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Vue Super Cursor - Vue 2

A flexible library for adding custom (super) cursors to your vue/nuxt 2 apps. Flexible configuration, good browser support and some built in solutions to common problems.


yarn add @digitalnatives/vue-super-cursor

Usage examples

        <!-- default -->
        <SuperCursor />
        <!-- use custom element as cursor -->

        <!-- Nuxt usage, prevents error on initial page load  -->
            <SuperCursor />

import SuperCursor from '@digitalnatives/vue-super-cursor'

export default {
    components: {


The component is configurable through props.

Prop Type Required Description Object variables Default value
throttleDelay Number optional Throttle how often the mutationObserver will fire. - 500
hoverableElements Array optional Array contains object with a class and elements class, elements { class: 'super-cursor--hovering', elements: 'a, button' }
trailingCursors Array optional Array contains object with a class and gsap_options. For Gsap options see the docs class, gsap_options []
mutationObserverOptions Object optional Options see docs MutationObserver - { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, characterData: false, attributeFilter: ['open'] }

Hoverable elements

The hoverable-elements prop lets you to add objects with a selector (elements) and a class. This allows you to define elements that will trigger an event when the cursor hovers over them. It also let's you set a class that will be added to the <body> when this happens. By default the cursor will trigger the class .super-cursor--hovering on the <body> when you hover over <button> and <a> elements.

Example hoverable elements

Let's assume you have a card that should have a different cursor. You could add the hoverable like so:

<SuperCursor :hoverable-elements="[
        class: 'super-cursor--hovering', // keep the default in tact
        elements: 'a, button'
        class: 'super-cursor--hover-card',
        elements: '.card' // select your card with a class selector
]" />

The class .super-cursor--hover-card will now be added to the body when you hover over one of the cards.

You can then style the cursor however you like

body.super-cursor--hover-card .super-cursor {
    background: magenta;

The cursor should now turn purple when you hover over a card.

Do not hover

The elements property uses the queryselector api. Any valid css selector should work. You can leverage this to change disable hover behaviour as well. For example like so: elements: 'a:not(.dont-hover-me)'. This should select all <a> elements except the ones with a .dont-hover-me class.

Trailing cursors

The trailing cursors prop allows you to add additional trailing cursors with their own timing function. You can add as many as you like. Each cursor should have a class and a gsap_options property. The gsap_options can be any options available in the api

Add one like so:

<SuperCursor :trailing-cursors="[
        class: 'super-cursor--trailing', // the class the cursor will have
        gsap_options: { // Greensock options
            duration: 0.1
]" />

Base styles

This component contains some boilerplate CSS to provide an accessible base to work from. It is quite simple and should be easy to customize.

body {
  * {
    cursor: none; // Hide the default cursor

  .super-cursor {
    opacity: 0;

  .super-cursor-trail {
    opacity: 0;

  @media ( hover: hover ) {
    &:hover .super-cursor { // show the cursor when the cursor is inside the <body> element. Fade it out when it leaves the window
      opacity: 1;

    &:hover .super-cursor-trail { // do the same for the cursor trail
      opacity: 1;

.super-cursor {
  position: fixed;
  opacity: 0;
  pointer-events: none;
  height: 25px;
  width: 25px;
  background-color: #000;
  z-index: 2147483647;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  border-radius: 50%;

.super-cursor-trail {
  opacity: 0;

Questions & contributing

Feel welcome to open issues if you have questions are if you run into bugs.

Or even better submit a pull request :)

Made by Digital Natives Amsterdam