example usage:
node index.js https://www.menti.com/... -t 500 -r 5 -e thumbsup -a 3
node index.js [url] -t [timeout] -c [color] -r [repeat] -v [vote key] -a [amount] -e [emoji]
Set the url to make the requests to
-v vote_key[string]
Set the vote key
default: null
-t timeout[int]
Set the time between each request
default: 50
-c color[int]
Set the color of the emoji (colors 0 through 7)
default: randomize each request
-r repeat[int]
Set how many requests to make
default: 500
-a amount[int]
Set how many likes to send per request
(You can play with this, but i've found that the best is between 1 and 3)
default: 3
-e emoji[string]
Set the emoji
options: [
default: thumbsup