This is a python written video downloader for aniworld, running from command line or your IDE.
Currently focused only on GERMAN-DUBBED episodes.
python -options
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ANIME, --anime ANIME Specify the anime name in format "Ani-Me-Na-Me"
-s SEASONS, --seasons SEASONS Season to download; seasons can be comma separated; a range of seasons can be passed using ":"; for movies, use "0"; for all seasons including movies, use "all"; to exclude a season (such as from "all" or a range), start the number from "-"
-e EPISODE, --episode EPISODE Episode to download - currently not supported!
-p PATH, --path PATH Location where the downloaded episodes get stored
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS Amount of threads of downloads
-x PROXY, --proxy PROXY enter an https proxys IP address (e.x
-m MODE, --mode MODE modes: download, collect - collect list of titles, inspect - inspect the download status
-ss STREAMING_SERVICE, --streaming_service STREAMING_SERVICE name of preferred streaming service, type "all" if not care
python -a "Sword-Art-Online" -s "0,1:4,-3" -p "output" -m "collect"
python -a "Sword-Art-Online" -s "all" -p "output" -m "download" -t 3 -ss "Vidoza"
python -a "Sword-Art-Online" -p output -m "inspect"
Implemented streaming services:
- Vidoza
- Streamtape
- collect - collects only the list of German titles
- download - collect + download + inspect
- inspect - inspects the download logs for missing episodes
Episode title included in the file name.
Auto-retry from the same or another streamer in case of an error.
List all, list completed and list failed log files.
Auto skip successfully processed episodes in case of a retry (no dummy overwrites, but overwrites titles which are not logged to successfully completed).
Create convenient status summary for manual actions.
Only GERMAN-DUBBED episodes are scheduled to download (to be more precise: episodes having a German title), although it can be easily extended to GER-SUB and ENG-SUB cause the language codes are already known and only need to be parsed.
Proxy is not tested.
Use in order to get a list of the most numerous available GER-DUB animes
Use to automate the process over multiple animes
This repo is an extension of the project available at