from the lore... options: powercell: - name: "&4Erőtér" + name: '&4Powercell' material: MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Az erőtér meletti földeket (9x9) nem " - - "lehet addig ostromolni, amíg az" - - "erőtér földjét nem ostromolják meg." - - "A védelem rádiusza &23x3 &6az 1. szinten" - - "és &25x5 &6a 2. szinten." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Lands surrounded by a powercell cannot' + - be invaded until the powercell + - land is invaded first. + - The protection radius is &23x3 &6for level 1 + - and &25x5 &6for level 2. + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 3 posy: 2 extractor: - name: "&aFúró" + name: '&aExtractor' material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&fA fúró Nexusz pontokat termel." - - "Ezek a pontok bármikor" - - "begyűjthetőek." - - "" - - "&2Költségt&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Extractors will produce resource points.' + - '&6You can collect the resource points' + - at any time. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 4 posy: 2 outpost: - name: "&eElőőrs" + name: '&eOutpost' material: MUSIC_DISC_13 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1.5 - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Az előőrsből Nexus pontokért" - - "Varázslat Palackját lehet szerezni." - - "" - - "&2Költsége&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6You can get EXP Bottles from' + - outposts using resource points. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 5 posy: 2 warppad: - name: "&cTeleportpad" + name: '&cWarp Pad' material: MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Teleportpadot használva lehet az egyik" - - "struktúráról egy másikra teleportálni." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Warp pads can be used to teleport' + - from a structure to another. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 6 posy: 2 regulator: - name: "&3Szabályzó" + name: '&3Regulator' material: MUSIC_DISC_WARD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Játékos attribútumainak kezelése mint" - - "az építések, toronnyal tűzszünet, stb." - - "A játékos blokkal való inerakciójának" - - "módosítása. Letíltása a szörnyek vagy " - - "állatok megjelenésének. Robbanás" - - "engedélyezése. Tornyok lőszerrel" - - "való automatikus töltése." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Manage player attributes such as building,' + - turret ceasefire and etc... + - Change which player can interact with what block. + - Disable mob or animal spawning and turrets. + - Enable explosions. + - Auto fill turrets ammo. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 7 posy: 2 siege-cannon: - name: "&3Ostromágyú" + name: '&3Siege Cannon' material: MUSIC_DISC_STRAD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Az ágyút használva lehet egy királyság" - - "pajzsát áttörni." - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Cannon used to break a kingdom''s' + - shield. + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 5 posy: 1 - back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: PLAYER_HEAD - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml index cd7339c90..cb93e34f4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml @@ -1,134 +1,160 @@ -title: "&8-=( &9Tornyok &8)=-" +title: '&8-=( &9Turrets &8)=-' rows: 4 sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE - options: arrow: - name: "&2Nyilvessző" + name: '&2Arrow' material: ARROW sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT lore: - - "&6Egyszerű torony ami mérségelt sebességgel" - - "sima nyilakat lő ki az ellenségre." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6A simple turret that fires plain' + - arrows at enemies at a moderate rate. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 2 posy: 2 flame: - name: "&3Láng" + name: '&3Flame' material: SPECTRAL_ARROW sound: ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Gyorstűzelő torony ami a" - - "célpontot lángba borítja." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Fast firing turret that sets' + - targets ablaze. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 3 posy: 2 healing: - name: "&dGyógyító" + name: '&dHealing' material: TIPPED_ARROW sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6A közei tagokat és szövetségesek gyógyítja." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Heals nearby members and allies.' + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 4 posy: 2 psionic: - name: "&aPszionikus" + name: '&aPsionic' material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6A közeli ellenfelekre van hatással." - - "Magasabb szinten nagyobb a hatás is." - - "Soha nem okoz halálos sebzést." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Effects the enemies nearby.' + - Higher levels add more effects. + - But never deals killing damage. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 5 posy: 2 hellfire: - name: "&cPokoltűz" + name: '&cHellfire' material: FIRE_CHARGE sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE lore: - - "&6Erőteljes torony gyors tűzeléssel" - - "és magas sebzéssel." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Powerful turret that fires quickly' + - with high damage. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 6 posy: 2 soldier: - name: "&5Katona" + name: '&5Soldier' sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "&6Örzök megidézése a célpont" - - "játékos megölésére." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Spawns guards to kill the' + - target player. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 7 posy: 2 heatbeam: - name: "&3Hősugár" + name: '&3Heatbeam' sound: ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK material: MAGMA_CREAM lore: - - "&6Egyedüli cépontjának nagy" - - "sebzést okoz." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Targets singular targets and deals' + - a high damage. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 8 posy: 2 inferno: - name: "&4Inferno" + name: '&4Inferno' material: END_CRYSTAL sound: ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE lore: - - "&6Hasonló mint a hősugárzó." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6Similar to Heatbeams.' + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + spring: + name: '&7Spring' + material: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - '&6A mine that will' + - throw the player into + - the air when stepped one. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 5 posy: 3 explosive-mine: - name: "&7Robbanó akna" + name: '&7Explosive Mine' material: HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "&6Akna ami felrobban amikor" - - "rálépnek." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6A mine that will' + - explode when stepped one. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 6 posy: 3 chemical-mine: - name: "&8Vegyi akna" + name: '&8Chemical Mine' material: LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "&6Akna ami gyengítő hatásokat add" - - "amikor rálápnek." - - "" - - "&2Költség&8: &6%cost%" + - '&6A mine that will give' + - you debuffs when stepped on. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' posx: 4 posy: 3 - back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe" + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' posx: 5 posy: 4 Cyan-Glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 28, 34 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 28 + - 34 Light-Blue-Glass: - name: "" + name: '' material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 27, 35 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 27 + - 35 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4484937f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +title: '&eOutpost' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + sell-coal: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: COAL + name: '{$p}Coal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3 + item: + material: COAL + sell-charcoal: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CHARCOAL + name: '{$p}Charcoal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 2 + item: + material: CHARCOAL + sell-flint: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: FLINT + name: '{$p}Flint {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1 + item: + material: FLINT + sell-ender-eye: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '{$p}Ender Eye {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1000 + item: + material: ENDER_EYE + sell-ender-pearl: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '{$p}Ender Pearl {$s}%cost%' + cost: 100 + item: + material: ENDER_PEARL + sell-slime-ball: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Slime Ball {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: SLIME_BALL + sell-book: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Book {$s}%cost%' + cost: 10 + item: + material: BOOK + sell-emerald: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '{$p}Emerald {$s}%cost%' + cost: 70 + item: + material: EMERALD + sell-diamond: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '{$p}Diamond {$s}%cost%' + cost: 60 + item: + material: DIAMOND + sell-gold-ingot: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLD_INGOT + name: '{$p}Gold Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLD_INGOT + sell-iron-ingot: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: IRON_INGOT + name: '{$p}Iron Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 40 + item: + material: IRON_INGOT + sell-nether-brick: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: NETHER_BRICK + name: '{$p}Nether Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: NETHER_BRICK + sell-brick: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: BRICK + name: '{$p}Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BRICK + sell-lapis-lazuli: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + name: '{$p}Lapis Lazuli {$s}%cost%' + cost: 15 + item: + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + sell-experience-bottle: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + name: '{$p}Experience Bottle {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + sell-dragon-breath: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: DRAGON_BREATH + name: '{$p}Dragon Breath {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3000 + item: + material: DRAGON_BREATH + sell-blaze-rod: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_ROD + name: '{$p}Blaze Rod {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BLAZE_ROD + sell-prismarine-crystals: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + name: '{$p}Prismarine Crystals {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + sell-blaze-powder: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_POWDER + name: '{$p}Blaze Powder {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: BLAZE_POWDER + sell-golden-carrot: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + name: '{$p}Golden Carrot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + sell-magma-cream: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: MAGMA_CREAM + name: '{$p}Magma Cream {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: MAGMA_CREAM + break: + name: '&4Break' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: '&2Opens Nexus' + lore: + - '&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%' + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: '&2Close' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI.' + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37dfd44ae --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +title: '&eOutpost' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + construction: + material: STONE_PICKAXE + name: '&4Under construction...' + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + break: + name: '&4Break' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: '&2Opens Nexus' + lore: + - '&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%' + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: '&2Close' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI.' + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c58b658e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( &aAmount Picker {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + cancel: + name: '{$e}Click to cancel' + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + done: + name: '{$p}Click to buy' + lore: '{$p}Price{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_cost%' + material: GREEN_WOOL + skull: null + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + decrease: + name: '{$e}Decrease' + cantDecrease: + condition: '!can_decrease' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Minimum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%min% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + decrease by {$p}10 + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0= + item: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: GRASS_BLOCK + increase: + cantIncrease: + condition: '!can_increase' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Maximum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%max% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + increase by {$p}10 + {$e}Maximum amount{$sep}: {$es}%max% + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0= + name: '{$p}Increase' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/powercell.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/powercell.yml index 3e62ca3ac..cd2bb8c7a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/powercell.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/powercell.yml @@ -1,33 +1,32 @@ -title: "&cErőtér" +title: '&cPowercell' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - options: break: - name: "&4Kiütés" + name: '&4Break' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&6Struktúra kiütése" + - '&6Breaks the structure.' slot: 0 upgrade: slot: 2 upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótáv&8: &61 &7➔ &62" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szint&8: &6%max-level-roman%" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &61 &7➔ &62' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótáv&8: &62" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &62' close: - name: "&2Bezár" + name: '&2Close' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI bezárása." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml index dd13b71a6..13591579e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml @@ -1,67 +1,71 @@ -title: "&eAttribútum szerkesztő" +title: '&eAttribute Editor' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Összes&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2All&8: &2Enabled' lore: - - '&7Az összes attribútum.' + - '&7All the attributes.' material: BOOK - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Összes&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2All&8: &cDisabled' material: BOOK slot: 0 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Építés&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Build&8: &2Enabled' material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Építés&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Build&8: &cDisabled' material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE slot: 1 fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Repülés&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Fly&8: &2Enabled' material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Repülés&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Fly&8: &cDisabled' material: ELYTRA slot: 2 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Torony tűzszünet&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled' material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Torony tűzszünet&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled' material: SPECTRAL_ARROW slot: 3 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Tornyok kezelése&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled' material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Tornyok kezelése&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled' material: ARROW - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml index cef83e9b5..3e7217054 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml @@ -1,41 +1,91 @@ -title: "&eAttribútumok" +title: '&eAttributes' rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + name: '&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%' material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - - "%online%" - - "&2Csatlakozott&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Adomány&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Utolsó adomány&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rang&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - '%online%' + - '&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%' + - '&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%' + - '&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%' + - '&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%' + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "&2Játékos hozzáadása" + name: '&2Add Player' material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Valaki hozzáadása a listához." + - '&6Add someone to the list.' posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4Összes eltávolítása" + name: '&4Remove All' material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Összes játékos törlése" - - "a listáról." + - '&6Remove all the players' + - from the list. posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menüben." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml index 7bb80bb5e..bdcbd82bf 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml @@ -1,257 +1,277 @@ -title: "&eInterakciók szerkesztése" +title: '&eInteraction Editor' rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Összes&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2All&8: &2Enabled' material: BOOK - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Összes&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2All&8: &cDisabled' material: BOOK slot: 0 doors: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Ajtók&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Doors&8: &2Enabled' material: OAK_DOOR - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Ajtók&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Doors&8: &cDisabled' material: OAK_DOOR slot: 1 buttons-and-levers: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Gombok és karok&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Buttons & Levers&8: &2Enabled' material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Gombok és karok&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Buttons & Levers&8: &cDisabled' material: LEVER slot: 2 shulker-boxes: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Shulkerdobozok&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Shulker Boxes&8: &2Enabled' material: SHULKER_BOX - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Shulkerdobozok&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Shulker Boxes&8: &cDisabled' material: SHULKER_BOX slot: 3 enchantment-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Bűvölőasztal&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Enchantment Table&8: &2Enabled' material: ENCHANTING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Bűvölőasztal&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Enchantment Table&8: &cDisabled' material: ENCHANTING_TABLE slot: 4 crafting-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Barkácsasztal&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Crafting Table&8: &2Enabled' material: CRAFTING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Barkácsasztal&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Crafting Table&8: &cDisabled' material: CRAFTING_TABLE slot: 5 chests: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Ládák&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Chests&8: &2Enabled' material: CHEST - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Ládák&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Chests&8: &cDisabled' material: CHEST slot: 6 beds: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Ágyak&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Beds&8: &2Enabled' material: RED_BED - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Ágyak&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Beds&8: &cDisabled' material: RED_BED slot: 7 loom: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Szövőszék&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Loom&8: &2Enabled' material: LOOM - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Szövőszék&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Loom&8: &cDisabled' material: LOOM slot: 8 jigsaw: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Kirakósblokk&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Jigsaw&8: &2Enabled' material: JIGSAW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Kirakósblokk&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Jigsaw&8: &cDisabled' material: JIGSAW slot: 9 hopper: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Tölcsér&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Hopper&8: &2Enabled' material: HOPPER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Tölcsér&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Hopper&8: &cDisabled' material: HOPPER slot: 10 dispenser: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Adagoló&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Dispenser&8: &2Enabled' material: DISPENSER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Adagoló&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Dispenser&8: &cDisabled' material: DISPENSER slot: 11 smoker: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Füstölő&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Smoker&8: &2Enabled' material: SMOKER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Füstölő&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Smoker&8: &cDisabled' material: SMOKER slot: 12 furnaces: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Kemence&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Furnaces&8: &2Enabled' material: FURNACE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Kemence&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Furnaces&8: &cDisabled' material: FURNACE slot: 13 dropper: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Kidobó&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Dropper&8: &2Enabled' material: DROPPER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Kidobó&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Dropper&8: &cDisabled' material: DROPPER slot: 14 beacon: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Jelzőfény&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Beacon&8: &2Enabled' material: BEACON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Jelzőfény&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Beacon&8: &cDisabled' material: BEACON slot: 15 anvils: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Üllő&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Anvils&8: &2Enabled' material: ANVIL - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Üllő&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Anvils&8: &cDisabled' material: ANVIL slot: 16 brewing-stand: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Főzőállvány&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Brewing Stand&8: &2Enabled' material: BREWING_STAND - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Főzőállvány&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Brewing Stand&8: &cDisabled' material: BREWING_STAND slot: 17 cartography-tables: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Térképész asztalok&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Cartography Tables&8: &2Enabled' material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Térképész asztalok&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Cartography Tables&8: &cDisabled' material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE slot: 18 smithing-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Kovácsasztal8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Smithing Table&8: &2Enabled' material: SMITHING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Kovácsasztal&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Smithing Table&8: &cDisabled' material: SMITHING_TABLE slot: 19 plates: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Nyomólapok&8: &2Engedélyezve" + name: '&2Plates&8: &2Enabled' material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Nyomólapok&8: &cTiltva" + name: '&2Plates&8: &cDisabled' material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - slot: 20 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 20 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml index 5103ca752..cf11cc8bc 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml @@ -1,41 +1,91 @@ -title: "&eInterakciók" +title: '&eInteractions' rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + name: '&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%' material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - - "%online%" - - "&2Csatlakozott&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Adomány&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Utolsó adomány&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rang&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - '%online%' + - '&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%' + - '&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%' + - '&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%' + - '&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%' + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "&2Játékos hozzáadása" + name: '&2Add Player' material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Valaki hozzáadása a listához." + - '&6Add someone to the list.' posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4Összes eltávolítása" + name: '&4Remove All' material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Összes játékos törlése" - - "a listáról." + - '&6Remove all the players' + - from the list. posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "&2Vissza" + name: '&2Back' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Vissza a Nexus menübe." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml index d69dfbfa4..845e6cff5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml @@ -1,46 +1,44 @@ -title: "&eSzabályzók" +title: '&eRegulator' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: rules: - name: "&2Szabályok" + name: '&2Rules' material: LECTERN sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 0 lore: - - "&7A terület szabályainak módosítása" - - "mint a tornyok letíltása vagy a" - - "tornyok automatikus töltése" - - "a földterületükön." + - '&7Change this land''s rules' + - such as disabling turrets or + - auto refilling turret within + - this land. attributes: - name: "&2Attribútum" + name: '&2Attributes' material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 1 lore: - - "&7A játékosok különböző" - - "attribútumainak cseréje" - - "mint az építés és a" - - "torony tűzszünet." + - '&7Change different attributes' + - for each player such as + - building and turret ceasefire. interactions: - name: "&2Interakciók" + name: '&2Interactions' material: CRAFTING_TABLE sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 2 lore: - - "&7Kezelése, hogy ki milyen" - - "blokkokkal interaktálhat." + - '&7Manage who can interact with' + - what kind of blocks. break: - name: "&4Kiütés" + name: '&4Break' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK slot: 3 lore: - - "&6A struktúra kiütése." + - '&6Breaks the structure.' close: - name: "&2Bezár" + name: '&2Close' material: BARRIER slot: 4 lore: - - "&6A GUI bezárása." \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI.' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml index 3c3c6294a..3d76b2c27 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml @@ -1,65 +1,123 @@ -title: "&eSzabályok" -type: HOPPER +title: '&eRules' +rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' + pink-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 13 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 25 + - 26 + material: PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' disable-mob-spawning: + material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7mob + spawning. All mobs except animals. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Szörnyek megjelenésének tiltása&8: &2Engedélyezve" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: '{$enabled} Disable Mob Spawning' + glow: true else: - name: "&2Szörnyek megjelenésének tiltása&8: &cTiltva" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 0 + name: '{$disabled} Disable Mob Spawning' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 disable-animal-spawning: + material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7animal + spawning. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Állatok megjelenésének tiltása&8: &2Engedélyezve" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: '{$enabled} Disable Animal Spawning' + glow: true else: - name: "&2Állatok megjelenésének tiltása&8: &cTiltva" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 1 + name: '{$disabled} Disable Animal Spawning' + posx: 3 + posy: 3 disable-turrets: + material: ARROW + lore: | + &7Prevents all turrets from + shooting that are placed in + this land. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Torony letíiltása&8: &2Engedélyezve" - material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: '{$enabled} Disable Turrets' + glow: true else: - name: "&2Torony letíiltása&8: &cTiltva" - material: ARROW - slot: 2 + name: '{$disabled} Disable Turrets' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 auto-fill-turrets: + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: | + &7Automatically fills the turrets + within this land with ammo. + {$p}Conditions{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be completely + out of ammo. + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be in the same + land as the regulator. + &7⚫ {$s}Your kingdom must have enough + resource points to afford the refill. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Torony automatikus töltése&8: &2Engedélyezve" - material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: '{$enabled} Auto Fill Turrets' + glow: true else: - name: "&2Torony automatikus töltése&8: &cTiltva" - material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - slot: 3 + name: '{$disabled} Auto Fill Turrets' + posx: 4 + posy: 2 allow-explosions: + material: TNT + lore: | + &7Allows all types of + explosions to damge this land. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Robbanások engedélyezése&8: &2Engedélyezve" - material: TNT - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: '{$enabled} Allow Explosions' + glow: true else: - name: "&2Robbanások engedélyezése&8: &cTiltva" - material: TNT - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$disabled} Allow Explosions' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + allow-fire: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + lore: | + &7Allows all types of fire + damages to this territory. + Including fire spreads, block + burns, etc. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Fire' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fire' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml index 5f22eb6f0..42a3d093a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml @@ -1,62 +1,64 @@ -title: "&3Ostromágyú" +title: '&3Siege Cannon' type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE -interactable: [ 2 ] # The ammo slot - +interactable: + - 2 options: sit: - name: "&2Beül" + name: '&2Sit' lore: - - "&7Beülés az ágyúba a" - - "lővés megkezdéséhez." + - '&7Sit on the cannon' + - to start shooting. material: BRICK_STAIRS slot: 0 ammo: - name: "&4-------->" + name: '&4-------->' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE lore: - - "&2Tegyél tűzgolyót ebbe a" - - "nyilásba az ágyú felöltéséhez." - - "" - - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7A betöltött lövedékek eltűnnek," - - "amint a szerver újraindul." - - "" - - "&2Vasblokk&8: &9Tier I" - - "&2Aranyblokk&8: &9Tier II" - - "&2Tűzgolyó&8: &9Tier III" + - '&2Put a fire charge in this' + - slot to load the cannon. + - '' + - '&8[&4&l!&8] &7Loaded projectiles will disappear' + - once the server is restarted. + - '' + - '&2Iron Blocks&8: &9Tier I' + - '&2Gold Blocks&8: &9Tier II' + - '&2Fire Charges&8: &9Tier III' slot: 1 upgrade: slot: 3 upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Pajzssebzés&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2Töltési idő&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hátralökés&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" - - "&7⚫ &2Robbanási rádiusz&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ &6%next-explosion-radius%" - - "" - - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7Az itt feltüntetett értékek" - - "eltérhetnek az ágyú betöltéséhez" - - "használt lövedéktől függően." - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szint&8: &6%max-level-roman%" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%' + - '&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%' + - >- + &7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ + &6%next-explosion-radius% + - '' + - '&8[&4&l!&8] &7The values shown here might' + - differ based on the projectile that you + - used to load the cannon. + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Level&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Pajzssebzés&8: &6%shield-damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2Töltési idő&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hátralökés&8: &6%knockback%" - - "&7⚫ &2Robbanási rádiusz&8: &6%explosion-radius%" + - '&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' + - '&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%' + - '&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius%' break: - name: "&4Kiütés" + name: '&4Break' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6A struktúra kiütése." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/warppad.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/warppad.yml index ff9bb6147..4edde9daa 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/warppad.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/structures/warppad.yml @@ -1,105 +1,142 @@ -title: "&eTeleportpad" +title: '&eWarppad' rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 + slot: 8 previous-page: - posx: 1 - posy: 1 + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" - name: '&2Előző oldal' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= + slot: 0 nexus: - name: "&2Nexus" - lore: "&2Üzemanyagköltség&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + name: '&2Nexus' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' material: BEACON posx: 2 posy: 1 national-nexus: - name: "&9Nemzeti Nexus" - lore: "&2Üzemanyagköltség&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + name: '&9National Nexus' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' material: BEACON posx: 3 posy: 1 rename: - name: "&2Átnevezés" + name: '&2Rename' lore: - - "&7A teleportpad átnevezése." - - "&2Név&8: &7%structure-custom-name%" - - "&2Üzemanyag&8: &7%fuel%" + - '&7Rename this warp pad.' + - '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%structure-custom-name%' + - '{$p}Fuel{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel%{$sep}/{$s}%fancy_max_fuel%' material: PAPER posx: 6 posy: 1 break: - name: "&4Kiütés" + name: '&4Break' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6A struktúra kiütése." + - '&6Breaks the structure.' posx: 7 posy: 1 close: - name: "&2Bezár" + name: '&2Close' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI bezárása." + - '&6Close the GUI.' posx: 8 posy: 1 - next-page: - posx: 9 - posy: 1 - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" - name: '&2Következő oldal' - - orange-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 2 material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&cErőterek&8:' + name: '&cPowercells&8:' powercell: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 material: REDSTONE_LAMP - name: "&cErőtér&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Üzemanyagköltség&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + name: '&cPowercell&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' lime-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 3 material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&aFúrók&8:' + name: '&aExtractors&8:' extractor: - slots: [ 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 ] + slots: + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: "&2Fúró&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Üzemanyagköltség&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + name: '&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' green-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 4 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&2Teleportpadok&8:' + name: '&2Warp Pads&8:' warppad: - slots: [ 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 ] + slots: + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 material: END_PORTAL_FRAME - name: "&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Üzemanyagköltség&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + name: '&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' yellow-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 5 material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&eElőőrsök&8:' + name: '&eOutposts&8:' outpost: - name: "&eElőőrs&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Üzemanyagköltség&8: &6%fuel-cost%" - slots: [ 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44 ] + name: '&eOutpost&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' + slots: + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 material: HAY_BLOCK brown-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 6 material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&7Szabályzók&8:' + name: '&7Regulators&8:' regulator: - name: "&3Szabályzó&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Üzemanyagköltség&8: &6%fuel-cost%" - slots: [ 46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 ] + name: '&3Regulator&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: LECTERN diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/surrender.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/surrender.yml index e0e925b99..069deb4e8 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/surrender.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/surrender.yml @@ -1,68 +1,113 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Megadás {$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Surrender {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - options: purple-stained-glass-pane: - slots: [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 45 + - 46 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 52 + - 53 material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' black-stained-glass-pane: - slots: [9, 13, 17, 18, 22, 26, 27, 31, 35, 36, 40, 44] + slots: + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' - next-page: - name: '&6Következő oldal &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '&6Előző oldal &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 - invasion: posx: 5 posy: 1 invading: condition: kingdoms_is_invading material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: "{$p}Ostromlottak{$sep}:" - lore: &lore | - {$p}Játékos{$sep}: {$s}%player% - {$p}Terület{$sep}: {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% - {$p}Bajnok{$sep}: {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) - {$p}Mióta{$sep}: {$s}%since% - {$p}Időtartam{$sep}: {$s}%duration% - {$p}Átadott{$sep}: {$s}%passed% - {$p}Teljes terület{$sep}: {$s}%total_lands% -# These are for plunders only. -# {$p}Attacker Score{$sep}: {$s}%attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%defender_death_limit% -# {$p}Defender Score{$sep}: {$s}%defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%attacker_death_limit% + name: "{$p}You are invading{$colon}" + lore: | + {$p}Land{$colon} {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$p}Champion{$colon} {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) + {$p}Since{$colon} {$s}%since% + {$p}Duration{$colon} {$s}%duration% + {$p}Passed{$colon} {$s}%passed% + {$p}Total Lands{$colon} {$s}%total_lands% + #These are for plunders only. + #{$p}Attacker Score{$colon} {$s}%invasion_attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%invasion_defender_death_limit% + #{$p}Defender Score{$colon} {$s}%invasion_defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%invasion_attacker_death_limit% else: material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE attacking: - slots: [10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}Védő{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_name%' - lore: *lore + name: '{$p}Defender{$colon} {$s}%other*kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null defending: - slots: [14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43] + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$e}Ostromló{$sep}: {$es}%kingdoms_name%' - lore: *lore + name: '{$e}Invader{$colon} {$es}%kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null attacking-info: posx: 3 posy: 6 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}A királyságod által megtámadott területek' + name: '{$p}Lands that your kingdom is attacking' skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWRhMDI3NDc3MTk3YzZmZDdhZDMzMDE0NTQ2ZGUzOTJiNGE1MWM2MzRlYTY4YzhiN2JjYzAxMzFjODNlM2YifX19' defending-info: posx: 7 posy: 6 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmQ5Mjg3NjE2MzQzZDgzM2U5ZTczMTcxNTljYWEyY2IzZTU5NzQ1MTEzOTYyYzEzNzkwNTJjZTQ3ODg4NGZhIn19fQ==' - name: '{$es}Királyságod támadás alatt levő területei' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$es}Your kingdom lands that are under attack' diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/templates/pagination.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/templates/pagination.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..082e8929b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/templates/pagination.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +options: + next-page: + has-next: + condition: page < pages + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 + else: + name: '&cNo more pages &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ== + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 8 + previous-page: + has-previous: + condition: page > 1 + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= + else: + name: '&cFirst page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ== + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/arrow.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/arrow.yml index 7eca20c4a..ac1c42c62 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/arrow.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/arrow.yml @@ -1,82 +1,80 @@ -title: "&aNyilvessző torony" +title: '&aArrow Turret' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Töltény&8: &2%ammo%" + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - # Set to 0 to disable. - fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&2Vásárolj &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2töltényt &6%cost% &2Nexus pontért.' - - '&2Teljes feltöltés a &6bal klikk &2használatával' - - '&6%fill-cost% &2Nexus pontért.' + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebesség&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szintl&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebességd&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' slot: 1 manual: manual: - condition: "manual" - name: "&Kézi" + condition: manual + name: '&2Manual' material: LEVER lore: | - &7A manuális mód lehetővé teszi, - hogy letiltsd a lövegtornyok - automatikus aktiválódását, és - helyette te irányíthatod őket. - - &2Bal klikk belépés az &9automatikus - módba - - &2Jobb klikk a torony működtetésének - megkezdéséhez + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret automatic: - name: "&9Automatikus" + name: '&9Automatic' material: COMPARATOR lore: | - &7Automatikus üzemmódban a tornyok - automatikusan észlelik a közeli - ellenségeket, és lőnek rájuk. - - &2Bal klikk belépés a &9kézi - módba + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode slot: 2 break: - name: "&cKiütés" + name: '&cBreak' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4A struktúra kiütése." + - '&4Breaks this turret.' slot: 3 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: '&cClose' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6A GUI bezárása." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/flame.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/flame.yml index 3bf25f765..3f5e702ee 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/flame.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/flame.yml @@ -1,81 +1,80 @@ -title: "&cLáng torony" +title: '&cFlame Turret' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Töltény&8: &2%ammo%" + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&2Vásárolj &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2töltényt &6%cost% &2Nexus pontért.' - - '&2Teljes feltöltés a &6bal klikk &2használatával' - - '&6%fill-cost% &2Nexus pontért.' + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebesség&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szintl&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebességd&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' slot: 1 manual: manual: - condition: "manual" - name: "&Kézi" + condition: manual + name: '&2Manual' material: LEVER lore: | - &7A manuális mód lehetővé teszi, - hogy letiltsd a lövegtornyok - automatikus aktiválódását, és - helyette te irányíthatod őket. - - &2Bal klikk belépés az &9automatikus - módba - - &2Jobb klikk a torony működtetésének - megkezdéséhez + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret automatic: - name: "&9Automatikus" + name: '&9Automatic' material: COMPARATOR lore: | - &7Automatikus üzemmódban a tornyok - automatikusan észlelik a közeli - ellenségeket, és lőnek rájuk. - - &2Bal klikk belépés a &9kézi - módba + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode slot: 2 break: - name: "&cKiütés" + name: '&cBreak' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4A struktúra kiütése." + - '&4Breaks this turret.' slot: 3 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: '&cClose' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6A GUI bezárása." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/healing.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/healing.yml index 7954cdc70..7a6679dc7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/healing.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/healing.yml @@ -1,54 +1,53 @@ -title: "&dGyógyító torony" +title: '&dHealing Turret' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Töltény&8: &2%ammo%" + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&2Vásárolj &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2töltényt &6%cost% &2Nexus pontért.' - - '&2Teljes feltöltés a &6bal klikk &2használatával' - - '&6%fill-cost% &2Nexus pontért.' + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebesség&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szintl&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebességd&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKiütés" + name: '&cBreak' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4A struktúra kiütése." + - '&4Breaks this turret.' slot: 3 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: '&cClose' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6A GUI bezárása." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml index e932baa97..d38f6b1ba 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml @@ -1,54 +1,53 @@ -title: "&9Hősugár torony" +title: '&9Heatbeam Turret' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Töltény&8: &2%ammo%" + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&2Vásárolj &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2töltényt &6%cost% &2Nexus pontért.' - - '&2Teljes feltöltés a &6bal klikk &2használatával' - - '&6%fill-cost% &2Nexus pontért.' + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebesség&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szintl&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebességd&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKiütés" + name: '&cBreak' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4A struktúra kiütése." + - '&4Breaks this turret.' slot: 3 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: '&cClose' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6A GUI bezárása." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml index 42eff5da0..e32672ee9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml @@ -1,81 +1,80 @@ -title: "&4Pokoltűz torony" +title: '&4HellFire Turret' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Töltény&8: &2%ammo%" + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&2Vásárolj &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2töltényt &6%cost% &2Nexus pontért.' - - '&2Teljes feltöltés a &6bal klikk &2használatával' - - '&6%fill-cost% &2Nexus pontért.' + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebesség&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szintl&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebességd&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' slot: 1 manual: manual: - condition: "manual" - name: "&Kézi" + condition: manual + name: '&2Manual' material: LEVER lore: | - &7A manuális mód lehetővé teszi, - hogy letiltsd a lövegtornyok - automatikus aktiválódását, és - helyette te irányíthatod őket. - - &2Bal klikk belépés az &9automatikus - módba - - &2Jobb klikk a torony működtetésének - megkezdéséhez + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret automatic: - name: "&9Automatikus" + name: '&9Automatic' material: COMPARATOR lore: | - &7Automatikus üzemmódban a tornyok - automatikusan észlelik a közeli - ellenségeket, és lőnek rájuk. - - &2Bal klikk belépés a &9kézi - módba + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode slot: 2 break: - name: "&cKiütés" + name: '&cBreak' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4A struktúra kiütése." + - '&4Breaks this turret.' slot: 3 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: '&cClose' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6A GUI bezárása." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/inferno.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/inferno.yml index e76465a69..ff884fcf6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/inferno.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/inferno.yml @@ -1,54 +1,53 @@ -title: "&0Inferno torony" +title: '&0Inferno Turret' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Töltény&8: &2%ammo%" + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&2Vásárolj &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2töltényt &6%cost% &2Nexus pontért.' - - '&2Teljes feltöltés a &6bal klikk &2használatával' - - '&6%fill-cost% &2Nexus pontért.' + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebesség&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szintl&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebességd&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Sebzés&8: &6%damage%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKiütés" + name: '&cBreak' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4A struktúra kiütése." + - '&4Breaks this turret.' slot: 3 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: '&cClose' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6A GUI bezárása." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/psionic.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/psionic.yml index ef2c934ec..251789bac 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/psionic.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/psionic.yml @@ -1,51 +1,50 @@ -title: "&aPszionikus torony" +title: '&aPsionic Turret' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Töltény&8: &2%ammo%" + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&2Vásárolj &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2töltényt &6%cost% &2Nexus pontért.' - - '&2Teljes feltöltés a &6bal klikk &2használatával' - - '&6%fill-cost% &2Nexus pontért.' + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hátralökés&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szint&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max célpontok&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hátralökés&8: &6%knockback%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%' slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKiütés" + name: '&cBreak' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4A struktúra kiütése." + - '&4Breaks this turret.' slot: 3 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: '&cClose' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6A GUI bezárása." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/soldier.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/soldier.yml index 9d694663d..ce3ec28b7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/soldier.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/turrets/soldier.yml @@ -1,48 +1,47 @@ -title: "&5Katona torny" +title: '&5Soldier Turret' type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Töltény&8: &2%ammo%" + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&2Vásárolj &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2töltényt &6%cost% &2Nexus pontért.' - - '&2Teljes feltöltés a &6bal klikk &2használatával' - - '&6%fill-cost% &2Nexus pontért.' + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: - condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Fejlesztés&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávolság&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Max szint&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Költség&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' maxxed: - name: "&9Szint&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Hatótávoság&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Max töltény&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Késleltetési idő&8: &6%cooldown%" + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKiütés" + name: '&cBreak' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4A struktúra kiütése." + - '&4Breaks this turret.' slot: 3 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: '&cClose' material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6A GUI bezárása." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/hu/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml b/resources/languages/hu/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml index 50a256378..b43867016 100644 --- a/resources/languages/hu/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml +++ b/resources/languages/hu/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ -title: "&cFelszabadított %kingdom-item-name%" +title: "&cUnclaimed %kingdom-item-name%" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: break: - name: "&cKiütés" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK slot: 0 close: - name: "&cBezár" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/addons.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/addons.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..235a1cb17 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/addons.yml @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Dodatki &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Informacje' + lore: | + &7Dodatki to dodatkowe + pobieralne treści, które + można zainstalować osobno. + + Powodem istnienia dodatków + jest {$p}wydajność{$sep}, {$p}modularyzacja + &7oraz {$p}ograniczenia rozmiaru plików. + + {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] &7Aby móc instalować + musisz mieć połączenie internetowe, + które jest w stanie połączyć się z {$p}GitHub.com + {$sep}(&7Nie będąc blokowane przez zapory ogniowe, + cenzurę kraju, itp..{$sep}) + addons: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + pending-restart: + condition: waiting_to_restart + name: '&8[&5Oczekuje na Restart&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &2Wersja&8: &9%latest-version% + &5Dodatek został pobrany. Oczekiwanie + Na restart serwera w celu włączenia dodatku. + material: PURPLE_WOOL + updated: + condition: 'installed && !outdated' + name: '&8[&2Aktualny&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Wersja&8: &9%installed-version% + &4Kliknij prawym aby odinstalować + material: GREEN_WOOL + outdated-core-version: + condition: 'installed && outdated && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Nieaktualny&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &4Zainstalowana wersja&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Najnowsza Wersja&8: &9%latest-version% + + {$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Ten dodatek wymaga wersji {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$es}aby działala. + Bieżąca wersja{$sep}: {$e}%current-core-version% + + &2Kliknij lewym aby zaktualizować + &4Kliknij prawym aby odinstalować + material: RED_WOOL + outdated: + condition: 'installed && outdated' + name: '&8[&4Nieaktualny&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &4Zainstalowana wersja &8: &9%installed-version% + &2Najnowsza wersja &8: &9%latest-version% + &2Kliknij lewym aby zaktualizować + &4Kliknij prawym aby odinstalować + material: RED_WOOL + not-installed: + name: '&8[&6Not installed&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to install + condition: '!installed' + material: BLUE_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/book.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/book.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab0eb53e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/book.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +title: "&4&lHandbook" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + chapters: + material: BOOK + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + name: "&2%chapter%" + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/colors.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/colors.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50afe4daf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/colors.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: chest +rows: 1 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + yellow: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow' + green: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Green' + red: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&4Red' + blue: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Blue' + pink: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dPink' + purple: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Purple' + white: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03e24fbc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2BossBar Settings &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + title: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Title' + lore: "&f%bossbar-title%" + colors: + slot: 2 + name: '&2Color&8: &9%bossbar_color%' + yellow: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'YELLOW'" + material: YELLOW_WOOL + lime-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'GREEN'" + material: LIME_WOOL + red-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'RED'" + material: RED_WOOL + blue-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'BLUE'" + material: BLUE_WOOL + magenta-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PINK'" + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + purple-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PURPLE'" + material: PURPLE_WOOL + white-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'WHITE'" + material: WHITE_WOOL + styles: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Style&8: &3%bossbar_style%' + SOLID: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SOLID'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + SEGMENTED_6: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_6'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_10'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_12'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_20'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= + flags: + slot: 4 + material: WHITE_BANNER + name: '&fFlags' + lore: | + &9Music&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% + &9Darken Sky&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% + &9Fog&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/flags.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4844f444 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + back: + slot: 0 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + play-boss-music: + slot: 2 + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + lore: | + &7Plays the ender dragon theme + while this bossbar is active for + the player. This doesn't work + reliably for all servers. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Music' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Music' + darken-sky: + slot: 3 + material: CLOCK + lore: | + &7It's similar to blindness + potion effect. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Darken Sky' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Darken Sky' + create-fog: + slot: 4 + material: COBWEB + lore: | + &7Mostly restricts the player's + sight and view distance. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Fog' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fog' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/styles.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/styles.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68d16d0ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/bossbar/styles.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + SOLID: + name: "&3Solid" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + lore: | + &7Bossbar styles are those black + lines that separate the bar + into multiple parts. + + Solid means no lines. + SEGMENTED_6: + name: "&36 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 1 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + name: "&310 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 2 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + name: "&312 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 3 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + name: "&320 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 4 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/challenge.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/challenge.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cbb61f2a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/challenge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +title: "&6-=( &cChallenges &6)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + time-two-days: + name: "&2In 2 days" + material: IRON_BLOCK + slot: 0 + time: 2days + time-three-days: + name: "&2In 3 days" + material: GOLD_BLOCK + slot: 1 + time: 3days + time-five-days: + name: "&2In 5 days" + material: DIAMOND_BLOCK + slot: 2 + time: 2days + time-week: + name: "&2In 1 week" + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + slot: 3 + time: 7days + info: + name: "&2Challenges" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7They are planned invasions. + When you want to invade someone, you + have to plan an invasion in advance. + + You click the amount of time you want + to give to your enemy before being able + to attack them. After this time has passed + you will have &26 hours &7to invade any of + the lands of the challenged kingdom. diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/disband.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/disband.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6dc1578e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/disband.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +title: "&4&lConfirm Disband" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Your kingdom's data will be" + - "&6permanently lost." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a20d7436 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +title: "&4&lDemote All" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Are you sure you want to demote all" + - "the members in your kingdom?" + - "Everyone will be demoted to the member rank." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f2cf6c7a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +title: "&4&lReset Ranks" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Are you sure you want to reset all" + - "the custom ranks made in your kingdom?" + - "Doing so will result in &lall &6your" + - "members being demoted to member rank." + - "" + - "This will reset the rank settings to their" + - "original state defined by the server." + - "This includes deleting newly created ranks" + - "and adding back the default settings for each rank." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2f39c71d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +title: "&4&lConfirm Unclaim All" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: "&4Confirm" + lore: + - "&6Once all your lands has" + - "been unclaimed, everyone" + - "can access protected chests," + - "structures and turrets." + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/election-candidates.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/election-candidates.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bc8f3fff --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/election-candidates.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6Election Candidates &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + candidates: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player% &8| &6%votes%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: '&7%candidates-description%' + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/error.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/error.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..022cd6152 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/error.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +title: "&4&lError" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +options: + error: + name: "&cThis GUI is broken" + lore: | + &fIf you're a player contact + the server's administrators. + + If you're an admin, this GUI: + &6%gui_path% + &fError&7: + &e%message% + material: BARRIER + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/input.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/input.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be1fba820 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/input.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInput &0)=-" +type: ANVIL +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + question: + name: "%question%" + lore: "test" + material: GREEN_WOOL + slot: 0 + cancel: + name: "&cCancel" + material: RED_WOOL + slot: 1 + done: + name: "&aDone" + lore: "&7Click to finish input." + material: BLUE_WOOL + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/invite-codes.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/invite-codes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9139a5d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/invite-codes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvite Codes &0)=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite-codes: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + {$p}Code{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-code% + {$p}Uses{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% + {$p}Created By{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-creator% + {$p}Created At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% + {$p}Expires At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-expiration% + + {$p}Left-click to buy paper codes. + &9Middle-click to redeem the code. + {$e}Right-click to delete. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + info: + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + lore: | + &7Invite codes are an alternative + way of inviting players to your kingdom. + They're similar to discord invite codes. + + Once you create a new invite code, a player + can either type the code using + {$p}/k invitecode {$s} &7or you can + generate a physical paper which players can + right-click to use them. + Each invite code paper costs {$s}%invitecode-paper-cost% + &7resource points. + + Invite codes expire at a certain point and + they can either have limited or unlimited uses. + new-invite-code: + name: "&2Create New Invite Code" + lore: | + &7You can only make up to + {$p}%invitecode-max% &7invite codes. + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + delete-all: + name: "&4Delete All Invite Codes" + material: RED_WOOL + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/invites.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/invites.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbf8fa442 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/invites.yml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvitations &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/invsee.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/invsee.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e18c025a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/invsee.yml @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6%target% &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. +context-start-row: 3 +#It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. +#These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. +options: + helmet: + name: '&cNo Helmet' + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_HELMET + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + chestplate: + name: '&cNo Chestplate' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + leggings: + name: '&cNo Leggings' + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_LEGGINGS + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + boots: + name: '&cNo Boots' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_BOOTS + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + offhand: + name: '&cNo item in offhand' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: WOODEN_HOE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + mainhand: + name: '&cNo item in main hand' + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: WOODEN_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + offhand-indicator: + name: '&cAbove is showing the offhand' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + mainhand-indicator: + name: '&cAbove is showing the main hand in slot&8: &e%held_slot%' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + separators: + name: '' + slots: + - 0 + - 5 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 17 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..637a92b42 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 10 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + type: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Attribute{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' + uuid: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid%' + lore: | + &7This is the unique ID for this modifier. + Since items can have multiple attributes + of the same type, this is used to identify + specific modifiers. + You almost never need to change this manually + yourself since they're automatically + generated with minimal conflict. + name: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' + lore: | + &7This is more like a small description + for this modifier, mostly for human-readable + identification purposes. + amount: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' + operation: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' + lore: | + &7How this attribute affects + other attributes with the + same type with the given amount. + equipment-slot: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' + lore: | + &7The slot which this + attribute takes effect + when placed in. diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8500f975 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Equipment Slots {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + outer-decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + inner-decoration: + slots: + - 3 + - 5 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 41 + - 42 + - 48 + - 50 + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + head: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_HELMET + name: '{$p}Head' + off-hand: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: '{$p}Off Hand' + chest: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: '{$p}Chest' + hand: #main hand + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Main Hand' + legs: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + name: '{$p}Legs' + feet: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: '{$p}Feet' + none: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}None' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71f68544b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute List {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + add-attribute: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ==' + name: '{$p}Add Attribute' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All' + attribute: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: POLISHED_ANDESITE + name: '{$p}%attribute_type%' + lore: | + {$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid% + {$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% + {$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% + {$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% + + &9Left-click to modify + &9Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..656314128 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Operations {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +op: + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$p}" +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&eInfo' + lore: | + &7A modifier's operation dictates + how it modifies an attribute's base value + add-number: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + glow: true + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGQ4YjcxNzNkODQxZjI1NjNlYzEwODg4OGIwZjc5NzkxN2VmYzE4YmUyNzg2MWYwYTY3NjFhYTNlZDkxY2UifX19' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Adds all of the modifiers' amounts to + the current value of the attribute. + For example, modifying an attribute with + {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p} Amount 4 &7with + a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 + multiply-scalar-1: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7For every modifier, multiplies the + current value of the attribute by {$p}(1 + x)&7, + where x is the amount of the particular + modifier. Functions the same as {$p}Add Scalar + &7if there is only a single modifier with + {$p}operation 1 or 2&7. However, for multiple + modifiers it multiplies the modifiers rather + than adding them. For example, modifying an + attribute with {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p}Amount 4 + &7with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) = 45 + add-scalar: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ4NmRiOWExNGQ1ODc5ZmEyODExZDMwMWNjYmQ1MjY5OTRmODcxMjQ3YjYyZjJkOWE0ODE4M2U5NjQxYWQ2OSJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Multiplies the current value of the + attribute by {$p}1 + x&7, where x is the sum + of the modifiers' amounts. For example, + modifying an attribute with {$p}Amount 2&7 + and {$p}Amount 4 with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1592484e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-" +rows: 4 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + orange-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + generic-max-health: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0=' + name: Generic Max Health + lore: | + &7The maximum health of this mob + (in half-hearts); determines the + highest health they may be healed to. + If the player is using this to summon + a mob with high health, use this and + the Health tag {Health:200.0f} for example. + (Disabled in 1.17) + generic-follow-range: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: Generic Follow Range + lore: | + &7The range in blocks within which + a mob with this attribute targets players + or other mobs to track. + Exiting this range causes the mob to + cease following the player/mob. + Actual value used by most mobs is {$p}16&7; + for zombies it is {$p}40&7. + generic-knockback-resistance: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ANVIL + name: Generic Knockback Resistance + lore: | + &7The scale of horizontal knockback + resisted from attacks and projectiles. + Vertical knockback is not affected. + Does not affect explosions. {$p}1.0 &7is {$p}100% + &7knockback resistance. {$p}0.4 &7means {$p}60% &7of + knockback is applied. + generic-movement-speed: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: Generic Movement Speed + lore: | + &7Movement speed of an entity. + The mob's maximum speed in + blocks/second is a bit over {$p}43 + &7times this value, but can be + affected by various conditions, such as: + being ridden (if a horse), sprinting, + fleeing (if a passive mob), attacking + (if an Enderman or Zombified Piglin), + being led by a leash, being under the + effect of a Speed or Slowness potion, + being a baby zombie, or being a witch + and drinking a potion. + generic-flying-speed: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ELYTRA + name: Generic Flying Speed + lore: "&7Fly speed of an entity." + generic-armor: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor + lore: "&7Armor bonus of an entity." + generic-armor-toughness: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor Toughness + lore: "&7Armor durability bonus of an entity." + generic-attack-damage: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Damage + lore: "&7Attack strength of an entity." + generic-attack-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Speed + lore: | + &7Attack speed of an entity. + Value is the number of full-strength + attacks per second. + generic-attack-knockback: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: FISHING_ROD + name: Generic Attack Knockback + lore: | + &7Attack knockback strength of an entity. + Applies only to mobs with physical attacks. + {$p}Ravager{$sep}: {$s}1.5 + {$p}Hoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + {$p}Zoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + horse-jump-strength: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR + name: Horse Jump Strength + lore: "&7How high horses can jump." + generic-luck: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: Generic Luck + lore: | + &7Affects the results of {$p}loot tables + &7using the {$p}quality &7or {$p}bonus_rolls {$p}tag + &7(e.g. when opening chests or chest + minecarts, fishing, and killing mobs). + zombie-spawn-reinforcements: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: Zombie Spawn Reinforcements + lore: | + &7Chance for a zombie to spawn + another zombie when attacked. diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1deb5a72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml @@ -0,0 +1,769 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Enchantments {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +#What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml +'[fn-enchant]': + args: + - "" + return: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}" + lore: | + {$e}This enchantment is not + supported in your current server + version. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" + glow: true + lore: | + &7Left-click to change level + &7Right-click to remove + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: | + &7Left-click to add enchant +options: + water-worker: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + depth-strider: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + impaling: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + oxygen: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + knockback: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + dig-speed: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + frost-walker: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_ICE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + swift-sneak: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-damage: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-knockback: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-fire: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + multishot: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + piercing: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-infinite: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + quick-charge: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: CROSSBOW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + mending: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + durability: + posx: 9 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + fire-aspect: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + channeling: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loyalty: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + riptide: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-environmental: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-projectile: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-explosions: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: TNT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fire: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAVA_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + thorns: + posx: 9 + posy: 3 + material: ROSE_BUSH + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-undead: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-arthropods: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + soul-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: SOUL_SAND + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + vanishing-curse: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_EYE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + binding-curse: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-mobs: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-blocks: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + silk-touch: + posx: 9 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + luck: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + lure: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fall: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: FEATHER + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All Enchantments' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/flags.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3f5557c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Flags {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7Item flags can hide some + properties from items. + This won't change their actual + behavior it just hides them + from the item's description + which is either above or below + ther item's lore. + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove all flags' + flag-hide-attributes: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Attributes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Attributes' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Attributes' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: | + &7Item attributes are the small descriptions + shown under the lore of some items. + attributes: + GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE: + name: Test + amount: 10 + operation: ADD_NUMBER + flag-hide-destroys: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Destroys" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Destroys' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Destroys' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + + &7Can break: + &8Stone + flag-hide-dye: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + color: 255, 255, 255 + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Dyes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Dye' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Dye' + lore: | + &7Hide dye information from + colored leather armors. + flag-hide-enchants: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Enchants" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Enchants' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Enchants' + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: | + &7Hides item enchantments from + their description above the lore + however this will still keep the + item's glowing effect. + flag-hide-placed-on: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Placed On" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Placed On' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Placed On' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + + &7Can be placed on: + &8Stone + flag-hide-potion-effects: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: POTION + effects: + - "BLINDNESS, 1, 10" + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Potion Effects" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Potion Effects' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Potion Effects' + lore: | + &7This is one of those Minecraft + weird behaviors, this flag has + multiple functionalities. It Hides{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}Potion effects + &7⚫ {$s}Book information such as the author + &7⚫ {$s}Firework information + &7⚫ {$s}Map tooltips + &7⚫ {$s}Patterns of banners + &7⚫ {$s}Enchantments of enchanted books + flag-hide-unbreakable: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + unbreakable: true + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Unbreakable" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Unbreakable' + lore: | + &7Hides the unbreakable description + from items. Unbreakable items don't + lose durability when you use them. diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/main.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f8a0e5df --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + item: + #Will be replaced by the actual item + material: STONE + interaction: FREE + slot: 15 + name: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '{$p}Name' + lore: "%item_name%" + flags: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '{$p}Flags' + lore: | + &7Click to modify + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Attributes{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Destroys{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Dye{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Enchants{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Placed On{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Unbreakable{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% + attributes: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Attributes' + decoration: + slots: + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 13 + - 14 + - 16 + - 17 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + lore: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Lore' + #The lore is automatically set by the plugin for this option + enchantments: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Enchantments' + lore: #The lore is modified by the plugin to add set enchants + - "&7Click to modify" + unbreakable: + isUnbreakable: + condition: item_unbreakable + name: '{$p}Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$e}Breakable' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BEDROCK + lore: | + &7If an item is unbreakable, + it'll not decrease its durability + when you use it. + nbt: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BOOKSHELF + name: '{$p}NBT Viewer' + amount: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' + lore: | + &7Maximum amount would be {$p}64 + &7while you can technically set up + to {$p}127 &7it will cause issues + in rare situations. For example, + the GUI isn't able to show this + change and when it's being + transferred to your inventory, + it might not keep its amount. + custom-model-data: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: FIREWORK_STAR + name: '{$p}Custom Model Data{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' + lore: | + &7This is used for resource packs + that are made for 1.14+ + to add new items to the game. + This is basically just a reskin + of the same item type. + This is what plugins like ItemsAdder + use to add new items to the game. + material: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: STONE #This is a template material, the actual material is taken from the placed item + name: '{$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0962ab86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Back' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + nbt-NBTTagCompound: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&fNBTTagCompound{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagString: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagInt: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&9NBTTagInt{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagByte: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagShort: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagLong: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagDouble: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagList: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&8NBTTagList{$sep}]' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..807d19309 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Viewer {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + lore: | + &7NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7is a way + for Minecraft to store data for different + things in the game such as items, entities + and blocks in general. + + Everything you see on an item, such + as its name, lore, enchants and etc are + all stored as NBT data. You almost + will and should not modify NBT data + directly as they're extremely hard + to work with. + + This is mostly for debugging purposes + to see what's actually going on under + the hood. + path: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Current Path{$sep}:' + lore: '%path%' + add-nbt: + name: "{$p}Add Tag" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + lore: | + &7Adds a new tag to + the current compound. + + &7You can also {$p}left-click + &7to edit an existing tag or + {$p}right-click &7to remove a tag. + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + tag: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + compound: + condition: "tag == 'compound'" + name: '{$sep}[{$s}NBTTagCompound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: WHITE_WOOL + strings: + condition: "tag == 'string'" + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GREEN_WOOL + integers: + condition: "tag == 'int'" + name: '{$sep}[&9Integer{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: BLUE_WOOL + byte: + condition: "tag == 'byte'" + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: LIME_WOOL + short: + condition: "tag == 'short'" + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: YELLOW_WOOL + long: + condition: "tag == 'long'" + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: PURPLE_WOOL + double: + condition: "tag == 'double'" + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: CYAN_WOOL + list: + condition: "tag == 'list'" + name: '{$sep}[&7NBTTagList{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GRAY_WOOL + else: + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Unknown{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%" + material: RED_WOOL + #The lore is the value which is set automatically by the plugin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/kingdom-create.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/kingdom-create.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9d85ade7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/kingdom-create.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +title: "&0-=( &6Kingdom Type &0)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + pacifist: + name: "&2Pacifist" + material: OAK_SAPLING + lore: + - '&7Pacifist kingdoms cannot invade' + - 'other kingdoms and cannot be invaded.' + - "They cannot PvP other players" + - "unless &6/k pvp &7is enabled." + - "Basically it'll provide a" + - '&4permanent &7peaceful gameplay.' + slot: 1 + aggressor: + name: "&cAggressor" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: ALL + lore: + - '&7These kingdoms can invade and PvP' + - 'other non-ally kingdoms, but they may' + - 'use shields for a peaceful experience' + - 'to a certain extent temporarily.' + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a2677a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aJoin Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + requests: + name: "{$p}%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + %online% + {$p}Sent{$sep}: {$s}%sent_date% + + {$p}Left-click &7to accept. + {$e}Right-click &7to deny. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&4Close" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd6a3e0ac --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aRelationship Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + request: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/language-packs.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/language-packs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a651dd2cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/language-packs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Language Packs &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '&2Available Languages To Download' + lore: | + &7They're all under &2500kb + &7note that always the latest version is + downloaded, so if a GUI/message gets + renamed, moved or deleted which rarely + happens, the plugin &cwill not be able + to show them. + + &2English &7is always installed and + &ccannot be uninstalled &7since its + the 'reference' language. + + &7All downloaded language packs are saved + in a folder named &2repository&7. That + folder should never be edited manually. + That's the reference folder. + + If you want to modify the downloaded + languages, you should do so in the + &2languages &7folder instead. Even deleting + those are fine, the plugin will regenerate + them back without redownloading. + download-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + name: "&2Download & Update All" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZWMzYzdmYWIyYTM3MjkwNWZhM2ZjMWZiMjI4ZTc4M2JiOTNhNTNlNmQzMmU0NWViZGI0YTAyMThmY2NhIn19fQ==' + lore: | + &7This option downloads all + languages that haven't been + downloaded yet and updates all + other languages that have already + been downloaded but are outdated. + languages: + #The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%native-name% &8(&9%lang%&8)' + up-to-date: + condition: installed && updated + lore: | + &2Up to date + &4Right-click to uninstall. + outdated: + condition: installed + lore: | + &eOutdated. Left-click to update. + &8(&4!&8) &eUpdating will override all + files that needs updating. Only the + files shown below will be redownloaded. + &4Right-click to uninstall + &9Middle-click to see a full list of + updated files. + + &cUpdated files summary&8: + not-installed: + lore: | + &4Not installed + Left-click to download diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/languages.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/languages.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..874fe10fa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/languages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Languages &8)=-" +rows: 6 +skulls: + en: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19' + ru: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZlYWZlZjk4MGQ2MTE3ZGFiZTg5ODJhYzRiNDUwOTg4N2UyYzQ2MjFmNmE4ZmU1YzliNzM1YTgzZDc3NWFkIn19fQ==' + hu: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGE5YzNjNGI2YzUwMzEzMzJkZDJiZmVjZTVlMzFlOTk5ZjhkZWZmNTU0NzQwNjVjYzg2OTkzZDdiZGNkYmQwIn19fQ==' + es: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJiZDQ1MjE5ODMzMDllMGFkNzZjMWVlMjk4NzQyODc5NTdlYzNkOTZmOGQ4ODkzMjRkYThjODg3ZTQ4NWVhOCJ9fX0=' + de: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWU3ODk5YjQ4MDY4NTg2OTdlMjgzZjA4NGQ5MTczZmU0ODc4ODY0NTM3NzQ2MjZiMjRiZDhjZmVjYzc3YjNmIn19fQ==' + pl: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTIxYjJhZjhkMjMyMjI4MmZjZTRhMWFhNGYyNTdhNTJiNjhlMjdlYjMzNGY0YTE4MWZkOTc2YmFlNmQ4ZWIifX19' + zh: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Y5YmMwMzVjZGM4MGYxYWI1ZTExOThmMjlmM2FkM2ZkZDJiNDJkOWE2OWFlYjY0ZGU5OTA2ODE4MDBiOThkYyJ9fX0=' + tr: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=' + cs: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzliYmNjYzIxMDI2NDRkNGUzNmRmYWJlNzM1ZjBmOTMwN2FkYzVjODRlMjBhMGZkYzViM2ZhM2RlNDgwZDQ5OCJ9fX0=' + it: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODVjZTg5MjIzZmE0MmZlMDZhZDY1ZDhkNDRjYTQxMmFlODk5YzgzMTMwOWQ2ODkyNGRmZTBkMTQyZmRiZWVhNCJ9fX0=' +#This GUI is quite... controversial. +#Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + current-language: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Current Language&8: &9%kingdoms_lang%' + language: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%lang%' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/mails/editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/mails/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54db465db --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/mails/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mail &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + subject: + slot: 0 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '&2Subject&8:' + lore: '&f%subject%' + recipients: + slot: 1 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Recipients&8:' + lore: | + &6To&8: &9%to% + &6CC&8: &9%cc% + summary: + slot: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Summary&8:' + lore: '&f%summary%' + reset: + slot: 3 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cReset' + lore: | + &7Resets all mail properties such + as the subject, recipients and + the content. + preview: + slot: 4 + material: WRITTEN_BOOK + name: '&9Preview' + lore: | + &7Shows how this mail would + look like when people read it. diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/mails/mailbox.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/mails/mailbox.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ee52190d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/mails/mailbox.yml @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mailbox &8)=-" +rows: 6 +interactable: empty +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + previous: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19' + name: '&7Previous Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + next: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ==' + name: '&7Next Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + separators: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + sent-indicator: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Sent Mails' + inbox-indicator: + slot: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Inbox' + get-envelope: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&2Send Mail' + lore: | + &7Gives you a special book + to start writing your mail. + + You can put this book anywhere + you want. To edit the mail &9contents + &7just &2right-click &7and write like + you normally would. + + To edit other properties like the + &9subject &7or &9recipients&7, + &2right-click while sneaking&7. + + Once you're done and ready to &9send + &7the mail, drop this book back into + the sent section here. + + &2Needed Money&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% + &2Needed Resource Points&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% + sent: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + inbox: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/mails/recipients.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/mails/recipients.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be2fc1e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/mails/recipients.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Recipients &8)=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + to: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2To&8: &9%to%' + cc-add: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0=' + name: '&7CC&8:' + lore: "&2Click to add" + cc: + slots: + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&9%singular-cc%' + lore: '&cClick to remove' + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/map-settings.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/map-settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37737ee0c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/map-settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +title: "&cMap Settings" +type: HOPPER +options: + scoreboard: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the kingdom map as a scoreboard + which is much more convenient than + auto map mode and updates automatically. + + The disadvantage is that + it takes a huge portion of your screen + and you must memorize the symbols and + colors and what they mean. + + This option resets if you leave. + enabled: + condition: scoreboard_enabled + name: "{$enabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + reset: + slot: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&4Reset Settings' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzA1ZWI3ZTA0ODg2ODMyNTRlZGI2NzgyYzVkYjhkMjdjZDA3OGU3ODRkZTJkY2RjZDI1Y2UwODY0ZGZhYmQzOCJ9fX0=' + resize: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Resize' + lore: + - "&7Resize your own map &awidth &7and &aheight" + - "&7Your current size&8: &2%kingdoms_map_width%&7, &2%kingdoms_map_height%" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc5ZTU0Y2JlODc4NjdkMTRiMmZiZGYzZjE4NzA4OTQzNTIwNDhkZmVjZDk2Mjg0NmRlYTg5M2IyMTU0Yzg1In19fQ==' + auto: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "&7The map keeps appearing automatically" + - "as you walk to different lands." + enabled: + condition: 'auto_map_enabled' + name: "{$enabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=' + else: + name: "{$disabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' + gui: + slot: 4 + material: CHEST + name: "&2See the map in a GUI" + lore: | + &7Advantages would be better + clicking behavior and clearer + icons for different lands. + + Disadvantages would be the + limit of GUI inventory size + and limiting your mobility. diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/map.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/map.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54cc04624 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/map.yml @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +title: "&0-=( &a&lMap &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config +#You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. +options: + element: + material: DIRT + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2217dce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-" +rows: 4 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + name: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Name&8: &6%outpost-name%' + region: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '&2Region&8: &6%outpost-region%' + center: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: '&2Center' + lore: | + %outpost-center% + &7The location where the rewards + are dropped and fireworks are spawned. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + spawn: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '&2Spawn' + lore: | + %outpost-spawn% + &7Where the players get teleported + to when they join the event. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + bossbar: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: BREWING_STAND + name: '&2BossBar Settings' + delete: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cDelete this outpost' + entrance-money: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '&2Entrance Money Fee&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' + rewards: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rewards' + entrance-resource-points-fee: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '&2Entrance Resource Points Fee&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c02347924 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Command Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These commands are executed + for the kingdom that won the event. + + So any command that targets players + individually will not work. + add: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Add' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + commands: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '%command%' + lore: | + {$p}Left-click to edit + {$s}Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0e63858f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Items go here +interactable: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration-1: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 49 + - 51 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + decoration-2: + slots: + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 48 + - 50 + - 52 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These items are randomly + thrown in the Outpost event + area and players can pick + them up. + + You can freely interact with + the items in this GUI, taking + them and adding your own. + + To make custom items you can use + the {$p}/k admin item editor + &7command as well. + items: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: STONE diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7588ca55e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + resource-points: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Resource Points{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-resource-points%" + money: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Money{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-money%" + commands: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '{$p}Commands' + items: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Items' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76c1c34cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + include: + name: "&2Include Kingdom" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add a kingdom so their members" + - "can access this block." + - "" + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + exclude: + name: "&cExclude Kingdom" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add a kingdom to exclude their members" + - "from accessing the block." + - "" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + clear: + name: "&4Clear" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Remove all the kingdoms" + - "from this list." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&4Back" + material: BARRIER + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + members: + included: + condition: included + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + else: + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/players.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/players.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d59d550b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/players.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + include: + name: "&2Include Player" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone so they" + - "can access this block." + - "" + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + exclude: + name: "&cExclude Player" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone to exclude" + - "them from accessing the block." + - "" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + clear: + name: "&4Clear" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from this list." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&4Back" + material: BARRIER + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + members: + included: + condition: included + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included &8- %online%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + else: + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded &8- %online%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec2913973 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + players: + name: "&2Manage Players" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude individual players + for accessing this block. + + Player settings override the kingdom + settings. Meaning that if a player is + a part of an included or excluded kingdom, + they can still use the block if the kingdom + is excluded or not use the block if the + kingdom is included. + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: '%owner%' + slot: 0 + kingdoms: + name: "&2Manage Kingdoms" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude kingdoms for + accessing this block so everyone in + that kingdom are included or excluded. + material: RED_BANNER + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + slot: 1 + info: + name: "&5Protection Signs" + lore: |- + &6Protected blocks are protected + against griefs and no player can use it + without permission. + + If a player has access to this block, + they still cannot change the sign settings + or break the sign or the block. + + &7Click here to set a password on the block. + This only works if the block being protected + is a container such as a chest. + material: NETHER_STAR + slot: 2 + protection-type: + name: "&2Protection Type&8: &9%protection_type%" + lore: |- + &6Change the method of how + this block is protected from + other players by default. + material: CHEST + slot: 3 + back: + name: "&4Close the GUI" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f501cebb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection Type &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + protected: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. + material: OAK_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&4%protection%" + material: OAK_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. + slot: 1 + everyone-in-kingdom: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. + material: SPRUCE_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2%protection%" + material: SPRUCE_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. + slot: 2 + everyone: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + material: DARK_OAK_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2%protection%" + material: DARK_OAK_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/extractor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/extractor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..510adb455 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/extractor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +title: "&2Extractor" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + collect: + outOfFuel: + condition: 'fuel <= 0' + name: "{$e}Out of fuel &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: RED_WOOL + nothing-to-collect: + condition: 'amount <= 0' + name: "{$e}Nothing to collect &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed%" + material: RED_WOOL + else: + name: "&2Collect&8: &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP + lore: + - "&6Collect all the generated" + - "resource points." + - "Last collected by&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" + slot: 0 + fuel: + name: "&2Fuel&8: &6%fancy_fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: COAL + refresh: true + slot: 1 + lore: | + &7To fill the fuel, simply drop + one of the fuel items on the + extractor block. + + &7Additionally you can place a {$p}hopper + &7on north, south, east, west or top of + the extractor with the following items. + Note that this only works once the extractor's + fuel is almost at zero. + + &2Coal&8: &95 + &2Charcoal&8: &93 + &2Blaze Rods&8: &9100 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ &6%fancy_next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce42f797b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Settings &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + upgrade: + name: "&bUpgrade Equipment" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + lore: + - "&7Improve your champions" + - "armor and weapon with each upgrade." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + slot: 0 + change: + name: "&6Change" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Change your champion type." + slot: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to champion upgrades." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c51cf55e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Upgrades &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + settings: + name: "&bSettings" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7Change your champion's settings" + - "such as upgrading its equipment or" + - "changing your champion type." + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + health: + name: "&bChampion Health" + material: MELON_SLICE + lore: + - "&7Increases champion's health" + - "by &250 &7every level." + - "&7Current champion's health&8: &2%scaling%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + reinforcements: + name: "&bReinforcements" + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - "&7Spawns nexus guardian every {$p}3 &7minutes." + - "Each upgrade will reduce the time by {$p}15 seconds&7." + - "The spawned guards exactly match your" + - "nexus guards depending on the" + - "misc upgrade." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + resistance: + name: "&bResistance" + material: BRICK + lore: + - "&7Each upgrade adds &2%scaling%% &7chance that the" + - "Champion won't be knocked back by an attack." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + speed: + name: "&bSpeed" + material: POTION + lore: + - "&7Increases champion's Speed when" + - "his health is lower than &220%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + focus: + name: "&bFocus" + material: ENDER_EYE + lore: + - "&7Players hit by the champion will" + - "have &2%scaling% &7second removed from all" + - "their active potion effects." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + strength: + name: "&bStrength" + material: ANVIL + lore: + - "&7Strength potion will be" + - "added to the champion" + - "&7and will be amplified each level." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + throw: + name: "&bThrow" + material: COOKED_PORKCHOP + lore: + - "&7Every attack, there will be a chance" + - "&7to knock the player into the sky." + - "&7Each upgrade increases this chance by &210%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + death-duel: + name: "&bDeath Duel" + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7All players except the invader will deal" + - "&250% &7less damage to the champion. The" + - "champion will also deal double damage" + - "to all players except the invaders." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + drag: + name: "&bDrag" + material: FISHING_ROD + lore: + - "&7If the invading player is more than" + - "&2%scaling% &7blocks away from the champion, the" + - "player will be dragged to the champion." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + damage-cap: + name: "&bDamage Cap" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7Your champion can only receive up to" + - "&2%scaling% &7damages on any attack." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + thor: + name: "&bThor" + material: DIAMOND_AXE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&7Every {$p}%cooldown%&7, lightning" + - "&7strikes the invading player and all" + - "&7nearby non-allied players. Deals" + - "&7damage, and knocks the players back also." + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + plow: + name: "&bPlow" + material: COBWEB + lore: + - "&7Your champion will try to clear" + - "lava and webs every {$p}%cooldown%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + fangs: + name: "&bFangs" + material: EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG + lore: + - "&7Spawn fangs for the enemy" + - "players around the champion" + - "every {$p}%cooldown%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + purple-glass: + name: "" + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 51 + - 53 + black-glass: + name: "" + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 52 + magenta-glass: + name: "" + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 10 + - 16 + - 37 + - 43 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1293d1947 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Champions &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + zombie: + name: "&2Zombie" + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + slot: 0 + skeleton: + name: "&6Skeleton" + material: SKELETON_SKULL + slot: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to champion settings." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d0d77ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Logs Filters & Sorting &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-player: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Player Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_player_name%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Player Filter' + filters-time: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CLOCK + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Time Filter' + lore: | + {$p}After{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_after% + {$p}Before{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_before% + else: + name: '{$disabled} Time Filter' + filters-type: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER #Template + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_type_type%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Filter' + sort-ascending-time: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ascending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ascending Time Sort' + sort-descending-time: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Descending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Descending Time Sort' + sort-type: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Sort' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81208766f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Audit Logs &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#-NOSYNC +'[type]': + kingdom-join: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Player Joined{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Invited By{$sep}: &6%inviter% + kingdom-kick: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Kicked Member{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Kicker{$sep}: &6%kicker% + kingdom-leave: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Player Left{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + &2At{$sep}: &6%time% + &2Reason{$sep}: &6%reason% + kingdom-challenge-challenger: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Challenged' + lore: | + &e%player% &chas challenged + &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% &ckingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare to attack. + kingdom-challenge-challenged: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cChallenged' + lore: | + &e%kingdoms_kingdom_name% &ckingdom has + &cchallenged your kingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare before they attack. + kingdom-claim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&2Claimed' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has claimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-unclaim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&cUnclaimed' + lore: | + {$es}%player% {$e}has unclaimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invasion-invader: + material: IRON_SWORD + name: '&2Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-invasion-invaded: + material: GOLD_SWORD + name: '&cGot Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded your kingdom at{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-upgrade-misc: + material: DIAMOND_HOE + name: '&9Misc Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}misc upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-champion: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: '&9Champion Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}champion upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-powerup: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '&9Powerup Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}powerup. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-upgrade: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structure at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structures. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aTurret Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turrets. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase-ammo: + name: '&aTurret Ammo Purchase' + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased ammo for + {$s}%style% {$p}turret at {$s}%translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%y%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$s}%fancy_old_amount% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_new_amount% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-upgrade: + material: ARROW + name: '&aTurret Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turret at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-resource-points-convert: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&aResource Points Convert' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed + resource points{$sep}: + {$s}%fancy_amount-before% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_amount-after% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + extractor-collect: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aExtractor Collect' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has collected the + extractor located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Collected Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + warppad-teleport: + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: '&3Warp Pad Teleport' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has teleported + using the Warp Pad located at + {$s}%from_location% {$p}to + {$s}%precise_location% + {$p}Fuel Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + outpost-item-purchase: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&eOutpost Item Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + the following items from the + Outpost structure located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Total Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + %purchases% + kingdom-pacifism-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&5Pacifism Change' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed the + pacifism state of the kingdom. + {$p}Pacifist{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + shield-purchase: + material: SHIELD + name: '&5Shield Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + a shield for the kingdom. + {$p}Purchased Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% + {$p}Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-shield-time% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-relation-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Relationship Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's relationship has + changed with {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% {$p}kingdom{$sep}: + %old-relation% {$sep}➜ %new-relation% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invite: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Invite' + lore: | + {$s}%inviter% {$p}has invited {$s}%player% + {$p}to the kingdom. They have {$s}%accept-time% + {$p}to accept the request. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-king-change: + material: BOOK + name: '&4King Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's king has been changed{$sep}: + {$s}%old-king% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-king% + {$p}Reason{$sep}: {$s}%reason% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + player-rank-change: + lore: | + {$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank% + {$p}By{$sep}: {$s}%by-player% + promoted: + condition: 'old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority' #It's the opposite + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&aPlayer Promoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + else: #demoted + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cPlayer Demoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + rank-create: + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rank Created' + lore: | + {$p}A rank was created by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-delete: + material: BOOK + name: '&cRank Deleted' + lore: | + {$p}Rank was deleted by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-name: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Name Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-name% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-name% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-symbol: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Symbol Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}symbol was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-symbol% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-symbol% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-color: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Color Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-color%color {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-color%color + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-priority: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Priority Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}priority was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-priority% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-priority% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-max-claims: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Max Claims Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}max claims was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-max-claims% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-max-claims% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-material: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Material Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}material was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-material% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + structures-nexus-move: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nexus Placed' + placed: + condition: placed + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + placed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + else: + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + moved by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%from_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%from_x%{$sep}, {$s}%from_y%{$sep}, {$s}%from_z% {$sep}➜ {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + group-tax-server-pay: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Server Tax" + lore: | + {$p}Server taxes paid. + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-champion-change: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: "&9Champion Change" + lore: | + {$p}The champion was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-lore: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Lore" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's lore was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-rename: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Rename" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom was renamed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-tag: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Tag" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's tag was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-join: + material: BEACON + name: "&9Nation Join" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has joined + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-leave: + material: BEACON + name: "&cNation Leave" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has left + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + 'PeaceTreaties:received': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Received Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}Proposer{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + 'PeaceTreaties:sent': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Sent Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}To{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + '[else]': + material: BARRIER + name: '{$e}Unknown log type{$sep}:' + lore: '{$es}%type%' +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-and-sorting: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: BOOK + name: "{$p}Filters & Sorting" + lore: | + {$p}Filters{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Player{$sep}: %bool_filters_player% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Time{$sep}: %bool_filters_time% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_filters_type% + + {$p}Sorting{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Ascending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_ascending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Descending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_descending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_sorting_type% + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + entry: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + '[switch]': type + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f060c70e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%player%" +type: HOPPER +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + kick: + name: "&cKick" + material: RED_WOOL + cantKick: + condition: '!can_kick' + lore: | + &cYou can't kick this member. + else: { } + slot: 0 + demote: + name: '&eDemote' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0=" + cantDemote: + condition: '!can_demote' + lore: | + &cYou can't demote this member. + else: { } + slot: 1 + member: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slot: 2 + promote: + name: '&aPromote' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0=" + canPromote: + condition: '!can_promote' + lore: | + &cYou can't promote this member. + else: { } + slot: 3 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to members menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb755f8e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aMembers &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + members: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da670ccc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml @@ -0,0 +1,522 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &3Misc Upgrades {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc]': + args: + - "" + - "" + - "" + return: + pacifist: + condition: ' && kingdoms_pacifist' + name: "" + perform-action: false + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "&cYour kingdom is pacifist" + - "and cannot use this upgrade." + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%" + - "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable" + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%" + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc-basic]': + args: + - "" + return: + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' +options: + glory: + material: NETHER_STAR + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + anti-trample: + material: WHEAT_SEEDS + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + nexus-guards: + material: DIAMOND_AXE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + guards: + material: IRON_AXE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + insanity: + material: REDSTONE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + invasion-teleportation: + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + invasions: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + anti-explosion: + material: GUNPOWDER + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + max-claims: + name: "&3Max Claims" + material: MAP + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + max-turrets: + name: "&3Max Turrets" + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + max-members: + name: "&3Max Players" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + chest-size: + name: "&3Nexus Chest Size" + material: ENDER_CHEST + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + back: + name: "{$p}Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + cyan-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + light-blue-glass: + name: '' + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3a1fea16 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation_name%'s &6&lNation Nexus" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 +options: + settings: + name: "&7Settings" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&6Change your nation settings." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + resource-points: + name: "&eResource Points Converter" + material: HAY_BLOCK + lore: + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your nation has &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6resource points." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + ranks: + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" + material: BOOKSHELF + lore: + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your nation." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + red-glass: + name: "" + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + black-glass: + name: "" + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bc8a9a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + nation settings located inside + nexus GUI. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ec33e98a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Template material. Gets replaced + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Maximum amount of claims a + player with this rank can claim + if they have claiming permissions. + + It'll only free more claims once + the player or someone else {$p}/k unclaim + &7the land that they claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1875d116 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: "&aResource Points Converter" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE +interactable: empty +disallow-creative: true +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. +options: + info: + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + apply: + name: "&2Apply" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + refresh: true + lore: + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + back: + name: "&cBack" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + lime-glass: + name: '' + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..624713068 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + else: + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + else: + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + else: + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + interact: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Interact&8: &2Enabled" + material: CAULDRON + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." + else: + name: "&2Interact&8: &cDisabled" + material: CAULDRON + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + use: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Use&8: &2Enabled" + material: LEVER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + else: + name: "&2Use&8: &cDisabled" + material: LEVER + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + else: + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + else: + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" + material: ARROW + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + manage-structures: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &2Enabled" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + else: + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &cDisabled" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49eee5962 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + neutral: + name: "Neutral" + material: WHITE_CONCRETE + slot: 0 + ally: + name: "&2Ally" + material: LIME_CONCRETE + slot: 1 + truce: + name: "&eTruce" + material: YELLOW_CONCRETE + slot: 2 + enemy: + name: "&cEnemy" + material: RED_CONCRETE + slot: 3 + nation: + name: "&9Nation" + material: BLUE_CONCRETE + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..117480436 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_nation_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k nation home %kingdoms_nation_name% + tax: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your nation taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Member Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + + &6Nation Server Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other nations. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your nation's flag for online maps. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_nation_color@hex%%kingdoms_nation_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your nation marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_nation_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + nation to protect your kingdom + against invades. + + Kingdom members who invade when + nation shields are enabled, will + temporarily lose access to nation's + shield. diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fe82ac3f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: "&8-=( &8Shields &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + shield-6hr: + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + material: SHIELD + cost: 5000 + time: 6hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &25000" + slot: 0 + shield-12hr: + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 8000 + time: 12hr + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &28000" + slot: 1 + shield-1day: + name: "&21 Day Shield" + material: SHIELD + cost: 15000 + time: 1day + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &215000" + slot: 2 + shield-1week: + name: "&21 Week Shield" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 70000 + time: 7days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CROSS: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &270000" + slot: 3 + shield-1month: + name: "&21 Month Shield" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 150000 + time: 30days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + MOJANG: RED + lore: + - "&6Cost&8: &2150000" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc13d133e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_kingdom_name%'s &6&lNexus" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 +icon: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Nexus-Logo.png" +form-type: CUSTOM +form-options: + settings: + component-type: LABEL + text: "&5Settings" +options: + settings: + name: "&7Settings" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&6Change your kingdom settings." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + members: + name: "&2Members" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0=' + lore: + - "&6Manage your kingdom members." + - "&6Promote or demote them." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + masswar: + running: + condition: kingdoms_masswar_is_running + name: "&4Masswar" + material: CLOCK + lore: + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &2running." + - "" + - "{$p}Mass War ends in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" + else: + name: "&4Masswar" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &cnot running." + - "" + - "{$p}Next Mass War in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + nexus-chest: + name: "&eNexus Chest" + material: CHEST + lore: + - "&6Put items in your kingdoms chest" + - "&6for everyone to use." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + turrets: + name: "&9Turrets" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&6You can buy turrets with" + - "resource points to place them" + - "on your land. It protects against" + - "mobs and invaders." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + structures: + name: "&5Structures" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - "&6Structures can do different things." + - "You can only have one structure per land." + - "Note that the nexus is a structure itself." + - "You can buy structures with resource points." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + misc-upgrades: + name: "&bMisc Upgrades" + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + lore: + - "&6Extra miscellaneous upgrades" + - "to improve your kingdom" + - "in different aspects." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + logs: + name: "&aAudit Logs" + material: KNOWLEDGE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6View kingdom logs including" + - "invasions, claiming, unclaiming," + - "and other member activities." + - "" + - "&7Most of these logs stay for" + - "30 days after they're deleted." + - "Some may stay for a shorter time" + - "that are less important." + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + resource-points: + name: "&eResource Points Converter" + material: HAY_BLOCK + lore: + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your kingdom has &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6resource points." + posx: 4 + posy: 5 + damage-reduction: + name: "&3Damage Reduction" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade reduces damage" + - "taken by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + damage-boost: + name: "&3Damage Boost" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + arrow-boost: + name: "&7Arrow Boost" + material: BOW + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade increases your bow" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + regeneration-boost: + name: "&dRegeneration Boost" + material: GOLDEN_APPLE + lore: + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "regeneration rate by &e1% &6in your land." + - "This update doesn't do any regeneration by" + - "itself. It only boosts your health regeneration" + - "amount that you gained by eating food." + - "" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + ranks: + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" + material: BOOKSHELF + lore: + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your kingdom." + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + champion-upgrades: + name: "&2Champion Upgrades" + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - "&6Upgrade your champion for stronger" + - "defence against invaders." + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + mailbox: + name: "&2Mailbox" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18054-mailbox-green + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + lore: | + &7Send & recieve mails from + other kingdoms. + &2Total mails&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + red-glass: + name: "" + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 4 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 46 + - 49 + - 52 + black-glass: + name: "" + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b379ab893 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,719 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +import: + pagination: { } +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + alliance: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k ally &7command. + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission to build anywhere + in the kingdom. + + For the difference between this + and {$p}BUILD_OWNED &7permission + refer to the other permission. + build-owned: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7The difference between &2BUILD &7and + &2BUILD_OWNED &7is that &2BUILD &7allows + you to build anywhere in your kingdom + (except the nexus land that needs + &2NEXUS_BUILD&7) + + &2BUILD_OWNED &7only allows you to build + in the lands that you claimed yourself. + For example if you &6/k claim &7somewhere + other people with &2BUILD_OWNED &7can't + build there, but you or people who have + &2BUILD &7permission can. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + enemy: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k enemy &7command. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invade &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + nexus: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for moving the + kingdom nexus using + {$s}/k nexus &7command. + nexus-build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for building + in the nexus land + nexus-chest: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for modifying + the kingdom's nexus chest. + outpost: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying + items from outpost structures. + protection-signs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for bypassing + sign protected blocks inside + kingdom lands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + invsee: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invsee &7command. + structures: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying structures. + use: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using certain + blocks inside the kingdom. + interact: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for interacting + with certain blocks such as + doors and buttons inside + kingdom lands. + upgrade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for upgrading + anything that can be upgraded + inside the kingdom such as + misc-upgrades, champion upgrades, + powerups, turrets and structures. + truce: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k truce &7command. + turrets: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying turrets. + unclaim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k unclaim &7commands. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + fly: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k fly &7command. + nation: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for joining + or leaving nations. + exclude-tax: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Kingdom members with this + permission are not required + to pay taxes to the kingdom. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + kingdom settings located inside + nexus GUI. + claim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k claim &7commands. + unclaim-owned: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Allows you to only unclaim + the lands that you claimed yourself. + instant-teleport: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Instantly teleport to your + members when using the &2/k tpa + &7command. Otherwise you'll have + to wait for them to accept the request. + + You will still have the teleport + countdown before teleporting. + view-logs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7View your kingdom audit logs + which can be accessed from + your nexus. + read-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for reading + kingdom mails located inside + nexus GUI. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + manage-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Send new mails and reply. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + 'Outposts:join': + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission to use + {$s}/k outposts join &7command. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b5ec9867 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Gets replaced by the material that the player picked, don't change. + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Players with this rank will not + be able to claim more lands than + the specified value. + + If they want to claim more lands, + they have to unclaim the lands that + they claimed themselves not the + claims that other members claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed0e84105 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +title: "&aResource Points Converter" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE +interactable: empty +disallow-creative: true +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. +options: + withdraw: + name: "&2Withdraw" + material: PAPER + posx: 4 + posy: 6 + lore: + - "&6Withdraw resource points" + - "from your kingdom to your balance." + info: + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" + lore: + - "&6Total Donations&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" + - "&6Last Donation Time&8: &2%kingdoms_date_last_donation_time%" + - "&6Last Donation Amount&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_last_donation_amount%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + deposit: + name: "&2Deposit" + material: PAPER + posx: 6 + posy: 6 + lore: + - "&6Deposit resource points" + - "to your kingdom from your balance." + apply: + name: "&2Apply" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + refresh: true + lore: + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + back: + name: "&cBack" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + lime-glass: + name: '' + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7c18b85f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes +options: + #Only options starting with "color" will be interpreted as predefined colors. + #You can add your own colors, just don't forget the "color" option AND the GUI option entry name itself + #must begin with the word "color" + separator: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 4 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + back: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' + hex-picker: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Enter a hex color' + unavailable-color-dark-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + name: '&4Dark Red #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + color: '#FF5555' + unavailable-color-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cRed #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + color: '#FF5555' + color-dark-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_BLOCK + name: '&1Dark Blue #0000AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#0000AA' + color-light-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Light Blue #5555FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#5555FF' + color-black: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: BLACK_WOOL + name: '&0Black #000000' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#000000' + color-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '&8Gray #555555' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#555555' + color-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Dark Purple #AA00AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AA00AA' + color-dark-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Dark Green #00AA00' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AA00' + color-orange: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: ORANGE_WOOL + name: '&6Minecoin Gold #DDD605' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#DDD605' + color-dark-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '&3Dark Aqua #00AAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AAAA' + color-white: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite #FFFFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFFFF' + color-light-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + material: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL + name: '&7Light Gray #AAAAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AAAAAA' + color-light-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dLight Purple #FF55FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FF55FF' + color-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '&aGreen #55FF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FF55' + color-yellow: + posx: 2 + posy: 6 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow #FFFF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFF55' + color-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL + name: '&bAqua #55FFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FFFF' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b755a907e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + green-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fly" + material: ELYTRA + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fly" + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Build" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Build" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Ceasefire" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Ceasefire" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + interact: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Interact" + material: CAULDRON + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Interact" + material: CAULDRON + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction" + - "for opening containers." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + use: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Use" + material: LEVER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Use" + material: LEVER + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Turret Ceasefire" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + glow: true + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + else: + name: "{$disabled} Turret Ceasefire" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Turrets" + material: ARROW + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Manage Turrets" + material: ARROW + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + manage-structures: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Structures" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Manage Structures" + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + show-holograms: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the holograms of + kingdom items to the members + of kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97da8366e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + neutral: + name: "Neutral" + material: WHITE_CONCRETE + slot: 0 + ally: + name: "&2Ally" + material: LIME_CONCRETE + slot: 1 + truce: + name: "&eTruce" + material: YELLOW_CONCRETE + slot: 2 + enemy: + name: "&cEnemy" + material: RED_CONCRETE + slot: 3 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to settings menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7f3ec13c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k home %kingdoms_name% + hidden: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: POTION + color: 818595 + name: "{$s}Hidden{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_hidden%" + lore: | + &7Hidden kingdoms aren't displayed + in {$p}/k map &7and online maps. + tax: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your kingdom taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Personal Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax% + + &6Kingdom Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other kingdoms. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom flag for Dynmap. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + pacifism: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: END_CRYSTAL + name: '&6Pacifist&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_pacifist%' + lore: | + &7When you're in pacifism mode, + your kingdom cannot invade + and cannot be invaded by other kingdoms. + + If you invade a Kingdom, you cannot go + back into pacifism mode for a week. + + &2Cooldown&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown% + invites: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: BOOK + name: '&6Requires Invite&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_requires_invite%' + lore: | + &7When turned off, anyone can + join this kingdom without needing + an invitation with {$p}/k join %kingdoms_name% + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_kingdom_color@hex%%kingdoms_kingdom_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + kingdom to protect your kingdom + against invades. diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5aa70ef4c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Shields {$sep})=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + shield-6hr: + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + cost: 1000 + time: 6hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + slot: 0 + shield-12hr: + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 1900 + time: 12hr + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + slot: 1 + shield-1day: + name: "&21 Day Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + cost: 4500 + time: 1day + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED + slot: 2 + shield-1week: + name: "&21 Week Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 50000 + time: 7days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CROSS: RED + slot: 3 + shield-1month: + name: "&21 Month Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 100000 + time: 30days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + MOJANG: RED + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d73f36ae --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Structures &8)=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE +#Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will +#remove the disc's name from the lore... +options: + powercell: + name: "&4Powercell" + material: MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP + sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Lands surrounded by a powercell cannot" + - "be invaded until the powercell" + - "land is invaded first." + - "The protection radius is &23x3 &6for level 1" + - "and &25x5 &6for level 2." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + extractor: + name: "&aExtractor" + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Extractors will produce resource points." + - "&6You can collect the resource points" + - "at any time." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + outpost: + name: "&eOutpost" + material: MUSIC_DISC_13 + sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1.5 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6You can get EXP Bottles from" + - "outposts using resource points." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + warppad: + name: "&cWarp Pad" + material: MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS + sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Warp pads can be used to teleport" + - "from a structure to another." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + regulator: + name: "&3Regulator" + material: MUSIC_DISC_WARD + sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Manage player attributes such as building," + - "turret ceasefire and etc..." + - "Change which player can interact with what block." + - "Disable mob or animal spawning and turrets." + - "Enable explosions." + - "Auto fill turrets ammo." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + siege-cannon: + name: "&3Siege Cannon" + material: MUSIC_DISC_STRAD + sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Cannon used to break a kingdom's" + - "shield." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + cyan-glass: + name: "" + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + light-blue-glass: + name: "" + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..883388eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Turrets &8)=-" +rows: 4 +sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE +options: + arrow: + name: "&2Arrow" + material: ARROW + sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT + lore: + - "&6A simple turret that fires plain" + - "arrows at enemies at a moderate rate." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + flame: + name: "&3Flame" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + sound: ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Fast firing turret that sets" + - "targets ablaze." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + healing: + name: "&dHealing" + material: TIPPED_ARROW + sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Heals nearby members and allies." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + psionic: + name: "&aPsionic" + material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK + sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - "&6Effects the enemies nearby." + - "Higher levels add more effects." + - "But never deals killing damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + hellfire: + name: "&cHellfire" + material: FIRE_CHARGE + sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE + lore: + - "&6Powerful turret that fires quickly" + - "with high damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + soldier: + name: "&5Soldier" + sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - "&6Spawns guards to kill the" + - "target player." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + heatbeam: + name: "&3Heatbeam" + sound: ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK + material: MAGMA_CREAM + lore: + - "&6Targets singular targets and deals" + - "a high damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + inferno: + name: "&4Inferno" + material: END_CRYSTAL + sound: ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE + lore: + - "&6Similar to Heatbeams." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + spring: + name: "&7Spring" + material: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "throw the player into" + - "the air when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + explosive-mine: + name: "&7Explosive Mine" + material: HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "explode when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + chemical-mine: + name: "&8Chemical Mine" + material: LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will give" + - "you debuffs when stepped on." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + Cyan-Glass: + name: "" + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 28 + - 34 + Light-Blue-Glass: + name: "" + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 27 + - 35 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fa2e56cb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + sell-coal: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: COAL + name: '{$p}Coal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3 + item: + material: COAL + sell-charcoal: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CHARCOAL + name: '{$p}Charcoal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 2 + item: + material: CHARCOAL + sell-flint: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: FLINT + name: '{$p}Flint {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1 + item: + material: FLINT + sell-ender-eye: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '{$p}Ender Eye {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1000 + item: + material: ENDER_EYE + sell-ender-pearl: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '{$p}Ender Pearl {$s}%cost%' + cost: 100 + item: + material: ENDER_PEARL + sell-slime-ball: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Slime Ball {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: SLIME_BALL + sell-book: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Book {$s}%cost%' + cost: 10 + item: + material: BOOK + sell-emerald: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '{$p}Emerald {$s}%cost%' + cost: 70 + item: + material: EMERALD + sell-diamond: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '{$p}Diamond {$s}%cost%' + cost: 60 + item: + material: DIAMOND + sell-gold-ingot: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLD_INGOT + name: '{$p}Gold Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLD_INGOT + sell-iron-ingot: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: IRON_INGOT + name: '{$p}Iron Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 40 + item: + material: IRON_INGOT + sell-nether-brick: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: NETHER_BRICK + name: '{$p}Nether Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: NETHER_BRICK + sell-brick: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: BRICK + name: '{$p}Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BRICK + sell-lapis-lazuli: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + name: '{$p}Lapis Lazuli {$s}%cost%' + cost: 15 + item: + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + sell-experience-bottle: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + name: '{$p}Experience Bottle {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + sell-dragon-breath: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: DRAGON_BREATH + name: '{$p}Dragon Breath {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3000 + item: + material: DRAGON_BREATH + sell-blaze-rod: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_ROD + name: '{$p}Blaze Rod {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BLAZE_ROD + sell-prismarine-crystals: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + name: '{$p}Prismarine Crystals {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + sell-blaze-powder: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_POWDER + name: '{$p}Blaze Powder {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: BLAZE_POWDER + sell-golden-carrot: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + name: '{$p}Golden Carrot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + sell-magma-cream: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: MAGMA_CREAM + name: '{$p}Magma Cream {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: MAGMA_CREAM + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79a4218dc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + construction: + material: STONE_PICKAXE + name: "&4Under construction..." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..275983b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &aAmount Picker {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + cancel: + name: "{$e}Click to cancel" + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + done: + name: "{$p}Click to buy" + lore: "{$p}Price{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_cost%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + skull: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + decrease: + name: '{$e}Decrease' + cantDecrease: + condition: '!can_decrease' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Minimum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%min% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + decrease by {$p}10 + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + item: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: GRASS_BLOCK + increase: + cantIncrease: + condition: '!can_increase' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Maximum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%max% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + increase by {$p}10 + {$e}Maximum amount{$sep}: {$es}%max% + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + name: '{$p}Increase' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/powercell.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/powercell.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f58b65d17 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/powercell.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +title: "&cPowercell" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT +options: + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 0 + upgrade: + slot: 2 + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &61 &7➔ &62" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &62" + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c77795b51 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: "&eAttribute Editor" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + all: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" + lore: + - '&7All the attributes.' + material: BOOK + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" + material: BOOK + slot: 0 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + slot: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" + material: ELYTRA + slot: 2 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + slot: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" + material: ARROW + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..585214017 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +title: "&eAttributes" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + members: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + add: + name: "&2Add Player" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone to the list." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + remove-all: + name: "&4Remove All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8091e7e82 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +title: "&eInteraction Editor" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + all: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" + material: BOOK + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" + material: BOOK + slot: 0 + doors: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Doors&8: &2Enabled" + material: OAK_DOOR + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Doors&8: &cDisabled" + material: OAK_DOOR + slot: 1 + buttons-and-levers: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &2Enabled" + material: LEVER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &cDisabled" + material: LEVER + slot: 2 + shulker-boxes: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &2Enabled" + material: SHULKER_BOX + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &cDisabled" + material: SHULKER_BOX + slot: 3 + enchantment-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &2Enabled" + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &cDisabled" + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + slot: 4 + crafting-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &2Enabled" + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &cDisabled" + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + slot: 5 + chests: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Chests&8: &2Enabled" + material: CHEST + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Chests&8: &cDisabled" + material: CHEST + slot: 6 + beds: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Beds&8: &2Enabled" + material: RED_BED + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Beds&8: &cDisabled" + material: RED_BED + slot: 7 + loom: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Loom&8: &2Enabled" + material: LOOM + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Loom&8: &cDisabled" + material: LOOM + slot: 8 + jigsaw: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &2Enabled" + material: JIGSAW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &cDisabled" + material: JIGSAW + slot: 9 + hopper: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Hopper&8: &2Enabled" + material: HOPPER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Hopper&8: &cDisabled" + material: HOPPER + slot: 10 + dispenser: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &2Enabled" + material: DISPENSER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &cDisabled" + material: DISPENSER + slot: 11 + smoker: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Smoker&8: &2Enabled" + material: SMOKER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Smoker&8: &cDisabled" + material: SMOKER + slot: 12 + furnaces: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &2Enabled" + material: FURNACE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &cDisabled" + material: FURNACE + slot: 13 + dropper: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Dropper&8: &2Enabled" + material: DROPPER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Dropper&8: &cDisabled" + material: DROPPER + slot: 14 + beacon: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Beacon&8: &2Enabled" + material: BEACON + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Beacon&8: &cDisabled" + material: BEACON + slot: 15 + anvils: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Anvils&8: &2Enabled" + material: ANVIL + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Anvils&8: &cDisabled" + material: ANVIL + slot: 16 + brewing-stand: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &2Enabled" + material: BREWING_STAND + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &cDisabled" + material: BREWING_STAND + slot: 17 + cartography-tables: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &2Enabled" + material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &cDisabled" + material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE + slot: 18 + smithing-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &2Enabled" + material: SMITHING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &cDisabled" + material: SMITHING_TABLE + slot: 19 + plates: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Plates&8: &2Enabled" + material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Plates&8: &cDisabled" + material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE + slot: 20 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e3b36ca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +title: "&eInteractions" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + members: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + add: + name: "&2Add Player" + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Add someone to the list." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + remove-all: + name: "&4Remove All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3297b877 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: "&eRegulator" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + rules: + name: "&2Rules" + material: LECTERN + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 0 + lore: + - "&7Change this land's rules" + - "such as disabling turrets or" + - "auto refilling turret within" + - "this land." + attributes: + name: "&2Attributes" + material: BOOK + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 1 + lore: + - "&7Change different attributes" + - "for each player such as" + - "building and turret ceasefire." + interactions: + name: "&2Interactions" + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 2 + lore: + - "&7Manage who can interact with" + - "what kind of blocks." + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + slot: 3 + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..382d41f65 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +title: "&eRules" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + pink-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 13 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 25 + - 26 + material: PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + disable-mob-spawning: + material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7mob + spawning. All mobs except animals. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + disable-animal-spawning: + material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7animal + spawning. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + disable-turrets: + material: ARROW + lore: | + &7Prevents all turrets from + shooting that are placed in + this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Turrets" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Turrets" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + auto-fill-turrets: + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: | + &7Automatically fills the turrets + within this land with ammo. + {$p}Conditions{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be completely + out of ammo. + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be in the same + land as the regulator. + &7⚫ {$s}Your kingdom must have enough + resource points to afford the refill. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + allow-explosions: + material: TNT + lore: | + &7Allows all types of + explosions to damge this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Allow Explosions" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Allow Explosions" + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + allow-fire: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + lore: | + &7Allows all types of fire + damages to this territory. + Including fire spreads, block + burns, etc. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fire" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fire" diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..070dea501 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +title: "&3Siege Cannon" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +interactable: #The ammo slot + - 2 +options: + sit: + name: "&2Sit" + lore: + - "&7Sit on the cannon" + - "to start shooting." + material: BRICK_STAIRS + slot: 0 + ammo: + name: "&4-------->" + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + lore: + - "&2Put a fire charge in this" + - "slot to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7Loaded projectiles will disappear" + - "once the server is restarted." + - "" + - "&2Iron Blocks&8: &9Tier I" + - "&2Gold Blocks&8: &9Tier II" + - "&2Fire Charges&8: &9Tier III" + slot: 1 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ &6%next-explosion-radius%" + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7The values shown here might" + - "differ based on the projectile that you" + - "used to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/warppad.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/warppad.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1a26816ca --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/structures/warppad.yml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +title: "&eWarppad" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + nexus: + name: "&2Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + material: BEACON + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + national-nexus: + name: "&9National Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + material: BEACON + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + rename: + name: "&2Rename" + lore: + - "&7Rename this warp pad." + - "{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%structure-custom-name%" + - "{$p}Fuel{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel%{$sep}/{$s}%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: PAPER + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + orange-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&cPowercells&8:' + powercell: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + name: "&cPowercell&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + lime-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&aExtractors&8:' + extractor: + slots: + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + green-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2Warp Pads&8:' + warppad: + slots: + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: "&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + yellow-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&eOutposts&8:' + outpost: + name: "&eOutpost&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: HAY_BLOCK + brown-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&7Regulators&8:' + regulator: + name: "&3Regulator&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LECTERN diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/surrender.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/surrender.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41231a7a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/surrender.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Surrender {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + purple-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 45 + - 46 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + invasion: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + invading: + condition: kingdoms_is_invading + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "{$p}You are invading{$sep}:" + lore: | + {$p}Land{$sep}: {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$p}Champion{$sep}: {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) + {$p}Since{$sep}: {$s}%since% + {$p}Duration{$sep}: {$s}%duration% + {$p}Passed{$sep}: {$s}%passed% + {$p}Total Lands{$sep}: {$s}%total_lands% + #These are for plunders only. + #{$p}Attacker Score{$sep}: {$s}%attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%defender_death_limit% + #{$p}Defender Score{$sep}: {$s}%defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%attacker_death_limit% + else: + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + attacking: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Defender{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + defending: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$e}Invader{$sep}: {$es}%kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + attacking-info: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Lands that your kingdom is attacking' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWRhMDI3NDc3MTk3YzZmZDdhZDMzMDE0NTQ2ZGUzOTJiNGE1MWM2MzRlYTY4YzhiN2JjYzAxMzFjODNlM2YifX19' + defending-info: + posx: 7 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmQ5Mjg3NjE2MzQzZDgzM2U5ZTczMTcxNTljYWEyY2IzZTU5NzQ1MTEzOTYyYzEzNzkwNTJjZTQ3ODg4NGZhIn19fQ==' + name: '{$es}Your kingdom lands that are under attack' diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/templates/pagination.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/templates/pagination.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c228d4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/templates/pagination.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +options: + next-page: + has-next: + condition: 'page < pages' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + else: + name: '&cNo more pages &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/9382-red-x + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 8 + previous-page: + has-previous: + condition: 'page > 1' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + else: + name: '&cFirst page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/arrow.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/arrow.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7675f3fc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/arrow.yml @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +title: "&aArrow Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + #Set to 0 to disable. + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/flame.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/flame.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2319d810 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/flame.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&cFlame Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/healing.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/healing.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a777302d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/healing.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&dHealing Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..300b5e76c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&9Heatbeam Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df9597cd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&4HellFire Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/inferno.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/inferno.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1973a2852 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/inferno.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&0Inferno Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/psionic.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/psionic.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69dcc7d50 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/psionic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +title: "&aPsionic Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/soldier.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/soldier.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e59a990f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/turrets/soldier.yml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +title: "&5Soldier Turret" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: "level < max_level" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + maxxed: + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + slot: 1 + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - "&4Breaks this turret." + slot: 3 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pl/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml b/resources/languages/pl/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b43867016 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pl/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +title: "&cUnclaimed %kingdom-item-name%" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + break: + name: "&cBreak" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cClose" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/addons.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/addons.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d32adb654 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/addons.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Addons {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '{$sp}Informação' + lore: | + {$sep}Os complementos são conteúdos adicionais que podem ser baixados e instalados separadamente. + + A razão pela qual os complementos existem em primeiro lugar é por causa de {$p}desempenho{$sep}, {$p}modularização{$sep} e {$p}limites de tamanho de arquivo. + + {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] {$sep}Para poder instalar complementos, você precisa ter uma conexão com a internet que consiga se conectar ao {$p}GitHub.com{$sep} ({$sep}não bloqueado por firewall, censura do país, etc.{$sep}) + addons: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + installing: + condition: installing + name: '&8[&3Instalando...&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + {$p}Versão{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + material: CYAN_WOOL + pending-restart: + condition: waiting_to_restart + name: '&8[&5Reinício Pendente&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + {$p}Versão{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + &5O complemento foi baixado. Aguardando a reinicialização do servidor para ativar o complemento. + material: PURPLE_WOOL + updated: + condition: 'installed && !outdated' + name: '&8[&2Atualizado&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + {$p}Versão{$colon} {$sp}%installed-version% + &4Clique direito para desinstalar + material: GREEN_WOOL + outdated-and-outdated-core-version: + condition: 'installed && outdated && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Desatualizado&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &4Versão Instalado{$colon} {$sp}%installed-version% + {$p}Última Versão{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + + {$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Esta versão requer kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$es}para funcionar. + Versão atual{$colon} {$e}%current-core-version% + + {$p}Clique esquerdo para atualizar + &4Clique direito para desinstalar + material: RED_WOOL + not=installed-outdated-core-version: + condition: '!installed && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Core Desatualizado&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + {$p}Versão{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + + {$warning}Esta versão requer kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$sep}para funcionar. + Versão atual{$colon} {$e}%current-core-version%. + material: RED_WOOL + outdated: + condition: 'installed && outdated' + name: '&8[&4Desatualizado&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &4Versão Instalado{$colon} {$sp}%installed-version% + {$p}Última Versão{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + {$p}Clique esquerdo para atualizar + &4Clique direito para desinstalar + material: RED_WOOL + not-installed: + name: '&8[&6Não Instalado&8] {$sp}%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + {$p}Versão{$colon} {$sp}%latest-version% + {$p}Clique esquerdo para instalar + condition: '!installed' + material: BLUE_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/book.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/book.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80ffd194c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/book.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +title: "&4&lManual" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + chapters: + material: BOOK + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + name: "{$p}%chapter%" + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/colors.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/colors.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1665d4ebd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/colors.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +title: chest +rows: 1 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' + yellow: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow' + green: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Green' + red: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&4Red' + blue: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Blue' + pink: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dPink' + purple: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Purple' + white: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6127cf29a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: '&8-=[ &2BossBar Settings &8]=-' +type: HOPPER +options: + title: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Title' + lore: '&f%bossbar-title%' + colors: + slot: 2 + name: '&2Color&8: &9%bossbar_color%' + yellow: + condition: bossbar_color == 'YELLOW' + material: YELLOW_WOOL + lime-wool: + condition: bossbar_color == 'GREEN' + material: LIME_WOOL + red-wool: + condition: bossbar_color == 'RED' + material: RED_WOOL + blue-wool: + condition: bossbar_color == 'BLUE' + material: BLUE_WOOL + magenta-wool: + condition: bossbar_color == 'PINK' + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + purple-wool: + condition: bossbar_color == 'PURPLE' + material: PURPLE_WOOL + white-wool: + condition: bossbar_color == 'WHITE' + material: WHITE_WOOL + styles: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Style&8: &3%bossbar_style%' + SOLID: + condition: bossbar_style == 'SOLID' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + SEGMENTED_6: + condition: bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_6' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + condition: bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_10' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + condition: bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_12' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + condition: bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_20' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= + flags: + slot: 4 + material: WHITE_BANNER + name: '&fFlags' + lore: | + &9Music&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% + &9Darken Sky&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% + &9Fog&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/flags.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efdf83ee4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + back: + slot: 0 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' + play-boss-music: + slot: 2 + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + lore: | + &7Plays the ender dragon theme + while this bossbar is active for + the player. This doesn't work + reliably for all servers. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Music' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Music' + darken-sky: + slot: 3 + material: CLOCK + lore: | + &7It's similar to blindness + potion effect. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Darken Sky' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Darken Sky' + create-fog: + slot: 4 + material: COBWEB + lore: | + &7Mostly restricts the player's + sight and view distance. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Fog' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fog' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/styles.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/styles.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2543e0e98 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/bossbar/styles.yml @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + SOLID: + name: '&3Solid' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + lore: | + &7Bossbar styles are those black + lines that separate the bar + into multiple parts. + + Solid means no lines. + SEGMENTED_6: + name: '&36 Segments' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 1 + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + name: '&310 Segments' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 2 + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + name: '&312 Segments' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 3 + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + name: '&320 Segments' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 4 + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/challenge.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/challenge.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dda203298 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/challenge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +title: "{$s}-=( &Desafios{$s})=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + time-two-days: + name: "{$p}Em 2 Dias" + material: IRON_BLOCK + slot: 0 + time: 2dias + time-three-days: + name: "{$p}Em 3 Dias" + material: GOLD_BLOCK + slot: 1 + time: 3dias + time-five-days: + name: "{$p}Em 5 Dias" + material: DIAMOND_BLOCK + slot: 2 + time: 2dias + time-week: + name: "{$p}Em 1 semana" + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + slot: 3 + time: 7dias + info: + name: " {$p}Desafios" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + {$sep}São invasões planejadas. Quando você quiser invadir alguém, precisa planejar uma invasão com antecedência. + + Você clica na quantidade de tempo que deseja dar ao seu inimigo antes que ele possa atacá-lo. Após esse tempo, você terá {$p}6 horas {$sep}para invadir qualquer uma das terras do reino desafiado. diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/disband.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/disband.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95299c6a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/disband.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +title: '&4&lConfirm Disband' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: '&4Confirm' + lore: + - '&6Your kingdom''s data will be' + - '&6permanently lost.' + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: '&cCancel' + lore: + - '&6Cancel confirmation.' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83deae940 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +title: '&4&lDemote All' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: '&4Confirm' + lore: + - '&6Are you sure you want to demote all' + - the members in your kingdom? + - Everyone will be demoted to the member rank. + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: '&cCancel' + lore: + - '&6Cancel confirmation.' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..47fffd9cb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +title: '&4&lReset Ranks' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: '&4Confirm' + lore: + - '&6Are you sure you want to reset all' + - the custom ranks made in your kingdom? + - Doing so will result in &lall &6your + - members being demoted to member rank. + - '' + - This will reset the rank settings to their + - original state defined by the server. + - This includes deleting newly created ranks + - and adding back the default settings for each rank. + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: '&cCancel' + lore: + - '&6Cancel confirmation.' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3002de27b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +title: '&4&lConfirm Unclaim All' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + confirm: + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: AMBIENT_CAVE + slot: 1 + name: '&4Confirm' + lore: + - '&6Once all your lands has' + - been unclaimed, everyone + - can access protected chests, + - structures and turrets. + cancel: + material: RED_WOOL + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 + slot: 3 + name: '&cCancel' + lore: + - '&6Cancel confirmation.' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/election-candidates.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/election-candidates.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71ad82b8c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/election-candidates.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&0-=( {$s}Candidatos às Eleições &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + candidates: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player% &8| {$s}%votes%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: '%candidates-description%' + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$s}Próxima Página {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$s}Página Anterior {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cFechar" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/error.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/error.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aade28f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/error.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +title: "&4&lErro" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +options: + error: + name: "&cEsse MENU está quebrado" + lore: | + &fSe você é um jogador, entre em contato com os administradores do servidor. + + Se você é um administrador, esta GUI: + {$s}%gui_path% + &fErro{$colon} + &e%message% + material: BARRIER + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/input.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/input.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ed74692d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/input.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&0-=( &Entrada &0)=-" +type: ANVIL +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + question: + name: "%question%" + lore: "teste" + material: GREEN_WOOL + slot: 0 + cancel: + name: "&cCancelar" + material: RED_WOOL + slot: 1 + done: + name: "&aConcluído" + lore: "{$sep}Clique para terminar a entrada." + material: BLUE_WOOL + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/invite-codes.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/invite-codes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02d5183fd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/invite-codes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aCódigos de Convite &0)=" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite-codes: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + {$p}Código{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-code% + {$p}Usos{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% + {$p}Criado Por{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-creator% + {$p}Criado Em{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% + {$p}Expira Em{$colon} {$s}%invitecode-expiration% + + {$p}Clique esquerdo para comprar códigos em papel. + {$sp}Clique do meio para resgatar o código. + {$e}Clique direito para deletar. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + info: + name: "&eInformação" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + lore: | + {$sep}Códigos de convite são uma forma alternativa de convidar jogadores para o seu reino. Eles são semelhantes aos códigos de convite do Discord. + + Assim que você cria um novo código de convite, um jogador pode digitar o código usando {$p}/k invitecode {$s}{$sep} ou você pode gerar um papel físico que os jogadores podem clicar com o botão direito para usá-lo. Cada papel de código de convite custa {$s}%invitecode-paper-cost%{$sep} pontos de recurso. + + Os códigos de convite expiram em determinado momento e podem ter usos limitados ou ilimitados. + new-invite-code: + name: "{$p}Criar Novo Código de Convite" + lore: | + {$sep}Você pode criar até {$p}%invitecode-max% {$sep}códigos de convite. + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + delete-all: + name: "&4Excluir Todos os Códigos de Convite" + material: RED_WOOL + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 +#next-page: +#name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/invites.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/invites.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df3b4a2ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/invites.yml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +title: "&0-=( &Convites &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRADO &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" + lore: | + {$p}Enviado{$colon} {$s}%timestamp% + &cClique para deletar + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" + lore: | + {$p}Expira em{$colon} {$s}%time-left-to-accpet% + {$p}Enviado{$colon} {$s}%timestamp% + {$p}Tempo Passado{$colon} {$s}%time-passed% + + {$p}&lClique esquerdo para aceitar + &c&lClique direito para rejeitar + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cRejeitar Todos" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Rejeitar Todos os Convites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/invsee.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/invsee.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a2cd3d37 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/invsee.yml @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +title: "&0-=( {$s}%target% &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. +context-start-row: 3 +#It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. +#These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. +options: + helmet: + name: '&cNenhum Capacete' + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_HELMET + flags: + - ALL + chestplate: + name: '&cNenhum Peitoral' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - ALL + leggings: + name: '&cNenhuma Calça' + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_LEGGINGS + flags: + - ALL + boots: + name: '&cNenhuma Bota' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: LEATHER_BOOTS + flags: + - ALL + offhand: + name: '&cNenhum item na mão secundária' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: WOODEN_HOE + flags: + - ALL + mainhand: + name: '&cNenhum item na mão primária' + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: WOODEN_SWORD + flags: + - ALL + offhand-indicator: + name: '&cAcima está mostrando a mão secundária' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + mainhand-indicator: + name: '&cAcima está mostrando a mão principal no slot{$colon} &e%held_slot%' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + separators: + name: '' + slots: + - 0 + - 5 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 17 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d62800f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Editor {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 10 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' + type: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Attribute{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' + uuid: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid%' + lore: | + &7This is the unique ID for this modifier. + Since items can have multiple attributes + of the same type, this is used to identify + specific modifiers. + You almost never need to change this manually + yourself since they're automatically + generated with minimal conflict. + name: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' + lore: | + &7This is more like a small description + for this modifier, mostly for human-readable + identification purposes. + amount: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' + operation: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' + lore: | + &7How this attribute affects + other attributes with the + same type with the given amount. + equipment-slot: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' + lore: | + &7The slot which this + attribute takes effect + when placed in. diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91f24fd33 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Equipment Slots {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' + outer-decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + inner-decoration: + slots: + - 3 + - 5 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 41 + - 42 + - 48 + - 50 + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: '&eInfo' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= + head: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_HELMET + name: '{$p}Head' + off-hand: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: '{$p}Off Hand' + chest: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: '{$p}Chest' + hand: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Main Hand' + legs: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + name: '{$p}Legs' + feet: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: '{$p}Feet' + none: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}None' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..974d52ca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute List {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + add-attribute: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ== + name: '{$p}Add Attribute' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All' + attribute: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: POLISHED_ANDESITE + name: '{$p}%attribute_type%' + lore: | + {$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid% + {$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% + {$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% + {$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% + + &9Left-click to modify + &9Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ba40039b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Operações de Atributo {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +op: + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$sep}[{$p}Ativo{$sep}] {$p}" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$p}" +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "{$gui-back}" + name: '{$p}Voltar' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&eInformação' + lore: | + {$sep}A operação de um modificador dita como ele modifica o valor base de um atributo + add-number: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + glow: true + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGQ4YjcxNzNkODQxZjI1NjNlYzEwODg4OGIwZjc5NzkxN2VmYzE4YmUyNzg2MWYwYTY3NjFhYTNlZDkxY2UifX19' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Ativo{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + {$sep}Adiciona todos os valores dos modificadores ao valor atual do atributo. Por exemplo, modificar um atributo com {$p}Valor 2 {$sep}e {$p} Valor 4 {$sep}com um {$p}Base de 3 {$sep}resulta em {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 + multiply-scalar-1: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Ativo{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + {$sep}Para cada modificador, multiplica o valor atual do atributo por {$p}(1 + x){$sep}, onde x é a quantidade do modificador específico. Funciona da mesma forma que {$p}Adicionar Escalar{$sep} se houver apenas um único modificador com {$p}operação 1 ou 2{$sep}. No entanto, para múltiplos modificadores, multiplica os modificadores em vez de somá-los. Por exemplo, modificar um atributo com {$p}Valor 2 {$sep}e {$p}Valor 4 {$sep}com um {$p}Base de 3 {$sep}resulta em {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) = 45 + add-scalar: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ4NmRiOWExNGQ1ODc5ZmEyODExZDMwMWNjYmQ1MjY5OTRmODcxMjQ3YjYyZjJkOWE0ODE4M2U5NjQxYWQ2OSJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Ativo{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + {$sep}Multiplica o valor atual do atributo por {$p}1 + x{$sep}, onde x é a soma dos valores dos modificadores. Por exemplo, modificar um atributo com {$p}Valor 2{$sep} e {$p}Valor 4{$sep} com um {$p}Base de 3 {$sep}resulta em {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8f4c2a6e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 4 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' + orange-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + generic-max-health: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0= + name: Generic Max Health + lore: | + &7The maximum health of this mob + (in half-hearts); determines the + highest health they may be healed to. + If the player is using this to summon + a mob with high health, use this and + the Health tag {Health:200.0f} for example. + (Disabled in 1.17) + generic-follow-range: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: Generic Follow Range + lore: | + &7The range in blocks within which + a mob with this attribute targets players + or other mobs to track. + Exiting this range causes the mob to + cease following the player/mob. + Actual value used by most mobs is {$p}16&7; + for zombies it is {$p}40&7. + generic-knockback-resistance: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ANVIL + name: Generic Knockback Resistance + lore: | + &7The scale of horizontal knockback + resisted from attacks and projectiles. + Vertical knockback is not affected. + Does not affect explosions. {$p}1.0 &7is {$p}100% + &7knockback resistance. {$p}0.4 &7means {$p}60% &7of + knockback is applied. + generic-movement-speed: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: Generic Movement Speed + lore: | + &7Movement speed of an entity. + The mob's maximum speed in + blocks/second is a bit over {$p}43 + &7times this value, but can be + affected by various conditions, such as: + being ridden (if a horse), sprinting, + fleeing (if a passive mob), attacking + (if an Enderman or Zombified Piglin), + being led by a leash, being under the + effect of a Speed or Slowness potion, + being a baby zombie, or being a witch + and drinking a potion. + generic-flying-speed: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ELYTRA + name: Generic Flying Speed + lore: '&7Fly speed of an entity.' + generic-armor: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor + lore: '&7Armor bonus of an entity.' + generic-armor-toughness: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor Toughness + lore: '&7Armor durability bonus of an entity.' + generic-attack-damage: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Damage + lore: '&7Attack strength of an entity.' + generic-attack-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Speed + lore: | + &7Attack speed of an entity. + Value is the number of full-strength + attacks per second. + generic-attack-knockback: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: FISHING_ROD + name: Generic Attack Knockback + lore: | + &7Attack knockback strength of an entity. + Applies only to mobs with physical attacks. + {$p}Ravager{$sep}: {$s}1.5 + {$p}Hoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + {$p}Zoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + horse-jump-strength: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR + name: Horse Jump Strength + lore: '&7How high horses can jump.' + generic-luck: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: Generic Luck + lore: | + &7Affects the results of {$p}loot tables + &7using the {$p}quality &7or {$p}bonus_rolls {$p}tag + &7(e.g. when opening chests or chest + minecarts, fishing, and killing mobs). + zombie-spawn-reinforcements: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: Zombie Spawn Reinforcements + lore: | + &7Chance for a zombie to spawn + another zombie when attacked. diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a920d40c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml @@ -0,0 +1,788 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Encantamentos {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +#What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml +'[fn-enchant]': + args: + - "" + return: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}" + lore: | + {$e}Este encantamento não é suportado + na versão atual do seu servidor. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" + glow: true + lore: | + {$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível + {$sep}Clique direito para remover + else: + name: "{$disabled}" + lore: | + {$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento +options: + enchant-water-worker: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-depth-strider: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-impaling: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-oxygen: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-damage-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-knockback: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-dig-speed: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-frost-walker: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_ICE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}, este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-swift-sneak: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-arrow-damage: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-arrow-knockback: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-arrow-fire: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-multishot: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-piercing: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-arrow-infinite: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-quick-charge: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: CROSSBOW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-mending: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-durability: + posx: 9 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-fire-aspect: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-channeling: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-loyalty: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-riptide: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-protection-environmental: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-protection-projectile: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-protection-explosions: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: TNT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-protection-fire: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAVA_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-thorns: + posx: 9 + posy: 3 + material: ROSE_BUSH + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-damage-undead: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-damage-arthropods: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-soul-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: SOUL_SAND + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-vanishing-curse: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_EYE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-binding-curse: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-wind-burst: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: WIND_CHARGE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-loot-bonus-mobs: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-loot-bonus-blocks: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-silk-touch: + posx: 9 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-luck: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-lure: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + enchant-protection-fall: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: FEATHER + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Não Suportado{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}Este encantamento não é suportado\nna versão atual do seu servidor." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$colon} {$s}%roman@level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "{$sep}Clique esquerdo para mudar o nível \n{$sep}Clique direito para remover" + else: + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: '{$sep}Clique esquerdo para adicionar encantamento' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "{$gui-back}" + name: '{$p}Voltar' + decoration: + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remover Todos os Encantamentos' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/flags.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d329e0d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Flags {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: '&eInfo' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7Item flags can hide some + properties from items. + This won't change their actual + behavior it just hides them + from the item's description + which is either above or below + ther item's lore. + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove all flags' + flag-hide-attributes: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Attributes' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Attributes' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Attributes' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: | + &7Item attributes are the small descriptions + shown under the lore of some items. + attributes: + GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE: + name: Test + amount: 10 + operation: ADD_NUMBER + flag-hide-destroys: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Destroys' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Destroys' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Destroys' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + + &7Can break: + &8Stone + flag-hide-dye: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + color: 255, 255, 255 + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Dyes' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Dye' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Dye' + lore: | + &7Hide dye information from + colored leather armors. + flag-hide-enchants: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Enchants' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Enchants' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Enchants' + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: | + &7Hides item enchantments from + their description above the lore + however this will still keep the + item's glowing effect. + flag-hide-placed-on: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Placed On' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Placed On' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Placed On' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + + &7Can be placed on: + &8Stone + flag-hide-potion-effects: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: POTION + effects: + - BLINDNESS, 1, 10 + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Potion Effects' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Potion Effects' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Potion Effects' + lore: | + &7This is one of those Minecraft + weird behaviors, this flag has + multiple functionalities. It Hides{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}Potion effects + &7⚫ {$s}Book information such as the author + &7⚫ {$s}Firework information + &7⚫ {$s}Map tooltips + &7⚫ {$s}Patterns of banners + &7⚫ {$s}Enchantments of enchanted books + flag-hide-unbreakable: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + unbreakable: true + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Unbreakable' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Unbreakable' + lore: | + &7Hides the unbreakable description + from items. Unbreakable items don't + lose durability when you use them. diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/main.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb8b36cc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Editor {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + item: + material: STONE + interaction: FREE + slot: 15 + name: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '{$p}Name' + lore: '%item_name%' + flags: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '{$p}Flags' + lore: | + &7Click to modify + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Attributes{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Destroys{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Dye{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Enchants{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Placed On{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Unbreakable{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% + attributes: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Attributes' + decoration: + slots: + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 13 + - 14 + - 16 + - 17 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + lore: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Lore' + enchantments: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Enchantments' + lore: + - '&7Click to modify' + unbreakable: + isUnbreakable: + condition: item_unbreakable + name: '{$p}Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$e}Breakable' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BEDROCK + lore: | + &7If an item is unbreakable, + it'll not decrease its durability + when you use it. + nbt: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BOOKSHELF + name: '{$p}NBT Viewer' + amount: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' + lore: | + &7Maximum amount would be {$p}64 + &7while you can technically set up + to {$p}127 &7it will cause issues + in rare situations. For example, + the GUI isn't able to show this + change and when it's being + transferred to your inventory, + it might not keep its amount. + custom-model-data: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: FIREWORK_STAR + name: '{$p}Custom Model Data{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' + lore: | + &7This is used for resource packs + that are made for 1.14+ + to add new items to the game. + This is basically just a reskin + of the same item type. + This is what plugins like ItemsAdder + use to add new items to the game. + material: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8f77997a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Back' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + nbt-NBTTagCompound: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&fNBTTagCompound{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagString: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagInt: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&9NBTTagInt{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagByte: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagShort: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagLong: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagDouble: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagList: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&8NBTTagList{$sep}]' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..33ad16ae0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Viewer {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: '&eInfo' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= + lore: | + &7NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7is a way + for Minecraft to store data for different + things in the game such as items, entities + and blocks in general. + + Everything you see on an item, such + as its name, lore, enchants and etc are + all stored as NBT data. You almost + will and should not modify NBT data + directly as they're extremely hard + to work with. + + This is mostly for debugging purposes + to see what's actually going on under + the hood. + path: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Current Path{$sep}:' + lore: '%path%' + add-nbt: + name: '{$p}Add Tag' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19 + lore: | + &7Adds a new tag to + the current compound. + + &7You can also {$p}left-click + &7to edit an existing tag or + {$p}right-click &7to remove a tag. + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + tag: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + compound: + condition: tag == 'compound' + name: '{$sep}[{$s}NBTTagCompound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: WHITE_WOOL + strings: + condition: tag == 'string' + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GREEN_WOOL + integers: + condition: tag == 'int' + name: '{$sep}[&9Integer{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: BLUE_WOOL + byte: + condition: tag == 'byte' + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: LIME_WOOL + short: + condition: tag == 'short' + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: YELLOW_WOOL + long: + condition: tag == 'long' + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: PURPLE_WOOL + double: + condition: tag == 'double' + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: CYAN_WOOL + list: + condition: tag == 'list' + name: '{$sep}[&7NBTTagList{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GRAY_WOOL + else: + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Unknown{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: RED_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/kingdom-create.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/kingdom-create.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5bbfe2103 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/kingdom-create.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +title: "&0-=( {$s}Tipo de Reino &0)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + pacifist: + name: "{$p}Pacifista" + material: OAK_SAPLING + lore: + - '{$sep}Reinos pacifistas não podem invadir' + - 'outros reinos e não podem ser invadidos.' + - "Eles não podem PvP com outros jogadores" + - "\nexceto se {$s}/k pvp {$sep}estiver habilitado." + - "Basicamente, isso proporcionará um" + - '&4jogo pacífico {$sep}permanente.' + slot: 1 + aggressor: + name: "&cAgressor" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: ALL + lore: + - '{$sep}Esses reinos podem invadir e participar de PvP' + - 'outros reinos não-aliados, mas eles podem' + - 'use escudos para uma experiência pacífica' + - 'até certo ponto, temporariamente.' + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b7cef79c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aPedidos de Entrada &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + requests: + name: "%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + %online% + {$p}Enviado{$colon} {$s}%sent_date% + + {$p}Clique esquerdo {$sep}para aceitar. + {$e}Clique direito {$sep}para negar. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$p}Próxima Página {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Página Anterior {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&4Fechar" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..933997fdc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aPedidos de Relacionamento &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + request: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRADO &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" + lore: | + {$p}Do Reino{$colon} {$sp}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Enviado{$colon} {$s}%timestamp% + {$p}Relação Solicitada{$colon} %relation-color%%relation-name% + &cClique para deletar + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] {$p}%player%" + lore: | + {$p}Do Reino{$colon} {$sp}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Relação Solicitada{$colon} %relation-color%%relation-name% + {$p}Expira em{$colon} {$s}%time-left-to-accpet% + {$p}Enviado{$colon} {$s}%timestamp% + {$p}Tempo Passado{$colon} {$s}%time-passed% + + {$p}&lClique esquerdo para aceitar + &c&lClique direito para rejeitar + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cRejeitar Todos" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Rejeitar Todos os Convites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/language-packs.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/language-packs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71b08d4ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/language-packs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$sp}Language Packs {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$p}Idiomas Disponíveis Para Download' + lore: | + {$sep}Todos estão abaixo de {$p}500kb{$sep} observe que sempre a versão mais recente é baixada, então se uma GUI/mensagem for renomeada, movida ou deletada, o plugin &c não conseguirá exibi-las. + + {$p}Inglês {$sep}é sempre instalado e &c não pode ser desinstalado {$sep}já que é a 'língua de referência'. + + {$sep}Todos os pacotes de idioma baixados são salvos em uma pasta chamada {$p}repository{$sep}. Essa pasta nunca deve ser editada manualmente. Essa é a pasta de referência. + + Se você quiser modificar os idiomas baixados, deve fazê-lo na pasta {$p}languages {$sep}em vez disso. Mesmo deletar aqueles é aceitável, o plugin irá regenerá-los sem necessidade de baixar novamente. + download-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + name: "{$p}Baixar & Atualizar Tudo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZWMzYzdmYWIyYTM3MjkwNWZhM2ZjMWZiMjI4ZTc4M2JiOTNhNTNlNmQzMmU0NWViZGI0YTAyMThmY2NhIn19fQ==' + lore: | + {$sep}Esta opção baixa todos os idiomas que ainda não foram baixados e atualiza todos os outros idiomas que já foram baixados, mas estão desatualizados. + languages: + #The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}%native-name% &8({$sp}%lang%&8)' + up-to-date: + condition: installed && updated + lore: | + {$p}Atualizado + &4Clique direito para desinstalar. + outdated: + condition: installed + lore: | + &eDesatualizado. Clique esquerdo para atualizar. + &8(&4!&8) &eA atualização irá substituir todos os arquivos que precisam ser atualizados. Apenas os arquivos mostrados abaixo serão baixados novamente. + &4Clique direito para desinstalar. + {$sp}Clique do meio para ver uma lista completa dos arquivos atualizados. + + &cResumo dos arquivos atualizados{$colon} + not-installed: + lore: | + &4Não Instalado + Clique esquerdo para baixar diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/languages.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/languages.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0132103a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/languages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$sp}Languages {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +skulls: + en: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19' + ru: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZlYWZlZjk4MGQ2MTE3ZGFiZTg5ODJhYzRiNDUwOTg4N2UyYzQ2MjFmNmE4ZmU1YzliNzM1YTgzZDc3NWFkIn19fQ==' + hu: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGE5YzNjNGI2YzUwMzEzMzJkZDJiZmVjZTVlMzFlOTk5ZjhkZWZmNTU0NzQwNjVjYzg2OTkzZDdiZGNkYmQwIn19fQ==' + es: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJiZDQ1MjE5ODMzMDllMGFkNzZjMWVlMjk4NzQyODc5NTdlYzNkOTZmOGQ4ODkzMjRkYThjODg3ZTQ4NWVhOCJ9fX0=' + de: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWU3ODk5YjQ4MDY4NTg2OTdlMjgzZjA4NGQ5MTczZmU0ODc4ODY0NTM3NzQ2MjZiMjRiZDhjZmVjYzc3YjNmIn19fQ==' + pl: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTIxYjJhZjhkMjMyMjI4MmZjZTRhMWFhNGYyNTdhNTJiNjhlMjdlYjMzNGY0YTE4MWZkOTc2YmFlNmQ4ZWIifX19' + zh: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Y5YmMwMzVjZGM4MGYxYWI1ZTExOThmMjlmM2FkM2ZkZDJiNDJkOWE2OWFlYjY0ZGU5OTA2ODE4MDBiOThkYyJ9fX0=' + tr: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=' + cs: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzliYmNjYzIxMDI2NDRkNGUzNmRmYWJlNzM1ZjBmOTMwN2FkYzVjODRlMjBhMGZkYzViM2ZhM2RlNDgwZDQ5OCJ9fX0=' + it: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODVjZTg5MjIzZmE0MmZlMDZhZDY1ZDhkNDRjYTQxMmFlODk5YzgzMTMwOWQ2ODkyNGRmZTBkMTQyZmRiZWVhNCJ9fX0=' + pt: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOWE0NjQ3NWQ1ZGNjODE1ZjZjNWYyODU5ZWRiYjEwNjExZjNlODYxYzBlYjE0ZjA4ODE2MWIzYzBjY2IyYjBkOSJ9fX0=' + uk: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjhiOWY1MmUzNmFhNWM3Y2FhYTFlN2YyNmVhOTdlMjhmNjM1ZThlYWM5YWVmNzRjZWM5N2Y0NjVmNWE2YjUxIn19fQ==' +#This GUI is quite... controversial. +#Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + current-language: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Idioma Atual{$colon} {$sp}%kingdoms_lang%' + language: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}%lang%' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/mails/editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/mails/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..553d9b7e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/mails/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +title: '&8-=( &2Mail &8)=-' +type: HOPPER +options: + subject: + slot: 0 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '&2Subject&8:' + lore: '&f%subject%' + recipients: + slot: 1 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Recipients&8:' + lore: | + &6To&8: &9%to% + &6CC&8: &9%cc% + summary: + slot: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Summary&8:' + lore: '&f%summary%' + reset: + slot: 3 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cReset' + lore: | + &7Resets all mail properties such + as the subject, recipients and + the content. + preview: + slot: 4 + material: WRITTEN_BOOK + name: '&9Preview' + lore: | + &7Shows how this mail would + look like when people read it. diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/mails/mailbox.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/mails/mailbox.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84bdf7aed --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/mails/mailbox.yml @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +title: '&8-=( &2Mailbox &8)=-' +rows: 6 +interactable: empty +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + previous: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19 + name: '&7Previous Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + next: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ== + name: '&7Next Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + separators: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + sent-indicator: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ== + name: '&9Sent Mails' + inbox-indicator: + slot: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ== + name: '&9Inbox' + get-envelope: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&2Send Mail' + lore: | + &7Gives you a special book + to start writing your mail. + + You can put this book anywhere + you want. To edit the mail &9contents + &7just &2right-click &7and write like + you normally would. + + To edit other properties like the + &9subject &7or &9recipients&7, + &2right-click while sneaking&7. + + Once you're done and ready to &9send + &7the mail, drop this book back into + the sent section here. + + &2Needed Money&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% + &2Needed Resource Points&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% + sent: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + inbox: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/mails/recipients.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/mails/recipients.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5f967ff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/mails/recipients.yml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +title: '&8-=( &9Recipients &8)=-' +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + to: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2To&8: &9%to%' + cc-add: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0= + name: '&7CC&8:' + lore: '&2Click to add' + cc: + slots: + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&9%singular-cc%' + lore: '&cClick to remove' + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/map-settings.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/map-settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91aa839ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/map-settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +title: "&cConfigurações do Mapa" +type: HOPPER +options: + scoreboard: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + lore: | + {$sep}Mostra o mapa do reino como um placar, que é muito mais conveniente do que o modo de mapa automático e se atualiza automaticamente. + + A desvantagem é que ocupa uma grande parte da sua tela e você deve memorizar os símbolos e as cores e o que eles significam. + + Essa opção é redefinida se você sair. + enabled: + condition: scoreboard_enabled + name: "{$enabled} Alternar Placar" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Alternar Placar" + reset: + slot: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&4Redefinir Configurações' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzA1ZWI3ZTA0ODg2ODMyNTRlZGI2NzgyYzVkYjhkMjdjZDA3OGU3ODRkZTJkY2RjZDI1Y2UwODY0ZGZhYmQzOCJ9fX0=' + resize: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Redimensionar' + lore: + - "{$sep}Resize your own map &awidth {$sep}and &aheight" + - "{$sep}Your current size{$colon} {$p}%kingdoms_map_width%{$sep}, {$p}%kingdoms_map_height%" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc5ZTU0Y2JlODc4NjdkMTRiMmZiZGYzZjE4NzA4OTQzNTIwNDhkZmVjZDk2Mjg0NmRlYTg5M2IyMTU0Yzg1In19fQ==' + auto: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - "{$sep}The map keeps appearing automatically" + - "as you walk to different lands." + enabled: + condition: 'auto_map_enabled' + name: "{$enabled} Automático" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=' + else: + name: "{$disabled} Automático" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' + gui: + slot: 4 + material: CHEST + name: "{$p}Veja o mapa em uma Interface" + lore: | + {$sep}As vantagens seriam um comportamento de clique melhor e ícones mais claros para diferentes terras. + + As desvantagens seriam o limite do tamanho do inventário da GUI e a limitação da sua mobilidade. diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/map.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/map.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce490e488 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/map.yml @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +title: "&0-=( &a&lMapa &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config +#You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. +options: + element: + material: DIRT + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95cc729e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +title: '&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-' +rows: 4 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + name: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Name&8: &6%outpost-name%' + region: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '&2Region&8: &6%outpost-region%' + center: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: '&2Center' + lore: | + %outpost-center% + &7The location where the rewards + are dropped and fireworks are spawned. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + spawn: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '&2Spawn' + lore: | + %outpost-spawn% + &7Where the players get teleported + to when they join the event. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + bossbar: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: BREWING_STAND + name: '&2BossBar Settings' + delete: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cDelete this outpost' + entrance-money: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '&2Entrance Money Fee&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' + rewards: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rewards' + entrance-resource-points-fee: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '&2Entrance Resource Points Fee&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..010d0eaee --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Command Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These commands are executed + for the kingdom that won the event. + + So any command that targets players + individually will not work. + add: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Add' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19 + commands: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '%command%' + lore: | + {$p}Left-click to edit + {$s}Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f11ecc709 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +interactable: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration-1: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 49 + - 51 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + decoration-2: + slots: + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 48 + - 50 + - 52 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0= + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These items are randomly + thrown in the Outpost event + area and players can pick + them up. + + You can freely interact with + the items in this GUI, taking + them and adding your own. + + To make custom items you can use + the {$p}/k admin item editor + &7command as well. + items: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: STONE diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e51538e5b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + resource-points: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Resource Points{$sep}:' + lore: '%outpost-rewards-resource-points%' + money: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Money{$sep}:' + lore: '%outpost-rewards-money%' + commands: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '{$p}Commands' + items: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Items' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ea6bc0d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: '&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + include: + name: '&2Include Kingdom' + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Add a kingdom so their members' + - can access this block. + - '' + - They'll not be able to change + - the group or break the block. + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + exclude: + name: '&cExclude Kingdom' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Add a kingdom to exclude their members' + - from accessing the block. + - '' + - Players in your kingdom with permission + - to override protections can still access + - the block or break it. + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + clear: + name: '&4Clear' + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - '&6Remove all the kingdoms' + - from this list. + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: '&4Back' + material: BARRIER + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + members: + included: + condition: included + name: '&6%name% &8- &2Included' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + else: + name: '&6%name% &8- &cExcluded' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/players.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/players.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ebd4a5c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/players.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: '&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + include: + name: '&2Include Player' + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Add someone so they' + - can access this block. + - '' + - They'll not be able to change + - the group or break the block. + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + exclude: + name: '&cExclude Player' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Add someone to exclude' + - them from accessing the block. + - '' + - Players in your kingdom with permission + - to override protections can still access + - the block or break it. + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + clear: + name: '&4Clear' + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - '&6Remove all the players' + - from this list. + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: '&4Back' + material: BARRIER + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + members: + included: + condition: included + name: '&6%name% &8- &2Included &8- %online%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + else: + name: '&6%name% &8- &cExcluded &8- %online%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e16954a4f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +title: '&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + players: + name: '&2Manage Players' + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude individual players + for accessing this block. + + Player settings override the kingdom + settings. Meaning that if a player is + a part of an included or excluded kingdom, + they can still use the block if the kingdom + is excluded or not use the block if the + kingdom is included. + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: '%owner%' + slot: 0 + kingdoms: + name: '&2Manage Kingdoms' + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude kingdoms for + accessing this block so everyone in + that kingdom are included or excluded. + material: RED_BANNER + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + slot: 1 + info: + name: '&5Protection Signs' + lore: |- + &6Protected blocks are protected + against griefs and no player can use it + without permission. + + If a player has access to this block, + they still cannot change the sign settings + or break the sign or the block. + + &7Click here to set a password on the block. + This only works if the block being protected + is a container such as a chest. + material: NETHER_STAR + slot: 2 + protection-type: + name: '&2Protection Type&8: &9%protection_type%' + lore: |- + &6Change the method of how + this block is protected from + other players by default. + material: CHEST + slot: 3 + back: + name: '&4Close the GUI' + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b56665419 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '&8-=[ &5Protection Type &8]=-' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + protected: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2%protection%' + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. + material: OAK_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&4%protection%' + material: OAK_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. + slot: 1 + everyone-in-kingdom: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2%protection%' + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. + material: SPRUCE_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2%protection%' + material: SPRUCE_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. + slot: 2 + everyone: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2%protection%' + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + material: DARK_OAK_SIGN + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2%protection%' + material: DARK_OAK_SIGN + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/extractor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/extractor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39d694278 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/extractor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +title: '&2Extractor' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + collect: + outOfFuel: + condition: fuel <= 0 + name: >- + {$e}Out of fuel &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- + &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points% + material: RED_WOOL + nothing-to-collect: + condition: amount <= 0 + name: '{$e}Nothing to collect &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed%' + material: RED_WOOL + else: + name: >- + &2Collect&8: &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- + &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points% + material: GREEN_WOOL + sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP + lore: + - '&6Collect all the generated' + - resource points. + - 'Last collected by&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%' + slot: 0 + fuel: + name: '&2Fuel&8: &6%fancy_fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%' + material: COAL + refresh: true + slot: 1 + lore: | + &7To fill the fuel, simply drop + one of the fuel items on the + extractor block. + + &7Additionally you can place a {$p}hopper + &7on north, south, east, west or top of + the extractor with the following items. + Note that this only works once the extractor's + fuel is almost at zero. + + &2Coal&8: &95 + &2Charcoal&8: &93 + &2Blaze Rods&8: &9100 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%' + - >- + &7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ + &6%fancy_next-resource-points% + - >- + &7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ + &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel% + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every%' + - '&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%' + - '&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%' + break: + name: '&4Break' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8cb30ec1e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +title: '&8-=( &2Champion Settings &8)=-' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + upgrade: + name: '&bUpgrade Equipment' + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + lore: + - '&7Improve your champions' + - armor and weapon with each upgrade. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + slot: 0 + change: + name: '&6Change' + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - '&7Change your champion type.' + slot: 1 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to champion upgrades.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..859460292 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +title: '&8-=( &2Champion Upgrades &8)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + settings: + name: '&bSettings' + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - '&7Change your champion''s settings' + - such as upgrading its equipment or + - changing your champion type. + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + health: + name: '&bChampion Health' + material: MELON_SLICE + lore: + - '&7Increases champion''s health' + - by &250 &7every level. + - '&7Current champion''s health&8: &2%scaling%' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + reinforcements: + name: '&bReinforcements' + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - '&7Spawns nexus guardian every {$p}3 &7minutes.' + - Each upgrade will reduce the time by {$p}15 seconds&7. + - The spawned guards exactly match your + - nexus guards depending on the + - misc upgrade. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + resistance: + name: '&bResistance' + material: BRICK + lore: + - '&7Each upgrade adds &2%scaling%% &7chance that the' + - Champion won't be knocked back by an attack. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + speed: + name: '&bSpeed' + material: POTION + lore: + - '&7Increases champion''s Speed when' + - his health is lower than &220% + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + focus: + name: '&bFocus' + material: ENDER_EYE + lore: + - '&7Players hit by the champion will' + - have &2%scaling% &7second removed from all + - their active potion effects. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + strength: + name: '&bStrength' + material: ANVIL + lore: + - '&7Strength potion will be' + - added to the champion + - '&7and will be amplified each level.' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + throw: + name: '&bThrow' + material: COOKED_PORKCHOP + lore: + - '&7Every attack, there will be a chance' + - '&7to knock the player into the sky.' + - '&7Each upgrade increases this chance by &210%' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + death-duel: + name: '&bDeath Duel' + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - '&7All players except the invader will deal' + - '&250% &7less damage to the champion. The' + - champion will also deal double damage + - to all players except the invaders. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + drag: + name: '&bDrag' + material: FISHING_ROD + lore: + - '&7If the invading player is more than' + - '&2%scaling% &7blocks away from the champion, the' + - player will be dragged to the champion. + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + damage-cap: + name: '&bDamage Cap' + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - '&7Your champion can only receive up to' + - '&2%scaling% &7damages on any attack.' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + thor: + name: '&bThor' + material: DIAMOND_AXE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - '&7Every {$p}%cooldown%&7, lightning' + - '&7strikes the invading player and all' + - '&7nearby non-allied players. Deals' + - '&7damage, and knocks the players back also.' + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + plow: + name: '&bPlow' + material: COBWEB + lore: + - '&7Your champion will try to clear' + - lava and webs every {$p}%cooldown% + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + fangs: + name: '&bFangs' + material: EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG + lore: + - '&7Spawn fangs for the enemy' + - players around the champion + - every {$p}%cooldown% + - '' + - '&2Level&8: &6%level%' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + purple-glass: + name: '' + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 51 + - 53 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 52 + magenta-glass: + name: '' + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 10 + - 16 + - 37 + - 43 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd67a67b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: '&8-=( &2Champions &8)=-' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + zombie: + name: '&2Zombie' + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + slot: 0 + skeleton: + name: '&6Skeleton' + material: SKELETON_SKULL + slot: 1 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to champion settings.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eaac313e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +title: '&8-=[ &4Logs Filters & Sorting &8]=-' +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-player: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Player Filter' + lore: '{$p}%filters_player_name%' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Player Filter' + filters-time: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CLOCK + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Time Filter' + lore: | + {$p}After{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_after% + {$p}Before{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_before% + else: + name: '{$disabled} Time Filter' + filters-type: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Filter' + lore: '{$p}%filters_type_type%' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Filter' + sort-ascending-time: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0= + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ascending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ascending Time Sort' + sort-descending-time: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0= + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Descending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Descending Time Sort' + sort-type: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Sort' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b26cf70b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,521 @@ +title: '&8-=[ &4Audit Logs &8]=-' +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +'[type]': + kingdom-join: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Player Joined{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Invited By{$sep}: &6%inviter% + kingdom-kick: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Kicked Member{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Kicker{$sep}: &6%kicker% + kingdom-leave: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Player Left{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + &2At{$sep}: &6%time% + &2Reason{$sep}: &6%reason% + kingdom-challenge-challenger: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Challenged' + lore: | + &e%player% &chas challenged + &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% &ckingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare to attack. + kingdom-challenge-challenged: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cChallenged' + lore: | + &e%kingdoms_kingdom_name% &ckingdom has + &cchallenged your kingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare before they attack. + kingdom-claim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&2Claimed' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has claimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-unclaim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&cUnclaimed' + lore: | + {$es}%player% {$e}has unclaimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invasion-invader: + material: IRON_SWORD + name: '&2Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-invasion-invaded: + material: GOLD_SWORD + name: '&cGot Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded your kingdom at{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-upgrade-misc: + material: DIAMOND_HOE + name: '&9Misc Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}misc upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-champion: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: '&9Champion Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}champion upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-powerup: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '&9Powerup Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}powerup. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-upgrade: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structure at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structures. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aTurret Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turrets. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase-ammo: + name: '&aTurret Ammo Purchase' + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + lore: > + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased ammo for + + {$s}%style% {$p}turret at {$s}%translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, + {$s}%y%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + + {$s}%fancy_old_amount% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_new_amount% + + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-upgrade: + material: ARROW + name: '&aTurret Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turret at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-resource-points-convert: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&aResource Points Convert' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed + resource points{$sep}: + {$s}%fancy_amount-before% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_amount-after% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + extractor-collect: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aExtractor Collect' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has collected the + extractor located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Collected Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + warppad-teleport: + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: '&3Warp Pad Teleport' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has teleported + using the Warp Pad located at + {$s}%from_location% {$p}to + {$s}%precise_location% + {$p}Fuel Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + outpost-item-purchase: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&eOutpost Item Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + the following items from the + Outpost structure located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Total Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + %purchases% + kingdom-pacifism-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&5Pacifism Change' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed the + pacifism state of the kingdom. + {$p}Pacifist{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + shield-purchase: + material: SHIELD + name: '&5Shield Purchase' + lore: > + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + + a shield for the kingdom. + + {$p}Purchased Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% + + {$p}Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ + {$s}%new-shield-time% + + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-relation-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Relationship Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's relationship has + changed with {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% {$p}kingdom{$sep}: + %old-relation% {$sep}➜ %new-relation% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invite: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Invite' + lore: | + {$s}%inviter% {$p}has invited {$s}%player% + {$p}to the kingdom. They have {$s}%accept-time% + {$p}to accept the request. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-king-change: + material: BOOK + name: '&4King Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's king has been changed{$sep}: + {$s}%old-king% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-king% + {$p}Reason{$sep}: {$s}%reason% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + player-rank-change: + lore: | + {$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank% + {$p}By{$sep}: {$s}%by-player% + promoted: + condition: old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&aPlayer Promoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + else: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cPlayer Demoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + rank-create: + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rank Created' + lore: | + {$p}A rank was created by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-delete: + material: BOOK + name: '&cRank Deleted' + lore: | + {$p}Rank was deleted by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-name: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Name Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-name% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-name% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-symbol: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Symbol Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}symbol was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-symbol% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-symbol% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-color: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Color Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-color%color {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-color%color + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-priority: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Priority Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}priority was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-priority% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-priority% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-max-claims: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Max Claims Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}max claims was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-max-claims% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-max-claims% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-material: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Material Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}material was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-material% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + structures-nexus-move: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nexus Placed' + placed: + condition: placed + lore: > + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + + placed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, + {$s}%to_z% + + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + else: + lore: > + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + + moved by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + + {$s}%from_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%from_x%{$sep}, + {$s}%from_y%{$sep}, {$s}%from_z% {$sep}➜ + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, + {$s}%to_z% + + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + group-tax-server-pay: + material: PAPER + name: '&9Server Tax' + lore: | + {$p}Server taxes paid. + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-champion-change: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: '&9Champion Change' + lore: | + {$p}The champion was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-lore: + material: PAPER + name: '&9Change Lore' + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's lore was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-rename: + material: PAPER + name: '&9Rename' + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom was renamed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-tag: + material: PAPER + name: '&9Change Tag' + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's tag was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-join: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nation Join' + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has joined + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-leave: + material: BEACON + name: '&cNation Leave' + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has left + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + PeaceTreaties:received: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Received Peace Treaty' + commands: + - k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + lore: | + {$p}Proposer{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + PeaceTreaties:sent: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Sent Peace Treaty' + commands: + - k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + lore: | + {$p}To{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + '[else]': + material: BARRIER + name: '{$e}Unknown log type{$sep}:' + lore: '{$es}%type%' +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-and-sorting: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Filters & Sorting' + lore: | + {$p}Filters{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Player{$sep}: %bool_filters_player% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Time{$sep}: %bool_filters_time% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_filters_type% + + {$p}Sorting{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Ascending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_ascending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Descending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_descending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_sorting_type% + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= + slot: 0 + entry: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + '[switch]': type + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1302bc6f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +title: '%player%' +type: HOPPER +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + kick: + name: '&cKick' + material: RED_WOOL + cantKick: + condition: '!can_kick' + lore: | + &cYou can't kick this member. + else: {} + slot: 0 + demote: + name: '&eDemote' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0= + cantDemote: + condition: '!can_demote' + lore: | + &cYou can't demote this member. + else: {} + slot: 1 + member: + name: '&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - '%online%' + - '&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%' + - '&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%' + - '&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%' + - '&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%' + slot: 2 + promote: + name: '&aPromote' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0= + canPromote: + condition: '!can_promote' + lore: | + &cYou can't promote this member. + else: {} + slot: 3 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to members menu.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3f55b618 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +title: '&0-=( &aMembers &0)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + members: + name: '&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - '%online%' + - '&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%' + - '&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%' + - '&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%' + - '&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%' + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= + slot: 0 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8136f6fa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml @@ -0,0 +1,601 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &3Melhorias Diversas {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE +#[NoSync] +'[fn-misc]': + args: + - "" + - "" + - "" + return: + pacifist: + condition: ' && kingdoms_pacifist' + name: "" + perform-action: false + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "&cYour kingdom is pacifist" + - "and cannot use this upgrade." + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: "{$disabled}" + lore: + - "" + - "" + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable" + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + name: "{$enabled}" + lore: + - "" + - "" + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled}" + lore: + - "" + - "" + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' +#[NoSync] +'[fn-misc-basic]': + args: + - "" + return: + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' +options: + glory: + material: NETHER_STAR + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + anti-trample: + material: WHEAT_SEEDS + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + nexus-guards: + material: DIAMOND_AXE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + guards: + material: IRON_AXE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + insanity: + material: REDSTONE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + invasion-teleportation: + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + invasions: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + anti-explosion: + material: GUNPOWDER + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + max-claims: + name: "&3Reivindicações Máximas" + material: MAP + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + max-turrets: + name: "&3Máx. Torretas" + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + max-members: + name: "&3Máximo de Jogadores" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + chest-size: + name: "&3Tamanho do Baú Nexus" + material: ENDER_CHEST + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + flight: + material: ELYTRA + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + keep-inventory: + material: CHEST + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level%{$sep}/{$s}%max_level%"' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&lvl-maxxed "{$p}Level{$colon} {$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled}' + lore: + - + - + - '&upgrade-cost "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$colon} {$s}%cost%"' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + back: + name: "{$p}Voltar" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "{$gui-back}" + lore: "{$s}Voltar para o menu do nexus." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + cyan-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + light-blue-glass: + name: '' + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e355b2efa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +title: '&2&l%kingdoms_nation_name%''s &6&lNation Nexus' +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 +options: + settings: + name: '&7Settings' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&6Change your nation settings.' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + resource-points: + name: '&eResource Points Converter' + material: HAY_BLOCK + lore: + - '&6Convert your items to' + - resource points. + - >- + Your nation has &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6resource + points. + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + ranks: + name: '&5Ranks & Permissions' + material: BOOKSHELF + lore: + - '&6Modify ranks and permissions for' + - your nation. + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66d7afc91 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +title: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: '&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%' + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - '&6The name of this rank.' + - Can contain any character but must be + - 20 characters max. + - It can also contain color codes. + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: '&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%' + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - '&6The material used to display' + - this rank in the ranks GUI. + - You should use the latest material names + - even if the server is running on old versions. + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: '&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%' + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - '&6Symbol for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + - Also supports colors. + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: '%rank_color%Color' + material: COAL + lore: + - '&6The chat color for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..135e5056f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast {$sep}command. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k home {$sep}command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k invite {$sep}command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k kick {$sep}command. + + {$sep}Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit {$sep}and {$s}/k tag {$sep}commands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome {$sep}command. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw {$sep}command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + {$sep}Permission for editing general + nation settings located inside + nexus GUI. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '{$s}Next Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$s}Previous Page {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bae231a3a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +title: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: '&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%' + material: EMERALD + lore: + - '&6Node is the basically the rank''s name but' + - without colors or any special characters. + - This is used when you use promote/demote command. + - Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max. + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: '&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%' + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - '&6The name of this rank.' + - Can contain any character but must be + - 20 characters max. + - It can also contain color codes. + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: '&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%' + material: STONE + lore: + - '&6The material used to display' + - this rank in the ranks GUI. + - You should use the latest + - material names even if the + - server is running on old versions. + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: '&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%' + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - '&6Symbol for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + - Also supports colors. + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: '%rank_color%Color' + material: COAL + lore: + - '&6The chat color for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: '&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%' + material: PAPER + lore: + - '&6The priority for this rank' + - Note that lower numbers means higher priority. + - You cannot change the priority of the king rank. + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: '&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%' + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Maximum amount of claims a + player with this rank can claim + if they have claiming permissions. + + It'll only free more claims once + the player or someone else {$p}/k unclaim + &7the land that they claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: '&1Copy Rank' + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - '&6Copy properties of another rank' + - to this rank. + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to ranks menu.' + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac3cee9cc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: '&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to the rank menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0aca4088c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: '&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: '&2Add Rank' + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: '&4Reset Ranks' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Use default ranks.' + - All your current ranks + - will be deleted. + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: '&4Demote All' + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Demotes everyone to member' + - rank in your kingdom. + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78fabf243 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: '&aResource Points Converter' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE +interactable: empty +disallow-creative: true +options: + info: + name: '&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%' + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + apply: + name: '&2Apply' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0= + refresh: true + lore: + - '&6Convert the current items' + - into resource points. + - '&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%' + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + back: + name: '&cBack' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + - this will cancel the + - resource point conversion. + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + lime-glass: + name: '' + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ffdcddd68 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +title: '&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-' +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Fly&8: &2Enabled' + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - '&7Allow kingdom flight in' + - your land. + else: + name: '&2Fly&8: &cDisabled' + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - '&7Allow kingdom flight in' + - your land. + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Build&8: &2Enabled' + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - '&7Allow building in your land.' + else: + name: '&2Build&8: &cDisabled' + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + lore: + - '&7Allow building in your land.' + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled' + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - '&7Disable friendly fire.' + else: + name: '&2Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled' + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - '&7Disable friendly fire.' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + interact: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Interact&8: &2Enabled' + material: CAULDRON + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - '&7Allow block interaction for opening containers.' + else: + name: '&2Interact&8: &cDisabled' + material: CAULDRON + lore: + - '&7Allow block interaction for opening containers.' + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + use: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Use&8: &2Enabled' + material: LEVER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - '&7Allow using blocks.' + - Such as doors, levels and buttons. + else: + name: '&2Use&8: &cDisabled' + material: LEVER + lore: + - '&7Allow using blocks.' + - Such as doors, levels and buttons. + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled' + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - '&7Disable friendly fire for turrets.' + else: + name: '&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled' + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - '&7Disable friendly fire for turrets.' + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled' + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and' + - interacting with turrets. + else: + name: '&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled' + material: ARROW + lore: + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and' + - interacting with turrets. + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + manage-structures: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Manage Structures&8: &2Enabled' + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures.' + else: + name: '&2Manage Structures&8: &cDisabled' + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures.' + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9d6e579f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +title: '&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + neutral: + name: Neutral + material: WHITE_CONCRETE + slot: 0 + ally: + name: '&2Ally' + material: LIME_CONCRETE + slot: 1 + truce: + name: '&eTruce' + material: YELLOW_CONCRETE + slot: 2 + enemy: + name: '&cEnemy' + material: RED_CONCRETE + slot: 3 + nation: + name: '&9Nation' + material: BLUE_CONCRETE + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed721ed59 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +title: '&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: '{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_nation_home_is_public%' + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k nation home %kingdoms_nation_name% + tax: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your nation taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Member Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + + &6Nation Server Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other nations. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your nation's flag for online maps. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: >- + &6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% + &7(%kingdoms_nation_color@hex%%kingdoms_nation_color%&7) + lore: | + &7Set your nation marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_nation_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + nation to protect your kingdom + against invades. + + Kingdom members who invade when + nation shields are enabled, will + temporarily lose access to nation's + shield. diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7064b0dcf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '&8-=( &8Shields &8)=-' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + shield-6hr: + name: '&26 Hours Shield' + material: SHIELD + cost: 5000 + time: 6hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + lore: + - '&6Cost&8: &25000' + slot: 0 + shield-12hr: + name: '&212 Hours Shield' + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 8000 + time: 12hr + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + lore: + - '&6Cost&8: &28000' + slot: 1 + shield-1day: + name: '&21 Day Shield' + material: SHIELD + cost: 15000 + time: 1day + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED + lore: + - '&6Cost&8: &215000' + slot: 2 + shield-1week: + name: '&21 Week Shield' + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 70000 + time: 7days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CROSS: RED + lore: + - '&6Cost&8: &270000' + slot: 3 + shield-1month: + name: '&21 Month Shield' + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 150000 + time: 30days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + MOJANG: RED + lore: + - '&6Cost&8: &2150000' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54f03a99e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +title: '&2&l%kingdoms_kingdom_name%''s &6&lNexus' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 +icon: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Nexus-Logo.png +form-type: CUSTOM +form-options: + settings: + component-type: LABEL + text: '&5Settings' +options: + settings: + name: '&7Settings' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&6Change your kingdom settings.' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + members: + name: '&2Members' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0= + lore: + - '&6Manage your kingdom members.' + - '&6Promote or demote them.' + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + masswar: + running: + condition: kingdoms_masswar_is_running + name: '&4Masswar' + material: CLOCK + lore: + - '&6During masswar invasion is free.' + - Masswar is currently &2running. + - '' + - '{$p}Mass War ends in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%' + else: + name: '&4Masswar' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - '&6During masswar invasion is free.' + - Masswar is currently &cnot running. + - '' + - '{$p}Next Mass War in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%' + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + nexus-chest: + name: '&eNexus Chest' + material: CHEST + lore: + - '&6Put items in your kingdoms chest' + - '&6for everyone to use.' + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + turrets: + name: '&9Turrets' + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - '&6You can buy turrets with' + - resource points to place them + - on your land. It protects against + - mobs and invaders. + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + structures: + name: '&5Structures' + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - '&6Structures can do different things.' + - You can only have one structure per land. + - Note that the nexus is a structure itself. + - You can buy structures with resource points. + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + misc-upgrades: + name: '&bMisc Upgrades' + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + lore: + - '&6Extra miscellaneous upgrades' + - to improve your kingdom + - in different aspects. + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + logs: + name: '&aAudit Logs' + material: KNOWLEDGE_BOOK + lore: + - '&6View kingdom logs including' + - invasions, claiming, unclaiming, + - and other member activities. + - '' + - '&7Most of these logs stay for' + - 30 days after they're deleted. + - Some may stay for a shorter time + - that are less important. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + resource-points: + name: '&eResource Points Converter' + material: HAY_BLOCK + lore: + - '&6Convert your items to' + - resource points. + - Your kingdom has &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6resource points. + posx: 4 + posy: 5 + damage-reduction: + name: '&3Damage Reduction' + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - '&6Each upgrade reduces damage' + - taken by &e1% &6when you're in + - your own kingdom land. + - '' + - '&6Level&8: &2%level%' + - '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + damage-boost: + name: '&3Damage Boost' + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES + lore: + - '&6Each upgrade increases your' + - damage by &e1% &6when you're in + - your own kingdom land. + - '' + - '&6Level&8: &2%level%' + - '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + arrow-boost: + name: '&7Arrow Boost' + material: BOW + lore: + - '&6Each upgrade increases your bow' + - damage by &e1% &6when you're in + - your own kingdom land. + - '' + - '&6Level&8: &2%level%' + - '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + regeneration-boost: + name: '&dRegeneration Boost' + material: GOLDEN_APPLE + lore: + - '&6Each upgrade increases your' + - regeneration rate by &e1% &6in your land. + - This update doesn't do any regeneration by + - itself. It only boosts your health regeneration + - amount that you gained by eating food. + - '' + - '&6Level&8: &2%level%' + - '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + ranks: + name: '&5Ranks & Permissions' + material: BOOKSHELF + lore: + - '&6Modify ranks and permissions for' + - your kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + champion-upgrades: + name: '&2Champion Upgrades' + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - '&6Upgrade your champion for stronger' + - defence against invaders. + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + mailbox: + name: '&2Mailbox' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0= + lore: | + &7Send & recieve mails from + other kingdoms. + &2Total mails&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 4 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 46 + - 49 + - 52 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..66d7afc91 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +title: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: '&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%' + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - '&6The name of this rank.' + - Can contain any character but must be + - 20 characters max. + - It can also contain color codes. + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: '&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%' + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - '&6The material used to display' + - this rank in the ranks GUI. + - You should use the latest material names + - even if the server is running on old versions. + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: '&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%' + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - '&6Symbol for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + - Also supports colors. + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: '%rank_color%Color' + material: COAL + lore: + - '&6The chat color for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..73ef1315f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,719 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +(import): + pagination: { } +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + alliance: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k ally &7command. + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission to build anywhere + in the kingdom. + + For the difference between this + and {$p}BUILD_OWNED &7permission + refer to the other permission. + build-owned: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7The difference between &2BUILD &7and + &2BUILD_OWNED &7is that &2BUILD &7allows + you to build anywhere in your kingdom + (except the nexus land that needs + &2NEXUS_BUILD&7) + + &2BUILD_OWNED &7only allows you to build + in the lands that you claimed yourself. + For example if you &6/k claim &7somewhere + other people with &2BUILD_OWNED &7can't + build there, but you or people who have + &2BUILD &7permission can. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + enemy: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k enemy &7command. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invade &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + nexus: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for moving the + kingdom nexus using + {$s}/k nexus &7command. + nexus-build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for building + in the nexus land + nexus-chest: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for modifying + the kingdom's nexus chest. + outpost: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying + items from outpost structures. + protection-signs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for bypassing + sign protected blocks inside + kingdom lands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + invsee: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invsee &7command. + structures: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying structures. + use: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using certain + blocks inside the kingdom. + interact: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for interacting + with certain blocks such as + doors and buttons inside + kingdom lands. + upgrade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for upgrading + anything that can be upgraded + inside the kingdom such as + misc-upgrades, champion upgrades, + powerups, turrets and structures. + truce: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k truce &7command. + turrets: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying turrets. + unclaim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k unclaim &7commands. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + fly: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k fly &7command. + nation: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for joining + or leaving nations. + exclude-tax: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Kingdom members with this + permission are not required + to pay taxes to the kingdom. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + kingdom settings located inside + nexus GUI. + claim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k claim &7commands. + unclaim-owned: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Allows you to only unclaim + the lands that you claimed yourself. + instant-teleport: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Instantly teleport to your + members when using the &2/k tpa + &7command. Otherwise you'll have + to wait for them to accept the request. + + You will still have the teleport + countdown before teleporting. + view-logs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7View your kingdom audit logs + which can be accessed from + your nexus. + read-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for reading + kingdom mails located inside + nexus GUI. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + manage-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Send new mails and reply. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + 'Outposts:join': + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission to use + {$s}/k outposts join &7command. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c17f84aa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +title: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: '&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%' + material: EMERALD + lore: + - '&6Node is the basically the rank''s name but' + - without colors or any special characters. + - This is used when you use promote/demote command. + - Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max. + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: '&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%' + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - '&6The name of this rank.' + - Can contain any character but must be + - 20 characters max. + - It can also contain color codes. + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: '&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%' + material: STONE + lore: + - '&6The material used to display' + - this rank in the ranks GUI. + - You should use the latest + - material names even if the + - server is running on old versions. + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: '&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%' + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - '&6Symbol for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + - Also supports colors. + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: '%rank_color%Color' + material: COAL + lore: + - '&6The chat color for this rank.' + - It can only be 5 characters. + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: '&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%' + material: PAPER + lore: + - '&6The priority for this rank' + - Note that lower numbers means higher priority. + - You cannot change the priority of the king rank. + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: '&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%' + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Players with this rank will not + be able to claim more lands than + the specified value. + + If they want to claim more lands, + they have to unclaim the lands that + they claimed themselves not the + claims that other members claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: '&1Copy Rank' + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - '&6Copy properties of another rank' + - to this rank. + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to ranks menu.' + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac3cee9cc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: '&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to the rank menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0aca4088c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: '&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: '&2Add Rank' + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: '&4Reset Ranks' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Use default ranks.' + - All your current ranks + - will be deleted. + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: '&4Demote All' + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Demotes everyone to member' + - rank in your kingdom. + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: '%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00791f187 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +title: '&aResource Points Converter' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE +interactable: empty +disallow-creative: true +options: + withdraw: + name: '&2Withdraw' + material: PAPER + posx: 4 + posy: 6 + lore: + - '&6Withdraw resource points' + - from your kingdom to your balance. + info: + name: '&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%' + lore: + - '&6Total Donations&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%' + - '&6Last Donation Time&8: &2%kingdoms_date_last_donation_time%' + - '&6Last Donation Amount&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_last_donation_amount%' + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + deposit: + name: '&2Deposit' + material: PAPER + posx: 6 + posy: 6 + lore: + - '&6Deposit resource points' + - to your kingdom from your balance. + apply: + name: '&2Apply' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0= + refresh: true + lore: + - '&6Convert the current items' + - into resource points. + - '&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%' + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + back: + name: '&cBack' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + - this will cancel the + - resource point conversion. + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + lime-glass: + name: '' + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..47bb64e52 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +title: '&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-' +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +options: + separator: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 4 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + back: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' + hex-picker: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Enter a hex color' + unavailable-color-dark-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + name: '&4Dark Red #FF5555' + lore: '&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color.' + color: '#FF5555' + unavailable-color-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cRed #FF5555' + lore: '&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color.' + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + color: '#FF5555' + color-dark-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_BLOCK + name: '&1Dark Blue #0000AA' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#0000AA' + color-light-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Light Blue #5555FF' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#5555FF' + color-black: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: BLACK_WOOL + name: '&0Black #000000' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#000000' + color-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '&8Gray #555555' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#555555' + color-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Dark Purple #AA00AA' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#AA00AA' + color-dark-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Dark Green #00AA00' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#00AA00' + color-orange: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: ORANGE_WOOL + name: '&6Minecoin Gold #DDD605' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#DDD605' + color-dark-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '&3Dark Aqua #00AAAA' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#00AAAA' + color-white: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite #FFFFFF' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#FFFFFF' + color-light-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + material: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL + name: '&7Light Gray #AAAAAA' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#AAAAAA' + color-light-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dLight Purple #FF55FF' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#FF55FF' + color-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '&aGreen #55FF55' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#55FF55' + color-yellow: + posx: 2 + posy: 6 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow #FFFF55' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#FFFF55' + color-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL + name: '&bAqua #55FFFF' + lore: '&r%color%Current Color' + color: '#55FFFF' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9935d50c --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +title: '&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-' +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + green-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Fly' + material: ELYTRA + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fly' + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - '&7Allow kingdom flight in' + - your land. + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Build' + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Build' + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + lore: + - '&7Allow building in your land.' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ceasefire' + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ceasefire' + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - '&7Disable friendly fire.' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + interact: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Interact' + material: CAULDRON + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Interact' + material: CAULDRON + lore: + - '&7Allow block interaction' + - for opening containers. + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + use: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Use' + material: LEVER + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Use' + material: LEVER + lore: + - '&7Allow using blocks.' + - Such as doors, levels and buttons. + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Turret Ceasefire' + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + glow: true + lore: + - '&7Disable friendly fire for turrets.' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Turret Ceasefire' + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - '&7Disable friendly fire for turrets.' + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Manage Turrets' + material: ARROW + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Manage Turrets' + material: ARROW + lore: + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and' + - interacting with turrets. + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + manage-structures: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Manage Structures' + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Manage Structures' + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + lore: + - '&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures.' + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + show-holograms: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Show Holograms' + material: PAPER + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Show Holograms' + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the holograms of + kingdom items to the members + of kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4eb05ec43 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +title: '&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + neutral: + name: Neutral + material: WHITE_CONCRETE + slot: 0 + ally: + name: '&2Ally' + material: LIME_CONCRETE + slot: 1 + truce: + name: '&eTruce' + material: YELLOW_CONCRETE + slot: 2 + enemy: + name: '&cEnemy' + material: RED_CONCRETE + slot: 3 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to settings menu.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8bc904615 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +title: '&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-' +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: '{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_home_is_public%' + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k home %kingdoms_name% + hidden: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: POTION + color: 818595 + name: '{$s}Hidden{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_hidden%' + lore: | + &7Hidden kingdoms aren't displayed + in {$p}/k map &7and online maps. + tax: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your kingdom taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Personal Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax% + + &6Kingdom Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other kingdoms. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom flag for Dynmap. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + pacifism: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: END_CRYSTAL + name: '&6Pacifist&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_pacifist%' + lore: | + &7When you're in pacifism mode, + your kingdom cannot invade + and cannot be invaded by other kingdoms. + + If you invade a Kingdom, you cannot go + back into pacifism mode for a week. + + &2Cooldown&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown% + invites: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: BOOK + name: '&6Requires Invite&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_requires_invite%' + lore: | + &7When turned off, anyone can + join this kingdom without needing + an invitation with {$p}/k join %kingdoms_name% + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: >- + &6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% + &7(%kingdoms_kingdom_color@hex%%kingdoms_kingdom_color%&7) + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + kingdom to protect your kingdom + against invades. diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b26bc0f18 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Shields {$sep})=-' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + shield-6hr: + name: '&26 Hours Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' + material: SHIELD + cost: 1000 + time: 6hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + slot: 0 + shield-12hr: + name: '&212 Hours Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 1900 + time: 12hr + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + slot: 1 + shield-1day: + name: '&21 Day Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' + material: SHIELD + cost: 4500 + time: 1day + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED + slot: 2 + shield-1week: + name: '&21 Week Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 50000 + time: 7days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + CROSS: RED + slot: 3 + shield-1month: + name: '&21 Month Shield' + lore: '&6Cost&8: &2%cost%' + material: SHIELD + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 100000 + time: 30days + patterns: + BASE: BLACK + BORDER: RED + MOJANG: RED + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee6111d5e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +title: '&8-=( &5Structures &8)=-' +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE +options: + powercell: + name: '&4Powercell' + material: MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP + sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - '&6Lands surrounded by a powercell cannot' + - be invaded until the powercell + - land is invaded first. + - The protection radius is &23x3 &6for level 1 + - and &25x5 &6for level 2. + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + extractor: + name: '&aExtractor' + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - '&6Extractors will produce resource points.' + - '&6You can collect the resource points' + - at any time. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + outpost: + name: '&eOutpost' + material: MUSIC_DISC_13 + sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1.5 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - '&6You can get EXP Bottles from' + - outposts using resource points. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + warppad: + name: '&cWarp Pad' + material: MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS + sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - '&6Warp pads can be used to teleport' + - from a structure to another. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + regulator: + name: '&3Regulator' + material: MUSIC_DISC_WARD + sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - '&6Manage player attributes such as building,' + - turret ceasefire and etc... + - Change which player can interact with what block. + - Disable mob or animal spawning and turrets. + - Enable explosions. + - Auto fill turrets ammo. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + siege-cannon: + name: '&3Siege Cannon' + material: MUSIC_DISC_STRAD + sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - '&6Cannon used to break a kingdom''s' + - shield. + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + cyan-glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 + light-blue-glass: + name: '' + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb93e34f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +title: '&8-=( &9Turrets &8)=-' +rows: 4 +sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE +options: + arrow: + name: '&2Arrow' + material: ARROW + sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT + lore: + - '&6A simple turret that fires plain' + - arrows at enemies at a moderate rate. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + flame: + name: '&3Flame' + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + sound: ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - '&6Fast firing turret that sets' + - targets ablaze. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + healing: + name: '&dHealing' + material: TIPPED_ARROW + sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - '&6Heals nearby members and allies.' + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + psionic: + name: '&aPsionic' + material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK + sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + lore: + - '&6Effects the enemies nearby.' + - Higher levels add more effects. + - But never deals killing damage. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + hellfire: + name: '&cHellfire' + material: FIRE_CHARGE + sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE + lore: + - '&6Powerful turret that fires quickly' + - with high damage. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + soldier: + name: '&5Soldier' + sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + lore: + - '&6Spawns guards to kill the' + - target player. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + heatbeam: + name: '&3Heatbeam' + sound: ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK + material: MAGMA_CREAM + lore: + - '&6Targets singular targets and deals' + - a high damage. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + inferno: + name: '&4Inferno' + material: END_CRYSTAL + sound: ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE + lore: + - '&6Similar to Heatbeams.' + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + spring: + name: '&7Spring' + material: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - '&6A mine that will' + - throw the player into + - the air when stepped one. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + explosive-mine: + name: '&7Explosive Mine' + material: HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - '&6A mine that will' + - explode when stepped one. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + chemical-mine: + name: '&8Chemical Mine' + material: LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - '&6A mine that will give' + - you debuffs when stepped on. + - '' + - '&2Cost&8: &6%cost%' + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + Cyan-Glass: + name: '' + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 28 + - 34 + Light-Blue-Glass: + name: '' + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 27 + - 35 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4484937f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +title: '&eOutpost' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + sell-coal: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: COAL + name: '{$p}Coal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3 + item: + material: COAL + sell-charcoal: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CHARCOAL + name: '{$p}Charcoal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 2 + item: + material: CHARCOAL + sell-flint: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: FLINT + name: '{$p}Flint {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1 + item: + material: FLINT + sell-ender-eye: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '{$p}Ender Eye {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1000 + item: + material: ENDER_EYE + sell-ender-pearl: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '{$p}Ender Pearl {$s}%cost%' + cost: 100 + item: + material: ENDER_PEARL + sell-slime-ball: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Slime Ball {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: SLIME_BALL + sell-book: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Book {$s}%cost%' + cost: 10 + item: + material: BOOK + sell-emerald: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '{$p}Emerald {$s}%cost%' + cost: 70 + item: + material: EMERALD + sell-diamond: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '{$p}Diamond {$s}%cost%' + cost: 60 + item: + material: DIAMOND + sell-gold-ingot: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLD_INGOT + name: '{$p}Gold Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLD_INGOT + sell-iron-ingot: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: IRON_INGOT + name: '{$p}Iron Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 40 + item: + material: IRON_INGOT + sell-nether-brick: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: NETHER_BRICK + name: '{$p}Nether Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: NETHER_BRICK + sell-brick: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: BRICK + name: '{$p}Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BRICK + sell-lapis-lazuli: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + name: '{$p}Lapis Lazuli {$s}%cost%' + cost: 15 + item: + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + sell-experience-bottle: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + name: '{$p}Experience Bottle {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + sell-dragon-breath: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: DRAGON_BREATH + name: '{$p}Dragon Breath {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3000 + item: + material: DRAGON_BREATH + sell-blaze-rod: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_ROD + name: '{$p}Blaze Rod {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BLAZE_ROD + sell-prismarine-crystals: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + name: '{$p}Prismarine Crystals {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + sell-blaze-powder: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_POWDER + name: '{$p}Blaze Powder {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: BLAZE_POWDER + sell-golden-carrot: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + name: '{$p}Golden Carrot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + sell-magma-cream: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: MAGMA_CREAM + name: '{$p}Magma Cream {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: MAGMA_CREAM + break: + name: '&4Break' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: '&2Opens Nexus' + lore: + - '&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%' + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: '&2Close' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI.' + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37dfd44ae --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +title: '&eOutpost' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + construction: + material: STONE_PICKAXE + name: '&4Under construction...' + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + break: + name: '&4Break' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: '&2Opens Nexus' + lore: + - '&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%' + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: '&2Close' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI.' + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c58b658e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( &aAmount Picker {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + cancel: + name: '{$e}Click to cancel' + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + done: + name: '{$p}Click to buy' + lore: '{$p}Price{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_cost%' + material: GREEN_WOOL + skull: null + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + decrease: + name: '{$e}Decrease' + cantDecrease: + condition: '!can_decrease' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Minimum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%min% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + decrease by {$p}10 + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0= + item: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: GRASS_BLOCK + increase: + cantIncrease: + condition: '!can_increase' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Maximum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%max% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + increase by {$p}10 + {$e}Maximum amount{$sep}: {$es}%max% + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0= + name: '{$p}Increase' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/powercell.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/powercell.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd2bb8c7a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/powercell.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +title: '&cPowercell' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT +options: + break: + name: '&4Break' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + slot: 0 + upgrade: + slot: 2 + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &61 &7➔ &62' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &62' + close: + name: '&2Close' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..13591579e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '&eAttribute Editor' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + all: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2All&8: &2Enabled' + lore: + - '&7All the attributes.' + material: BOOK + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2All&8: &cDisabled' + material: BOOK + slot: 0 + build: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Build&8: &2Enabled' + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Build&8: &cDisabled' + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + slot: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Fly&8: &2Enabled' + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Fly&8: &cDisabled' + material: ELYTRA + slot: 2 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled' + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled' + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + slot: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled' + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled' + material: ARROW + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e7217054 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +title: '&eAttributes' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + members: + name: '&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - '%online%' + - '&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%' + - '&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%' + - '&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%' + - '&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%' + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + add: + name: '&2Add Player' + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Add someone to the list.' + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + remove-all: + name: '&4Remove All' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Remove all the players' + - from the list. + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bdcbd82bf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +title: '&eInteraction Editor' +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + all: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2All&8: &2Enabled' + material: BOOK + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2All&8: &cDisabled' + material: BOOK + slot: 0 + doors: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Doors&8: &2Enabled' + material: OAK_DOOR + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Doors&8: &cDisabled' + material: OAK_DOOR + slot: 1 + buttons-and-levers: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Buttons & Levers&8: &2Enabled' + material: LEVER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Buttons & Levers&8: &cDisabled' + material: LEVER + slot: 2 + shulker-boxes: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Shulker Boxes&8: &2Enabled' + material: SHULKER_BOX + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Shulker Boxes&8: &cDisabled' + material: SHULKER_BOX + slot: 3 + enchantment-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Enchantment Table&8: &2Enabled' + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Enchantment Table&8: &cDisabled' + material: ENCHANTING_TABLE + slot: 4 + crafting-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Crafting Table&8: &2Enabled' + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Crafting Table&8: &cDisabled' + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + slot: 5 + chests: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Chests&8: &2Enabled' + material: CHEST + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Chests&8: &cDisabled' + material: CHEST + slot: 6 + beds: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Beds&8: &2Enabled' + material: RED_BED + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Beds&8: &cDisabled' + material: RED_BED + slot: 7 + loom: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Loom&8: &2Enabled' + material: LOOM + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Loom&8: &cDisabled' + material: LOOM + slot: 8 + jigsaw: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Jigsaw&8: &2Enabled' + material: JIGSAW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Jigsaw&8: &cDisabled' + material: JIGSAW + slot: 9 + hopper: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Hopper&8: &2Enabled' + material: HOPPER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Hopper&8: &cDisabled' + material: HOPPER + slot: 10 + dispenser: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Dispenser&8: &2Enabled' + material: DISPENSER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Dispenser&8: &cDisabled' + material: DISPENSER + slot: 11 + smoker: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Smoker&8: &2Enabled' + material: SMOKER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Smoker&8: &cDisabled' + material: SMOKER + slot: 12 + furnaces: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Furnaces&8: &2Enabled' + material: FURNACE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Furnaces&8: &cDisabled' + material: FURNACE + slot: 13 + dropper: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Dropper&8: &2Enabled' + material: DROPPER + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Dropper&8: &cDisabled' + material: DROPPER + slot: 14 + beacon: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Beacon&8: &2Enabled' + material: BEACON + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Beacon&8: &cDisabled' + material: BEACON + slot: 15 + anvils: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Anvils&8: &2Enabled' + material: ANVIL + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Anvils&8: &cDisabled' + material: ANVIL + slot: 16 + brewing-stand: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Brewing Stand&8: &2Enabled' + material: BREWING_STAND + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Brewing Stand&8: &cDisabled' + material: BREWING_STAND + slot: 17 + cartography-tables: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Cartography Tables&8: &2Enabled' + material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Cartography Tables&8: &cDisabled' + material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE + slot: 18 + smithing-table: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Smithing Table&8: &2Enabled' + material: SMITHING_TABLE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Smithing Table&8: &cDisabled' + material: SMITHING_TABLE + slot: 19 + plates: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '&2Plates&8: &2Enabled' + material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: '&2Plates&8: &cDisabled' + material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE + slot: 20 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf11cc8bc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +title: '&eInteractions' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + members: + name: '&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: + - '%online%' + - '&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%' + - '&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%' + - '&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%' + - '&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%' + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + add: + name: '&2Add Player' + material: GREEN_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Add someone to the list.' + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + remove-all: + name: '&4Remove All' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - '&6Remove all the players' + - from the list. + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + back: + name: '&2Back' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..845e6cff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: '&eRegulator' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + rules: + name: '&2Rules' + material: LECTERN + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 0 + lore: + - '&7Change this land''s rules' + - such as disabling turrets or + - auto refilling turret within + - this land. + attributes: + name: '&2Attributes' + material: BOOK + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 1 + lore: + - '&7Change different attributes' + - for each player such as + - building and turret ceasefire. + interactions: + name: '&2Interactions' + material: CRAFTING_TABLE + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 2 + lore: + - '&7Manage who can interact with' + - what kind of blocks. + break: + name: '&4Break' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + slot: 3 + lore: + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + close: + name: '&2Close' + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI.' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3d76b2c27 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +title: '&eRules' +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + name: '{$p}Back' + pink-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 13 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 25 + - 26 + material: PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + disable-mob-spawning: + material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7mob + spawning. All mobs except animals. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Disable Mob Spawning' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Disable Mob Spawning' + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + disable-animal-spawning: + material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7animal + spawning. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Disable Animal Spawning' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Disable Animal Spawning' + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + disable-turrets: + material: ARROW + lore: | + &7Prevents all turrets from + shooting that are placed in + this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Disable Turrets' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Disable Turrets' + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + auto-fill-turrets: + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: | + &7Automatically fills the turrets + within this land with ammo. + {$p}Conditions{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be completely + out of ammo. + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be in the same + land as the regulator. + &7⚫ {$s}Your kingdom must have enough + resource points to afford the refill. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Auto Fill Turrets' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Auto Fill Turrets' + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + allow-explosions: + material: TNT + lore: | + &7Allows all types of + explosions to damge this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Allow Explosions' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Allow Explosions' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + allow-fire: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + lore: | + &7Allows all types of fire + damages to this territory. + Including fire spreads, block + burns, etc. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Fire' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fire' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..42a3d093a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: '&3Siege Cannon' +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +interactable: + - 2 +options: + sit: + name: '&2Sit' + lore: + - '&7Sit on the cannon' + - to start shooting. + material: BRICK_STAIRS + slot: 0 + ammo: + name: '&4-------->' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + lore: + - '&2Put a fire charge in this' + - slot to load the cannon. + - '' + - '&8[&4&l!&8] &7Loaded projectiles will disappear' + - once the server is restarted. + - '' + - '&2Iron Blocks&8: &9Tier I' + - '&2Gold Blocks&8: &9Tier II' + - '&2Fire Charges&8: &9Tier III' + slot: 1 + upgrade: + slot: 3 + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%' + - '&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%' + - >- + &7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ + &6%next-explosion-radius% + - '' + - '&8[&4&l!&8] &7The values shown here might' + - differ based on the projectile that you + - used to load the cannon. + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' + - '&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%' + - '&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius%' + break: + name: '&4Break' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/warppad.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/warppad.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4edde9daa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/structures/warppad.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +title: '&eWarppad' +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= + slot: 0 + nexus: + name: '&2Nexus' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' + material: BEACON + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + national-nexus: + name: '&9National Nexus' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' + material: BEACON + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + rename: + name: '&2Rename' + lore: + - '&7Rename this warp pad.' + - '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%structure-custom-name%' + - '{$p}Fuel{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel%{$sep}/{$s}%fancy_max_fuel%' + material: PAPER + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + break: + name: '&4Break' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - '&6Breaks the structure.' + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + close: + name: '&2Close' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI.' + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + orange-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&cPowercells&8:' + powercell: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: REDSTONE_LAMP + name: '&cPowercell&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' + lime-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&aExtractors&8:' + extractor: + slots: + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' + green-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2Warp Pads&8:' + warppad: + slots: + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: '&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' + yellow-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&eOutposts&8:' + outpost: + name: '&eOutpost&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' + slots: + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: HAY_BLOCK + brown-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&7Regulators&8:' + regulator: + name: '&3Regulator&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%' + lore: '&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%' + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LECTERN diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/surrender.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/surrender.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb19a3bdf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/surrender.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Rendição {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + purple-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 45 + - 46 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '{$s}Próxima Página {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$s}Página Anterior {$sep}- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + invasion: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + invading: + condition: kingdoms_is_invading + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "{$p}Você está invadindo{$colon}" + lore: | + {$p}Terreno{$colon} {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$p}Campeão{$colon} {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) + {$p}Desde{$colon} {$s}%since% + {$p}Duração{$colon} {$s}%duration% + {$p}Passado{$colon} {$s}%passed% + {$p}Terras Totais{$colon} {$s}%total_lands% + #These are for plunders only. + #{$p}Attacker Score{$colon} {$s}%invasion_attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%invasion_defender_death_limit% + #{$p}Defender Score{$colon} {$s}%invasion_defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%invasion_attacker_death_limit% + else: + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + attacking: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Defensor{$colon} {$s}%other*kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + defending: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$e}Invasor{$colon}: {$es}%kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + attacking-info: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Terras que seu reino está atacando' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWRhMDI3NDc3MTk3YzZmZDdhZDMzMDE0NTQ2ZGUzOTJiNGE1MWM2MzRlYTY4YzhiN2JjYzAxMzFjODNlM2YifX19' + defending-info: + posx: 7 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmQ5Mjg3NjE2MzQzZDgzM2U5ZTczMTcxNTljYWEyY2IzZTU5NzQ1MTEzOTYyYzEzNzkwNTJjZTQ3ODg4NGZhIn19fQ==' + name: '{$es}As terras de seu reino que estão sendo atacadas' diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/templates/pagination.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/templates/pagination.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..082e8929b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/templates/pagination.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +options: + next-page: + has-next: + condition: page < pages + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19 + else: + name: '&cNo more pages &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ== + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 8 + previous-page: + has-previous: + condition: page > 1 + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0= + else: + name: '&cFirst page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: >- + eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ== + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/arrow.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/arrow.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac1c42c62 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/arrow.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: '&aArrow Turret' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: manual + name: '&2Manual' + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: '&9Automatic' + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: '&cBreak' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - '&4Breaks this turret.' + slot: 3 + close: + name: '&cClose' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/flame.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/flame.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3f5e702ee --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/flame.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: '&cFlame Turret' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: manual + name: '&2Manual' + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: '&9Automatic' + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: '&cBreak' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - '&4Breaks this turret.' + slot: 3 + close: + name: '&cClose' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/healing.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/healing.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a6679dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/healing.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: '&dHealing Turret' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' + slot: 1 + break: + name: '&cBreak' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - '&4Breaks this turret.' + slot: 3 + close: + name: '&cClose' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d38f6b1ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: '&9Heatbeam Turret' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' + slot: 1 + break: + name: '&cBreak' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - '&4Breaks this turret.' + slot: 3 + close: + name: '&cClose' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e32672ee9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: '&4HellFire Turret' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' + slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: manual + name: '&2Manual' + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: '&9Automatic' + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 + break: + name: '&cBreak' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - '&4Breaks this turret.' + slot: 3 + close: + name: '&cClose' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/inferno.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/inferno.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff884fcf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/inferno.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: '&0Inferno Turret' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%' + - '&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%' + slot: 1 + break: + name: '&cBreak' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - '&4Breaks this turret.' + slot: 3 + close: + name: '&cClose' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/psionic.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/psionic.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..251789bac --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/psionic.yml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +title: '&aPsionic Turret' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%' + - '&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%' + slot: 1 + break: + name: '&cBreak' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - '&4Breaks this turret.' + slot: 3 + close: + name: '&cClose' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/soldier.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/soldier.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce3ec28b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/turrets/soldier.yml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +title: '&5Soldier Turret' +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + ammo: + name: '&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%' + material: ARROW + ammo: 100 + cost: 10 + fill-cost: neededAmmo / 8 + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. + slot: 0 + upgrade: + upgrade: + condition: level < max_level + name: '&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%' + - '' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III' + - '&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%' + maxxed: + name: '&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%' + material: NETHER_STAR + lore: + - '&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%' + - '&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%' + - '&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%' + slot: 1 + break: + name: '&cBreak' + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + lore: + - '&4Breaks this turret.' + slot: 3 + close: + name: '&cClose' + material: BARRIER + lore: + - '&6Close the GUI' + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/pt/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml b/resources/languages/pt/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ec47f1b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/pt/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +title: "&cNão Reivindicado %kingdom-item-name%" +type: HOPPER +sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND +options: + break: + name: "&cQuebrar" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&cFechar" + material: BARRIER + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/addons.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/addons.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9bd06780f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/addons.yml @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Аддоны &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Инфа' + lore: | + &7Аддоны являются дополнительными + загружаемый контент, который + можно установить отдельно. + + Причины, по которой аддоны существуют это + {$p}производительности{$sep}, {$p}модуляризация + &7и {$p}ограничения размера файла. + + {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] &7Чтобы быть + возможность установки дополнений, вам необходимо + иметь подключение к Интернету, которое + может подключиться к {$p}GitHub.com + {$sep}(&7не блокируется брандмауэром, + государственная цензура и т.д.{$sep}) + addons: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + pending-restart: + condition: waiting_to_restart + name: '&8[&5Ожидание перезапуска&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &2Версия&8: &9%latest-version% + &5Аддон скачивается. + Ожидание перезапуска сервера + для включения аддона. + material: PURPLE_WOOL + updated: + condition: 'installed && !outdated' + name: '&8[&2Обновлен&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Версия&8: &9%installed-version% + &4Щелкните ПКМ, чтобы удалить + material: GREEN_WOOL + outdated-core-version: + condition: 'installed && outdated && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + + {$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}This version requires + kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$es}to work. + Current version{$sep}: {$e}%current-core-version% + + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + outdated: + condition: 'installed && outdated' + name: '&8[&4Устаревший&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + not-installed: + name: '&8[&6Не установлен&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Версия&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Щелкните ЛКМ, чтобы установить + condition: '!installed' + material: BLUE_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/book.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/book.yml index 39d53324e..ab0eb53e0 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/book.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/book.yml @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ -title: "&4&lРуководство" +title: "&4&lHandbook" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: chapters: material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN name: "&2%chapter%" - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/colors.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/colors.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50afe4daf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/colors.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: chest +rows: 1 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + yellow: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow' + green: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Green' + red: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&4Red' + blue: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Blue' + pink: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dPink' + purple: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Purple' + white: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03e24fbc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2BossBar Settings &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + title: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Title' + lore: "&f%bossbar-title%" + colors: + slot: 2 + name: '&2Color&8: &9%bossbar_color%' + yellow: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'YELLOW'" + material: YELLOW_WOOL + lime-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'GREEN'" + material: LIME_WOOL + red-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'RED'" + material: RED_WOOL + blue-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'BLUE'" + material: BLUE_WOOL + magenta-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PINK'" + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + purple-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PURPLE'" + material: PURPLE_WOOL + white-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'WHITE'" + material: WHITE_WOOL + styles: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Style&8: &3%bossbar_style%' + SOLID: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SOLID'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + SEGMENTED_6: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_6'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_10'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_12'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_20'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= + flags: + slot: 4 + material: WHITE_BANNER + name: '&fFlags' + lore: | + &9Music&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% + &9Darken Sky&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% + &9Fog&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/flags.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4844f444 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + back: + slot: 0 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + play-boss-music: + slot: 2 + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + lore: | + &7Plays the ender dragon theme + while this bossbar is active for + the player. This doesn't work + reliably for all servers. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Music' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Music' + darken-sky: + slot: 3 + material: CLOCK + lore: | + &7It's similar to blindness + potion effect. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Darken Sky' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Darken Sky' + create-fog: + slot: 4 + material: COBWEB + lore: | + &7Mostly restricts the player's + sight and view distance. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Fog' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fog' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/styles.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/styles.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68d16d0ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/bossbar/styles.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + SOLID: + name: "&3Solid" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + lore: | + &7Bossbar styles are those black + lines that separate the bar + into multiple parts. + + Solid means no lines. + SEGMENTED_6: + name: "&36 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 1 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + name: "&310 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 2 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + name: "&312 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 3 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + name: "&320 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 4 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/challenge.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/challenge.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..003a1e074 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/challenge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +title: "&6-=( &cЧелленджы &6)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + time-two-days: + name: "&2Через 2 дня" + material: IRON_BLOCK + slot: 0 + time: 2 дня + time-three-days: + name: "&2Через 3 дня" + material: GOLD_BLOCK + slot: 1 + time: 3 дня + time-five-days: + name: "&2Через 5 дней" + material: DIAMOND_BLOCK + slot: 2 + time: 2 дня + time-week: + name: "&2In 1 week" + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + slot: 3 + time: 7days + info: + name: "&2Challenges" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7They are planned invasions. + When you want to invade someone, you + have to plan an invasion in advance. + + You click the amount of time you want + to give to your enemy before being able + to attack them. After this time has passed + you will have &26 hours &7to invade any of + the lands of the challenged kingdom. diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/disband.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/disband.yml index 35ee43ecb..6dc1578e5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/disband.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/disband.yml @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -title: "&4&lПодтверждение" +title: "&4&lConfirm Disband" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Подтвердить" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&7Ваше королевство будет" - - "&cудалено &4НАВСЕГДА" + - "&6Your kingdom's data will be" + - "&6permanently lost." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cОтмена" - lore: [ "&7Не удалять королевство" ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml index ea89ef378..4a20d7436 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -title: "&4&lПонизить всех" +title: "&4&lDemote All" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Подтвердить" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&7Вы точно уверены что хотите" - - "понизить всех жителей до самого низкого" - - "ранга?" + - "&6Are you sure you want to demote all" + - "the members in your kingdom?" + - "Everyone will be demoted to the member rank." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cОтмена" - lore: [ "&7Отменить подтверждение" ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml index a265bfe21..1f2cf6c7a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml @@ -1,25 +1,26 @@ -title: "&4&lСброс рангов" +title: "&4&lReset Ranks" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Подтвердить" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&7Вы уверены, что хотите сбросить " - - "все пользовательские звания, созданные" - - "в вашем королевстве?" - - "Это приведет к тому, что все ваши жители" - - "будут понижены до самого низкого ранга!" + - "&6Are you sure you want to reset all" + - "the custom ranks made in your kingdom?" + - "Doing so will result in &lall &6your" + - "members being demoted to member rank." - "" - - "Это приведет к сбросу настроек ранга " - - "в исходное состояние, определенное сервером." + - "This will reset the rank settings to their" + - "original state defined by the server." + - "This includes deleting newly created ranks" + - "and adding back the default settings for each rank." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cОтмена" - lore: [ "&7Отменить подтверждение" ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml index a6063b846..2f39c71d7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -title: "&4&lПодтверждение" +title: "&4&lConfirm Unclaim All" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Подтвердить" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&7Как только ваши земли" - - "будут распривачены, все" - - "получат доступ к вашим сундукам," - - "структурам и т.д." + - "&6Once all your lands has" + - "been unclaimed, everyone" + - "can access protected chests," + - "structures and turrets." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cОтмена" - lore: [ "&7Отменить подтверждение" ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/election-candidates.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/election-candidates.yml index 94cc27517..5a6e462fb 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/election-candidates.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/election-candidates.yml @@ -1,18 +1,68 @@ title: "&0-=( &6Election Candidates &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: candidates: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player% &8| &6%votes%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: '&7%candidates-description%' sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 next-page: name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD @@ -26,7 +76,7 @@ options: skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 close: - name: "&cClose" + name: "&cЗакрыть" material: BARRIER posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/error.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/error.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..815877839 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/error.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +title: "&4&lОшибка" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +options: + error: + name: "&cЭтот графический интерфейс сломан" + lore: | + &fЕсли вы игрок, обратитесь + к администраторам сервера. + + Если вы администратор, тогда графический интерфейс сломан здесь: + &6%gui_path% + &fОшибка&7: + &e%message% + material: BARRIER + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/input.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/input.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff9645c97 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/input.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aВведите &0)=-" +type: ANVIL +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + question: + name: "%question%" + lore: "test" + material: GREEN_WOOL + slot: 0 + cancel: + name: "&cCancel" + material: RED_WOOL + slot: 1 + done: + name: "&aDone" + lore: "&7Click to finish input." + material: BLUE_WOOL + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/invite-codes.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/invite-codes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bb3a9963 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/invite-codes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvite Codes &0)=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite-codes: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + {$p}Код{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-code% + {$p}Использований{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% + {$p}Создал{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-creator% + {$p}Создан в{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% + {$p}Истечен в{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-expiration% + + {$p}Щелкните ЛКМ, чтобы купить бумажные коды. + &9Щелкните СКМ, чтобы погасить код. + {$e}Щелкните ПКМ, чтобы удалить. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + info: + name: "&eИнфа" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + lore: | + &7Invite codes are an alternative + way of inviting players to your kingdom. + They're similar to discord invite codes. + + Once you create a new invite code, a player + can either type the code using + {$p}/k invitecode {$s} &7or you can + generate a physical paper which players can + right-click to use them. + Each invite code paper costs {$s}%invitecode-paper-cost% + &7resource points. + + Invite codes expire at a certain point and + they can either have limited or unlimited uses. + new-invite-code: + name: "&2Create New Invite Code" + lore: | + &7You can only make up to + {$p}%invitecode-max% &7invite codes. + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + delete-all: + name: "&4Delete All Invite Codes" + material: RED_WOOL + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/invites.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/invites.yml index 39b247ee9..be1ac2ff6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/invites.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/invites.yml @@ -1,42 +1,76 @@ -title: "&0-=( &aInvitations &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aПриглашения &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: invite: material: PLAYER_HEAD - valid: - condition: valid_invite - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" - else: + condition: expired name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 ] + lore: | + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 decline-all: - name: "&cDecline All" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - lore: - - "&eDecline all the current invites." - posx: 2 + name: "&cОтклонить все" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Отклонить все приглашения" + posx: 5 posy: 1 blue-glass: name: '' material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] - next-page: - name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" - slot: 8 - previous-page: - name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" - slot: 0 - back: - name: "&2Back" - material: BARRIER - lore: - - "&6Go back to nexus menu." - posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/invsee.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/invsee.yml index 18aa162da..e7f779f99 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/invsee.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/invsee.yml @@ -1,49 +1,53 @@ title: "&0-=( &6%target% &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - -# We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. +#We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. context-start-row: 3 - -# It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. -# These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. +#It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. +#These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. options: helmet: - name: '&cNo Helmet' + name: '&cНет шлема' posx: 2 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_HELMET - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES chestplate: - name: '&cNo Chestplate' + name: '&cНет нагрудника' posx: 3 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES leggings: name: '&cNo Leggings' posx: 4 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_LEGGINGS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES boots: name: '&cNo Boots' posx: 5 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_BOOTS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES offhand: name: '&cNo item in offhand' posx: 7 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_HOE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES mainhand: name: '&cNo item in main hand' posx: 8 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES offhand-indicator: name: '&cAbove is showing the offhand' posx: 7 @@ -56,5 +60,15 @@ options: material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE separators: name: '' - slots: [ 0, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 ] - material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 5 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 17 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..637a92b42 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 10 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + type: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Attribute{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' + uuid: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid%' + lore: | + &7This is the unique ID for this modifier. + Since items can have multiple attributes + of the same type, this is used to identify + specific modifiers. + You almost never need to change this manually + yourself since they're automatically + generated with minimal conflict. + name: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' + lore: | + &7This is more like a small description + for this modifier, mostly for human-readable + identification purposes. + amount: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' + operation: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' + lore: | + &7How this attribute affects + other attributes with the + same type with the given amount. + equipment-slot: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' + lore: | + &7The slot which this + attribute takes effect + when placed in. diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8500f975 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Equipment Slots {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + outer-decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + inner-decoration: + slots: + - 3 + - 5 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 41 + - 42 + - 48 + - 50 + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + head: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_HELMET + name: '{$p}Head' + off-hand: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: '{$p}Off Hand' + chest: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: '{$p}Chest' + hand: #main hand + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Main Hand' + legs: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + name: '{$p}Legs' + feet: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: '{$p}Feet' + none: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}None' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71f68544b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute List {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + add-attribute: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ==' + name: '{$p}Add Attribute' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All' + attribute: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: POLISHED_ANDESITE + name: '{$p}%attribute_type%' + lore: | + {$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid% + {$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% + {$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% + {$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% + + &9Left-click to modify + &9Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..656314128 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Operations {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +op: + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$p}" +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&eInfo' + lore: | + &7A modifier's operation dictates + how it modifies an attribute's base value + add-number: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + glow: true + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGQ4YjcxNzNkODQxZjI1NjNlYzEwODg4OGIwZjc5NzkxN2VmYzE4YmUyNzg2MWYwYTY3NjFhYTNlZDkxY2UifX19' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Adds all of the modifiers' amounts to + the current value of the attribute. + For example, modifying an attribute with + {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p} Amount 4 &7with + a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 + multiply-scalar-1: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7For every modifier, multiplies the + current value of the attribute by {$p}(1 + x)&7, + where x is the amount of the particular + modifier. Functions the same as {$p}Add Scalar + &7if there is only a single modifier with + {$p}operation 1 or 2&7. However, for multiple + modifiers it multiplies the modifiers rather + than adding them. For example, modifying an + attribute with {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p}Amount 4 + &7with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) = 45 + add-scalar: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ4NmRiOWExNGQ1ODc5ZmEyODExZDMwMWNjYmQ1MjY5OTRmODcxMjQ3YjYyZjJkOWE0ODE4M2U5NjQxYWQ2OSJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Multiplies the current value of the + attribute by {$p}1 + x&7, where x is the sum + of the modifiers' amounts. For example, + modifying an attribute with {$p}Amount 2&7 + and {$p}Amount 4 with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1592484e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-" +rows: 4 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + orange-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + generic-max-health: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0=' + name: Generic Max Health + lore: | + &7The maximum health of this mob + (in half-hearts); determines the + highest health they may be healed to. + If the player is using this to summon + a mob with high health, use this and + the Health tag {Health:200.0f} for example. + (Disabled in 1.17) + generic-follow-range: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: Generic Follow Range + lore: | + &7The range in blocks within which + a mob with this attribute targets players + or other mobs to track. + Exiting this range causes the mob to + cease following the player/mob. + Actual value used by most mobs is {$p}16&7; + for zombies it is {$p}40&7. + generic-knockback-resistance: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ANVIL + name: Generic Knockback Resistance + lore: | + &7The scale of horizontal knockback + resisted from attacks and projectiles. + Vertical knockback is not affected. + Does not affect explosions. {$p}1.0 &7is {$p}100% + &7knockback resistance. {$p}0.4 &7means {$p}60% &7of + knockback is applied. + generic-movement-speed: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: Generic Movement Speed + lore: | + &7Movement speed of an entity. + The mob's maximum speed in + blocks/second is a bit over {$p}43 + &7times this value, but can be + affected by various conditions, such as: + being ridden (if a horse), sprinting, + fleeing (if a passive mob), attacking + (if an Enderman or Zombified Piglin), + being led by a leash, being under the + effect of a Speed or Slowness potion, + being a baby zombie, or being a witch + and drinking a potion. + generic-flying-speed: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ELYTRA + name: Generic Flying Speed + lore: "&7Fly speed of an entity." + generic-armor: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor + lore: "&7Armor bonus of an entity." + generic-armor-toughness: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor Toughness + lore: "&7Armor durability bonus of an entity." + generic-attack-damage: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Damage + lore: "&7Attack strength of an entity." + generic-attack-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Speed + lore: | + &7Attack speed of an entity. + Value is the number of full-strength + attacks per second. + generic-attack-knockback: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: FISHING_ROD + name: Generic Attack Knockback + lore: | + &7Attack knockback strength of an entity. + Applies only to mobs with physical attacks. + {$p}Ravager{$sep}: {$s}1.5 + {$p}Hoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + {$p}Zoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + horse-jump-strength: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR + name: Horse Jump Strength + lore: "&7How high horses can jump." + generic-luck: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: Generic Luck + lore: | + &7Affects the results of {$p}loot tables + &7using the {$p}quality &7or {$p}bonus_rolls {$p}tag + &7(e.g. when opening chests or chest + minecarts, fishing, and killing mobs). + zombie-spawn-reinforcements: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: Zombie Spawn Reinforcements + lore: | + &7Chance for a zombie to spawn + another zombie when attacked. diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1deb5a72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml @@ -0,0 +1,769 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Enchantments {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +#What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml +'[fn-enchant]': + args: + - "" + return: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}" + lore: | + {$e}This enchantment is not + supported in your current server + version. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" + glow: true + lore: | + &7Left-click to change level + &7Right-click to remove + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: | + &7Left-click to add enchant +options: + water-worker: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + depth-strider: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + impaling: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + oxygen: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + knockback: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + dig-speed: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + frost-walker: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_ICE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + swift-sneak: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-damage: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-knockback: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-fire: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + multishot: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + piercing: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-infinite: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + quick-charge: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: CROSSBOW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + mending: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + durability: + posx: 9 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + fire-aspect: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + channeling: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loyalty: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + riptide: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-environmental: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-projectile: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-explosions: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: TNT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fire: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAVA_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + thorns: + posx: 9 + posy: 3 + material: ROSE_BUSH + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-undead: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-arthropods: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + soul-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: SOUL_SAND + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + vanishing-curse: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_EYE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + binding-curse: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-mobs: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-blocks: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + silk-touch: + posx: 9 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + luck: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + lure: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fall: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: FEATHER + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All Enchantments' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/flags.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3f5557c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Flags {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7Item flags can hide some + properties from items. + This won't change their actual + behavior it just hides them + from the item's description + which is either above or below + ther item's lore. + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove all flags' + flag-hide-attributes: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Attributes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Attributes' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Attributes' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: | + &7Item attributes are the small descriptions + shown under the lore of some items. + attributes: + GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE: + name: Test + amount: 10 + operation: ADD_NUMBER + flag-hide-destroys: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Destroys" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Destroys' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Destroys' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + + &7Can break: + &8Stone + flag-hide-dye: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + color: 255, 255, 255 + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Dyes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Dye' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Dye' + lore: | + &7Hide dye information from + colored leather armors. + flag-hide-enchants: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Enchants" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Enchants' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Enchants' + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: | + &7Hides item enchantments from + their description above the lore + however this will still keep the + item's glowing effect. + flag-hide-placed-on: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Placed On" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Placed On' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Placed On' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + + &7Can be placed on: + &8Stone + flag-hide-potion-effects: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: POTION + effects: + - "BLINDNESS, 1, 10" + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Potion Effects" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Potion Effects' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Potion Effects' + lore: | + &7This is one of those Minecraft + weird behaviors, this flag has + multiple functionalities. It Hides{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}Potion effects + &7⚫ {$s}Book information such as the author + &7⚫ {$s}Firework information + &7⚫ {$s}Map tooltips + &7⚫ {$s}Patterns of banners + &7⚫ {$s}Enchantments of enchanted books + flag-hide-unbreakable: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + unbreakable: true + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Unbreakable" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Unbreakable' + lore: | + &7Hides the unbreakable description + from items. Unbreakable items don't + lose durability when you use them. diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/main.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f8a0e5df --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + item: + #Will be replaced by the actual item + material: STONE + interaction: FREE + slot: 15 + name: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '{$p}Name' + lore: "%item_name%" + flags: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '{$p}Flags' + lore: | + &7Click to modify + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Attributes{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Destroys{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Dye{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Enchants{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Placed On{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Unbreakable{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% + attributes: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Attributes' + decoration: + slots: + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 13 + - 14 + - 16 + - 17 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + lore: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Lore' + #The lore is automatically set by the plugin for this option + enchantments: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Enchantments' + lore: #The lore is modified by the plugin to add set enchants + - "&7Click to modify" + unbreakable: + isUnbreakable: + condition: item_unbreakable + name: '{$p}Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$e}Breakable' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BEDROCK + lore: | + &7If an item is unbreakable, + it'll not decrease its durability + when you use it. + nbt: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BOOKSHELF + name: '{$p}NBT Viewer' + amount: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' + lore: | + &7Maximum amount would be {$p}64 + &7while you can technically set up + to {$p}127 &7it will cause issues + in rare situations. For example, + the GUI isn't able to show this + change and when it's being + transferred to your inventory, + it might not keep its amount. + custom-model-data: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: FIREWORK_STAR + name: '{$p}Custom Model Data{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' + lore: | + &7This is used for resource packs + that are made for 1.14+ + to add new items to the game. + This is basically just a reskin + of the same item type. + This is what plugins like ItemsAdder + use to add new items to the game. + material: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: STONE #This is a template material, the actual material is taken from the placed item + name: '{$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0962ab86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Back' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + nbt-NBTTagCompound: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&fNBTTagCompound{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagString: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagInt: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&9NBTTagInt{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagByte: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagShort: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagLong: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagDouble: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagList: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&8NBTTagList{$sep}]' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..807d19309 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Viewer {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + lore: | + &7NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7is a way + for Minecraft to store data for different + things in the game such as items, entities + and blocks in general. + + Everything you see on an item, such + as its name, lore, enchants and etc are + all stored as NBT data. You almost + will and should not modify NBT data + directly as they're extremely hard + to work with. + + This is mostly for debugging purposes + to see what's actually going on under + the hood. + path: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Current Path{$sep}:' + lore: '%path%' + add-nbt: + name: "{$p}Add Tag" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + lore: | + &7Adds a new tag to + the current compound. + + &7You can also {$p}left-click + &7to edit an existing tag or + {$p}right-click &7to remove a tag. + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + tag: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + compound: + condition: "tag == 'compound'" + name: '{$sep}[{$s}NBTTagCompound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: WHITE_WOOL + strings: + condition: "tag == 'string'" + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GREEN_WOOL + integers: + condition: "tag == 'int'" + name: '{$sep}[&9Integer{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: BLUE_WOOL + byte: + condition: "tag == 'byte'" + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: LIME_WOOL + short: + condition: "tag == 'short'" + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: YELLOW_WOOL + long: + condition: "tag == 'long'" + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: PURPLE_WOOL + double: + condition: "tag == 'double'" + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: CYAN_WOOL + list: + condition: "tag == 'list'" + name: '{$sep}[&7NBTTagList{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GRAY_WOOL + else: + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Unknown{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%" + material: RED_WOOL + #The lore is the value which is set automatically by the plugin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-create.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-create.yml index b710441d1..f9d85ade7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-create.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-create.yml @@ -1,26 +1,25 @@ -title: "&9Тип королевства" +title: "&0-=( &6Kingdom Type &0)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: pacifist: - name: "&2Пацифист" + name: "&2Pacifist" material: OAK_SAPLING lore: - - '&7Пацифистские королевства не могут вторгаться' - - 'в другие королевства и не могут быть захвачены' - - "Они не могут PvP с другими игроками," - - "если не включен параметр &6/k pvp" - - "В основном это обеспечит" - - '&4постоянный &7мирный геймплей.' + - '&7Pacifist kingdoms cannot invade' + - 'other kingdoms and cannot be invaded.' + - "They cannot PvP other players" + - "unless &6/k pvp &7is enabled." + - "Basically it'll provide a" + - '&4permanent &7peaceful gameplay.' slot: 1 aggressor: - name: "&cАгрессор" + name: "&cAggressor" material: DIAMOND_SWORD flags: ALL lore: - - '&7Эти королевства могут вторгаться и сражаться' - - 'с другими королевствами, не являющимися' - - 'союзниками, но они могут временно ' - - 'использовать щиты для мирного опыта.' - slot: 3 \ No newline at end of file + - '&7These kingdoms can invade and PvP' + - 'other non-ally kingdoms, but they may' + - 'use shields for a peaceful experience' + - 'to a certain extent temporarily.' + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a2677a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aJoin Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + requests: + name: "{$p}%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + %online% + {$p}Sent{$sep}: {$s}%sent_date% + + {$p}Left-click &7to accept. + {$e}Right-click &7to deny. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&4Close" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd6a3e0ac --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aRelationship Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + request: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/language-packs.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/language-packs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a651dd2cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/language-packs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Language Packs &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '&2Available Languages To Download' + lore: | + &7They're all under &2500kb + &7note that always the latest version is + downloaded, so if a GUI/message gets + renamed, moved or deleted which rarely + happens, the plugin &cwill not be able + to show them. + + &2English &7is always installed and + &ccannot be uninstalled &7since its + the 'reference' language. + + &7All downloaded language packs are saved + in a folder named &2repository&7. That + folder should never be edited manually. + That's the reference folder. + + If you want to modify the downloaded + languages, you should do so in the + &2languages &7folder instead. Even deleting + those are fine, the plugin will regenerate + them back without redownloading. + download-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + name: "&2Download & Update All" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZWMzYzdmYWIyYTM3MjkwNWZhM2ZjMWZiMjI4ZTc4M2JiOTNhNTNlNmQzMmU0NWViZGI0YTAyMThmY2NhIn19fQ==' + lore: | + &7This option downloads all + languages that haven't been + downloaded yet and updates all + other languages that have already + been downloaded but are outdated. + languages: + #The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%native-name% &8(&9%lang%&8)' + up-to-date: + condition: installed && updated + lore: | + &2Up to date + &4Right-click to uninstall. + outdated: + condition: installed + lore: | + &eOutdated. Left-click to update. + &8(&4!&8) &eUpdating will override all + files that needs updating. Only the + files shown below will be redownloaded. + &4Right-click to uninstall + &9Middle-click to see a full list of + updated files. + + &cUpdated files summary&8: + not-installed: + lore: | + &4Not installed + Left-click to download diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/languages.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/languages.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..874fe10fa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/languages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Languages &8)=-" +rows: 6 +skulls: + en: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19' + ru: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZlYWZlZjk4MGQ2MTE3ZGFiZTg5ODJhYzRiNDUwOTg4N2UyYzQ2MjFmNmE4ZmU1YzliNzM1YTgzZDc3NWFkIn19fQ==' + hu: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGE5YzNjNGI2YzUwMzEzMzJkZDJiZmVjZTVlMzFlOTk5ZjhkZWZmNTU0NzQwNjVjYzg2OTkzZDdiZGNkYmQwIn19fQ==' + es: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJiZDQ1MjE5ODMzMDllMGFkNzZjMWVlMjk4NzQyODc5NTdlYzNkOTZmOGQ4ODkzMjRkYThjODg3ZTQ4NWVhOCJ9fX0=' + de: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWU3ODk5YjQ4MDY4NTg2OTdlMjgzZjA4NGQ5MTczZmU0ODc4ODY0NTM3NzQ2MjZiMjRiZDhjZmVjYzc3YjNmIn19fQ==' + pl: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTIxYjJhZjhkMjMyMjI4MmZjZTRhMWFhNGYyNTdhNTJiNjhlMjdlYjMzNGY0YTE4MWZkOTc2YmFlNmQ4ZWIifX19' + zh: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Y5YmMwMzVjZGM4MGYxYWI1ZTExOThmMjlmM2FkM2ZkZDJiNDJkOWE2OWFlYjY0ZGU5OTA2ODE4MDBiOThkYyJ9fX0=' + tr: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=' + cs: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzliYmNjYzIxMDI2NDRkNGUzNmRmYWJlNzM1ZjBmOTMwN2FkYzVjODRlMjBhMGZkYzViM2ZhM2RlNDgwZDQ5OCJ9fX0=' + it: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODVjZTg5MjIzZmE0MmZlMDZhZDY1ZDhkNDRjYTQxMmFlODk5YzgzMTMwOWQ2ODkyNGRmZTBkMTQyZmRiZWVhNCJ9fX0=' +#This GUI is quite... controversial. +#Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + current-language: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Current Language&8: &9%kingdoms_lang%' + language: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%lang%' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/mails/editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/mails/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54db465db --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/mails/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mail &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + subject: + slot: 0 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '&2Subject&8:' + lore: '&f%subject%' + recipients: + slot: 1 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Recipients&8:' + lore: | + &6To&8: &9%to% + &6CC&8: &9%cc% + summary: + slot: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Summary&8:' + lore: '&f%summary%' + reset: + slot: 3 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cReset' + lore: | + &7Resets all mail properties such + as the subject, recipients and + the content. + preview: + slot: 4 + material: WRITTEN_BOOK + name: '&9Preview' + lore: | + &7Shows how this mail would + look like when people read it. diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/mails/mailbox.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/mails/mailbox.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ee52190d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/mails/mailbox.yml @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mailbox &8)=-" +rows: 6 +interactable: empty +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + previous: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19' + name: '&7Previous Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + next: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ==' + name: '&7Next Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + separators: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + sent-indicator: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Sent Mails' + inbox-indicator: + slot: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Inbox' + get-envelope: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&2Send Mail' + lore: | + &7Gives you a special book + to start writing your mail. + + You can put this book anywhere + you want. To edit the mail &9contents + &7just &2right-click &7and write like + you normally would. + + To edit other properties like the + &9subject &7or &9recipients&7, + &2right-click while sneaking&7. + + Once you're done and ready to &9send + &7the mail, drop this book back into + the sent section here. + + &2Needed Money&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% + &2Needed Resource Points&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% + sent: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + inbox: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/mails/recipients.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/mails/recipients.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be2fc1e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/mails/recipients.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Recipients &8)=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + to: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2To&8: &9%to%' + cc-add: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0=' + name: '&7CC&8:' + lore: "&2Click to add" + cc: + slots: + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&9%singular-cc%' + lore: '&cClick to remove' + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/map-settings.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/map-settings.yml index 1713e1f44..37737ee0c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/map-settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/map-settings.yml @@ -1,13 +1,31 @@ title: "&cMap Settings" type: HOPPER - options: + scoreboard: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the kingdom map as a scoreboard + which is much more convenient than + auto map mode and updates automatically. + + The disadvantage is that + it takes a huge portion of your screen + and you must memorize the symbols and + colors and what they mean. + + This option resets if you leave. + enabled: + condition: scoreboard_enabled + name: "{$enabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Toggle Scoreboard" reset: slot: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD name: '&4Reset Settings' - - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzA1ZWI3ZTA0ODg2ODMyNTRlZGI2NzgyYzVkYjhkMjdjZDA3OGU3ODRkZTJkY2RjZDI1Y2UwODY0ZGZhYmQzOCJ9fX0=' resize: slot: 2 @@ -16,8 +34,7 @@ options: lore: - "&7Resize your own map &awidth &7and &aheight" - "&7Your current size&8: &2%kingdoms_map_width%&7, &2%kingdoms_map_height%" - - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc5ZTU0Y2JlODc4NjdkMTRiMmZiZGYzZjE4NzA4OTQzNTIwNDhkZmVjZDk2Mjg0NmRlYTg5M2IyMTU0Yzg1In19fQ==' auto: slot: 3 @@ -25,13 +42,24 @@ options: lore: - "&7The map keeps appearing automatically" - "as you walk to different lands." - enabled: condition: 'auto_map_enabled' - name: "%var_enabled% Auto" - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark + name: "{$enabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=' else: - name: "%var_disabled% Auto" - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' \ No newline at end of file + name: "{$disabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' + gui: + slot: 4 + material: CHEST + name: "&2See the map in a GUI" + lore: | + &7Advantages would be better + clicking behavior and clearer + icons for different lands. + + Disadvantages would be the + limit of GUI inventory size + and limiting your mobility. diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/map.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/map.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21fc1a5bc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/map.yml @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +title: "&0-=( &a&lКарта &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config +#You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. +options: + element: + material: DIRT + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2217dce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-" +rows: 4 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + name: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Name&8: &6%outpost-name%' + region: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '&2Region&8: &6%outpost-region%' + center: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: '&2Center' + lore: | + %outpost-center% + &7The location where the rewards + are dropped and fireworks are spawned. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + spawn: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '&2Spawn' + lore: | + %outpost-spawn% + &7Where the players get teleported + to when they join the event. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + bossbar: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: BREWING_STAND + name: '&2BossBar Settings' + delete: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cDelete this outpost' + entrance-money: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '&2Entrance Money Fee&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' + rewards: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rewards' + entrance-resource-points-fee: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '&2Entrance Resource Points Fee&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c02347924 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Command Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These commands are executed + for the kingdom that won the event. + + So any command that targets players + individually will not work. + add: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Add' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + commands: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '%command%' + lore: | + {$p}Left-click to edit + {$s}Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0e63858f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Items go here +interactable: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration-1: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 49 + - 51 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + decoration-2: + slots: + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 48 + - 50 + - 52 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These items are randomly + thrown in the Outpost event + area and players can pick + them up. + + You can freely interact with + the items in this GUI, taking + them and adding your own. + + To make custom items you can use + the {$p}/k admin item editor + &7command as well. + items: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: STONE diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7588ca55e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + resource-points: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Resource Points{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-resource-points%" + money: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Money{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-money%" + commands: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '{$p}Commands' + items: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Items' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml index 12460b587..76c1c34cd 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Защита &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "&7Добавить королевство" + name: "&2Include Kingdom" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&7Добавьте королевство, чтобы его жители" - - "могли получить доступ к этому блоку." + - "&6Add a kingdom so their members" + - "can access this block." - "" - - "Они не смогут изменить" - - "группу или разбить блок." + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "&cИсключить королевство" + name: "&cExclude Kingdom" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&7Добавьте королевство, чтобы его жители" - - "не смогли получить доступ к этому блоку." + - "&6Add a kingdom to exclude their members" + - "from accessing the block." - "" - - "Игроки в вашем королевстве с разрешения" - - "к обходу защиты все еще можно получить доступ" - - "к блоку или сломать его" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4Очистить" + name: "&4Clear" material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "&7Удалить все королевства" - - "&7из листа" + - "&6Remove all the kingdoms" + - "from this list." posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&cНазад" + name: "&4Back" material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "&6%name% &8- &2Включено" + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included" material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "&6%name% &8- &cИсключено" + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/players.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/players.yml index 57a9d5f87..d59d550b6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/players.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/players.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Защита &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "&7Добавить игрока" + name: "&2Include Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&7Добавьте игрока, чтобы он" - - "мог получить доступ к этому блоку." + - "&6Add someone so they" + - "can access this block." - "" - - "Они не смогут изменить" - - "группу или разбить блок." + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "&cИсключить игрока" + name: "&cExclude Player" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&7Добавьте игрока, чтобы он" - - "не смог получить доступ к этому блоку." + - "&6Add someone to exclude" + - "them from accessing the block." - "" - - "Игроки в вашем королевстве с разрешением" - - "к обходу защиты все еще можно получить доступ" - - "к блоку или сломать его" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4Очистить" + name: "&4Clear" material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "&7Удалить все королевства" - - "&7из листа" + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from this list." posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&cНазад" + name: "&4Back" material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "&6%name% &8- &2Включён &8- %online%" + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included &8- %online%" material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "&6%name% &8- &cИсключён &8- %online%" + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded &8- %online%" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml index 27e303047..ec2913973 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml @@ -1,56 +1,56 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Защита &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: players: - name: "&bМенеджер игроков" - lore: - - "&7Включить или исключить отдельных игроков" - - "&7для доступа к этому блоку." - - "" - - "&7Настройки игрока переопределяют настройки" - - "&7королевства. Это означает, что если игрок" - - "&7является частью включенного или" - - "&7исключенного королевства, он все равно" - - "&7может использовать блок, если" - - "&7королевство исключено, или не использовать" - - "&7блок, если королевство включено." + name: "&2Manage Players" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude individual players + for accessing this block. + + Player settings override the kingdom + settings. Meaning that if a player is + a part of an included or excluded kingdom, + they can still use the block if the kingdom + is excluded or not use the block if the + kingdom is included. material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: '%owner%' slot: 0 kingdoms: - name: "&bМенеджер королевств" - lore: - - "&7Включите или исключите королевства для доступа" - - "&7к этому блоку, чтобы все в этом королевстве" - - "&7были включены или исключены." + name: "&2Manage Kingdoms" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude kingdoms for + accessing this block so everyone in + that kingdom are included or excluded. material: RED_BANNER sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS slot: 1 info: - name: "&5Знаки защиты" - lore: - - "&7Защищенные блоки защищены от грифа" - - "&7и ни один игрок не может" - - "&7использовать их без разрешения." - - "" - - "&7Нажмите здесь, чтобы установить " - - "&7пароль на блок." - - "&7Это работает только в том случае," - - "&7если защищаемый" - - "&7блок является контейнером," - - "&7например сундуком." + name: "&5Protection Signs" + lore: |- + &6Protected blocks are protected + against griefs and no player can use it + without permission. + + If a player has access to this block, + they still cannot change the sign settings + or break the sign or the block. + + &7Click here to set a password on the block. + This only works if the block being protected + is a container such as a chest. material: NETHER_STAR slot: 2 protection-type: - name: "&7Тип защиты&8: &9%protection_type%" - lore: - - "&7Измените способ защиты этого блока" - - "&7от других игроков по умолчанию." + name: "&2Protection Type&8: &9%protection_type%" + lore: |- + &6Change the method of how + this block is protected from + other players by default. material: CHEST slot: 3 back: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&4Close the GUI" material: BARRIER - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml index f8d1037a2..f501cebb4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml @@ -1,69 +1,71 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Тип защиты &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection Type &8]=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: protected: enabled: condition: enabled name: "&2%protection%" - lore: - - "&7Этот блок будет защищен от всех игроков," - - "&7если только они не будут добавлены" - - "&7вручную для доступа к блоку." + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: OAK_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&4%protection%" material: OAK_SIGN - lore: - - "&7Этот блок будет защищен от всех игроков," - - "&7если только они не будут добавлены" - - "&7вручную для доступа к блоку." + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 1 everyone-in-kingdom: enabled: condition: enabled name: "&2%protection%" - lore: - - "&7Этот блок будет защищен от всех игроков," - - "&7которые не находятся в вашем королевстве," - - "&7если только они не будут добавлены" - - "&7вручную для доступа к блоку." + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: SPRUCE_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&2%protection%" material: SPRUCE_SIGN - lore: - - "&7Этот блок будет защищен от всех игроков," - - "&7которые не находятся в вашем королевстве," - - "&7если только они не будут добавлены" - - "&7вручную для доступа к блоку." + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 2 everyone: enabled: condition: enabled name: "&2%protection%" - lore: - - "&7К этому блоку могут получить доступ все," - - "&7кто находится за пределами или внутри вашего" - - "&7королевства, если они не добавлены вручную," - - "&7чтобы не иметь доступа к этому блоку." + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. material: DARK_OAK_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&2%protection%" material: DARK_OAK_SIGN - lore: - - "&7К этому блоку могут получить доступ все," - - "&7кто находится за пределами или внутри" - - "&7вашего королевства, если они не добавлены" - - "&7вручную, чтобы не иметь доступа к этому блоку." - slot: 3 \ No newline at end of file + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/extractor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/extractor.yml index 529c390bb..510adb455 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/extractor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/extractor.yml @@ -1,46 +1,68 @@ -title: "&8Экстрактор" +title: "&2Extractor" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: - break: - name: "&cСломать" - material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK - lore: - - "&7Сломать структуру" - slot: 0 collect: - name: "&7Собрать&8: &b%time% &8- &e%amount% очков ресурсов" - material: GREEN_WOOL + outOfFuel: + condition: 'fuel <= 0' + name: "{$e}Out of fuel &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: RED_WOOL + nothing-to-collect: + condition: 'amount <= 0' + name: "{$e}Nothing to collect &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed%" + material: RED_WOOL + else: + name: "&2Collect&8: &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: GREEN_WOOL sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - refresh: true lore: - - "&7Собрать все созданные" - - "очки ресурсов" - - "&aПоследний раз сбор&8: &d%extractor-last-collector%" + - "&6Collect all the generated" + - "resource points." + - "Last collected by&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" + slot: 0 + fuel: + name: "&2Fuel&8: &6%fancy_fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: COAL + refresh: true slot: 1 + lore: | + &7To fill the fuel, simply drop + one of the fuel items on the + extractor block. + + &7Additionally you can place a {$p}hopper + &7on north, south, east, west or top of + the extractor with the following items. + Note that this only works once the extractor's + fuel is almost at zero. + + &2Coal&8: &95 + &2Charcoal&8: &93 + &2Blaze Rods&8: &9100 upgrade: slot: 3 upgrade: condition: level < max_level - name: "&7Обновление&8: &b%level_roman% уровень &8➛ &b%next_level_roman% уровень" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&8⚫ &7Каждые&8: &c%every% &8➔ &a%next-every%" - - "&8⚫ &7Очки ресурсов&8: &e%resource-points% &7➔ &6%next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ &6%fancy_next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel%" - "" - - "&8⚫ &7Макс.уровень&8: &a%max-level-roman%" - - "&8⚫ &7Стоимость&8: &e%upgrade_cost% очков ресурсов" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&7Уровень&8: &b%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&8⚫ &7Каждые&8: &b%every%" - - "&8⚫ &7Очки ресурсов&8: &e%resource-points%" - close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" - material: BARRIER + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml index 07786a8ed..ce42f797b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml @@ -1,32 +1,26 @@ -title: "&8Настройка защитника" +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Settings &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: upgrade: - name: "&bОбновление" - material: IRON_CHESTPLATE - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP + name: "&bUpgrade Equipment" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE lore: - - "&7Улучшайте доспехи и оружие своих" - - "чемпионов с каждым обновлением" + - "&7Improve your champions" + - "armor and weapon with each upgrade." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" slot: 0 change: - name: "&6Сменить тип" - material: IRON_SWORD + name: "&6Change" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "&7Изменить тип защитника" + - "&7Change your champion type." slot: 1 - back: - name: "&cНазад" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to champion upgrades." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml index a6fed9922..c51cf55e9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml @@ -1,244 +1,220 @@ -title: "&8Улучшения защитника" +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Upgrades &8)=-" rows: 6 sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: settings: - name: "&bНастройки" - material: IRON_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP + name: "&bSettings" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Настройки вашего защитника" + - "&7Change your champion's settings" + - "such as upgrading its equipment or" + - "changing your champion type." posx: 3 posy: 2 health: - name: "&bЗдоровье защитника" + name: "&bChampion Health" material: MELON_SLICE - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7Повышает макс.здоровье" - - "на &950 &7каждый уровень" - - "&7Текущее здоровье защитника&8: &9%scaling%" + - "&7Increases champion's health" + - "by &250 &7every level." + - "&7Current champion's health&8: &2%scaling%" - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 reinforcements: - name: "&bПодкрепления" + name: "&bReinforcements" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7Каждое обновление будет создавать" - - "доп.стража нексуса каждые &930 секунд" + - "&7Spawns nexus guardian every {$p}3 &7minutes." + - "Each upgrade will reduce the time by {$p}15 seconds&7." + - "The spawned guards exactly match your" + - "nexus guards depending on the" + - "misc upgrade." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 resistance: - name: "&bСопротивление" + name: "&bResistance" material: BRICK - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7Каждое обновление добавляет &9%scaling%% &7шанс" - - "что защитник не будет отброшен атакой" + - "&7Each upgrade adds &2%scaling%% &7chance that the" + - "Champion won't be knocked back by an attack." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 speed: - name: "&bСкорость" + name: "&bSpeed" material: POTION - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7Увеличивает скорость чемпиона," - - "когда его здоровье ниже &920%" + - "&7Increases champion's Speed when" + - "his health is lower than &220%" - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 focus: - name: "&bФокус" + name: "&bFocus" material: ENDER_EYE - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7Игроки, пораженные чемпионом," - - "будут на &9%scaling% секунд" - - "&7лишены всех своих эффектов" + - "&7Players hit by the champion will" + - "have &2%scaling% &7second removed from all" + - "their active potion effects." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 3 strength: - name: "&bСила" + name: "&bStrength" material: ANVIL - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7Зелье силы будет " - - "добавлено к чемпиону" - - "&7и будет усиливаться с каждым уровнем." + - "&7Strength potion will be" + - "added to the champion" + - "&7and will be amplified each level." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 3 throw: - name: "&bБросок" + name: "&bThrow" material: COOKED_PORKCHOP - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7При каждой атаке будет шанс подбросить" - - "&7грока в небо. Каждое улучшение" - - "&7увеличивает этот шанс на &910%" + - "&7Every attack, there will be a chance" + - "&7to knock the player into the sky." + - "&7Each upgrade increases this chance by &210%" - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 3 death-duel: - name: "&bСмертельная дуэль" + name: "&bDeath Duel" material: GOLDEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&8− &7Все игроки, кроме захватчика, будут наносить" - - "чемпиону на &950% меньше &7урона." - - "Чемпион также будет наносить двойной урон" - - "всем игрокам, кроме захватчиков." + - "&7All players except the invader will deal" + - "&250% &7less damage to the champion. The" + - "champion will also deal double damage" + - "to all players except the invaders." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 3 drag: - name: "&bУдочка" + name: "&bDrag" material: FISHING_ROD - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7Если вторгшийся игрок находится более чем" - - "в &9%scaling% блоков &7от чемпиона," - - "игрок будет перетащен к чемпиону." + - "&7If the invading player is more than" + - "&2%scaling% &7blocks away from the champion, the" + - "player will be dragged to the champion." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 3 damage-cap: - name: "&bМаксимальный урон" - material: IRON_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP + name: "&bDamage Cap" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&8− &7Ваш чемпион может получить только" - - "до &9%scaling% урона &7при любой атаке." + - "&7Your champion can only receive up to" + - "&2%scaling% &7damages on any attack." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 4 thor: - name: "&bТор" - material: IRON_AXE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP + name: "&bThor" + material: DIAMOND_AXE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&8− &7Каждые &93 секунды&7, молния " - - "поражает вторгшегося игрока и всех" - - "&7ближайших несоюзных игроков." - - "&7Наносит урон, а также отбрасывает игроков назад." + - "&7Every {$p}%cooldown%&7, lightning" + - "&7strikes the invading player and all" + - "&7nearby non-allied players. Deals" + - "&7damage, and knocks the players back also." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 4 plow: - name: "&bОчистка" + name: "&bPlow" material: COBWEB - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7Ваш чемпион попытается очистить" - - "лаву и паутину" + - "&7Your champion will try to clear" + - "lava and webs every {$p}%cooldown%" - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 4 fangs: - name: "&bКлыки" + name: "&bFangs" material: EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "&8− &7Создайте клыки для вражеских" - - "игроков вокруг чемпиона" + - "&7Spawn fangs for the enemy" + - "players around the champion" + - "every {$p}%cooldown%" - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 4 - back: - name: "&cНазад" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 6 purple-glass: name: "" material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 2, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 51, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 51 + - 53 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 36, 44, 46, 52 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 52 magenta-glass: name: "" material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 10, 16, 37, 43 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 10 + - 16 + - 37 + - 43 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml index 34bd3ee9c..1293d1947 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@ -title: "&9Тип защитника" +title: "&8-=( &2Champions &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: zombie: - name: "&2Зомби" + name: "&2Zombie" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD slot: 0 skeleton: - name: "&fСкелет" + name: "&6Skeleton" material: SKELETON_SKULL slot: 1 - back: - name: "&cНазад" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to champion settings." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d0d77ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Logs Filters & Sorting &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-player: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Player Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_player_name%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Player Filter' + filters-time: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CLOCK + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Time Filter' + lore: | + {$p}After{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_after% + {$p}Before{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_before% + else: + name: '{$disabled} Time Filter' + filters-type: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER #Template + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_type_type%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Filter' + sort-ascending-time: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ascending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ascending Time Sort' + sort-descending-time: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Descending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Descending Time Sort' + sort-type: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Sort' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81208766f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Audit Logs &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#-NOSYNC +'[type]': + kingdom-join: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Player Joined{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Invited By{$sep}: &6%inviter% + kingdom-kick: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Kicked Member{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Kicker{$sep}: &6%kicker% + kingdom-leave: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Player Left{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + &2At{$sep}: &6%time% + &2Reason{$sep}: &6%reason% + kingdom-challenge-challenger: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Challenged' + lore: | + &e%player% &chas challenged + &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% &ckingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare to attack. + kingdom-challenge-challenged: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cChallenged' + lore: | + &e%kingdoms_kingdom_name% &ckingdom has + &cchallenged your kingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare before they attack. + kingdom-claim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&2Claimed' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has claimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-unclaim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&cUnclaimed' + lore: | + {$es}%player% {$e}has unclaimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invasion-invader: + material: IRON_SWORD + name: '&2Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-invasion-invaded: + material: GOLD_SWORD + name: '&cGot Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded your kingdom at{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-upgrade-misc: + material: DIAMOND_HOE + name: '&9Misc Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}misc upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-champion: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: '&9Champion Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}champion upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-powerup: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '&9Powerup Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}powerup. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-upgrade: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structure at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structures. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aTurret Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turrets. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase-ammo: + name: '&aTurret Ammo Purchase' + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased ammo for + {$s}%style% {$p}turret at {$s}%translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%y%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$s}%fancy_old_amount% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_new_amount% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-upgrade: + material: ARROW + name: '&aTurret Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turret at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-resource-points-convert: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&aResource Points Convert' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed + resource points{$sep}: + {$s}%fancy_amount-before% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_amount-after% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + extractor-collect: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aExtractor Collect' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has collected the + extractor located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Collected Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + warppad-teleport: + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: '&3Warp Pad Teleport' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has teleported + using the Warp Pad located at + {$s}%from_location% {$p}to + {$s}%precise_location% + {$p}Fuel Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + outpost-item-purchase: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&eOutpost Item Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + the following items from the + Outpost structure located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Total Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + %purchases% + kingdom-pacifism-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&5Pacifism Change' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed the + pacifism state of the kingdom. + {$p}Pacifist{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + shield-purchase: + material: SHIELD + name: '&5Shield Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + a shield for the kingdom. + {$p}Purchased Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% + {$p}Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-shield-time% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-relation-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Relationship Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's relationship has + changed with {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% {$p}kingdom{$sep}: + %old-relation% {$sep}➜ %new-relation% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invite: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Invite' + lore: | + {$s}%inviter% {$p}has invited {$s}%player% + {$p}to the kingdom. They have {$s}%accept-time% + {$p}to accept the request. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-king-change: + material: BOOK + name: '&4King Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's king has been changed{$sep}: + {$s}%old-king% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-king% + {$p}Reason{$sep}: {$s}%reason% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + player-rank-change: + lore: | + {$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank% + {$p}By{$sep}: {$s}%by-player% + promoted: + condition: 'old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority' #It's the opposite + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&aPlayer Promoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + else: #demoted + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cPlayer Demoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + rank-create: + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rank Created' + lore: | + {$p}A rank was created by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-delete: + material: BOOK + name: '&cRank Deleted' + lore: | + {$p}Rank was deleted by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-name: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Name Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-name% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-name% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-symbol: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Symbol Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}symbol was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-symbol% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-symbol% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-color: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Color Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-color%color {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-color%color + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-priority: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Priority Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}priority was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-priority% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-priority% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-max-claims: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Max Claims Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}max claims was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-max-claims% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-max-claims% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-material: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Material Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}material was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-material% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + structures-nexus-move: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nexus Placed' + placed: + condition: placed + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + placed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + else: + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + moved by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%from_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%from_x%{$sep}, {$s}%from_y%{$sep}, {$s}%from_z% {$sep}➜ {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + group-tax-server-pay: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Server Tax" + lore: | + {$p}Server taxes paid. + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-champion-change: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: "&9Champion Change" + lore: | + {$p}The champion was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-lore: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Lore" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's lore was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-rename: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Rename" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom was renamed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-tag: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Tag" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's tag was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-join: + material: BEACON + name: "&9Nation Join" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has joined + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-leave: + material: BEACON + name: "&cNation Leave" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has left + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + 'PeaceTreaties:received': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Received Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}Proposer{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + 'PeaceTreaties:sent': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Sent Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}To{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + '[else]': + material: BARRIER + name: '{$e}Unknown log type{$sep}:' + lore: '{$es}%type%' +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-and-sorting: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: BOOK + name: "{$p}Filters & Sorting" + lore: | + {$p}Filters{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Player{$sep}: %bool_filters_player% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Time{$sep}: %bool_filters_time% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_filters_type% + + {$p}Sorting{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Ascending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_ascending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Descending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_descending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_sorting_type% + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + entry: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + '[switch]': type + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml index 88c33df89..7f060c70e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml @@ -1,36 +1,49 @@ title: "%player%" type: HOPPER sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: kick: - name: "&4Исключить из города" + name: "&cKick" material: RED_WOOL + cantKick: + condition: '!can_kick' + lore: | + &cYou can't kick this member. + else: { } slot: 0 demote: - name: '&cПонизить игрока &8[&9-&8]' + name: '&eDemote' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0=" + cantDemote: + condition: '!can_demote' + lore: | + &cYou can't demote this member. + else: { } slot: 1 member: - name: "%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol% %player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Статус %online%" - - "&8▪ &7Вступил &8» &9%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&8▪ &7Пожертвовал &8» &e%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&8▪ &7Посл.время пожертвования &8» &5%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&8▪ &7Ранг &8» %kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_name%" + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" slot: 2 promote: - name: '&aПовысить игрока &8[&a+&8]' + name: '&aPromote' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0=" + canPromote: + condition: '!can_promote' + lore: | + &cYou can't promote this member. + else: { } slot: 3 back: - name: "&7Назад" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to members menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml index f6423a0d1..eb755f8e9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml @@ -1,37 +1,86 @@ -title: "&9Жители" +title: "&0-=( &aMembers &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: members: - name: "%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol% %player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Статус %online%" - - "&8▪ &7Вступил &8» &9%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&8▪ &7Пожертвовал &8» &e%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&8▪ &7Посл.время пожертвования &8» &5%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&8▪ &7Ранг &8» %kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "%online%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 next-page: - name: '&aСледующая страница &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '&cПредыдушая страница &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 back: - name: "&2Назад" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml index e9cc3bc52..da670ccc5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml @@ -1,209 +1,522 @@ -title: "&bПрочие обновления" +title: "{$sep}-=( &3Misc Upgrades {$sep})=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE - +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc]': + args: + - "" + - "" + - "" + return: + pacifist: + condition: ' && kingdoms_pacifist' + name: "" + perform-action: false + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "&cYour kingdom is pacifist" + - "and cannot use this upgrade." + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%" + - "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable" + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%" + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc-basic]': + args: + - "" + return: + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' options: glory: - name: "&3Слава" material: NETHER_STAR - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8▪ &bУровень 1 &7Убийство неигроков на" - - " вашей земле/пустошах дает &aх2 опыта" - - "&8▪ &bУровень 2 &7Убийство неигроков на" - - " вашей земле/пустошах дает &aх4 опыта" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 3 posy: 1 anti-trample: - name: "&aЗащита от топтания" material: WHEAT_SEEDS - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8▪ &bУровень 1 &7Ваша возделанная" - - " земля не может" - - " быть растоптана игроками." - - '' - - "&8▪ &bУровень 2 &7Поршни, размещенные" - - " за пределами вашей территории, и направленные" - - " в её сторону - больше не будут работать." - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 1 nexus-guards: - name: "&4Стражи нексуса" - material: GOLD_AXE - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8− &7Когда кто-то входит в вашу страну нексуса" - - "появляются охранники, которые" - - "сильнее ваших обычных охранников." - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" + material: DIAMOND_AXE + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 5 posy: 1 guards: - name: "&eСтражи" material: IRON_AXE - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8− &7Стражи будут случайным " - - "образом появляться, чтобы" - - "защитить королевство, если на землю" - - "войдет не союзник." - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 6 posy: 1 insanity: - name: "&cБезумие" material: REDSTONE - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8− &7Защитники и охранники Нексуса" - - " созданные в силовой клетке, будут обладать" - - "силой I в течение 10 секунд." - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 7 posy: 1 - invasion-teleportation: - name: "&3Телепорты при вторжении" - material: ender_chest - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8− &7Уменьшает задержку телепортации" - - "для &e/k tp &8− &7после каждого обновления." - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 3 posy: 2 invasions: - name: "&3Вторжения" - material: IRON_SWORD - - lore: - - "&8− &7Ваше королевство может вторгнуться &b%invasion-limit% &7раз" - - "&7Используемые вторжения&8: &a%invasions%" - - "&7Обновление КД&8: &d%invasion-refresh-cooldown%" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost%" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 2 posy: 2 anti-explosion: - name: "&5Анти-взрывы" material: GUNPOWDER - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8▪ &bУровень 1 &7Если крипер взорвется " - - "на вашей земле он не нанесет " - - "никакого урона блокам и" - - "вашим жителям" - - "" - - "&8▪ &bУровень 2 &7TNT больше не может" - - "нанести ущерб вашей земле," - - "но ранит ваших врагов и не союзников" - - "" - - "&8▪ &bУровень 3 &7Защитите членов вашего" - - "королевства, ивотных и всех" - - "других мобов на вашей земле" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 2 max-claims: - name: "&3Территории" + name: "&3Max Claims" material: MAP - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8− &7Увеличение лимита чанков," - - "которые вы можете взять на" - - "&8− &a2 &8− &7каждый новый уровень" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7У вас&8: &a%kingdoms_max_lands%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + max-turrets: + name: "&3Max Turrets" + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 5 posy: 2 max-members: - name: "&3Макс.жителей" + name: "&3Max Players" material: PLAYER_HEAD - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8− &7Добавляет 3 слота с каждым уровнем" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - posx: 7 + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 6 posy: 2 chest-size: - name: "&3Размер сундука нексуса" - material: CHEST - sounds: - max-%level%: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - not-enough-resource-points: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - upgraded: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - lore: - - "&8− &7Увеличивает размер сундука" - - "в нексусе" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - posx: 6 + name: "&3Nexus Chest Size" + material: ENDER_CHEST + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 7 posy: 2 - back: - name: "&8− &7Назад" + name: "{$p}Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: default skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "" + lore: "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: name: '' material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml index 3ae00cc24..e3a1fea16 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml @@ -1,38 +1,46 @@ -title: "&8Нексус нации &9%kingdoms_nation%" +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation_name%'s &6&lNation Nexus" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - options: settings: - name: "&7Настройки" + name: "&7Settings" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&8− &7Измените настройки нации" + - "&6Change your nation settings." posx: 5 posy: 2 resource-points: - name: "&eКонвертер очков ресурсов" + name: "&eResource Points Converter" material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "&8− &7Преобразуйте свои предметы в" - - "очки ресурсов" - - "У нации &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your nation has &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6resource points." posx: 4 posy: 2 ranks: - name: "&5Ранги & Права" + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "&8− &7Редактируйте права и ранги" - - "для вашей нации" + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your nation." posx: 6 posy: 2 - red-glass: name: "" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bc8a9a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + nation settings located inside + nexus GUI. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ec33e98a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Template material. Gets replaced + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Maximum amount of claims a + player with this rank can claim + if they have claiming permissions. + + It'll only free more claims once + the player or someone else {$p}/k unclaim + &7the land that they claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml index c3fb990e7..d1875d116 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,35 +1,44 @@ -title: "&aКонвертер очков ресурсов" +title: "&aResource Points Converter" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE -interactable: [ 999 ] +interactable: empty disallow-creative: true - +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. options: info: - name: "&6Очки ресурсов&8: &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% оч.ресурсов" + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 apply: - name: "&2Применить" + name: "&2Apply" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" - sound: default + refresh: true lore: - - "&8▪ &7Преобразуйте текущие предметы" - - "в очки ресурсов" + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" posx: 9 posy: 6 back: - name: "&cНазад" + name: "&cBack" material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: default skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml index b822cf25d..624713068 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,161 +1,162 @@ -title: "&9Редактор отношений" +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" rows: 1 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - # fly: - # Включено: - # condition: "enabled" - # name: "&2Fly&8: &2Включено" - # material: ELYTRA - # flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - # enchants: - # DURABILITY: 1 - # lore: - # - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" - # - "your land." - # else: - # name: "&2Fly&8: &cВыключено" - # material: ELYTRA - # lore: - # - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" - # - "your land." - # posx: 1 - # posy: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + else: + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 build: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Строительство&8: &2Включено" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Разрешает строить на вашей территории" + - "&7Allow building in your land." else: - name: "&2Строительство&8: &cВыключено" + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE lore: - - "&7Разрешает строить на вашей территории" - posx: 3 + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 2 posy: 1 ceasefire: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Прекращение огня&8: &2Включено" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Отключить дружественный огонь." + - "&7Disable friendly fire." else: - name: "&2Прекращение огня&8: &cВыключено" + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "&7Отключить дружественный огонь" - posx: 4 + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 3 posy: 1 interact: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Взаимодействие&8: &2Включено" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Interact&8: &2Enabled" material: CAULDRON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Разрешить блокировать взаимодействие" - - "для открытия контейнеров" + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." else: - name: "&2Взаимодействие&8: &cВыключено" + name: "&2Interact&8: &cDisabled" material: CAULDRON lore: - - "&7Разрешить блокировать взаимодействие" - - "для открытия контейнеров" - posx: 5 + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." + posx: 4 posy: 1 use: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Использование&8: &2Включено" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Use&8: &2Enabled" material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Разрешить использование блоков" - - "Такие как двери, уровни и кнопки" + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." else: - name: "&2Использование&8: &cВыключено" + name: "&2Use&8: &cDisabled" material: LEVER lore: - - "&7Разрешить использование блоков" - - "Такие как двери, уровни и кнопки" + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + else: + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." posx: 6 posy: 1 - # turret-ceasefire: - # Включено: - # condition: "enabled" - # name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Включено" - # material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - # flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - # enchants: - # DURABILITY: 1 - # lore: - # - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." - # else: - # name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cВыключено" - # material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - # lore: - # - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." - # posx: 8 - # posy: 1 - # manage-turrets: - # Включено: - # condition: "enabled" - # name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Включено" - # material: ARROW - # flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - # enchants: - # DURABILITY: 1 - # lore: - # - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" - # - "interacting with turrets." - # else: - # name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cВыключено" - # material: ARROW - # lore: - # - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" - # - "interacting with turrets." - # posx: 9 - # posy: 1 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + else: + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" + material: ARROW + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 7 + posy: 1 manage-structures: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Работа со структурами&8: &2Включено" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &2Enabled" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Разрешить ломать, размещать" - - "и взаимодействовать со структурами." + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." else: - name: "&2Работа со структурами&8: &cВыключено" + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &cDisabled" material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "&7Разрешить ломать, размещать" - - "и взаимодействовать со структурами." - posx: 7 + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 8 posy: 1 - back: - name: "&cНазад" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: default skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml index 6ed35de01..49eee5962 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ -title: "&8Отношения" +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: - name: "Нейтральные" + name: "Neutral" material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "&2Союзники" + name: "&2Ally" material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&eПеремирие" + name: "&eTruce" material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "&cВраги" + name: "&cEnemy" material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 nation: - name: "&9Нация" + name: "&9Nation" material: BLUE_CONCRETE - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml index 19d2933be..117480436 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,57 +1,140 @@ -title: "&8Настройки" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - shields: - name: "&6Щит&8: &b%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Купите щит для своей" - - "нации чтобы защитить" - - "её от вторжений" + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - invites: - name: "&6Приглашения&8: %invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Если этот параметр отключен, любой может" - - "присоединиться к этой нации без" - - "приглашения с помощью &e/k nation join %kingdoms_nation%" - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "&6Отношения" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "&8▪ &7Измените свои атрибуты отношений" - - "для других королевств" + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 3 - posy: 1 + posy: 5 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_nation_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k nation home %kingdoms_nation_name% tax: - name: "&6Налоги" + posx: 7 + posy: 5 material: PAPER - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Измените уравление" - - "национальных налогов для королевств." - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Налог&8: &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% монет" - - "&8▪ &7Уравнение&8: &9%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Налог для выставления счетов&8: &b%kingdoms_fancy_server_nation_tax% монет" - - "" - - " &bНажмите, чтобы установить &aуравнение&7" - - " (пример: (money) * 5 / 100)" - posx: 4 - posy: 1 + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your nation taxes + for members. - back: - name: "&cНазад" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: default - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "" - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Member Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + + &6Nation Server Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other nations. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your nation's flag for online maps. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_nation_color@hex%%kingdoms_nation_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your nation marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_nation_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + nation to protect your kingdom + against invades. + + Kingdom members who invade when + nation shields are enabled, will + temporarily lose access to nation's + shield. diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml index 47926ac00..0fe82ac3f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,48 +1,51 @@ -title: "&8Щит" +title: "&8-=( &8Shields &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "&26 часовой щит" + name: "&26 Hours Shield" material: SHIELD cost: 5000 time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e5000 оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Cost&8: &25000" slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "&212 часовой щит" + name: "&212 Hours Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 8000 time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e8000 оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Cost&8: &28000" slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "&21 дневный щит" + name: "&21 Day Shield" material: SHIELD cost: 15000 time: 1day - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e15000 оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Cost&8: &215000" slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "&21 недельный щит" + name: "&21 Week Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 70000 time: 7days patterns: @@ -50,12 +53,13 @@ options: BORDER: RED CROSS: RED lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e70000 оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Cost&8: &270000" slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "&21 месячный щит" + name: "&21 Month Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 150000 time: 30days patterns: @@ -63,5 +67,5 @@ options: BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e150000 оч.ресурсов" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Cost&8: &2150000" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml index 6dcc20096..cc13d133e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml @@ -1,167 +1,225 @@ -title: "&8Нексус &3%kingdoms_name%" +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_kingdom_name%'s &6&lNexus" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - +icon: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Nexus-Logo.png" +form-type: CUSTOM +form-options: + settings: + component-type: LABEL + text: "&5Settings" options: settings: - name: "&7Настройки" + name: "&7Settings" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&8− &7Изменение настроек королевства" + - "&6Change your kingdom settings." posx: 5 posy: 2 members: - name: "&2Жители" + name: "&2Members" material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0=' lore: - - "&8− &7Управление жителями" - - "&8− &7вашего королевства" + - "&6Manage your kingdom members." + - "&6Promote or demote them." posx: 5 posy: 3 masswar: running: condition: kingdoms_masswar_is_running - name: "&4Массовая война" + name: "&4Masswar" material: CLOCK lore: - - "&8− &7Массовая война &2активна." + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &2running." + - "" + - "{$p}Mass War ends in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" else: name: "&4Masswar" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&8− &7Массовая война &4неактивна." + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &cnot running." + - "" + - "{$p}Next Mass War in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" posx: 6 posy: 3 nexus-chest: - name: "&eСклад нексуса" + name: "&eNexus Chest" material: CHEST lore: - - "&8− &7Положите предметы сюда" - - " &7чтобы все могли ими пользоваться" + - "&6Put items in your kingdoms chest" + - "&6for everyone to use." posx: 7 posy: 3 turrets: - name: "&9Турели" + name: "&9Turrets" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW lore: - - "&8− &7" + - "&6You can buy turrets with" + - "resource points to place them" + - "on your land. It protects against" + - "mobs and invaders." posx: 3 posy: 3 structures: - name: "&5Структуры" + name: "&5Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "&8− &7Структуры могут делать разные вещи." - - "У вас может быть только" - - "одно строение на чанке" - - "Обратите внимание, что нексус" - - "тоже является структурой." - - "Вы можете их покупать" - - "за очки ресурсов." + - "&6Structures can do different things." + - "You can only have one structure per land." + - "Note that the nexus is a structure itself." + - "You can buy structures with resource points." posx: 4 posy: 3 misc-upgrades: - name: "&bПрочие обновления" + name: "&bMisc Upgrades" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE lore: - - "&8− &7Дополнительные различные улучшения" - - "чтобы улучшить свое королевство" - - "в разных аспектах" + - "&6Extra miscellaneous upgrades" + - "to improve your kingdom" + - "in different aspects." posx: 2 posy: 3 logs: - name: "&aЖурнал" + name: "&aAudit Logs" material: KNOWLEDGE_BOOK - sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: + - "&6View kingdom logs including" + - "invasions, claiming, unclaiming," + - "and other member activities." + - "" + - "&7Most of these logs stay for" + - "30 days after they're deleted." + - "Some may stay for a shorter time" + - "that are less important." posx: 8 posy: 3 resource-points: - name: "&eПреобразователь очков ресурсов" + name: "&eResource Points Converter" material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "&8− &7Преобразуйте минералы" - - "в очки ресурсов" - - "У вашего королевства &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your kingdom has &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6resource points." posx: 4 posy: 5 damage-reduction: - name: "&3Уменьшение урона" - material: IRON_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + name: "&3Damage Reduction" + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&8− &7Уменьшает урон" - - "на &a1 процент" + - "&6Each upgrade reduces damage" + - "taken by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 4 damage-boost: - name: "&3Увеличение урона" - material: IRON_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + name: "&3Damage Boost" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&8− &7Увеличивает ваш урон" - - "на &a1 процент" + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 4 arrow-boost: - name: "&7Улучшение лука" + name: "&7Arrow Boost" material: BOW lore: - - "&8− &7Увеличивает урон у" - - "лука на &a1 процент" + - "&6Each upgrade increases your bow" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 4 regeneration-boost: - name: "&dРегенерация" - material: APPLE + name: "&dRegeneration Boost" + material: GOLDEN_APPLE lore: - - "&8− &7Улучшение регенерации" - - "на территориях вашего королевства на &a1 процент" + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "regeneration rate by &e1% &6in your land." + - "This update doesn't do any regeneration by" + - "itself. It only boosts your health regeneration" + - "amount that you gained by eating food." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Уровень &8» &b%level%" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 4 ranks: - name: "&5Ранги & Права" + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "&8− &7Изменение рангов и прав для" - - "вашего королевства" + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your kingdom." posx: 6 posy: 5 champion-upgrades: - name: "&2Улучшение защитника" + name: "&2Champion Upgrades" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "&8− &7Улучшайте своего защитника для более" - - "сильной защиты от захватчиков" + - "&6Upgrade your champion for stronger" + - "defence against invaders." posx: 5 posy: 5 - mail-box: - name: "&eПочта" + mailbox: + name: "&2Mailbox" material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18059-letter-box-gray - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjk2YWYzNmVhYWVkOGE3ZGJkMjcyN2ZkNGNkN2FmYmM2YzBhZmI4Yzc2MDYyOTRjOWNiNDAxMTQxYWFjMzc5In19fQ==" - lore: - - "&c&lВ РАЗРАБОТКЕ..." + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18054-mailbox-green + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + lore: | + &7Send & recieve mails from + other kingdoms. + &2Total mails&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% posx: 5 posy: 4 - red-glass: name: "" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 36, 37, 43, 44, 46, 49, 52 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 4 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 46 + - 49 + - 52 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b379ab893 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,719 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +import: + pagination: { } +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + alliance: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k ally &7command. + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission to build anywhere + in the kingdom. + + For the difference between this + and {$p}BUILD_OWNED &7permission + refer to the other permission. + build-owned: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7The difference between &2BUILD &7and + &2BUILD_OWNED &7is that &2BUILD &7allows + you to build anywhere in your kingdom + (except the nexus land that needs + &2NEXUS_BUILD&7) + + &2BUILD_OWNED &7only allows you to build + in the lands that you claimed yourself. + For example if you &6/k claim &7somewhere + other people with &2BUILD_OWNED &7can't + build there, but you or people who have + &2BUILD &7permission can. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + enemy: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k enemy &7command. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invade &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + nexus: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for moving the + kingdom nexus using + {$s}/k nexus &7command. + nexus-build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for building + in the nexus land + nexus-chest: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for modifying + the kingdom's nexus chest. + outpost: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying + items from outpost structures. + protection-signs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for bypassing + sign protected blocks inside + kingdom lands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + invsee: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invsee &7command. + structures: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying structures. + use: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using certain + blocks inside the kingdom. + interact: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for interacting + with certain blocks such as + doors and buttons inside + kingdom lands. + upgrade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for upgrading + anything that can be upgraded + inside the kingdom such as + misc-upgrades, champion upgrades, + powerups, turrets and structures. + truce: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k truce &7command. + turrets: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying turrets. + unclaim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k unclaim &7commands. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + fly: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k fly &7command. + nation: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for joining + or leaving nations. + exclude-tax: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Kingdom members with this + permission are not required + to pay taxes to the kingdom. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + kingdom settings located inside + nexus GUI. + claim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k claim &7commands. + unclaim-owned: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Allows you to only unclaim + the lands that you claimed yourself. + instant-teleport: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Instantly teleport to your + members when using the &2/k tpa + &7command. Otherwise you'll have + to wait for them to accept the request. + + You will still have the teleport + countdown before teleporting. + view-logs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7View your kingdom audit logs + which can be accessed from + your nexus. + read-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for reading + kingdom mails located inside + nexus GUI. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + manage-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Send new mails and reply. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + 'Outposts:join': + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission to use + {$s}/k outposts join &7command. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b5ec9867 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Gets replaced by the material that the player picked, don't change. + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Players with this rank will not + be able to claim more lands than + the specified value. + + If they want to claim more lands, + they have to unclaim the lands that + they claimed themselves not the + claims that other members claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml index 97ffaf223..ed0e84105 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,65 +1,62 @@ -title: "&aПреобразователь очков ресурсов" +title: "&aResource Points Converter" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE -interactable: [ 999 ] +interactable: empty disallow-creative: true - -# "refresh" option below is used to update %total_worth% placeholders when -# players change the items in the GUI. +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. options: withdraw: - name: "&2Вывести" + name: "&2Withdraw" material: PAPER - sound: default posx: 4 posy: 6 lore: - - "&8− &7Вывести очки ресурсов из своего" - - "королевства на свой баланс" - - "" - - "&8(&eОч.ресурсов &8» &eмонеты&8)" + - "&6Withdraw resource points" + - "from your kingdom to your balance." info: - name: "&8− &7Очки ресурсов&8: &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" lore: - - "&7Общее кол-во пожертвований &8» &a%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" - - "&7Последнее время пожертвования &8» &2%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&7Последняя сумма пожертвования &8» &e%kingdoms_last_donation_amount%" + - "&6Total Donations&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" + - "&6Last Donation Time&8: &2%kingdoms_date_last_donation_time%" + - "&6Last Donation Amount&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_last_donation_amount%" material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 deposit: - name: "&2Положить" + name: "&2Deposit" material: PAPER - sound: default posx: 6 posy: 6 lore: - - "&8− &7Внесите очки ресурсов в свое" - - "королевство со своего баланса." + - "&6Deposit resource points" + - "to your kingdom from your balance." apply: - name: "&2Подтвердить" + name: "&2Apply" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" - sound: default refresh: true lore: - - "&8− &7Конвертация предметов" - - "в очки ресурсов." - - "&8▪ &7Значение&8: &e%total_worth%" + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" posx: 9 posy: 6 back: - name: "&cНазад" + name: "&cBack" material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: default skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&8− &7При нажатии на кнопку" - - "вы сбросите все" - - "набранные оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 46, 47, 51, 52 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7c18b85f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes +options: + #Only options starting with "color" will be interpreted as predefined colors. + #You can add your own colors, just don't forget the "color" option AND the GUI option entry name itself + #must begin with the word "color" + separator: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 4 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + back: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' + hex-picker: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Enter a hex color' + unavailable-color-dark-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + name: '&4Dark Red #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + color: '#FF5555' + unavailable-color-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cRed #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + color: '#FF5555' + color-dark-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_BLOCK + name: '&1Dark Blue #0000AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#0000AA' + color-light-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Light Blue #5555FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#5555FF' + color-black: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: BLACK_WOOL + name: '&0Black #000000' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#000000' + color-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '&8Gray #555555' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#555555' + color-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Dark Purple #AA00AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AA00AA' + color-dark-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Dark Green #00AA00' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AA00' + color-orange: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: ORANGE_WOOL + name: '&6Minecoin Gold #DDD605' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#DDD605' + color-dark-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '&3Dark Aqua #00AAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AAAA' + color-white: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite #FFFFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFFFF' + color-light-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + material: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL + name: '&7Light Gray #AAAAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AAAAAA' + color-light-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dLight Purple #FF55FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FF55FF' + color-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '&aGreen #55FF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FF55' + color-yellow: + posx: 2 + posy: 6 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow #FFFF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFF55' + color-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL + name: '&bAqua #55FFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FFFF' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml index f0d3ad800..b755a907e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,161 +1,176 @@ -title: "&9Редактор отношений" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 5 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - # fly: - # Включено: - # condition: "enabled" - # name: "&2Fly&8: &2Включено" - # material: ELYTRA - # flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - # enchants: - # DURABILITY: 1 - # lore: - # - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" - # - "your land." - # else: - # name: "&2Fly&8: &cВыключено" - # material: ELYTRA - # lore: - # - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" - # - "your land." - # posx: 1 - # posy: 1 + green-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fly" + material: ELYTRA + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fly" + material: ELYTRA + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 build: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Строительство&8: &2Включено" - material: IRON_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Разрешает строить на вашей территории" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Build" + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + glow: true else: - name: "&2Строительство&8: &cВыключено" + name: "{$disabled} Build" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - lore: - - "&7Разрешает строить на вашей территории" - posx: 3 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 ceasefire: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Прекращение огня&8: &2Включено" - material: IRON_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Отключить дружественный огонь." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Ceasefire" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + glow: true else: - name: "&2Прекращение огня&8: &cВыключено" - material: IRON_SWORD - lore: - - "&7Отключить дружественный огонь" - posx: 4 - posy: 1 + name: "{$disabled} Ceasefire" + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 interact: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Взаимодействие&8: &2Включено" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Interact" material: CAULDRON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Разрешить блокировать взаимодействие" - - "для открытия контейнеров" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Взаимодействие&8: &cВыключено" + name: "{$disabled} Interact" material: CAULDRON - lore: - - "&7Разрешить блокировать взаимодействие" - - "для открытия контейнеров" - posx: 5 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction" + - "for opening containers." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 use: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Использование&8: &2Включено" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Use" material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Разрешить использование блоков" - - "Такие как двери, уровни и кнопки" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Использование&8: &cВыключено" + name: "{$disabled} Use" material: LEVER + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Turret Ceasefire" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + glow: true lore: - - "&7Разрешить использование блоков" - - "Такие как двери, уровни и кнопки" + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." + else: + name: "{$disabled} Turret Ceasefire" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." posx: 6 - posy: 1 - # turret-ceasefire: - # Включено: - # condition: "enabled" - # name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Включено" - # material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - # flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - # enchants: - # DURABILITY: 1 - # lore: - # - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." - # else: - # name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cВыключено" - # material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - # lore: - # - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." - # posx: 8 - # posy: 1 - # manage-turrets: - # Включено: - # condition: "enabled" - # name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Включено" - # material: ARROW - # flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - # enchants: - # DURABILITY: 1 - # lore: - # - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" - # - "interacting with turrets." - # else: - # name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cВыключено" - # material: ARROW - # lore: - # - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" - # - "interacting with turrets." - # posx: 9 - # posy: 1 + posy: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Turrets" + material: ARROW + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Manage Turrets" + material: ARROW + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 4 + posy: 4 manage-structures: - Включено: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Работа со структурами&8: &2Включено" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Разрешить ломать, размещать" - - "и взаимодействовать со структурами." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Работа со структурами&8: &cВыключено" + name: "{$disabled} Manage Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - lore: - - "&7Разрешить ломать, размещать" - - "и взаимодействовать со структурами." - posx: 7 - posy: 1 - - back: - name: "&cНазад" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: default - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "" - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + show-holograms: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the holograms of + kingdom items to the members + of kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml index da8c4f0a3..97da8366e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,30 +1,27 @@ -title: "&8Отношения" +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: - name: "Нейтральные" + name: "Neutral" material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "&2Союзники" + name: "&2Ally" material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&eПеремирие" + name: "&eTruce" material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "&cВраги" + name: "&cEnemy" material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 - back: - name: "&cНазад" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: default skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to settings menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml index 143912ea8..b7f3ec13c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,106 +1,164 @@ -title: "&8Настройка" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - pacifism: - name: "&6Пацифизм&8: %pacifism%" - material: END_CRYSTAL - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Когда вы находитесь в режиме" - - "пацифизма, ваше королевство не может" - - "вторгнуться и не может быть" - - "захвачено другими королевствами" - - "" - - "&4&l! &cЕсли вы вторглись в королевство, вы не сможете" - - "вернуться в режим пацифизма в течение недели." - - "" - - "&8▪ &9КУЛДАУН&8: &b%pacifism_cooldown%" + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - shields: - name: "&6Щит&8: &b%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Купите щит для своего" - - "королевства чтобы защитить" - - "его от вторжений" - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - invites: - name: "&6Приглашения&8: %invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Если этот параметр отключен, любой может" - - "присоединиться к этому королевству без" - - "приглашения с помощью &e/k join %kingdoms_name%" - posx: 3 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "&6Отношения" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "&8▪ &7Измените свои атрибуты отношений" - - "для других королевств" + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 4 posy: 1 - tax: - name: "&6Налоги" - material: PAPER - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Измените уравление налогов " - - "для ваших жителей" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Твой налог&8: &e%kingdoms_fancy_tax% монет" - - "&8▪ &dУравнение&8: &9%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Налог для вашего королевства&8: " - - " &e%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% монет" - - "" - - " &bНажмите, чтобы установить &dуравнение&7" - - " " - - " Пример: &e(money) * 5 / 100&7 ->" - - " забрать &a5%&7 из баланса игрока" - - " " - - " &8(&bmoney&7 это баланс игрока&8)" + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k home %kingdoms_name% + hidden: posx: 5 posy: 1 - public-home: - name: "&6Публичность&8: &2%public_home%" - material: DARK_OAK_DOOR - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Вы можете сделать свой дом" - - "общедоступным, чтобы" - - "другие игроки могли " - - "посещать его с помощью" - - "&e/k home %kingdoms_name%" + material: POTION + color: 818595 + name: "{$s}Hidden{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_hidden%" + lore: | + &7Hidden kingdoms aren't displayed + in {$p}/k map &7and online maps. + tax: posx: 6 posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your kingdom taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Personal Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax% + + &6Kingdom Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other kingdoms. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. flag: - name: "&6Знамя" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 material: BLACK_BANNER - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Изменить своё знамя на онлайн-карте" - - "Нажмите и вставьте URL-ссылку" - - "Это не обновит карту мгновенно" + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom flag for Dynmap. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + pacifism: posx: 7 - posy: 1 - color: - name: "&6Цвет&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &8[&aHEX: &d%hex%&8]" - material: BLACK_DYE - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Установите цвет маркера " - - "вашего королевства для онлайн-карты." - - "Это не обновит карту мгновенно" - posx: 8 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 + material: END_CRYSTAL + name: '&6Pacifist&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_pacifist%' + lore: | + &7When you're in pacifism mode, + your kingdom cannot invade + and cannot be invaded by other kingdoms. - back: - name: "&cНазад" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: default - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "" - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + If you invade a Kingdom, you cannot go + back into pacifism mode for a week. + + &2Cooldown&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown% + invites: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: BOOK + name: '&6Requires Invite&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_requires_invite%' + lore: | + &7When turned off, anyone can + join this kingdom without needing + an invitation with {$p}/k join %kingdoms_name% + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_kingdom_color@hex%%kingdoms_kingdom_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + kingdom to protect your kingdom + against invades. diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml index 1a1659ddb..5aa70ef4c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,67 +1,66 @@ -title: "&8Щит" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Shields {$sep})=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "&21 часовой щит" + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD cost: 1000 - time: 1hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + time: 6hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "&23 часовой щит" + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] - cost: 2000 - time: 3hr + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 1900 + time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "&26 часовой щит" + name: "&21 Day Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - cost: 4000 - time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + cost: 4500 + time: 1day + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "&23 дневный щит" + name: "&21 Week Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] - cost: 40000 - time: 3days + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 50000 + time: 7days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CROSS: RED - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "&210 дневный щит" + name: "&21 Month Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] - cost: 50000 - time: 6days + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 100000 + time: 30days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED - lore: - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml index 412a59d98..4d73f36ae 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml @@ -1,103 +1,117 @@ -title: "&8-=( &5Структуры &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &5Structures &8)=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE - -# Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will -# remove the disc's name from the lore... +#Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will +#remove the disc's name from the lore... options: powercell: - name: "&4Силовая ячейка" + name: "&4Powercell" material: MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&8− &7Все земли, окруженные силовой ячейкой" - - "(9x9) не могут быть захвачены до " - - "тех пор, пока сначала" - - "не будут захвачены земли самой ячейки" - - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Lands surrounded by a powercell cannot" + - "be invaded until the powercell" + - "land is invaded first." + - "The protection radius is &23x3 &6for level 1" + - "and &25x5 &6for level 2." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 2 extractor: - name: "&aЭкстрактор" + name: "&aExtractor" material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&8− &7Экстракторы будут производить очки ресурсов." - - "&8− &7Вы можете собирать очки ресурсов " - - "в любое время." + - "&6Extractors will produce resource points." + - "&6You can collect the resource points" + - "at any time." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 outpost: - name: "&eАванпост" + name: "&eOutpost" material: MUSIC_DISC_13 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1.5 - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&8− &7Вы можете получить бутылки опыта с" - - "аванпостов, используя очки ресурсов" + - "&6You can get EXP Bottles from" + - "outposts using resource points." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 warppad: - name: "&cТочка телепортации" + name: "&cWarp Pad" material: MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&8− &7Можно использовать для телепортации" - - "из одной структуры в другую." + - "&6Warp pads can be used to teleport" + - "from a structure to another." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 regulator: - name: "&3Регулятор" + name: "&3Regulator" material: MUSIC_DISC_WARD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&8− &7Управляйте правами игрока, " - - "такими как строить/ломать, " - - "ВКЛ/ВЫКЛ огонь и т.д..." - - "Измените, какой игрок может " - - "взаимодействовать с каким блоком." - - "Отключите появление мобов или животных" + - "&6Manage player attributes such as building," + - "turret ceasefire and etc..." + - "Change which player can interact with what block." + - "Disable mob or animal spawning and turrets." + - "Enable explosions." + - "Auto fill turrets ammo." - "" - - "&8▪ &7Стоимость &8» &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 siege-cannon: - name: "&3Осадная пушка" + name: "&3Siege Cannon" material: MUSIC_DISC_STRAD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&8− &7Пушкой можно уничтожать" - - "ЩИТы королевств" - - "&7Стоимость&8: &e%cost% оч.ресурсов" + - "&6Cannon used to break a kingdom's" + - "shield." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 1 - back: - name: "&2Назад" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: name: "" material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: name: "" material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml index 3d5a3db9d..883388eb2 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml @@ -1,114 +1,159 @@ -title: "&8-=( &9Турели &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &9Turrets &8)=-" rows: 4 sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE - options: arrow: - name: "&2Стрелочная турель" + name: "&2Arrow" material: ARROW sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT lore: - - "&6Простая турель, стреляющая" - - "стрелами во врагов с умеренной скоростью." + - "&6A simple turret that fires plain" + - "arrows at enemies at a moderate rate." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 2 posy: 2 flame: - name: "&3Огненная турель" + name: "&3Flame" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW sound: ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Быстро стреляющая турель" - - "поджигающая цель." + - "&6Fast firing turret that sets" + - "targets ablaze." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 2 healing: - name: "&dЛечащая турель" + name: "&dHealing" material: TIPPED_ARROW sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Лечит ближайших членов и союзников." + - "&6Heals nearby members and allies." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 psionic: - name: "&aПсионическая турель" + name: "&aPsionic" material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Накладывает различные эффекты врагам." - - "Более высокий уровень даёт больше эффектов." - - "Но никогда не наносит урона." + - "&6Effects the enemies nearby." + - "Higher levels add more effects." + - "But never deals killing damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 hellfire: - name: "&cАдская турель" + name: "&cHellfire" material: FIRE_CHARGE sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE lore: - - "&6Мощная турель, высокий урон с" - - "высокой скорострельностью." + - "&6Powerful turret that fires quickly" + - "with high damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 soldier: - name: "&5Призывающая турель" + name: "&5Soldier" sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "&6Вызывает стражей, что бы убить" - - "врага." + - "&6Spawns guards to kill the" + - "target player." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 heatbeam: - name: "&3Нагревающая турель" + name: "&3Heatbeam" sound: ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK material: MAGMA_CREAM lore: - - "&6Наносит мобу/игроку" - - "высокий урон." + - "&6Targets singular targets and deals" + - "a high damage." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 8 posy: 2 inferno: - name: "&4Испепеляющая турель" + name: "&4Inferno" material: END_CRYSTAL sound: ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE lore: - - "&6Похожа на нагревающую турель." + - "&6Similar to Heatbeams." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + spring: + name: "&7Spring" + material: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "throw the player into" + - "the air when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 3 explosive-mine: - name: "&7Взрывная мина" + name: "&7Explosive Mine" material: HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "&6Мина, которая взрывается" - - "когда кто нибудь наступит на неё." + - "&6A mine that will" + - "explode when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 3 chemical-mine: - name: "&8Химическая мина" + name: "&8Chemical Mine" material: LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "&6Мина, которая накладывает" - - "негативные эффекты на наступившего." + - "&6A mine that will give" + - "you debuffs when stepped on." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 3 - back: - name: "&2Вернуться" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Вернуться в меню Нексуса." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 4 Cyan-Glass: name: "" material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 28, 34 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 28 + - 34 Light-Blue-Glass: name: "" material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 27, 35 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 27 + - 35 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fa2e56cb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + sell-coal: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: COAL + name: '{$p}Coal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3 + item: + material: COAL + sell-charcoal: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CHARCOAL + name: '{$p}Charcoal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 2 + item: + material: CHARCOAL + sell-flint: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: FLINT + name: '{$p}Flint {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1 + item: + material: FLINT + sell-ender-eye: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '{$p}Ender Eye {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1000 + item: + material: ENDER_EYE + sell-ender-pearl: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '{$p}Ender Pearl {$s}%cost%' + cost: 100 + item: + material: ENDER_PEARL + sell-slime-ball: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Slime Ball {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: SLIME_BALL + sell-book: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Book {$s}%cost%' + cost: 10 + item: + material: BOOK + sell-emerald: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '{$p}Emerald {$s}%cost%' + cost: 70 + item: + material: EMERALD + sell-diamond: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '{$p}Diamond {$s}%cost%' + cost: 60 + item: + material: DIAMOND + sell-gold-ingot: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLD_INGOT + name: '{$p}Gold Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLD_INGOT + sell-iron-ingot: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: IRON_INGOT + name: '{$p}Iron Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 40 + item: + material: IRON_INGOT + sell-nether-brick: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: NETHER_BRICK + name: '{$p}Nether Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: NETHER_BRICK + sell-brick: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: BRICK + name: '{$p}Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BRICK + sell-lapis-lazuli: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + name: '{$p}Lapis Lazuli {$s}%cost%' + cost: 15 + item: + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + sell-experience-bottle: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + name: '{$p}Experience Bottle {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + sell-dragon-breath: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: DRAGON_BREATH + name: '{$p}Dragon Breath {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3000 + item: + material: DRAGON_BREATH + sell-blaze-rod: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_ROD + name: '{$p}Blaze Rod {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BLAZE_ROD + sell-prismarine-crystals: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + name: '{$p}Prismarine Crystals {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + sell-blaze-powder: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_POWDER + name: '{$p}Blaze Powder {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: BLAZE_POWDER + sell-golden-carrot: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + name: '{$p}Golden Carrot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + sell-magma-cream: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: MAGMA_CREAM + name: '{$p}Magma Cream {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: MAGMA_CREAM + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79a4218dc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + construction: + material: STONE_PICKAXE + name: "&4Under construction..." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..275983b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &aAmount Picker {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + cancel: + name: "{$e}Click to cancel" + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + done: + name: "{$p}Click to buy" + lore: "{$p}Price{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_cost%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + skull: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + decrease: + name: '{$e}Decrease' + cantDecrease: + condition: '!can_decrease' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Minimum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%min% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + decrease by {$p}10 + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + item: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: GRASS_BLOCK + increase: + cantIncrease: + condition: '!can_increase' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Maximum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%max% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + increase by {$p}10 + {$e}Maximum amount{$sep}: {$es}%max% + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + name: '{$p}Increase' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/powercell.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/powercell.yml index f94689ce0..f58b65d17 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/powercell.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/powercell.yml @@ -1,33 +1,32 @@ -title: "&cСиловая ячейка" +title: "&cPowercell" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - options: break: - name: "&4Сломать" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&7Сломать структуру" + - "&6Breaks the structure." slot: 0 upgrade: slot: 2 upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Обновить&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&8⚫ &7Диапазон&8: &61 &7➔ &62" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &61 &7➔ &62" - "" - - "&8⚫ &7Макс.уровень&8: &b%max-level-roman%" - - "&8⚫ &7Стоимость&8: &e%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&bУровень&8: &b%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &7Диапазон&8: &62" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &62" close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER lore: - - "" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml index 68405ffd1..c77795b51 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml @@ -1,67 +1,71 @@ -title: "&eРедактор атрибутов" +title: "&eAttribute Editor" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Всё&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" lore: - - '&7Все атрибуты' + - '&7All the attributes.' material: BOOK - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Всё&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" material: BOOK slot: 0 build: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Строить&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Строить&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE slot: 1 -# fly: -# enabled: -# condition: "enabled" -# name: "&2Полёт&8: &2ВКЛ" -# material: ELYTRA -# flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] -# enchants: -# DURABILITY: 1 -# else: -# name: "&2Fly&8: &cВЫКЛ" -# material: ELYTRA -# slot: 2 -# turret-ceasefire: -# enabled: -# condition: "enabled" -# name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2ВКЛ" -# material: SPECTRAL_ARROW -# flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] -# enchants: -# DURABILITY: 1 -# else: -# name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cВЫКЛ" -# material: SPECTRAL_ARROW -# slot: 3 -# manage-turrets: -# enabled: -# condition: "enabled" -# name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2ВКЛ" -# material: ARROW -# flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] -# enchants: -# DURABILITY: 1 -# else: -# name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cВЫКЛ" -# material: ARROW -# slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + fly: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" + material: ELYTRA + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" + material: ELYTRA + slot: 2 + turret-ceasefire: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + slot: 3 + manage-turrets: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" + material: ARROW + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + else: + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" + material: ARROW + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml index 632dd989c..585214017 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml @@ -1,41 +1,91 @@ -title: "&eАтрибуты" +title: "&eAttributes" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Вступил&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Пожертвования&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Посл.пожертвования&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Должность&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "&2Добавить игрока" + name: "&2Add Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Добавить игрока в список" + - "&6Add someone to the list." posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4УДАЛИТЬ ВСЕХ" + name: "&4Remove All" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Удалить всех игроков" - - "из этого списка" + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "&2Назад" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml index 74fe71164..8091e7e82 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml @@ -1,261 +1,277 @@ -title: "&eРедактор взаимодействия с блоками" +title: "&eInteraction Editor" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Всё&8: &2ВКЛ" - lore: - - '&7Взаимодействие со ВСЕМИ ИНТ.БЛОКАМИ' - - '&c&lПримечание: Некоторые блоки отсутствуют' - - 'Это графический интерфейс.' + condition: enabled + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" material: BOOK - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Всё&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" material: BOOK slot: 0 doors: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Двери&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Doors&8: &2Enabled" material: OAK_DOOR - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Двери&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Doors&8: &cDisabled" material: OAK_DOOR slot: 1 buttons-and-levers: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Кнопки & Рычаги&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &2Enabled" material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Кнопки & Рычаги&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &cDisabled" material: LEVER slot: 2 shulker-boxes: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Шалкеры&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &2Enabled" material: SHULKER_BOX - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Шалкеры&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &cDisabled" material: SHULKER_BOX slot: 3 enchantment-table: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Столы зачарования&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &2Enabled" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Столы зачарования&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &cDisabled" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE slot: 4 crafting-table: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Верстак&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &2Enabled" material: CRAFTING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Верстак&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &cDisabled" material: CRAFTING_TABLE slot: 5 chests: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Сундуки&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Chests&8: &2Enabled" material: CHEST - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Сундуки&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Chests&8: &cDisabled" material: CHEST slot: 6 beds: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Кровати&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Beds&8: &2Enabled" material: RED_BED - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Кровати&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Beds&8: &cDisabled" material: RED_BED slot: 7 loom: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Ткацкие станки&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Loom&8: &2Enabled" material: LOOM - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Ткацкие станки&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Loom&8: &cDisabled" material: LOOM slot: 8 jigsaw: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Головоломки&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &2Enabled" material: JIGSAW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Головоломки&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &cDisabled" material: JIGSAW slot: 9 hopper: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Воронки&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Hopper&8: &2Enabled" material: HOPPER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Воронки&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Hopper&8: &cDisabled" material: HOPPER slot: 10 dispenser: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Раздатчики&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &2Enabled" material: DISPENSER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Раздатчики&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &cDisabled" material: DISPENSER slot: 11 smoker: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Коптильни&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Smoker&8: &2Enabled" material: SMOKER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Коптильни&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Smoker&8: &cDisabled" material: SMOKER slot: 12 furnaces: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Печки&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &2Enabled" material: FURNACE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Печки&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &cDisabled" material: FURNACE slot: 13 dropper: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Выбрасыватели&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Dropper&8: &2Enabled" material: DROPPER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Выбрасыватели&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Dropper&8: &cDisabled" material: DROPPER slot: 14 beacon: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Маяки&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Beacon&8: &2Enabled" material: BEACON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Маяки&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Beacon&8: &cDisabled" material: BEACON slot: 15 anvils: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Наковальни&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Anvils&8: &2Enabled" material: ANVIL - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Наковальни&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Anvils&8: &cDisabled" material: ANVIL slot: 16 brewing-stand: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Зельеварки&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &2Enabled" material: BREWING_STAND - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Зельеварки&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &cDisabled" material: BREWING_STAND slot: 17 cartography-tables: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Столы картографа&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &2Enabled" material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Столы картографа&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &cDisabled" material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE slot: 18 smithing-table: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Кузни&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &2Enabled" material: SMITHING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Кузни&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &cDisabled" material: SMITHING_TABLE slot: 19 plates: enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Плиты&8: &2ВКЛ" + condition: enabled + name: "&2Plates&8: &2Enabled" material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Плиты&8: &cВЫКЛ" + name: "&2Plates&8: &cDisabled" material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - slot: 20 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 20 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml index 40e016c00..6e3b36ca9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml @@ -1,41 +1,91 @@ -title: "&eВзаимодействие с блоками" +title: "&eInteractions" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Вступил&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Пожертвование&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Посл.пожертвование&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Должность&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "&2Добавить игрока" + name: "&2Add Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Добавить игрока в список" + - "&6Add someone to the list." posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4УДАЛИТЬ ВСЕХ" + name: "&4Remove All" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Удалить всех игроков" - - "из этого списка" + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "&2Назад" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml index 753a78b7c..c3297b877 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml @@ -1,40 +1,44 @@ -title: "&eРегулятор" +title: "&eRegulator" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: rules: - name: "&2Правила" + name: "&2Rules" material: LECTERN sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 0 lore: - - "&7" + - "&7Change this land's rules" + - "such as disabling turrets or" + - "auto refilling turret within" + - "this land." attributes: - name: "&2Aтрибуты" + name: "&2Attributes" material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 1 lore: - - "&7" + - "&7Change different attributes" + - "for each player such as" + - "building and turret ceasefire." interactions: - name: "&2Взаимодействие с блоками" + name: "&2Interactions" material: CRAFTING_TABLE sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 2 lore: - - "&7" + - "&7Manage who can interact with" + - "what kind of blocks." break: - name: "&4Сломать" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK slot: 3 lore: - - "&6Сломать блок структуры" + - "&6Breaks the structure." close: - name: "&2Закрыть" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER - sound: default slot: 4 lore: - - "&6Закрыть меню" \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI." diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml index 2603832b9..382d41f65 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml @@ -1,65 +1,122 @@ -title: "&eПравила" -type: HOPPER +title: "&eRules" +rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + pink-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 13 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 25 + - 26 + material: PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' disable-mob-spawning: + material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7mob + spawning. All mobs except animals. enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Спавн монстров&8: &2ВКЛ" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Спавн монстров&8: &cВЫКЛ" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 0 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 1 disable-animal-spawning: + material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7animal + spawning. enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Спавн мобов&8: &2ВКЛ" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Спавн мобов&8: &cВЫКЛ" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 1 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + disable-turrets: + material: ARROW + lore: | + &7Prevents all turrets from + shooting that are placed in + this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Disable Turrets" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Disable Turrets" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + auto-fill-turrets: + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: | + &7Automatically fills the turrets + within this land with ammo. + {$p}Conditions{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be completely + out of ammo. + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be in the same + land as the regulator. + &7⚫ {$s}Your kingdom must have enough + resource points to afford the refill. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 allow-explosions: + material: TNT + lore: | + &7Allows all types of + explosions to damge this land. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Allow Explosions" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Allow Explosions" + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + allow-fire: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + lore: | + &7Allows all types of fire + damages to this territory. + Including fire spreads, block + burns, etc. enabled: - condition: "enabled" - name: "&2Взрывы&8: &2ВКЛ" - material: TNT - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fire" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Взрывы&8: &cВЫКЛ" - material: TNT - slot: 2 -# disable-turrets: -# enabled: -# condition: "enabled" -# name: "&2Disable Turrets&8: &2ВКЛ" -# material: ARROW -# flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] -# enchants: -# DURABILITY: 1 -# else: -# name: "&2Disable Turrets&8: &cВЫКЛ" -# material: ARROW -# slot: 3 -# auto-fill-turrets: -# enabled: -# condition: "enabled" -# name: "&2Auto Fill Turrets&8: &2ВКЛ" -# material: SPECTRAL_ARROW -# flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] -# enchants: -# DURABILITY: 1 -# else: -# name: "&2Auto Fill Turrets&8: &cВЫКЛ" -# material: SPECTRAL_ARROW -# slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + name: "{$disabled} Fire" diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml index bac87e945..070dea501 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml @@ -1,49 +1,62 @@ -title: "&3Осадная пушка" +title: "&3Siege Cannon" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE -interactable: [ 2 ] # The ammo slot - +interactable: #The ammo slot + - 2 options: sit: - name: "&2Сесть" + name: "&2Sit" lore: - - "&7Сесть за пушку" - - "чтобы начать стрелять" + - "&7Sit on the cannon" + - "to start shooting." material: BRICK_STAIRS slot: 0 ammo: name: "&4-------->" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE lore: - - "&7Вот сюда положить" - - "заряд в виде &cогненного заряда" + - "&2Put a fire charge in this" + - "slot to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7Loaded projectiles will disappear" + - "once the server is restarted." + - "" + - "&2Iron Blocks&8: &9Tier I" + - "&2Gold Blocks&8: &9Tier II" + - "&2Fire Charges&8: &9Tier III" slot: 1 upgrade: slot: 3 upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Прокачка&8: &6%level_roman% &b➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&8⚫ &7Урон ЩИТу&8: &6%shield-damage% &b➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" - - "&8⚫ &7Кулдаун&8: &6%cooldown% &b➔ &6%next-cooldown%" - - "&8⚫ &7Урон&8: &6%damage% &b➔ &6%next-damage%" - - "&8⚫ &7Отбрасывание&8: &6%knockback% &b➔ &6%next-knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ &6%next-explosion-radius%" - "" - - "&8⚫ &7Макс.уровень&8: &6%max-level-roman%" - - "&8⚫ &7Стоимость&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7The values shown here might" + - "differ based on the projectile that you" + - "used to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Уровень&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&8⚫ &7Урон ЩИТу&8: &6%shield-damage%" - - "&8⚫ &7Кулдаун&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&8⚫ &7Урон&8: &6%damage%" - - "&8⚫ &7Отбрасывание&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius%" break: - name: "&4Сломать" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6Сломать эту структуру" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/warppad.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/warppad.yml index 5aa7f0032..1a26816ca 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/warppad.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/structures/warppad.yml @@ -1,105 +1,140 @@ -title: "&eТочка телепортации" +title: "&eWarppad" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 previous-page: - posx: 1 - posy: 1 + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" - name: '&7Предыдущая страница' + slot: 0 nexus: - name: "&aНексус" - lore: "&7Стоимость телепорта&8: &e%fuel-cost%" + name: "&2Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" material: BEACON posx: 2 posy: 1 national-nexus: - name: "&9Нексус нации" - lore: "&7Стоимость телепорта&8: &e%fuel-cost%" + name: "&9National Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" material: BEACON posx: 3 posy: 1 rename: - name: "&9Переименовать" + name: "&2Rename" lore: - - "&7Сменить название этой точки." - - "&7Название&8: &b%structure-custom-name%" - - "&7Топливо&8: &9%fuel%" + - "&7Rename this warp pad." + - "{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%structure-custom-name%" + - "{$p}Fuel{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel%{$sep}/{$s}%fancy_max_fuel%" material: PAPER posx: 6 posy: 1 break: - name: "&4Сломать" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "" + - "&6Breaks the structure." posx: 7 posy: 1 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER lore: - - "" + - "&6Close the GUI." posx: 8 posy: 1 - next-page: - posx: 9 - posy: 1 - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" - name: '&2Следующая страница' - - orange-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 2 material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&cСиловые ячейки&8:' + name: '&cPowercells&8:' powercell: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 material: REDSTONE_LAMP - name: "&cСиловая ячейка&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&7Стоимость телепорта&8: &e%fuel-cost%" + name: "&cPowercell&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" lime-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 3 material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&6Экстракторы&8:' + name: '&aExtractors&8:' extractor: - slots: [ 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 ] + slots: + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: "&6Экстрактор&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&7Стоимость телепорта&8: &e%fuel-cost%" + name: "&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" green-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 4 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&2Точки телепортации&8:' + name: '&2Warp Pads&8:' warppad: - slots: [ 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 ] + slots: + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 material: END_PORTAL_FRAME name: "&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&7Стоимость телепорта&8: &e%fuel-cost%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" yellow-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 5 material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&eАванпосты&8:' + name: '&eOutposts&8:' outpost: - name: "&eАванпост&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&7Стоимость телепорта&8: &e%fuel-cost%" - slots: [ 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44 ] + name: "&eOutpost&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 material: HAY_BLOCK brown-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 6 material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&7Регуляторы&8:' + name: '&7Regulators&8:' regulator: - name: "&3Регулятор&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&7Стоимость телепорта&8: &e%fuel-cost%" - slots: [ 46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 ] + name: "&3Regulator&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: LECTERN diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/surrender.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/surrender.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41231a7a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/surrender.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Surrender {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + purple-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 45 + - 46 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + invasion: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + invading: + condition: kingdoms_is_invading + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "{$p}You are invading{$sep}:" + lore: | + {$p}Land{$sep}: {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$p}Champion{$sep}: {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) + {$p}Since{$sep}: {$s}%since% + {$p}Duration{$sep}: {$s}%duration% + {$p}Passed{$sep}: {$s}%passed% + {$p}Total Lands{$sep}: {$s}%total_lands% + #These are for plunders only. + #{$p}Attacker Score{$sep}: {$s}%attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%defender_death_limit% + #{$p}Defender Score{$sep}: {$s}%defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%attacker_death_limit% + else: + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + attacking: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Defender{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + defending: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$e}Invader{$sep}: {$es}%kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + attacking-info: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Lands that your kingdom is attacking' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWRhMDI3NDc3MTk3YzZmZDdhZDMzMDE0NTQ2ZGUzOTJiNGE1MWM2MzRlYTY4YzhiN2JjYzAxMzFjODNlM2YifX19' + defending-info: + posx: 7 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmQ5Mjg3NjE2MzQzZDgzM2U5ZTczMTcxNTljYWEyY2IzZTU5NzQ1MTEzOTYyYzEzNzkwNTJjZTQ3ODg4NGZhIn19fQ==' + name: '{$es}Your kingdom lands that are under attack' diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/templates/pagination.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/templates/pagination.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c228d4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/templates/pagination.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +options: + next-page: + has-next: + condition: 'page < pages' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + else: + name: '&cNo more pages &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/9382-red-x + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 8 + previous-page: + has-previous: + condition: 'page > 1' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + else: + name: '&cFirst page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/arrow.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/arrow.yml index c9d94421a..7675f3fc2 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/arrow.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/arrow.yml @@ -1,53 +1,81 @@ -title: "&aСтрелочная турель" +title: "&aArrow Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Стрел&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Купить &6100 &2стрел за &610 &2очков ресурсов.' + #Set to 0 to disable. + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Улучшить&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество уровней&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Стоимость&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Уровень&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 break: - name: "&cСломать" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: default lore: - - "&4Ломает турель." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - sound: default lore: - - "&6Закрыть интерфейс" + - "&6Close the GUI" slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/flame.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/flame.yml index 96182b58f..c2319d810 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/flame.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/flame.yml @@ -1,54 +1,80 @@ -title: "&cОгненная турель" +title: "&cFlame Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Патрон&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Купить &6100 &2стрел за &610 &2очков ресурсов.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Улучшить&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество уровней&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Стоимость&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - - name: "&9Уровень&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 break: - name: "&cСломать" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: default lore: - - "&4Ломает турель." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - sound: default lore: - - "&6Закрыть интерфейс" + - "&6Close the GUI" slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/healing.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/healing.yml index d5a47a481..a777302d5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/healing.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/healing.yml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -title: "&dЛечащая турель" +title: "&dHealing Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Патрон&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Купить &6100 &2стрел за &610 &2очков ресурсов.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Улучшить&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Лечение&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество уровней&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Стоимость&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Уровень&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Лечение&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cСломать" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: default lore: - - "&4Ломает турель." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - sound: default lore: - - "&6Закрыть интерфейс" + - "&6Close the GUI" slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml index 4781c1108..300b5e76c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -title: "&9Нагревающая турель" +title: "&9Heatbeam Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Патрон&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Купить &6100 &2стрел за &610 &2очков ресурсов.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Улучшить&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество уровней&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Стоимость&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Уровень&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cСломать" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: default lore: - - "&4Ломает турель." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - sound: default lore: - - "&6Закрыть интерфейс" + - "&6Close the GUI" slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml index a63a1a716..df9597cd6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml @@ -1,53 +1,80 @@ -title: "&4Адская турель" +title: "&4HellFire Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Патрон&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Купить &6100 &2стрел за &610 &2очков ресурсов.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Улучшить&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество уровней&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Стоимость&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Уровень&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 break: - name: "&cСломать" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: default lore: - - "&4Ломает турель." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - sound: default lore: - - "&6Закрыть интерфейс" + - "&6Close the GUI" slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/inferno.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/inferno.yml index 8b5824723..1973a2852 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/inferno.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/inferno.yml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -title: "&0Испепеляющая турель" +title: "&0Inferno Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Патрон&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Купить &6100 &2стрел за &610 &2очков ресурсов.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Улучшить&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество уровней&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Стоимость&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Уровень&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Скорострельность&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Урон&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cСломать" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: default lore: - - "&4Ломает турель." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - sound: default lore: - - "&6Закрыть интерфейс" + - "&6Close the GUI" slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/psionic.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/psionic.yml index 2bf058911..69dcc7d50 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/psionic.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/psionic.yml @@ -1,51 +1,50 @@ -title: "&aПсионическая турель" +title: "&aPsionic Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Патрон&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Купить &6100 &2стрел за &610 &2очков ресурсов.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Улучшить&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Откидывание&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество уровней&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Стоимость&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" - + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Уровень&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество целей&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Откидывание&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cСломать" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: default lore: - - "&4Ломает турель." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - sound: default lore: - - "&6Закрыть интерфейс" + - "&6Close the GUI" slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/soldier.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/soldier.yml index 1514f265f..e59a990f4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/soldier.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/turrets/soldier.yml @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -title: "&5Призывающая турель" +title: "&5Soldier Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Патрон&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - lore: - - '&2Купить &6100 &2стрел за &610 &2очков ресурсов.' + fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Улучшить&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Количество уровней&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Стоимость&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Уровень&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Дальность стрельбы&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Боезапас&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Охлаждение&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cСломать" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: default lore: - - "&4Ломает турель." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - sound: default lore: - - "&6Закрыть интерфейс" + - "&6Close the GUI" slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/ru/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml b/resources/languages/ru/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml index 8839289bc..b43867016 100644 --- a/resources/languages/ru/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml +++ b/resources/languages/ru/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ -title: "&cНе взятая %kingdom-item-name%" +title: "&cUnclaimed %kingdom-item-name%" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: break: - name: "&cСломать" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK slot: 0 close: - name: "&cЗакрыть" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/addons.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/addons.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45df92914 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/addons.yml @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Addons &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Info' + lore: | + &7Addons are additional + downloadable content that + can be installed separately. + + The reason why addons exist in + the first place, is because of + {$p}performance{$sep}, {$p}modularization + &7and {$p}file size limits. + + {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] &7In order to be + able to install addons, you need to + have a internet connection that's + able to connect to {$p}GitHub.com + {$sep}(&7not blocked by firewall, + country censoreship and etc.{$sep}) + addons: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + pending-restart: + condition: waiting_to_restart + name: '&8[&5Pending Restart&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &5The addon is downloaded. Waiting + for the server to be restarted to + enable the addon. + material: PURPLE_WOOL + updated: + condition: 'installed && !outdated' + name: '&8[&2Up to date&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: GREEN_WOOL + outdated-core-version: + condition: 'installed && outdated && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + + {$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}This version requires + kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$es}to work. + Current version{$sep}: {$e}%current-core-version% + + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + outdated: + condition: 'installed && outdated' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL + not-installed: + name: '&8[&6Not installed&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to install + condition: '!installed' + material: BLUE_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/book.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/book.yml index 7a38845f7..ab0eb53e0 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/book.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/book.yml @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ -title: "&4&lEl Kitabı" +title: "&4&lHandbook" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: chapters: material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN name: "&2%chapter%" - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/colors.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/colors.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50afe4daf --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/colors.yml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +title: chest +rows: 1 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + yellow: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow' + green: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Green' + red: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&4Red' + blue: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Blue' + pink: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dPink' + purple: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Purple' + white: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03e24fbc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2BossBar Settings &8]=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + title: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Title' + lore: "&f%bossbar-title%" + colors: + slot: 2 + name: '&2Color&8: &9%bossbar_color%' + yellow: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'YELLOW'" + material: YELLOW_WOOL + lime-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'GREEN'" + material: LIME_WOOL + red-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'RED'" + material: RED_WOOL + blue-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'BLUE'" + material: BLUE_WOOL + magenta-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PINK'" + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + purple-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'PURPLE'" + material: PURPLE_WOOL + white-wool: + condition: "bossbar_color == 'WHITE'" + material: WHITE_WOOL + styles: + slot: 3 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Style&8: &3%bossbar_style%' + SOLID: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SOLID'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + SEGMENTED_6: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_6'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_10'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_12'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + condition: "bossbar_style == 'SEGMENTED_20'" + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= + flags: + slot: 4 + material: WHITE_BANNER + name: '&fFlags' + lore: | + &9Music&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% + &9Darken Sky&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% + &9Fog&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/flags.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4844f444 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + back: + slot: 0 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + play-boss-music: + slot: 2 + material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT + lore: | + &7Plays the ender dragon theme + while this bossbar is active for + the player. This doesn't work + reliably for all servers. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Music' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Music' + darken-sky: + slot: 3 + material: CLOCK + lore: | + &7It's similar to blindness + potion effect. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Darken Sky' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Darken Sky' + create-fog: + slot: 4 + material: COBWEB + lore: | + &7Mostly restricts the player's + sight and view distance. + enabled: + name: '{$enabled} Fog' + condition: enabled + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Fog' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/styles.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/styles.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68d16d0ef --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/bossbar/styles.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +title: hopper +type: HOPPER +options: + SOLID: + name: "&3Solid" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= + lore: | + &7Bossbar styles are those black + lines that separate the bar + into multiple parts. + + Solid means no lines. + SEGMENTED_6: + name: "&36 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 1 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_10: + name: "&310 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 2 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_12: + name: "&312 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 3 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== + SEGMENTED_20: + name: "&320 Segments" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 4 + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/challenge.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/challenge.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cbb61f2a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/challenge.yml @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +title: "&6-=( &cChallenges &6)=-" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + time-two-days: + name: "&2In 2 days" + material: IRON_BLOCK + slot: 0 + time: 2days + time-three-days: + name: "&2In 3 days" + material: GOLD_BLOCK + slot: 1 + time: 3days + time-five-days: + name: "&2In 5 days" + material: DIAMOND_BLOCK + slot: 2 + time: 2days + time-week: + name: "&2In 1 week" + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + slot: 3 + time: 7days + info: + name: "&2Challenges" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7They are planned invasions. + When you want to invade someone, you + have to plan an invasion in advance. + + You click the amount of time you want + to give to your enemy before being able + to attack them. After this time has passed + you will have &26 hours &7to invade any of + the lands of the challenged kingdom. diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/disband.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/disband.yml index a99d678c3..6dc1578e5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/disband.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/disband.yml @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -title: "&4&lDağıtmayı Onayla" +title: "&4&lConfirm Disband" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Onayla" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&6Krallığınızın verileri kalıcı " - - "&6olarak kaybolacak." + - "&6Your kingdom's data will be" + - "&6permanently lost." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cİptal" - lore: [ "&6Onaylamayı iptal edin." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml index 5aa940460..4a20d7436 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -title: "&4&lTümünü Düşür" +title: "&4&lDemote All" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Onayla" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&6Krallığındaki tüm üyelerin rütbesini" - - "düşürmek istediğinden emin misiniz?" - - "Herkes üye rütbesine düşürülecek." + - "&6Are you sure you want to demote all" + - "the members in your kingdom?" + - "Everyone will be demoted to the member rank." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cİptal" - lore: [ "&6Onaylamayı iptal edin." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml index 7f17a3ef5..1f2cf6c7a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -title: "&4&lRütbeleri Sıfırla" +title: "&4&lReset Ranks" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Onayla" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&6Krallığınızda yapılan tüm özel rütbeleri" - - "sıfırlamak istediğinizden emin misiniz?" - - "Bunu yapmak, <üm &6üyelerinizin" - - "üye sıralamasına düşmesine neden olur." + - "&6Are you sure you want to reset all" + - "the custom ranks made in your kingdom?" + - "Doing so will result in &lall &6your" + - "members being demoted to member rank." - "" - - "Bu, sıralama ayarlarını sunucu tarafından" - - "tanımlanan orijinal durumlarına sıfırlayacaktır." - - "Buna, yeni oluşturulan sıraların silinmesi ve" - - "her bir sıra için varsayılan ayarların geri eklenmesi dahildir." + - "This will reset the rank settings to their" + - "original state defined by the server." + - "This includes deleting newly created ranks" + - "and adding back the default settings for each rank." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cİptal" - lore: [ "&6Onaylamayı iptal edin." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml index 27dc87efc..2f39c71d7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -title: "&4&lTüm Claimleri Kaldırmayı Onayla" +title: "&4&lConfirm Unclaim All" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4Onayla" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "&6Tüm arazileriniz üzerinde" - - "hak iddia edilmediğinde(claimlenmediğinde)," - - "herkes korumalı sandıklara," - - "yapılara ve kulelere erişebilir." + - "&6Once all your lands has" + - "been unclaimed, everyone" + - "can access protected chests," + - "structures and turrets." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "&cİptal" - lore: [ "&6Onaylamayı iptal edin." ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/election-candidates.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/election-candidates.yml index 3fe36a40d..0bc8f3fff 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/election-candidates.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/election-candidates.yml @@ -1,32 +1,82 @@ -title: "&0-=( &6Seçim Adayları &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &6Election Candidates &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: candidates: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player% &8| &6%votes%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: '&7%candidates-description%' sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 next-page: - name: '&6Sonraki Sayfa &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '&6Önceki Sayfa &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/error.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/error.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..022cd6152 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/error.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +title: "&4&lError" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +options: + error: + name: "&cThis GUI is broken" + lore: | + &fIf you're a player contact + the server's administrators. + + If you're an admin, this GUI: + &6%gui_path% + &fError&7: + &e%message% + material: BARRIER + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/input.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/input.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be1fba820 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/input.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInput &0)=-" +type: ANVIL +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + question: + name: "%question%" + lore: "test" + material: GREEN_WOOL + slot: 0 + cancel: + name: "&cCancel" + material: RED_WOOL + slot: 1 + done: + name: "&aDone" + lore: "&7Click to finish input." + material: BLUE_WOOL + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/invite-codes.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/invite-codes.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9139a5d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/invite-codes.yml @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInvite Codes &0)=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + invite-codes: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + {$p}Code{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-code% + {$p}Uses{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% + {$p}Created By{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-creator% + {$p}Created At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% + {$p}Expires At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-expiration% + + {$p}Left-click to buy paper codes. + &9Middle-click to redeem the code. + {$e}Right-click to delete. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + info: + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + lore: | + &7Invite codes are an alternative + way of inviting players to your kingdom. + They're similar to discord invite codes. + + Once you create a new invite code, a player + can either type the code using + {$p}/k invitecode {$s} &7or you can + generate a physical paper which players can + right-click to use them. + Each invite code paper costs {$s}%invitecode-paper-cost% + &7resource points. + + Invite codes expire at a certain point and + they can either have limited or unlimited uses. + new-invite-code: + name: "&2Create New Invite Code" + lore: | + &7You can only make up to + {$p}%invitecode-max% &7invite codes. + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + delete-all: + name: "&4Delete All Invite Codes" + material: RED_WOOL + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/invites.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/invites.yml index 493ce3ff7..cbf8fa442 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/invites.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/invites.yml @@ -1,42 +1,76 @@ -title: "&0-=( &aDavetiyeler &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aInvitations &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: invite: material: PLAYER_HEAD - valid: - condition: valid_invite - name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" - else: + condition: expired name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 ] + lore: | + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 decline-all: - name: "&cTümünü Reddet" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - lore: - - "&eMevcut tüm davetleri reddet." - posx: 2 + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 posy: 1 blue-glass: name: '' material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] - next-page: - name: '&6Sonraki Sayga &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" - slot: 8 - previous-page: - name: '&6Önceki Sayfa &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" - slot: 0 - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" - material: BARRIER - lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." - posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/invsee.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/invsee.yml index 2e41474a6..1e18c025a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/invsee.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/invsee.yml @@ -1,60 +1,74 @@ title: "&0-=( &6%target% &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - -# We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. +#We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. context-start-row: 3 - -# It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. -# These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. +#It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. +#These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. options: helmet: - name: '&cKask Yok' + name: '&cNo Helmet' posx: 2 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_HELMET - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES chestplate: - name: '&cZırh Yok' + name: '&cNo Chestplate' posx: 3 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES leggings: - name: '&cPantolon Yok' + name: '&cNo Leggings' posx: 4 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_LEGGINGS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES boots: - name: '&cBot Yok' + name: '&cNo Boots' posx: 5 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_BOOTS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES offhand: - name: '&cElde Öğe Yok' + name: '&cNo item in offhand' posx: 7 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_HOE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES mainhand: - name: '&cAna elde öğe yok' + name: '&cNo item in main hand' posx: 8 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES offhand-indicator: - name: '&cYukarıda offhand gösteriyor' + name: '&cAbove is showing the offhand' posx: 7 posy: 2 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE mainhand-indicator: - name: '&cYukarıda ana eli yuvadaki gösteriliyor&8: &e%held_slot%' + name: '&cAbove is showing the main hand in slot&8: &e%held_slot%' posx: 8 posy: 2 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE separators: name: '' - slots: [ 0, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 ] - material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 5 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 17 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..637a92b42 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 10 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + type: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Attribute{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' + uuid: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid%' + lore: | + &7This is the unique ID for this modifier. + Since items can have multiple attributes + of the same type, this is used to identify + specific modifiers. + You almost never need to change this manually + yourself since they're automatically + generated with minimal conflict. + name: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' + lore: | + &7This is more like a small description + for this modifier, mostly for human-readable + identification purposes. + amount: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' + operation: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' + lore: | + &7How this attribute affects + other attributes with the + same type with the given amount. + equipment-slot: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically + material: STONE + name: '{$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' + lore: | + &7The slot which this + attribute takes effect + when placed in. diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8500f975 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Equipment Slots {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + outer-decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + inner-decoration: + slots: + - 3 + - 5 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 41 + - 42 + - 48 + - 50 + material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + head: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_HELMET + name: '{$p}Head' + off-hand: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: '{$p}Off Hand' + chest: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: '{$p}Chest' + hand: #main hand + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Main Hand' + legs: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + name: '{$p}Legs' + feet: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: '{$p}Feet' + none: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}None' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71f68544b --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute List {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + add-attribute: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ==' + name: '{$p}Add Attribute' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All' + attribute: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: POLISHED_ANDESITE + name: '{$p}%attribute_type%' + lore: | + {$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid% + {$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% + {$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% + {$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% + + &9Left-click to modify + &9Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..656314128 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Operations {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +op: + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$p}" +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&eInfo' + lore: | + &7A modifier's operation dictates + how it modifies an attribute's base value + add-number: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + glow: true + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGQ4YjcxNzNkODQxZjI1NjNlYzEwODg4OGIwZjc5NzkxN2VmYzE4YmUyNzg2MWYwYTY3NjFhYTNlZDkxY2UifX19' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Adds all of the modifiers' amounts to + the current value of the attribute. + For example, modifying an attribute with + {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p} Amount 4 &7with + a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 + multiply-scalar-1: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7For every modifier, multiplies the + current value of the attribute by {$p}(1 + x)&7, + where x is the amount of the particular + modifier. Functions the same as {$p}Add Scalar + &7if there is only a single modifier with + {$p}operation 1 or 2&7. However, for multiple + modifiers it multiplies the modifiers rather + than adding them. For example, modifying an + attribute with {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p}Amount 4 + &7with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) = 45 + add-scalar: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ4NmRiOWExNGQ1ODc5ZmEyODExZDMwMWNjYmQ1MjY5OTRmODcxMjQ3YjYyZjJkOWE0ODE4M2U5NjQxYWQ2OSJ9fX0=' + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' + lore: | + &7Multiplies the current value of the + attribute by {$p}1 + x&7, where x is the sum + of the modifiers' amounts. For example, + modifying an attribute with {$p}Amount 2&7 + and {$p}Amount 4 with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1592484e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-" +rows: 4 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + orange-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + generic-max-health: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0=' + name: Generic Max Health + lore: | + &7The maximum health of this mob + (in half-hearts); determines the + highest health they may be healed to. + If the player is using this to summon + a mob with high health, use this and + the Health tag {Health:200.0f} for example. + (Disabled in 1.17) + generic-follow-range: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: Generic Follow Range + lore: | + &7The range in blocks within which + a mob with this attribute targets players + or other mobs to track. + Exiting this range causes the mob to + cease following the player/mob. + Actual value used by most mobs is {$p}16&7; + for zombies it is {$p}40&7. + generic-knockback-resistance: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ANVIL + name: Generic Knockback Resistance + lore: | + &7The scale of horizontal knockback + resisted from attacks and projectiles. + Vertical knockback is not affected. + Does not affect explosions. {$p}1.0 &7is {$p}100% + &7knockback resistance. {$p}0.4 &7means {$p}60% &7of + knockback is applied. + generic-movement-speed: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_BOOTS + name: Generic Movement Speed + lore: | + &7Movement speed of an entity. + The mob's maximum speed in + blocks/second is a bit over {$p}43 + &7times this value, but can be + affected by various conditions, such as: + being ridden (if a horse), sprinting, + fleeing (if a passive mob), attacking + (if an Enderman or Zombified Piglin), + being led by a leash, being under the + effect of a Speed or Slowness potion, + being a baby zombie, or being a witch + and drinking a potion. + generic-flying-speed: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ELYTRA + name: Generic Flying Speed + lore: "&7Fly speed of an entity." + generic-armor: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor + lore: "&7Armor bonus of an entity." + generic-armor-toughness: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + name: Generic Armor Toughness + lore: "&7Armor durability bonus of an entity." + generic-attack-damage: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Damage + lore: "&7Attack strength of an entity." + generic-attack-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + name: Generic Attack Speed + lore: | + &7Attack speed of an entity. + Value is the number of full-strength + attacks per second. + generic-attack-knockback: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: FISHING_ROD + name: Generic Attack Knockback + lore: | + &7Attack knockback strength of an entity. + Applies only to mobs with physical attacks. + {$p}Ravager{$sep}: {$s}1.5 + {$p}Hoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + {$p}Zoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + horse-jump-strength: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR + name: Horse Jump Strength + lore: "&7How high horses can jump." + generic-luck: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: Generic Luck + lore: | + &7Affects the results of {$p}loot tables + &7using the {$p}quality &7or {$p}bonus_rolls {$p}tag + &7(e.g. when opening chests or chest + minecarts, fishing, and killing mobs). + zombie-spawn-reinforcements: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: Zombie Spawn Reinforcements + lore: | + &7Chance for a zombie to spawn + another zombie when attacked. diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1deb5a72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml @@ -0,0 +1,769 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Enchantments {$sep})=-" +rows: 6 +#What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml +'[fn-enchant]': + args: + - "" + return: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}" + lore: | + {$e}This enchantment is not + supported in your current server + version. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" + glow: true + lore: | + &7Left-click to change level + &7Right-click to remove + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: | + &7Left-click to add enchant +options: + water-worker: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + depth-strider: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + impaling: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + oxygen: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: WATER_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + knockback: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: GOLDEN_SWORD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + dig-speed: + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + frost-walker: + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + material: BLUE_ICE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + swift-sneak: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-damage: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-knockback: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-fire: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + multishot: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + piercing: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + arrow-infinite: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + quick-charge: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: CROSSBOW + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + mending: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + durability: + posx: 9 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + fire-aspect: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + channeling: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loyalty: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + riptide: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: TRIDENT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-environmental: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-projectile: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-explosions: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: TNT + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fire: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAVA_BUCKET + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + thorns: + posx: 9 + posy: 3 + material: ROSE_BUSH + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-undead: + posx: 1 + posy: 4 + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + damage-arthropods: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + soul-speed: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: SOUL_SAND + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + vanishing-curse: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_EYE + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + binding-curse: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENDER_PEARL + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-mobs: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + loot-bonus-blocks: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + silk-touch: + posx: 9 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + luck: + posx: 1 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + lure: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: FISHING_ROD + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + protection-fall: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: FEATHER + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 6 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove All Enchantments' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/flags.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/flags.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3f5557c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/flags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Flags {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + slot: 4 + lore: | + &7Item flags can hide some + properties from items. + This won't change their actual + behavior it just hides them + from the item's description + which is either above or below + ther item's lore. + remove-all: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '{$e}Remove all flags' + flag-hide-attributes: + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Attributes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Attributes' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Attributes' + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + lore: | + &7Item attributes are the small descriptions + shown under the lore of some items. + attributes: + GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE: + name: Test + amount: 10 + operation: ADD_NUMBER + flag-hide-destroys: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Destroys" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Destroys' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Destroys' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + + &7Can break: + &8Stone + flag-hide-dye: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE + color: 255, 255, 255 + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Dyes" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Dye' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Dye' + lore: | + &7Hide dye information from + colored leather armors. + flag-hide-enchants: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Enchants" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Enchants' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Enchants' + enchants: + DURABILITY: 1 + lore: | + &7Hides item enchantments from + their description above the lore + however this will still keep the + item's glowing effect. + flag-hide-placed-on: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: STONE + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Placed On" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Placed On' + glow: true + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Placed On' + lore: | + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + + &7Can be placed on: + &8Stone + flag-hide-potion-effects: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: POTION + effects: + - "BLINDNESS, 1, 10" + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Potion Effects" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Potion Effects' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Potion Effects' + lore: | + &7This is one of those Minecraft + weird behaviors, this flag has + multiple functionalities. It Hides{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}Potion effects + &7⚫ {$s}Book information such as the author + &7⚫ {$s}Firework information + &7⚫ {$s}Map tooltips + &7⚫ {$s}Patterns of banners + &7⚫ {$s}Enchantments of enchanted books + flag-hide-unbreakable: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: OBSIDIAN + unbreakable: true + not-supported: + condition: "!supported" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Unbreakable" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Hide Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} Hide Unbreakable' + lore: | + &7Hides the unbreakable description + from items. Unbreakable items don't + lose durability when you use them. diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/main.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f8a0e5df --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Editor {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK +options: + item: + #Will be replaced by the actual item + material: STONE + interaction: FREE + slot: 15 + name: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '{$p}Name' + lore: "%item_name%" + flags: + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '{$p}Flags' + lore: | + &7Click to modify + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Attributes{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Destroys{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Dye{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Enchants{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Placed On{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Unbreakable{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% + attributes: + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Attributes' + decoration: + slots: + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 13 + - 14 + - 16 + - 17 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + lore: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Lore' + #The lore is automatically set by the plugin for this option + enchantments: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Enchantments' + lore: #The lore is modified by the plugin to add set enchants + - "&7Click to modify" + unbreakable: + isUnbreakable: + condition: item_unbreakable + name: '{$p}Unbreakable' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$e}Breakable' + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BEDROCK + lore: | + &7If an item is unbreakable, + it'll not decrease its durability + when you use it. + nbt: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BOOKSHELF + name: '{$p}NBT Viewer' + amount: + posx: 1 + posy: 3 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' + lore: | + &7Maximum amount would be {$p}64 + &7while you can technically set up + to {$p}127 &7it will cause issues + in rare situations. For example, + the GUI isn't able to show this + change and when it's being + transferred to your inventory, + it might not keep its amount. + custom-model-data: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: FIREWORK_STAR + name: '{$p}Custom Model Data{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' + lore: | + &7This is used for resource packs + that are made for 1.14+ + to add new items to the game. + This is basically just a reskin + of the same item type. + This is what plugins like ItemsAdder + use to add new items to the game. + material: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: STONE #This is a template material, the actual material is taken from the placed item + name: '{$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0962ab86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Back' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + nbt-NBTTagCompound: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&fNBTTagCompound{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagString: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagInt: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&9NBTTagInt{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagByte: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagShort: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagLong: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagDouble: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagList: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&8NBTTagList{$sep}]' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..807d19309 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Viewer {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + name: "&eInfo" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + lore: | + &7NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7is a way + for Minecraft to store data for different + things in the game such as items, entities + and blocks in general. + + Everything you see on an item, such + as its name, lore, enchants and etc are + all stored as NBT data. You almost + will and should not modify NBT data + directly as they're extremely hard + to work with. + + This is mostly for debugging purposes + to see what's actually going on under + the hood. + path: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Current Path{$sep}:' + lore: '%path%' + add-nbt: + name: "{$p}Add Tag" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + lore: | + &7Adds a new tag to + the current compound. + + &7You can also {$p}left-click + &7to edit an existing tag or + {$p}right-click &7to remove a tag. + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + tag: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + compound: + condition: "tag == 'compound'" + name: '{$sep}[{$s}NBTTagCompound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: WHITE_WOOL + strings: + condition: "tag == 'string'" + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GREEN_WOOL + integers: + condition: "tag == 'int'" + name: '{$sep}[&9Integer{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: BLUE_WOOL + byte: + condition: "tag == 'byte'" + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: LIME_WOOL + short: + condition: "tag == 'short'" + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: YELLOW_WOOL + long: + condition: "tag == 'long'" + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: PURPLE_WOOL + double: + condition: "tag == 'double'" + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: CYAN_WOOL + list: + condition: "tag == 'list'" + name: '{$sep}[&7NBTTagList{$sep}] {$p}%key%' + material: GRAY_WOOL + else: + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Unknown{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%" + material: RED_WOOL + #The lore is the value which is set automatically by the plugin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-create.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-create.yml index 12e79b4f8..f9d85ade7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-create.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-create.yml @@ -1,26 +1,25 @@ -title: "&0-=( &6Krallık Tipi &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &6Kingdom Type &0)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: pacifist: - name: "&2Barışçıl" + name: "&2Pacifist" material: OAK_SAPLING lore: - - '&7Barışçıl krallıklar diğer krallıkları' - - 'işgal edemez ve işgal edilemez.' - - "&6/k pvp &7etkinleştirilmedikçe diğer" - - "oyunculara PvP yapamazlar. Temelde" - - "&4kalıcı &7bir barışçıl oyun" - - 'sağlayacaktır.' + - '&7Pacifist kingdoms cannot invade' + - 'other kingdoms and cannot be invaded.' + - "They cannot PvP other players" + - "unless &6/k pvp &7is enabled." + - "Basically it'll provide a" + - '&4permanent &7peaceful gameplay.' slot: 1 aggressor: - name: "&cAgresif" + name: "&cAggressor" material: DIAMOND_SWORD flags: ALL lore: - - '&7Bu krallıklar diğer müttefik olmayan' - - 'krallıkları istila edebilir ve PvP yapabilir,' - - 'ancak geçici olarak bir dereceye kadar' - - 'barışçıl bir deneyim için kalkanlar kullanabilirler.' - slot: 3 \ No newline at end of file + - '&7These kingdoms can invade and PvP' + - 'other non-ally kingdoms, but they may' + - 'use shields for a peaceful experience' + - 'to a certain extent temporarily.' + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a2677a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aJoin Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + requests: + name: "{$p}%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + %online% + {$p}Sent{$sep}: {$s}%sent_date% + + {$p}Left-click &7to accept. + {$e}Right-click &7to deny. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&4Close" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd6a3e0ac --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aRelationship Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + request: + material: PLAYER_HEAD + valid: + condition: expired + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &cClick to delete + else: + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" + lore: | + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + decline-all: + name: "&cDecline All" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + blue-glass: + name: '' + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/language-packs.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/language-packs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a651dd2cd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/language-packs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Language Packs &8)=-" +rows: 6 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '&2Available Languages To Download' + lore: | + &7They're all under &2500kb + &7note that always the latest version is + downloaded, so if a GUI/message gets + renamed, moved or deleted which rarely + happens, the plugin &cwill not be able + to show them. + + &2English &7is always installed and + &ccannot be uninstalled &7since its + the 'reference' language. + + &7All downloaded language packs are saved + in a folder named &2repository&7. That + folder should never be edited manually. + That's the reference folder. + + If you want to modify the downloaded + languages, you should do so in the + &2languages &7folder instead. Even deleting + those are fine, the plugin will regenerate + them back without redownloading. + download-all: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + name: "&2Download & Update All" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZWMzYzdmYWIyYTM3MjkwNWZhM2ZjMWZiMjI4ZTc4M2JiOTNhNTNlNmQzMmU0NWViZGI0YTAyMThmY2NhIn19fQ==' + lore: | + &7This option downloads all + languages that haven't been + downloaded yet and updates all + other languages that have already + been downloaded but are outdated. + languages: + #The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%native-name% &8(&9%lang%&8)' + up-to-date: + condition: installed && updated + lore: | + &2Up to date + &4Right-click to uninstall. + outdated: + condition: installed + lore: | + &eOutdated. Left-click to update. + &8(&4!&8) &eUpdating will override all + files that needs updating. Only the + files shown below will be redownloaded. + &4Right-click to uninstall + &9Middle-click to see a full list of + updated files. + + &cUpdated files summary&8: + not-installed: + lore: | + &4Not installed + Left-click to download diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/languages.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/languages.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..874fe10fa --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/languages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Languages &8)=-" +rows: 6 +skulls: + en: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19' + ru: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZlYWZlZjk4MGQ2MTE3ZGFiZTg5ODJhYzRiNDUwOTg4N2UyYzQ2MjFmNmE4ZmU1YzliNzM1YTgzZDc3NWFkIn19fQ==' + hu: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGE5YzNjNGI2YzUwMzEzMzJkZDJiZmVjZTVlMzFlOTk5ZjhkZWZmNTU0NzQwNjVjYzg2OTkzZDdiZGNkYmQwIn19fQ==' + es: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJiZDQ1MjE5ODMzMDllMGFkNzZjMWVlMjk4NzQyODc5NTdlYzNkOTZmOGQ4ODkzMjRkYThjODg3ZTQ4NWVhOCJ9fX0=' + de: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWU3ODk5YjQ4MDY4NTg2OTdlMjgzZjA4NGQ5MTczZmU0ODc4ODY0NTM3NzQ2MjZiMjRiZDhjZmVjYzc3YjNmIn19fQ==' + pl: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTIxYjJhZjhkMjMyMjI4MmZjZTRhMWFhNGYyNTdhNTJiNjhlMjdlYjMzNGY0YTE4MWZkOTc2YmFlNmQ4ZWIifX19' + zh: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Y5YmMwMzVjZGM4MGYxYWI1ZTExOThmMjlmM2FkM2ZkZDJiNDJkOWE2OWFlYjY0ZGU5OTA2ODE4MDBiOThkYyJ9fX0=' + tr: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=' + cs: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzliYmNjYzIxMDI2NDRkNGUzNmRmYWJlNzM1ZjBmOTMwN2FkYzVjODRlMjBhMGZkYzViM2ZhM2RlNDgwZDQ5OCJ9fX0=' + it: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODVjZTg5MjIzZmE0MmZlMDZhZDY1ZDhkNDRjYTQxMmFlODk5YzgzMTMwOWQ2ODkyNGRmZTBkMTQyZmRiZWVhNCJ9fX0=' +#This GUI is quite... controversial. +#Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + current-language: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Current Language&8: &9%kingdoms_lang%' + language: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2%lang%' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/mails/editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/mails/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54db465db --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/mails/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mail &8)=-" +type: HOPPER +options: + subject: + slot: 0 + material: NAME_TAG + name: '&2Subject&8:' + lore: '&f%subject%' + recipients: + slot: 1 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Recipients&8:' + lore: | + &6To&8: &9%to% + &6CC&8: &9%cc% + summary: + slot: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Summary&8:' + lore: '&f%summary%' + reset: + slot: 3 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cReset' + lore: | + &7Resets all mail properties such + as the subject, recipients and + the content. + preview: + slot: 4 + material: WRITTEN_BOOK + name: '&9Preview' + lore: | + &7Shows how this mail would + look like when people read it. diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/mails/mailbox.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/mails/mailbox.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ee52190d --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/mails/mailbox.yml @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2Mailbox &8)=-" +rows: 6 +interactable: empty +sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN +options: + previous: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19' + name: '&7Previous Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + next: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ==' + name: '&7Next Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' + separators: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + sent-indicator: + slot: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Sent Mails' + inbox-indicator: + slot: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' + name: '&9Inbox' + get-envelope: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&2Send Mail' + lore: | + &7Gives you a special book + to start writing your mail. + + You can put this book anywhere + you want. To edit the mail &9contents + &7just &2right-click &7and write like + you normally would. + + To edit other properties like the + &9subject &7or &9recipients&7, + &2right-click while sneaking&7. + + Once you're done and ready to &9send + &7the mail, drop this book back into + the sent section here. + + &2Needed Money&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% + &2Needed Resource Points&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% + sent: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + inbox: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' + lore: | + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% + + &2Summary&8: + &f%summary% + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/mails/recipients.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/mails/recipients.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be2fc1e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/mails/recipients.yml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +title: "&8-=( &9Recipients &8)=-" +rows: 3 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + to: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&2To&8: &9%to%' + cc-add: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0=' + name: '&7CC&8:' + lore: "&2Click to add" + cc: + slots: + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&9%singular-cc%' + lore: '&cClick to remove' + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/map-settings.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/map-settings.yml index 0e39227c1..37737ee0c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/map-settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/map-settings.yml @@ -1,37 +1,65 @@ -title: "&cHarita Ayarları" +title: "&cMap Settings" type: HOPPER - options: + scoreboard: + slot: 0 + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the kingdom map as a scoreboard + which is much more convenient than + auto map mode and updates automatically. + + The disadvantage is that + it takes a huge portion of your screen + and you must memorize the symbols and + colors and what they mean. + + This option resets if you leave. + enabled: + condition: scoreboard_enabled + name: "{$enabled} Toggle Scoreboard" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Toggle Scoreboard" reset: slot: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&4Ayarları Sıfırla' - - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh + name: '&4Reset Settings' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzA1ZWI3ZTA0ODg2ODMyNTRlZGI2NzgyYzVkYjhkMjdjZDA3OGU3ODRkZTJkY2RjZDI1Y2UwODY0ZGZhYmQzOCJ9fX0=' resize: slot: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&2Yeniden Boyutlandır' + name: '&2Resize' lore: - - "&7Kendi harita &agenişliğinizi &7ve &ayüksekliğinizi &7yeniden boyutlandırın" - - "&7Mevcut Boyutunuz&8: &2%kingdoms_map_width%&7, &2%kingdoms_map_height%" - - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe + - "&7Resize your own map &awidth &7and &aheight" + - "&7Your current size&8: &2%kingdoms_map_width%&7, &2%kingdoms_map_height%" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc5ZTU0Y2JlODc4NjdkMTRiMmZiZGYzZjE4NzA4OTQzNTIwNDhkZmVjZDk2Mjg0NmRlYTg5M2IyMTU0Yzg1In19fQ==' auto: slot: 3 material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - - "&7Farklı diyarlara yürüdükçe harita" - - "otomatik olarak görünmeye devam ediyor." - + - "&7The map keeps appearing automatically" + - "as you walk to different lands." enabled: condition: 'auto_map_enabled' - name: "%var_enabled% Otomatik" - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark + name: "{$enabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=' else: - name: "%var_disabled% Otomatik" - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x - skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' \ No newline at end of file + name: "{$disabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' + gui: + slot: 4 + material: CHEST + name: "&2See the map in a GUI" + lore: | + &7Advantages would be better + clicking behavior and clearer + icons for different lands. + + Disadvantages would be the + limit of GUI inventory size + and limiting your mobility. diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/map.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/map.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54cc04624 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/map.yml @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +title: "&0-=( &a&lMap &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +#This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config +#You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. +options: + element: + material: DIRT + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2217dce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-" +rows: 4 +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + name: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Name&8: &6%outpost-name%' + region: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '&2Region&8: &6%outpost-region%' + center: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: COMPASS + name: '&2Center' + lore: | + %outpost-center% + &7The location where the rewards + are dropped and fireworks are spawned. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + spawn: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '&2Spawn' + lore: | + %outpost-spawn% + &7Where the players get teleported + to when they join the event. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. + bossbar: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: BREWING_STAND + name: '&2BossBar Settings' + delete: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cDelete this outpost' + entrance-money: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '&2Entrance Money Fee&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' + rewards: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rewards' + entrance-resource-points-fee: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '&2Entrance Resource Points Fee&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c02347924 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Command Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These commands are executed + for the kingdom that won the event. + + So any command that targets players + individually will not work. + add: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Add' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + commands: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '%command%' + lore: | + {$p}Left-click to edit + {$s}Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0e63858f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Items go here +interactable: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration-1: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 49 + - 51 + - 53 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + decoration-2: + slots: + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 48 + - 50 + - 52 + material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + info: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' + name: '{$e}Info' + lore: | + &7These items are randomly + thrown in the Outpost event + area and players can pick + them up. + + You can freely interact with + the items in this GUI, taking + them and adding your own. + + To make custom items you can use + the {$p}/k admin item editor + &7command as well. + items: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: STONE diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7588ca55e --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Rewards {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + resource-points: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Resource Points{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-resource-points%" + money: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + name: '{$p}Money{$sep}:' + lore: "%outpost-rewards-money%" + commands: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: COMMAND_BLOCK + name: '{$p}Commands' + items: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '{$p}Items' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml index 5a5629b90..76c1c34cd 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Koruma &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "&2Krallığı dahil et" + name: "&2Include Kingdom" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Üyelerinin bu bloğa erişebilmesi" - - "için bir krallık ekleyin." + - "&6Add a kingdom so their members" + - "can access this block." - "" - - " Grubu değiştiremez veya" - - "bloğu kıramazlar." + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "&cKrallığı Hariç Tut" + name: "&cExclude Kingdom" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Üyelerinin bloğa erişmesini engellemek" - - "için bir krallık ekleyin." + - "&6Add a kingdom to exclude their members" + - "from accessing the block." - "" - - "Krallığınızdaki korumaları geçersiz kılma" - - "iznine sahip oyuncular yine de bloğa " - - "erişebilir veya onu kırabilir." + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4Temizle" + name: "&4Clear" material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "&6Tüm krallıkları bu " - - "listeden çıkarın." + - "&6Remove all the kingdoms" + - "from this list." posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&4Geri Dön" + name: "&4Back" material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "&6%name% &8- &2Dahil" + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included" material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "&6%name% &8- &cHariç" + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/players.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/players.yml index 499843efb..d59d550b6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/players.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/players.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Koruma &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "&2Oyuncu Dahil Et" + name: "&2Include Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Bu bloğa erişebilmeleri" - - "için birini ekleyin." + - "&6Add someone so they" + - "can access this block." - "" - - "Grubu değiştiremez veya" - - "bloğu kıramazlar." + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "&cOyuncuyu Hariç Tut" + name: "&cExclude Player" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Blok erişimini engellemek" - - "için birini ekleyin." + - "&6Add someone to exclude" + - "them from accessing the block." - "" - - "Krallığınızdaki korumaları geçersiz kılma" - - "iznine sahip oyuncular yine de bloğa erişebilir" - - "veya onu kırabilir." + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4Temizle" + name: "&4Clear" material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "&6Tüm oyuncuları bu" - - "listeden çıkarın." + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from this list." posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&4Geri Dön" + name: "&4Back" material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "&6%name% &8- &2Dahil edildi &8- %online%" + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included &8- %online%" material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "&6%name% &8- &cHariç tutuldu &8- %online%" + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded &8- %online%" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml index 0be506a47..ec2913973 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml @@ -1,57 +1,56 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Koruma &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: players: - name: "&2Oyuncuları Yönet" + name: "&2Manage Players" lore: |- - &6Bu bloğa erişmek için bireysel oyuncuları dahil - edin veya hariç tutun. + &6Include or exclude individual players + for accessing this block. - Oyuncu ayarları krallık ayarlarını geçersiz kılar. - Yani bir oyuncu dahil edilen veya hariç tutulan - bir krallığın parçasıysa, krallık hariç - tutulursa bloğu kullanmaya devam - edebilir veya krallık dahilse - bloğu kullanamaz. + Player settings override the kingdom + settings. Meaning that if a player is + a part of an included or excluded kingdom, + they can still use the block if the kingdom + is excluded or not use the block if the + kingdom is included. material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: '%owner%' slot: 0 kingdoms: - name: "&2Krallıkları Yönet" + name: "&2Manage Kingdoms" lore: |- - &6Bu bloğa erişmek için krallıkları dahil - edin veya hariç tutun, böylece o krallıktaki - herkes dahil edilir veya hariç tutulur. + &6Include or exclude kingdoms for + accessing this block so everyone in + that kingdom are included or excluded. material: RED_BANNER sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS slot: 1 info: - name: "&5Koruma Tabelaları" + name: "&5Protection Signs" lore: |- - &6Korumalı bloklar grieflere karşı - korunur ve hiçbir oyuncu izinsiz - kullanamaz. + &6Protected blocks are protected + against griefs and no player can use it + without permission. - Bir oyuncunun bu bloğa erişimi varsa, - yine de tabela(koruma) ayarlarını değiştiremez - veya işareti veya bloğu kıramaz. + If a player has access to this block, + they still cannot change the sign settings + or break the sign or the block. - &7Blokta bir şifre belirlemek için buraya tıklayın. - Bu, yalnızca korunan blok sandık gibi - bir blok ise yarar. + &7Click here to set a password on the block. + This only works if the block being protected + is a container such as a chest. material: NETHER_STAR slot: 2 protection-type: - name: "&2Koruma Türü&8: &9%protection_type%" + name: "&2Protection Type&8: &9%protection_type%" lore: |- - &6Bu bloğun varsayılan olarak - diğer oyunculardan nasıl - korunacağının yöntemini değiştirin. + &6Change the method of how + this block is protected from + other players by default. material: CHEST slot: 3 back: - name: "&4GUI'yi kapatın" + name: "&4Close the GUI" material: BARRIER - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml index d463f467c..f501cebb4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml @@ -1,69 +1,71 @@ -title: "&8-=[ &5Koruma Türü &8]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection Type &8]=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: protected: enabled: condition: enabled name: "&2%protection%" lore: |- - &7Bu blok, bloğa erişmek için - manuel olarak eklenmedikçe - tüm oyunculardan korunacaktır. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: OAK_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&4%protection%" material: OAK_SIGN lore: |- - &7Bu blok, bloğa erişmek için - manuel olarak eklenmedikçe - tüm oyunculardan korunacaktır. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 1 everyone-in-kingdom: enabled: condition: enabled name: "&2%protection%" lore: |- - &7Bu blok, bloğa erişmek için - manuel olarak eklenmedikçe - krallığınızda olmayan tüm - oyunculardan korunacaktır. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: SPRUCE_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&2%protection%" material: SPRUCE_SIGN lore: |- - &7Bu blok, bloğa erişmek için - manuel olarak eklenmedikçe - krallığınızda olmayan tüm - oyunculardan korunacaktır. + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 2 everyone: enabled: condition: enabled name: "&2%protection%" lore: |- - &7Bu bloğa erişimi olmaması için - manuel olarak eklenmedikçe, - krallığınızın dışındaki veya - içindeki herkes bu bloğa erişebilir. + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. material: DARK_OAK_SIGN - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&2%protection%" material: DARK_OAK_SIGN lore: |- - &7Bu bloğa erişimi olmaması için - manuel olarak eklenmedikçe, - krallığınızın dışındaki veya - içindeki herkes bu bloğa erişebilir. - slot: 3 \ No newline at end of file + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/extractor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/extractor.yml index 9cb9d7877..510adb455 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/extractor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/extractor.yml @@ -1,46 +1,68 @@ title: "&2Extractor" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: - break: - name: "&4Kırmak" - material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK - lore: - - "&6Yapıyı bozar." - slot: 0 collect: - name: "&2Toplamak&8: &9%time% &7- &9%amount%" - material: GREEN_WOOL + outOfFuel: + condition: 'fuel <= 0' + name: "{$e}Out of fuel &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: RED_WOOL + nothing-to-collect: + condition: 'amount <= 0' + name: "{$e}Nothing to collect &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed%" + material: RED_WOOL + else: + name: "&2Collect&8: &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" + material: GREEN_WOOL sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - refresh: true lore: - - "&6Oluşturulan tüm kaynak" - - "puanlarını toplayın." - - "Son toplayan&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" + - "&6Collect all the generated" + - "resource points." + - "Last collected by&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" + slot: 0 + fuel: + name: "&2Fuel&8: &6%fancy_fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: COAL + refresh: true slot: 1 + lore: | + &7To fill the fuel, simply drop + one of the fuel items on the + extractor block. + + &7Additionally you can place a {$p}hopper + &7on north, south, east, west or top of + the extractor with the following items. + Note that this only works once the extractor's + fuel is almost at zero. + + &2Coal&8: &95 + &2Charcoal&8: &93 + &2Blaze Rods&8: &9100 upgrade: slot: 3 upgrade: condition: level < max_level - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Her&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%" - - "&7⚫ &2Kaynak Puanı&8: &6%resource-points% &7➔ &6%next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ &6%fancy_next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2En Üst Seviye&8: &6%max-level-roman%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Seviye&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Her&8: &6%every%" - - "&7⚫ &2Kaynak Puanı&8: &6%resource-points%" - close: - name: "&2Kapat" - material: BARRIER + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml index 1910a510d..ce42f797b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml @@ -1,29 +1,26 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Şampiyon Ayarları &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Settings &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: upgrade: - name: "&bEkipmanı Yükselt" + name: "&bUpgrade Equipment" material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - lore: - - "&7Her yükseltme ile şampiyonunuzun" - - "zırhını ve silahını geliştirin." + - "&7Improve your champions" + - "armor and weapon with each upgrade." - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" slot: 0 change: - name: "&6Değiştir" + name: "&6Change" material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "&7Şampiyon türünü değiştirin." + - "&7Change your champion type." slot: 1 - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Şampiyon yükseltmelerine geri dönün." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to champion upgrades." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml index b7b0e3b55..c51cf55e9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml @@ -1,204 +1,220 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Şampiyon Geliştirmeleri &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Upgrades &8)=-" rows: 6 sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: settings: - name: "&bAyarlar" + name: "&bSettings" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Ekipmanını yükseltmek veya şampiyon" - - "türünüzü değiştirmek gibi şampiyonunuzun" - - "ayarlarını değiştirin." + - "&7Change your champion's settings" + - "such as upgrading its equipment or" + - "changing your champion type." posx: 3 posy: 2 health: - name: "&bŞampiyon Sağlık" + name: "&bChampion Health" material: MELON_SLICE - lore: - - "&7Her seviyede şampiyonun" - - "sağlığını &250 &7arttırır." - - "&7Mevcut şampiyonun sağlığı&8: &2%scaling%" + - "&7Increases champion's health" + - "by &250 &7every level." + - "&7Current champion's health&8: &2%scaling%" - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 reinforcements: - name: "&bTakviyeler" + name: "&bReinforcements" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - lore: - - "&7Her yükseltme, her &230 &7saniyede bir ek bir" - - "nexus koruyucusu ortaya çıkaracaktır." + - "&7Spawns nexus guardian every {$p}3 &7minutes." + - "Each upgrade will reduce the time by {$p}15 seconds&7." + - "The spawned guards exactly match your" + - "nexus guards depending on the" + - "misc upgrade." - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 resistance: - name: "&bDirenç" + name: "&bResistance" material: BRICK - lore: - - "&7Her yükseltme, Şampiyonun bir saldırı tarafından" - - "geri savrulmama ihtimaline &2%scaling%% &7ekler." + - "&7Each upgrade adds &2%scaling%% &7chance that the" + - "Champion won't be knocked back by an attack." - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 speed: - name: "&bHız" + name: "&bSpeed" material: POTION - lore: - - "&7Canı &2%20'nin &7altına düştüğünde" - - "şampiyonun Hızını arttırır" + - "&7Increases champion's Speed when" + - "his health is lower than &220%" - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 focus: - name: "&bOdak" + name: "&bFocus" material: ENDER_EYE - lore: - - "&7Şampiyon tarafından vurulan oyuncular," - - "tüm aktif iksir etkilerinden &2%scaling% &7saniyeliğine" - - "kaldırılır." + - "&7Players hit by the champion will" + - "have &2%scaling% &7second removed from all" + - "their active potion effects." - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 3 strength: - name: "&bGüç" + name: "&bStrength" material: ANVIL - lore: - - "&7Güç iksiri şampiyona" - - "eklenecek ve her seviyede" - - "&7güçlendirilecek." + - "&7Strength potion will be" + - "added to the champion" + - "&7and will be amplified each level." - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 3 throw: - name: "&bAtmak(Throw)" + name: "&bThrow" material: COOKED_PORKCHOP - lore: - - "&7Her saldırı, oyuncuyu gökyüzüne" - - "&7fırlatma şansı olacak." - - "&7Her yükseltme bu şansı &2%10 &7artırır." + - "&7Every attack, there will be a chance" + - "&7to knock the player into the sky." + - "&7Each upgrade increases this chance by &210%" - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 3 death-duel: - name: "&bÖlüm Düellosu" + name: "&bDeath Duel" material: GOLDEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7İstilacı dışındaki tüm oyuncular" - - "şampiyona &2%50 &7daha az hasar verir." - - "Şampiyon ayrıca işgalciler hariç" - - "tüm oyunculara iki kat hasar verir." + - "&7All players except the invader will deal" + - "&250% &7less damage to the champion. The" + - "champion will also deal double damage" + - "to all players except the invaders." - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 3 drag: - name: "&bSürükle(Drag)" + name: "&bDrag" material: FISHING_ROD - lore: - - "&7İstilacı oyuncu şampiyona &2%scaling% &7bloktan" - - "daha uzaksa, oyuncu şampiyona" - - "sürüklenir." + - "&7If the invading player is more than" + - "&2%scaling% &7blocks away from the champion, the" + - "player will be dragged to the champion." - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 3 damage-cap: - name: "&bHasar Sınırı" + name: "&bDamage Cap" material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Şampiyonunuz herhangi bir saldırıda yalnızca" - - "&2%scaling%'e &7kadar hasar alabilir." + - "&7Your champion can only receive up to" + - "&2%scaling% &7damages on any attack." - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 4 thor: name: "&bThor" material: DIAMOND_AXE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&7Her &23 saniyede &7bir istilacı" - - "&7oyuncuya ve yakındaki tüm müttefik" - - "&7olmayan oyunculara yıldırım düşer." - - "&7Hasar verir ve oyuncuları da geri savurur." + - "&7Every {$p}%cooldown%&7, lightning" + - "&7strikes the invading player and all" + - "&7nearby non-allied players. Deals" + - "&7damage, and knocks the players back also." - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 4 plow: name: "&bPlow" material: COBWEB - lore: - - "&7Şampiyonunuz lavları ve ağları" - - "temizlemeye çalışacak." + - "&7Your champion will try to clear" + - "lava and webs every {$p}%cooldown%" - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 4 fangs: name: "&bFangs" material: EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG - lore: - - "&7Şampiyonun etrafındaki düşman oyuncular" - - "için dişler çıkar." + - "&7Spawn fangs for the enemy" + - "players around the champion" + - "every {$p}%cooldown%" - "" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 4 - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 6 purple-glass: name: "" material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 2, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 51, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 51 + - 53 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 36, 44, 46, 52 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 52 magenta-glass: name: "" material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 10, 16, 37, 43 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 10 + - 16 + - 37 + - 43 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml index c4186521a..1293d1947 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@ -title: "&8-=( &2Şampiyon &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Champions &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: zombie: - name: "&2Zombi" + name: "&2Zombie" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD slot: 0 skeleton: - name: "&6İskelet" + name: "&6Skeleton" material: SKELETON_SKULL slot: 1 - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Şampiyon ayarlarına geri dönün." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to champion settings." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d0d77ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Logs Filters & Sorting &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-player: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Player Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_player_name%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Player Filter' + filters-time: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CLOCK + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Time Filter' + lore: | + {$p}After{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_after% + {$p}Before{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_before% + else: + name: '{$disabled} Time Filter' + filters-type: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER #Template + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_type_type%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Filter' + sort-ascending-time: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ascending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ascending Time Sort' + sort-descending-time: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Descending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Descending Time Sort' + sort-type: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Sort' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81208766f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Audit Logs &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#-NOSYNC +'[type]': + kingdom-join: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Player Joined{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Invited By{$sep}: &6%inviter% + kingdom-kick: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Kicked Member{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Kicker{$sep}: &6%kicker% + kingdom-leave: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&2Player Left{$sep}: &6%player%' + lore: | + &2At{$sep}: &6%time% + &2Reason{$sep}: &6%reason% + kingdom-challenge-challenger: + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Challenged' + lore: | + &e%player% &chas challenged + &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% &ckingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare to attack. + kingdom-challenge-challenged: + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cChallenged' + lore: | + &e%kingdoms_kingdom_name% &ckingdom has + &cchallenged your kingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare before they attack. + kingdom-claim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&2Claimed' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has claimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-unclaim: + material: GRASS_BLOCK + name: '&cUnclaimed' + lore: | + {$es}%player% {$e}has unclaimed + the following lands{$sep}: + %lands% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invasion-invader: + material: IRON_SWORD + name: '&2Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-invasion-invaded: + material: GOLD_SWORD + name: '&cGot Invaded' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded your kingdom at{$sep}: + {$s}%chunk% + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: + %affected-lands% + kingdom-upgrade-misc: + material: DIAMOND_HOE + name: '&9Misc Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}misc upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-champion: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: '&9Champion Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}champion upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-upgrade-powerup: + material: DIAMOND_SWORD + name: '&9Powerup Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}powerup. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-upgrade: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structure at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-structure-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aStructure Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structures. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aTurret Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turrets. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase-ammo: + name: '&aTurret Ammo Purchase' + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased ammo for + {$s}%style% {$p}turret at {$s}%translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%y%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$s}%fancy_old_amount% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_new_amount% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-upgrade: + material: ARROW + name: '&aTurret Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turret at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-resource-points-convert: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&aResource Points Convert' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed + resource points{$sep}: + {$s}%fancy_amount-before% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_amount-after% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + extractor-collect: + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: '&aExtractor Collect' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has collected the + extractor located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Collected Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + warppad-teleport: + material: END_PORTAL_FRAME + name: '&3Warp Pad Teleport' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has teleported + using the Warp Pad located at + {$s}%from_location% {$p}to + {$s}%precise_location% + {$p}Fuel Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + outpost-item-purchase: + material: HAY_BLOCK + name: '&eOutpost Item Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + the following items from the + Outpost structure located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Total Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + %purchases% + kingdom-pacifism-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&5Pacifism Change' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed the + pacifism state of the kingdom. + {$p}Pacifist{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + shield-purchase: + material: SHIELD + name: '&5Shield Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + a shield for the kingdom. + {$p}Purchased Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% + {$p}Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-shield-time% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-relation-change: + material: NETHER_STAR + name: '&9Relationship Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's relationship has + changed with {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% {$p}kingdom{$sep}: + %old-relation% {$sep}➜ %new-relation% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-invite: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Invite' + lore: | + {$s}%inviter% {$p}has invited {$s}%player% + {$p}to the kingdom. They have {$s}%accept-time% + {$p}to accept the request. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-king-change: + material: BOOK + name: '&4King Change' + lore: | + {$p}Kingdom's king has been changed{$sep}: + {$s}%old-king% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-king% + {$p}Reason{$sep}: {$s}%reason% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + player-rank-change: + lore: | + {$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank% + {$p}By{$sep}: {$s}%by-player% + promoted: + condition: 'old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority' #It's the opposite + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&aPlayer Promoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + else: #demoted + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cPlayer Demoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + rank-create: + material: BOOK + name: '&2Rank Created' + lore: | + {$p}A rank was created by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-delete: + material: BOOK + name: '&cRank Deleted' + lore: | + {$p}Rank was deleted by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-name: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Name Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-name% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-name% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-symbol: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Symbol Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}symbol was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-symbol% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-symbol% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-color: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Color Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-color%color {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-color%color + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-priority: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Priority Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}priority was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-priority% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-priority% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-max-claims: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Max Claims Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}max claims was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-max-claims% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-max-claims% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + rank-change-material: + material: BOOK + name: '&9Rank Material Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}material was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-material% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + structures-nexus-move: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nexus Placed' + placed: + condition: placed + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + placed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + else: + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + moved by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%from_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%from_x%{$sep}, {$s}%from_y%{$sep}, {$s}%from_z% {$sep}➜ {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + group-tax-server-pay: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Server Tax" + lore: | + {$p}Server taxes paid. + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-champion-change: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: "&9Champion Change" + lore: | + {$p}The champion was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-lore: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Lore" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's lore was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-rename: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Rename" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom was renamed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-tag: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Tag" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's tag was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-join: + material: BEACON + name: "&9Nation Join" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has joined + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-leave: + material: BEACON + name: "&cNation Leave" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has left + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + 'PeaceTreaties:received': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Received Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}Proposer{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + 'PeaceTreaties:sent': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Sent Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}To{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + '[else]': + material: BARRIER + name: '{$e}Unknown log type{$sep}:' + lore: '{$es}%type%' +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-and-sorting: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: BOOK + name: "{$p}Filters & Sorting" + lore: | + {$p}Filters{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Player{$sep}: %bool_filters_player% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Time{$sep}: %bool_filters_time% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_filters_type% + + {$p}Sorting{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Ascending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_ascending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Descending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_descending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_sorting_type% + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + entry: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + '[switch]': type + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml index 05ec002c8..7f060c70e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml @@ -1,35 +1,49 @@ title: "%player%" type: HOPPER sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: kick: - name: "&cAtmak(Kick)" + name: "&cKick" material: RED_WOOL + cantKick: + condition: '!can_kick' + lore: | + &cYou can't kick this member. + else: { } slot: 0 demote: - name: '&eRütbe Düşürme' + name: '&eDemote' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0=" + cantDemote: + condition: '!can_demote' + lore: | + &cYou can't demote this member. + else: { } slot: 1 member: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Katıldı&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Bağışlar&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Son Bağış&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rütbe&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" slot: 2 promote: - name: '&aRütbe Yükseltme' + name: '&aPromote' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0=" + canPromote: + condition: '!can_promote' + lore: | + &cYou can't promote this member. + else: { } slot: 3 back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Üyeler menüsüne geri dönün." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to members menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml index 4397e8520..eb755f8e9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml @@ -1,36 +1,86 @@ -title: "&0-=( &aÜyeler &0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aMembers &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: members: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Katıldı&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Bağışlar&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Son Bağış&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rütbe&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 next-page: - name: '&6Sonraki Sayfa &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '&6Önceki sayfa &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml index 49d5aad1a..da670ccc5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml @@ -1,169 +1,522 @@ -title: "&8-=( &3Çeşitli Yükseltmeler &8)=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( &3Misc Upgrades {$sep})=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE - +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc]': + args: + - "" + - "" + - "" + return: + pacifist: + condition: ' && kingdoms_pacifist' + name: "" + perform-action: false + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "&cYour kingdom is pacifist" + - "and cannot use this upgrade." + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%" + - "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable" + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%" + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc-basic]': + args: + - "" + return: + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' options: glory: - name: "&3Glory" material: NETHER_STAR - - lore: - - "&2Seviye 1&8: &6Arazinizde oyuncu olmayanları öldürmek\n2 kat deneyim sağlar." - - "&2Seviye 2&8: &6Toprağınızda oyuncu öldürmek\nx4 deneyim sağlar." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 3 posy: 1 anti-trample: - name: "&aEzilme Önleyici(Anti-Trample)" material: WHEAT_SEEDS - - lore: - - "&2Seviye 1&8: &6İşlenmiş toprağınız oyuncular" - - "tarafından çiğnenemez." - - '' - - "&2Seviye 2&8: &6Arazinizin dışına yerleştirilen" - - "pistonlar artık çalışmayacak." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 1 nexus-guards: - name: "&4Nexus Muhafızları" material: DIAMOND_AXE - - lore: - - "&6Birisi nexus alanınıza girdiğinde," - - "normal muhafızlarınızdan daha güçlü" - - "muhafızlar ortaya çıkarır." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 5 posy: 1 guards: - name: "&eMuhafızlar" material: IRON_AXE - - lore: - - "&6Muhafızlar, ülkeye müttefik olmayan" - - "biri girerse krallığı korumak için" - - "rastgele ortaya çıkar." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 6 posy: 1 insanity: - name: "&cDelilik" material: REDSTONE - - lore: - - "&6Güç Hücresi(Powercell) arazisinde ortaya çıkan" - - "savunucular ve Nexus muhafızları," - - "10 saniye boyunca Güç I'e sahip olacak." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 7 posy: 1 - invasion-teleportation: - name: "&3İstila Işınlanması" material: ENDER_PEARL - - lore: - - "&2Her yükseltmeden sonra &e/k tp &2için" - - "ışınlanma gecikmenizi azaltır." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 3 posy: 2 invasions: - name: "&3İşgaller" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - - lore: - - "&2Krallığınız &6%invasion-limit% &2kez istila edebilir" - - "&2Kullanılan istilalar&8: &6%invasions%" - - "&2Bekleme Süresini Yenile&8: &6%invasion-refresh-cooldown%" - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 2 posy: 2 anti-explosion: - name: "&5Patlama Önleyici(Anti-Explosion)" material: GUNPOWDER - - lore: - - "&2Seviye 1&8: &7Creeperlerin topraklarınızdaki " - - "blokları yok etmesini önler." - - "" - - "&2Seviye 2&8: &7TNT'lerin arazinizdeki" - - "blokları yok etmesini önler." - - "" - - "&2Seviye 3&8: &7Krallık üyelerinizi, hayvanlarınızı" - - "ve topraklarınızdaki diğer tüm tuzağa düşmüş" - - "mobları patlamalardan koruyun." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 2 max-claims: - name: "&3Maksimum Claim" + name: "&3Max Claims" material: MAP - - lore: - - "&6Her güncellemede maksimum" - - "claimlerinizi &22 &6artırın." - - "" - - "&2Mevcut Maksimum Arazi&8: &6%kingdoms_max_lands%" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 8 posy: 2 + max-turrets: + name: "&3Max Turrets" + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 max-members: - name: "&3Maksimum Üye" + name: "&3Max Players" material: PLAYER_HEAD - - lore: - - "&6Her yükseltme, 3 yuva daha ekler." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 6 posy: 2 chest-size: - name: "&3Nexus Sandık Boyutu" + name: "&3Nexus Chest Size" material: ENDER_CHEST - - lore: - - "&6Maksimum nexus sandık boyutunu" - - "artırın." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2Seviye&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 7 posy: 2 - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "{$p}Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." + lore: "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: name: '' material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml index e0048edc7..e3a1fea16 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml @@ -1,38 +1,46 @@ -title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation%'s &6&lUlus Nexusu" +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation_name%'s &6&lNation Nexus" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - options: settings: - name: "&7Ayarlar" + name: "&7Settings" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&6Ulus ayarlarınızı değiştirin." + - "&6Change your nation settings." posx: 5 posy: 2 resource-points: - name: "&eKaynak Puanı Dönüştürücü" + name: "&eResource Points Converter" material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "&6Öğelerinizi kaynak puanlarına" - - "dönüştürün." - - "Ülkenizin &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6kaynak puanı var." + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your nation has &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6resource points." posx: 4 posy: 2 ranks: - name: "&5Rütbeler Ve İzinler" + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "&6Ülkeniz için rütbeleri ve" - - "izinleri değiştirin." + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your nation." posx: 6 posy: 2 - red-glass: name: "" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bc8a9a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + nation settings located inside + nexus GUI. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ec33e98a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Template material. Gets replaced + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Maximum amount of claims a + player with this rank can claim + if they have claiming permissions. + + It'll only free more claims once + the player or someone else {$p}/k unclaim + &7the land that they claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml index fc241558b..d1875d116 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,22 +1,25 @@ -title: "&aKaynak Puanı Dönüştürücü" +title: "&aResource Points Converter" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE interactable: empty -#disallow-creative: true - +disallow-creative: true +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. options: info: - name: "&6Kaynak Puanı&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 apply: - name: "&2Onayla" + name: "&2Apply" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" + refresh: true lore: - - "&6Mevcut öğeleri kaynak puanlarına" - - "dönüştürün." + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" posx: 9 posy: 6 back: @@ -24,12 +27,18 @@ options: material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." - - "bu, kaynak puanı dönüşümünü" - - "iptal eder." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml index fa8a86766..624713068 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,156 +1,162 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7İlişki Editörü &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" rows: 1 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Uçuş&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Ülkenizde krallık uçuşuna " - - "izin verin." + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." else: - name: "&2Uçuş&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" material: ELYTRA lore: - - "&7Ülkenizde krallık uçuşuna" - - "izin verin." + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." posx: 1 posy: 1 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Build&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Arazinizde inşaata(builde) izin verin." + - "&7Allow building in your land." else: - name: "&2Build&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE lore: - - "&7Arazinizde inşaata(builde) izin verin." + - "&7Allow building in your land." posx: 2 posy: 1 ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Ateşkes&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Dost ateşini devre dışı bırak." + - "&7Disable friendly fire." else: - name: "&2Ateşkes&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "&7Dost ateşini devre dışı bırak." + - "&7Disable friendly fire." posx: 3 posy: 1 interact: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Interact(Etkileşime girmek)&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Interact&8: &2Enabled" material: CAULDRON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Kapsayıcıları açmak için blok etkileşimine izin verin." + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." else: - name: "&2Interact(Etkileşime girmek)&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Interact&8: &cDisabled" material: CAULDRON lore: - - "&7Kapsayıcıları açmak için blok etkileşimine izin verin." + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." posx: 4 posy: 1 use: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Use(Kullan)&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Use&8: &2Enabled" material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Kapılar, seviyeler ve düğmeler " - - "gibi blokların kullanılmasına izin verin." + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." else: - name: "&2Use(Kullan)&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Use&8: &cDisabled" material: LEVER lore: - - "&7Kapılar, seviyeler ve düğmeler " - - "gibi blokların kullanılmasına izin verin." + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." posx: 5 posy: 1 turret-ceasefire: - Aktif: - condition: Aktif - name: "&2taret Ateşkesi&8: &2Aktif" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Taretler için dost ateşini devre dışı bırakın." + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." else: - name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW lore: - - "&7Taretler için dost ateşini devre dışı bırakın." + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." posx: 6 posy: 1 manage-turrets: - Aktif: - condition: Aktif - name: "&2Taretleri Yönet&8: &2Aktif" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Taretlerin kırılmasına, yerleştirilmesine" - - "ve etkileşime girmesine izin verin." + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." else: - name: "&2Taretleri Yönet&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" material: ARROW lore: - - "&7Taretlerin kırılmasına, yerleştirilmesine" - - "ve etkileşime girmesine izin verin." + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." posx: 7 posy: 1 manage-structures: - Aktif: - condition: Aktif - name: "&2Yapıları Yönet&8: &2Aktif" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &2Enabled" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "&7Yapıların kırılmasına, yerleştirilmesine ve etkileşime girmesine izin verin." + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." else: - name: "&2Yapıları Yönet&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &cDisabled" material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "&7Yapıların kırılmasına, yerleştirilmesine ve etkileşime girmesine izin verin." + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." posx: 8 posy: 1 - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml index fdd44bf5e..49eee5962 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7İlişkiler &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: - name: "Tarafsızl" + name: "Neutral" material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "&2Müttefik" + name: "&2Ally" material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&eAteşkes" + name: "&eTruce" material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "&cDüşman" + name: "&cEnemy" material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 nation: - name: "&9Ulus" + name: "&9Nation" material: BLUE_CONCRETE - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml index 933948b8a..117480436 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,52 +1,140 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Ayarlar &8)=-" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - shields: - name: "&6Kalkan&8: &2%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "&7Ulusunu korumak için ulusun" - - "için bir kalkan satın al." + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - invites: - name: "&6Davetler&8: %invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "&7Kapatıldığında, &2/k nation join %kingdoms_nation% &7ile " - - "herhangi bir davetiyeye ihtiyaç" - - "duymadan bu ulusa herkes katılabilir." - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "&6İlişkiler" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "&7Diğer uluslar için ilişki " - - "niteliklerinizi değiştirin." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 3 - posy: 1 + posy: 5 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_nation_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k nation home %kingdoms_nation_name% tax: - name: "&6Vergi" + posx: 7 + posy: 5 material: PAPER - lore: - - "&7Krallıklar için ulus " - - "vergilerinizi değiştirin." - - "" - - "&6Vergi&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax%" - - "&6Denklem&8: &2%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "&6Fatura Vergisi&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_server_nation_tax%" - posx: 4 - posy: 1 + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your nation taxes + for members. - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Member Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + + &6Nation Server Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other nations. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your nation's flag for online maps. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_nation_color@hex%%kingdoms_nation_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your nation marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_nation_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + nation to protect your kingdom + against invades. + + Kingdom members who invade when + nation shields are enabled, will + temporarily lose access to nation's + shield. diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml index 97e9503fb..0fe82ac3f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,67 +1,71 @@ -title: "&8-=( &8Kalkanlar &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &8Shields &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "&26 Saat Kalkan" + name: "&26 Hours Shield" material: SHIELD cost: 5000 time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &25000" + - "&6Cost&8: &25000" slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "&212 Saat Kalkan" + name: "&212 Hours Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] - Maliyet: 8000 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 8000 time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &28000" + - "&6Cost&8: &28000" slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "&21 Gün Kalkan" + name: "&21 Day Shield" material: SHIELD - Maliyet: 15000 + cost: 15000 time: 1day - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &215000" + - "&6Cost&8: &215000" slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "&21 Hafta Kalkan" + name: "&21 Week Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] - Maliyet: 70000 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 70000 time: 7days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CROSS: RED lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &270000" + - "&6Cost&8: &270000" slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "&21 Ay Kalkan" + name: "&21 Month Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] - Maliyet: 150000 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 150000 time: 30days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2150000" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Cost&8: &2150000" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml index 9784057c7..cc13d133e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml @@ -1,174 +1,225 @@ -title: "&2&l%kingdoms_name%'s &6&lNexus" +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_kingdom_name%'s &6&lNexus" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - +icon: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Nexus-Logo.png" +form-type: CUSTOM +form-options: + settings: + component-type: LABEL + text: "&5Settings" options: settings: - name: "&7Ayarlar" + name: "&7Settings" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&6Krallık ayarlarınızı değiştirin." + - "&6Change your kingdom settings." posx: 5 posy: 2 members: - name: "&2Üyeler" + name: "&2Members" material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0=' lore: - - "&6Krallık üyelerinizi yönetin. Onları terfi ettirin" - - "&6veya rütbesini düşürün." + - "&6Manage your kingdom members." + - "&6Promote or demote them." posx: 5 posy: 3 masswar: running: condition: kingdoms_masswar_is_running - name: "&4Dünya Savaşı" + name: "&4Masswar" material: CLOCK lore: - - "&6Dünya Savaşı istilası sırasında ücretsizdir." - - "Dünya Savaşı şu anda &2çalışıyor.." + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &2running." + - "" + - "{$p}Mass War ends in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" else: - name: "&4Dünya Savaşı" + name: "&4Masswar" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Dünya Savaşı istilası sırasında ücretsizdir." - - "Dünya Savaşı şu anda &2çalışmıyor.." + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &cnot running." + - "" + - "{$p}Next Mass War in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" posx: 6 posy: 3 nexus-chest: - name: "&eNexus Sandığı" + name: "&eNexus Chest" material: CHEST lore: - - "&6Eşyaları herkesin kullanması için" - - "&6krallık sandığına koyun." + - "&6Put items in your kingdoms chest" + - "&6for everyone to use." posx: 7 posy: 3 turrets: - name: "&9Taretler" + name: "&9Turrets" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW lore: - - "&6Arazinize yerleştirmek için" - - "kaynak puanı ile taretler" - - "satın alabilirsiniz. Moblara ve" - - "istilacılara karşı korur." + - "&6You can buy turrets with" + - "resource points to place them" + - "on your land. It protects against" + - "mobs and invaders." posx: 3 posy: 3 structures: - name: "&5Yapılar" + name: "&5Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "&6Yapılar farklı şeyler yapabilir. Arazi başına sadece" - - "bir yapıya sahip olabilirsiniz. Nexus'un bir yapının" - - "kendisi olduğunu unutmayın. Kaynak puanları ile alınan" - - "yapıları satın alabilirsiniz." + - "&6Structures can do different things." + - "You can only have one structure per land." + - "Note that the nexus is a structure itself." + - "You can buy structures with resource points." posx: 4 posy: 3 misc-upgrades: - name: "&bÇeşitli Yükseltmeler" + name: "&bMisc Upgrades" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE lore: - - "&6Krallığınızı farklı yönlerden" - - "geliştirmek için ekstra çeşitli" - - "yükseltmeler." + - "&6Extra miscellaneous upgrades" + - "to improve your kingdom" + - "in different aspects." posx: 2 posy: 3 logs: - name: "&aKayıt(Logs)" + name: "&aAudit Logs" material: KNOWLEDGE_BOOK - sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS lore: - - "&c&lÇOK YAKINDA..." - - "&6İstilalar, claim talebinde bulunma," - - "ve diğer üye etkinlikleri dahil" - - "olmak üzere krallık günlüklerini görüntüleyin." + - "&6View kingdom logs including" + - "invasions, claiming, unclaiming," + - "and other member activities." + - "" + - "&7Most of these logs stay for" + - "30 days after they're deleted." + - "Some may stay for a shorter time" + - "that are less important." posx: 8 posy: 3 resource-points: - name: "&eKaynak Puanı Dönüştürücü" + name: "&eResource Points Converter" material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "&6Öğelerinizi kaynak puanlarına" - - "dönüştürün." - - "Krallığınızda &e%kingdoms fantasy_resource_points% &6kaynak puanı var." + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your kingdom has &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6resource points." posx: 4 posy: 5 damage-reduction: - name: "&3Hasar Azaltma" + name: "&3Damage Reduction" material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&6Her yükseltme, alınan hasarı &e%1" - - "&6azaltır" + - "&6Each upgrade reduces damage" + - "taken by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "&6Seviye&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 4 damage-boost: - name: "&3Hasar Artışı" + name: "&3Damage Boost" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "&6Her yükseltme, hasarınızı &e%1" - - "&6artırır." + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "&6Seviye&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 4 arrow-boost: - name: "&7Ok Güçlendirme" + name: "&7Arrow Boost" material: BOW lore: - - "&6Her yükseltme, yay hasarınızı &e%1" - - "&6artırır." + - "&6Each upgrade increases your bow" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "&6Seviye&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 4 regeneration-boost: - name: "&dYenilenme Desteği" + name: "&dRegeneration Boost" material: GOLDEN_APPLE lore: - - "&6Her yükseltme, yenilenme oranınızı" - - "arazinizde &e%1 &6oranında artırır." + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "regeneration rate by &e1% &6in your land." + - "This update doesn't do any regeneration by" + - "itself. It only boosts your health regeneration" + - "amount that you gained by eating food." - "" - - "&6Seviye&8: &2%level%" - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 4 ranks: - name: "&5Rütbeler ve İzinler" + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "&6Krallığınız için rütbeleri ve izinleri" - - "değiştirin." + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your kingdom." posx: 6 posy: 5 champion-upgrades: - name: "&2Şampiyon Yükseltmeleri" + name: "&2Champion Upgrades" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "&6İstilacılara karşı daha güçlü savunma" - - "için şampiyonunuzu yükseltin." + - "&6Upgrade your champion for stronger" + - "defence against invaders." posx: 5 posy: 5 - mail-box: - name: "&ePosta kutusu" + mailbox: + name: "&2Mailbox" material: PLAYER_HEAD - sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18059-letter-box-gray - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjk2YWYzNmVhYWVkOGE3ZGJkMjcyN2ZkNGNkN2FmYmM2YzBhZmI4Yzc2MDYyOTRjOWNiNDAxMTQxYWFjMzc5In19fQ==" - lore: - - "&c&lÇOK YAKINDA..." + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18054-mailbox-green + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + lore: | + &7Send & recieve mails from + other kingdoms. + &2Total mails&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% posx: 5 posy: 4 - red-glass: name: "" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 36, 37, 43, 44, 46, 49, 52 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 4 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 46 + - 49 + - 52 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b379ab893 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,719 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +import: + pagination: { } +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + alliance: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k ally &7command. + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission to build anywhere + in the kingdom. + + For the difference between this + and {$p}BUILD_OWNED &7permission + refer to the other permission. + build-owned: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7The difference between &2BUILD &7and + &2BUILD_OWNED &7is that &2BUILD &7allows + you to build anywhere in your kingdom + (except the nexus land that needs + &2NEXUS_BUILD&7) + + &2BUILD_OWNED &7only allows you to build + in the lands that you claimed yourself. + For example if you &6/k claim &7somewhere + other people with &2BUILD_OWNED &7can't + build there, but you or people who have + &2BUILD &7permission can. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + enemy: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k enemy &7command. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invade &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + nexus: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for moving the + kingdom nexus using + {$s}/k nexus &7command. + nexus-build: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for building + in the nexus land + nexus-chest: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for modifying + the kingdom's nexus chest. + outpost: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying + items from outpost structures. + protection-signs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for bypassing + sign protected blocks inside + kingdom lands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + invsee: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invsee &7command. + structures: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying structures. + use: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using certain + blocks inside the kingdom. + interact: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for interacting + with certain blocks such as + doors and buttons inside + kingdom lands. + upgrade: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for upgrading + anything that can be upgraded + inside the kingdom such as + misc-upgrades, champion upgrades, + powerups, turrets and structures. + truce: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k truce &7command. + turrets: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying turrets. + unclaim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k unclaim &7commands. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + fly: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k fly &7command. + nation: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for joining + or leaving nations. + exclude-tax: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Kingdom members with this + permission are not required + to pay taxes to the kingdom. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + kingdom settings located inside + nexus GUI. + claim: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k claim &7commands. + unclaim-owned: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Allows you to only unclaim + the lands that you claimed yourself. + instant-teleport: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Instantly teleport to your + members when using the &2/k tpa + &7command. Otherwise you'll have + to wait for them to accept the request. + + You will still have the teleport + countdown before teleporting. + view-logs: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7View your kingdom audit logs + which can be accessed from + your nexus. + read-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for reading + kingdom mails located inside + nexus GUI. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + manage-mails: + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Send new mails and reply. + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" + 'Outposts:join': + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission to use + {$s}/k outposts join &7command. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b5ec9867 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Gets replaced by the material that the player picked, don't change. + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Players with this rank will not + be able to claim more lands than + the specified value. + + If they want to claim more lands, + they have to unclaim the lands that + they claimed themselves not the + claims that other members claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml index 951b4a189..ed0e84105 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,59 +1,62 @@ -title: "&aKaynak Puanı Dönüştürücü" +title: "&aResource Points Converter" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE interactable: empty disallow-creative: true - -# "refresh" option below is used to update %total_worth% placeholders when -# players change the items in the GUI. +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. options: withdraw: - name: "&2Çekmek(Withdraw)" + name: "&2Withdraw" material: PAPER posx: 4 posy: 6 lore: - - "&6Krallığınızdan bakiyenize " - - "kaynak puanları çekin." + - "&6Withdraw resource points" + - "from your kingdom to your balance." info: name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" lore: - - "&6Toplam Bağış&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" - - "&6Son Bağış Zamanı&8: &2%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&6Son Bağış Tutarı&8: &2%kingdoms_last_donation_amount%" + - "&6Total Donations&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" + - "&6Last Donation Time&8: &2%kingdoms_date_last_donation_time%" + - "&6Last Donation Amount&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_last_donation_amount%" material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 deposit: - name: "&2Yatırmak(Deposit)" + name: "&2Deposit" material: PAPER posx: 6 posy: 6 lore: - - "&6Bakiyenizden krallığınıza" - - "kaynak puanları yatırın." + - "&6Deposit resource points" + - "to your kingdom from your balance." apply: - name: "&2Onayla" + name: "&2Apply" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" refresh: true lore: - - "&6Mevcut öğeleri kaynak" - - "puanlarına dönüştürün." - - "&2Mevcut değer&8: &e%total_worth%" + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" posx: 9 posy: 6 back: - name: "&cGeri Dön" + name: "&cBack" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." - - "bu, kaynak puanı dönüşümünü" - - "iptal eder." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 46, 47, 51, 52 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7c18b85f --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +title: "&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 6 +#https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes +options: + #Only options starting with "color" will be interpreted as predefined colors. + #You can add your own colors, just don't forget the "color" option AND the GUI option entry name itself + #must begin with the word "color" + separator: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 4 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + back: + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '&cBack' + hex-picker: + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&2Enter a hex color' + unavailable-color-dark-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + name: '&4Dark Red #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + color: '#FF5555' + unavailable-color-red: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: RED_WOOL + name: '&cRed #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + color: '#FF5555' + color-dark-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_BLOCK + name: '&1Dark Blue #0000AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#0000AA' + color-light-blue: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '&9Light Blue #5555FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#5555FF' + color-black: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: BLACK_WOOL + name: '&0Black #000000' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#000000' + color-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '&8Gray #555555' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#555555' + color-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '&5Dark Purple #AA00AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AA00AA' + color-dark-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '&2Dark Green #00AA00' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AA00' + color-orange: + posx: 2 + posy: 5 + material: ORANGE_WOOL + name: '&6Minecoin Gold #DDD605' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#DDD605' + color-dark-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '&3Dark Aqua #00AAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#00AAAA' + color-white: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '&fWhite #FFFFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFFFF' + color-light-gray: + posx: 6 + posy: 5 + material: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL + name: '&7Light Gray #AAAAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#AAAAAA' + color-light-purple: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: MAGENTA_WOOL + name: '&dLight Purple #FF55FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FF55FF' + color-green: + posx: 8 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '&aGreen #55FF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FF55' + color-yellow: + posx: 2 + posy: 6 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '&eYellow #FFFF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#FFFF55' + color-aqua: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL + name: '&bAqua #55FFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FFFF' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml index d165daedf..b755a907e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,158 +1,176 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7İlişki Düzenleyicisi &8)=-" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 5 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: + green-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Uçuş Modu&8: &2Aktif" + name: "{$enabled} Fly" material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Ülkenizde krallık uçuşuna" - - "izin verin." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Uçuş Modu&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "{$disabled} Fly" material: ELYTRA - lore: - - "&7Ülkenizde krallık uçuşuna" - - "izin verin." - posx: 1 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Build&8: &2Aktif" + name: "{$enabled} Build" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Arazinizde inşaata(Build) izin verin." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Build&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "{$disabled} Build" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - lore: - - "&7Arazinizde inşaata(Build) izin verin." - posx: 2 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 ceasefire: - Aktif: - condition: Aktif - name: "&2Ateşkes&8: &2Aktif" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Ceasefire" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Dost ateşini devre dışı bırak." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Ateşkes&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "{$disabled} Ceasefire" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - lore: - - "&7Dost ateşini devre dışı bırak." - posx: 3 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 interact: - Aktif: - condition: Aktif - name: "&2Etkileşim(Interact)&8: &2Aktif" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Interact" material: CAULDRON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Kapsayıcıları açmak için " - - "blok etkileşimine izin verin." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Etkileşim(Interact)&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "{$disabled} Interact" material: CAULDRON - lore: - - "&7Kapsayıcıları açmak için " - - "blok etkileşimine izin verin." + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction" + - "for opening containers." posx: 4 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 use: - Aktif: - condition: Aktif - name: "&2Kullan&8: &2Aktif" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Use" material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Blokların kullanılmasına izin verin." - - "Kapılar, seviyeler ve düğmeler gibi." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Kullan&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "{$disabled} Use" material: LEVER - lore: - - "&7Blokların kullanılmasına izin verin." - - "Kapılar, seviyeler ve düğmeler gibi." + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." posx: 5 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 turret-ceasefire: - Aktif: - condition: Aktif - name: "&2Taret Ateşkesi&8: &2Aktif" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Turret Ceasefire" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + glow: true lore: - - "&7Taretler için dost ateşini devre dışı bırakın." + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." else: - name: "&2Taret Ateşkesi&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "{$disabled} Turret Ceasefire" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - lore: - - "&7Taretler için dost ateşini devre dışı bırakın." + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." posx: 6 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 manage-turrets: - Aktif: - condition: Aktif - name: "&2Taretleri Yönet&8: &2Aktif" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Turrets" material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Taretlerin kırılmasına, yerleştirilmesine" - - "ve etkileşime girmesine izin verin." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Taretleri Yönet&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "{$disabled} Manage Turrets" material: ARROW - lore: - - "&7Taretlerin kırılmasına, yerleştirilmesine" - - "ve etkileşime girmesine izin verin." - posx: 7 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 4 + posy: 4 manage-structures: - Aktif: - condition: Aktif - name: "&2Yapıları Yönet&8: &2Aktif" + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Manage Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "&7Yapıların kırılmasına, yerleştirilmesine ve etkileşime girmesine izin verin." + glow: true else: - name: "&2Yapıları Yönet&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "{$disabled} Manage Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - lore: - - "&7Yapıların kırılmasına, yerleştirilmesine ve etkileşime girmesine izin verin." - posx: 8 - posy: 1 - - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + show-holograms: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the holograms of + kingdom items to the members + of kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml index 80e91418a..97da8366e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,29 +1,27 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7ilişkiler &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: - name: "Tarafsız" + name: "Neutral" material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "&2Müttefik" + name: "&2Ally" material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&eAteşkes" + name: "&eTruce" material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "&cDüşman" + name: "&cEnemy" material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Ayarlar menüsüne geri dönün." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to settings menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml index 6d104226f..b7f3ec13c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,94 +1,164 @@ -title: "&8-=( &7Ayarlar &8)=-" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - pacifism: - name: "&6Barışçıl&8: %pacifism%" - material: END_CRYSTAL - lore: - - "&7Barışçıl modundayken, krallığınız" - - "başka krallıklar tarafından istila" - - "edilemez ve istila edilemez." - - "" - - "Bir Krallığı işgal ederseniz, bir hafta boyunca " - - "barışçıl moduna geri dönemezsiniz." - - "" - - "&2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown%" + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - shields: - name: "&6Kalkan&8: &2%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "&7Krallığınızı istilalara karşı" - - "korumak için krallığınız için" - - "bir kalkan satın alın." - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - invites: - name: "&6Davetler&8: %invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "&7Kapatıldığında, &2/k join %kingdoms_name% &7ile" - - "herhangi bir davetiyeye ihtiyaç duymadan" - - "herkes bu krallığa katılabilir." - posx: 3 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "&6İlişkiler" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "&7Diğer krallıklar için ilişki" - - "niteliklerinizi değiştirin." + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 4 posy: 1 - tax: - name: "&6Vergi" - material: PAPER - lore: - - "&7Üyeler için krallık vergilerinizi" - - "değiştirin." - - "" - - "&6Vergi&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax%" - - "&6Denklem&8: &2%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "&6Fatura Vergisi&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax%" + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k home %kingdoms_name% + hidden: posx: 5 posy: 1 - public-home: - name: "&6Public Home&8: &2%public_home%" - material: DARK_OAK_DOOR - lore: - - "&6/k home %kingdoms_name% &7komutunu" - - "kullanarak diğer oyuncuların ziyaret" - - "edebilmesi için evinizi herkese açık hale getirebilirsiniz." + material: POTION + color: 818595 + name: "{$s}Hidden{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_hidden%" + lore: | + &7Hidden kingdoms aren't displayed + in {$p}/k map &7and online maps. + tax: posx: 6 posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your kingdom taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Personal Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax% + + &6Kingdom Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other kingdoms. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. flag: - name: "&6Bayrak" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 material: BLACK_BANNER - lore: - - "&7Dynmap için krallık bayrağınızı ayarlayın." - - "Bayrak URL'nizi görmek için tıklayın." - - "Bu, haritayı anında güncellemeyecektir." + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom flag for Dynmap. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + pacifism: posx: 7 - posy: 1 - color: - name: "&6Renk&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(&d%hex%&7)" - material: BLACK_DYE - lore: - - "&7Dynmap için krallık işaretleyici(markers)" - - "renginizi ayarlayın." - - "Bu, haritayı anında güncellemeyecektir." - posx: 8 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 + material: END_CRYSTAL + name: '&6Pacifist&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_pacifist%' + lore: | + &7When you're in pacifism mode, + your kingdom cannot invade + and cannot be invaded by other kingdoms. - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + If you invade a Kingdom, you cannot go + back into pacifism mode for a week. + + &2Cooldown&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown% + invites: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: BOOK + name: '&6Requires Invite&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_requires_invite%' + lore: | + &7When turned off, anyone can + join this kingdom without needing + an invitation with {$p}/k join %kingdoms_name% + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_kingdom_color@hex%%kingdoms_kingdom_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + kingdom to protect your kingdom + against invades. diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml index 9951dd5ff..5aa70ef4c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,67 +1,66 @@ -title: "&8-=( &8Kalkanlar &8)=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Shields {$sep})=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "&26 Saat Kalkan" + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - Maliyet: 1000 + cost: 1000 time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK - lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2%cost%" slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "&212 Saat Kalkan" + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] - Maliyet: 1900 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 1900 time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED - lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2%cost%" slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "&21 Gün Kalkan" + name: "&21 Day Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - Maliyet: 4500 + cost: 4500 time: 1day - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED - lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2%cost%" slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "&21 Hafta Kalkan" + name: "&21 Week Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] - Maliyet: 50000 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 50000 time: 7days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CROSS: RED - lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2%cost%" slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "&21 Ay Kalkan" + name: "&21 Month Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] - Maliyet: 100000 + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS + cost: 100000 time: 30days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED - lore: - - "&6Maliyet&8: &2%cost%" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml index a157723c6..4d73f36ae 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml @@ -1,102 +1,117 @@ title: "&8-=( &5Structures &8)=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE - -# Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will -# remove the disc's name from the lore... +#Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will +#remove the disc's name from the lore... options: powercell: - name: "&4Güç Hücresi(Powercell)" + name: "&4Powercell" material: MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Bir powercell arazisi (9x9) ile çevrili" - - "tüm araziler, ilk önce powercell arazisi" - - "işgal edilene kadar işgal edilemez." - - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&6Lands surrounded by a powercell cannot" + - "be invaded until the powercell" + - "land is invaded first." + - "The protection radius is &23x3 &6for level 1" + - "and &25x5 &6for level 2." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 2 extractor: name: "&aExtractor" material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Extractor kaynak puanları üretecek." - - "&6Kaynak puanlarını istediğiniz zaman " - - "toplayabilirsiniz." + - "&6Extractors will produce resource points." + - "&6You can collect the resource points" + - "at any time." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 outpost: - name: "&eKarakol(Outpost)" + name: "&eOutpost" material: MUSIC_DISC_13 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1.5 - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Kaynak puanları kullanarak ileri" - - "karakollardan EXP Şişeleri alabilirsiniz." + - "&6You can get EXP Bottles from" + - "outposts using resource points." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 warppad: name: "&cWarp Pad" material: MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Warp Pad'ler, bir yapıdan diğerine" - - "ışınlanmak için kullanılabilir." + - "&6Warp pads can be used to teleport" + - "from a structure to another." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 regulator: - name: "&3Regülatör" + name: "&3Regulator" material: MUSIC_DISC_WARD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Bina, kule ateşkesi vb. gibi oyuncu" - - "özelliklerini yönetin... Hangi oyuncunun" - - "hangi blokla etkileşime girebileceğini değiştirin." - - "Mob veya hayvan yumurtlama ve taretleri " - - "devre dışı bırakın. Patlamaları etkinleştirin." - - "Otomatik doldurma taretleri cephane." + - "&6Manage player attributes such as building," + - "turret ceasefire and etc..." + - "Change which player can interact with what block." + - "Disable mob or animal spawning and turrets." + - "Enable explosions." + - "Auto fill turrets ammo." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 siege-cannon: - name: "&3Kuşatma Topu" + name: "&3Siege Cannon" material: MUSIC_DISC_STRAD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Top, bir krallığın kalkanını" - - "kırardı." - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&6Cannon used to break a kingdom's" + - "shield." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 1 - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: name: "" material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: name: "" material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml index 5a9bdb52b..883388eb2 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml @@ -1,53 +1,55 @@ -title: "&8-=( &9Taretler &8)=-" +title: "&8-=( &9Turrets &8)=-" rows: 4 sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE - options: arrow: name: "&2Arrow" material: ARROW sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT lore: - - "&6Düşmanlara orta hızda düz oklar" - - "atan basit bir taret." + - "&6A simple turret that fires plain" + - "arrows at enemies at a moderate rate." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 2 posy: 2 flame: name: "&3Flame" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW sound: ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Hedefleri ateşe veren" - - "hızlı ateş eden taret." + - "&6Fast firing turret that sets" + - "targets ablaze." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 2 healing: name: "&dHealing" material: TIPPED_ARROW sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Yakındaki üyeleri ve müttefikleri iyileştirir." + - "&6Heals nearby members and allies." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 psionic: name: "&aPsionic" material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "&6Yakındaki düşmanları etkiler." - - "Daha yüksek seviyeler daha fazla" - - "efekt ekler. Ama asla öldürme hasarı vermez." + - "&6Effects the enemies nearby." + - "Higher levels add more effects." + - "But never deals killing damage." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 hellfire: @@ -55,10 +57,10 @@ options: material: FIRE_CHARGE sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE lore: - - "&6Yüksek hasarla hızla ateşlenen" - - "güçlü bir taret." + - "&6Powerful turret that fires quickly" + - "with high damage." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 soldier: @@ -66,10 +68,10 @@ options: sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "&6Hedef oyuncuyu öldürmek için" - - "muhafızlar yaratır." + - "&6Spawns guards to kill the" + - "target player." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 heatbeam: @@ -77,10 +79,10 @@ options: sound: ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK material: MAGMA_CREAM lore: - - "&6Tekil hedefleri hedefler ve" - - "yüksek hasar verir." + - "&6Targets singular targets and deals" + - "a high damage." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 8 posy: 2 inferno: @@ -88,9 +90,21 @@ options: material: END_CRYSTAL sound: ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE lore: - - "&6Isı Işınlarına benzer." + - "&6Similar to Heatbeams." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + spring: + name: "&7Spring" + material: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "throw the player into" + - "the air when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 3 explosive-mine: @@ -98,10 +112,10 @@ options: material: HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "&6Birinci adım atıldığında" - - "patlayacak bir mayın." + - "&6A mine that will" + - "explode when stepped one." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 3 chemical-mine: @@ -109,26 +123,37 @@ options: material: LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "&6Üzerine basıldığında debuff'lar" - - "verecek bir mayın." + - "&6A mine that will give" + - "you debuffs when stepped on." - "" - - "&2Maliyet&8: &6%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 3 - back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 4 Cyan-Glass: name: "" material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 28, 34 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 28 + - 34 Light-Blue-Glass: name: "" material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 27, 35 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 27 + - 35 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fa2e56cb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + sell-coal: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: COAL + name: '{$p}Coal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3 + item: + material: COAL + sell-charcoal: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CHARCOAL + name: '{$p}Charcoal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 2 + item: + material: CHARCOAL + sell-flint: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: FLINT + name: '{$p}Flint {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1 + item: + material: FLINT + sell-ender-eye: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '{$p}Ender Eye {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1000 + item: + material: ENDER_EYE + sell-ender-pearl: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '{$p}Ender Pearl {$s}%cost%' + cost: 100 + item: + material: ENDER_PEARL + sell-slime-ball: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Slime Ball {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: SLIME_BALL + sell-book: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Book {$s}%cost%' + cost: 10 + item: + material: BOOK + sell-emerald: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '{$p}Emerald {$s}%cost%' + cost: 70 + item: + material: EMERALD + sell-diamond: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '{$p}Diamond {$s}%cost%' + cost: 60 + item: + material: DIAMOND + sell-gold-ingot: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLD_INGOT + name: '{$p}Gold Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLD_INGOT + sell-iron-ingot: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: IRON_INGOT + name: '{$p}Iron Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 40 + item: + material: IRON_INGOT + sell-nether-brick: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: NETHER_BRICK + name: '{$p}Nether Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: NETHER_BRICK + sell-brick: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: BRICK + name: '{$p}Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BRICK + sell-lapis-lazuli: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + name: '{$p}Lapis Lazuli {$s}%cost%' + cost: 15 + item: + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + sell-experience-bottle: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + name: '{$p}Experience Bottle {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + sell-dragon-breath: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: DRAGON_BREATH + name: '{$p}Dragon Breath {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3000 + item: + material: DRAGON_BREATH + sell-blaze-rod: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_ROD + name: '{$p}Blaze Rod {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BLAZE_ROD + sell-prismarine-crystals: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + name: '{$p}Prismarine Crystals {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + sell-blaze-powder: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_POWDER + name: '{$p}Blaze Powder {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: BLAZE_POWDER + sell-golden-carrot: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + name: '{$p}Golden Carrot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + sell-magma-cream: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: MAGMA_CREAM + name: '{$p}Magma Cream {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: MAGMA_CREAM + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79a4218dc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + construction: + material: STONE_PICKAXE + name: "&4Under construction..." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..275983b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &aAmount Picker {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + cancel: + name: "{$e}Click to cancel" + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + done: + name: "{$p}Click to buy" + lore: "{$p}Price{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_cost%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + skull: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + decrease: + name: '{$e}Decrease' + cantDecrease: + condition: '!can_decrease' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Minimum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%min% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + decrease by {$p}10 + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + item: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: GRASS_BLOCK + increase: + cantIncrease: + condition: '!can_increase' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Maximum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%max% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + increase by {$p}10 + {$e}Maximum amount{$sep}: {$es}%max% + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + name: '{$p}Increase' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/powercell.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/powercell.yml index 4e07b3102..f58b65d17 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/powercell.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/powercell.yml @@ -1,33 +1,32 @@ -title: "&cGüç Hücresi(Powercell)" +title: "&cPowercell" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - options: break: - name: "&4Kırmak" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&6Yapıyı bozar." + - "&6Breaks the structure." slot: 0 upgrade: slot: 2 upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &61 &7➔ &62" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &61 &7➔ &62" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2En Üst Seviye&8: &6%max-level-roman%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Seviye&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &62" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &62" close: - name: "&2Kapat" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml index c9b73e67c..c77795b51 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml @@ -1,67 +1,71 @@ -title: "&eÖznitelik Düzenleyicisi" +title: "&eAttribute Editor" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Herkes&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" lore: - - '&7Tüm nitelikler.' + - '&7All the attributes.' material: BOOK - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Herkes&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" material: BOOK slot: 0 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Build&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Build&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE slot: 1 fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Uçuş&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Uçuş&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" material: ELYTRA slot: 2 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Taret Ateşkesi&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Taret Ateşkesi&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW slot: 3 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Taretleri Yönet&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Taretleri Yönet&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" material: ARROW - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml index 52130b1ac..585214017 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml @@ -1,41 +1,91 @@ -title: "&eÖznitellikler" +title: "&eAttributes" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Katıldı&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Bağışlar&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Son Bağış&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rütbe&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "&2Oyuncu Ekle" + name: "&2Add Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Listeye birini ekleyin." + - "&6Add someone to the list." posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4Hepsini kaldır" + name: "&4Remove All" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Tüm oyuncuları listeden" - - "çıkarın." + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml index ec5c2e520..8091e7e82 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml @@ -1,257 +1,277 @@ -title: "&eEtkileşim Düzenleyicisi" +title: "&eInteraction Editor" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Herkes&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" material: BOOK - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Herkes&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" material: BOOK slot: 0 doors: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Kapılar&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Doors&8: &2Enabled" material: OAK_DOOR - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Kapılar&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Doors&8: &cDisabled" material: OAK_DOOR slot: 1 buttons-and-levers: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Düğmeler ve Kollar&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &2Enabled" material: LEVER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Düğmeler ve Kollar&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &cDisabled" material: LEVER slot: 2 shulker-boxes: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Shulker Kutuları&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &2Enabled" material: SHULKER_BOX - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Shulker Kutuları&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &cDisabled" material: SHULKER_BOX slot: 3 enchantment-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Büyü masası&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &2Enabled" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Büyü masası&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &cDisabled" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE slot: 4 crafting-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Üretim Masası&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &2Enabled" material: CRAFTING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Üretim Masası&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &cDisabled" material: CRAFTING_TABLE slot: 5 chests: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Sandık&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Chests&8: &2Enabled" material: CHEST - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Sandık&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Chests&8: &cDisabled" material: CHEST slot: 6 beds: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Yatak&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Beds&8: &2Enabled" material: RED_BED - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Yatak&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Beds&8: &cDisabled" material: RED_BED slot: 7 loom: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Dokuma Tezgahı&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Loom&8: &2Enabled" material: LOOM - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Dokuma Tezgahı&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Loom&8: &cDisabled" material: LOOM slot: 8 jigsaw: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Yapboz&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &2Enabled" material: JIGSAW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Yapboz&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &cDisabled" material: JIGSAW slot: 9 hopper: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Huni&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Hopper&8: &2Enabled" material: HOPPER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Huni&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Hopper&8: &cDisabled" material: HOPPER slot: 10 dispenser: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Dağıtıcı&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &2Enabled" material: DISPENSER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Dağıtıcı&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &cDisabled" material: DISPENSER slot: 11 smoker: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Smoker&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Smoker&8: &2Enabled" material: SMOKER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Smoker&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Smoker&8: &cDisabled" material: SMOKER slot: 12 furnaces: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Fırın&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &2Enabled" material: FURNACE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Fırın&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &cDisabled" material: FURNACE slot: 13 dropper: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Bırakıcı&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Dropper&8: &2Enabled" material: DROPPER - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Bırakıcı&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Dropper&8: &cDisabled" material: DROPPER slot: 14 beacon: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Fener&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Beacon&8: &2Enabled" material: BEACON - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Fener&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Beacon&8: &cDisabled" material: BEACON slot: 15 anvils: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Örs&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Anvils&8: &2Enabled" material: ANVIL - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Örs&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Anvils&8: &cDisabled" material: ANVIL slot: 16 brewing-stand: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2İksir Standı&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &2Enabled" material: BREWING_STAND - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2İksir Standı&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &cDisabled" material: BREWING_STAND slot: 17 cartography-tables: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Haritacılık Tabloları&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &2Enabled" material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Haritacılık Tabloları&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &cDisabled" material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE slot: 18 smithing-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Smithing Tablosu&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &2Enabled" material: SMITHING_TABLE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Smithing Tablosu&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &cDisabled" material: SMITHING_TABLE slot: 19 plates: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Plakalar&8: &2Aktif" + name: "&2Plates&8: &2Enabled" material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "&2Plakalar&8: &cDe-aktif" + name: "&2Plates&8: &cDisabled" material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - slot: 20 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 20 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml index e2ed056a3..6e3b36ca9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml @@ -1,41 +1,91 @@ -title: "&eEtkileşimler" +title: "&eInteractions" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "&2Katıldı&8: &6%kingdoms_joined%" - - "&2Bağışlar&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "&2Son Bağış&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "&2Rütbe&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "&2Oyuncu Ekle" + name: "&2Add Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "&6Listeye birini ekleyin." + - "&6Add someone to the list." posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4Hepsini kaldır" + name: "&4Remove All" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "&6Tüm oyuncuları listeden" - - "çıkarın." + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "&2Geri Dön" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6Nexus menüsüne geri dönün." + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml index cbbb7fb2a..c3297b877 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml @@ -1,46 +1,44 @@ -title: "&eRegülatör" +title: "&eRegulator" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: rules: - name: "&2Kurallar" + name: "&2Rules" material: LECTERN sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 0 lore: - - "&7Bu arazideki kuleleri devre dışı" - - "bırakmak veya kuleyi otomatik olarak" - - "yeniden doldurmak gibi bu arazinin" - - "kurallarını değiştirin." + - "&7Change this land's rules" + - "such as disabling turrets or" + - "auto refilling turret within" + - "this land." attributes: - name: "&2Öznitellikler" + name: "&2Attributes" material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 1 lore: - - "&7Bina ve kule ateşkesi gibi" - - "her oyuncu için farklı özellikleri" - - "değiştirin." + - "&7Change different attributes" + - "for each player such as" + - "building and turret ceasefire." interactions: - name: "&2Etkileşimler" + name: "&2Interactions" material: CRAFTING_TABLE sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 2 lore: - - "&7Kimin ne tür bloklarla etkileşime" - - "girebileceğini yönetin." - + - "&7Manage who can interact with" + - "what kind of blocks." break: - name: "&4Geri Dön" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK slot: 3 lore: - - "&6Yapıyı bozar." + - "&6Breaks the structure." close: name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER slot: 4 lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın." \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI." diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml index 37170a548..382d41f65 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml @@ -1,65 +1,122 @@ -title: "&eKurallar" -type: HOPPER +title: "&eRules" +rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + pink-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 13 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 25 + - 26 + material: PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' disable-mob-spawning: + material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7mob + spawning. All mobs except animals. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Mob Spawnlanmasını Devre Dışı Bırak&8: &2Aktif" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Mob Spawnlanmasını Devre Dışı Bırak&8: &cDe-aktif" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 0 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 1 disable-animal-spawning: + material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7animal + spawning. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Hayvan Spawnlanmasını Devre Dışı Bırak&8: &2Aktif" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Hayvan Spawnlanmasını Devre Dışı Bırak&8: &cDe-aktif" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 1 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 disable-turrets: + material: ARROW + lore: | + &7Prevents all turrets from + shooting that are placed in + this land. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Taretleri Devre Dışı Bırak&8: &2Aktif" - material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Disable Turrets" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Taretleri Devre Dışı Bırak&8: &cDe-aktif" - material: ARROW - slot: 2 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Turrets" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 auto-fill-turrets: + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: | + &7Automatically fills the turrets + within this land with ammo. + {$p}Conditions{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be completely + out of ammo. + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be in the same + land as the regulator. + &7⚫ {$s}Your kingdom must have enough + resource points to afford the refill. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Otomatik Doldurma Taretler&8: &2Aktif" - material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Otomatik Doldurma Taretler&8: &cDe-aktif" - material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - slot: 3 + name: "{$disabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 allow-explosions: + material: TNT + lore: | + &7Allows all types of + explosions to damge this land. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "&2Patlamalara İzin Ver&8: &2Aktif" - material: TNT - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Allow Explosions" + glow: true else: - name: "&2Patlamalara İzin Ver&8: &cDe-aktif" - material: TNT - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + name: "{$disabled} Allow Explosions" + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + allow-fire: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + lore: | + &7Allows all types of fire + damages to this territory. + Including fire spreads, block + burns, etc. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fire" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fire" diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml index 809939af9..070dea501 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml @@ -1,49 +1,62 @@ -title: "&3Kuşatma Topu" +title: "&3Siege Cannon" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE -interactable: [ 2 ] # The ammo slot - +interactable: #The ammo slot + - 2 options: sit: - name: "&2Oturmak" + name: "&2Sit" lore: - - "&7Ateş etmeye başlamak" - - "için topun üzerine oturun." + - "&7Sit on the cannon" + - "to start shooting." material: BRICK_STAIRS slot: 0 ammo: name: "&4-------->" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE lore: - - "&2Topu yüklemek için bu yuvaya" - - "bir ateş şarjı koyun." + - "&2Put a fire charge in this" + - "slot to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7Loaded projectiles will disappear" + - "once the server is restarted." + - "" + - "&2Iron Blocks&8: &9Tier I" + - "&2Gold Blocks&8: &9Tier II" + - "&2Fire Charges&8: &9Tier III" slot: 1 upgrade: slot: 3 upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Kalkan Hasarı&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2Geri Tepme&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ &6%next-explosion-radius%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Seviye&8: &6%max-level-roman%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7The values shown here might" + - "differ based on the projectile that you" + - "used to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Level&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Kalkan Hasarı&8: &6%shield-damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2Geri Tepme&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius%" break: - name: "&4Kırmak" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6Yapıyı bozar." - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/warppad.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/warppad.yml index 9248c8282..1a26816ca 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/warppad.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/structures/warppad.yml @@ -1,105 +1,140 @@ title: "&eWarppad" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 previous-page: - posx: 1 - posy: 1 + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" - name: '&2Önceki Sayfa' + slot: 0 nexus: name: "&2Nexus" - lore: "&2Yakıt Maliyeti&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" material: BEACON posx: 2 posy: 1 national-nexus: - name: "&9Ulus Nexusu" - lore: "&2Yakıt Maliyeti&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + name: "&9National Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" material: BEACON posx: 3 posy: 1 rename: - name: "&2Yeniden Adlandır" + name: "&2Rename" lore: - - "&7Bu Warppad'ı yeniden adlandırın." - - "&2İsim&8: &7%structure-custom-name%" - - "&2Yakıt&8: &7%fuel%" + - "&7Rename this warp pad." + - "{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%structure-custom-name%" + - "{$p}Fuel{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel%{$sep}/{$s}%fancy_max_fuel%" material: PAPER posx: 6 posy: 1 break: - name: "&4Kırmak" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "&6Yapıyı bozar." + - "&6Breaks the structure." posx: 7 posy: 1 close: - name: "&2Kapat" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın." + - "&6Close the GUI." posx: 8 posy: 1 - next-page: - posx: 9 - posy: 1 - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" - name: '&2Sonraki Sayfa' - - orange-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 2 material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&cGüç Hücresi(Powercell)&8:' + name: '&cPowercells&8:' powercell: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 material: REDSTONE_LAMP - name: "&cGüç Hücresi(Powercell)&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Yakıt Maliyeti&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + name: "&cPowercell&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" lime-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 3 material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '&aExtractors&8:' extractor: - slots: [ 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 ] + slots: + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: EMERALD_BLOCK name: "&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Yakıt Maliyeti&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" green-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 4 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '&2Warp Pads&8:' warppad: - slots: [ 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 ] + slots: + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 material: END_PORTAL_FRAME name: "&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Yakıt Maliyeti&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" yellow-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 5 material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&eKarakol(Outpost)&8:' + name: '&eOutposts&8:' outpost: - name: "&eKarakol(Outpost)&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Yakıt Maliyeti&8: &6%fuel-cost%" - slots: [ 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44 ] + name: "&eOutpost&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 material: HAY_BLOCK brown-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 6 material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&7Regülatör&8:' + name: '&7Regulators&8:' regulator: - name: "&3Regülatör&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" - lore: "&2Yakıt Maliyeti&8: &6%fuel-cost%" - slots: [ 46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 ] + name: "&3Regulator&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: LECTERN diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/surrender.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/surrender.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41231a7a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/surrender.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Surrender {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + purple-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 45 + - 46 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + invasion: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + invading: + condition: kingdoms_is_invading + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "{$p}You are invading{$sep}:" + lore: | + {$p}Land{$sep}: {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$p}Champion{$sep}: {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) + {$p}Since{$sep}: {$s}%since% + {$p}Duration{$sep}: {$s}%duration% + {$p}Passed{$sep}: {$s}%passed% + {$p}Total Lands{$sep}: {$s}%total_lands% + #These are for plunders only. + #{$p}Attacker Score{$sep}: {$s}%attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%defender_death_limit% + #{$p}Defender Score{$sep}: {$s}%defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%attacker_death_limit% + else: + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + attacking: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Defender{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + defending: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$e}Invader{$sep}: {$es}%kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + attacking-info: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Lands that your kingdom is attacking' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWRhMDI3NDc3MTk3YzZmZDdhZDMzMDE0NTQ2ZGUzOTJiNGE1MWM2MzRlYTY4YzhiN2JjYzAxMzFjODNlM2YifX19' + defending-info: + posx: 7 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmQ5Mjg3NjE2MzQzZDgzM2U5ZTczMTcxNTljYWEyY2IzZTU5NzQ1MTEzOTYyYzEzNzkwNTJjZTQ3ODg4NGZhIn19fQ==' + name: '{$es}Your kingdom lands that are under attack' diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/templates/pagination.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/templates/pagination.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c228d4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/templates/pagination.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +options: + next-page: + has-next: + condition: 'page < pages' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + else: + name: '&cNo more pages &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/9382-red-x + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 8 + previous-page: + has-previous: + condition: 'page > 1' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + else: + name: '&cFirst page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/arrow.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/arrow.yml index 17e06d211..7675f3fc2 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/arrow.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/arrow.yml @@ -1,54 +1,81 @@ -title: "&aArrow Taret" +title: "&aArrow Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Cephane&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - # Set to 0 to disable. + #Set to 0 to disable. fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&6%cost% &2kaynak puanları için &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2cephane satın alın.' - - '&6%Fill-cost% &2kaynak noktaları için &6shift &2tuşunu basılı tutarak cephaneyi tamamen doldurun.' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Seviye&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Seviye&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 break: - name: "&cKırmak" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Bu tareti kırar." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/flame.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/flame.yml index 28759a542..c2319d810 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/flame.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/flame.yml @@ -1,53 +1,80 @@ -title: "&cFlame Taret" +title: "&cFlame Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Cephane&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&6%cost% &2kaynak puanları için &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2cephane satın alın.' - - '&6%Fill-cost% &2kaynak noktaları için &6shift &2tuşunu basılı tutarak cephaneyi tamamen doldurun.' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Seviye&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Seviye&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 break: - name: "&cKırmak" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Bu tareti kırar." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/healing.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/healing.yml index ecbd63d26..a777302d5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/healing.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/healing.yml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -title: "&dHealing Taret" +title: "&dHealing Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Cephane&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&6%cost% &2kaynak puanları için &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2cephane satın alın.' - - '&6%Fill-cost% &2kaynak noktaları için &6shift &2tuşunu basılı tutarak cephaneyi tamamen doldurun.' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Seviye&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Seviye&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKırmak" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Bu tareti kırar." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml index 55114d02e..300b5e76c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ title: "&9Heatbeam Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Cephane&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&6%cost% &2kaynak puanları için &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2cephane satın alın.' - - '&6%Fill-cost% &2kaynak noktaları için &6shift &2tuşunu basılı tutarak cephaneyi tamamen doldurun.' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Seviye&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Seviye&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKırmak" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Bu tareti kırar." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml index e06cbe922..df9597cd6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml @@ -1,53 +1,80 @@ -title: "&4HellFire Taret" +title: "&4HellFire Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Cephane&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&6%cost% &2kaynak puanları için &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2cephane satın alın.' - - '&6%Fill-cost% &2kaynak noktaları için &6shift &2tuşunu basılı tutarak cephaneyi tamamen doldurun.' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Seviye&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Seviye&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 + manual: + manual: + condition: "manual" + name: "&2Manual" + material: LEVER + lore: | + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode + + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret + automatic: + name: "&9Automatic" + material: COMPARATOR + lore: | + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. + + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode + slot: 2 break: - name: "&cKırmak" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Bu tareti kırar." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/inferno.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/inferno.yml index 364bdc1c8..1973a2852 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/inferno.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/inferno.yml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -title: "&0Inferno Taret" +title: "&0Inferno Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Cephane&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&6%cost% &2kaynak puanları için &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2cephane satın alın.' - - '&6%Fill-cost% &2kaynak noktaları için &6shift &2tuşunu basılı tutarak cephaneyi tamamen doldurun.' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Seviye&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Seviye&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hız&8: &6%speed%" - - "&7⚫ &2Hasar&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKırmak" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Bu tareti kırar." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/psionic.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/psionic.yml index 0fd373bd2..69dcc7d50 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/psionic.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/psionic.yml @@ -1,50 +1,50 @@ -title: "&aPsionic Taret" +title: "&aPsionic Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Cephane&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&6%cost% &2kaynak puanları için &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2cephane satın alın.' - - '&6%Fill-cost% &2kaynak noktaları için &6shift &2tuşunu basılı tutarak cephaneyi tamamen doldurun.' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Geri Tepme&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Seviye&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Level&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Hedef&8: &6%max_targets%" - - "&7⚫ &2Geri Tepme&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKırmak" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Bu tareti kırar." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/soldier.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/soldier.yml index 605b80273..e59a990f4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/soldier.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/turrets/soldier.yml @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -title: "&5Soldier Taret" +title: "&5Soldier Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "&9Cephane&8: &2%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '&6%cost% &2kaynak puanları için &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2cephane satın alın.' - - '&6%Fill-cost% &2kaynak noktaları için &6shift &2tuşunu basılı tutarak cephaneyi tamamen doldurun.' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9Yükseltme&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - "" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Seviye&8: &6III" - - "&7⚫ &2Maliyet&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9Level&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2Menzil&8: &6%range%" - - "&7⚫ &2Maksimum Cephane&8: &6%max_ammo%" - - "&7⚫ &2Bekleme Süresi&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" slot: 1 break: - name: "&cKırmak" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4Bu tareti kırar." + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "&6GUI'yi kapatın" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/tr/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml b/resources/languages/tr/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml index 435cc818b..b43867016 100644 --- a/resources/languages/tr/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml +++ b/resources/languages/tr/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ -title: "&cClaimden Vazgeç %kingdom-item-name%" +title: "&cUnclaimed %kingdom-item-name%" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: break: - name: "&cKırmak" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK slot: 0 close: - name: "&cKapat" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/addons.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/addons.yml index dc48af7c5..a62063e1d 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/addons.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/addons.yml @@ -1,62 +1,136 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}附属{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &2附属插件 &8)=-" rows: 6 options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: NETHER_STAR - name: '{$sp}信息' + name: '&9Info' lore: | - {$p}附属是附加的可下载内容, - 它们可被独立安装。 - - 附属存在的根本原因,是 - {$p}性能问题{$sep}, {$p}模组化 - {$p}和{$p}文件大小限制。 - - {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] {$p}如要安装附属, - 你需要有能够连接到{$p}github.com{$p}的网络连接, - {$sep}({$p}且不被防火墙, - 国家审查等屏蔽。{$sep}) + &7Addons are additional + downloadable content that + can be installed separately. + + The reason why addons exist in + the first place, is because of + {$p}performance{$sep}, {$p}modularization + &7and {$p}file size limits. + + {$sep}[{$s}!{$sep}] &7In order to be + able to install addons, you need to + have a internet connection that's + able to connect to {$p}GitHub.com + {$sep}(&7not blocked by firewall, + country censoreship and etc.{$sep}) addons: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 pending-restart: condition: waiting_to_restart - name: '{$sep}[&5等待重启{$sep}]{$sp}%addon-name%' + name: '&8[&5Pending Restart&8] &9%addon-name%' lore: | %description% - - {$p}版本{$sep}:{$sp}%latest-version% - &5此附属已下载完毕。 - 正在等待服务器重启以启用此附属。 + + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &5The addon is downloaded. Waiting + for the server to be restarted to + enable the addon. material: PURPLE_WOOL updated: condition: 'installed && !outdated' - name: '{$sep}[{$p}已是最新版{$sep}]{$sp}%addon-name%' + name: '&8[&2Up to date&8] &9%addon-name%' lore: | %description% - {$p}版本{$sep}:{$sp}%installed-version% - &4右键以删除。 + &2Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &4Right-click to uninstall material: GREEN_WOOL + outdated-core-version: + condition: 'installed && outdated && outdated_core_version' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' + lore: | + %description% + + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + + {$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}This version requires + kingdoms {$p}v%supported-core-version% {$es}to work. + Current version{$sep}: {$e}%current-core-version% + + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall + material: RED_WOOL outdated: condition: 'installed && outdated' - name: '{$sep}[&4已过期{$sep}]{$sp}%addon-name%' + name: '&8[&4Outdated&8] &9%addon-name%' lore: | %description% - &4当前版本{$sep}:{$sp}%installed-version% - {$p}最新版{$sep}:{$sp}%latest-version% - {$p}左键以安装。 - &4右键以删除。 + &4Installed Version&8: &9%installed-version% + &2Latest Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to update + &4Right-click to uninstall material: RED_WOOL not-installed: - name: '{$sep}[{$s}未安装{$sep}]{$sp}%addon-name%' + name: '&8[&6Not installed&8] &9%addon-name%' lore: | %description% - {$p}版本{$sep}:{$sp}%latest-version% - {$p}左键以安装。 + &2Version&8: &9%latest-version% + &2Left-click to install condition: '!installed' - material: BLUE_WOOL \ No newline at end of file + material: BLUE_WOOL diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/book.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/book.yml index 9dae0f49f..ab0eb53e0 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/book.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/book.yml @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ -title: "&4&l手册" +title: "&4&lHandbook" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: chapters: material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - name: "{$p}%chapter%" - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&2%chapter%" + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/colors.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/colors.yml index f68e3ad7a..50afe4daf 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/colors.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/colors.yml @@ -6,39 +6,39 @@ options: posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$e}返回' + name: '&cBack' yellow: posx: 3 posy: 1 material: YELLOW_WOOL - name: '&e黄色' + name: '&eYellow' green: posx: 4 posy: 1 material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '{$p}绿色' + name: '&2Green' red: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: RED_WOOL - name: '&4红色' + name: '&4Red' blue: posx: 6 posy: 1 material: BLUE_WOOL - name: '{$sp}蓝色' + name: '&9Blue' pink: posx: 7 posy: 1 material: MAGENTA_WOOL - name: '&d粉色' + name: '&dPink' purple: posx: 8 posy: 1 material: PURPLE_WOOL - name: '&5紫色' + name: '&5Purple' white: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: WHITE_WOOL - name: '&f白色' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&fWhite' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/editor.yml index a6e11f513..03e24fbc0 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/editor.yml @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=[ {$p}BOSS栏设置 {$sep}]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &2BossBar Settings &8]=-" type: HOPPER options: title: slot: 0 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}标题' + name: '&2Title' lore: "&f%bossbar-title%" colors: slot: 2 - name: '{$p}颜色{$sep}:{$sp}%bossbar_color%' + name: '&2Color&8: &9%bossbar_color%' yellow: condition: "bossbar_color == 'YELLOW'" material: YELLOW_WOOL @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ options: styles: slot: 3 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}风格{$sep}:&3%bossbar_style%' + name: '&2Style&8: &3%bossbar_style%' SOLID: condition: "bossbar_style == 'SOLID'" skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ options: flags: slot: 4 material: WHITE_BANNER - name: '&f特征' + name: '&fFlags' lore: | - {$sp}音乐{$sep}:%bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% - {$sp}天空骤黑{$sep}:%bossbar_flag_darken_sky% - {$sp}迷雾{$sep}:%bossbar_flag_create_fog% \ No newline at end of file + &9Music&8: %bossbar_flag_play_boss_music% + &9Darken Sky&8: %bossbar_flag_darken_sky% + &9Fog&8: %bossbar_flag_create_fog% diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/flags.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/flags.yml index c4e16b7a1..c4844f444 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/flags.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/flags.yml @@ -5,38 +5,42 @@ options: slot: 0 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$e}返回' + name: '&cBack' play-boss-music: slot: 2 material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT lore: | - {$p}玩家显示BOSS栏时播放末影龙主题音乐。 - {$p}可能不对所有服生效。 + &7Plays the ender dragon theme + while this bossbar is active for + the player. This doesn't work + reliably for all servers. enabled: - name: '{$enabled}音乐' + name: '{$enabled} Music' condition: enabled glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled}音乐' + name: '{$disabled} Music' darken-sky: slot: 3 material: CLOCK lore: | - {$p}与失明药水效果相同。 + &7It's similar to blindness + potion effect. enabled: - name: '{$enabled}天空骤黑' + name: '{$enabled} Darken Sky' condition: enabled glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled}天空骤黑' + name: '{$disabled} Darken Sky' create-fog: slot: 4 material: COBWEB lore: | - {$p}限制玩家的视线和可视范围 + &7Mostly restricts the player's + sight and view distance. enabled: - name: '{$enabled}迷雾' + name: '{$enabled} Fog' condition: enabled glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled}迷雾' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$disabled} Fog' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/styles.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/styles.yml index d1d01a833..68d16d0ef 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/styles.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/bossbar/styles.yml @@ -2,31 +2,33 @@ title: hopper type: HOPPER options: SOLID: - name: "&3实心" + name: "&3Solid" material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 0 skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2NmNjc2N2RkMzQ3MzdlOTliZDU0YjY5NWVmMDY4M2M2YzZjZTZhNTRmNjZhZDk3Mjk5MmJkMGU0OGU0NTc5YiJ9fX0= lore: | - {$p}BOSS栏风格是那些将其分割成多个部分的黑条。 - - 实心代表没有条。 + &7Bossbar styles are those black + lines that separate the bar + into multiple parts. + + Solid means no lines. SEGMENTED_6: - name: "&36块" + name: "&36 Segments" material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 1 skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDEyYWFiNDAxZDY5YTVmMGM1Y2FkY2IzYzFkMTM3YjEwNzk0YzQzYjA1OGY5MzYzMGI4MTQ1YjgzNDk3YTQwIn19fQ== SEGMENTED_10: - name: "&310块" + name: "&310 Segments" material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 2 skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmODNkNmMxN2U0ZWZlODRlZGJhMzkxNzAzNzNkZjQ3NDgzNTRlYzNiMzM0MmU2YWEwYjRlZWE0YjYyMTkyIn19fQ== SEGMENTED_12: - name: "&312块" + name: "&312 Segments" material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 3 skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjQ3NDNjYzg2YzZiYzM3ZTE4Njk5ZjU2MzEyMGFhMjFmYzc2MmQ3YmQ2ODUxODNjYjgzYTlmN2E5YmEzZmIxIn19fQ== SEGMENTED_20: - name: "&320块" + name: "&320 Segments" material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 4 - skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= \ No newline at end of file + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTA1MzMxOWY4NzM3ODllOGE5ODU4OWFhZDJkMDlhMTEyMzU4ZGQxNzkzOTcxN2UzNGVkNjc3ZDYxMWM5YmFjYyJ9fX0= diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/challenge.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/challenge.yml index 0dd181600..4cbb61f2a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/challenge.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/challenge.yml @@ -1,38 +1,40 @@ -title: "{$s}-=({$e}挑战{$s})=-" +title: "&6-=( &cChallenges &6)=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: time-two-days: - name: "{$p}2天后" + name: "&2In 2 days" material: IRON_BLOCK slot: 0 time: 2days time-three-days: - name: "{$p}3天后" + name: "&2In 3 days" material: GOLD_BLOCK slot: 1 time: 3days time-five-days: - name: "{$p}5天后" + name: "&2In 5 days" material: DIAMOND_BLOCK slot: 2 time: 2days time-week: - name: "{$p}1周后" + name: "&2In 1 week" material: EMERALD_BLOCK slot: 3 time: 7days info: - name: "{$p}挑战" + name: "&2Challenges" material: PLAYER_HEAD - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/24498-information skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' slot: 4 lore: | - {$p}挑战是经过谋划的入侵。 - 如果你想要入侵某个王国,你需要提前计划入侵。 - - 你可以选择在入侵前给你敌人的准备时间, - 这段时间过去之后你会有{$p}6 - {$p}小时时间入侵敌国的任何土地。 \ No newline at end of file + &7They are planned invasions. + When you want to invade someone, you + have to plan an invasion in advance. + + You click the amount of time you want + to give to your enemy before being able + to attack them. After this time has passed + you will have &26 hours &7to invade any of + the lands of the challenged kingdom. diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/disband.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/disband.yml index 225ebca6c..6dc1578e5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/disband.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/disband.yml @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -title: "&4&l确认解散" +title: "&4&lConfirm Disband" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4确认" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "{$s}你王国的数据" - - "{$s}将会永久丢失。" + - "&6Your kingdom's data will be" + - "&6permanently lost." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "{$e}取消" - lore: [ "{$s}取消操作。" ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml index 54c89f2de..4a20d7436 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/ranks/demote-all.yml @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -title: "&4&l全部降职" +title: "&4&lDemote All" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4确定" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "{$s}你确定要把王国中" - - "的成员全部降职吗?" - - "所有人都会被降职到成员权限组。" + - "&6Are you sure you want to demote all" + - "the members in your kingdom?" + - "Everyone will be demoted to the member rank." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "{$e}取消" - lore: [ "{$s}取消操作。" ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml index ad17d7e95..1f2cf6c7a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/ranks/reset.yml @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -title: "&4&l重置权限组" +title: "&4&lReset Ranks" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4确认" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "{$s}你确定要把你王国中" - - "全部的权限组重置吗?" - - "重置会将{$s}你王国中的" - - "&l全部{$s}成员降职到成员权限组。" + - "&6Are you sure you want to reset all" + - "the custom ranks made in your kingdom?" + - "Doing so will result in &lall &6your" + - "members being demoted to member rank." - "" - - "这会把权限组设置重置到" - - "服务器默认的状态," - - "包括删除新建的权限组," - - "并把每个权限组的权限重置。" + - "This will reset the rank settings to their" + - "original state defined by the server." + - "This includes deleting newly created ranks" + - "and adding back the default settings for each rank." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "{$e}取消" - lore: [ "{$s}取消操作。" ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml index 15bf8b962..2f39c71d7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/confirm/unclaimall.yml @@ -1,20 +1,21 @@ -title: "&4&l确认全部放弃" +title: "&4&lConfirm Unclaim All" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: confirm: material: GREEN_WOOL sound: AMBIENT_CAVE slot: 1 - name: "&4确认" + name: "&4Confirm" lore: - - "{$s}一旦全部土地被放弃" - - "所有人都可以打开被保护的箱子," - - "设施,和炮塔。" + - "&6Once all your lands has" + - "been unclaimed, everyone" + - "can access protected chests," + - "structures and turrets." cancel: material: RED_WOOL sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS, 1, 1 slot: 3 - name: "{$e}取消" - lore: [ "{$s}取消操作。" ] \ No newline at end of file + name: "&cCancel" + lore: + - "&6Cancel confirmation." diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/election-candidates.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/election-candidates.yml index ce6cb248d..0bc8f3fff 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/election-candidates.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/election-candidates.yml @@ -1,32 +1,82 @@ -title: "&0-=({$s}国王竞选人&0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &6Election Candidates &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: candidates: - name: "{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%{$sep}|{$s}%votes%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player% &8| &6%votes%" material: PLAYER_HEAD - lore: '{$p}%candidates-description%' + lore: '&7%candidates-description%' sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 next-page: - name: '{$s}下一页{$p}-&e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '{$s}上一页{$p}-&e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/error.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/error.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..022cd6152 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/error.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +title: "&4&lError" +type: HOPPER +sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS +options: + error: + name: "&cThis GUI is broken" + lore: | + &fIf you're a player contact + the server's administrators. + + If you're an admin, this GUI: + &6%gui_path% + &fError&7: + &e%message% + material: BARRIER + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/input.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/input.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be1fba820 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/input.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aInput &0)=-" +type: ANVIL +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + question: + name: "%question%" + lore: "test" + material: GREEN_WOOL + slot: 0 + cancel: + name: "&cCancel" + material: RED_WOOL + slot: 1 + done: + name: "&aDone" + lore: "&7Click to finish input." + material: BLUE_WOOL + slot: 2 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/invite-codes.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/invite-codes.yml index bed733102..9139a5d28 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/invite-codes.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/invite-codes.yml @@ -1,65 +1,90 @@ -title: "&0-=(&a邀请码&0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aInvite Codes &0)=-" rows: 3 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: invite-codes: - name: "{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: | - {$p}邀请码{$sep}:{$s}%invitecode-code% - {$p}使用次数{$sep}:{$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% - {$p}创建者{$sep}:{$s}%invitecode-creator% - {$p}创建时间{$sep}:{$s}%invitecode-createdAt% - {$p}过期时间{$sep}:{$s}%invitecode-expiration% - - {$p}左键以购买纸质邀请码。 - {$sp}中键以收回邀请码。 - {$e}右键以删除邀请码。 - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ] + {$p}Code{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-code% + {$p}Uses{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-used%{$sep}/{$s}%invitecode-uses% + {$p}Created By{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-creator% + {$p}Created At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-createdAt% + {$p}Expires At{$sep}: {$s}%invitecode-expiration% + + {$p}Left-click to buy paper codes. + &9Middle-click to redeem the code. + {$e}Right-click to delete. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 info: - name: "&e信息" + name: "&eInfo" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' posx: 5 posy: 1 lore: | - {$p}邀请码是一种可选的邀请玩家进入王国的方式。 - 它们与Discord邀请码类似。 - - 当你创建一个新邀请码,玩家可以输入 - {$p}/k invitecode {$s}<邀请码>{$p}加入王国, - 你也可以生成一个可以右键使用的纸质邀请码。 - 每张纸质邀请码需要花费{$s}%invitecode-paper-cost% - {$p}资源点生成。 - - 邀请码会在一个特定时间过期, - 并可以有有限/无限的使用次数。 + &7Invite codes are an alternative + way of inviting players to your kingdom. + They're similar to discord invite codes. + + Once you create a new invite code, a player + can either type the code using + {$p}/k invitecode {$s} &7or you can + generate a physical paper which players can + right-click to use them. + Each invite code paper costs {$s}%invitecode-paper-cost% + &7resource points. + + Invite codes expire at a certain point and + they can either have limited or unlimited uses. new-invite-code: - name: "{$p}创建新邀请码" + name: "&2Create New Invite Code" lore: | - {$p}你最多只能创建 - {$p}%invitecode-max%{$p}个邀请码。 + &7You can only make up to + {$p}%invitecode-max% &7invite codes. material: GREEN_WOOL posx: 6 posy: 1 delete-all: - name: "&4删除全部邀请码" + name: "&4Delete All Invite Codes" material: RED_WOOL posx: 4 posy: 1 blue-glass: name: '' material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] - -# next-page: -# name: '{$s}Next Page {$p}- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" -# slot: 8 -# previous-page: -# name: '{$s}Previous Page {$p}- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" -# slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/invites.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/invites.yml index ecbd4d194..cbf8fa442 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/invites.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/invites.yml @@ -1,35 +1,76 @@ -title: "&0-=(&a邀请&0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aInvitations &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: invite: material: PLAYER_HEAD - valid: condition: expired - name: "已过期{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%" + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" lore: | - {$p}发送时间{$sep}:{$s}%timestamp% - {$e}点击删除 + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &cClick to delete else: - name: "{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" lore: | - {$p}过期时间{$sep}:{$s}%time-left-to-accpet% - {$p}发送时间{$sep}:{$s}%timestamp% - {$p}已过时间{$sep}:{$s}%time-passed% + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% - {$p}&l左键以同意 - {$e}&l右键以拒绝 - slots: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20] + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 decline-all: - name: "{$e}全部拒绝" + name: "&cDecline All" material: RED_WOOL + lore: "&4Decline all invites" posx: 5 posy: 1 - lore: - - "&e拒绝全部当前邀请。" blue-glass: name: '' material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/invsee.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/invsee.yml index f0af4fc77..1e18c025a 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/invsee.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/invsee.yml @@ -1,60 +1,74 @@ -title: "&0-=({$s}%target%&2的物品栏&0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &6%target% &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - -#我们需要四个空行。不要忘了快捷栏。 +#We need 4 free rows. Don't forget about the hotbar. context-start-row: 3 - -#不改变护甲和手的配置条目名称很重要。 -#如果玩家拥有这个物品,这些栏将会被覆盖。 +#It's important to not change the config entry names of armors and hands. +#These slots will be replaced if the player has the item. options: helmet: - name: '{$e}空' + name: '&cNo Helmet' posx: 2 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_HELMET - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES chestplate: - name: '{$e}空' + name: '&cNo Chestplate' posx: 3 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES leggings: - name: '{$e}空' + name: '&cNo Leggings' posx: 4 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_LEGGINGS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES boots: - name: '{$e}空' + name: '&cNo Boots' posx: 5 posy: 1 material: LEATHER_BOOTS - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES offhand: - name: '{$e}空' + name: '&cNo item in offhand' posx: 7 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_HOE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES mainhand: - name: '{$e}主手为空' + name: '&cNo item in main hand' posx: 8 posy: 1 material: WOODEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES offhand-indicator: - name: '{$e}上方展示的是副手物品' + name: '&cAbove is showing the offhand' posx: 7 posy: 2 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE mainhand-indicator: - name: '{$e}上方展示的是位于栏位{$sep}:&e%held_slot%{$e}的主手物品' + name: '&cAbove is showing the main hand in slot&8: &e%held_slot%' posx: 8 posy: 2 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE separators: name: '' - slots: [ 0, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 ] - material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 5 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 17 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml index dadea33e3..637a92b42 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/editor.yml @@ -1,8 +1,28 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}属性编辑器{$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Editor {$sep})=-" rows: 3 options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 10 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' back: @@ -10,53 +30,60 @@ options: posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$e}返回' + name: '&cBack' type: posx: 3 posy: 2 - # This is a template. It'll get replaced. - # The lore is also set automatically + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically material: STONE - name: '{$p}属性{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_type%' + name: '{$p}Attribute{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_type%' uuid: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_uuid%' + name: '{$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid%' lore: | - {$p}同种属性可能有很多, - 所以使用独特的UUID来区分。 - 你几乎永远不用自己编辑, - 因为它们会自动生成且将冲突减至最少。 + &7This is the unique ID for this modifier. + Since items can have multiple attributes + of the same type, this is used to identify + specific modifiers. + You almost never need to change this manually + yourself since they're automatically + generated with minimal conflict. name: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}名称{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_name%' + name: '{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name%' lore: | - {$p}这更像一个修改器的描述, - 主要是为了让人们能读懂并加以区分。 + &7This is more like a small description + for this modifier, mostly for human-readable + identification purposes. amount: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}数量{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_amount%' + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount%' operation: posx: 7 posy: 2 - # This is a template. It'll get replaced. - # The lore is also set automatically + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically material: STONE - name: '{$p}操作{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_operation%' + name: '{$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation%' lore: | - {$p}此属性如何影响特定值下 - 的其他同种属性。 + &7How this attribute affects + other attributes with the + same type with the given amount. equipment-slot: posx: 8 posy: 2 - # This is a template. It'll get replaced. - # The lore is also set automatically + #This is a template. It'll get replaced. + #The lore is also set automatically material: STONE - name: '{$p}装备槽{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' + name: '{$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot%' lore: | - {$p}属性发挥作用的特定位置。 \ No newline at end of file + &7The slot which this + attribute takes effect + when placed in. diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml index 96770a6c9..d8500f975 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/equipment-slots.yml @@ -1,59 +1,103 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}装备槽{$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Equipment Slots {$sep})=-" rows: 6 - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$e}返回' + name: '&cBack' outer-decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' inner-decoration: - slots: [ 3, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 39, 41, 42, 48, 50 ] + slots: + - 3 + - 5 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 41 + - 42 + - 48 + - 50 material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 - name: "&e信息" + name: "&eInfo" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' head: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_HELMET - name: '{$p}头上' + name: '{$p}Head' off-hand: posx: 4 posy: 3 material: GOLDEN_SWORD - name: '{$p}副手' + name: '{$p}Off Hand' chest: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - name: '{$p}身上' - hand: # main hand + name: '{$p}Chest' + hand: #main hand posx: 6 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - name: '{$p}主手' + name: '{$p}Main Hand' legs: posx: 5 posy: 4 material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS - name: '{$p}腿上' + name: '{$p}Legs' feet: posx: 5 posy: 5 material: DIAMOND_BOOTS - name: '{$p}脚上' + name: '{$p}Feet' none: posx: 5 posy: 6 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}无' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$e}None' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml index f04d97d43..71f68544b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/list.yml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}属性列表{$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute List {$sep})=-" rows: 6 options: back: @@ -6,9 +6,32 @@ options: posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}返回' + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' add-attribute: @@ -16,22 +39,50 @@ options: posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDdhMGZjNmRjZjczOWMxMWZlY2U0M2NkZDE4NGRlYTc5MWNmNzU3YmY3YmQ5MTUzNmZkYmM5NmZhNDdhY2ZiIn19fQ==' - name: '{$p}添加属性' + name: '{$p}Add Attribute' remove-all: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}移除全部' + name: '{$e}Remove All' attribute: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: POLISHED_ANDESITE name: '{$p}%attribute_type%' lore: | - {$p}UUID{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_uuid% - {$p}名称{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_name% - {$p}数量{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_amount% - {$p}操作{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_operation% - {$p}装备栏{$sep}:{$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% - - {$sp}左键以编辑 - {$sp}右键以移除 \ No newline at end of file + {$p}UUID{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_uuid% + {$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_name% + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_amount% + {$p}Operation{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_operation% + {$p}Equipment Slot{$sep}: {$s}%attribute_equipment_slot% + + &9Left-click to modify + &9Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml index ab714dae0..656314128 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/operations.yml @@ -1,67 +1,121 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}属性操作{$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Operations {$sep})=-" rows: 3 - -op: &fn-op - args: [ "" ] +op: + args: + - "" return: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$sep}[{$p}已启用{$sep}] {$p}" + name: "{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}" glow: true else: name: "{$p}" - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}返回' + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: NETHER_STAR - name: '&e信息' + name: '&eInfo' lore: | - {$p}修改器操作会描述如何 - 对属性的基础值进行修改。 + &7A modifier's operation dictates + how it modifies an attribute's base value add-number: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD glow: true skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGQ4YjcxNzNkODQxZjI1NjNlYzEwODg4OGIwZjc5NzkxN2VmYzE4YmUyNzg2MWYwYTY3NjFhYTNlZDkxY2UifX19' - <<: *fn-op [ "增加数字" ] + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' lore: | - {$p}把所有修改器的值加到属性的当前值上 - 例如,基础值是{$p}3{$p},修改器的数值分别为{$p}2{$p}和{$p}4{$p}, - {$p}结果为{$p}3+2+4=9 + &7Adds all of the modifiers' amounts to + the current value of the attribute. + For example, modifying an attribute with + {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p} Amount 4 &7with + a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in {$p}3 + 2 + 4 = 9 multiply-scalar-1: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0=' - <<: *fn-op [ "相乘" ] + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' lore: | - {$p}对于每个修改器, 它会将属性的当前值乘上{$p}(1 + x){$p} - ,x代表修改器的数值。 - 在只带有一个{$p}操作1或2{$p}的修改器时运作, - 但多个修改器之间会相乘而非相加。 - 例如,基础值是{$p}3{$p},修改器的数值分别为{$p}2{$p}和{$p}4{$p}, - {$p}结果为{$p}3*(1+2)*(1+4)=45 + &7For every modifier, multiplies the + current value of the attribute by {$p}(1 + x)&7, + where x is the amount of the particular + modifier. Functions the same as {$p}Add Scalar + &7if there is only a single modifier with + {$p}operation 1 or 2&7. However, for multiple + modifiers it multiplies the modifiers rather + than adding them. For example, modifying an + attribute with {$p}Amount 2 &7and {$p}Amount 4 + &7with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2) * (1 + 4) = 45 add-scalar: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ4NmRiOWExNGQ1ODc5ZmEyODExZDMwMWNjYmQ1MjY5OTRmODcxMjQ3YjYyZjJkOWE0ODE4M2U5NjQxYWQ2OSJ9fX0=' - <<: *fn-op [ "添加标量" ] + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$sep}[{$p}Active{$sep}] {$p}' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$p}' lore: | - {$p}以{$p}1 + x{$p}的公式计算属性的当前值, - x是修改器数值之和。 - 例如,基础值是{$p}3{$p},修改器的数值分别为{$p}2{$p}和{$p}4{$p}, - {$p}结果为{$p}3*(1+2+4)=21 \ No newline at end of file + &7Multiplies the current value of the + attribute by {$p}1 + x&7, where x is the sum + of the modifiers' amounts. For example, + modifying an attribute with {$p}Amount 2&7 + and {$p}Amount 4 with a {$p}Base of 3 &7results in + {$p}3 * (1 + 2 + 4) = 21 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml index d087fc9da..b1592484e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/attributes/types.yml @@ -1,17 +1,35 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}属性种类{$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Attribute Types {$sep})=-" rows: 4 - - - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}返回' + name: '{$p}Back' orange-stained-glass-pane: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' generic-max-health: @@ -19,109 +37,123 @@ options: posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjg2OWJkZDlhOGY3N2VlZmY3NWQ4ZjY3ZWQwMzIyYmQ5YzE2ZGQ0OTQ5NzIzMTRlZDcwN2RkMTBhMzEzOWE1OCJ9fX0=' - name: 通用最大生命值 + name: Generic Max Health lore: | - {$p}生物的最大生命值 - (2生命值=1心); 会决定生物可以 - 恢复到的最大生命。 - 若玩家想召唤高生命值生物, - 可以使用如这个和生命值标签{Health:200.0f}的方法。 - (1.17禁用) + &7The maximum health of this mob + (in half-hearts); determines the + highest health they may be healed to. + If the player is using this to summon + a mob with high health, use this and + the Health tag {Health:200.0f} for example. + (Disabled in 1.17) generic-follow-range: posx: 3 posy: 2 material: COMPASS - name: 通用生物最大跟随距离 + name: Generic Follow Range lore: | - {$p}生物追踪玩家的距离 - 超过此距离后生物会停止跟随玩家。 - 大多数生物距离为{$p}16{$p}, - 但僵尸为{$p}40{$p}。 + &7The range in blocks within which + a mob with this attribute targets players + or other mobs to track. + Exiting this range causes the mob to + cease following the player/mob. + Actual value used by most mobs is {$p}16&7; + for zombies it is {$p}40&7. generic-knockback-resistance: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: ANVIL - name: 通用击退抗性 + name: Generic Knockback Resistance lore: | - {$p}攻击和弹射物水平击退的减免。 - 竖直击退不受影响。 - 爆炸击退不受影响。{$p}1.0{$p}指{$p}100%免疫击退。 - {$p}0.4{$p}指仅有{$p}60%{$p}的击退。 + &7The scale of horizontal knockback + resisted from attacks and projectiles. + Vertical knockback is not affected. + Does not affect explosions. {$p}1.0 &7is {$p}100% + &7knockback resistance. {$p}0.4 &7means {$p}60% &7of + knockback is applied. generic-movement-speed: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_BOOTS - name: 通用移动速度 + name: Generic Movement Speed lore: | - {$p}实体的移动速度。 - 生物的最高移动速度略高于{$p}43 - {$p}方块/秒, 但会被多种状态影响,如 - 被骑乘(马), 奔跑,逃跑,(被动生物), - 攻击(末影人或僵尸猪灵), - 被栓绳牵引,带有速度/缓慢药水效果, - 小僵尸移速加成, 或女巫喝药水。 + &7Movement speed of an entity. + The mob's maximum speed in + blocks/second is a bit over {$p}43 + &7times this value, but can be + affected by various conditions, such as: + being ridden (if a horse), sprinting, + fleeing (if a passive mob), attacking + (if an Enderman or Zombified Piglin), + being led by a leash, being under the + effect of a Speed or Slowness potion, + being a baby zombie, or being a witch + and drinking a potion. generic-flying-speed: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: ELYTRA - name: 通用飞行速度 - lore: "{$p}实体的飞行速度" + name: Generic Flying Speed + lore: "&7Fly speed of an entity." generic-armor: posx: 7 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - name: 通用护甲值 - lore: "{$p}实体的护甲值。" + name: Generic Armor + lore: "&7Armor bonus of an entity." generic-armor-toughness: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE - name: 通用盔甲韧性 - lore: "{$p}实体的盔甲韧性。" + name: Generic Armor Toughness + lore: "&7Armor durability bonus of an entity." generic-attack-damage: posx: 2 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - name: 通用攻击伤害 - lore: "{$p}实体的攻击伤害。" + name: Generic Attack Damage + lore: "&7Attack strength of an entity." generic-attack-speed: posx: 3 posy: 3 material: GOLDEN_SWORD - name: 通用攻击速度 + name: Generic Attack Speed lore: | - {$p}实体的攻速。 - 攻速值为实体一秒内打出100%伤害的最大次数。 + &7Attack speed of an entity. + Value is the number of full-strength + attacks per second. generic-attack-knockback: posx: 4 posy: 3 material: FISHING_ROD - name: 通用攻击击退 + name: Generic Attack Knockback lore: | - {$p}实体攻击的击退强度。 - 仅对物理伤害的生物有效。 - {$p}劫掠兽{$sep}:{$s}1.5 - {$p}疣猪兽{$sep}:{$s}1.0 - {$p}僵尸疣猪兽{$sep}:{$s}1.0 + &7Attack knockback strength of an entity. + Applies only to mobs with physical attacks. + {$p}Ravager{$sep}: {$s}1.5 + {$p}Hoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 + {$p}Zoglin{$sep}: {$s}1.0 horse-jump-strength: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR - name: 马跳跃强度 - lore: "{$p}马可以跳跃的高度。" + name: Horse Jump Strength + lore: "&7How high horses can jump." generic-luck: posx: 6 posy: 3 material: EMERALD - name: 通用运气 + name: Generic Luck lore: | - {$p}影响{$p}战利品生成的结果 - {$p}通过{$p}quality{$p}或{$p}bonus_rolls{$p}标签 - {$p}(影响范围: 打开箱子/箱子矿车,钓鱼,和击杀生物。) + &7Affects the results of {$p}loot tables + &7using the {$p}quality &7or {$p}bonus_rolls {$p}tag + &7(e.g. when opening chests or chest + minecarts, fishing, and killing mobs). zombie-spawn-reinforcements: posx: 7 posy: 3 material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - name: 僵尸生成支援 + name: Zombie Spawn Reinforcements lore: | - {$p}僵尸被攻击时生成另一个僵尸的几率。 \ No newline at end of file + &7Chance for a zombie to spawn + another zombie when attacked. diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml index abbe33c28..d1deb5a72 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/enchantments.yml @@ -1,609 +1,769 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}附魔{$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Enchantments {$sep})=-" rows: 6 - -# What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml -'[fn-enchant]': &fn-enchant - args: [""] +#What the hell is this: https://github.com/CryptoMorin/KingdomsX/wiki/Config#yaml +'[fn-enchant]': + args: + - "" return: not-supported: condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}不支持{$sep}]{$es}" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}" lore: | - {$e}你的服务端版本不支持此附魔。 + {$e}This enchantment is not + supported in your current server + version. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" + name: "{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" glow: true lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 + &7Left-click to change level + &7Right-click to remove else: name: "{$disabled} " lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + &7Left-click to add enchant options: water-worker: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: WATER_BUCKET - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}水下速掘{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}水下速掘" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' depth-strider: posx: 2 posy: 1 material: WATER_BUCKET - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}深海探索者{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}深海探索者" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' impaling: posx: 3 posy: 1 material: WATER_BUCKET - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}穿刺{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}穿刺" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' oxygen: posx: 4 posy: 1 material: WATER_BUCKET - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}水下呼吸{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}水下呼吸" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' damage-all: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}锋利{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}锋利" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' knockback: posx: 6 posy: 1 material: GOLDEN_SWORD - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}击退{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}击退" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' dig-speed: posx: 7 posy: 1 material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}效率{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}效率" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' frost-walker: posx: 8 posy: 1 material: BLUE_ICE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}冰霜行者{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}冰霜行者" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' swift-sneak: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}迅捷潜行{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}迅捷潜行" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' arrow-damage: posx: 1 posy: 2 material: ARROW - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}力量{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}力量" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' arrow-knockback: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: ARROW - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}冲击{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}冲击" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' arrow-fire: posx: 3 posy: 2 material: ARROW - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}火矢{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}火矢" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' multishot: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: ARROW - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}多重射击{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}多重射击" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' piercing: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: ARROW - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}穿透{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}穿透" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' arrow-infinite: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}无限{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}无限" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' quick-charge: posx: 7 posy: 2 material: CROSSBOW - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}快速装填{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}快速装填" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' mending: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}经验修补{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}经验修补" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' durability: posx: 9 posy: 2 material: OBSIDIAN - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}耐久{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}耐久" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' fire-aspect: posx: 1 posy: 3 material: FIRE_CHARGE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}火焰附加{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}火焰附加" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' channeling: posx: 2 posy: 3 material: TRIDENT - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}引雷{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}引雷" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' loyalty: posx: 3 posy: 3 material: TRIDENT - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}忠诚{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}忠诚" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' riptide: posx: 4 posy: 3 material: TRIDENT - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}激流{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}激流" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' protection-environmental: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}保护{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}保护" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' protection-projectile: posx: 6 posy: 3 material: GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}弹射物保护{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}弹射物保护" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' protection-explosions: posx: 7 posy: 3 material: TNT - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}爆炸保护{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}爆炸保护" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' protection-fire: posx: 8 posy: 3 material: LAVA_BUCKET - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}火焰保护{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}火焰保护" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' thorns: posx: 9 posy: 3 material: ROSE_BUSH - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}荆棘{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}荆棘" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' damage-undead: posx: 1 posy: 4 material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}亡灵杀手{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}亡灵杀手" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' damage-arthropods: posx: 2 posy: 4 material: SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}节肢杀手{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}节肢杀手" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' soul-speed: posx: 3 posy: 4 material: SOUL_SAND - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}灵魂疾行{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}灵魂疾行" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' vanishing-curse: posx: 4 posy: 4 material: ENDER_EYE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}消失诅咒{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}消失诅咒" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' binding-curse: posx: 5 posy: 4 material: ENDER_PEARL - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}绑定诅咒{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}绑定诅咒" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' loot-bonus-mobs: posx: 7 posy: 4 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}抢夺{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}抢夺" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' loot-bonus-blocks: posx: 8 posy: 4 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}时运{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}时运" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' silk-touch: posx: 9 posy: 4 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}精准采集{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}精准采集" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' luck: posx: 1 posy: 5 material: FISHING_ROD - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}海之眷顾{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}海之眷顾" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' lure: posx: 2 posy: 5 material: FISHING_ROD - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}饵钓{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}饵钓" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' protection-fall: posx: 3 posy: 5 material: FEATHER - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}摔落保护{$sep}:{$s}%roman_level%{$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})" - glow: true - lore: | - {$p}左键以更改附魔等级 - {$p}右键以移除附魔 - else: - name: "{$disabled}摔落保护" - lore: | - {$p}左键以添加附魔 + args: + - + return: + not-supported: + condition: '!supported' + name: '{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}' + lore: "{$e}This enchantment is not\nsupported in your current server\nversion." + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} {$sep}: {$s}%roman_level% {$sep}({$s}%level%{$sep})' + glow: true + lore: "&7Left-click to change level\n&7Right-click to remove" + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: '&7Left-click to add enchant' back: posx: 1 posy: 6 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}返回' + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52] + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' remove-all: posx: 9 posy: 6 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}移除全部附魔' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$e}Remove All Enchantments' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/flags.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/flags.yml index 1a3f97298..b3f5557c5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/flags.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/flags.yml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=({$p}旗标{$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Flags {$sep})=-' rows: 3 options: back: @@ -6,77 +6,101 @@ options: posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '&c返回' + name: '&cBack' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 - name: "&e信息" + name: "&eInfo" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' slot: 4 lore: | - {$p}物品旗标可以隐藏部分物品属性。 - 这不会更改它们的实际效果,仅会 - 将其从物品lore的上方或下方隐藏。 + &7Item flags can hide some + properties from items. + This won't change their actual + behavior it just hides them + from the item's description + which is either above or below + ther item's lore. remove-all: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}移除全部旗标' - hide-attributes: + name: '{$e}Remove all flags' flag-hide-attributes: not-supported: condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}不支持{$sep}]{$es}隐藏属性" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Attributes" enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled}隐藏属性' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Attributes' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled}隐藏属性' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Attributes' posx: 2 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: | - {$p}物品属性是在一些物品lore - 下方展示的一些属性描述。 + &7Item attributes are the small descriptions + shown under the lore of some items. attributes: GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE: - name: 测试 + name: Test amount: 10 operation: ADD_NUMBER - hide-destroys: flag-hide-destroys: posx: 3 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE not-supported: condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}不支持{$sep}]{$es}隐藏可破坏方块" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Destroys" enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled}隐藏可破坏方块' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Destroys' glow: true lore: | - {$p}这仅用于极少数物品,且在 - 大多数服务器里完全没用。这会隐藏 - 一个当玩家处于冒险模式时, - 限制物品能否挖掘一种特定方块的属性。 + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. else: - name: '{$disabled}隐藏可破坏方块' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Destroys' lore: | - {$p}这仅用于极少数物品,且在 - 大多数服务器里完全没用。这会隐藏 - 一个当玩家处于冒险模式时, - 限制物品能否挖掘一种特定方块的属性。 - - {$p}能破坏: - {$sep}石头 - hide-dye: + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + items from being able to destroy + certain blocks when the player is + in adventure mode. + + &7Can break: + &8Stone flag-hide-dye: posx: 4 posy: 2 @@ -84,86 +108,93 @@ options: color: 255, 255, 255 not-supported: condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}不支持{$sep}]{$es}隐藏染料" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Dyes" enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled}隐藏染料' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Dye' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled}隐藏染料' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Dye' lore: | - {$p}隐藏皮革护甲的颜色。 - hide-enchants: + &7Hide dye information from + colored leather armors. flag-hide-enchants: posx: 5 posy: 2 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK not-supported: condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}不支持{$sep}]{$es}隐藏附魔" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Enchants" enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled}隐藏附魔' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Enchants' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled}隐藏附魔' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Enchants' enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: | - {$p}移除物品lore上方的 - 附魔显示,但这不会取消物品上的附魔光泽。 - hide-placed-on: + &7Hides item enchantments from + their description above the lore + however this will still keep the + item's glowing effect. flag-hide-placed-on: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: STONE not-supported: condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}不支持{$sep}]{$es}隐藏可放置方块" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Placed On" enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled}隐藏可放置方块' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Placed On' glow: true lore: | - {$p}这仅用于极少数物品,且在 - 大多数服务器里完全没用。这会隐藏 - 一个当玩家处于冒险模式时, - 限制物品能否放置在特定方块上的属性。 + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. else: - name: '{$disabled}隐藏可放置方块' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Placed On' lore: | - {$p}这仅用于极少数物品,且在 - 大多数服务器里完全没用。这会隐藏 - 一个当玩家处于冒险模式时, - 限制物品能否放置在特定方块上的属性。 - - {$p}可以放在: - {$sep}石头 - hide-potion-effects: + &7This is only used for really + rare items that are practically + useless in most servers. This hides + a special attribute which restricts + blocks from being placed on certain + blocks when the player is in adventure + mode. + + &7Can be placed on: + &8Stone flag-hide-potion-effects: posx: 7 posy: 2 material: POTION - effects: [ "BLINDNESS, 1, 10" ] + effects: + - "BLINDNESS, 1, 10" not-supported: condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}不支持{$sep}]{$es}隐藏药水效果" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Potion Effects" enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled}隐藏药水效果' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Potion Effects' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled}隐藏药水效果' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Potion Effects' lore: | - {$p}这是Minecraft奇怪的特性之一。 - 此旗标具有多重作用。它会隐藏{$sep}: - {$p}⚫ {$s}药水效果 - {$p}⚫ {$s}书籍信息(如作者) - {$p}⚫ {$s}烟花信息 - {$p}⚫ {$s}地图信息 - {$p}⚫ {$s}旗帜图案 - {$p}⚫ {$s}附魔书的附魔等级 - hide-unbreakable: + &7This is one of those Minecraft + weird behaviors, this flag has + multiple functionalities. It Hides{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}Potion effects + &7⚫ {$s}Book information such as the author + &7⚫ {$s}Firework information + &7⚫ {$s}Map tooltips + &7⚫ {$s}Patterns of banners + &7⚫ {$s}Enchantments of enchanted books flag-hide-unbreakable: posx: 8 posy: 2 @@ -171,13 +202,14 @@ options: unbreakable: true not-supported: condition: "!supported" - name: "{$sep}[{$e}不支持{$sep}]{$es}隐藏不可破坏" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Not Supported{$sep}] {$es}Hide Unbreakable" enabled: condition: enabled - name: '{$enabled}隐藏不可破坏' + name: '{$enabled} Hide Unbreakable' glow: true else: - name: '{$disabled}隐藏不可破坏' + name: '{$disabled} Hide Unbreakable' lore: | - {$p}隐藏物品的不可破坏描述。 - 不可破坏的物品在使用时不会降低耐久度。 \ No newline at end of file + &7Hides the unbreakable description + from items. Unbreakable items don't + lose durability when you use them. diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/main.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/main.yml index fba708815..7f8a0e5df 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/main.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/main.yml @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}物品编辑器{$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Editor {$sep})=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK - options: item: - # Will be replaced by the actual item + #Will be replaced by the actual item material: STONE interaction: FREE slot: 15 @@ -12,84 +11,105 @@ options: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: NAME_TAG - name: '{$p}物品名称' + name: '{$p}Name' lore: "%item_name%" flags: posx: 2 posy: 1 material: BLACK_BANNER - name: '{$p}旗标' + name: '{$p}Flags' lore: | - {$p}点击以编辑 - {$p}⚫ {$p}隐藏属性{$sep}:%item_flag_hide_attributes% - {$p}⚫ {$p}隐藏可破坏方块{$sep}:%item_flag_hide_destroys% - {$p}⚫ {$p}隐藏染料{$sep}:%item_flag_hide_dye% - {$p}⚫ {$p}隐藏附魔{$sep}:%item_flag_hide_enchants% - {$p}⚫ {$p}隐藏可放置方块{$sep}:%item_flag_hide_placed_on% - {$p}⚫ {$p}隐藏不可破坏{$sep}:%item_flag_hide_unbreakable% + &7Click to modify + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Attributes{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_attributes% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Destroys{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_destroys% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Dye{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_dye% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Enchants{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_enchants% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Placed On{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_placed_on% + &7⚫ {$p}Hide Unbreakable{$sep}: %item_flag_hide_unbreakable% attributes: posx: 3 posy: 1 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - name: '{$p}属性' + name: '{$p}Attributes' decoration: - slots: [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 13 + - 14 + - 16 + - 17 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' lore: posx: 1 posy: 2 material: BOOK - name: '{$p}介绍' - # The lore is automatically set by the plugin for this option + name: '{$p}Lore' + #The lore is automatically set by the plugin for this option enchantments: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - name: '{$p}附魔' - lore: ["{$p}点击以编辑"] # The lore is modified by the plugin to add set enchants + name: '{$p}Enchantments' + lore: #The lore is modified by the plugin to add set enchants + - "&7Click to modify" unbreakable: isUnbreakable: condition: item_unbreakable - name: '{$p}不可破坏' + name: '{$p}Unbreakable' glow: true else: - name: '{$e}可破坏' + name: '{$e}Breakable' posx: 3 posy: 2 material: BEDROCK lore: | - {$p}不可破坏的物品是指 - 在使用时不会降低耐久度的物品。 + &7If an item is unbreakable, + it'll not decrease its durability + when you use it. nbt: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: BOOKSHELF - name: '{$p}NBT查看器' + name: '{$p}NBT Viewer' amount: posx: 1 posy: 3 material: SLIME_BALL - name: '{$p}数量{$sep}:{$s}%item_amount%' + name: '{$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%item_amount%' lore: | - {$p}物品数量上限为{$p}64{$p}, - {$p}但你在技术上可以设为{$p}127{$p}。 - {$p}这在稀有情况下会导致错误, - 如GUI无法展示物品或在移动至物品栏时 - 无法维持此数目。 + &7Maximum amount would be {$p}64 + &7while you can technically set up + to {$p}127 &7it will cause issues + in rare situations. For example, + the GUI isn't able to show this + change and when it's being + transferred to your inventory, + it might not keep its amount. custom-model-data: posx: 2 posy: 3 material: FIREWORK_STAR - name: '{$p}自定义模型数据{$sep}:{$s}%item_custom_model_data%' + name: '{$p}Custom Model Data{$sep}: {$s}%item_custom_model_data%' lore: | - {$p}这用于Minecraft1.14及以上的版本 - 材质包,可用于给游戏添加新物品。 - 这基本只是给相同的物品类型换了个马甲, - 同时也是如ItemsAdder这样的插件 - 给游戏添加新物品的方式。 + &7This is used for resource packs + that are made for 1.14+ + to add new items to the game. + This is basically just a reskin + of the same item type. + This is what plugins like ItemsAdder + use to add new items to the game. material: posx: 3 posy: 3 - material: STONE # This is a template material, the actual material is taken from the placed item - name: '{$p}材质{$sep}:{$s}%item_material%' \ No newline at end of file + material: STONE #This is a template material, the actual material is taken from the placed item + name: '{$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%item_material%' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0962ab86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/nbt-types.yml @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Types {$sep})=-' +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Back' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + nbt-NBTTagCompound: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: WHITE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&fNBTTagCompound{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagString: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: GREEN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagInt: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: BLUE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&9NBTTagInt{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagByte: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: LIME_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagShort: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: YELLOW_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagLong: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PURPLE_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagDouble: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: CYAN_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}]' + nbt-NBTTagList: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: GRAY_WOOL + name: '{$sep}[&8NBTTagList{$sep}]' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml index b8a9411d0..807d19309 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/item-editor/nbt.yml @@ -1,76 +1,142 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=({$p}NBT查看器{$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}NBT Viewer {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}返回' + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: posx: 5 posy: 1 - name: "&e信息" + name: "&eInfo" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' lore: | - {$p}NBT{$sep}({$p}二进制命名标签{$sep}) - {$p}是Minecraft为物品,实体,方块储存数据的总方法。 - - 你在物品上看到的一切,如名称,介绍,附魔等 - 都以NBT数据组成。你几乎不会也不应编辑NBT - 数据,因为编辑它们极端困难。 - - 这主要是用于调试目的,来查看运行的内部环节。 - - NBT类型在此不做翻译,因为没有专业译名,真正需要 - 此功能的玩家也不需要翻译。 + &7NBT {$sep}(&7Named Binary Tag{$sep}) &7is a way + for Minecraft to store data for different + things in the game such as items, entities + and blocks in general. + + Everything you see on an item, such + as its name, lore, enchants and etc are + all stored as NBT data. You almost + will and should not modify NBT data + directly as they're extremely hard + to work with. + + This is mostly for debugging purposes + to see what's actually going on under + the hood. path: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}当前路径{$sep}:' + name: '{$p}Current Path{$sep}:' lore: '%path%' + add-nbt: + name: "{$p}Add Tag" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' + lore: | + &7Adds a new tag to + the current compound. + + &7You can also {$p}left-click + &7to edit an existing tag or + {$p}right-click &7to remove a tag. + posx: 5 + posy: 6 tag: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 compound: condition: "tag == 'compound'" - name: '{$sep}[{$s}Compound{$sep}]{$p}%key%' + name: '{$sep}[{$s}NBTTagCompound{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: WHITE_WOOL strings: condition: "tag == 'string'" - name: '{$sep}[{$p}String{$sep}]{$p}%key%' + name: '{$sep}[&2NBTTagString{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: GREEN_WOOL integers: condition: "tag == 'int'" - name: '{$sep}[{$sp}Integer{$sep}]{$p}%key%' + name: '{$sep}[&9Integer{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: BLUE_WOOL byte: condition: "tag == 'byte'" - name: '{$sep}[&aByte{$sep}]{$p}%key%' + name: '{$sep}[&aNBTTagByte{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: LIME_WOOL short: condition: "tag == 'short'" - name: '{$sep}[&eShort{$sep}]{$p}%key%' + name: '{$sep}[&eNBTTagShort{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: YELLOW_WOOL long: condition: "tag == 'long'" - name: '{$sep}[&5Long{$sep}]{$p}%key%' + name: '{$sep}[&5NBTTagLong{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: PURPLE_WOOL double: condition: "tag == 'double'" - name: '{$sep}[&3Double{$sep}]{$p}%key%' + name: '{$sep}[&3NBTTagDouble{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: CYAN_WOOL list: condition: "tag == 'list'" - name: '{$sep}[{$p}List{$sep}]{$p}%key%' + name: '{$sep}[&7NBTTagList{$sep}] {$p}%key%' material: GRAY_WOOL else: - name: "{$sep}[{$e}未知{$sep}:{$s}%tag%{$sep}]{$p}%key%" + name: "{$sep}[{$e}Unknown{$sep}: {$s}%tag%{$sep}] {$p}%key%" material: RED_WOOL - # The lore is the value which is set automatically by the plugin \ No newline at end of file + #The lore is the value which is set automatically by the plugin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-create.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-create.yml index a74af3b2a..f9d85ade7 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-create.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-create.yml @@ -1,23 +1,25 @@ -title: "&0-=({$s}王国发展方向&0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &6Kingdom Type &0)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: pacifist: - name: "{$p}和平主义" + name: "&2Pacifist" material: OAK_SAPLING lore: - - '{$p}和平主义王国不能入侵其他王国也不能被入侵。' - - "除非/k pvp打开,否则他们不能与其他玩家战斗。" - - "这基本上会提供一个" - - '&4永久的{$p}和平游戏环境。' + - '&7Pacifist kingdoms cannot invade' + - 'other kingdoms and cannot be invaded.' + - "They cannot PvP other players" + - "unless &6/k pvp &7is enabled." + - "Basically it'll provide a" + - '&4permanent &7peaceful gameplay.' slot: 1 aggressor: - name: "{$e}侵略主义" + name: "&cAggressor" material: DIAMOND_SWORD flags: ALL lore: - - '{$p}这种王国可以入侵其他非盟友王国' - - '和与他们的玩家战斗。' - - '但是可以使用护盾换取暂时的和平。' - slot: 3 \ No newline at end of file + - '&7These kingdoms can invade and PvP' + - 'other non-ally kingdoms, but they may' + - 'use shields for a peaceful experience' + - 'to a certain extent temporarily.' + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a2677a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-join-requests.yml @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +title: "&0-=( &aJoin Requests &0)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + requests: + name: "{$p}%player%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + lore: | + %online% + {$p}Sent{$sep}: {$s}%sent_date% + + {$p}Left-click &7to accept. + {$e}Right-click &7to deny. + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + red-glass: + name: '' + material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + close: + name: "&4Close" + material: BARRIER + posx: 5 + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml index 6406b8294..dd6a3e0ac 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/kingdom-relation-requests.yml @@ -1,49 +1,80 @@ -title: "&0-=(&a外交关系申请&0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aRelationship Requests &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: request: material: PLAYER_HEAD - valid: condition: expired - name: "已过期{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%" + name: "EXPIRED &8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" lore: | - {$p}来自王国{$sep}:{$sp}%kingdoms_name% - {$p}发送时间{$sep}:{$s}%timestamp% - {$p}请求关系{$sep}:%relation-color%%relation-name% - {$e}点击删除 + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &cClick to delete else: - name: "{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" lore: | - {$p}来自王国{$sep}:{$sp}%kingdoms_name% - {$p}请求关系{$sep}:%relation-color%%relation-name% - {$p}过期时间{$sep}:{$s}%time-left-to-accpet% - {$p}发送时间{$sep}:{$s}%timestamp% - {$p}已过时间{$sep}:{$s}%time-passed% - - {$p}&l左键以同意 - {$e}&l右键以拒绝 - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 ] + &2From Kingdom&8: &9%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + &2Requested Relation&8: %relation-color%%relation-name% + &2Expires in&8: &6%time-left-to-accpet% + &2Sent&8: &6%timestamp% + &2Time Passed&8: &6%time-passed% + + &2&lLeft-click to accept + &c&lRight-click to reject + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 decline-all: - name: "{$e}全部拒绝" + name: "&cDecline All" material: RED_WOOL - lore: "&4拒绝全部邀请" + lore: "&4Decline all invites" posx: 5 posy: 1 blue-glass: name: '' material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] - -# next-page: -# name: '{$s}Next Page {$p}- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" -# slot: 8 -# previous-page: -# name: '{$s}Previous Page {$p}- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' -# material: PLAYER_HEAD -# skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" -# slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 +#next-page: +#name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" +#slot: 8 +#previous-page: +#name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' +#material: PLAYER_HEAD +#skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" +#slot: 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/language-packs.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/language-packs.yml index 75f3975a1..a651dd2cd 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/language-packs.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/language-packs.yml @@ -1,9 +1,32 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$sp}语言包{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &9Language Packs &8)=-" rows: 6 - options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: @@ -11,61 +34,92 @@ options: posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' - name: '{$p}可用的下载语言' + name: '&2Available Languages To Download' lore: | - {$p}文件大小均小于{$p}500kb - {$p}注意,每次只会下载最新版本, - 所以若一个GUI或消息被重命名,移动, - 或删除(几乎不会发生), - {$p}插件{$e}将无法显示它们。 - - {$p}英语{$p}会一直处于被安装状态{$e}且无法删除, - {$p}{$p}因为它是"参考"语言。 - - {$p}全部下载的语言包均在 - {$p}repository{$p}文件夹里保存。 - {$p}此文件夹仅做参考文件夹, - {$p}因此永远不应被人为编辑。 - - {$p}若你想要编辑下载的语言, - {$p}请前往{$p}languages{$p}文件夹。 - 即使删除它们也没有问题, - {$p}插件可以不经过下载重新生成它们。 - - {$p}中国无法访问github.com, - {$p}所以如要下载语言, - {$p}请前往中国KingdomsX官方社区, - {$p}QQ群号为&e230574591。 + &7They're all under &2500kb + &7note that always the latest version is + downloaded, so if a GUI/message gets + renamed, moved or deleted which rarely + happens, the plugin &cwill not be able + to show them. + + &2English &7is always installed and + &ccannot be uninstalled &7since its + the 'reference' language. + + &7All downloaded language packs are saved + in a folder named &2repository&7. That + folder should never be edited manually. + That's the reference folder. + + If you want to modify the downloaded + languages, you should do so in the + &2languages &7folder instead. Even deleting + those are fine, the plugin will regenerate + them back without redownloading. download-all: posx: 5 posy: 6 - name: "{$p}下载&更新全部" + name: "&2Download & Update All" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFmZWMzYzdmYWIyYTM3MjkwNWZhM2ZjMWZiMjI4ZTc4M2JiOTNhNTNlNmQzMmU0NWViZGI0YTAyMThmY2NhIn19fQ==' lore: | - {$p}此选项会下载或更新全部还未下载 - {$p}或有最新版本的语言。 + &7This option downloads all + languages that haven't been + downloaded yet and updates all + other languages that have already + been downloaded but are outdated. languages: - # The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + #The skull skin textures are used for "languages" GUI + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}%native-name%{$sep}({$sp}%lang%{$sep})' + name: '&2%native-name% &8(&9%lang%&8)' up-to-date: condition: installed && updated lore: | - {$p}已是最新版 - &4右键以删除。 + &2Up to date + &4Right-click to uninstall. outdated: condition: installed lore: | - &e已过期,左键以更新, - {$sep}(&4!{$sep})&e升级会覆盖全部 - 需要升级的文件,只有以下的文件需要重新下载。 - &4右键以删除 - {$sp}中键查看升级文件的完整清单。 - - {$e}已升级文件概括{$sep}: + &eOutdated. Left-click to update. + &8(&4!&8) &eUpdating will override all + files that needs updating. Only the + files shown below will be redownloaded. + &4Right-click to uninstall + &9Middle-click to see a full list of + updated files. + + &cUpdated files summary&8: not-installed: lore: | - &4未安装 - 左键以下载 \ No newline at end of file + &4Not installed + Left-click to download diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/languages.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/languages.yml index a19a30538..874fe10fa 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/languages.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/languages.yml @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$sp}语言{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &9Languages &8)=-" rows: 6 - skulls: en: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGNhYzk3NzRkYTEyMTcyNDg1MzJjZTE0N2Y3ODMxZjY3YTEyZmRjY2ExY2YwY2I0YjM4NDhkZTZiYzk0YjQifX19' ru: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZlYWZlZjk4MGQ2MTE3ZGFiZTg5ODJhYzRiNDUwOTg4N2UyYzQ2MjFmNmE4ZmU1YzliNzM1YTgzZDc3NWFkIn19fQ==' @@ -11,20 +10,73 @@ skulls: zh: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Y5YmMwMzVjZGM4MGYxYWI1ZTExOThmMjlmM2FkM2ZkZDJiNDJkOWE2OWFlYjY0ZGU5OTA2ODE4MDBiOThkYyJ9fX0=' tr: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=' cs: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzliYmNjYzIxMDI2NDRkNGUzNmRmYWJlNzM1ZjBmOTMwN2FkYzVjODRlMjBhMGZkYzViM2ZhM2RlNDgwZDQ5OCJ9fX0=' - -# This GUI is quite... controversial. -# Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. + it: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODVjZTg5MjIzZmE0MmZlMDZhZDY1ZDhkNDRjYTQxMmFlODk5YzgzMTMwOWQ2ODkyNGRmZTBkMTQyZmRiZWVhNCJ9fX0=' +#This GUI is quite... controversial. +#Please try to keep your cool if your country speaks the language but the flag of another country is listed. options: decoration: - slots: [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' current-language: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}当前语言{$sep}:{$sp}%kingdoms_lang%' + name: '&2Current Language&8: &9%kingdoms_lang%' language: - slots: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}%lang%' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&2%lang%' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/editor.yml index 5757f66d7..54db465db 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/editor.yml @@ -1,34 +1,35 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}邮件 {$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Mail &8)=-" type: HOPPER - options: subject: slot: 0 material: NAME_TAG - name: '{$p}主题{$sep}:' + name: '&2Subject&8:' lore: '&f%subject%' recipients: slot: 1 material: BOOK - name: '{$p}收件方{$sep}:' + name: '&2Recipients&8:' lore: | - {$s}收件方{$sep}:{$sp}%to% - {$s}抄送{$sep}:{$sp}%cc% + &6To&8: &9%to% + &6CC&8: &9%cc% summary: slot: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}总结{$sep}:' + name: '&2Summary&8:' lore: '&f%summary%' reset: slot: 3 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}重置' + name: '&cReset' lore: | - {$p}重置邮件所有特性,比如 - 主题,收件方和内容。 + &7Resets all mail properties such + as the subject, recipients and + the content. preview: slot: 4 material: WRITTEN_BOOK - name: '{$sp}预览' + name: '&9Preview' lore: | - {$p}预览收件方看到的样子。 \ No newline at end of file + &7Shows how this mail would + look like when people read it. diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/mailbox.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/mailbox.yml index 602e59e53..3ee52190d 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/mailbox.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/mailbox.yml @@ -1,81 +1,132 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}邮箱{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Mailbox &8)=-" rows: 6 interactable: empty sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: previous: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODU1MGI3Zjc0ZTllZDc2MzNhYTI3NGVhMzBjYzNkMmU4N2FiYjM2ZDRkMWY0Y2E2MDhjZDQ0NTkwY2NlMGIifX19' - name: '{$p}上一页' + name: '&7Previous Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' next: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTYzMzlmZjJlNTM0MmJhMThiZGM0OGE5OWNjYTY1ZDEyM2NlNzgxZDg3ODI3MmY5ZDk2NGVhZDNiOGFkMzcwIn19fQ==' - name: '{$p}下一页' + name: '&7Next Page {$sep}- {$p}%page%&8/{$p}%pages%' separators: - slots: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 18, 22, 26, 27, 31, 35, 36, 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53] + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' sent-indicator: slot: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' - name: '{$sp}已发送邮件' + name: '&9Sent Mails' inbox-indicator: slot: 6 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFlNDI1YzViYTlmM2MyOTYyYjM4MTc4Y2JjMjMxNzJhNmM2MjE1YTExYWNjYjkyNzc0YTQ3MTZlOTZjYWRhIn19fQ==' - name: '{$sp}未读邮件' + name: '&9Inbox' get-envelope: posx: 5 posy: 1 material: WRITABLE_BOOK - name: '{$p}发送邮件' + name: '&2Send Mail' lore: | - {$p}给你一本特殊的书让你开始写邮件。 + &7Gives you a special book + to start writing your mail. - 你把书放哪都行。如要编辑&内容 - {$p}只需{$p}右键{$p},之后就和Minecraft原版写书的方式相同。 + You can put this book anywhere + you want. To edit the mail &9contents + &7just &2right-click &7and write like + you normally would. - 若想编辑邮件的其他属性,如 - {$sp}主题{$p}或{$sp}收件方{$p}, - {$p}则在潜行时右键{$p}。 + To edit other properties like the + &9subject &7or &9recipients&7, + &2right-click while sneaking&7. - {$p}当全部完成之后,是时候{$sp}发送 - {$p}邮件了, 请将书移回之已发送邮件区域。 + Once you're done and ready to &9send + &7the mail, drop this book back into + the sent section here. - {$p}需要金币{$sep}:{$s}$%envelope-cost-money% - {$p}需要资源点{$sep}:{$s}%envelope-cost-resource-points% + &2Needed Money&8: &6$%envelope-cost-money% + &2Needed Resource Points&8: &6%envelope-cost-resource-points% sent: - slots: [10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}主题{$sep}:{$s}%subject%' + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' lore: | - {$p}发件方{$sep}:{$s}%from% - {$p}收件方{$sep}:{$s}%to% - {$p}抄送{$sep}:{$s}%cc% - {$p}时间{$sep}:{$s}%sent-date% %sent-time% + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% - {$p}总结{$sep}: + &2Summary&8: &f%summary% inbox: - slots: [14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43] + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}主题{$sep}:{$s}%subject%' + name: '&2Subject&8: &6%subject%' lore: | - {$p}发件方{$sep}:{$s}%from% - {$p}收件方{$sep}:{$s}%to% - {$p}抄送{$sep}:{$s}%cc% - {$p}时间{$sep}:{$s}%sent-date% %sent-time% + &2From&8: &6%from% + &2To&8: &6%to% + &2CC&8: &6%cc% + &2At&8: &6%sent% - {$p}总结{$sep}: + &2Summary&8: &f%summary% back: posx: 5 posy: 6 material: BARRIER - name: '{$e}返回' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/recipients.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/recipients.yml index 2c939f5b2..be2fc1e59 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/recipients.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/mails/recipients.yml @@ -1,29 +1,53 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$sp}收件方{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &9Recipients &8)=-" rows: 3 options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' to: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '{$p}收件方{$sep}:{$sp}%to%' + name: '&2To&8: &9%to%' cc-add: posx: 3 posy: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMyY2E2NjA1NmI3Mjg2M2U5OGY3ZjMyYmQ3ZDk0YzdhMGQ3OTZhZjY5MWM5YWMzYTkxMzYzMzEzNTIyODhmOSJ9fX0=' - name: '{$p}抄送{$sep}:' - lore: "{$p}点击增加" + name: '&7CC&8:' + lore: "&2Click to add" cc: - slots: [ 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ] + slots: + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '{$sp}%singular-cc%' - lore: '{$e}点击移除' + name: '&9%singular-cc%' + lore: '&cClick to remove' back: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: BARRIER - name: '{$e}返回' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/map-settings.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/map-settings.yml index 00ef6557e..37737ee0c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/map-settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/map-settings.yml @@ -1,62 +1,65 @@ -title: "{$e}地图设置" +title: "&cMap Settings" type: HOPPER - options: scoreboard: slot: 0 material: PAPER lore: | - {$p}用计分板展示王国地图, - 这会比自动地图模式更加方便,且能自动更新。 + &7Shows the kingdom map as a scoreboard + which is much more convenient than + auto map mode and updates automatically. - 缺点是它会占据屏幕的一大块, - 并且你需要记住不同颜色与符号的意思。 + The disadvantage is that + it takes a huge portion of your screen + and you must memorize the symbols and + colors and what they mean. - 如果你离开,此选项会被重置。 + This option resets if you leave. enabled: condition: scoreboard_enabled - name: "{$enabled}切换计分板" + name: "{$enabled} Toggle Scoreboard" glow: true else: - name: "{$disabled}切换计分板" + name: "{$disabled} Toggle Scoreboard" reset: slot: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '&4重置设置' - - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh + name: '&4Reset Settings' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/45282-redstone-block-refresh skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzA1ZWI3ZTA0ODg2ODMyNTRlZGI2NzgyYzVkYjhkMjdjZDA3OGU3ODRkZTJkY2RjZDI1Y2UwODY0ZGZhYmQzOCJ9fX0=' resize: slot: 2 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}调整大小' + name: '&2Resize' lore: - - "{$p}改变你自己地图的&a宽度{$p}和&a高度" - - "{$p}当前大小{$sep}:{$p}%kingdoms_map_width%{$p},{$p}%kingdoms_map_height%" - - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe + - "&7Resize your own map &awidth &7and &aheight" + - "&7Your current size&8: &2%kingdoms_map_width%&7, &2%kingdoms_map_height%" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/49973-globe skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODc5ZTU0Y2JlODc4NjdkMTRiMmZiZGYzZjE4NzA4OTQzNTIwNDhkZmVjZDk2Mjg0NmRlYTg5M2IyMTU0Yzg1In19fQ==' auto: slot: 3 material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - - "{$p}你走向不同土地时" - - "地图会自动出现" - + - "&7The map keeps appearing automatically" + - "as you walk to different lands." enabled: condition: 'auto_map_enabled' - name: "%var_enabled%自动" - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark + name: "{$enabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/21774-green-checkmark skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=' else: - name: "%var_disabled%自动" - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x + name: "{$disabled} Auto" + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/miscellaneous/44761-x skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDdhY2ZmNThjMjExZTQ2ODA2ZDRhYzlhNzczMjBiZjU3MjUwZWQ4YmY3OTMzZWE0M2FjOGVmMmZkNzBkZWZkYyJ9fX0=' gui: slot: 4 material: CHEST - name: "{$p}使用GUI查看地图" + name: "&2See the map in a GUI" lore: | - {$p}优点是点击更方便与突变更清晰, + &7Advantages would be better + clicking behavior and clearer + icons for different lands. - 缺点是GUI的大小限制,且会限制你的移动。 + Disadvantages would be the + limit of GUI inventory size + and limiting your mobility. diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/map.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/map.yml index ec64ca2fb..54cc04624 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/map.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/map.yml @@ -1,10 +1,63 @@ -title: "&0-=(&a&l地图&0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &a&lMap &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - -# This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config -# You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. +#This file is just a template for /k map GUI. The options are managed from the other map.yml config +#You should not change anything (except the title) unless you know what you're doing. options: element: material: DIRT - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/editor.yml index 54506c16d..b2217dce9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/editor.yml @@ -1,66 +1,99 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=[{$p}%outpost-name%{$sep}]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &2%outpost-name% &8]=-" rows: 4 options: decoration: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' name: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}名称{$sep}:{$s}%outpost-name%' + name: '&2Name&8: &6%outpost-name%' region: posx: 3 posy: 2 material: ENDER_EYE - name: '{$p}地区{$sep}:{$s}%outpost-region%' + name: '&2Region&8: &6%outpost-region%' center: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: COMPASS - name: '{$p}中心' + name: '&2Center' lore: | %outpost-center% - {$p}生成烟花和掉落奖励的地方。 - - {$p}左键将其设为你的当前位置, - - {$sp}邮件传送至当前中心位置。 + &7The location where the rewards + are dropped and fireworks are spawned. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. spawn: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: ENDER_PEARL - name: '{$p}出生点' + name: '&2Spawn' lore: | %outpost-spawn% - {$p}玩家参加锦标赛时传送到的地方。 - - {$p}左键将其设为你的当前位置, - - {$sp}邮件传送至当前出生点位置。 + &7Where the players get teleported + to when they join the event. + + &2Left-Click to set to your + current location. + + &9Right-click to teleport to + the set location. bossbar: posx: 7 posy: 2 material: BREWING_STAND - name: '{$p}BOSS栏设置' + name: '&2BossBar Settings' delete: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: BARRIER - name: '{$e}移除前哨' + name: '&cDelete this outpost' entrance-money: posx: 4 posy: 3 material: DIAMOND - name: '{$p}进入前哨收取的费用{$sep}:{$s}$%outpost-entrance-money%' + name: '&2Entrance Money Fee&8: &6$%outpost-entrance-money%' rewards: posx: 5 posy: 3 material: BOOK - name: '{$p}奖励' + name: '&2Rewards' entrance-resource-points-fee: posx: 6 posy: 3 material: EMERALD - name: '{$p}进入前哨收取的资源点{$sep}:{$s}%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&2Entrance Resource Points Fee&8: &6%outpost-entrance-resource-points-fee%' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml index 247406132..c02347924 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/commands.yml @@ -1,15 +1,37 @@ -title: hopper +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Command Rewards {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '' + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: @@ -17,21 +39,51 @@ options: posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' - name: '{$e}信息' + name: '{$e}Info' lore: | - &7这些指令是对赢得锦标赛的王国执行的, + &7These commands are executed + for the kingdom that won the event. - 故任何独立影响玩家的指令都会无效。 + So any command that targets players + individually will not work. add: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD - name: '{$p}添加' + name: '{$p}Add' skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWZmMzE0MzFkNjQ1ODdmZjZlZjk4YzA2NzU4MTA2ODFmOGMxM2JmOTZmNTFkOWNiMDdlZDc4NTJiMmZmZDEifX19' commands: - slots: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 material: COMMAND_BLOCK name: '%command%' lore: | - {$p}左键以编辑 - {$s}右键以移除 + {$p}Left-click to edit + {$s}Right-click to remove diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml index e484a9afd..a0e63858f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/items.yml @@ -1,22 +1,72 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=({$p}物品奖励{$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Item Rewards {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - -# Items go here -interactable: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] - +#Items go here +interactable: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}返回' + name: '{$p}Back' decoration-1: - slots: [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 27, 35, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 5 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 49 + - 51 + - 53 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' decoration-2: - slots: [ 2, 6, 8, 18, 26, 36, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52 ] + slots: + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 48 + - 50 + - 52 material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' info: @@ -24,16 +74,48 @@ options: posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDAxYWZlOTczYzU0ODJmZGM3MWU2YWExMDY5ODgzM2M3OWM0MzdmMjEzMDhlYTlhMWEwOTU3NDZlYzI3NGEwZiJ9fX0=' - name: '{$e}信息' + name: '{$e}Info' lore: | - {$p}这些物品会随机在 - 锦标赛区域里掉落并且可被玩家捡起。 - - {$p}你可以与此GUI中的物品自由交互, - 拿走它们或添加你自己的物品。 - - {$p}如要自定义物品,可以使用 - {$p}/k admin item editor{$p}指令{$p}。 + &7These items are randomly + thrown in the Outpost event + area and players can pick + them up. + + You can freely interact with + the items in this GUI, taking + them and adding your own. + + To make custom items you can use + the {$p}/k admin item editor + &7command as well. items: - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] - material: STONE \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: STONE diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml index d9856823d..7588ca55e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/outposts/rewards/main.yml @@ -1,36 +1,54 @@ -title: hopper +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Rewards {$sep})=-' rows: 3 - options: back: posx: 1 posy: 1 material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - name: '{$p}返回' + name: '{$p}Back' decoration: - slots: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' resource-points: posx: 2 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}资源点{$sep}:' + name: '{$p}Resource Points{$sep}:' lore: "%outpost-rewards-resource-points%" money: posx: 4 posy: 2 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}金钱{$sep}:' + name: '{$p}Money{$sep}:' lore: "%outpost-rewards-money%" commands: posx: 6 posy: 2 material: COMMAND_BLOCK - name: '{$p}指令' + name: '{$p}Commands' items: posx: 8 posy: 2 material: DIAMOND_SWORD - name: '{$p}物品' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$p}Items' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml index 9d654a420..76c1c34cd 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/kingdoms.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=[&5保护{$sep}]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "{$p}添加王国" + name: "&2Include Kingdom" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}添加一个王国,使其" - - "成员能编辑这个方块。" + - "&6Add a kingdom so their members" + - "can access this block." - "" - - "他们不能够更改权限组" - - "或破坏方块。" + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "{$e}移除王国" + name: "&cExclude Kingdom" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}添加一个王国,使其" - - "成员不能编辑这个方块。" + - "&6Add a kingdom to exclude their members" + - "from accessing the block." - "" - - "你王国中有超过本保护" - - "权限的人依然可以编辑" - - "这个方块或者破坏它。" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4删除" + name: "&4Clear" material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "{$s}把所有王国" - - "从此列表上删除。" + - "&6Remove all the kingdoms" + - "from this list." posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&4返回" + name: "&4Back" material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "{$s}%name%{$sep}-{$p}白名单" + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included" material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "{$s}%name%{$sep}-{$e}黑名单" + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/players.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/players.yml index f0f745d0b..d59d550b6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/players.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/players.yml @@ -1,54 +1,103 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=[&5保护{$sep}]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: include: - name: "{$p}添加玩家" + name: "&2Include Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}添加某个玩家" - - "使其能编辑这个方块。" + - "&6Add someone so they" + - "can access this block." - "" - - "他们将不能编辑权限组" - - "或破坏方块。" + - "They'll not be able to change" + - "the group or break the block." posx: 1 posy: 1 exclude: - name: "{$e}移除玩家" + name: "&cExclude Player" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}添加某个玩家" - - "阻止他们编辑方块。" + - "&6Add someone to exclude" + - "them from accessing the block." - "" - - "你王国中有越过" - - "保护权限的仍能编辑方块" - - "或者破坏它。" + - "Players in your kingdom with permission" + - "to override protections can still access" + - "the block or break it." posx: 2 posy: 1 clear: - name: "&4清除" + name: "&4Clear" material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "{$s}把所有玩家" - - "移出此列表。" + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from this list." posx: 8 posy: 1 back: - name: "&4返回" + name: "&4Back" material: BARRIER posx: 9 posy: 1 members: included: condition: included - name: "{$s}%name%{$sep}-{$p}白名单{$sep}-%online%" + name: "&6%name% &8- &2Included &8- %online%" material: PLAYER_HEAD else: - name: "{$s}%name%{$sep}-{$e}黑名单{$sep}-%online%" + name: "&6%name% &8- &cExcluded &8- %online%" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 black-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml index 5ad011808..ec2913973 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/protected-sign.yml @@ -1,44 +1,56 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=[&5保护{$sep}]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection &8]=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: players: - name: "{$p}管理玩家" - lore: | - {$s}添加或移除能编辑此方块的玩家。 + name: "&2Manage Players" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude individual players + for accessing this block. - 玩家设置的权限高于王国设置,也就是说即使玩家的王国被移除或不在列表上,玩家仍可使用方块。 + Player settings override the kingdom + settings. Meaning that if a player is + a part of an included or excluded kingdom, + they can still use the block if the kingdom + is excluded or not use the block if the + kingdom is included. material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: '%owner%' slot: 0 kingdoms: - name: "{$p}管理王国" - lore: | - {$s}添加或移除能编辑此方块的王国成员。 + name: "&2Manage Kingdoms" + lore: |- + &6Include or exclude kingdoms for + accessing this block so everyone in + that kingdom are included or excluded. material: RED_BANNER sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS slot: 1 info: - name: "&5保护告示牌" - lore: | - {$s}告示牌保护方块不受破坏。 - 没有权限的任何人都无法使用它。 + name: "&5Protection Signs" + lore: |- + &6Protected blocks are protected + against griefs and no player can use it + without permission. - 如果一个玩家有编辑方块的权限, - 那他仍不能改变设置或破坏告示牌或方块。 + If a player has access to this block, + they still cannot change the sign settings + or break the sign or the block. - {$p}点击这里以给这个方块输入密码。 - 只有在容器方块(如箱子)被保护时才生效。 + &7Click here to set a password on the block. + This only works if the block being protected + is a container such as a chest. material: NETHER_STAR slot: 2 protection-type: - name: "{$p}保护方式{$sep}:{$sp}%protection_type%" - lore: | - {$s}更改默认的从其他玩家的手中的保护方式。 + name: "&2Protection Type&8: &9%protection_type%" + lore: |- + &6Change the method of how + this block is protected from + other players by default. material: CHEST slot: 3 back: - name: "&4关闭界面" + name: "&4Close the GUI" material: BARRIER - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml index bc77228e8..f501cebb4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/protection-signs/protection-type.yml @@ -1,57 +1,71 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=[&5保护方式{$sep}]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &5Protection Type &8]=-" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN - options: protected: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}%protection%" - lore: | - {$p}这个方块会自动从其他玩家手中被保护, - 除非玩家被手动添加到列表。 + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: OAK_SIGN - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: name: "&4%protection%" material: OAK_SIGN - lore: | - {$p}这个方块会自动从其他玩家手中被保护, - 除非玩家被手动添加到列表。 + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 1 everyone-in-kingdom: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}%protection%" - lore: | - {$p}这个方块会自动从其他非本王国的玩家手中被保护, - 除非玩家被手动添加到列表。 + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. material: SPRUCE_SIGN - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}%protection%" + name: "&2%protection%" material: SPRUCE_SIGN - lore: | - {$p}这个方块会自动从其他非本王国的玩家手中被保护, - 除非玩家被手动添加到列表。 + lore: |- + &7This block will be protected + from all the players who are not + in your kingdom unless they're + added manually to access the block. slot: 2 everyone: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}%protection%" - lore: | - {$p}任何玩家都可以编辑这个方块,除非玩家被手动移出此列表。 + name: "&2%protection%" + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. material: DARK_OAK_SIGN - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}%protection%" + name: "&2%protection%" material: DARK_OAK_SIGN - lore: | - {$p}任何玩家都可以编辑这个方块,除非玩家被手动移出此列表。 - slot: 3 \ No newline at end of file + lore: |- + &7This block can be accessed + by everyone, outside or inside your + kingdom unless they're added manually + to not have access to this block. + slot: 3 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/extractor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/extractor.yml index ccbd72c0e..510adb455 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/extractor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/extractor.yml @@ -1,59 +1,68 @@ -title: "{$p}提取器" +title: "&2Extractor" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: - break: - name: "&4破坏" - material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK - lore: - - "{$s}破坏此设施。" - slot: 4 collect: outOfFuel: condition: 'fuel <= 0' - name: "{$e}缺少燃料&9%time%&7-&9%fancy_amount%" + name: "{$e}Out of fuel &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" material: RED_WOOL nothing-to-collect: condition: 'amount <= 0' - name: "{$e}暂无资源点&9%time%" + name: "{$e}Nothing to collect &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed%" material: RED_WOOL else: - name: "&2收集&8:&9%time%&7-&9%fancy_amount%" + name: "&2Collect&8: &9%extractor-last-collected-time-passed% &7- &9%fancy_extractor_collected_resource_points%" material: GREEN_WOOL sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP lore: - - "{$s}收集所有生成的资源点。" - - "上次被{$sep}:{$p}%extractor-last-collector%{$s}收集。" + - "&6Collect all the generated" + - "resource points." + - "Last collected by&8: &2%extractor-last-collector%" slot: 0 fuel: - name: "&2燃料&8: &6%fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%" + name: "&2Fuel&8: &6%fancy_fuel%&8/&6%fancy_max_fuel%" material: COAL refresh: true slot: 1 lore: | - &7要灌注燃料,将燃料物品 - 扔至提取器上即可。 + &7To fill the fuel, simply drop + one of the fuel items on the + extractor block. - &2煤炭&8: &95 - &2木炭&8: &910 - &2烈焰棒&8: &9100 + &7Additionally you can place a {$p}hopper + &7on north, south, east, west or top of + the extractor with the following items. + Note that this only works once the extractor's + fuel is almost at zero. + + &2Coal&8: &95 + &2Charcoal&8: &93 + &2Blaze Rods&8: &9100 upgrade: slot: 3 upgrade: condition: level < max_level - name: "{$sp}收集{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%{$p}➛{$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}每次生成资源点时间{$sep}:{$s}%every%{$p}➔{$s}%next-every%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}一次生成资源点数量{$sep}:{$s}%resource-points%{$p}➔{$s}%next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every% &7➔ &6%next-every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points% &7➔ &6%fancy_next-resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel% &7➔ &6%fancy_next_extractor_needed_fuel%" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}%max-level-roman%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}每次生成资源点时间{$sep}:{$s}%every%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}一次生成资源点数量{$sep}:{$s}%resource-points%" \ No newline at end of file + - "&7⚫ &2Every&8: &6%every%" + - "&7⚫ &2Resource Points&8: &6%fancy_resource-points%" + - "&7⚫ &2Fuel Consumption&8: &6%fancy_extractor_needed_fuel%" + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml index 66b4019ce..ce42f797b 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champion-settings.yml @@ -1,29 +1,26 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}斗士{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Settings &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: upgrade: - name: "&b升级装备" + name: "&bUpgrade Equipment" material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - lore: - - "{$p}每次升级都会" - - "加强斗士的护甲和武器。" + - "&7Improve your champions" + - "armor and weapon with each upgrade." - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" slot: 0 change: - name: "{$s}更改" + name: "&6Change" material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "{$p}更改你的斗士类型。" + - "&7Change your champion type." slot: 1 - back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}返回到斗士升级界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to champion upgrades." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml index ac900a7d4..c51cf55e9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champion-upgrades.yml @@ -1,196 +1,220 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}斗士升级{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Champion Upgrades &8)=-" rows: 6 sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: settings: - name: "&b设置" + name: "&bSettings" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "{$p}更改你斗士的设置," - - "如升级他的装备" - - "或更改斗士类型。" + - "&7Change your champion's settings" + - "such as upgrading its equipment or" + - "changing your champion type." posx: 3 posy: 2 health: - name: "&b斗士生命值" + name: "&bChampion Health" material: MELON_SLICE - lore: - - "{$p}每升一级,给" - - "斗士增加{$p}50{$p}生命。" - - "{$p}当前斗士生命值{$sep}:{$p}%scaling%" + - "&7Increases champion's health" + - "by &250 &7every level." + - "&7Current champion's health&8: &2%scaling%" - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 reinforcements: - name: "&b支援" + name: "&bReinforcements" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - lore: - - "{$p}每升一级,便会每{$p}30{$p}秒内" - - "多生成一个核心守卫者。" + - "&7Spawns nexus guardian every {$p}3 &7minutes." + - "Each upgrade will reduce the time by {$p}15 seconds&7." + - "The spawned guards exactly match your" + - "nexus guards depending on the" + - "misc upgrade." - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 resistance: - name: "&b击退抗性" + name: "&bResistance" material: BRICK - lore: - - "{$p}每升一级都会增加{$p}%scaling%%{$p}" - - "斗士不会被击退的几率。" + - "&7Each upgrade adds &2%scaling%% &7chance that the" + - "Champion won't be knocked back by an attack." - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 speed: - name: "&b速度" + name: "&bSpeed" material: POTION - lore: - - "{$p}当斗士生命值低于{$p}20%时增加斗士速度。" + - "&7Increases champion's Speed when" + - "his health is lower than &220%" - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 focus: - name: "&b聚精会神" + name: "&bFocus" material: ENDER_EYE - lore: - - "{$p}被斗士击中的玩家" - - "会有{$p}%scaling%{$p}秒被移除所有" - - "药水效果。" + - "&7Players hit by the champion will" + - "have &2%scaling% &7second removed from all" + - "their active potion effects." - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 3 strength: - name: "&b力量" + name: "&bStrength" material: ANVIL - lore: - - "{$p}斗士会带有力量效果" - - "{$p}且每次升级效果会提升。" + - "&7Strength potion will be" + - "added to the champion" + - "&7and will be amplified each level." - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 3 throw: - name: "&b抛击" + name: "&bThrow" material: COOKED_PORKCHOP - lore: - - "{$p}斗士每次攻击,都有几率" - - "{$p}把玩家击飞到空中。" - - "{$p}每次升级会增加{$p}10%{$p}的几率。" + - "&7Every attack, there will be a chance" + - "&7to knock the player into the sky." + - "&7Each upgrade increases this chance by &210%" - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 3 death-duel: - name: "&b决一死战" + name: "&bDeath Duel" material: GOLDEN_SWORD - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "{$p}所有除入侵者(即输入/k invade的玩家)以外的玩家," - - "对斗士造成的伤害都会减少{$p}50%{$p}。" - - "同时,斗士对非入侵者玩家伤害翻倍。" + - "&7All players except the invader will deal" + - "&250% &7less damage to the champion. The" + - "champion will also deal double damage" + - "to all players except the invaders." - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 3 drag: - name: "&b拖拽" + name: "&bDrag" material: FISHING_ROD - lore: - - "{$p}如果入侵者与斗士距离大于" - - "{$p}%scaling%{$p}个方块,玩家将会被拖拽至斗士身旁。" + - "&7If the invading player is more than" + - "&2%scaling% &7blocks away from the champion, the" + - "player will be dragged to the champion." - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 3 damage-cap: - name: "&b伤害封顶" + name: "&bDamage Cap" material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "{$p}你的斗士单次只能受到最高" - - "{$p}%scaling%{$p}点伤害,无视伤害类型。" + - "&7Your champion can only receive up to" + - "&2%scaling% &7damages on any attack." - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 4 thor: - name: "&b雷神之力" + name: "&bThor" material: DIAMOND_AXE - flags: [ HIDE_ATTRIBUTES ] - + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "{$p}每{$p}3{$p}秒,闪电会" - - "{$p}击中入侵者和附近所有非盟友玩家。" - - "{$p}闪电会造成伤害,且击退玩家。" + - "&7Every {$p}%cooldown%&7, lightning" + - "&7strikes the invading player and all" + - "&7nearby non-allied players. Deals" + - "&7damage, and knocks the players back also." - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 4 plow: - name: "&b犁" + name: "&bPlow" material: COBWEB - lore: - - "{$p}你的斗士会尝试清除岩浆和蜘蛛网。" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&7Your champion will try to clear" + - "lava and webs every {$p}%cooldown%" + - "" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 4 fangs: - name: "&b尖刺" + name: "&bFangs" material: EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG - lore: - - "{$p}召唤掠夺者尖刺攻击附近的敌人。" + - "&7Spawn fangs for the enemy" + - "players around the champion" + - "every {$p}%cooldown%" - "" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Level&8: &6%level%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 4 - back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 6 purple-glass: name: "" material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 2, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 51, 53 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 51 + - 53 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 36, 44, 46, 52 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 36 + - 44 + - 46 + - 52 magenta-glass: name: "" material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 10, 16, 37, 43 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 10 + - 16 + - 37 + - 43 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml index 0ded5df26..1293d1947 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/champions.yml @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}斗士{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &2Champions &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: zombie: - name: "{$p}僵尸" + name: "&2Zombie" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD slot: 0 skeleton: - name: "{$s}骷髅" + name: "&6Skeleton" material: SKELETON_SKULL slot: 1 - back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}返回到斗士设置界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to champion settings." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d0d77ba --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/logs-filters-and-sorting.yml @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +title: "&8-=[ &4Logs Filters & Sorting &8]=-" +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +rows: 3 +options: + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '&cBack' + decoration: + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + filters-player: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Player Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_player_name%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Player Filter' + filters-time: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CLOCK + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Time Filter' + lore: | + {$p}After{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_after% + {$p}Before{$sep}: {$s}%date_filters_time_before% + else: + name: '{$disabled} Time Filter' + filters-type: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: BARRIER #Template + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Filter' + lore: "{$p}%filters_type_type%" + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Filter' + sort-ascending-time: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Ascending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Ascending Time Sort' + sort-descending-time: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Descending Time Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Descending Time Sort' + sort-type: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PAPER + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} Type Sort' + else: + name: '{$disabled} Type Sort' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml index ccca72889..81208766f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/logs.yml @@ -1,329 +1,499 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=[&4王国编年史{$sep}]=-" +title: "&8-=[ &4Audit Logs &8]=-" sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN rows: 6 - -# -nosync +#-NOSYNC '[type]': kingdom-join: material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '&2玩家加入&8:&6%player%' + name: '&2Player Joined{$sep}: &6%player%' lore: | - {$p}加入时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% - &2邀请人&8:&6%inviter% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Invited By{$sep}: &6%inviter% kingdom-kick: material: RED_WOOL - name: '&2踢出玩家&8:&6%player%' + name: '&2Kicked Member{$sep}: &6%player%' lore: | - {$p}踢出时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% - &2踢出者&8:&6%kicker% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + &2Kicker{$sep}: &6%kicker% kingdom-leave: material: RED_WOOL - name: '&2玩家离开&8:&6%player%' + name: '&2Player Left{$sep}: &6%player%' lore: | - &2离开时间&8:&6%time% - &2离开原因&8:&6%reason% + &2At{$sep}: &6%time% + &2Reason{$sep}: &6%reason% kingdom-challenge-challenger: material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '&2挑战王国' + name: '&2Challenged' lore: | - &c玩家&e%player%&c挑战了 - &e%kingdoms_name%&c王国。 - {$p}挑战时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + &e%player% &chas challenged + &e%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% &ckingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% - &7你还有&c%start_time% - &7准备入侵。 + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare to attack. kingdom-challenge-challenged: material: RED_WOOL - name: '&c王国被挑战' + name: '&cChallenged' lore: | - &e%kingdoms_name%&c王国 - &c挑战了你的王国。 - {$p}挑战时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + &e%kingdoms_kingdom_name% &ckingdom has + &cchallenged your kingdom. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% - &7你还有&c%start_time% - &7准备防守。 + &7You have until &c%start_time% + &7to prepare before they attack. kingdom-claim: material: GRASS_BLOCK - name: '&2占领土地' + name: '&2Claimed' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player% - {$p}占领了以下土地{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has claimed + the following lands{$sep}: %lands% - {$p}占领时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-unclaim: material: GRASS_BLOCK - name: '&c放弃土地' + name: '&cUnclaimed' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player% - {$p}放弃了以下土地{$sep}: + {$es}%player% {$e}has unclaimed + the following lands{$sep}: %lands% - {$p}At{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-invasion-invader: material: IRON_SWORD - name: '&2入侵土地' + name: '&2Invaded' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}入侵了土地{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded{$sep}: {$s}%chunk% - {$p}入侵王国{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_name% - {$p}劫掠模式{$sep}:%ransack-mode% - {$p}入侵结果{$sep}:{$s}%result% - {$p}入侵时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% - {$p}受影响土地{$sep}: + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: %affected-lands% kingdom-invasion-invaded: material: GOLD_SWORD - name: '&c土地被入侵' + name: '&cGot Invaded' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}入侵了你王国的土地{$sep}: + {$s}%player% {$p}has invaded your kingdom at{$sep}: {$s}%chunk% - {$p}入侵王国{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_name% - {$p}劫掠模式{$sep}:%ransack-mode% - {$p}入侵结果{$sep}:{$s}%result% - {$p}入侵时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% - {$p}受影响土地{$sep}: + {$p}Kingdom{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% + {$p}Ransack Mode{$sep}: %ransack-mode% + {$p}Result{$sep}: {$s}%result% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + {$p}Affected Lands{$sep}: %affected-lands% kingdom-upgrade-misc: material: DIAMOND_HOE - name: '&9杂项升级' + name: '&9Misc Upgrade' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}升级了杂项{$sep}: - {$s}%upgrade%{$p}。 - {$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%old_level%{$sep}➜{$s}%new_level% - {$p}花费资源点{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}升级时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}misc upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-upgrade-champion: material: ZOMBIE_HEAD - name: '&9斗士升级' + name: '&9Champion Upgrade' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}升级了斗士升级{$sep}: - {$s}%upgrade%{$p}。 - {$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%old_level%{$sep}➜{$s}%new_level% - {$p}花费资源点{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}升级时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}champion upgrade. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-upgrade-powerup: material: DIAMOND_SWORD name: '&9Powerup Upgrade' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}升级了加成{$sep}: - {$s}%upgrade%{$p}。 - {$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%old_level%{$sep}➜{$s}%new_level% - {$p}花费资源点{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}升级时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%upgrade% {$p}powerup. + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-structure-upgrade: material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: '&a设施升级' - lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}升级了设施{$sep}: - {$s}%item_style_display_name%{$p}, - {$p}设施坐标: {$s}%location% - {$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%old_level%{$sep}➜{$s}%new_level% - {$p}花费资源点{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}升级时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + name: '&aStructure Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structure at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-structure-purchase: material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: '&a设施购买' + name: '&aStructure Purchase' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}购买了设施{$sep}: - {$s}%item_style_display_name%{$p}, 数量为{$s}%amount%{$p}。 - {$p}花费资源点{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}购买时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}structures. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-turret-purchase: material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: '&a炮塔购买' + name: '&aTurret Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased {$s}%amount% + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turrets. + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-turret-purchase-ammo: + name: '&aTurret Ammo Purchase' + material: EMERALD_BLOCK lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}购买了炮塔{$sep}: - {$s}%item_style_display_name%{$p}, 数量为{$s}%amount%{$p}个。 - {$p}花费资源点{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}购买时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased ammo for + {$s}%style% {$p}turret at {$s}%translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%y%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$s}%fancy_old_amount% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_new_amount% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-turret-upgrade: material: ARROW - name: '&a炮塔升级' - lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}升级了炮塔{$sep}: - {$s}%item_style_display_name%{$p},{$s}%amount% - {$p}炮塔坐标: {$s}%location% - {$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%old_level%{$sep}➜{$s}%new_level% - {$p}花费资源点{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}升级时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + name: '&aTurret Upgrade' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has upgraded + {$s}%item_style_display_name% {$p}turret at + {$s}%location% + {$p}Level{$sep}: {$s}%old_level% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new_level% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-resource-points-convert: material: HAY_BLOCK - name: '&a资源点转换' + name: '&aResource Points Convert' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}更改了资源点{$sep}: - {$s}%fancy_amount-before%{$sep}➜{$s}%fancy_amount-after% - {$p}转换时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed + resource points{$sep}: + {$s}%fancy_amount-before% {$sep}➜ {$s}%fancy_amount-after% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% extractor-collect: material: EMERALD_BLOCK - name: '&a收集提取器' + name: '&aExtractor Collect' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}收集了提取器, - 设施坐标{$sep}:{$s}%location% - {$p}收集资源点数{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}收集时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has collected the + extractor located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Collected Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% warppad-teleport: material: END_PORTAL_FRAME - name: '&3传送板传送' - lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}使用了传送板传送, - {$p}初始坐标{$sep}:{$s}%from_location% - {$p}终点坐标{$sep}:{$s}%precise_location% - {$p}花费燃料{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% - {$p}传送时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + name: '&3Warp Pad Teleport' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has teleported + using the Warp Pad located at + {$s}%from_location% {$p}to + {$s}%precise_location% + {$p}Fuel Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel_cost% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% outpost-item-purchase: material: HAY_BLOCK - name: '&e前哨物品购买' - lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}从前哨购买了物品。 - 前哨坐标{$sep}:{$s}%location% - {$p}花费资源点{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}购买时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% - {$p}购买物品{$sep}: + name: '&eOutpost Item Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + the following items from the + Outpost structure located at{$sep}: + {$s}%location% + {$p}Total Resource Points{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% %purchases% kingdom-pacifism-change: material: NETHER_STAR - name: '&5和平主义更改' + name: '&5Pacifism Change' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}更改了王国的和平主义状态。 - {$p}和平主义{$sep}:{$s}%bool_pacifist% - {$p}更改时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$s}%player% {$p}has changed the + pacifism state of the kingdom. + {$p}Pacifist{$sep}: {$s}%bool_pacifist% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% shield-purchase: material: SHIELD - name: '&5护盾购买' - lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}为王国购买了护盾。 - {$p}护盾时间{$sep}:{$s}%shield-time% - {$p}花费资源点{$sep}:{$s}%fancy_resource_points% - {$p}购买时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + name: '&5Shield Purchase' + lore: | + {$s}%player% {$p}has purchased + a shield for the kingdom. + {$p}Purchased Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%purchased-shield-time% + {$p}Shield Duration{$sep}: {$s}%old-shield-time% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-shield-time% + {$p}Resource Points Cost{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_resource_points% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-relation-change: material: NETHER_STAR - name: '&9外交关系更改' + name: '&9Relationship Change' lore: | - {$p}本国与{$s}%kingdoms_name%{$p}王国的外交关系发生了更改{$sep}: - %old-relation%{$sep}➜%new-relation% - {$p}更改时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}Kingdom's relationship has + changed with {$s}%kingdoms_kingdom_name% {$p}kingdom{$sep}: + %old-relation% {$sep}➜ %new-relation% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-invite: material: BOOK - name: '&9邀请玩家' + name: '&9Invite' lore: | - {$s}%inviter%{$p}邀请了{$p}玩家{$s}%player% - {$p}加入王国。他们有{$s}%accept-time% - {$p}同意请求。 - {$p}邀请时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$s}%inviter% {$p}has invited {$s}%player% + {$p}to the kingdom. They have {$s}%accept-time% + {$p}to accept the request. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% kingdom-king-change: material: BOOK - name: '&4国王更改' + name: '&4King Change' lore: | - {$p}王国的国王更改了{$sep}: - {$s}%old-king%{$sep}➜{$s}%new-king% - {$p}原因{$sep}:{$s}%reason% - {$p}更改时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}Kingdom's king has been changed{$sep}: + {$s}%old-king% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-king% + {$p}Reason{$sep}: {$s}%reason% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% player-rank-change: - lore: "{$s}%old-rank%{$sep}➜{$s}%new-rank%" + lore: | + {$s}%old-rank% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-rank% + {$p}By{$sep}: {$s}%by-player% promoted: - condition: 'old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority' # It's the opposite + condition: 'old_rank_priority > new_rank_priority' #It's the opposite material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '&a玩家晋升{$sep}:{$s}%player%' - else: # demoted + name: '&aPlayer Promoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' + else: #demoted material: RED_WOOL - name: '&c玩家降职{$sep}:{$s}%player%' + name: '&cPlayer Demoted{$sep}: {$s}%player%' rank-create: material: BOOK - name: '&2创建权限组' - lore: | - 玩家{$s}%player%{$p}创建了权限组{$sep}: - {$p}节点{$sep}:{$s}%rank_node% - {$p}名称{$sep}:{$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol%%rank_name% - {$p}优先级{$sep}:{$s}%rank_priority% - {$p}最大占领数{$sep}:{$s}%rank_max_claims% - {$p}材质{$sep}:{$s}%rank_material% - {$p}创建时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + name: '&2Rank Created' + lore: | + {$p}A rank was created by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-delete: material: BOOK - name: '&c删除权限组' - lore: | - 玩家{$s}%player%{$p}删除了了权限组{$sep}: - {$p}节点{$sep}:{$s}%rank_node% - {$p}名称{$sep}:{$s}%rank_color%%rank_symbol%%rank_name% - {$p}优先级{$sep}:{$s}%rank_priority% - {$p}最大占领数{$sep}:{$s}%rank_max_claims% - {$p}材质{$sep}:{$s}%rank_material% - {$p}创建时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + name: '&cRank Deleted' + lore: | + {$p}Rank was deleted by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$p}Node{$sep}: {$s}%rank_node% + {$p}Display Name{$sep}: {$s}%rank_color% %rank_symbol% %rank_name% + {$p}Priority{$sep}: {$s}%rank_priority% + {$p}Max Claims{$sep}: {$s}%rank_max_claims% + {$p}Material{$sep}: {$s}%rank_material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-name: material: BOOK - name: '&9权限组名称更改' + name: '&9Rank Name Changed' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}更改了权限组{$sep}: - %rank%{$p}的名称{$sep}: - {$s}%old-name%{$sep}➜{$s}%new-name% - {$p}更改时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-name% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-name% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-symbol: material: BOOK - name: '&9权限组符号更改' + name: '&9Rank Symbol Changed' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}更改了权限组{$sep}: - %rank%{$p}的符号{$sep}: - {$s}%old-symbol%{$sep}➜{$s}%new-symbol% - {$p}更改时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}symbol was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-symbol% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-symbol% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-color: material: BOOK - name: '&9权限组颜色更改' + name: '&9Rank Color Changed' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}更改了权限组{$sep}: - %rank%{$p}的颜色{$sep}: - {$s}%old-color%color{$sep}➜{$s}%new-color%color - {$p}更改时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}name was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-color%color {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-color%color + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-priority: material: BOOK - name: '&9权限组优先级更改' + name: '&9Rank Priority Changed' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}更改了权限组{$sep}: - %rank%{$p}的优先级{$sep}: - {$s}%old-priority%{$sep}➜{$s}%new-priority% - {$p}更改时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}priority was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-priority% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-priority% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-max-claims: material: BOOK - name: '&9权限组最大土地占领数更改' + name: '&9Rank Max Claims Changed' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}更改了权限组{$sep}: - %rank%{$p}的最大土地占领数{$sep}: - {$s}%old-max-claims%{$sep}➜{$s}%new-max-claims% - {$p}更改时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}max claims was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-max-claims% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-max-claims% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% rank-change-material: material: BOOK - name: '&9权限组材质更改' + name: '&9Rank Material Changed' + lore: | + {$p}The rank %rank% + {$p}material was changed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old-material% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new-material% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + structures-nexus-move: + material: BEACON + name: '&9Nexus Placed' + placed: + condition: placed + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + placed by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + else: + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's nexus was + moved by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%from_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%from_x%{$sep}, {$s}%from_y%{$sep}, {$s}%from_z% {$sep}➜ {$s}%to_translated-world%{$sep}, {$s}%to_x%{$sep}, {$s}%to_y%{$sep}, {$s}%to_z% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + group-tax-server-pay: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Server Tax" + lore: | + {$p}Server taxes paid. + {$p}Amount{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_amount% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-champion-change: + material: ZOMBIE_HEAD + name: "&9Champion Change" + lore: | + {$p}The champion was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-lore: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Lore" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's lore was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-rename: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Rename" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom was renamed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-change-tag: + material: PAPER + name: "&9Change Tag" + lore: | + {$p}The kingdom's tag was changed + by {$s}%player%{$sep}: + {$s}%old% {$sep}➜ {$s}%new% + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-join: + material: BEACON + name: "&9Nation Join" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has joined + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + kingdom-nation-leave: + material: BEACON + name: "&cNation Leave" + lore: | + {$p}Your kingdom has left + {$s}%kingdoms_nation_name% {$p}nation. + {$p}At{$sep}: {$s}%time% + 'PeaceTreaties:received': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Received Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' lore: | - {$p}玩家{$s}%player%{$p}更改了权限组{$sep}: - %rank%{$p}的材质{$sep}: - {$s}%old-material%{$sep}➜{$s}%new-material% - {$p}更改时间{$sep}:{$s}%time% + {$p}Proposer{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% + 'PeaceTreaties:sent': + material: BOOK + name: "&9Sent Peace Treaty" + commands: + - 'k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: | + {$p}To{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_name% + {$p}Contract Duration{$sep}: {$s}%peacetreaty_duration% + + {$p}For more information do{$sep}: + {$s}/k pt review %kingdoms_other_kingdom_name% '[else]': material: BARRIER - name: '{$e}未知的编年史种类{$sep}:' + name: '{$e}Unknown log type{$sep}:' lore: '{$es}%type%' - options: decoration: - slots: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' - + filters-and-sorting: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + material: BOOK + name: "{$p}Filters & Sorting" + lore: | + {$p}Filters{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Player{$sep}: %bool_filters_player% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Time{$sep}: %bool_filters_time% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_filters_type% + + {$p}Sorting{$sep}: + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Ascending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_ascending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Descending Time{$sep}: %bool_sorting_time_descending% + {$sep}⚫ {$s}Type{$sep}: %bool_sorting_type% next-page: - name: '{$s}下一页 {$p}- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '{$s}上一页 {$p}- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 - entry: - slots: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43] + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 '[switch]': type - back: posx: 5 posy: 6 material: BARRIER - name: '{$e}返回' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&cBack' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml index 95f231a8d..7f060c70e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/member.yml @@ -1,35 +1,49 @@ title: "%player%" type: HOPPER sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: kick: - name: "{$e}踢出" + name: "&cKick" material: RED_WOOL + cantKick: + condition: '!can_kick' + lore: | + &cYou can't kick this member. + else: { } slot: 0 demote: - name: '&e降职' + name: '&eDemote' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTM4NTJiZjYxNmYzMWVkNjdjMzdkZTRiMGJhYTJjNWY4ZDhmY2E4MmU3MmRiY2FmY2JhNjY5NTZhODFjNCJ9fX0=" + cantDemote: + condition: '!can_demote' + lore: | + &cYou can't demote this member. + else: { } slot: 1 member: - name: "{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "{$p}加入王国{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_joined%" - - "{$p}捐献{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "{$p}上次捐献{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "{$p}权限组{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_rank_name%" + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" slot: 2 promote: - name: '&a晋升' + name: '&aPromote' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjIyMWRhNDQxOGJkM2JmYjQyZWI2NGQyYWI0MjljNjFkZWNiOGY0YmY3ZDRjZmI3N2ExNjJiZTNkY2IwYjkyNyJ9fX0=" + canPromote: + condition: '!can_promote' + lore: | + &cYou can't promote this member. + else: { } slot: 3 back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}返回到成员界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to members menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml index a5f225b74..eb755f8e9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/members.yml @@ -1,36 +1,86 @@ -title: "&0-=(&a成员&0)=-" +title: "&0-=( &aMembers &0)=-" rows: 6 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP - options: members: - name: "{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "{$p}加入王国{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_joined%" - - "{$p}捐献{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "{$p}上次捐献{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "{$p}权限组{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 next-page: - name: '{$s}下一页{$p}- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" slot: 8 previous-page: - name: '{$s}上一页{$p}- &e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" slot: 0 back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml index 001570bd2..da670ccc5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/misc-upgrades.yml @@ -1,176 +1,522 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=(&3杂项升级{$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( &3Misc Upgrades {$sep})=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE - +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc]': + args: + - "" + - "" + - "" + return: + pacifist: + condition: ' && kingdoms_pacifist' + name: "" + perform-action: false + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "&cYour kingdom is pacifist" + - "and cannot use this upgrade." + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: "{$disabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%" + - "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable" + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + lore: + - "" + - "" + - "{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%" + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-misc-basic]': + args: + - "" + return: + maxxed: + condition: 'enabled && maxxed' + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - "" + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' options: glory: - name: "&3荣耀" material: NETHER_STAR - - lore: - - "{$p}一级{$sep}:{$s}在你的土地上杀死非玩家实体掉落经验*2。" - - "{$p}二级{$sep}:{$s}在你的土地上杀死非玩家实体掉落经验*2。" - - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 3 posy: 1 anti-trample: - name: "&a土地防踩踏" material: WHEAT_SEEDS - - lore: - - "{$p}一级{$sep}:{$s}你王国里的耕地不会被玩家踩坏。" - - '' - - "{$p}二级{$sep}:{$s}在你王国土地外面的活塞会失效。" - - "" - - "{$p}三级{$sep}:{$s}防止特定动物在王国土地中受伤。" - - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 1 nexus-guards: - name: "&4核心守卫" material: DIAMOND_AXE - pacifist: - condition: kingdoms_pacifist - perform-action: false - lore: | - &c你的王国是和平主义王国, - 无法使用此升级。 - else: - lore: - - "&6当有人进入核心所在土地," - - "生成比普通守卫更强壮的核心守卫。" - - "" - - "&2价格&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2等级&8: &6%level%" - + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 5 posy: 1 guards: - name: "&e守卫" material: IRON_AXE - pacifist: - condition: kingdoms_pacifist - perform-action: false - lore: | - &c你的王国是和平主义王国, - 无法使用此升级。 - else: - lore: - - "&6若一个非盟友进入土地," - - "王国守卫会随机生成以保护王国。" - - "" - - "&2价格&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2等级&8: &6%level%" - + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 6 posy: 1 insanity: - name: "{$e}疯狂" material: REDSTONE - - lore: - - "{$s}在能量枢纽所在的土地上" - - "生成的保卫者和核心守卫" - - "会有10秒钟的力量1" - - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 7 posy: 1 - invasion-teleportation: - name: "&3入侵传送" material: ENDER_PEARL - - lore: - - "{$p}减少你输入/k tp的传送延迟时间" - - "等级越高减少越多" - - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 3 posy: 2 invasions: - name: "&3入侵" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - - lore: - - "&2你的王国可以入侵&6%invasion-limit%&2次。" - - "&2已使用次数&8: &6%invasions%" - - "&2刷新冷却&8: &6%invasion-refresh-cooldown%" - - "" - - "&2价格&8: &6%cost%" - - "&2等级&8: &6%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], true ]' posx: 2 posy: 2 anti-explosion: - name: "&5防爆" material: GUNPOWDER - - lore: - - "{$p}一级{$sep}:{$p}苦力怕爆炸不会破坏方块或造成伤害。" - - "" - - "{$p}二级{$sep}:{$p}TNT爆炸不会破坏方块,但会对非盟友玩家造成伤害。" - - "" - - "{$p}三级{$sep}:{$p}保护你的王国成员,动物,和其他被困住的怪物" - - "免于爆炸伤害。" - - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" + args: + - + - + - + return: + pacifist: + condition: && kingdoms_pacifist + name: + perform-action: false + lore: + - + - + - '&cYour kingdom is pacifist' + - and cannot use this upgrade. + disabled: + condition: '!enabled' + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Level{$sep}: &6%level%' + - '{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to enable' + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - + "&lvl-maxxed \"{$p}Level{$sep}": '{$s}%level% {$sep}({$s}Maxxed{$sep})"' + - '&disable-upgrade "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}] {$es}Right-click to disable"' + else: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + lore: + - + - + - '{$p}Upgrade Cost{$sep}: &6%cost%' + - '*lvl' + - '*disable-upgrade' + 0: '], false ]' posx: 4 posy: 2 max-claims: - name: "&3最大占领量" + name: "&3Max Claims" material: MAP - - lore: - - "{$s}每升一级增大{$p}2{$s}最大占领量" - - "" - - "{$p}当前最大土地量{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_max_lands%" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 8 posy: 2 + max-turrets: + name: "&3Max Turrets" + material: ARROW + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' + posx: 5 + posy: 2 max-members: - name: "&3最大玩家量" + name: "&3Max Players" material: PLAYER_HEAD - - lore: - - "{$s}每升一级增加3最大玩家量。" - - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 6 posy: 2 chest-size: - name: "&3核心箱子容量" + name: "&3Nexus Chest Size" material: ENDER_CHEST - - lore: - - "{$s}增加你王国核心箱子的最大容量。" - - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" - - "{$p}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level%" + args: + - + return: + maxxed: + condition: enabled && maxxed + lore: + - + - '*lvl-maxxed' + else: + lore: + - + - '*lvl' + - '*upgrade-cost' + 0: '] ]' posx: 7 posy: 2 - back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "{$p}Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" + lore: "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: name: '' material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: name: '' material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [0, 8, 18, 26] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml index a8c18f2e6..e3a1fea16 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/nexus.yml @@ -1,36 +1,46 @@ -title: "{$p}&l%kingdoms_nation%的{$s}&l文明核心" +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_nation_name%'s &6&lNation Nexus" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - options: settings: - name: "{$p}设置" + name: "&7Settings" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$s}改变你的文明设置。" + - "&6Change your nation settings." posx: 5 posy: 2 resource-points: - name: "&e资源点转换器" + name: "&eResource Points Converter" material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "{$s}把你的物品转化为资源点,输入&e/k tradable{$s}查看可用物品。" - - "你的文明目前有&e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%{$s}资源点。" + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your nation has &e%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points% &6resource points." posx: 4 posy: 2 ranks: - name: "&5权限组与权限" + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "{$s}编辑你文明的权限组与权限。" + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your nation." posx: 6 posy: 2 - red-glass: name: "" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 8, 18, 26 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..907d3eb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 1 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: GOLD_INGOT + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." + posx: 2 + posy: 1 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 3 + posy: 1 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 4 + posy: 1 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bc8a9a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: "{$disabled} " + material: RED_WOOL +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} " + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} " +#-NOSYNC +'[permission]': + broadcast: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. + edit-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. + + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. + + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. + home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. + invite: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes + kick: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. + + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. + lore: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. + set-home: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. + manage-ranks: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. + + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. + withdraw: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. + relation-attributes: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. + settings: + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + nation settings located inside + nexus GUI. + "[else]": + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" + material: BARRIER +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + permissions: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature + '[switch]': permission + back: + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ec33e98a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" +rows: 5 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + decoration: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + node: + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" + material: EMERALD + lore: + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + name: + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" + material: DIAMOND + lore: + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Template material. Gets replaced + lore: + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + symbol: + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" + material: IRON_INGOT + lore: + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + color: + name: "%rank_color%Color" + material: COAL + lore: + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + priority: + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" + material: PAPER + lore: + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + max-claims: + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" + material: BOOK + lore: | + &7Maximum amount of claims a + player with this rank can claim + if they have claiming permissions. + + It'll only free more claims once + the player or someone else {$p}/k unclaim + &7the land that they claimed. + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + copy: + name: "&1Copy Rank" + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + lore: + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + permissions: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: ENCHANTED_BOOK + name: '{$p}Permissions' + delete: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + name: '{$p}&4Delete' + lore: + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920016e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + ranks: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: ' ' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..948ceea25 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" +rows: 6 +sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN +options: + add: + name: "&2Add Rank" + material: GREEN_WOOL + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + reset: + name: "&4Reset Ranks" + material: RED_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + demote-all: + name: "&4Demote All" + material: ORANGE_WOOL + lore: + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + rank: + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml index d89289a78..d1875d116 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,37 +1,44 @@ -title: "&a资源点转换器" +title: "&aResource Points Converter" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE -interactable: [999] +interactable: empty disallow-creative: true -#disallow-creative: true - +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. options: info: - name: "{$s}资源点{$sep}:{$p}%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_nation_resource_points%" material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 apply: - name: "{$p}转换" + name: "&2Apply" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" refresh: true lore: - - "{$s}把当前物品" - - "转化为资源点" + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" posx: 9 posy: 6 back: - name: "{$e}返回" + name: "&cBack" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" - - "这会取消" - - "资源点转换。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml index 0dceddcf6..624713068 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,152 +1,162 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}关系编辑器{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" rows: 1 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}飞行{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" material: ELYTRA - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "{$p}允许在你王国土地中飞行。" + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." else: - name: "{$p}飞行{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" material: ELYTRA lore: - - "{$p}允许在你王国土地中飞行。" + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." posx: 1 posy: 1 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}建造{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "{$p}允许在你的土地上建造。" + - "&7Allow building in your land." else: - name: "{$p}建造{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE lore: - - "{$p}允许在你的土地上建造。" + - "&7Allow building in your land." posx: 2 posy: 1 ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}停火{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "{$p}禁用向友方开火。" + - "&7Disable friendly fire." else: - name: "{$p}停火{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_SWORD lore: - - "{$p}禁用向友方开火。" + - "&7Disable friendly fire." posx: 3 posy: 1 interact: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}交互{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Interact&8: &2Enabled" material: CAULDRON - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "{$p}允许与容器交互。" + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." else: - name: "{$p}交互{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Interact&8: &cDisabled" material: CAULDRON lore: - - "{$p}允许与容器交互。" + - "&7Allow block interaction for opening containers." posx: 4 posy: 1 use: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}使用{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Use&8: &2Enabled" material: LEVER - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "{$p}允许使用方块," - - "如门,拉杆,和按钮。" + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." else: - name: "{$p}使用{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Use&8: &cDisabled" material: LEVER lore: - - "{$p}允许使用方块," - - "如门,拉杆,和按钮。" + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." posx: 5 posy: 1 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}炮塔停火{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "{$p}禁用炮塔向友方开火。" + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." else: - name: "{$p}炮塔停火{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW lore: - - "{$p}禁用炮塔向友方开火。" + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." posx: 6 posy: 1 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}管理炮塔{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" material: ARROW - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "{$p}允许破坏,放置炮塔及与炮塔交互。" + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." else: - name: "{$p}管理炮塔{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" material: ARROW lore: - - "{$p}允许破坏,放置炮塔及与炮塔交互。" + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." posx: 7 posy: 1 manage-structures: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}管理设施{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &2Enabled" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 lore: - - "{$p}允许破坏,放置设施及与设施交互。" + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." else: - name: "{$p}管理设施{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Manage Structures&8: &cDisabled" material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "{$p}允许破坏,放置设施及与设施交互。" + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." posx: 8 posy: 1 - back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml index 32e6379c4..49eee5962 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}外交关系{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: - name: "中性" + name: "Neutral" material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "{$p}盟友" + name: "&2Ally" material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&e停战" + name: "&eTruce" material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "{$e}敌对" + name: "&cEnemy" material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 nation: - name: "{$sp}文明" + name: "&9Nation" material: BLUE_CONCRETE - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml index 4f4ac11ed..117480436 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,47 +1,140 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}设置{$sep})=-" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - shields: - name: "{$s}护盾{$sep}:{$p}%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "{$p}给你的文明买一个保护它免受侵略的护盾。" + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - invites: - name: "{$s}邀请{$sep}:%invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "{$p}当关上时,任何人都无需邀请,只需要输入{$p}/k nation join %kingdoms_nation%即可加入" - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "{$s}外交关系" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "{$p}改变你与其他文明的外交关系。" + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 3 - posy: 1 + posy: 5 + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_nation_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k nation home %kingdoms_nation_name% tax: - name: "{$s}赋税" + posx: 7 + posy: 5 material: PAPER - lore: - - "{$p}改变你的文明收取成员国的税款。" - - "" - - "{$s}赋税{$sep}:{$p}$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax%" - - "{$s}税率{$sep}:{$p}%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "{$s}税款{$sep}:{$p}$%kingdoms_fancy_server_nation_tax%" - posx: 4 - posy: 1 - - back: - name: "{$p}返回" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your nation taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Member Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + + &6Nation Server Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_nation_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other nations. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. + flag: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: BLACK_BANNER + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your nation's flag for online maps. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + color: + posx: 5 + posy: 5 + material: LIME_DYE + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_nation_color@hex%%kingdoms_nation_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your nation marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_nation_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + nation to protect your kingdom + against invades. + + Kingdom members who invade when + nation shields are enabled, will + temporarily lose access to nation's + shield. diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml index 3a74ee3d5..0fe82ac3f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nation/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,48 +1,51 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$sep}护盾{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &8Shields &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "{$p}6小时护盾" + name: "&26 Hours Shield" material: SHIELD cost: 5000 time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}5000" + - "&6Cost&8: &25000" slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "{$p}12小时护盾" + name: "&212 Hours Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 8000 time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}8000" + - "&6Cost&8: &28000" slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "{$p}1天护盾" + name: "&21 Day Shield" material: SHIELD cost: 15000 time: 1day - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}15000" + - "&6Cost&8: &215000" slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "{$p}1周护盾" + name: "&21 Week Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 70000 time: 7days patterns: @@ -50,12 +53,13 @@ options: BORDER: RED CROSS: RED lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}70000" + - "&6Cost&8: &270000" slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "{$p}1月护盾" + name: "&21 Month Shield" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 150000 time: 30days patterns: @@ -63,5 +67,5 @@ options: BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}150000" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Cost&8: &2150000" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml index 17f55d516..cc13d133e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/nexus.yml @@ -1,166 +1,225 @@ -title: "{$p}&l%kingdoms_name%{$s}&l的核心" +title: "&2&l%kingdoms_kingdom_name%'s &6&lNexus" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE, 0.3 - +icon: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Nexus-Logo.png" +form-type: CUSTOM +form-options: + settings: + component-type: LABEL + text: "&5Settings" options: settings: - name: "{$p}设置" + name: "&7Settings" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$s}更改你王国的设置。" + - "&6Change your kingdom settings." posx: 5 posy: 2 members: - name: "{$p}成员" + name: "&2Members" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzRiODlhZDA2ZDMxOGYwYWUxZWVhZjY2MGZlYTc4YzM0ZWI1NWQwNWYwMWUxY2Y5OTlmMzMxZmIzMmQzODk0MiJ9fX0=' lore: - - "{$s}管理你王国的成员。" - - "{$s}晋升或降职他们。" + - "&6Manage your kingdom members." + - "&6Promote or demote them." posx: 5 posy: 3 masswar: running: condition: kingdoms_masswar_is_running - name: "&4大战" + name: "&4Masswar" material: CLOCK lore: - - "{$s}大战期间入侵免费。" - - "大战目前处于{$p}开启{$s}状态。" + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &2running." + - "" + - "{$p}Mass War ends in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" else: - name: "&4大战" + name: "&4Masswar" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}大战期间入侵免费。" - - "大战目前处于{$e}关闭{$s}状态。" + - "&6During masswar invasion is free." + - "Masswar is currently &cnot running." + - "" + - "{$p}Next Mass War in{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_time_masswar_time%" posx: 6 posy: 3 nexus-chest: - name: "&e核心箱子" + name: "&eNexus Chest" material: CHEST lore: - - "{$s}把物品放进你王国的核心箱子里" - - "{$s}以便成员使用。" + - "&6Put items in your kingdoms chest" + - "&6for everyone to use." posx: 7 posy: 3 turrets: - name: "{$sp}炮塔" + name: "&9Turrets" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW lore: - - "{$s}你可以花费资源点购买炮塔," - - "并把它们放在你的王国土地上。" - - "他们会自动攻击怪物和入侵者。" + - "&6You can buy turrets with" + - "resource points to place them" + - "on your land. It protects against" + - "mobs and invaders." posx: 3 posy: 3 structures: - name: "&5设施" + name: "&5Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP lore: - - "{$s}不同设施可以起不同作用。" - - "一块土地上最多有一个设施。" - - "注意!核心本身属于一个设施!" - - "设施可以花费资源点购买。" + - "&6Structures can do different things." + - "You can only have one structure per land." + - "Note that the nexus is a structure itself." + - "You can buy structures with resource points." posx: 4 posy: 3 misc-upgrades: - name: "&b杂项升级" + name: "&bMisc Upgrades" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE lore: - - "{$s}额外乱七八糟的" - - "从不同方面改善王国的一堆升级。" + - "&6Extra miscellaneous upgrades" + - "to improve your kingdom" + - "in different aspects." posx: 2 posy: 3 logs: - name: "&a编年史" + name: "&aAudit Logs" material: KNOWLEDGE_BOOK lore: - - "{$s}浏览王国活动,包括" - - "入侵,占领土地,放弃土地," - - "和其他成员活动。" + - "&6View kingdom logs including" + - "invasions, claiming, unclaiming," + - "and other member activities." + - "" + - "&7Most of these logs stay for" + - "30 days after they're deleted." + - "Some may stay for a shorter time" + - "that are less important." posx: 8 posy: 3 resource-points: - name: "&e资源点转换器" + name: "&eResource Points Converter" material: HAY_BLOCK lore: - - "{$s}把你的物品转换为资源点。" - - "你的王国目前有&e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%{$s}资源点。" + - "&6Convert your items to" + - "resource points." + - "Your kingdom has &e%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points% &6resource points." posx: 4 posy: 5 damage-reduction: - name: "&3伤害降低" + name: "&3Damage Reduction" material: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - flags: [HIDE_ATTRIBUTES] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "{$s}每升一级减少受到的&e1%伤害。" + - "&6Each upgrade reduces damage" + - "taken by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "{$s}等级{$sep}:{$p}%level%" - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 4 damage-boost: - name: "&3近战伤害增幅" + name: "&3Damage Boost" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [HIDE_ATTRIBUTES] + flags: + - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES lore: - - "{$s}每升一级增加造成的&e1%{$s}近战伤害。" + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "{$s}等级{$sep}:{$p}%level%" - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 4 arrow-boost: - name: "{$p}弓箭伤害增幅" + name: "&7Arrow Boost" material: BOW lore: - - "{$s}每升一级增加造成的&e1%{$s}弓箭伤害。" - - "(注意:其他远程攻击不受此项加成!)" + - "&6Each upgrade increases your bow" + - "damage by &e1% &6when you're in" + - "your own kingdom land." - "" - - "{$s}等级{$sep}:{$p}%level%" - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 4 regeneration-boost: - name: "&d生命回复增幅" + name: "&dRegeneration Boost" material: GOLDEN_APPLE lore: - - "{$s}在你的王国土地上,每升一级增加&e1%{$s}的回血速度。" + - "&6Each upgrade increases your" + - "regeneration rate by &e1% &6in your land." + - "This update doesn't do any regeneration by" + - "itself. It only boosts your health regeneration" + - "amount that you gained by eating food." - "" - - "{$s}等级{$sep}:{$p}%level%" - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}%cost%" + - "&6Level&8: &2%level%" + - "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 4 ranks: - name: "&5权限组与权限" + name: "&5Ranks & Permissions" material: BOOKSHELF lore: - - "{$s}编辑你王国的权限组与权限。" + - "&6Modify ranks and permissions for" + - "your kingdom." posx: 6 posy: 5 champion-upgrades: - name: "{$p}斗士升级" + name: "&2Champion Upgrades" material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "{$s}升级你的斗士," - - "以增强你对敌人的防御。" + - "&6Upgrade your champion for stronger" + - "defence against invaders." posx: 5 posy: 5 mailbox: - name: "{$p}邮箱" + name: "&2Mailbox" material: PLAYER_HEAD - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18054-mailbox-green + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/decoration/18054-mailbox-green skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" lore: | - {$p}向其他王国发送邮件或接收邮件。 - {$p}总共邮件数{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_mails_total% + &7Send & recieve mails from + other kingdoms. + &2Total mails&8: &6%kingdoms_mails_total% posx: 5 posy: 4 - red-glass: name: "" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 36, 37, 43, 44, 46, 49, 52] + slots: + - 1 + - 4 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 16 + - 17 + - 36 + - 37 + - 43 + - 44 + - 46 + - 49 + - 52 black-glass: name: "" material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 18, 26, 27, 35, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 45 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml index 3f78f5add..907d3eb20 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/king-rank-editor.yml @@ -1,48 +1,49 @@ -title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol%%rank_name%" +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" rows: 1 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: name: - name: "&5名称{$sep}:{$p}%rank_name%" + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" material: DIAMOND lore: - - "{$s}权限组的名称。" - - "支持任何字符但最长20个字符。" - - "也可以包含颜色代码。" + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." posx: 1 posy: 1 material: - name: "&e材质{$sep}:{$p}%rank_material%" + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" material: GOLD_INGOT lore: - - "{$s}用于在权限组界面显示的材质。" - - "你应该用最新的材料名,即使服务器处于旧版本。" + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest material names" + - "even if the server is running on old versions." posx: 2 posy: 1 symbol: - name: "&d符号{$sep}:{$p}%rank_symbol%" + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" material: IRON_INGOT lore: - - "{$s}这个权限组的符号" - - "最长5个字符。" - - "支持颜色代码。" + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." posx: 3 posy: 1 color: - name: "%rank_color%颜色" + name: "%rank_color%Color" material: COAL lore: - - "{$s}这个权限组的聊天字体颜色。" - - "最长五个字符。" + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." posx: 4 posy: 1 - back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "{$s}返回到权限组界面。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml index 577f7e2cf..b379ab893 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/permissions.yml @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ -title: '{$sep}-=({$p}权限{$sep})=-' +title: '{$sep}-=( {$p}Permissions {$sep})=-' rows: 6 - -# Don't remove "-nosync" from below. -# -nosync -'[fn-std-perm]': &fn-std-perm - args: [""] +import: + pagination: { } +#Don't remove "-NOSYNC" from below. +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-std-perm]': + args: + - "" return: enabled: condition: enabled @@ -13,10 +15,11 @@ rows: 6 else: name: "{$disabled} " material: RED_WOOL - -# -nosync -'[fn-perm]': &fn-perm - args: ["", ""] +#-NOSYNC +'[fn-perm]': + args: + - "" + - "" return: material: enabled: @@ -25,457 +28,692 @@ rows: 6 glow: true else: name: "{$disabled} " - -# -nosync +#-NOSYNC '[permission]': alliance: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}结盟" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}结盟" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k ally&7指令的权限。。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k ally &7command. broadcast: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}广播" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}广播" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k broadcast&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k broadcast &7command. build: - material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}建造" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}建造" - lore: | - &7在王国里建造的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission to build anywhere + in the kingdom. - 此权限与{$p}私有土地建造&7权限的区别请参考{$p}私有土地建造&7权限。 + For the difference between this + and {$p}BUILD_OWNED &7permission + refer to the other permission. build-owned: - material: GOLD_PICKAXE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}私有土地建造" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}私有土地建造" - lore: | - - "{$p}建造{$p}和{$p}私有土地建造{$p}的区别" - - "{$p}在于{$p}前者允许你在王国任何非核心区块上建造," - - "{$p}但后者仅允许你在自己占领的土地上建造。" - - "{$p}其他有{$p}私有土地建造{$p}权限的人无法在此类区块上建造," - - "{$p}但有{$p}建造权限{$p}的人可以。" + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7The difference between &2BUILD &7and + &2BUILD_OWNED &7is that &2BUILD &7allows + you to build anywhere in your kingdom + (except the nexus land that needs + &2NEXUS_BUILD&7) + + &2BUILD_OWNED &7only allows you to build + in the lands that you claimed yourself. + For example if you &6/k claim &7somewhere + other people with &2BUILD_OWNED &7can't + build there, but you or people who have + &2BUILD &7permission can. edit-ranks: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}权限组" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}权限组" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7创建,删除,和更改权限组的权限。 - 可更改内容包括符号,名称,和权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for creating, deleting + and modifying ranks including their + symbols, names and permissions. - 他们不能编辑自己的权限组或优先级更高的权限组。 + They will not be able to modify + their own rank or a rank of + someone with higher priority. - 此权限不会给予他们晋升&降职玩家的权限。 + This does not give them permission + to demote or promote other players. enemy: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}宣战" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}宣战" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k enemy&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k enemy &7command. home: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}家" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}家" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k home&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k home &7command. invade: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}入侵" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}入侵" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k invade&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invade &7command. invite: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}邀请" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}邀请" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k invite&7指令和 - 使用{$s}/k invitecodes&7指令制作邀请码的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invite &7command and + for making invite codes from + {$s}/k invitecodes kick: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}踢出玩家" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}踢出玩家" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k kick&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k kick &7command. - &7拥有此权限的玩家无法踢出与 - 他们权限组相同或权限组 - 优先级比他们更高的玩家。 + &7Players with this + permission will not be + able to kick players with + the same or higher ranks. lore: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}介绍" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}介绍" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k lore{$sep},{$s}/k rename&7和{$s}/k tag&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k lore{$sep}, {$s}/k rename {$sep}, + {$s}/k book edit &7and {$s}/k tag &7commands. nexus: - material: BEACON - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}核心" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}核心" - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k nexus&7指令移动王国核心的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for moving the + kingdom nexus using + {$s}/k nexus &7command. nexus-build: - material: BEACON - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}核心土地建造" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}核心土地建造" - lore: | - &7在核心所在土地里建造的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for building + in the nexus land nexus-chest: - material: CHEST - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}核心箱子" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}核心箱子" - lore: | - &7编辑王国核心箱子的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for modifying + the kingdom's nexus chest. outpost: - material: HAY_BLOCK - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}前哨" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}前哨" - lore: | - &7从设施"前哨"之中购买物品的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying + items from outpost structures. protection-signs: - material: OAK_SIGN - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}绕过保护告示牌" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}绕过保护告示牌" - lore: | - &7绕过王国土地内保护告示牌编辑方块的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for bypassing + sign protected blocks inside + kingdom lands. set-home: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}设置家" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}设置家" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k sethome&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k sethome &7command. invsee: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}查看背包" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}查看背包" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k invsee&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k invsee &7command. structures: - material: REDSTONE_LAMP - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}设施" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}设施" - lore: | - &7购买,放置,破坏和编辑设施的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying structures. use: - material: FURNACE - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}使用" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}使用" - lore: | - &7在王国内使用特定方块。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using certain + blocks inside the kingdom. interact: - material: OAK_DOOR - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}交互" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}交互" - lore: | - &7在王国土地内与特定方块交互 - (如门和按钮)的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for interacting + with certain blocks such as + doors and buttons inside + kingdom lands. upgrade: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}升级" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}升级" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7升级王国中全部可升级选项, - 如杂项升级,斗士升级,加成, - 炮塔与设施等。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for upgrading + anything that can be upgraded + inside the kingdom such as + misc-upgrades, champion upgrades, + powerups, turrets and structures. truce: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}停战" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}停战" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k truce&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k truce &7command. turrets: - material: ARROW - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}炮塔" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}炮塔" - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k broadcast&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for buying, placing + breaking and modifying turrets. unclaim: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}放弃" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}放弃" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k unclaim&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k unclaim &7commands. manage-ranks: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}管理成员权限组" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}管理成员权限组" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7将权限组低于自己的玩家 - 晋升&降职的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for promoting + and demoting members with + lower rank than the player. - 此权限不会给予他们编辑权限组的权限。 + This does not give them + permission to modify rank + settings. withdraw: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}取出" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}取出" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k rp withdraw&7指令 - 取出王国资源点转换为自己账户中的金钱 - (如通过王国核心GUI的资源点转换器)的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k rp withdraw &7command + and withdrawing resource points + in exchange for money by other + means like the option in + resource points converter inside + nexus GUI. fly: - material: ELYTRA - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}飞行" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}飞行" - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k fly&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k fly &7command. nation: - material: BLUE_WOOL - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}文明" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}文明" - lore: | - &7加入&离开文明的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for joining + or leaving nations. exclude-tax: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}免税" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}免税" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7无需缴税的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Kingdom members with this + permission are not required + to pay taxes to the kingdom. relation-attributes: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}外交关系属性" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}外交关系属性" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7编辑外交关系属性的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing + relationship attributes. settings: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}设置" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}设置" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7更改在王国核心GUI内部 - 设置的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for editing general + kingdom settings located inside + nexus GUI. claim: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}占领" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}占领" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k claim&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission for using + {$s}/k claim &7commands. unclaim-owned: - lore: | - &7仅允许玩家放弃自己占领的土地的权限。 - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}放弃私有土地" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}放弃私有土地" - material: RED_WOOL + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Allows you to only unclaim + the lands that you claimed yourself. instant-teleport: - lore: | - &7当输入&2/k tpa&7指令时立即传送至玩家身边的权限, - 若禁用则必须等待玩家同意。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Instantly teleport to your + members when using the &2/k tpa + &7command. Otherwise you'll have + to wait for them to accept the request. - 你在传送前仍需要等待倒计时结束。 - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "&2瞬时传送" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}瞬时传送" - material: RED_WOOL + You will still have the teleport + countdown before teleporting. view-logs: - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}查看编年史" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}查看编年史" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7通过王国核心GUI查看王国编年史的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7View your kingdom audit logs + which can be accessed from + your nexus. read-mails: - material: PLAYER_HEAD - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}查看邮件" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}查看邮件" - lore: | - &7使用王国核心GUI查看邮件的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Permission for reading + kingdom mails located inside + nexus GUI. skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" manage-mails: - material: PLAYER_HEAD - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}管理邮件" - glow: true - else: - name: "{$disabled}管理邮件" - lore: | - &7发送新邮件&回复邮件的权限。 + args: + - + - + return: + material: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + glow: true + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + lore: | + &7Send new mails and reply. skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTVmYmJjNjI1ZmE0ZWI2NDk2YmU4ZGJiZjBhYTJiMjhmMTAyOTdjZmZiY2Y1ZTBhYWY2Y2IxMWU4ZjI2MTZlZCJ9fX0=" 'Outposts:join': - enabled: - condition: enabled - name: "{$enabled}参加前哨锦标赛" - material: GREEN_WOOL - else: - name: "{$disabled}参加前哨锦标赛" - material: RED_WOOL - lore: | - &7使用{$s}/k outposts join&7指令的权限。 + args: + - + return: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: '{$enabled} ' + material: GREEN_WOOL + else: + name: '{$disabled} ' + material: RED_WOOL + lore: | + &7Permission to use + {$s}/k outposts join &7command. "[else]": - name: "&4未知: %permission%" + name: "&4Unknown: %permission%" material: BARRIER - options: decoration: - slots: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' - - next-page: - name: '{$s}下一页{$p}-&e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" - slot: 8 - previous-page: - name: '{$s}上一页{$p}-&e%page%{$sep}/&e%pages%' - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" - slot: 0 - permissions: - slots: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43] - # This is a special feature + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + #This is a special feature '[switch]': permission - back: posx: 5 posy: 6 material: BARRIER - name: '{$p}返回' \ No newline at end of file + name: '{$p}Back' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml index b2e3104da..1b5ec9867 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-editor.yml @@ -1,100 +1,146 @@ -title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol%%rank_name%" +title: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" rows: 5 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: decoration: - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: '' - node: - name: "{$p}节点{$sep}:{$p}%rank_node%" + name: "&2Node&8: &2%rank_node%" material: EMERALD lore: - - "{$s}节点基本上是权限组的名称,但是不能添加颜色与特殊符号。" - - "它会在你使用晋升/降职指令时被使用。" - - "不能包含数字且最长15字符。" + - "&6Node is the basically the rank's name but" + - "without colors or any special characters." + - "This is used when you use promote/demote command." + - "Cannot contain numbers and must be 15 characters max." posx: 2 posy: 3 name: - name: "&5名称{$sep}:{$p}%rank_name%" + name: "&5Name&8: &2%rank_name%" material: DIAMOND lore: - - "{$s}权限组的名称。" - - "支持任何字符但最长20个字符。" - - "也可以包含颜色代码。" + - "&6The name of this rank." + - "Can contain any character but must be" + - "20 characters max." + - "It can also contain color codes." posx: 3 posy: 3 material: - name: "&e材质{$sep}:{$p}%rank_material%" - material: STONE # Template material. Gets replaced + name: "&eMaterial&8: &2%rank_material%" + material: STONE #Gets replaced by the material that the player picked, don't change. lore: - - "{$s}用于在权限组界面显示的材质。" - - "你应该用最新的材料名,即使服务器处于旧版本。" + - "&6The material used to display" + - "this rank in the ranks GUI." + - "You should use the latest" + - "material names even if the" + - "server is running on old versions." posx: 4 posy: 3 symbol: - name: "&d符号{$sep}:{$p}%rank_symbol%" + name: "&dSymbol&8: &2%rank_symbol%" material: IRON_INGOT lore: - - "{$s}这个权限组的符号" - - "最长5个字符。" - - "支持颜色代码。" + - "&6Symbol for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." + - "Also supports colors." posx: 5 posy: 3 color: - name: "%rank_color%颜色" + name: "%rank_color%Color" material: COAL lore: - - "{$s}这个权限组的聊天字体颜色。" - - "最长五个字符。" + - "&6The chat color for this rank." + - "It can only be 5 characters." posx: 6 posy: 3 priority: - name: "&a优先级{$sep}:{$p}%rank_priority%" + name: "&aPriority&8: &2%rank_priority%" material: PAPER lore: - - "{$s}设置这个权限组的优先级。" - - "注意,数字越低优先级越高。" - - "你不能更改国王权限组的优先级。" + - "&6The priority for this rank" + - "Note that lower numbers means higher priority." + - "You cannot change the priority of the king rank." posx: 7 posy: 3 max-claims: - name: "{$p}最大占领数{$sep}:{$p}%rank_max_claims%" + name: "&7Max Claims&8: &2%rank_max_claims%" material: BOOK - lore: - - "{$s}设置这个权限组的权限" + lore: | + &7Players with this rank will not + be able to claim more lands than + the specified value. + + If they want to claim more lands, + they have to unclaim the lands that + they claimed themselves not the + claims that other members claimed. posx: 8 posy: 3 copy: - name: "&1复制权限组" + name: "&1Copy Rank" material: WRITABLE_BOOK lore: - - "{$s}把另一个权限组的特性复制到这个权限组上。" + - "&6Copy properties of another rank" + - "to this rank." posx: 5 posy: 1 permissions: posx: 5 posy: 4 material: ENCHANTED_BOOK - name: '{$p}权限' - + name: '{$p}Permissions' delete: posx: 9 posy: 1 material: BARRIER - name: '{$p}&4删除权限组' + name: '{$p}&4Delete' lore: - - "{$s}删除这个权限组。" - - "这个权限组的全部成员会被降职为成员" - - "直至你创建一个节点相同的权限组。" - + - '&6Delete this rank.' + - All the players with this + - rank will be demoted to member + - unless you create another rank + - with the same node again within + - a random time. back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "{$s}返回到权限组界面" + - "&6Go back to ranks menu." posx: 1 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 1 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml index 612ef1953..920016e95 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/rank-selector.yml @@ -1,23 +1,64 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=(&5权限组{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: ranks: name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, - 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, - 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, - 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 ] + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}{$s}返回到权限组界面。" + - "&6Go back to the rank menu." posx: 5 posy: 6 black-glass: name: ' ' material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml index 480f5d368..948ceea25 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/ranks/ranks.yml @@ -1,43 +1,83 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=(&5权限组{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &5Ranks &8)=-" rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: add: - name: "{$p}添加权限组" + name: "&2Add Rank" material: GREEN_WOOL posx: 1 posy: 1 reset: - name: "&4重置权限组" + name: "&4Reset Ranks" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}使用默认权限组。" - - "所有你当前的权限组都会被删除。" + - "&6Use default ranks." + - "All your current ranks" + - "will be deleted." posx: 9 posy: 1 demote-all: - name: "&4全部降职" + name: "&4Demote All" material: ORANGE_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}把你王国中的所有人都降职到成员权限组。" + - "&6Demotes everyone to member" + - "rank in your kingdom." posx: 8 posy: 1 rank: - name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol%%rank_name%" + name: "%rank_color%%rank_symbol% %rank_name%" material: PLAYER_HEAD - slots: [ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, - 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, - 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, - 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 ] + slots: + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 6 black-glass: name: '' material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml index c5c1b6a32..ed0e84105 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/resource-points-converter.yml @@ -1,54 +1,62 @@ -title: "&a资源点转换器" +title: "&aResource Points Converter" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE -interactable: [999] +interactable: empty disallow-creative: true - -# 刷新选项是用来当玩家用物品转换完资源点在界面中刷新%total_worth%变量用的。 +#"refresh" option below is used to update %fancy_total_worth% placeholders when +#players change the items in the GUI. options: withdraw: - name: "{$p}支出" + name: "&2Withdraw" material: PAPER posx: 4 posy: 6 lore: - - "{$s}把资源点从王国支出到你的账户里。" + - "&6Withdraw resource points" + - "from your kingdom to your balance." info: - name: "{$s}资源点{$sep}:{$p}%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" + name: "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_resource_points%" lore: - - "{$s}总捐献{$sep}:{$p}%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" - - "{$s}上次捐献时间{$sep}:{$p}%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "{$s}上次捐献数量{$sep}:{$p}%kingdoms_last_donation_amount%" + - "&6Total Donations&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_total_donations%" + - "&6Last Donation Time&8: &2%kingdoms_date_last_donation_time%" + - "&6Last Donation Amount&8: &2%kingdoms_fancy_last_donation_amount%" material: NETHER_STAR posx: 5 posy: 6 deposit: - name: "{$p}存入" + name: "&2Deposit" material: PAPER posx: 6 posy: 6 lore: - - "{$s}把钱从你的账户里存入到王国中。" + - "&6Deposit resource points" + - "to your kingdom from your balance." apply: - name: "{$p}确认" + name: "&2Apply" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDMxMmNhNDYzMmRlZjVmZmFmMmViMGQ5ZDdjYzdiNTVhNTBjNGUzOTIwZDkwMzcyYWFiMTQwNzgxZjVkZmJjNCJ9fX0=" refresh: true lore: - - "{$s}把当前物品转换为资源点。" - - "{$p}当前物品可转换资源点{$sep}:&e%total_worth%" + - "&6Convert the current items" + - "into resource points." + - "&2Current Value&8: &e%fancy_total_worth%" posx: 9 posy: 6 back: - name: "{$e}返回" + name: "&cBack" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" - - "这将取消资源点转换。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + - "this will cancel the" + - "resource point conversion." posx: 1 posy: 6 lime-glass: name: '' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [46, 47, 51, 52] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 51 + - 52 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml index d482dfbdc..d7c18b85f 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/color-picker.yml @@ -1,136 +1,151 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}颜&4色{$sp}选&e择&1器 &0awa {$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &2C&4o&9l&eo&1r &0Picker &8)=-" sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN rows: 6 - -# https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes +#https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes options: - # Only options starting with "color" will be interpreted as predefined colors. - # You can add your own colors, just don't forget the "color" option AND the GUI option entry name itself - # must begin with the word "color" + #Only options starting with "color" will be interpreted as predefined colors. + #You can add your own colors, just don't forget the "color" option AND the GUI option entry name itself + #must begin with the word "color" separator: - slots: [ 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 4 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE back: posx: 4 posy: 1 material: BARRIER - name: '{$e}返回' + name: '&cBack' hex-picker: posx: 6 posy: 1 material: PAPER - name: '{$p}输入一个十六进制颜色。' + name: '&2Enter a hex color' unavailable-color-dark-red: posx: 2 posy: 3 material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS - name: '&4深红色#FF5555' - lore: "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}]&e你不能选择此颜色。" + name: '&4Dark Red #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." color: '#FF5555' unavailable-color-red: posx: 2 posy: 4 material: RED_WOOL - name: '{$e}红色#FF5555' - lore: "{$sep}[{$e}!{$sep}]&e你不能选择此颜色。" + name: '&cRed #FF5555' + lore: "&8[&c!&8] &eYou cannot pick this color." sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS color: '#FF5555' color-dark-blue: posx: 3 posy: 3 material: LAPIS_BLOCK - name: '&1深蓝#0000AA' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&1Dark Blue #0000AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#0000AA' color-light-blue: posx: 3 posy: 4 material: BLUE_WOOL - name: '{$sp}浅蓝#5555FF' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&9Light Blue #5555FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#5555FF' color-black: posx: 5 posy: 4 material: BLACK_WOOL - name: '&0黑色#000000' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&0Black #000000' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#000000' color-gray: posx: 6 posy: 4 material: GRAY_WOOL - name: '{$sep}灰色#555555' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&8Gray #555555' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#555555' color-purple: posx: 7 posy: 4 material: PURPLE_WOOL - name: '&5深紫#AA00AA' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&5Dark Purple #AA00AA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#AA00AA' color-dark-green: posx: 8 posy: 4 material: GREEN_WOOL - name: '{$p}墨绿#00AA00' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&2Dark Green #00AA00' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#00AA00' color-orange: posx: 2 posy: 5 material: ORANGE_WOOL - name: '{$s}MC代币金#DDD605' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&6Minecoin Gold #DDD605' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#DDD605' color-dark-aqua: posx: 3 posy: 5 material: CYAN_WOOL - name: '&3深青色#00AAAA' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&3Dark Aqua #00AAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#00AAAA' color-white: posx: 5 posy: 5 material: WHITE_WOOL - name: '&f白色#FFFFFF' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&fWhite #FFFFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#FFFFFF' color-light-gray: posx: 6 posy: 5 material: LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL - name: '{$p}浅灰#AAAAAA' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&7Light Gray #AAAAAA' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#AAAAAA' color-light-purple: posx: 7 posy: 5 material: MAGENTA_WOOL - name: '&d浅紫#FF55FF' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&dLight Purple #FF55FF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#FF55FF' color-green: posx: 8 posy: 5 material: LIME_WOOL - name: '&a绿色#55FF55' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&aGreen #55FF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#55FF55' color-yellow: posx: 2 posy: 6 material: YELLOW_WOOL - name: '&e黄色#FFFF55' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" + name: '&eYellow #FFFF55' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" color: '#FFFF55' color-aqua: posx: 3 posy: 6 material: LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL - name: '&b青色#55FFFF' - lore: "&r%color%当前颜色" - color: '#55FFFF' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&bAqua #55FFFF' + lore: "&r%color%Current Color" + color: '#55FFFF' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml index 0dceddcf6..b755a907e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relation-editor.yml @@ -1,152 +1,176 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}关系编辑器{$sep})=-" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Relation Editor &8)=-" +rows: 5 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: + green-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + back: + name: "&2Back" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + lore: + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." + posx: 1 + posy: 1 fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}飞行{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "{$enabled} Fly" material: ELYTRA - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "{$p}允许在你王国土地中飞行。" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}飞行{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "{$disabled} Fly" material: ELYTRA - lore: - - "{$p}允许在你王国土地中飞行。" - posx: 1 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow kingdom flight in" + - "your land." + posx: 4 + posy: 2 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}建造{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "{$enabled} Build" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "{$p}允许在你的土地上建造。" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}建造{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "{$disabled} Build" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - lore: - - "{$p}允许在你的土地上建造。" - posx: 2 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow building in your land." + posx: 5 + posy: 2 ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}停火{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "{$enabled} Ceasefire" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "{$p}禁用向友方开火。" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}停火{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "{$disabled} Ceasefire" material: DIAMOND_SWORD - lore: - - "{$p}禁用向友方开火。" - posx: 3 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire." + posx: 6 + posy: 2 interact: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}交互{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "{$enabled} Interact" material: CAULDRON - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "{$p}允许与容器交互。" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}交互{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "{$disabled} Interact" material: CAULDRON - lore: - - "{$p}允许与容器交互。" + lore: + - "&7Allow block interaction" + - "for opening containers." posx: 4 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 use: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}使用{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "{$enabled} Use" material: LEVER - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "{$p}允许使用方块," - - "如门,拉杆,和按钮。" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}使用{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "{$disabled} Use" material: LEVER - lore: - - "{$p}允许使用方块," - - "如门,拉杆,和按钮。" + lore: + - "&7Allow using blocks." + - "Such as doors, levels and buttons." posx: 5 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}炮塔停火{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "{$enabled} Turret Ceasefire" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + glow: true lore: - - "{$p}禁用炮塔向友方开火。" + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." else: - name: "{$p}炮塔停火{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "{$disabled} Turret Ceasefire" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - lore: - - "{$p}禁用炮塔向友方开火。" + lore: + - "&7Disable friendly fire for turrets." posx: 6 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}管理炮塔{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "{$enabled} Manage Turrets" material: ARROW - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "{$p}允许破坏,放置炮塔及与炮塔交互。" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}管理炮塔{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "{$disabled} Manage Turrets" material: ARROW - lore: - - "{$p}允许破坏,放置炮塔及与炮塔交互。" - posx: 7 - posy: 1 + lore: + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and" + - "interacting with turrets." + posx: 4 + posy: 4 manage-structures: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}管理设施{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "{$enabled} Manage Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 - lore: - - "{$p}允许破坏,放置设施及与设施交互。" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}管理设施{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "{$disabled} Manage Structures" material: REDSTONE_LAMP - lore: - - "{$p}允许破坏,放置设施及与设施交互。" - posx: 8 - posy: 1 - - back: - name: "{$p}返回" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + - "&7Allow breaking, placing and interacting with structures." + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + show-holograms: + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Show Holograms" + material: PAPER + lore: | + &7Shows the holograms of + kingdom items to the members + of kingdom. + posx: 6 + posy: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml index 234fad8dd..97da8366e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/relations.yml @@ -1,29 +1,27 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}外交关系{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &7Relations &8)=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: neutral: - name: "中性" + name: "Neutral" material: WHITE_CONCRETE slot: 0 ally: - name: "{$p}盟友" + name: "&2Ally" material: LIME_CONCRETE slot: 1 truce: - name: "&e停战" + name: "&eTruce" material: YELLOW_CONCRETE slot: 2 enemy: - name: "{$e}敌对" + name: "&cEnemy" material: RED_CONCRETE slot: 3 - back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "{$s}返回到设置界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Go back to settings menu." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml index 048299fd6..b7f3ec13c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/settings.yml @@ -1,89 +1,164 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$p}设置{$sep})=-" -rows: 1 +title: "&8-=( &7Settings &8)=-" +rows: 6 sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: - pacifism: - name: "{$s}和平主义{$sep}:%pacifism%" - material: END_CRYSTAL - lore: - - "{$p}当处于和平主义中时," - - "你的王国不能进行侵略," - - "也不能被其他王国侵略。" - - "" - - "如果你侵略了一个王国," - - "你将一周内无法处于和平主义。" - - "" - - "{$p}冷却{$sep}:{$s}%pacifism_cooldown%" + back: posx: 1 posy: 1 - shields: - name: "{$s}护盾{$sep}:{$p}%kingdoms_shield_time_left%" - material: SHIELD - lore: - - "{$p}给你的王国买一个保护它免受侵略的护盾。" - posx: 2 - posy: 1 - invites: - name: "{$s}邀请{$sep}:%invites%" - material: BOOK - lore: - - "{$p}当关上时,任何人都无需邀请," - - "只需要输入{$p}/k join %kingdoms_name%即可加入。" - posx: 3 - posy: 1 - relations: - name: "{$s}外交关系" - material: WRITABLE_BOOK + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '&2Back' lore: - - "{$p}改变你与其他王国的外交关系。" + - '&6Go back to nexus menu.' + skull: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19 + light-blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 21 + - 23 + - 26 + - 27 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 35 + - 36 + - 39 + - 41 + - 44 + - 45 + - 53 + material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + public-home: posx: 4 posy: 1 - tax: - name: "{$s}赋税" - material: PAPER - lore: - - "{$p}改变你王国收取成员的税款。" - - "" - - "{$s}赋税{$sep}:{$p}$%kingdoms_fancy_tax%" - - "{$s}税率{$sep}:{$p}%tax_equation%" - - "" - - "{$s}税款{$sep}:{$p}$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax%" + material: DARK_OAK_DOOR + name: "{$s}Public Home{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_home_is_public%" + lore: | + &7When your home is public, anyone + can teleport to it using + {$p}/k home %kingdoms_name% + hidden: posx: 5 posy: 1 - public-home: - name: "{$s}公开的家{$sep}:{$p}%public_home%" - material: DARK_OAK_DOOR - lore: - - "{$p}你可以公开你王国的家," - - "这样其他玩家可以输入{$s}/k home %kingdoms_name%" - - "{$p}以访问你王国的家。" + material: POTION + color: 818595 + name: "{$s}Hidden{$sep}: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_hidden%" + lore: | + &7Hidden kingdoms aren't displayed + in {$p}/k map &7and online maps. + tax: posx: 6 posy: 1 + material: PAPER + name: '&6Tax' + lore: | + &7Change your kingdom taxes + for members. + + &6Member Tax Equation&8: + &2%tax_equation% + &6Your Personal Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_tax% + + &6Kingdom Tax&8: &2$%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_tax% + blue-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 25 + - 28 + - 34 + - 37 + - 43 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + relations: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: WRITABLE_BOOK + name: '&6Relations' + lore: | + &7Change your relation attributes + for other kingdoms. + + {$sep}[&e!{$sep}] {$es}In order for some attributes + to work, both kingdoms need to have the + attribute enabled for the relationship. + + For example, if you have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute + enabled for allies, but you're trying to + build in an ally's land that doesn't + have {$e}BUILD {$es}attribute enabled for allies, + this won't work. They won't be able to + build in your land either. flag: - name: "{$s}旗帜" + posx: 5 + posy: 3 material: BLACK_BANNER - lore: - - "{$p}设置你的王国在Dynmap(一个能与王国联动的插件)上" - - "显示的位置。点击这里查看当前的旗帜URL。" - - "这不会使地图立即更新。" + name: '&6Flag' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom flag for Dynmap. + Click to see your flag URL. + This won't update the map instantly. + pacifism: posx: 7 - posy: 1 + posy: 3 + material: END_CRYSTAL + name: '&6Pacifist&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_is_pacifist%' + lore: | + &7When you're in pacifism mode, + your kingdom cannot invade + and cannot be invaded by other kingdoms. + + If you invade a Kingdom, you cannot go + back into pacifism mode for a week. + + &2Cooldown&8: &6%pacifism_cooldown% + invites: + posx: 3 + posy: 5 + material: BOOK + name: '&6Requires Invite&8: %kingdoms_bool_kingdom_requires_invite%' + lore: | + &7When turned off, anyone can + join this kingdom without needing + an invitation with {$p}/k join %kingdoms_name% color: - name: "&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_color@hex%%kingdoms_color%&7)" + posx: 5 + posy: 5 material: LIME_DYE - lore: - - "{$p}设置你的王国在Dynmap(一个能与王国联动的插件)上" - - "显示的土地颜色。" - - "这不会使地图立即更新。" - posx: 8 - posy: 1 - - back: - name: "{$p}返回" - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" - lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" - posx: 9 - posy: 1 \ No newline at end of file + name: '&6Color&8: &c%r%&7, &2%g%&7, &9%b% &7(%kingdoms_kingdom_color@hex%%kingdoms_kingdom_color%&7)' + lore: | + &7Set your kingdom marker + color for chat and online land maps. + shields: + posx: 7 + posy: 5 + material: SHIELD + name: '&6Shield&8: &2%kingdoms_time_shield_time_left%' + lore: | + &7Buy a shield for your + kingdom to protect your kingdom + against invades. diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml index e0be180bf..5aa70ef4c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/settings/shields.yml @@ -1,67 +1,66 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$sep}护盾{$sep})=-" +title: "{$sep}-=( {$p}Shields {$sep})=-" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - options: shield-6hr: - name: "{$p}6小时护盾" + name: "&26 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD cost: 1000 time: 6hr - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK - lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}%cost%" slot: 0 shield-12hr: - name: "{$p}12小时护盾" + name: "&212 Hours Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 1900 time: 12hr patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED - lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}%cost%" slot: 1 shield-1day: - name: "{$p}1天护盾" + name: "&21 Day Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD cost: 4500 time: 1day - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CIRCULE_MIDDLE: RED - lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}%cost%" slot: 2 shield-1week: - name: "{$p}1周护盾" + name: "&21 Week Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 50000 time: 7days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED CROSS: RED - lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}%cost%" slot: 3 shield-1month: - name: "{$p}1月护盾" + name: "&21 Month Shield" + lore: "&6Cost&8: &2%cost%" material: SHIELD - flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS cost: 100000 time: 30days patterns: BASE: BLACK BORDER: RED MOJANG: RED - lore: - - "{$s}价格{$sep}:{$p}%cost%" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml index b703fbeb3..4d73f36ae 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/structures.yml @@ -1,97 +1,117 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=(&5设施{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &5Structures &8)=-" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE - -# 很明显,HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS 标志会把CD的名称从lore中移除…… +#Apparently HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS item flag will +#remove the disc's name from the lore... options: powercell: - name: "&4能量枢纽" + name: "&4Powercell" material: MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - flags: [HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "{$s}被能量枢纽土地包围的9*9的土地不会被入侵," - - "除非能量枢纽所在的土地先被入侵。" - - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&6Lands surrounded by a powercell cannot" + - "be invaded until the powercell" + - "land is invaded first." + - "The protection radius is &23x3 &6for level 1" + - "and &25x5 &6for level 2." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 2 extractor: - name: "&a提取器" + name: "&aExtractor" material: MUSIC_DISC_CAT sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND - flags: [HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "{$s}提取器会生产资源点。" - - "{$s}你可以在任何时候收集资源点。" + - "&6Extractors will produce resource points." + - "&6You can collect the resource points" + - "at any time." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 outpost: - name: "&e前哨" + name: "&eOutpost" material: MUSIC_DISC_13 sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1.5 - flags: [HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "{$s}你可以用资源点" - - "在前哨换取附魔之瓶和其他好东西。" + - "&6You can get EXP Bottles from" + - "outposts using resource points." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 warppad: - name: "{$e}传送板" + name: "&cWarp Pad" material: MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS sound: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT - flags: [HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "{$s}传送板可以用于从一个设施传送至另一个。" + - "&6Warp pads can be used to teleport" + - "from a structure to another." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 regulator: - name: "&3控制器" + name: "&3Regulator" material: MUSIC_DISC_WARD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "{$s}管理玩家特权,如建造," - - "炮塔停火等," - - "改变哪个玩家能与哪个方块交互," - - "禁用/启用怪物,动物的生成及炮塔," - - "或允许爆炸," - - "自动填充炮塔弹药等等。" + - "&6Manage player attributes such as building," + - "turret ceasefire and etc..." + - "Change which player can interact with what block." + - "Disable mob or animal spawning and turrets." + - "Enable explosions." + - "Auto fill turrets ammo." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 siege-cannon: - name: "&3攻城炮" + name: "&3Siege Cannon" material: MUSIC_DISC_STRAD sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_AMBIENT - flags: [HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "{$s}用于打破一个王国护盾的大炮。" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&6Cannon used to break a kingdom's" + - "shield." + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 1 - back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD - # https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/10299-gray-backward skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 3 cyan-glass: name: "" material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 25] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 19 + - 25 light-blue-glass: name: "" material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [0, 8, 18, 26] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 18 + - 26 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml index d5b68af98..883388eb2 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/nexus/turrets.yml @@ -1,129 +1,159 @@ -title: "{$sep}-=({$sp}炮塔{$sep})=-" +title: "&8-=( &9Turrets &8)=-" rows: 4 sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE - options: arrow: - name: "{$p}箭塔" + name: "&2Arrow" material: ARROW sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT lore: - - "{$s}一个以中等速度向敌人发射" - - "普通箭矢的简单炮塔。" + - "&6A simple turret that fires plain" + - "arrows at enemies at a moderate rate." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 2 posy: 2 flame: - name: "&3烈焰箭塔" + name: "&3Flame" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW sound: ITEM_FLINTANDSTEEL_USE - flags: [HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "{$s}快速开火的炮塔。" - - "能点燃敌人。" + - "&6Fast firing turret that sets" + - "targets ablaze." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 3 posy: 2 healing: - name: "&d治愈水晶" + name: "&dHealing" material: TIPPED_ARROW sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE - flags: [HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "{$s}治疗附近的成员与盟友。" + - "&6Heals nearby members and allies." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 2 psionic: - name: "&a异能箭塔" + name: "&aPsionic" material: TRIPWIRE_HOOK sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE - flags: [HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS] + flags: + - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS lore: - - "{$s}给附近的敌人药水效果。" - - "等级越高效果越多," - - "但伤害不致命。" + - "&6Effects the enemies nearby." + - "Higher levels add more effects." + - "But never deals killing damage." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 2 hellfire: - name: "{$e}地狱火炮塔" + name: "&cHellfire" material: FIRE_CHARGE sound: ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE lore: - - "{$s}伤害高额且输出迅速的强大炮塔。" + - "&6Powerful turret that fires quickly" + - "with high damage." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 2 soldier: - name: "&5士兵炮塔" + name: "&5Soldier" sound: ENTITY_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CONVERTED material: ZOMBIE_HEAD lore: - - "{$s}生成守卫杀死入侵者。" + - "&6Spawns guards to kill the" + - "target player." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 7 posy: 2 heatbeam: - name: "&3热束炮塔" + name: "&3Heatbeam" sound: ENTITY_GUARDIAN_ATTACK material: MAGMA_CREAM lore: - - "{$s}伤害高额的单体攻击炮塔。" + - "&6Targets singular targets and deals" + - "a high damage." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 8 posy: 2 inferno: - name: "&4激光炮塔" + name: "&4Inferno" material: END_CRYSTAL sound: ENTITY_ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE lore: - - "{$s}与热束炮塔相似,是伤害高额的单体攻击炮塔。" + - "&6Similar to Heatbeams." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + spring: + name: "&7Spring" + material: OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE + sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON + lore: + - "&6A mine that will" + - "throw the player into" + - "the air when stepped one." + - "" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 5 posy: 3 explosive-mine: - name: "{$p}爆炸地雷" + name: "&7Explosive Mine" material: HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "{$s}一个踩上去就会爆炸的地雷。" + - "&6A mine that will" + - "explode when stepped one." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 6 posy: 3 chemical-mine: - name: "{$sep}化学地雷" + name: "&8Chemical Mine" material: LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE sound: BLOCK_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON lore: - - "{$s}一个踩上去会给你负面效果的地雷。" + - "&6A mine that will give" + - "you debuffs when stepped on." - "" - - "{$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%cost%" + - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%" posx: 4 posy: 3 - back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 posy: 4 Cyan-Glass: name: "" material: CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [1, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 28, 34] + slots: + - 1 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 28 + - 34 Light-Blue-Glass: name: "" material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [0, 8, 27, 35] \ No newline at end of file + slots: + - 0 + - 8 + - 27 + - 35 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7fa2e56cb --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/outpost/1.yml @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + sell-coal: + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: COAL + name: '{$p}Coal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3 + item: + material: COAL + sell-charcoal: + posx: 3 + posy: 2 + material: CHARCOAL + name: '{$p}Charcoal {$s}%cost%' + cost: 2 + item: + material: CHARCOAL + sell-flint: + posx: 4 + posy: 2 + material: FLINT + name: '{$p}Flint {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1 + item: + material: FLINT + sell-ender-eye: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_EYE + name: '{$p}Ender Eye {$s}%cost%' + cost: 1000 + item: + material: ENDER_EYE + sell-ender-pearl: + posx: 6 + posy: 2 + material: ENDER_PEARL + name: '{$p}Ender Pearl {$s}%cost%' + cost: 100 + item: + material: ENDER_PEARL + sell-slime-ball: + posx: 7 + posy: 2 + material: SLIME_BALL + name: '{$p}Slime Ball {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: SLIME_BALL + sell-book: + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: BOOK + name: '{$p}Book {$s}%cost%' + cost: 10 + item: + material: BOOK + sell-emerald: + posx: 2 + posy: 3 + material: EMERALD + name: '{$p}Emerald {$s}%cost%' + cost: 70 + item: + material: EMERALD + sell-diamond: + posx: 3 + posy: 3 + material: DIAMOND + name: '{$p}Diamond {$s}%cost%' + cost: 60 + item: + material: DIAMOND + sell-gold-ingot: + posx: 4 + posy: 3 + material: GOLD_INGOT + name: '{$p}Gold Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLD_INGOT + sell-iron-ingot: + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + material: IRON_INGOT + name: '{$p}Iron Ingot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 40 + item: + material: IRON_INGOT + sell-nether-brick: + posx: 6 + posy: 3 + material: NETHER_BRICK + name: '{$p}Nether Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: NETHER_BRICK + sell-brick: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: BRICK + name: '{$p}Brick {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BRICK + sell-lapis-lazuli: + posx: 8 + posy: 3 + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + name: '{$p}Lapis Lazuli {$s}%cost%' + cost: 15 + item: + material: LAPIS_LAZULI + sell-experience-bottle: + posx: 2 + posy: 4 + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + name: '{$p}Experience Bottle {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE + sell-dragon-breath: + posx: 3 + posy: 4 + material: DRAGON_BREATH + name: '{$p}Dragon Breath {$s}%cost%' + cost: 3000 + item: + material: DRAGON_BREATH + sell-blaze-rod: + posx: 4 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_ROD + name: '{$p}Blaze Rod {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: BLAZE_ROD + sell-prismarine-crystals: + posx: 5 + posy: 4 + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + name: '{$p}Prismarine Crystals {$s}%cost%' + cost: 20 + item: + material: PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS + sell-blaze-powder: + posx: 6 + posy: 4 + material: BLAZE_POWDER + name: '{$p}Blaze Powder {$s}%cost%' + cost: 30 + item: + material: BLAZE_POWDER + sell-golden-carrot: + posx: 7 + posy: 4 + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + name: '{$p}Golden Carrot {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: GOLDEN_CARROT + sell-magma-cream: + posx: 8 + posy: 4 + material: MAGMA_CREAM + name: '{$p}Magma Cream {$s}%cost%' + cost: 50 + item: + material: MAGMA_CREAM + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 0 + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79a4218dc --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/outpost/2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +title: "&eOutpost" +rows: 6 +sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE +options: + construction: + material: STONE_PICKAXE + name: "&4Under construction..." + posx: 5 + posy: 3 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 53 + nexus: + name: "&2Opens Nexus" + lore: + - "&6Resource Points&8: &2%kingdoms_resource_points%" + material: NETHER_STAR + posx: 5 + posy: 6 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 45 + black-glass: + name: '' + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + brown-stained-glass-pane: + name: '' + material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..275983b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/outpost/amount-picker.yml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +title: "{$sep}-=( &aAmount Picker {$sep})=-" +rows: 3 +sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP +options: + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 11 + - 12 + - 14 + - 15 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + cancel: + name: "{$e}Click to cancel" + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: BARRIER + done: + name: "{$p}Click to buy" + lore: "{$p}Price{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_cost%" + material: GREEN_WOOL + skull: + posx: 9 + posy: 1 + decrease: + name: '{$e}Decrease' + cantDecrease: + condition: '!can_decrease' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Minimum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%min% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + decrease by {$p}10 + posx: 2 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDM3ODYyY2RjMTU5OTk4ZWQ2YjZmZGNjYWFhNDY3NTg2N2Q0NDg0ZGI1MTJhODRjMzY3ZmFiZjRjYWY2MCJ9fX0=' + item: + posx: 5 + posy: 2 + material: GRASS_BLOCK + increase: + cantIncrease: + condition: '!can_increase' + perform-action: false + sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS + lore: | + {$e}Maximum value reached{$sep}: {$es}%max% + else: + lore: | + &7Hold shift while clicking to + increase by {$p}10 + {$e}Maximum amount{$sep}: {$es}%max% + posx: 8 + posy: 2 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2Q2OTVkMzM1ZTZiZThjYjJhMzRlMDVlMThlYTJkMTJjM2IxN2I4MTY2YmE2MmQ2OTgyYTY0M2RmNzFmZmFjNSJ9fX0=' + name: '{$p}Increase' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/powercell.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/powercell.yml index 02a37ec23..f58b65d17 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/powercell.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/powercell.yml @@ -1,33 +1,32 @@ -title: "{$e}能量枢纽" +title: "&cPowercell" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_REDSTONE_TORCH_BURNOUT - options: break: - name: "&4破坏" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "{$s}破坏此设施。" + - "&6Breaks the structure." slot: 0 upgrade: slot: 2 upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "{$sp}升级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%{$p}➛{$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}保护范围{$sep}:{$s}1{$p}➔{$s}2" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &61 &7➔ &62" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}%max-level-roman%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}保护范围{$sep}:{$s}2" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &62" close: - name: "{$p}关闭" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml index 2f1397b92..c77795b51 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/attribute-editor.yml @@ -1,67 +1,71 @@ -title: "&e属性编辑器" +title: "&eAttribute Editor" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}全部{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" lore: - - '{$p}全部属性' + - '&7All the attributes.' material: BOOK - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}All{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" material: BOOK slot: 0 build: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}建造{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Build&8: &2Enabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}建造{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Build&8: &cDisabled" material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE slot: 1 fly: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}飞行{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Fly&8: &2Enabled" material: ELYTRA - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}飞行{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Fly&8: &cDisabled" material: ELYTRA slot: 2 turret-ceasefire: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}炮塔停火{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &2Enabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}炮塔停火{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Turret Ceasefire&8: &cDisabled" material: SPECTRAL_ARROW slot: 3 manage-turrets: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}管理炮塔{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &2Enabled" material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}管理炮塔{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Manage Turrets&8: &cDisabled" material: ARROW - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml index e4e1eea7f..585214017 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/attributes.yml @@ -1,40 +1,91 @@ -title: "&e属性" +title: "&eAttributes" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: - name: "{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "{$p}加入王国{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_joined%" - - "{$p}捐献{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "{$p}上次捐献{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "{$p}权限组{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "{$p}添加玩家" + name: "&2Add Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}把玩家加到列表中。" + - "&6Add someone to the list." posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4全部移除" + name: "&4Remove All" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}把所有玩家从列表中移除。" + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml index 6448476ff..8091e7e82 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/interaction-editor.yml @@ -1,257 +1,277 @@ -title: "&e交互权限编辑器" +title: "&eInteraction Editor" rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: all: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}全部{$sep}:{$p}已启用" + name: "&2All&8: &2Enabled" material: BOOK - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}全部{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2All&8: &cDisabled" material: BOOK slot: 0 doors: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}门{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Doors&8: &2Enabled" material: OAK_DOOR - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}门{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Doors&8: &cDisabled" material: OAK_DOOR slot: 1 buttons-and-levers: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}拉杆和按钮{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &2Enabled" material: LEVER - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}拉杆和按钮{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Buttons & Levers&8: &cDisabled" material: LEVER slot: 2 shulker-boxes: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}潜影箱{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &2Enabled" material: SHULKER_BOX - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}潜影箱{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Shulker Boxes&8: &cDisabled" material: SHULKER_BOX slot: 3 enchantment-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}附魔台{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &2Enabled" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}附魔台{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Enchantment Table&8: &cDisabled" material: ENCHANTING_TABLE slot: 4 crafting-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}工作台{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &2Enabled" material: CRAFTING_TABLE - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}工作台{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Crafting Table&8: &cDisabled" material: CRAFTING_TABLE slot: 5 chests: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}箱子{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Chests&8: &2Enabled" material: CHEST - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}箱子{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Chests&8: &cDisabled" material: CHEST slot: 6 beds: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}床{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Beds&8: &2Enabled" material: RED_BED - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}床{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Beds&8: &cDisabled" material: RED_BED slot: 7 loom: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}织布机{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Loom&8: &2Enabled" material: LOOM - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}织布机{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Loom&8: &cDisabled" material: LOOM slot: 8 jigsaw: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}切石机{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &2Enabled" material: JIGSAW - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}切石机{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Jigsaw&8: &cDisabled" material: JIGSAW slot: 9 hopper: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}漏斗{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Hopper&8: &2Enabled" material: HOPPER - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}漏斗{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Hopper&8: &cDisabled" material: HOPPER slot: 10 dispenser: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}发射器{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &2Enabled" material: DISPENSER - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}发射器{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Dispenser&8: &cDisabled" material: DISPENSER slot: 11 smoker: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}烟熏炉{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Smoker&8: &2Enabled" material: SMOKER - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}烟熏炉{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Smoker&8: &cDisabled" material: SMOKER slot: 12 furnaces: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}熔炉{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &2Enabled" material: FURNACE - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}熔炉{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Furnaces&8: &cDisabled" material: FURNACE slot: 13 dropper: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}投掷器{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Dropper&8: &2Enabled" material: DROPPER - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}投掷器{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Dropper&8: &cDisabled" material: DROPPER slot: 14 beacon: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}信标{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Beacon&8: &2Enabled" material: BEACON - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}信标{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Beacon&8: &cDisabled" material: BEACON slot: 15 anvils: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}铁砧{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Anvils&8: &2Enabled" material: ANVIL - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}铁砧{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Anvils&8: &cDisabled" material: ANVIL slot: 16 brewing-stand: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}酿造台{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &2Enabled" material: BREWING_STAND - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}酿造台{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Brewing Stand&8: &cDisabled" material: BREWING_STAND slot: 17 cartography-tables: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}制图台{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &2Enabled" material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}制图台:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Cartography Tables&8: &cDisabled" material: CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE slot: 18 smithing-table: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}Smithing Table{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &2Enabled" material: SMITHING_TABLE - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}锻造台{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Smithing Table&8: &cDisabled" material: SMITHING_TABLE slot: 19 plates: enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}压力板{$sep}:{$e}已启用" + name: "&2Plates&8: &2Enabled" material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - flags: [HIDE_ENCHANTS] + flags: + - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: DURABILITY: 1 else: - name: "{$p}压力板{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" + name: "&2Plates&8: &cDisabled" material: STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - slot: 20 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 20 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml index 143730320..6e3b36ca9 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/interactions.yml @@ -1,40 +1,91 @@ -title: "&e交互" +title: "&eInteractions" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: members: - name: "{$sep}[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%{$sep}]{$p}%player%" + name: "&8[%kingdoms_rank_color%%kingdoms_rank_symbol%&8] &2%player%" material: PLAYER_HEAD lore: - "%online%" - - "{$p}加入王国{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_joined%" - - "{$p}捐献{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_total_donations%" - - "{$p}上次捐献{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" - - "{$p}权限组{$sep}:{$s}%kingdoms_rank_name%" - slots: [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 ] + - "&2Joined&8: &6%kingdoms_date_joined%" + - "&2Donations&8: &6%kingdoms_total_donations%" + - "&2Last Donation&8: &6%kingdoms_last_donation_time%" + - "&2Rank&8: &6%kingdoms_rank_name%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 red-glass: name: '' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - slots: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53 ] + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 9 + - 17 + - 18 + - 26 + - 27 + - 35 + - 36 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 add: - name: "{$p}添加玩家" + name: "&2Add Player" material: GREEN_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}把玩家加到列表中" + - "&6Add someone to the list." posx: 1 posy: 1 remove-all: - name: "&4全部移除" + name: "&4Remove All" material: RED_WOOL lore: - - "{$s}把所有玩家从列表中移除。." + - "&6Remove all the players" + - "from the list." posx: 9 posy: 1 back: - name: "{$p}返回" + name: "&2Back" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}返回到核心界面。" + - "&6Go back to nexus menu." posx: 5 - posy: 6 \ No newline at end of file + posy: 6 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml index d87fa1c6b..c3297b877 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/regulator.yml @@ -1,43 +1,44 @@ -title: "&e控制器" +title: "&eRegulator" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: rules: - name: "{$p}规则" + name: "&2Rules" material: LECTERN sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 0 lore: - - "{$p}改变这块土地上的规则," - - "如禁用炮塔或给这片土地上的炮塔" - - "自动填充弹药。" + - "&7Change this land's rules" + - "such as disabling turrets or" + - "auto refilling turret within" + - "this land." attributes: - name: "{$p}属性" + name: "&2Attributes" material: BOOK sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 1 lore: - - "{$p}为不同的玩家更改不同的属性," - - "如建造和炮塔停火。" + - "&7Change different attributes" + - "for each player such as" + - "building and turret ceasefire." interactions: - name: "{$p}交互" + name: "&2Interactions" material: CRAFTING_TABLE sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN slot: 2 lore: - - "{$p}管理哪些人能与哪些方块交互。" - + - "&7Manage who can interact with" + - "what kind of blocks." break: - name: "&4破坏" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK slot: 3 lore: - - "{$s}破坏此设施。" + - "&6Breaks the structure." close: - name: "{$p}关闭" + name: "&2Close" material: BARRIER slot: 4 lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI." diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml index f951385aa..382d41f65 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/regulator/rules.yml @@ -1,65 +1,122 @@ -title: "&e规则" -type: HOPPER +title: "&eRules" +rows: 3 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + back: + posx: 1 + posy: 1 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzQxMzNmNmFjM2JlMmUyNDk5YTc4NGVmYWRjZmZmZWI5YWNlMDI1YzM2NDZhZGE2N2YzNDE0ZTVlZjMzOTQifX19" + name: '{$p}Back' + pink-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 13 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 25 + - 26 + material: PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' disable-mob-spawning: + material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7mob + spawning. All mobs except animals. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}禁用怪物生成{$sep}:{$e}已启用" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}禁用怪物生成{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" - material: ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 0 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Mob Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 1 disable-animal-spawning: + material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG + lore: | + &7Disables all {$p}natural &7animal + spawning. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}禁用动物生成{$sep}:{$e}已启用" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}禁用动物生成{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" - material: SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - slot: 1 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Animal Spawning" + posx: 3 + posy: 3 disable-turrets: + material: ARROW + lore: | + &7Prevents all turrets from + shooting that are placed in + this land. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}禁用炮塔{$sep}:{$e}已启用" - material: ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Disable Turrets" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}禁用炮塔{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" - material: ARROW - slot: 2 + name: "{$disabled} Disable Turrets" + posx: 6 + posy: 2 auto-fill-turrets: + material: SPECTRAL_ARROW + lore: | + &7Automatically fills the turrets + within this land with ammo. + {$p}Conditions{$sep}: + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be completely + out of ammo. + &7⚫ {$s}The turret must be in the same + land as the regulator. + &7⚫ {$s}Your kingdom must have enough + resource points to afford the refill. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}自动填充炮塔{$sep}:{$e}已启用" - material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}自动填充炮塔{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" - material: SPECTRAL_ARROW - slot: 3 + name: "{$disabled} Auto Fill Turrets" + posx: 4 + posy: 2 allow-explosions: + material: TNT + lore: | + &7Allows all types of + explosions to damge this land. enabled: condition: enabled - name: "{$p}允许爆炸{$sep}:{$e}已启用" - material: TNT - flags: [ HIDE_ENCHANTS ] - enchants: - DURABILITY: 1 + name: "{$enabled} Allow Explosions" + glow: true else: - name: "{$p}允许爆炸{$sep}:{$e}已禁用" - material: TNT - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + name: "{$disabled} Allow Explosions" + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + allow-fire: + posx: 7 + posy: 3 + material: FIRE_CHARGE + lore: | + &7Allows all types of fire + damages to this territory. + Including fire spreads, block + burns, etc. + enabled: + condition: enabled + name: "{$enabled} Fire" + glow: true + else: + name: "{$disabled} Fire" diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml index fdd5f6db9..070dea501 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/siege-cannon.yml @@ -1,51 +1,62 @@ -title: "&3攻城炮" +title: "&3Siege Cannon" type: HOPPER sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE -interactable: [2] #弹药格 - +interactable: #The ammo slot + - 2 options: sit: - name: "{$p}坐上去" + name: "&2Sit" lore: - - "{$p}坐上大炮以开始发射。" + - "&7Sit on the cannon" + - "to start shooting." material: BRICK_STAIRS slot: 0 ammo: name: "&4-------->" material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE lore: - - "{$p}把这个栏位里放上一个火焰弹以装弹。" + - "&2Put a fire charge in this" + - "slot to load the cannon." + - "" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7Loaded projectiles will disappear" + - "once the server is restarted." + - "" + - "&2Iron Blocks&8: &9Tier I" + - "&2Gold Blocks&8: &9Tier II" + - "&2Fire Charges&8: &9Tier III" slot: 1 upgrade: slot: 3 upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "&9升级&8: &6%level_roman%&7➛&6%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2对盾伤害&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2冷却&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2伤害&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2击退&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" - - "&7⚫ &2爆炸半径&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ &6%next-explosion-radius%" + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage% &7➔ &6%next-shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next-cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next-knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius% &7➔ &6%next-explosion-radius%" - "" - - "&8[&4&l!&8]&7数值可能根据装载的炮弹差异而有所不同。" + - "&8[&4&l!&8] &7The values shown here might" + - "differ based on the projectile that you" + - "used to load the cannon." - "" - - "&7⚫ &2满级&8: &6%max-level-roman%" - - "&7⚫ &2价格&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6%roman_next_level%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "&9等级&8: &6%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "&7⚫ &2对盾伤害&8: &6%shield-damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2冷却&8: &6%cooldown%" - - "&7⚫ &2伤害&8: &6%damage%" - - "&7⚫ &2击退&8: &6%knockback%" - - "&7⚫ &2爆炸半径&8: &6%explosion-radius%" + - "&7⚫ &2Shield Dmg&8: &6%shield-damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" + - "&7⚫ &2Explosion Radius&8: &6%explosion-radius%" break: - name: "&4破坏" + name: "&4Break" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK lore: - - "{$s}破坏此设施。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Breaks the structure." + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/warppad.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/warppad.yml index 1950f730e..1a26816ca 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/warppad.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/structures/warppad.yml @@ -1,106 +1,140 @@ -title: "&e传送板" +title: "&eWarppad" rows: 6 sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE - options: + next-page: + name: '{$p}Next Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + slot: 8 previous-page: - posx: 1 - posy: 1 + name: '{$p}Previous Page {$sep}- {$s}%page%{$sep}/{$s}%pages%' material: PLAYER_HEAD skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" - name: '&2上一页' + slot: 0 nexus: - name: "{$p}王国核心" + name: "&2Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" material: BEACON posx: 2 posy: 1 - lore: "{$p}燃料花费{$sep}:{$s}%fuel-cost%" national-nexus: - name: "{$sp}文明核心" + name: "&9National Nexus" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" material: BEACON posx: 3 posy: 1 - lore: "{$p}燃料花费{$sep}:{$s}%fuel-cost%" + rename: + name: "&2Rename" + lore: + - "&7Rename this warp pad." + - "{$p}Name{$sep}: {$s}%structure-custom-name%" + - "{$p}Fuel{$sep}: {$s}%fancy_fuel%{$sep}/{$s}%fancy_max_fuel%" + material: PAPER + posx: 6 + posy: 1 + break: + name: "&4Break" + material: REDSTONE_BLOCK + sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK + lore: + - "&6Breaks the structure." + posx: 7 + posy: 1 + close: + name: "&2Close" + material: BARRIER + lore: + - "&6Close the GUI." + posx: 8 + posy: 1 + orange-stained-glass-pane: + posx: 1 + posy: 2 + material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '&cPowercells&8:' powercell: - name: "{$e}能量枢纽{$sep}:{$s}%world%{$p},{$s}%x%{$p},{$s}%y%{$p},{$s}%z%" + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 material: REDSTONE_LAMP - lore: "{$p}燃料花费{$sep}:{$s}%fuel-cost%" - slots: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] + name: "&cPowercell&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" lime-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 3 material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&a提取器&8:' + name: '&aExtractors&8:' extractor: - name: "{$p}提取器{$sep}:{$s}%world%{$p},{$s}%x%{$p},{$s}%y%{$p},{$s}%z%" + slots: + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 material: EMERALD_BLOCK - lore: "{$p}燃料花费{$sep}:{$s}%fuel-cost%" - slots: [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26] + name: "&2Extractor&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" green-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 4 material: GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&2传送板&8:' + name: '&2Warp Pads&8:' warppad: - name: "{$e}%structure-name%{$sep}:{$s}%world%{$p},{$s}%x%{$p},{$s}%y%{$p},{$s}%z%" + slots: + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 material: END_PORTAL_FRAME - lore: "{$p}燃料花费{$sep}:{$s}%fuel-cost%" - slots: [28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35] + name: "&c%structure-name%&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" yellow-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 5 material: YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&e前哨&8:' - regulator: - name: "&3控制器{$sep}:{$s}%world%{$p},{$s}%x%{$p},{$s}%y%{$p},{$s}%z%" - material: LECTERN - lore: "{$p}燃料花费{$sep}:{$s}%fuel-cost%" - slots: [46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53] + name: '&eOutposts&8:' outpost: - name: "&e前哨{$sep}:{$s}%world%{$p},{$s}%x%{$p},{$s}%y%{$p},{$s}%z%" + name: "&eOutpost&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 material: HAY_BLOCK - lore: "{$p}燃料花费{$sep}:{$s}%fuel-cost%" - slots: [37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44] brown-stained-glass-pane: posx: 1 posy: 6 material: BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&7控制器&8:' - - rename: - name: "{$p}重命名" - lore: - - "{$p}重命名此传送板。" - - "{$p}当前名称{$sep}:{$p}%structure-custom-name%" - - "{$p}当前燃料{$sep}:{$p}%fuel%" - material: PAPER - posx: 6 - posy: 1 - break: - name: "&4破坏" - material: REDSTONE_BLOCK - sound: ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK - lore: - - "{$s}破坏此设施。" - posx: 7 - posy: 1 - close: - name: "{$p}关闭" - material: BARRIER - lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - posx: 8 - posy: 1 - next-page: - posx: 9 - posy: 1 - material: PLAYER_HEAD - skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" - name: '&2下一页' - - - orange-stained-glass-pane: - posx: 1 - posy: 2 - material: ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - name: '&c能量枢纽&8:' \ No newline at end of file + name: '&7Regulators&8:' + regulator: + name: "&3Regulator&8: &6%world%&7, &6%x%&7, &6%y%&7, &6%z%" + lore: "&2Fuel Cost&8: &6%fuel-cost%" + slots: + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + material: LECTERN diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/surrender.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/surrender.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41231a7a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/surrender.yml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +title: '{$sep}-=( {$e}Surrender {$sep})=-' +rows: 6 +options: + purple-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 45 + - 46 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 52 + - 53 + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + black-stained-glass-pane: + slots: + - 9 + - 13 + - 17 + - 18 + - 22 + - 26 + - 27 + - 31 + - 35 + - 36 + - 40 + - 44 + material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + name: '' + next-page: + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + slot: 8 + previous-page: + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + material: PLAYER_HEAD + sound: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + slot: 0 + invasion: + posx: 5 + posy: 1 + invading: + condition: kingdoms_is_invading + material: EMERALD_BLOCK + name: "{$p}You are invading{$sep}:" + lore: | + {$p}Land{$sep}: {$s}%world%{$sep}, {$s}%x%{$sep}, {$s}%z% + {$p}Champion{$sep}: {$s}%champion% {$sep}({$s}%champion_x%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_y%{$sep}, {$s}%champion_z%{$sep}) + {$p}Since{$sep}: {$s}%since% + {$p}Duration{$sep}: {$s}%duration% + {$p}Passed{$sep}: {$s}%passed% + {$p}Total Lands{$sep}: {$s}%total_lands% + #These are for plunders only. + #{$p}Attacker Score{$sep}: {$s}%attacker_score%{$sep}/{$s}%defender_death_limit% + #{$p}Defender Score{$sep}: {$s}%defender_score%{$sep}/{$s}%attacker_death_limit% + else: + material: PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE + attacking: + slots: + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Defender{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_other_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + defending: + slots: + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$e}Invader{$sep}: {$es}%kingdoms_kingdom_name%' + lore: null + attacking-info: + posx: 3 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + name: '{$p}Lands that your kingdom is attacking' + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWRhMDI3NDc3MTk3YzZmZDdhZDMzMDE0NTQ2ZGUzOTJiNGE1MWM2MzRlYTY4YzhiN2JjYzAxMzFjODNlM2YifX19' + defending-info: + posx: 7 + posy: 6 + material: PLAYER_HEAD + skull: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmQ5Mjg3NjE2MzQzZDgzM2U5ZTczMTcxNTljYWEyY2IzZTU5NzQ1MTEzOTYyYzEzNzkwNTJjZTQ3ODg4NGZhIn19fQ==' + name: '{$es}Your kingdom lands that are under attack' diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/templates/pagination.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/templates/pagination.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c228d4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/templates/pagination.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +options: + next-page: + has-next: + condition: 'page < pages' + name: '&6Next Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19" + else: + name: '&cNo more pages &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + #https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/alphabet/9382-red-x + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 8 + previous-page: + has-previous: + condition: 'page > 1' + name: '&6Previous Page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0=" + else: + name: '&cFirst page &7- &e%page%&8/&e%pages%' + skull: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmViNTg4YjIxYTZmOThhZDFmZjRlMDg1YzU1MmRjYjA1MGVmYzljYWI0MjdmNDYwNDhmMThmYzgwMzQ3NWY3In19fQ==" + material: PLAYER_HEAD + slot: 0 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/arrow.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/arrow.yml index e65e4afce..7675f3fc2 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/arrow.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/arrow.yml @@ -1,75 +1,81 @@ -title: "&a箭塔" +title: "&aArrow Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "{$sp}弹药{$sep}:{$p}%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 - #设为0以禁用。 + #Set to 0 to disable. fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '{$p}花费{$s}%cost%{$p}资源点购买{$s}%ammo-buy-amount%{$p}弹药。' - - '{$p}按住{$s}shift{$p}点击以花费{$s}%fill-cost%{$p}资源点填满弹药。' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "{$sp}升级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%{$p}➛{$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%{$p}➔{$s}%next_range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%{$p}➔{$s}%next_cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}箭矢速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%{$p}➔{$s}%next_speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%{$p}➔{$s}%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}III" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}箭矢速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 manual: manual: condition: "manual" - name: "{$p}手动模式" + name: "&2Manual" material: LEVER lore: | - {$p}人工模式禁用了炮塔自动激活, - 你可以自己操控炮塔。 + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. - {$p}左键以切换至{$sp}自动模式。 + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode - {$p}右键开始操控炮塔。 + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret automatic: - name: "{$sp}自动模式" + name: "&9Automatic" material: COMPARATOR lore: | - {$p}自动模式会自动检测附近的敌人, - 并向其开火。 + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. - {$p}左键以切换至{$sp}手动模式。 + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode slot: 2 break: - name: "{$e}破坏" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4破坏此炮塔。" + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/flame.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/flame.yml index ac2faeec8..c2319d810 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/flame.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/flame.yml @@ -1,74 +1,80 @@ -title: "{$e}烈焰箭塔" +title: "&cFlame Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "{$sp}弹药{$sep}:{$p}%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '{$p}花费{$s}%cost%{$p}资源点购买{$s}%ammo-buy-amount%{$p}弹药。' - - '{$p}按住{$s}shift{$p}点击以花费{$s}%fill-cost%{$p}资源点填满弹药。' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "{$sp}升级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%{$p}➛{$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%{$p}➔{$s}%next_range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%{$p}➔{$s}%next_cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}箭矢速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%{$p}➔{$s}%next_speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%{$p}➔{$s}%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}III" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}箭矢速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 manual: manual: condition: "manual" - name: "{$p}手动模式" + name: "&2Manual" material: LEVER lore: | - {$p}人工模式禁用了炮塔自动激活, - 你可以自己操控炮塔。 + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. - {$p}左键以切换至{$sp}自动模式。 + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode - {$p}右键开始操控炮塔。 + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret automatic: - name: "{$sp}自动模式" + name: "&9Automatic" material: COMPARATOR lore: | - {$p}自动模式会自动检测附近的敌人, - 并向其开火。 + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. - {$p}左键以切换至{$sp}手动模式。 + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode slot: 2 break: - name: "{$e}破坏" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4破坏此炮塔。" + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/healing.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/healing.yml index 5aa07eb59..a777302d5 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/healing.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/healing.yml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -title: "&d治愈水晶" +title: "&dHealing Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "{$sp}弹药{$sep}:{$p}%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '{$p}花费{$s}%cost%{$p}资源点购买{$s}%ammo-buy-amount%{$p}弹药。' - - '{$p}按住{$s}shift{$p}点击以花费{$s}%fill-cost%{$p}资源点填满弹药。' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "{$sp}升级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%{$p}➛{$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}治愈距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%{$p}➔{$s}%next_range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%{$p}➔{$s}%next_cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}治愈速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%{$p}➔{$s}%next_speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}治愈量{$sep}:{$s}%damage%{$p}➔{$s}%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}III" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}治愈距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}治愈速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}治愈量{$sep}:{$s}%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "{$e}破坏" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4破坏此炮塔。" + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml index d95a8d07d..300b5e76c 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/heatbeam.yml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -title: "{$sp}热束炮塔" +title: "&9Heatbeam Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "{$sp}弹药{$sep}:{$p}%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '{$p}花费{$s}%cost%{$p}资源点购买{$s}%ammo-buy-amount%{$p}弹药。' - - '{$p}按住{$s}shift{$p}点击以花费{$s}%fill-cost%{$p}资源点填满弹药。' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "{$sp}升级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%{$p}➛{$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%{$p}➔{$s}%next_range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%{$p}➔{$s}%next_cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%{$p}➔{$s}%next_speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%{$p}➔{$s}%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}III" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "{$e}破坏" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4破坏此炮塔。" + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml index 1bc195ba8..df9597cd6 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/hellfire.yml @@ -1,74 +1,80 @@ -title: "&4地狱火箭塔" +title: "&4HellFire Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "{$sp}弹药{$sep}:{$p}%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '{$p}花费{$s}%cost%{$p}资源点购买{$s}%ammo-buy-amount%{$p}弹药。' - - '{$p}按住{$s}shift{$p}点击以花费{$s}%fill-cost%{$p}资源点填满弹药。' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "{$sp}升级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%{$p}➛{$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%{$p}➔{$s}%next_range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%{$p}➔{$s}%next_cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}箭矢速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%{$p}➔{$s}%next_speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%{$p}➔{$s}%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}III" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}箭矢速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 manual: manual: condition: "manual" - name: "{$p}手动模式" + name: "&2Manual" material: LEVER lore: | - {$p}人工模式禁用了炮塔自动激活, - 你可以自己操控炮塔。 + &7Manual mode allows you + to disable turrets from + activating automatically and + you can take control of them instead. - {$p}左键以切换至{$sp}自动模式。 + &2Left-click to go into + &9automatic mode - {$p}右键开始操控炮塔。 + &2Right-click to start + operating the turret automatic: - name: "{$sp}自动模式" + name: "&9Automatic" material: COMPARATOR lore: | - {$p}自动模式会自动检测附近的敌人, - 并向其开火。 + &7Automatic mode will make + turrets automatically detect + nearby enemies and shoot at them. - {$p}左键以切换至{$sp}手动模式。 + &2Left-click to go into + &9manual mode slot: 2 break: - name: "{$e}破坏" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4破坏此炮塔。" + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/inferno.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/inferno.yml index 5e7e8f829..1973a2852 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/inferno.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/inferno.yml @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -title: "&0激光炮塔" +title: "&0Inferno Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "{$sp}弹药{$sep}:{$p}%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '{$p}花费{$s}%cost%{$p}资源点购买{$s}%ammo-buy-amount%{$p}弹药。' - - '{$p}按住{$s}shift{$p}点击以花费{$s}%fill-cost%{$p}资源点填满弹药。' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "{$sp}升级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%{$p}➛{$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%{$p}➔{$s}%next_range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%{$p}➔{$s}%next_cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%{$p}➔{$s}%next_speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%{$p}➔{$s}%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}III" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%" + - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%" slot: 1 break: - name: "{$e}破坏" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4破坏此炮塔。" + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/psionic.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/psionic.yml index b2b0d328f..69dcc7d50 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/psionic.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/psionic.yml @@ -1,53 +1,50 @@ -title: "&a异能炮塔" +title: "&aPsionic Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "{$sp}弹药{$sep}:{$p}%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '{$p}花费{$s}%cost%{$p}资源点购买{$s}%ammo-buy-amount%{$p}弹药。' - - '{$p}按住{$s}shift{$p}点击以花费{$s}%fill-cost%{$p}资源点填满弹药。' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "{$sp}升级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%{$p}➛{$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%{$p}➔{$s}%next_range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%{$p}➔{$s}%next_cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%{$p}➔{$s}%next_speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%{$p}➔{$s}%next_damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback% &7➔ &6%next_knockback%" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}III" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}最多目标数{$sep}:{$s}%max_targets%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}攻击速度{$sep}:{$s}%speed%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}伤害{$sep}:{$s}%damage%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%" + - "&7⚫ &2Knockback&8: &6%knockback%" slot: 1 break: - name: "{$e}破坏" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4破坏此炮塔。" + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/soldier.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/soldier.yml index 770d21606..e59a990f4 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/soldier.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/turrets/soldier.yml @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -title: "&5士兵炮塔" +title: "&5Soldier Turret" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: ammo: - name: "{$sp}弹药{$sep}:{$p}%ammo%" + name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%" material: ARROW ammo: 100 cost: 10 fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8' - lore: - - '{$p}花费{$s}%cost%{$p}资源点购买{$s}%ammo-buy-amount%{$p}弹药。' - - '{$p}按住{$s}shift{$p}点击以花费{$s}%fill-cost%{$p}资源点填满弹药。' + lore: | + &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points. + &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking + &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points. slot: 0 upgrade: upgrade: condition: "level < max_level" - name: "{$sp}Upgrade{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman% {$p}➛ {$s}%next_level_roman%" + name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%roman_level% &7➛ &6%roman_next_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}激活距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%{$p}➔{$s}%next_range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%{$p}➔{$s}%next_max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%{$p}➔{$s}%next_cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%" - "" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}满级{$sep}:{$s}III" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}价格{$sep}:{$s}%upgrade_cost%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III" + - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%" maxxed: - name: "{$sp}等级{$sep}:{$s}%level_roman%" + name: "&9Level&8: &6%roman_level%" material: NETHER_STAR lore: - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}激活距离{$sep}:{$s}%range%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}弹药量{$sep}:{$s}%max_ammo%" - - "{$p}⚫ {$p}冷却时间{$sep}:{$s}%cooldown%" + - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%" + - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%" + - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%" slot: 1 break: - name: "{$e}破坏" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK lore: - - "&4破坏此炮塔。" + - "&4Breaks this turret." slot: 3 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER lore: - - "{$s}关闭此界面。" - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + - "&6Close the GUI" + slot: 4 diff --git a/resources/languages/zh/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml b/resources/languages/zh/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml index 68d0f82ba..b43867016 100644 --- a/resources/languages/zh/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml +++ b/resources/languages/zh/guis/unclaimed-kingdom-item.yml @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ -title: "{$e}未被占领的%kingdom-item-name%" +title: "&cUnclaimed %kingdom-item-name%" type: HOPPER sound: ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - options: break: - name: "{$e}破坏" + name: "&cBreak" material: REDSTONE_BLOCK slot: 0 close: - name: "{$e}关闭" + name: "&cClose" material: BARRIER - slot: 4 \ No newline at end of file + slot: 4