- Fix scope option typing for TypeScript users.
- Shorter methods name (addCmd, setCmd )
- GroupName becomes an option property and default to "default"
- Repeat is a new option property and default to false. If true, trigger will repeat when you keep pressing a command.
- Krait.js becomes CtrlTab.js
- Project transfered from LCluber to DWTechs
- New preventDefault option so you can decide if an input should trigger its default behavior when hit or not.
2.1.0 (2020-01-14)
- logs: delete Mouette.js dependency (e4765d0)
2.0.2 (2020-01-04)
- dependency: delete Weejs dependency (a78dceb)
2.0.1 (2019-08-16)
- dependencies: updated dependencies (198e01c)
2.0.0 (2019-08-10)
- command: added getInputsAscii() method to command class (c8afdd8)
- command: added setinputs() methods to command class (a72794e)
- groups: commands can be grouped (fc57b71)
- isascii: extended parameter set to false by default (34fc772)
- keyboard: added start() et stop() methods (d82ddd7)
- groups: have to give a group name when adding commands
- keyboard: must call Keyboard.start() after Keyboard initilisation in order to start listening to key events
1.0.0 (2019-07-27)
- command: better behavior of chained inputs (93a772d)
- addcommand: control keys parameters now sent in an object (dccbea9)
- callback: now returns false on key up (ba5ac0d)
- keyboard: added getcommandinputsascii method (5bb6504)
- addcommand: control keys sent as object
- Multiple keystroke detection
- Ctrl, Alt, Shift detection
- addInput method now called addCommand and accept an array of keys.
- Krait.js published on NPM at @lcluber/kraitjs.
- Updated README.md with NPM installation procedure.
- deleted useless method in Input class
- Library exported as ES6 and IIFE modules instead of UMD.
- KRAIT namespace becomes Krait
- Documentation automatically generated in /doc folder
- Typedoc and grunt-typedoc added in devDependencies
- New "typedoc" task in Gruntfile.js
- Typescript upgraded to version 2.9.2
- INSTALL.md becomes NOTICE.md and RELEASE_NOTES.md becomes CHANGELOG.md
- Added Wee.js utility library
- Added logs with Mouette.js
- Added TypeScript Declaration File
- Added setInput() method to the Keyboard class.
- Added getLastLog() method to the Keyboard class.
- Logged all kind of errors that can occur during the addInput or setInput processes.
- An input object does not have a name anymore.
- Library is written in TypeScript
- The 'addInput()' method of the 'Keyboard' class can now receive an ASCII code or a string as parameter. The string will then be converted as a valid ASCII code.
- initial version