Releases: Dans-Plugins/Wild-Pets
Wild Pets v1.3 (Bug Fix, Lineage Tracking)
Changes in Wild Pets v1.3
- Fixed a bug where the "petLimit" config option was being set to the wrong type when using the in-game /wp config set command.
- Made it so that the parents and children of pets will now be tracked.
- Made it so that the children of pets are also pets.
Wild Pets v1.2.1 (Pet Invulnerability & Lock Interaction Improvements)
Changes in Wild Pets v1.2.1
- Made pets invulnerable by cancelling the EntityDamageEvent if the entity is a pet.
- Improved the Interaction Handler so locking functioned better.
Wild Pets v1.2 (Ponder Integration)
Changes in Wild Pets v1.2
- Utilized Ponder for most of the plugin's core functionality.
- Made it so that the ephemeral data of players is deleted when they log out.
Wild Pets v1.1.1 (Mounting Fix)
Changes in Wild Pets v1.1.1
- Fixed players not being able to mount their pets because they didn't have access to them.
Wild Pets v1.1 (Lockable Pets)
Changes in Wild Pets v1.1
- Added the /wp stats command.
- Made pets lockable.
- Prevented players from mounting pets if they didn't have access.
Wild Pets v1.0 (Follow Command, Config Command, More Config Options & Many Improvements)
First Release
This is the first release version of Wild Pets.
Changes in Wild Pets v1.0
- Added the /wp follow command, allowing players to command their selected pet to follow them.
- Prevented players from taming non-mob entities.
- Prevented pets from taking damage from blocks.
- Added a config option to cancel taming after a failed attempt.
- The last known location of a pet will now be saved and used if a pet can no longer be found.
- Abstracted the debug flag out to a config option.
- Created the /mf config command, allowing players to view and set config options.
- Added a config option for the right click cooldown time for viewing pet info.
- Added the "secondsBetweenStayTeleports" config option.
- Added a config option to allow players to right click to select pets by default.
- Prevented players from naming their pets "cancel".
- Allowed those with permission to view other players' lists of pets.
- Created a fix for the teleporting task not getting scheduled upon loading the plugin files when the pet is staying.
- Made some improvements to the Config Manager
- If the maximum number of attempts is reached when attempting to schedule the teleporting task for a pet, their movement status will be set to "Wandering".
- An hourly autosave is now scheduled when the server starts.
- Added a config option for the character limit for names of pets.
Wild Pets v0.21 (Better Naming, Version Mismatch Handling & bStats)
Naming has been improved. New pets will be given a unique name upon being tamed and players can no longer give multiple pets the same name. Further, version mismatch handling has been implemented and bStats has been integrated.
This is the first version that will be beta tested by the Kingdom Community.
Wild Pets v0.19 (Pet Limit)
Players are now limited in the number of pets they can have. This limit is defined through a new config option called "petLimit".
Wild Pets v0.18 (Config.yml & Permissions)
The plugin now initializes the config.yml file upon initial install and uses it to initialize the entity configurations if it is found during startup. Further, every command now has permissions and their defaults are listed in the plugin.yml file.
Wild Pets v0.17 (Entity Configurations & Damage Handling)
Entity configurations have been added and damage to pets is now handled through an event handler rather than by setting the pet to be invulnerable.