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File metadata and controls

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  1. Install and run
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. Example usage
  4. Commands description
  5. Workspace context for applications
  6. Exit codes

Install and run

To install the latest version:

curl -L | bash && export SUPPRESS_GCLOUD_CREDS_WARNING=true

# Optional: Move to somewhere in PATH
sudo mv terra /usr/local/bin

# Talk to Verily production environment (as opposed to a test environment):
terra server set --name=verily --quiet

To install a specific version, set the version as an environment variable

export TERRA_CLI_VERSION=0.106.0

By default, the CLI will be installed without support for Docker (i.e. it won't pull the Docker image). The TERRA_CLI_DOCKER_MODE environment variable controls Docker support. Set it to

  • DOCKER_NOT_AVAILABLE (default) to skip pulling the Docker image
  • DOCKER_AVAILABLE to pull the image (requires Docker to be installed and running).

Re-installing will overwrite any existing installation (i.e. all JARs and scripts will be overwritten), but will not modify the $PATH. If you have added the location of the Terra CLI to your $PATH, you will therefore need to add its location to your path again after each install.


  1. Java 17
  2. Docker 20.10.2 (Must be running if installing in DOCKER_AVAILABLE mode)
  3. curl, tar, gcloud (For install only)

Note: The CLI doesn't use gcloud directly either during installation or normal operation. However, docker pull may use gcloud under the covers to pull the default Docker image from GCR; therefore, gcloud is required for installation.


Note: If you are using the CLI on a Terra cloud environment, you do not need to run the commands below. You are already logged in. You can verify this by running

terra auth status
  • To Launch an OAuth flow that creates a new tab in your browser window where you will complete the login

    terra auth login
  • If the machine where you're running the CLI does not have a browser available to it, then use the manual login flow by setting the browser flag using. See the Authentication section below for more details.

    terra config set browser MANUAL

Spend profile access

In order to spend money in Terra (e.g. by creating a workspace and resources within it), you need access to a billing account via a spend profile. Currently, there is a single spend profile used by each team. An admin user can grant you access. Admins, see for more details.

A user can be given access to multiple spend profiles, and an admin can set the default spend profile to use. Users can override the default spend profile used to create a workspace by using the --spend-profile option during workspace create. See usage under example usage.

External data

In order to read data from or write data to a private external resource in Terra, you must grant the appropriate data access permissions to your proxy group. To view the email address of your proxy group, run terra auth status

Local tools installation

When running terra app commands in LOCAL_PROCESS app-launch mode (the default), it's necessary to install various tools locally. The following instructions are for both macOS and Linux.

  • gcloud - Make sure you have Python installed, then download the .tar.gz archive file from the [installation page]( com/sdk/docs/install). Run gcloud version to verify the installation.

    • gcloud builds submit has --gcs-bucket-resource option to specify the --gcs-source-staging-dir and --gcs-log-dir options as default.
  • gsutil - This command is included in the gcloud CLI, or available separately here. Verify its installation with gsutil version (also printed as part of gcloud version)

  • bq - This command is included with gcloud. More details are available here. Similarly, verify its installation with bq version.

  • nextflow - Install by downloading a bash script and running it locally. Create a nextflow directory somewhere convenient (e.g. $HOME/nextflow) and switch to it. Then run curl -s | bash. Finally, move the nextflow executable script to a location on the $PATH: the $PATH by running sudo mv nextflow /usr/local/bin/. Verify the installation with nextflow -version.

  • git - Follow these instructions for installing Git on your platform.

Now, these applications are available in terra by running, for example, terra gsutil ls. When run with terra, environment variables are set based on resources in the active workspace, and context such as the active GCP project is set up automatically.


Clear context

Clear the context file and all credentials. This will require you to login and select a workspace again.

cd $HOME/.terra
rm context.json
rm StoredCredential

Manual install

A Terra CLI release includes a GitHub release of the terra-cli repository and a corresponding Docker image in GCR. is a convenience script that downloads the latest (or specific) version of the installation package, unarchives it, runs the script included inside, and then deletes the installation package.

You can also skip the script and do the installation manually.

  • Download the terra-cli.tar install package directly from the GitHub releases page.
  • Unarchive the tar file.
  • Run the installation script from the unarchived directory: ./

Manual uninstall

There is not yet an uninstaller. You can clear the entire context directory, which includes the context file, all credentials, and all JARs. This will then require a re-installation (see above).

rm -R $HOME/.terra
rm /usr/local/bin/terra

Example usage

The commands below walk through a brief demo of the existing commands.

  • Fetch the user's credentials. Check the authentication status to confirm the login was successful.

    terra auth login
    terra auth status
  • Ping the Terra server.

    terra server status
  • Create a new Terra workspace and backing Google project, using the user's default spend profile. Check the current context to confirm it was created successfully.

    terra workspace create --id=<my-workspace-id>
    terra status
  • Create a new Terra workspace and backing Google project, overriding the user's default spend profile. User must have access to the alternate spend profile.

    terra workspace create --id=<my-workspace-id> --spend-profile=<alt-spend-profile>
    terra status
  • List all workspaces the user has read or write access to.

    terra workspace list
  • If you want to use an existing Terra workspace, use the set command instead of create.

    terra workspace set --id=eb0753f9-5c45-46b3-b3b4-80b4c7bea248
  • Set the Gcloud user and application default credentials.

    gcloud auth login
    gcloud auth application-default login

Nextflow Examples

Run a Nextflow hello world example (requires Docker image set and container running, or Nextflow to be installed locally. For Docker support, export TERRA_CLI_DOCKER_MODE=DOCKER_AVAILABLE before installing terra):

terra nextflow run hello

Run an example Nextflow workflow in the context of the Terra workspace (i.e. in the workspace's backing Google project). This is the same example workflow used in the GCLS tutorial.

  • Download the workflow code from GitHub.

    git clone
    cd rnaseq-nf
    git checkout v2.0
    cd ..
  • Create a bucket in the workspace for Nextflow to use.

    terra resource create gcs-bucket --name=mybucket --bucket-name=mybucket
  • Update the gls section of the rnaseq-nf/nextflow.config file to point to the workspace project and bucket we just created.

    gls {
        params.transcriptome = 'gs://rnaseq-nf/data/ggal/transcript.fa'
        params.reads = 'gs://rnaseq-nf/data/ggal/gut_{1,2}.fq'
        params.multiqc = 'gs://rnaseq-nf/multiqc'
        process.executor = 'google-lifesciences'
        process.container = 'nextflow/rnaseq-nf:latest'
        workDir = "$TERRA_mybucket/scratch"
        google.region  = 'us-east1'
        google.project = "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT"
        google.lifeSciences.serviceAccountEmail = "$GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL" = 'network'
        google.lifeSciences.subnetwork = 'subnetwork'
  • Perform a dry-run to confirm the config is set correctly.

    terra nextflow config rnaseq-nf/ -profile gls
  • Kick off the workflow. (This takes about 10 minutes to complete.)

    terra nextflow run rnaseq-nf/ -profile gls
  • To send metrics about the workflow run to a Nextflow Tower server, first define an environment variable with the Tower access token. Then specify the -with-tower flag when kicking off the workflow.

    export TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN=*****
    terra nextflow run hello -with-tower
    terra nextflow run rnaseq-nf/ -profile gls -with-tower
  • Call the Gcloud CLI tools in the current workspace context. This means that Gcloud is configured with the backing Google project and environment variables are defined that contain workspace and resource properties (e.g. bucket names, pet service account email).

    terra gcloud config get-value project
    terra gsutil ls
    terra bq version
  • See the list of supported third-party tools. The CLI runs these tools in a Docker image, if app-launch mode is DOCKER_CONTAINER. If the app-launch mode is LOCAL_PROCESS, the CLI will assume the tools are available in the current shell environment and launch them there.

    terra app list
  • Print the image tag that the CLI is currently using.

    terra config get image

Commands description

Usage: terra [COMMAND]
Terra CLI
  app        Run applications in the workspace.
  auth       Retrieve and manage user credentials.
  bq         Call bq in the Terra workspace.
  config     Configure the CLI.
  cromwell   cromwell Generate a Cromwell configuration file.
  gcloud     Call gcloud in the Terra workspace.
  git        Call git in the Terra workspace.
  group      Manage groups of users.
  gsutil     Call gsutil in the Terra workspace.
  nextflow   Call nextflow in the Terra workspace.
  notebook   Use GCP Notebooks in the workspace.
  resolve    Resolve a resource to its cloud id or path.
  resource   Manage resources in the workspace.
  server     Connect to a Terra server.
  spend      Manage spend profiles.
  status     Print details about the current workspace and server.
  user       Manage users.
  version    Get the installed version.
  workspace  Setup a Terra workspace.
  • The resolve command is an alias for the terra resource resolve command.
  • The status command prints details about the current workspace and server.
  • The version command prints the installed version string.
  • The bq, gcloud, git, gsutil and nextflow commands call third-party applications in the context of a Terra workspace and are aliases for the terra app [application] command

The other commands are groupings of sub-commands, described in the sections below.


Usage: terra app [COMMAND]
Run applications in the workspace.
  execute  [FOR DEBUG] Execute a command in the application container for the
             Terra workspace, with no setup.
  list     List the supported applications.

The Terra CLI allows running supported third-party tools within the context of a workspace. To see supported tools, run

terra app list

The app-launch configuration property controls how tools are run: in a Docker container, or a local child process.

If you pass --workspace flag, it must come immediately after the tool:

# Works
terra bq --workspace=<workpspace-id> ls

# Doesn't work, --workspace is passed to bq instead of terra
terra bq ls --workspace=<workpspace-id>

For creating resources such as BigQuery dataset or GCS bucket, you must create through terra rather than through tool. This is because terra configures permissions for you.

# Works
terra resource create gcs-bucket --name=<resource-name>

# Doesn't work
terra gsutil mb gs://<bucket-name>


Usage: terra auth [COMMAND]
Retrieve and manage user credentials.
  login   Authorize the CLI to access Terra APIs and data with user credentials.
  revoke  Revoke credentials from an account.
  status  Print details about the currently authorized account.

Only one user can be logged in at a time. To login as a different user, run

terra auth login

Login uses the Google OAuth 2.0 installed application flow.

You don't need to login again after switching workspaces. You will need to login again after switching servers, because different Terra deployments may have different OAuth flows.

By default, the CLI opens a browser window for the user to click through the OAuth flow. For some use cases (e.g. CloudShell, notebook VM), this is not practical because there is no default (or any) browser on the machine. The CLI has a browser option that controls this behavior. The below command displays a URL, which the user can copy to a browser on a different machine (e.g. their laptop), complete the login prompt, and then copy/paste the response token back into a shell on the machine where they want to use the Terra CLI.

# set the browse option
> terra config set browser MANUAL
Browser launch mode for login is MANUAL (CHANGED).

# auth flow
> terra auth login
Please open the following address in a browser on any machine:[...]
Please enter code: *****
Login successful:


Usage: terra cluster [COMMAND]
Use spark clusters in the workspace.

  start   Start a stopped Dataproc cluster within your workspace.
  stop    Stop a started Dataproc cluster within your workspace.
  launch  Launch a running Dataproc cluster within your workspace.

You can create a Dataproc (controlled resource) with

terra resource create gcp-dataproc-cluster --name=<resourcename> --bucket=<configBucket> --temp-bucket=<tempBucket> [--workspace=<id>]

Note: You must have controlled config and temp gcs buckets created within your workspace before creating a cluster.

These stop, start and launch commands are provided for convenience.

  • gcp-dataproc-clusters are supported on workspaces created on cloud platform GCP. You can also stop and start the notebook using the gcloud dataproc clusters [start|stop] commands.

To launch a component web interface, ensure that the component has been enabled during cluster creation via the --components flag, then run:

terra cluster launch --name=<cluster-name> --proxy-view=<component>


See Dataproc optional components for more details.


Usage: terra config [COMMAND]
Configure the CLI.
  get   Get a configuration property value.
  list  List all configuration properties and their values.
  set   Set a configuration property value.

These commands are property getters and setters for configuring the Terra CLI. Currently, the available configuration properties are:

OPTION                VALUE                                          DESCRIPTION                                                 
app-launch            DOCKER_CONTAINER                               app launch mode                                             
browser               AUTO                                           browser launch for login                                    
image         docker image id                                             
resource-limit        1000                                           max number of resources to allow per workspace              
console-logging       OFF                                            logging level for printing directly to the terminal         
file-logging          INFO                                           logging level for writing to files/Users/ginay/.terra/logs  
server                broad-dev-cli-testing                          (unset)                                                     
workspace             (unset)                                        (unset)                                                     
format                TEXT                                           output format 


Utility commands for using the Cromwell workflow engine with Terra.

Usage: terra cromwell [COMMAND]
Commands related to Cromwell workflows.
  generate-config  Generate a Cromwell configuration file (cromwell.conf) for use on a Terra workspace cloud environment.

To run Cromwell in a notebook instance:

  • Generate the config

    terra cromwell generate-config \
        (--workspace-bucket-name=bucket_name | --google-bucket-name=gs://my-bucket) \
  • One of workspace-bucket-name or google-bucket-name is required to specify the bucket used by Cromwell for workflow orchestration.

    • workspace-bucket-name is a Terra resource name.
    • google-bucket-name is a Google Cloud Storage bucket. If google-bucket-name does not begin with the gs:// prefix, it will be automatically added.
  • Start the Cromwell server on localhost:8000, run

    java -Dconfig.file=path/to/cromwell.conf -jar cromwell/cromwell-81.jar server
  • In another terminal window, run cromshell. Enter localhost:8000 for cromwell server.

  • Start workflow through cromshell: e.g. cromshell submit workflow.wdl inputs.json [options.json] []

For more information, see


Usage: terra git [COMMAND]
Call git command in the terra workspace. Besides calling normal Git operation, this command allow cloning git-repo resources in the workspace.
  all        Clone all the git-repo resources in the workspace. Usage: terra git clone --all
  resource   Clone specified git-repo resources in the workspace. Usage: terra git clone --resource=<repoResource1Name> --resource=<repoResource2Name>

To add a git repo:

terra resource add-ref git-repo --name=<resource_name> --repo-url=<repo_url>


Usage: terra group [COMMAND]
Manage groups of users.
  add-user     Add a user to a group with a given policy.
  create       Create a new Terra group.
  delete       Delete an existing Terra group.
  describe     Describe the group.
  list         List the groups to which the current user belongs.
  list-users   List the users in a group.
  remove-user  Remove a user from a group with a given policy.

Terra groups are managed by SAM. These commands are utility wrappers around the group endpoints.

Say a Terra group's email is name is mygroup, not

terra group list-users --name=mygroup

Adding a member to a Terra group implicitly adds their pet service accounts. For example, say terra-user is added to When mygroup is granted access to a resource, terra-user is able to access that resource from any of their Terra workspaces.


You can run terra gsutil or terra gcloud alpha storage. gcloud alpha storage is a newer version of gsutil. It doesn't support everything, but what it does support may be significantly faster.


Usage: terra notebook [COMMAND]
Use GCP Notebooks in the workspace.
  start   Start a stopped Notebook instance within your workspace.
  stop    Stop a running Notebook instance within your workspace.
  launch  Launch a running Notebook instance within your workspace.

You can create a notebook (controlled resource) with

terra resource create [notebook-type] --name=<resourcename> [--workspace=<id>]

These stop, start and launch commands are provided for convenience.

  • [gcp-notebooks]( com/vertex-ai/docs/workbench/notebook-solution) are supported on workspaces created on cloud platform GCP. You can also stop and start the notebook using the gcloud notebooks instances [start|stop] commands.
  • sagemaker-notebooks are supported on workspaces created on cloud platform AWS. You can also stop and start the notebook using the aws --profile=profile-name sagemaker [start-notebook-instance|stop-notebook-instance] commands.


Usage: terra resource [COMMAND]
Manage resources in the workspace.
  add-ref, add-referenced    Add a new referenced resource.
  check-access               Check if you have access to a referenced resource.
  credentials                Retrieve temporary credentials to access a cloud resource.
  create, create-controlled  Add a new controlled resource.
  delete                     Delete a resource from the workspace.
  describe                   Describe a resource.
  list                       List all resources.
  list-tree                  List all resources and folders in tree view.
  mount                      Mounts all workspace bucket resources.
  move                       Move resource to a folder.
  open-console               Retrieve console link to access a cloud resource.
  resolve                    Resolve a resource to its cloud id or path.
  unmount                    Unmounts all workspace bucket resources.
  update                     Update the properties of a resource.

A controlled resource is a cloud resource that is managed by Terra. It exists within the current workspace context. For example, a bucket within the workspace Google project. You can create these with the create command.

A referenced resource is a cloud resource that is NOT managed by Terra. It exists outside the current workspace context. For example, a BigQuery dataset hosted outside of Terra or in another workspace. You can add these with the add-ref command. The workspace currently supports the following referenced resource:

  • gcs-bucket
  • gcs-object
  • bq-dataset
  • bq-table
  • git-repo

The check-access command lets you see whether you have access to a particular resource. This is useful when a different user created or added the resource and subsequently shared the workspace with you. check-access currently always returns true for git-repo reference type because workspace doesn't support authentication to external git services yet.

The list of resources in a workspace is maintained on the Terra Workspace Manager server.

Update A Reference resource

User can update the name and description of a reference resource. User can also update a reference resource to another of the same type. For instance, if a user creates a reference resource to Bq dataset foo and later on wants to point to Bq dataset bar in the same project, one can use the below command to update the reference. However, one is not allowed to update the reference to a different type (e.g. update a dataset reference to a data table reference is not allowed).

terra resource udpate --name=<fooReferenceName> --new-dataset-id=bar

GCS bucket lifecycle rules

GCS bucket lifecycle rules are specified by passing a JSON-formatted file path to the terra resource create gcs-bucket command. The expected JSON structure matches the one used by the gsutil lifecycle command. This structure is a subset of the GCS resource specification. Below are some example file contents for specifying a lifecycle rule.

  1. Change the storage class to ARCHIVE after 10 days.

      "rule": [
          "action": {
            "type": "SetStorageClass",
            "storageClass": "ARCHIVE"
          "condition": {
            "age": 10
  2. Delete any objects with storage class STANDARD that were created before December 3, 2007.

      "rule": [
          "action": {
            "type": "Delete"
          "condition": {
            "createdBefore": "2007-12-03",
            "matchesStorageClass": [
  3. Delete any objects that are more than 365 days old.

      "rule": [
          "action": {
            "type": "Delete"
          "condition": {
            "age": 365

There is also a command shortcut for specifying this type of lifecycle rule (3).

terra resource create gcs-bucket --name=mybucket --bucket-name=mybucket --auto-delete=365

GCS bucket object reference

A reference to an GCS bucket object can be created by calling

terra resource add-ref gcs-object --name=referencename --bucket-name=mybucket --object-name=myobject
Reference to a file or folder

A file or folder is treated as an object in GCS bucket. By either creating a folder through the cloud console UI or copying an existing folder of files to the GCS bucket, a user can create a folder object. So the user can create a reference to the folder if they have at least READER access to the bucket and/or READER access to the folder. Same with a file.

Reference to multiple objects under a folder

Different from other referenced resource type, there is also support for creating a reference to objects in the folder. For instance, a user may create a foo/ folder with bar.txt and secret.txt in it. If the user have at least READ access to foo/ folder, they have access to anything in the foo/ folder. So they can add a reference to foo/bar.txt, foo/\* or foo/\*.txt.

NOTE Be careful to provide the correct object name when creating a reference. We only check if the user has READER access to the provided path, we do not check whether the object exists. This is helpful because when referencing to foo/*, it is actually not a real object! So a reference to fooo/ (where object fooo does not exist) can be created if the user has READER access to the bucket or foo/\*.png (where there is no png files) if they have access to the foo/ folder.

Mounting GCS buckets & objects

Users can mount GCS buckets and referenced folder objects locally to the user's home directory in $HOME/workspace/ by running

terra resource mount

Users can specify the --name flag with the name of a GCS bucket or GCS object resource to only mount that individual resource. This flag is useful for remounting a resource that had failed to mount or has been moved to a different folder in the workspace.

By default, controlled GCS buckets and referenced folder objects created by the user will be mounted with read-write permissions while controlled buckets created by other users and referenced bucket folders will be mounted with read-only permissions. Users can override this default behavior by specifying the --read-only flag.

# all mounts to be read-only
terra resource mount --read-only

# all mounts to be read-write
terra resource mount --name=mybucket --read-only=false

Users can specify the --disable-cache flag. This will disable file metadata caching and file type caching for objects in the mounted buckets. List operations such as ls will be slower, but will reflect the most up-to-date state of the bucket. This is useful when working with collaborators in a shared workspace. See more details in the gcsfuse repository.

Mount Failures

If a mount has failed, an empty directory will be left at mount point with the resource name and a suffix error string indicating the failure. Users can remount the bucket after resolving bucket access or bucket reference issues.

Unmounting a single resource can fail if the resource has been renamed or moved to a different workspace folder. In this case, users can either run terra resource unmount to unmount all mounted resources in $HOME/workspace/. Or, users can directly list out all mounted filesystems with mount and then unmount the resource using its mount path with fusermount -u (for linux) or umount for (MacOS).


Usage: terra server [COMMAND]
Connect to a Terra server.
  list    List all available Terra servers.
  set     Set the Terra server to connect to.
  status  Print status and details of the Terra server context.

A Terra server or environment is a set of connected Terra services (e.g. Workspace Manager, Data Repo, SAM).

Workspaces exist on a single server, so switching servers will change the list of workspaces available to you.


These commands are intended for admin users. Admins, see for more details.


These user management commands are intended for admin users. Admins, see for more details.


Ensure you have the latest CLI version. To install new CLI version, first manually uninstall the existing CLI and then install the latest CLI.

terra user ssh-key is how Terra does source control in a notebook environment. It handles the ssh key of the current user. There is one single Terra ssh key per user in a given server (e.g. broad-dev). With this SSH key, you can perform source control in a terra-managed notebook instance using git.

To set up an ssh key, add the terra ssh key to your local machine using the below command

terra user ssh-key add

You should see in the output an ssh public key starting with ssh-rsa. Then copy the public key from the command output and add it to GitHub. GitHub's instruction link.

If you think your key is compromised (e.g. the private key on your local machine is leaked to other user), you must delete the key from your GitHub account and generate a new Terra ssh key using the below command

terra user ssh-key generate

Once a new key is generated, you need to associate this new key with your GitHub account again. GitHub's instruction link.


Usage: terra workspace [COMMAND]
Setup a Terra workspace.
  add-user         Add a user or group to the workspace.
  break-glass      Grant break-glass access to a workspace user.
  configure-aws    Generate an AWS configuration file for a workspace.
  duplicate        Duplicate an existing workspace.
  create           Create a new workspace.
  delete           Delete an existing workspace.
  delete-property  Delete the workspace properties.
  describe         Describe the workspace.
  list             List all workspaces the current user can access.
  list-users       List the users of the workspace.
  remove-user      Remove a user or group from the workspace.
  set              Set the workspace to an existing one.
  set-property     Set the workspace properties.
  update           Update an existing workspace.

A Terra workspace created on cloud platform GCP is backed by a Google project. Creating/deleting a workspace also creates/deletes the project.

The break-glass command is intended for admin users. Admins, see for more details.


Usage: terra folder [COMMAND]
Setup a folder in a Terra workspace.
  create        create a folder
  delete        delete a folder
  update        update a folder's name, description, parent folder
  set-property  set key-value properties on a folder
  tree          print out the folders in the workspace in a tree hiearchy

Workspace context for applications

The Terra CLI defines a workspace context for applications to run in. This context includes:

  • GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable set to the backing google project id.
  • GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL environment variable set to the current user's pet SA email in the current workspace.
  • Environment variables that are the name of the workspace resources, prefixed with TERRA_ are set to the resolved cloud identifier for those resources ( e.g. mybucket -> TERRA_mybucket set to gs://mybucket). Applies to referenced and controlled resources.

Reference in a CLI command

To use a workspace reference in a Terra CLI command, escape the environment variable to bypass the shell substitution on the host machine.

Example commands for creating a new controlled bucket resource and then using gsutil to get its IAM bindings.

> terra resource create gcs-bucket --name=mybucket --bucket_name=mybucket
Successfully added controlled GCS bucket.

> terra gsutil iam get \$TERRA_mybucket
Setting the gcloud project to the workspace project
Updated property [core/project].  
  "bindings": [
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/storage.legacyBucketOwner"
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/storage.legacyBucketReader"
  "etag": "CAE="

Reference in file

To use a workspace reference in a file or config that will be read by an application, do not escape the environment variable. Since this will be running inside the Docker container or local process, there is no need to bypass shell substitution.

Example nextflow.config file that includes a reference to a bucket resource in the workspace, the backing Google project, and the workspace pet SA email.

profiles {
  gls {
      params.transcriptome = 'gs://rnaseq-nf/data/ggal/transcript.fa'
      params.reads = 'gs://rnaseq-nf/data/ggal/gut_{1,2}.fq'
      params.multiqc = 'gs://rnaseq-nf/multiqc'
      process.executor = 'google-lifesciences'
      process.container = 'nextflow/rnaseq-nf:latest'
      workDir = "$TERRA_mybucket/scratch"
      google.region  = 'us-east1'
      google.project = "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT"
      google.lifeSciences.serviceAccountEmail = "$GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL" = 'network'
      google.lifeSciences.subnetwork = 'subnetwork'

See all environment variables

To see all environment variables defined in the Docker container or local process when applications are launched

terra app execute env

The terra app execute ... command is intended for debugging. It lets you execute any command in the Docker container or local process, not just the ones we've officially supported (i.e. gsutil, bq, gcloud, nextflow).

Run unsupported tools

To run tools that are not yet supported by the Terra CLI, or to use local versions of tools, set the app-launch configuration property to launch a child process on the local machine instead of inside a Docker container.

terra config set app-launch LOCAL_PROCESS

Then call the tool with terra app execute. Before running the tool command, the CLI defines environment variables for each workspace resource and configures gcloud with the workspace project. After running the tool command, the CLI restores the original gcloud project configuration.

terra app execute dsub \
    --provider google-v2 \
    --project \$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT \
    --regions us-central1 \
    --logging \$TERRA_MY_BUCKET/logging/ \
    --output OUT=\$TERRA_MY_BUCKET/output/out.txt \
    --command 'echo "Hello World" > "${OUT}"' \

(Note: The command above came from the dsub README .)

Configuring Credentials for AWS Resources

Accessing AWS Workspace resources via the AWS CLI or SDK can be configured using the terra workspace configure-aws command. This command writes an AWS configuration file with two profiles for each AWS resource in the workspace to a file named after the Workspace in $HOME/terra/aws/.

The output of this command is meant to be used with the bash eval command to set up the current environment to access resource in the current workspace by outputting a bash command to set the AWS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to the newly created AWS configuration file. In turn this file contains two profiles for each resource, one named after the resource, and one suffixed with -ro; the former provides write/read access to the resource, the latter provides read-only.

AWS Configuration Example

Workspace has a single AWS S3 Storage folder (output truncated):

> terra resource describe --name aws_folder_20230422
Name:         aws_folder_20230422
Description:  My First Storage Folder
Region:       us-east-1
AWS S3 Storage Folder: s3://v0-saas-devel-us-east-1-terra/aws_folder_20230422/
# Objects: 0

Call terra workspace configure-aws wrapped in a bash eval command and note that environment variable AWS_CONFIG_FILE points at the newly written config file:

> eval "$(terra workspace configure-aws)"

Now we can use profile aws_folder_20230422 to copy a file into our S3 Storage Folder:

> aws --profile=aws_folder_20230422 s3 cp /tmp/hello.txt s3://v0-saas-devel-us-east-1-terra/aws_folder_20230422/
upload: /tmp/hello.txt to s3://v0-saas-devel-us-east-1-terra/aws_folder_20230422/hello.txt

And using read-only profile aws_folder_20230422-ro allows us to list this file:

> aws --profile=aws_folder_20230422-ro s3 ls s3://v0-saas-devel-us-east-1-terra/aws_folder_20230422/
2023-04-22 09:53:15          0 
2023-05-01 11:32:10         14 hello.txt

But not delete it:

> aws --profile=aws_folder_20230422-ro s3 rm s3://v0-saas-devel-us-east-1-terra/aws_folder_20230422/hello.txt
delete failed: s3://v0-saas-devel-us-east-1-terra/aws_folder_20230422/hello.txt An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the DeleteObject operation: Access Denied

Switching back to profile aws_folder_20230422, delete succeeds:

> aws --profile=aws_folder_20230422 s3 rm s3://v0-saas-devel-us-east-1-terra/aws_folder_20230422/hello.txt
delete: s3://v0-saas-devel-us-east-1-terra/aws_folder_20230422/hello.txt

Caching credentials using tool aws-vault is recommended, and can be configured using options --cache-with-aws-vault and --aws-vault-path.

Exit codes

The CLI sets the process exit code as follows.

  • 0 = Successful program execution
  • 1 = User-actionable error (e.g. missing parameter, workspace not defined in the current context)
  • 2 = System or internal error (e.g. error making a request to a Terra service)
  • 3 = Unexpected error (e.g. null pointer exception)

App exit codes will be passed through to the caller. e.g. If gcloud --malformedOption returns exit code 2, then terra gcloud --malformedOption will also return exit code 2.