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           'WARNING: 2015/01/18 OUTDATED v1 examples below! See for trakt module in Ember to watch updated methods'
            'Some Sample VB CODE for getting watched movies from Trakt - calling from Ember Module!
            'Get watched movies of user
            'Helper: Saving 3 values in Dictionary style
            Dim dictMovieWatched As New Dictionary(Of String, KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer))

            ' Use new Trakttv wrapper class to get watched data!
            Trakttv.TraktSettings.Username = txtTraktUser.Text
            Trakttv.TraktSettings.Password = txtTraktPassword.Text
            Dim traktWatchedMovies As IEnumerable(Of TraktAPI.Model.TraktWatchedMovie) = TraktAPI.TrakttvAPI.GetUserWatchedMovies(txtTraktUser.Text)

            ' Go through each item in collection	 
            For Each Item In traktWatchedMovies
                'Check if information is stored...
                If Not Item.Title Is Nothing AndAlso Item.Title <> "" AndAlso Not Item.IMDBID Is Nothing AndAlso Item.IMDBID <> "" Then
                    If Not dictMovieWatched.ContainsKey(Item.Title) Then
                        'Now store imdbid, title and playcount information into dictionary (for now no other info needed...)
                        If Item.IMDBID.Length > 2 AndAlso Item.IMDBID.Substring(0, 2) = "tt" Then
                            'IMDBID beginning with tt -> strip tt first and save only number!
                            dictMovieWatched.Add(Item.Title, New KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)(Item.IMDBID.Substring(2), CInt(Item.Plays)))
                            'IMDBID is alright
                            dictMovieWatched.Add(Item.Title, New KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)(Item.IMDBID, CInt(Item.Plays)))
                        End If
                    End If
                End If

            'Some Sample VB CODE for getting watched episode from Trakt - calling from Ember Module!
            ' Get all episodes on that are marked as 'seen' or 'watched'
            'Helper: Saving 3 values in Dictionary style
            Dim dictEpisodesWatched As New Dictionary(Of String, KeyValuePair(Of String, List(Of TraktAPI.Model.TraktWatchedEpisode.SeasonsWatched)))

            ' Use new Trakttv wrapper class to get watched data!
            Trakttv.TraktSettings.Username = txtTraktUser.Text
            Trakttv.TraktSettings.Password = txtTraktPassword.Text
            Dim traktWatchedEpisodes As IEnumerable(Of TraktAPI.Model.TraktWatchedEpisode) = TraktAPI.TrakttvAPI.GetUserWatchedEpisodes(txtTraktUser.Text)
            ' Go through each item in collection	
            If traktWatchedEpisodes Is Nothing = False Then
                For Each episode In traktWatchedEpisodes
                    If Not episode.Title Is Nothing AndAlso episode.Title <> "" AndAlso Not episode.SeriesId Is Nothing AndAlso episode.SeriesId <> "" Then
                        If Not dictEpisodesWatched.ContainsKey(episode.Title) Then
                            'Now store tvdbID, title and the season-episode-list in dictionary...
                            dictEpisodesWatched.Add(episode.Title, New KeyValuePair(Of String, List(Of TraktAPI.Model.TraktWatchedEpisode.SeasonsWatched))(episode.SeriesId, episode.Seasons))
                        End If
                    End If
            End If

        'Some Sample VB CODE for creating new personal list on trakttv - calling from Ember Module!
        Dim list As New TraktList
        list.UserName = TraktSettings.Username
        list.Password = TraktSettings.Password
        list.Name = ""
        list.Privacy = "public"
        list.Description = "Cool movies!"
        Dim response As TraktAddListResponse = TrakttvAPI.SENDListAdd(list)
        If response.Status = "success" Then
            'everything fine!
        End If

        'Some Sample VB CODE for sending data to personal list on trakttv - calling from Ember Module!
        'Upload to User list different for videotype, Type can be = movie, season, episode, show

        'Movie to user list
        Dim movieitem As New TraktListItem() With { _
        .Type = "movie", _
        .ImdbId = "ImdbId", _
        .Title = "Title", _
        .Year = 2013 _
        TrakttvAPI.AddRemoveItemInList("listname", movieitem, False)

        'Show to user list
        Dim showitem As New TraktListItem() With { _
        .Type = "show", _
            .TvdbId = "Tvdb", _
            .Title = "Title", _
             .Year = 2000 _
        TrakttvAPI.AddRemoveItemInList("listname", showitem, False)

        'Season to user list
        Dim seasonitem As New TraktListItem() With { _
             .Type = "season", _
             .TvdbId = "Tvdb", _
        .Title = "Title", _
            .Year = 2011, _
             .Season = 2 _
        TrakttvAPI.AddRemoveItemInList("listname", seasonitem, False)

        'Episode to user list
        Dim episodeitem As New TraktListItem() With { _
             .Type = "episode", _
             .TvdbId = "tvdbid", _
         .Title = "title", _
             .Year = 2004, _
         .Season = 1, _
            .Episode = 9 _
        TrakttvAPI.AddRemoveItemInList("listname", episodeitem, False)

        'Some Sample VB CODE for geting content of user list on trakttv - calling from Ember Module!
        Dim traktUserListMovies As TraktUserList = TrakttvAPI.GETUserList(TraktSettings.Username, "traktUserList")
        For Each item In traktUserListMovies.Items
            Select Case item.Type
                Case "movie"
                    Exit Select
                Case "show"
                    Exit Select
                Case "season"
                    Exit Select
                Case "episode"
                    Exit Select
            End Select
        'Some Sample VB CODE for sending rate movie data on trakttv - calling from Ember Module!
        Dim rateObject As New TraktSENDRatingMovie With { _
        .IMDBID = "IMDBID", _
        .TMDBID = "TMDBID", _
        .Title = "Title", _
        .Year = "2009", _
        .Rating = "10", _
        .UserName = TraktSettings.Username, _
        .Password = TraktSettings.Password _
        Dim response As TraktAddListResponse = TrakttvAPI.SENDRatingMovie(rateObject)

        'Some Sample VB CODE for geting rate movie data on trakttv - calling from Ember Module!
        Dim traktRatedMovies = TrakttvAPI.GetUserRatedMovies(TraktSettings.Username)
        If traktRatedMovies Is Nothing Then
            ' get the movies that we have rated/unrated
            'MovieList is collection of movies
            '    Dim RatedList = MovieList.Where(Function(m) m.RatingUser > 0.0).ToList()
            '   Dim UnRatedList = MovieList.Except(RatedList).ToList()
        End If