BG_flood user interface consists in a text file, associating key words to user chosen parameters and forcings.
Reference | Keys | default | Explanation |
test | test | -1 | -1: no test, 99: run all independent tests, X: run test X |
g | g | 9.81 | Gravity in m.s-2 |
rho | rho | 1025.0 | Fluid density in kg.m-3 |
eps | eps | 0.0001 | Drying height in m (if h<eps, the surface is concidered dry) |
dt | dt | 0.0 | Model time step in s. |
CFL | CFL | 0.5 | Current Freidrich Limiter |
theta | theta | 1.3 | Minmod limiter parameter, theta in [1,2]. Can be used to tune the momentum dissipation (theta=1 gives minmod the most dissipative limiter and theta = 2 gives superbee, the least dissipative). |
VelThreshold | VelThreshold , vthresh , vmax , velmax | -1.0 | Using Velocity threshold if the the velocuity exceeds that threshold. Advice value of 16.0 to use or negative value (-1) to turn off |
frictionmodel | frictionmodel | 0 | Bottom friction model (-1: Manning model, 0: quadratic, 1: Smart model) |
savebyblk | savebyblk , writebyblk , saveperblk , writeperblk , savebyblock , writebyblock , saveperblock , writeperblock | 0 | Bottom friction model (-1: Manning model, 0: quadratic, 1: Smart model) |
cf | cf , roughness , cfmap | 0.0001 | Bottom friction coefficient for flow model (if constant) |
Cd | Cd | 0.002 | Wind drag coefficient |
il | il , Rain_il , initialloss | 0.0 | Initial Loss (if constant) |
cl | cl , Rain_cl , continuousloss | 0.0 | Continuous Loss (if constant) |
conserveElevation | conserveElevation | false | Switch to force the conservation of zs instead of h at the interface between coarse and fine blocks |
wetdryfix | wetdryfix , reminstab , fixinstab | true | Switch to remove wet/dry instability (i.e. true reoves instability and false leaves the model as is) |
Pa2m | Pa2m | 0.00009916 | Conversion between atmospheric pressure changes to water level changes in Pa (if unit is hPa then user should use 0.009916) |
Paref | Paref | 101300.0 | Reference pressure in Pa (if unit is hPa then user should use 1013.0) |
GPUDEVICE | GPUDEVICE , gpu | 0 | 0: first available GPU, -1: CPU single core, 2+: other GPU |
doubleprecision | doubleprecision | 0 | 0: float precision, 1: double precision |
engine | engine | 1 | 1: Buttinger-Kreuzhuber et al. 2019, 2: Kurganov (Popinet 2011), 3: KurganovATMP same as Kurganov but with atmospheric forcing terms |
Reference | Keys | default | Explanation |
dx | dx | nan("") | Grid resolution in the coordinate system unit in m. |
nx | nx | 0 | Initial grid size in x direction |
ny | ny | 0 | Initial grid size in y direction |
xo | xo , xmin | nan("") | Grid x origin (if not alter by the user, will be defined based on the topography/bathymetry input map) |
yo | yo , ymin | nan("") | Grid y origin (if not alter by the user, will be defined based on the topography/bathymetry input map) |
ymax | ymax | nan("") | Grid ymax (if not alter by the user, will be defined based on the topography/bathymetry input map) |
xmax | xmax | nan("") | Grid xmax (if not alter by the user, will be defined based on the topography/bathymetry input map) |
grdalpha | grdalpha | nan("") | Grid rotation Y axis from the North input in degrees but later converted to rad |
posdown | posdown | 0 | Flag for bathy input. Model requirement is positive up so if posdown ==1 then zb=zb*-1.0f |
spherical | spherical , geo | 0 | Flag for sperical coordinate (still in development) |
Radius | Radius | 6371220. | Earth radius [m] |
mask | mask | 9999.0 | Mask any zb above this value. If the entire Block is masked then it is not allocated in the memory |
Reference | Keys | default | Explanation |
initlevel | initlevel | 0 | Initial level of grid adaptation (based on dx if defined by the user or on the resolution of the topography/bathymetry input) |
maxlevel | maxlevel | -99999 | Maximum level for grid adaptation (overwrite the adaptation map if use) |
minlevel | minlevel | -99999 | Minumim level for grid adaptation (overwrite the adaptation map if use) |
membuffer | membuffer | 1.05 | Needs to allocate more memory than initially needed so adaptation can happen without memory reallocation |
Reference | Keys | default | Explanation |
outputtimestep | outputtimestep , outtimestep , outputstep | 0.0 | Number of seconds between netCDF outputs, 0.0 for none |
endtime | endtime , stoptime , end , stop , end_time , stop_time | 0.0 | Number of seconds between netCDF outputs, 0.0 for none |
totaltime | totaltime , inittime , starttime , start_time , init_time , start , init | 0.0 | Total simulation time in s |
dtinit | dtinit | -1 | Maximum initial time steps in s (should be positive, advice 0.1 if dry domain initialement) |
dtmin | dtmin | 0.0005 | Minimum accepted time steps in s (a lower value will be concidered a crash of the code, and stop the run) |
Reference | Keys | default | Explanation |
zsinit | zsinit , initzs | nan("") | Init zs for cold start in m. If not specified by user and no bnd file = 1 then sanity check will set it to 0.0 |
zsoffset | zsoffset | nan("") | Add a water level offset in m to initial conditions and boundaries (0.0 by default) |
hotstartfile | hotstartfile | None |
Allow to hotstart (or restart) the computation providing a netcdf file containing at least zb, h or zs, u and v |
hotstep | hotstep | 0 | Step to read if hotstart file has multiple steps (step and not (computation) time) |
bndtaper | bndtaper | 0.0 | number of second to taper boundary values to smooth transition with initial conditions default is no tapering but 600s is good practice |
Reference | Keys | default | Explanation |
TSnodesout | TSnodesout , TSOutput | None |
Time serie output, giving a file name and a (x,y) position (which will be converted to nearest grid position). This keyword can be used multiple times to extract time series at different locations. The data is stocked for each timestep and written by flocs. The resulting file contains (t,zs,h,u,v) Example: "TSnodesout = Offshore.txt,3101.00,4982.57" (filename,x,y) |
outfile | outfile | "" | netcdf output file name |
outvars | outvars | "zb", "zs", "u", "v", "h" |
List of names of the variables to output (for 2D maps) Supported variables = "zb", "zs", "u", "v", "h", "hmean", "zsmean", "umean", "vmean", "hUmean", "Umean", "hmax", "zsmax", "umax", "vmax", "hUmax", "Umax", "twet", "dhdx","dhdy","dzsdx","dzsdy","dudx","dudy","dvdx","dvdy","Fhu","Fhv","Fqux","Fqvy","Fquy","Fqvx","Su","Sv","dh","dhu","dhv","cf","Patm", "datmpdx","datmpdy","il","cl","hgw"; |
outzone | outzone | Full domain |
Zoned output (netcdf file), giving a file name and the position of two corner points (which will be converted to a rectagle containing full blocks). This keyword can be used multiple times to output maps of different areas. Example: ",5.3,5.4,0.5,0.8;" (filename,x1,x2,y1,y2) |
resetmax | resetmax | false | Switch to reset the "max" outputs after each output |
outishift | outishift | 0 | DEBUGGING ONLY: allow cell shift (1 or -1) in x direction to visualise the halo around blocks in the output |
outjshift | outjshift | 0 | DEBUGGING ONLY: allow cell shift (1 or -1) in y direction to visualise the halo around blocks in the output |
Reference | Keys | default | Explanation |
smallnc | smallnc | 1 | Short integer conversion for netcdf outputs. 1: save as short integer for the netcdf file, if 0 then save all variables as float |
scalefactor | scalefactor | 0.01f | Scale factor used for the short integer conversion for netcdf outputs |
addoffset | addoffset | 0.0f | Offset add during the short integer conversion for netcdf outputs |
Reference | Keys | default | Explanation |
use_catalyst | use_catalyst | 0 | Switch to use ParaView Catalyst |
catalyst_python_pipeline | catalyst_python_pipeline | 0 | Pipeline to use ParaView Catalyst |
vtk_output_frequency | vtk_output_frequency | 0 | Output frequency for ParaView Catalyst |
vtk_output_time_interval | vtk_output_time_interval | 1.0 | Output time step for ParaView Catalyst |
vtk_outputfile_root | vtk_outputfile_root | "bg_out" | output file name for ParaView Catalyst |
python_pipeline | python_pipeline | "" | python pipeline for ParaView Catalyst |
rainbnd | rainbnd , rainonbnd | false | when false it force the rain foring on the bnd cells to be null. |
adaptmaxiteration | adaptmaxiteration , maxiterationadapt | 20 | Maximum number of iteration for adaptation. default 20 |
reftime | reftime , referencetime , timeref | "" | Reference time string as yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS |
Reference | Keys | default | Example | Explanation |
cf | cf , roughness , cfmap | (see constant in parameters) | cf=0.001;; |
Bottom friction coefficient map (associated to the chosen bottom friction model) A list of roughness map can be provide. At any grid point, the last one defined will be used. |
il | il , Rain_il , initialloss | (see constant in parameters) |; | Initial Rain loss coefficient map (in mm) |
cl | cl , Rain_cl , continuousloss | (see constant in parameters) |; | Continuous Rain loss coefficient map (in mm/h) |
Bathy | Bathy , bathyfile , bathymetry , depfile , depthfile , topofile , topo , DEM | None but input NECESSARY | topo=Westport_DEM_2020.asc |
Bathymetry/Topography input, ONLY NECESSARY INPUT Different format are accepted: .asc, .nc, .md. , the grid must be regular with growing coordinate. This grid will define the extend of the model domain and model resolution (if not inform by the user). The coordinate can be cartesian or spherical (still in development). A list of file can also be use to provide a thiner resolution localy by using the key word each time on a different line. The first file will be use to define the domain area and base resolution but the following file will be used during the refinement process. |
AOI | AOI , aoipoly | N/A | AOI=myarea.gmt; | Area of interest polygon the input file is a text file with 2 columns containing the coordinate of a closed polygon (last line==first line) |
left | left , leftbndfile , leftbnd | 1 | left = 0; left = leftBnd.txt,2; |
0:Wall (no slip); 1:neumann (zeros gradient) [Default]; 2:sealevel dirichlet; 3: Absorbing 1D 4: Absorbing 2D (not yet implemented) For type 2 and 3 boundary, a file need to be added to determine the vaules at the boundary. This file will consist in a first column containing time (with possibly variable time steps) and forcing values in the following columns (1 column of values corresponding to a constant value along the boundary, 2 columns correspond to values at boundary edges with linear evolution in between, n columns correspond to n regularly spaced values applied along the boundary) |
right | right , rightbndfile , rightbnd | 1 | right = 0; right = rightBnd.txt,2; |
Same as left boundary |
top | top , topbndfile , topbnd | 1 | top = 0; top = topBnd.txt,2; |
Same as left boundary |
bot | bot , botbndfile , botbnd , bottom | 1 | bot = 0; bot = botBnd.txt,2; |
Same as left boundary |
deform | deform | None | deform =,3.0,10.0; deform = filename, time of initial rupture, rising time; |
Deform are maps to apply to both zs and zb; this is often co-seismic vertical deformation used to generate tsunami initial wave Here you can spread the deformation across a certain amount of time and apply it at any point in the model. |
rivers | rivers , river | None | river = Votualevu_R.txt,1867430,1867455,3914065,3914090; river = Fluxfile, xstart, xend, ystart, yend; |
The river is added as a vertical discharge on a chosen area (the user input consisting in a Time serie and a rectangular area definition). The whole cells containing the corners of the area will be included in the area, no horizontal velocity is applied. To add multiple rivers, just add different lines in the input file (one by river). |
Wind | Wind , windfiles | None | Wind =, Wind = MyWind.txt |
Spacially varying: 2 files are given, 1st file is U wind and second is V wind ( no rotation of the data is performed) Spacially uniform: 1 file is given then a 3 column file is expected, showing time, windspeed and direction. Wind direction is rotated (later) to the grid direction (using grdalpha input parameter) |
Atmp | Atmp , atmpfile | None | | The forcing pressure is expected to be in Pa and the effect of the atmospheric pressure gradient is calculated as the difference to a reference pressure Paref, converted to a height using Pa2. |
Rain | Rain , rainfile | None | rain=rain_forcing.txt |
This allow to force a time varying, space varying rain intensity on the model, in mm/h. Spacially varrying (rain map), a netcdf file is expected (with the variable associated to the rain after "?"). Spacially uniform: the rain is forced using a time serie using a 2 column values table containing time (not necessary unformly distributed) and rain. |
Reference | Keys |
Adaptation | Adaptation |
crs | crs , spatialref , spatial_ref , wtk , crsinfo , crs_info |
bathyfile | bathyfile |
bathymetry | bathymetry |
depfile | depfile |
bnd | bnd , bndseg |
cavity | cavity |
culvert | culvert |
Note : The keys are not case sensitive.