diff --git a/IO_EXIO485.cpp b/IO_EXIO485.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebedc579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IO_EXIO485.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+ * © 2024, Travis Farmer. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of DCC++EX API
+ *
+ * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with CommandStation. If not, see .
+ */
+#include "IO_EXIO485.h"
+#include "defines.h"
+static const byte PAYLOAD_FALSE = 0;
+static const byte PAYLOAD_NORMAL = 1;
+static const byte PAYLOAD_STRING = 2;
+ * EXIO485 implementation
+ ************************************************************/
+// Constructor for EXIO485
+EXIO485::EXIO485(uint8_t busNo, HardwareSerial &serial, unsigned long baud, int8_t txPin) {
+ _serial = &serial;
+ _baud = baud;
+ _txPin = txPin;
+ _busNo = busNo;
+ _retryTime = 2000000UL; // 1 second
+ bufferLength=0;
+ inCommandPayload=PAYLOAD_FALSE;
+ // Add device to HAL device chain
+ IODevice::addDevice(this);
+ // Add bus to EXIO485 chain.
+ _nextBus = _busList;
+ _busList = this;
+// CRC-16 implementation
+uint16_t EXIO485::crc16(uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) {
+ uint16_t crc = 0xFFFF;
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ crc ^= data[i];
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ bool bit = ((crc & 0x0001) != 0);
+ crc >>= 1;
+ if (bit) {
+ crc ^= 0xA001;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return crc;
+/* -= _loop =-
+// Main loop function for EXIO485.
+// Work through list of nodes. For each node, in separate loop entries
+// When the slot time has finished, move on to the next device.
+void EXIO485::_loop(unsigned long currentMicros) {
+ _currentMicros = currentMicros;
+ if (_currentNode == NULL) _currentNode = _nodeListStart;
+ if (!hasTasks() && _currentNode->isInitialised()) { // no tasks? lets poll for data
+ uint8_t buffA[3];
+ buffA[0] = (_currentNode->getNodeID());
+ buffA[1] = (0);
+ buffA[2] = (EXIORDD);
+ addTask(buffA, 3, EXIORDD);
+ uint8_t buffB[3];
+ buffB[0] = (_currentNode->getNodeID());
+ buffB[1] = (0);
+ buffB[2] = (EXIORDAN);
+ addTask(buffB, 3, EXIORDAN);
+ _currentNode = _currentNode->getNext();
+ }
+ if ( hasTasks()){ // do we have any tasks on the docket
+ if (CurrentTaskID == -1) CurrentTaskID = getNextTaskId();
+ Task* currentTask = getTaskById(CurrentTaskID);
+ if (currentTask == nullptr) return; // dead task
+ if (!currentTask->completed && _currentMicros - _cycleStartTimeA >= _retryTime) { // after CRC pass, timer is reset
+ if (currentTask->currentRetryTimer == 0UL) { // first trigger
+ currentTask->currentRetryTimer = _currentMicros; // set timer
+ } else if (_currentMicros - currentTask->currentRetryTimer >= _retryTime) {
+ currentTask->currentRetryTimer = _currentMicros; // reset timer
+ currentTask->rxMode = false; // resend data
+ DIAG(F("EX-IOExplorer485: Fail RX, Retry TX. Task: %d"), CurrentTaskID);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!currentTask->rxMode) {
+ currentTask->crcPassFail = 0;
+ uint16_t response_crc = crc16((uint8_t*)currentTask->commandArray, currentTask->byteCount-1);
+ if (_txPin != -1) ArduinoPins::fastWriteDigital(_txPin,HIGH);
+ // Send response data with CRC
+ _serial->write(0xFE);
+ _serial->write(0xFE);
+ _serial->write(response_crc >> 8);
+ _serial->write(response_crc & 0xFF);
+ _serial->write(currentTask->byteCount);
+ for (int i = 0; i < currentTask->byteCount; i++) {
+ _serial->write(currentTask->commandArray[i]);
+ }
+ _serial->write(0xFD);
+ _serial->write(0xFD);
+ _serial->flush();
+ if (_txPin != -1) ArduinoPins::fastWriteDigital(_txPin,LOW);
+ // delete task command after sending, for now
+ currentTask->rxMode = true;
+ } else {
+ if ( _serial->available()) {
+ int curByte = _serial->read();
+ if (curByte == 0xFE && flagStart == false) flagStart = true;
+ else if ( curByte == 0xFE && flagStart == true) {
+ flagProc = false;
+ byteCounter = 0;
+ flagStarted = true;
+ flagStart = false;
+ flagEnded = false;
+ rxStart = true;
+ rxEnd = false;
+ crcPass = false;
+ memset(received_data, 0, ARRAY_SIZE);
+ }else if (flagStarted) {
+ crc[0] = curByte;
+ byteCounter++;
+ flagStarted = false;
+ } else if (byteCounter == 1) {
+ crc[1] = curByte;
+ received_crc = (crc[0] << 8) | crc[1];
+ byteCounter++;
+ } else if (byteCounter == 2) {
+ byteCount = curByte;
+ byteCounter++;
+ } else if (flagEnded == false && byteCounter >= 3) {
+ received_data[byteCounter-3] = curByte;
+ byteCounter++;
+ }
+ if (curByte == 0xFD && flagEnd == false) flagEnd = true;
+ else if ( curByte == 0xFD && flagEnd == true) {
+ flagEnded = true;
+ flagEnd = false;
+ rxEnd = true;
+ byteCount = byteCounter;
+ byteCounter = 0;
+ }
+ if (flagEnded) {
+ calculated_crc = crc16((uint8_t*)received_data, byteCount-6);
+ if (received_crc == calculated_crc) {
+ crcPass = true;
+ }
+ flagEnded = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check CRC validity
+ if (crcPass) {
+ // Data received successfully, process it (e.g., print)
+ int nodeTo = received_data[0];
+ if (nodeTo == 0) { // for master.
+ flagProc = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flagProc) {
+ crcPass = false;
+ int nodeFr = received_data[1];
+ EXIO485node *node = findNode(nodeFr);
+ int AddrCode = received_data[2];
+ switch (AddrCode) {
+ case EXIOPINS:
+ {node->setnumDigitalPins(received_data[3]);
+ node->setnumAnalogPins(received_data[4]);
+ // See if we already have suitable buffers assigned
+ if (node->getnumDigialPins()>0) {
+ size_t digitalBytesNeeded = (node->getnumDigialPins() + 7) / 8;
+ if (node->getdigitalPinBytes() < digitalBytesNeeded) {
+ // Not enough space, free any existing buffer and allocate a new one
+ if (node->cleandigitalPinStates(digitalBytesNeeded)) {
+ node->setdigitalPinBytes(digitalBytesNeeded);
+ } else {
+ DIAG(F("EX-IOExpander485 node:%d ERROR alloc %d bytes"), nodeFr, digitalBytesNeeded);
+ node->setdigitalPinBytes(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (node->getnumAnalogPins()>0) {
+ size_t analogueBytesNeeded = node->getnumAnalogPins() * 2;
+ if (node->getanalogPinBytes() < analogueBytesNeeded) {
+ // Free any existing buffers and allocate new ones.
+ if (node->cleanAnalogStates(analogueBytesNeeded)) {
+ node->setanalogPinBytes(analogueBytesNeeded);
+ } else {
+ DIAG(F("EX-IOExpander485 node:%d ERROR alloc analog pin bytes"), nodeFr);
+ node->setanalogPinBytes(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ markTaskCompleted(CurrentTaskID);
+ flagProc = false;
+ break;}
+ case EXIOINITA: {
+ for (int i = 0; i < node->getnumAnalogPins(); i++) {
+ node->setanalogPinMap(received_data[i+3], i);
+ }
+ markTaskCompleted(CurrentTaskID);
+ flagProc = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EXIOVER: {
+ node->setMajVer(received_data[3]);
+ node->setMinVer(received_data[4]);
+ node->setPatVer(received_data[5]);
+ DIAG(F("EX-IOExpander485: Found node %d v%d.%d.%d"),node->getNodeID(), node->getMajVer(), node->getMinVer(), node->getPatVer());
+ node->setInitialised();
+ markTaskCompleted(CurrentTaskID);
+ flagProc = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EXIORDY: {
+ markTaskCompleted(CurrentTaskID);
+ flagProc = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EXIOERR: {
+ markTaskCompleted(CurrentTaskID);
+ DIAG(F("EX-IOExplorer485: Some sort of error was received...")); // ;-)
+ flagProc = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EXIORDAN: {
+ for (int i = 0; i < node->_numAnaloguePins; i++) {
+ node->setanalogInputBuffer(received_data[i+3], i);
+ }
+ markTaskCompleted(CurrentTaskID);
+ flagProc = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EXIORDD: {
+ for (int i = 0; i < (node->_numDigitalPins+7)/8; i++) {
+ node->setdigitalInputStates(received_data[i+3], i);
+ }
+ markTaskCompleted(CurrentTaskID);
+ flagProc = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ _cycleStartTimeA = currentMicros; // reset timer so we do not resend data
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Link to chain of EXIO485 instances, left over from EXIO485 template.
+EXIO485 *EXIO485::_busList = NULL;
+ * EXIO485node implementation
+ ************************************************************/
+/* -= EXIO485node =-
+// Constructor for EXIO485node object
+EXIO485node::EXIO485node(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, uint8_t nodeID) {
+ _firstVpin = firstVpin;
+ _nPins = nPins;
+ _busNo = 0;
+ _nodeID = nodeID;
+ _initialised = false;
+ memset(resFlag, 0, 255);
+ if (_nodeID > 252) _nodeID = 252; // cannot have a node with the frame flags
+ if (_nodeID < 1) _nodeID = 1; // cannot have a node with the master ID
+ // Add this device to HAL device list
+ IODevice::addDevice(this);
+ _display();
+ // Add EXIO485node to EXIO485 object.
+ EXIO485 *bus = EXIO485::findBus(_busNo);
+ if (bus != NULL) {
+ bus->addNode(this);
+ return;
+ }
+bool EXIO485node::_configure(VPIN vpin, ConfigTypeEnum configType, int paramCount, int params[]) {
+ if (paramCount != 1) return false;
+ int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ uint8_t pullup = (uint8_t)params[0];
+ uint8_t buff[ARRAY_SIZE];
+ buff[0] = (_nodeID);
+ buff[1] = (0);
+ buff[2] = (EXIODPUP);
+ buff[3] = (pin);
+ buff[4] = (pullup);
+ EXIO485 *bus = EXIO485::findBus(0);
+ bus->setBusy();
+ bus->addTask(buff, 5, EXIODPUP);
+ return true;
+ }
+ int EXIO485node::_configureAnalogIn(VPIN vpin) {
+ int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ uint8_t buff[ARRAY_SIZE];
+ buff[0] = (_nodeID);
+ buff[1] = (0);
+ buff[2] = (EXIOENAN);
+ buff[3] = (pin);
+ buff[4] = lowByte(_firstVpin);
+ buff[5] = highByte(_firstVpin);
+ EXIO485 *bus = EXIO485::findBus(0);
+ bus->setBusy();
+ bus->addTask(buff, 6, EXIOENAN);
+ return false;
+ }
+void EXIO485node::_begin() {
+ uint8_t buff[ARRAY_SIZE];
+ buff[0] = (_nodeID);
+ buff[1] = (0);
+ buff[2] = (EXIOINIT);
+ buff[3] = (_nPins);
+ buff[4] = ((_firstVpin & 0xFF));
+ buff[5] = ((_firstVpin >> 8));
+ EXIO485 *bus = EXIO485::findBus(0);
+ bus->setBusy();
+ bus->addTask(buff, 6, EXIOINIT);
+ buff[0] = (_nodeID);
+ buff[1] = (0);
+ buff[2] = (EXIOINITA);
+ bus->setBusy();
+ bus->addTask(buff, 3, EXIOINITA);
+ buff[0] = (_nodeID);
+ buff[1] = (0);
+ buff[2] = (EXIOVER);
+ bus->setBusy();
+ bus->addTask(buff, 3, EXIOVER);
+#ifdef DIAG_IO
+ _display();
+int EXIO485node::_read(VPIN vpin) {
+ if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED) return 0;
+ int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ uint8_t pinByte = pin / 8;
+ bool value = bitRead(_digitalInputStates[pinByte], pin - pinByte * 8);
+ return value;
+ }
+void EXIO485node::_write(VPIN vpin, int value) {
+ if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED) return;
+ int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ uint8_t buff[ARRAY_SIZE];
+ buff[0] = (_nodeID);
+ buff[1] = (0);
+ buff[2] = (EXIOWRD);
+ buff[3] = (pin);
+ buff[4] = (value);
+ EXIO485 *bus = EXIO485::findBus(0);
+ bus->setBusy();
+ bus->addTask(buff, 5, EXIOWRD);
+ }
+ int EXIO485node::_readAnalogue(VPIN vpin) {
+ if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED) return 0;
+ int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ for (uint8_t aPin = 0; aPin < _numAnaloguePins; aPin++) {
+ if (_analoguePinMap[aPin] == pin) {
+ uint8_t _pinLSBByte = aPin * 2;
+ uint8_t _pinMSBByte = _pinLSBByte + 1;
+ return (_analogueInputStates[_pinMSBByte] << 8) + _analogueInputStates[_pinLSBByte];
+ }
+ }
+ return -1; // pin not found in table
+ }
+ void EXIO485node::_writeAnalogue(VPIN vpin, int value, uint8_t profile, uint16_t duration) {
+ int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ uint8_t buff[ARRAY_SIZE];
+ buff[0] = (_nodeID);
+ buff[1] = (0);
+ buff[2] = (EXIOWRAN);
+ buff[3] = (pin);
+ buff[4] = lowByte(value);
+ buff[5] = highByte(value);
+ buff[6] = (profile);
+ buff[7] = lowByte(duration);
+ buff[8] = highByte(duration);
+ EXIO485 *bus = EXIO485::findBus(0);
+ bus->setBusy();
+ bus->addTask(buff, 9, EXIOWRAN);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IO_EXIO485.h b/IO_EXIO485.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52b1f096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IO_EXIO485.h
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+* © 2024, Travis Farmer. All rights reserved.
+* This file is part of DCC++EX API
+* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with CommandStation. If not, see .
+ * EXIO485
+ * =======
+ * To define a EXIO485, example syntax:
+ * EXIO485::create(busNo, serial, baud[, TxPin]);
+ *
+ * busNo = the Bus no of the instance. should = 0, unless more than one bus configured for some reason.
+ * serial = serial port to be used (e.g. Serial3)
+ * baud = baud rate (9600, 19200, 28800, 57600 or 115200)
+ * cycletime = minimum time between successive updates/reads of a node in millisecs (default 500ms)
+ * TxPin = pin number connected to EXIO485 module's DE and !RE terminals for half-duplex operation (default -1)
+ * if omitted (default), hardware MUST support full-duplex opperation!
+ *
+ *
+ * EXIO485Node
+ * ========
+ * To define a EXIO485 node and associate it with a EXIO485 bus,
+ * EXIO485node::create(firstVPIN, numVPINs, nodeID);
+ *
+ * firstVPIN = first vpin in block allocated to this device
+ * numVPINs = number of vpins
+ * nodeID = 1-252
+ */
+#ifndef IO_EXIO485_H
+#define IO_EXIO485_H
+#include "IODevice.h"
+class EXIO485;
+class EXIO485node;
+ * Data Structure
+ *
+ * Data Frame:
+ * 0xFE : 0xFE : CRC : CRC : ByteCount : DataPacket : 0xFD : 0xFD
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Start Frame : CRC Bytes : Data Size : Data : End Frame
+ *
+ * Data frame must always start with the Start Frame bytes (two Bytes),
+ * follow with the CRC bytes (two bytes), the data byte count
+ * (one byte), the Data Packet (variable bytes), and the end Frame
+ * Bytes.
+ *
+ *
+ * Data Packet:
+ * NodeTo : NodeFrom : AddrCode : ~Command Params~
+ * -----------------------------------------------
+ * NodeTo = where the packet is destined for.
+ * NodeFrom = where the packet came from.
+ * Address Code = from EXIO enumeration.
+ * Command Params:
+ *
+ * --------
+ * nPins : FirstPinL : FirstPinH
+ * -----------------------------
+ * nPins = Number of allocated pins.
+ * FirstPinL = First VPIN lowByte.
+ * FirstPinH = First VPIN highByte.
+ *
+ * Sends the allocated pins.
+ *
+ * -=no parameters, just a header=-
+ *
+ * requests the analog pin map from the node.
+ *
+ * -=no parameters=-
+ *
+ * requests the node software version, but as yet to do anything with it
+ *
+ * pin : pullup
+ *
+ * pin = VPIN number
+ * pullup = 1 - Pullup, 0 - no pullup
+ * configures a digital pin for input
+ *
+ * pin : FirstPinL : FirstPinH
+ *
+ * pin = VPIN number
+ * FirstPinL = first pin lowByte
+ * FirstPinH = first pin highByte
+ *
+ * pin : value
+ *
+ * pin = VPIN number
+ * value = 1 or 0
+ *
+ * pin : valueL : valueH : profile : durationL : durationH
+ *
+ * pin = VPIN Number
+ * valueL = value lowByte
+ * valueH = value highByte
+ * profile = servo profile
+ * dueationL = duration lowByte
+ * durationH = duration highByte
+ *
+ * -=No Parameters=-
+ *
+ * Requests digital pin states.
+ *
+ * -=no parameters=-
+ *
+ * Requests analog pin states.
+ *
+ * numDigital : numAnalog
+ *
+ * numDigital = number of digital capable pins
+ * numAnalog = number of analog capable pins
+ *
+ * ~analog pin map~
+ *
+ * each byte is a analog pin map value, variable length.
+ *
+ * -=no parameters=-
+ *
+ * Responds EXIORDY for OK, and EXIOERR for FAIL.
+ *
+ * ~analog pin states~
+ *
+ * each byte is a pin state value, perhaps in lowByte/higeByte config.
+ *
+ * ~digital pin states~
+ *
+ * each byte is a 8-bit grouping of pinstates.
+ *
+ * Major Version : Minor Version : Patch Version
+ *
+ * each byte represents a numeric version value.
+ **********************************************************************/
+ * EXIO485node class
+ *
+ * This encapsulates the state associated with a single EXIO485 node,
+ * which includes the nodeID, number of discrete inputs and coils, and
+ * the states of the discrete inputs and coils.
+ **********************************************************************/
+class EXIO485node : public IODevice {
+ uint8_t _busNo;
+ uint8_t _nodeID;
+ char _type;
+ EXIO485node *_next = NULL;
+ bool _initialised;
+ EXIO485 *bus;
+ HardwareSerial* _serial;
+ enum {
+ EXIOINIT = 0xE0, // Flag to initialise setup procedure
+ EXIORDY = 0xE1, // Flag we have completed setup procedure, also for EX-IO to ACK setup
+ EXIODPUP = 0xE2, // Flag we're sending digital pin pullup configuration
+ EXIOVER = 0xE3, // Flag to get version
+ EXIORDAN = 0xE4, // Flag to read an analogue input
+ EXIOWRD = 0xE5, // Flag for digital write
+ EXIORDD = 0xE6, // Flag to read digital input
+ EXIOENAN = 0xE7, // Flag to enable an analogue pin
+ EXIOINITA = 0xE8, // Flag we're receiving analogue pin mappings
+ EXIOPINS = 0xE9, // Flag we're receiving pin counts for buffers
+ EXIOWRAN = 0xEA, // Flag we're sending an analogue write (PWM)
+ EXIOERR = 0xEF, // Flag we've received an error
+ };
+ static const int ARRAY_SIZE = 254;
+ static EXIO485node *_nodeList;
+ enum ProfileType : int {
+ Instant = 0, // Moves immediately between positions (if duration not specified)
+ UseDuration = 0, // Use specified duration
+ Fast = 1, // Takes around 500ms end-to-end
+ Medium = 2, // 1 second end-to-end
+ Slow = 3, // 2 seconds end-to-end
+ Bounce = 4, // For semaphores/turnouts with a bit of bounce!!
+ NoPowerOff = 0x80, // Flag to be ORed in to suppress power off after move.
+ };
+ uint8_t _numDigitalPins = 0;
+ uint8_t getnumDigialPins() {
+ return _numDigitalPins;
+ }
+ void setnumDigitalPins(uint8_t value) {
+ _numDigitalPins = value;
+ }
+ uint8_t _numAnaloguePins = 0;
+ uint8_t getnumAnalogPins() {
+ return _numAnaloguePins;
+ }
+ void setnumAnalogPins(uint8_t value) {
+ _numAnaloguePins = value;
+ }
+ uint8_t _majorVer = 0;
+ uint8_t getMajVer() {
+ return _majorVer;
+ }
+ void setMajVer(uint8_t value) {
+ _majorVer = value;
+ }
+ uint8_t _minorVer = 0;
+ uint8_t getMinVer() {
+ return _minorVer;
+ }
+ void setMinVer(uint8_t value) {
+ _minorVer = value;
+ }
+ uint8_t _patchVer = 0;
+ uint8_t getPatVer() {
+ return _patchVer;
+ }
+ void setPatVer(uint8_t value) {
+ _patchVer = value;
+ }
+ uint8_t* _digitalInputStates = NULL;
+ uint8_t getdigitalInputStates(int index) {
+ return _digitalInputStates[index];
+ }
+ void setdigitalInputStates(uint8_t value, int index) {
+ _digitalInputStates[index] = value;
+ }
+ bool cleandigitalPinStates(int size) {
+ if (_digitalPinBytes > 0) free(_digitalInputStates);
+ if ((_digitalInputStates = (byte*) calloc(size, 1)) != NULL) {
+ return true;
+ } else return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t* _analogueInputStates = NULL;
+ uint8_t getanalogInputStates(int index) {
+ return _analogueInputStates[index];
+ }
+ void setanalogInputStates(uint8_t value, int index) {
+ _analogueInputStates[index] = value;
+ }
+ uint8_t* _analogueInputBuffer = NULL; // buffer for I2C input transfers
+ uint8_t getanalogInpuBuffer(int index) {
+ return _analogueInputBuffer[index];
+ }
+ void setanalogInputBuffer(uint8_t value, int index) {
+ _analogueInputBuffer[index] = value;
+ memcpy(_analogueInputStates, _analogueInputBuffer, _analoguePinBytes);
+ }
+ uint8_t _readCommandBuffer[4]; // unused?
+ uint8_t _digitalPinBytes = 0; // Size of allocated memory buffer (may be longer than needed)
+ uint8_t getdigitalPinBytes() {
+ return _digitalPinBytes;
+ }
+ void setdigitalPinBytes(uint8_t value) {
+ _digitalPinBytes = value;
+ }
+ uint8_t _analoguePinBytes = 0; // Size of allocated memory buffer (may be longer than needed)
+ uint8_t getanalogPinBytes() {
+ return _analoguePinBytes;
+ }
+ void setanalogPinBytes(uint8_t value) {
+ _analoguePinBytes = value;
+ }
+ uint8_t* _analoguePinMap = NULL;
+ uint8_t getanalogPinMap(int index) {
+ return _analoguePinMap[index];
+ }
+ void setanalogPinMap(uint8_t value, int index) {
+ _analoguePinMap[index] = value;
+ }
+ bool cleanAnalogStates(int size) {
+ if (_analoguePinBytes > 0) {
+ free(_analogueInputBuffer);
+ free(_analogueInputStates);
+ free(_analoguePinMap);
+ }
+ _analogueInputStates = (uint8_t*) calloc(size, 1);
+ _analogueInputBuffer = (uint8_t*) calloc(size, 1);
+ _analoguePinMap = (uint8_t*) calloc(_numAnaloguePins, 1);
+ if (_analogueInputStates != NULL && _analogueInputBuffer != NULL && _analoguePinMap != NULL) return true;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ int resFlag[255];
+ bool _initalized;
+ static void create(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, uint8_t nodeID) {
+ if (checkNoOverlap(firstVpin, nPins)) new EXIO485node(firstVpin, nPins, nodeID);
+ }
+ EXIO485node(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, uint8_t nodeID);
+ uint8_t getNodeID() {
+ return _nodeID;
+ }
+ EXIO485node *getNext() {
+ return _next;
+ }
+ void setNext(EXIO485node *node) {
+ _next = node;
+ }
+ bool isInitialised() {
+ return _initialised;
+ }
+ void setInitialised() {
+ _initialised = true;
+ }
+ bool _configure(VPIN vpin, ConfigTypeEnum configType, int paramCount, int params[]) override;
+ int _configureAnalogIn(VPIN vpin) override;
+ void _begin() override;
+ int _read(VPIN vpin) override;
+ void _write(VPIN vpin, int value) override;
+ int _readAnalogue(VPIN vpin) override;
+ void _writeAnalogue(VPIN vpin, int value, uint8_t profile, uint16_t duration) override;
+ uint8_t getBusNumber() {
+ return _busNo;
+ }
+ void _display() override {
+ DIAG(F("EX-IOExpander485 node:%d Vpins %u-%u %S"), _nodeID, (int)_firstVpin, (int)_firstVpin+_nPins-1, _deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED ? F("OFFLINE") : F(""));
+ }
+ * EXIO485 class
+ *
+ * This encapsulates the properties state of the bus and the
+ * transmission and reception of data across that bus. Each EXIO485
+ * object owns a set of EXIO485node objects which represent the nodes
+ * attached to that bus.
+ **********************************************************************/
+class EXIO485 : public IODevice {
+ // Here we define the device-specific variables.
+ uint8_t _busNo;
+ unsigned long _cycleStartTime = 0;
+ unsigned long _cycleStartTimeA = 0;
+ unsigned long _timeoutStart = 0;
+ unsigned long _retryTime; // target time between successive read/write cycles, microseconds
+ unsigned long _timeoutPeriod; // timeout on read responses, in microseconds.
+ unsigned long _currentMicros; // last value of micros() from _loop function.
+ unsigned long _postDelay; // delay time after transmission before switching off transmitter (in us)
+ unsigned long _byteTransmitTime; // time in us for transmission of one byte
+ int _operationCount = 0;
+ int _refreshOperation = 0;
+ byte bufferLength;
+ static const int ARRAY_SIZE = 150;
+ int buffer[ARRAY_SIZE];
+ byte inCommandPayload;
+ static EXIO485 *_busList; // linked list of defined bus instances
+ bool waitReceive = false;
+ int _waitCounter = 0;
+ int _waitCounterB = 0;
+ int _waitA;
+ unsigned long _charTimeout;
+ unsigned long _frameTimeout;
+ enum {RDS_IDLE, RDS_DIGITAL, RDS_ANALOGUE}; // Read operation states
+ uint8_t _readState = RDS_IDLE;
+ unsigned long _lastDigitalRead = 0;
+ unsigned long _lastAnalogueRead = 0;
+ const unsigned long _digitalRefresh = 10000UL; // Delay refreshing digital inputs for 10ms
+ const unsigned long _analogueRefresh = 50000UL; // Delay refreshing analogue inputs for 50ms
+ EXIO485node *_nodeListStart = NULL, *_nodeListEnd = NULL;
+ EXIO485node *_currentNode = NULL;
+ uint16_t _receiveDataIndex = 0; // Index of next data byte to be received.
+ EXIO485 *_nextBus = NULL; // Pointer to next bus instance in list.
+ int byteCounter = 0;
+struct Task {
+ static const int ARRAY_SIZE = 150;
+ long taskID;
+ uint8_t commandArray[ARRAY_SIZE];
+ int byteCount;
+ uint8_t retFlag;
+ bool gotCallback;
+ bool rxMode;
+ int crcPassFail;
+ bool completed;
+ bool processed;
+ unsigned long currentRetryTimer;
+ };
+ static const int MAX_TASKS = 100; // we don't want to run out of task slots, but memory?
+ long taskIDCntr = 1;
+ long CurrentTaskID = -1;
+ int taskResendCount = 0;
+ Task taskBuffer[MAX_TASKS];
+ int currentTaskIndex = 0;
+ void addTask(const uint8_t* cmd, int byteCount, uint8_t retFlag) {
+ // Find an empty slot in the buffer
+ int emptySlot = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
+ if (taskBuffer[i].completed) {
+ emptySlot = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If no empty slot found, return (buffer full)
+ if (emptySlot == -1) {
+ DIAG(F("Task Buffer Full!"));
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) taskBuffer[emptySlot].commandArray[i] = cmd[i];
+ taskBuffer[emptySlot].byteCount = byteCount;
+ taskBuffer[emptySlot].retFlag = retFlag;
+ taskBuffer[emptySlot].rxMode = false;
+ taskBuffer[emptySlot].crcPassFail = 0;
+ taskBuffer[emptySlot].gotCallback = false;
+ taskBuffer[emptySlot].completed = false;
+ taskBuffer[emptySlot].processed = false;
+ taskBuffer[emptySlot].currentRetryTimer = 0UL;
+ taskIDCntr++;
+ if (taskIDCntr >= 5000000) taskIDCntr = 1;
+ taskBuffer[emptySlot].taskID = taskIDCntr;
+ currentTaskIndex = emptySlot;
+ }
+ bool hasTasks() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
+ if (!taskBuffer[i].completed) {
+ return true; // At least one task is not completed
+ }
+ }
+ return false; // All tasks are completed
+ }
+ // Function to get a specific task by ID
+ Task* getTaskById(int id) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
+ if (taskBuffer[i].taskID == id) {
+ return &taskBuffer[i]; // Return a pointer to the task
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr; // Task not found
+ }
+ // Function to get the next task (optional)
+ long getNextTaskId() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
+ if (!taskBuffer[i].completed) {
+ return taskBuffer[i].taskID;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1; // No tasks available
+ }
+ // Function to mark a task as completed
+ void markTaskCompleted(int id) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++) {
+ if (taskBuffer[i].taskID == id) {
+ taskBuffer[i].completed = true; // completed
+ taskBuffer[i].taskID = -1; // unassigned
+ taskBuffer[i].currentRetryTimer = 0UL; // stop timer
+ CurrentTaskID = getNextTaskId();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool flagEnd = false;
+ bool flagEnded = false;
+ bool flagStart = false;
+ bool flagStarted = false;
+ bool rxStart = false;
+ bool rxEnd = false;
+ bool crcPass = false;
+ bool flagProc = false;
+ uint16_t calculated_crc;
+ int byteCount = 100;
+ uint8_t received_data[ARRAY_SIZE];
+ uint16_t received_crc;
+ uint8_t crc[2];
+ uint16_t crc16(uint8_t *data, uint16_t length);
+ // EX-IOExpander protocol flags
+ enum {
+ EXIOINIT = 0xE0, // Flag to initialise setup procedure
+ EXIORDY = 0xE1, // Flag we have completed setup procedure, also for EX-IO to ACK setup
+ EXIODPUP = 0xE2, // Flag we're sending digital pin pullup configuration
+ EXIOVER = 0xE3, // Flag to get version
+ EXIORDAN = 0xE4, // Flag to read an analogue input
+ EXIOWRD = 0xE5, // Flag for digital write
+ EXIORDD = 0xE6, // Flag to read digital input
+ EXIOENAN = 0xE7, // Flag to enable an analogue pin
+ EXIOINITA = 0xE8, // Flag we're receiving analogue pin mappings
+ EXIOPINS = 0xE9, // Flag we're receiving pin counts for buffers
+ EXIOWRAN = 0xEA, // Flag we're sending an analogue write (PWM)
+ EXIOERR = 0xEF, // Flag we've received an error
+ };
+ static void create(uint8_t busNo, HardwareSerial &serial, unsigned long baud, int8_t txPin=-1) {
+ new EXIO485(busNo, serial, baud, txPin);
+ }
+ HardwareSerial* _serial;
+ int _CommMode = 0;
+ int _opperation = 0;
+ uint16_t _pullup;
+ uint16_t _pin;
+ int8_t _txPin;
+ int8_t getTxPin() {
+ return _txPin;
+ }
+ bool _busy = false;
+ void setBusy() {
+ _busy = true;
+ }
+ void clearBusy() {
+ _busy = false;
+ }
+ bool getBusy() {
+ return _busy;
+ }
+ unsigned long _baud;
+ int taskCnt = 0;
+ uint8_t initBuffer[1] = {0xFE};
+ unsigned long taskCounter=0ul;
+ // Device-specific initialisation
+ void _begin() override {
+ _serial->begin(_baud, SERIAL_8N1);
+ if (_txPin >0) {
+ pinMode(_txPin, OUTPUT);
+ digitalWrite(_txPin, LOW);
+ }
+ #if defined(DIAG_IO)
+ _display();
+ #endif
+ }
+ // Loop function (overriding IODevice::_loop(unsigned long))
+ void _loop(unsigned long currentMicros) override;
+ // Display information about the device
+ void _display() override {
+ DIAG(F("EX-IOExpander485 Configured on Vpins:%d-%d %S"), _firstVpin, _firstVpin+_nPins-1,
+ _deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED ? F("OFFLINE") : F("OK"));
+ }
+ // Locate EXIO485node object with specified nodeID.
+ EXIO485node *findNode(uint8_t nodeID) {
+ for (EXIO485node *node = _nodeListStart; node != NULL; node = node->getNext()) {
+ if (node->getNodeID() == nodeID)
+ return node;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bool nodesInitialized() {
+ bool retval = true;
+ for (EXIO485node *node = _nodeListStart; node != NULL; node = node->getNext()) {
+ if (node->_initalized == false)
+ retval = false;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ // Add new EXIO485node to the list of nodes for this bus.
+ void addNode(EXIO485node *newNode) {
+ if (!_nodeListStart)
+ _nodeListStart = newNode;
+ if (!_nodeListEnd)
+ _nodeListEnd = newNode;
+ else
+ _nodeListEnd->setNext(newNode);
+ //DIAG(F("EXIO485: 260h nodeID:%d _nodeListStart:%d _nodeListEnd:%d"), newNode, _nodeListStart, _nodeListEnd);
+ }
+ EXIO485(uint8_t busNo, HardwareSerial &serial, unsigned long baud, int8_t txPin);
+ uint8_t getBusNumber() {
+ return _busNo;
+ }
+ EXIO485 *getNext() {
+ return _nextBus;
+ }
+ static EXIO485 *findBus(uint8_t busNo) {
+ for (EXIO485 *bus = _busList; bus != NULL; bus = bus->getNext()) {
+ if (bus->getBusNumber() == busNo)
+ return bus;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#endif // IO_EXIO485_H
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