Releases: DataJuggler/DataTier.Net
Version 4.1.4
I created a new release this morning because I realized the Setup Control was not installing the SQL Scripts needed to install DataTier.Net.Database.
DataTier.Net 4.1.3
I fixed the install path to the DataTier.Net.Database.Schema.sql for the release version, which wasn't working in the previous release. I found out today making a video. One advantage of being unpopular, bugs do not discovered.
Run this installer, then follow the onscreen instructions for the Setup Control.
A new video should be available by the time you see this (March 12th afternoon). Click the YouTube button in the DataTier.Net app.
DataTier.Net. 4.1.2
This version fixes the release version not being able to create a new data tier (via Nuget) when you click the Create Data Tier in Project Folder button. The code for Working Directory was missing is the reason I think.
New video coming soon.
As always, thanks to Advanced Installer for allowing me to make releases for my opensource projects.
I found a bug in the install of DataTier.Net7.ItemTemplates, I had copied from DataTier.Net6.ItemTemplates, and I was installing the wrong version.
There is an issue creating new data tier's using this release. The dev version does not have this problem. I will fix this ASAP.
I will test this more when I have more time.
DataTier.Net 4.1.0
DataTier.Net now targets .NET Framework, .NET 5, .NET 6 or .NET 7 (default).
All new development and testing is done on .NET 7.
New projects for .NET Framework are currently broken, but .NET Framework is still supported for backwards compatibility (and one of my client's projects is stuck on .NET Framework).
Making a video as we speak. I know the documentation is out of date. I will update the docs for .NET 7 as soon as I can.
DataTier.Net 3.2.4
When you create Blazor Data Services, the DataEditorControl now takes into account if the Table is a view or not. Views do not create a DataWatcher, plus Views do not create methods for Find, Remove and Save. Also, the checkbox for Create Callback does not show for views.
DataTier.Net 3.2.3
I fixed a bug where if a table name ends in 's', the pluralVariableName and the variableName are now not the same in the Blazor Data Watcher class generated when you install Blazor Data Services for a table.
Before you would get 'foreach (CustomerSales customerSales in customerSales)...
DataTier.Net 3.2.2
** Special Thanks to Advanced Installer for giving me a license and making this release possible. **
- Note: This install will require you to be an Admin on your own machine, to enable setting the System Environment Variable for the connection string.
If you do have an admin rights (which all developers should) then you must run DataTier.Net via Visual Studio.
Contents of a Read Me.txt - pasted below:
To run this DataTier.Net installer, you must have Admin rights on your own machine to be able to set the connection string environment variable.
If you do not have admin rights on your machine (which as a developer you should), but if for some reason you can't be then you must use Visual Studio
or you can create a System Environment variable named DataTierNetConnection, and paste in a connection string to the DataTier.Net.Database, full instructions
Note: After your connection string is setup, you can change your shortcut from requiring admin rights by right clicking on it, and selecting properties.
On the comparability tab, Uncheck the box 'Run As Administrator'.
If you receive any combability notices, you can ignore them. I stopped the Windows Services 'Program Combability Assistance Service', but it is up to you
what you want to do on your own machine. You can ignore these messages. Working on a way to not show them.
Manual Setup Instructions:
- Create a database named DataTier.Net.Database
- Execute the sql script DataTier.Net.Database.Schema located in the install folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Data Juggler\DataTier.Net\SQL Scripts
- Create a connection string to the DataTier.Net.Database and copy to your clipboard
Tip - Connection String Builder is now installed with DataTier.Net. Look on your desktop for a new shortcut. - Create a System Environment Variable:
A. Open Windows Search and type: "Edit System Environment Variables"
B. In the search result, open Edit System Environment Variables, then click the button 'Environnment Variables'
C. In the bottom section 'Server Variables', create a new variable named DataTierNetConnection
D. For the value, Paste in the connection string created in step 3
E. Hit OK
Restart DataTierNet, you should see 'Test Database Connection Passed'.