diff --git a/packages/clients/snowbox/src/exampleFeatureInformation.ts b/packages/clients/snowbox/src/exampleFeatureInformation.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bae696072 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/clients/snowbox/src/exampleFeatureInformation.ts @@ -0,0 +1,538 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention, max-lines */ + +import { FeaturesByLayerId } from '@polar/plugin-gfi/src/types' + +export const exampleFeatureInformation: FeaturesByLayerId = { + 1454: [ + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [567357.259, 5928923.532, 0], + [567428.316, 5929001.598, 0], + [567430.133, 5929002.656, 0], + [567432.915, 5929002.111, 0], + [567437.012, 5928999.346, 0], + [567438.918, 5928996.882, 0], + [567445.48, 5928991.466, 0], + [567452.541, 5928982.393, 0], + [567454.524, 5928976.202, 0], + [567452.703, 5928972.513, 0], + [567450.196, 5928969.906, 0], + [567440.903, 5928964.726, 0], + [567440.577, 5928966.139, 0], + [567402.309, 5928931.894, 0], + [567396.03, 5928928.249, 0], + [567388.572, 5928924.876, 0], + [567383.041, 5928924.019, 0], + [567381.222, 5928920.347, 0], + [567377.75, 5928913.341, 0], + [567357.259, 5928923.532, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'M-089 - BPlan Wilhelmsburg 72', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '17.01.1994', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'BPlan', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'Fließgewässer und Gräben', + massnahmenstatus: 'Maßnahme § 9 (1) Nr. 20 BauGB', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '3069.449', + kompensationsmassnahme_detail: + 'Entwicklung naturnaher Ufergehölze; Entwicklung von Uferrandstreifen', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_443856', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [568075.605, 5929240.552, 0], + [568083.257, 5929233.41, 0], + [568086.317, 5929240.807, 0], + [568110.037, 5929231.624, 0], + [568124.32, 5929223.462, 0], + [568139.878, 5929210.709, 0], + [568155.181, 5929193.111, 0], + [568157.732, 5929189.285, 0], + [568154.671, 5929186.734, 0], + [568161.302, 5929177.807, 0], + [568165.128, 5929179.593, 0], + [568219.198, 5929109.962, 0], + [568215.627, 5929107.157, 0], + [568223.534, 5929097.464, 0], + [568227.105, 5929099.76, 0], + [568242.918, 5929082.671, 0], + [568258.986, 5929069.408, 0], + [568273.014, 5929059.461, 0], + [568276.843, 5929057.626, 0], + [568272.353, 5929039.184, 0], + [568256.407, 5928974.91, 0], + [568231.643, 5928872.379, 0], + [568190.591, 5928890.875, 0], + [568187.183, 5928883.557, 0], + [568160.632, 5928895.529, 0], + [568128.081, 5928822.376, 0], + [568107.128, 5928834.457, 0], + [568094.719, 5928842.197, 0], + [568108.683, 5928861.728, 0], + [568088.395, 5928874.902, 0], + [568074.657, 5928855.297, 0], + [568068.832, 5928859.384, 0], + [568055.556, 5928869.77, 0], + [568050.41, 5928874.163, 0], + [568044.248, 5928879.977, 0], + [568035.744, 5928888.363, 0], + [568021.109, 5928904.589, 0], + [568044.436, 5928919.135, 0], + [568059.399, 5928933.711, 0], + [568064.897, 5928953.563, 0], + [568019.338, 5928972.388, 0], + [567989.81, 5928947.615, 0], + [567987.35, 5928945.548, 0], + [567975.597, 5928960.372, 0], + [567941.206, 5929003.66, 0], + [567929.406, 5929018.945, 0], + [567903.589, 5929054.714, 0], + [567939.638, 5929077.036, 0], + [567928.205, 5929095.265, 0], + [567890.962, 5929071.875, 0], + [567889.548, 5929073.771, 0], + [567856.828, 5929124.897, 0], + [567856.211, 5929125.803, 0], + [567867.777, 5929134.715, 0], + [567873.657, 5929142.919, 0], + [567866.223, 5929156.417, 0], + [567861.382, 5929165.213, 0], + [567846.146, 5929189.574, 0], + [567836.127, 5929205.666, 0], + [567847.888, 5929209.488, 0], + [567842.359, 5929226.669, 0], + [567835.448, 5929247.617, 0], + [567824.664, 5929280.774, 0], + [567800.425, 5929355.307, 0], + [567913.44, 5929386.822, 0], + [567940.698, 5929394.368, 0], + [567937.879, 5929389.25, 0], + [567935.583, 5929379.048, 0], + [567937.623, 5929365.275, 0], + [567950.376, 5929342.575, 0], + [567961.343, 5929326.762, 0], + [567976.135, 5929306.867, 0], + [567990.418, 5929290.033, 0], + [568006.741, 5929277.535, 0], + [568025.87, 5929267.078, 0], + [568056.221, 5929253.815, 0], + [568076.881, 5929244.888, 0], + [568075.605, 5929240.552, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'U-061 - Sanierung der Deponie Georgswerder', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '08.12.1989', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'Zustimmung', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'extensiv genutztes Grünland', + massnahmenstatus: 'festgesetzt', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '131321.2321', + hektar: '13,2819', + kompensationsmassnahme_detail: + 'Teiche / Blänken anlegen; Wiederherstellung / Aufweitung von Gräben m.flachen Uferböschungen; Wiesen- oder Weidenutzung', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_443789', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [568276.843, 5929057.626, 0], + [568273.014, 5929059.461, 0], + [568258.986, 5929069.408, 0], + [568242.918, 5929082.671, 0], + [568227.105, 5929099.76, 0], + [568223.534, 5929097.464, 0], + [568215.627, 5929107.157, 0], + [568219.198, 5929109.962, 0], + [568165.128, 5929179.593, 0], + [568161.302, 5929177.807, 0], + [568154.671, 5929186.734, 0], + [568157.732, 5929189.285, 0], + [568155.181, 5929193.111, 0], + [568139.878, 5929210.709, 0], + [568124.32, 5929223.462, 0], + [568110.037, 5929231.624, 0], + [568086.317, 5929240.807, 0], + [568083.257, 5929233.41, 0], + [568075.605, 5929240.552, 0], + [568076.881, 5929244.888, 0], + [568056.221, 5929253.815, 0], + [568025.87, 5929267.078, 0], + [568006.741, 5929277.535, 0], + [567990.418, 5929290.033, 0], + [567976.135, 5929306.867, 0], + [567961.343, 5929326.762, 0], + [567950.376, 5929342.575, 0], + [567937.623, 5929365.275, 0], + [567935.583, 5929379.048, 0], + [567937.879, 5929389.25, 0], + [567940.698, 5929394.368, 0], + [567941.33, 5929397.698, 0], + [567941.4, 5929398.016, 0], + [567944.266, 5929410.851, 0], + [567981.598, 5929566.414, 0], + [568000.569, 5929643.233, 0], + [568008.886, 5929677.539, 0], + [568043.052, 5929789.491, 0], + [568047.573, 5929818.123, 0], + [568055.108, 5929816.616, 0], + [568064.15, 5929822.644, 0], + [568122.168, 5929815.861, 0], + [568189.229, 5929803.05, 0], + [568260.057, 5929793.251, 0], + [568348.969, 5929791.737, 0], + [568386.646, 5929867.08, 0], + [568388.906, 5929881.396, 0], + [568425.074, 5929877.625, 0], + [568435.623, 5929874.61, 0], + [568459.392, 5929830.979, 0], + [568459.783, 5929830.261, 0], + [568502.296, 5929752.157, 0], + [568576.364, 5929614.283, 0], + [568591.287, 5929585.258, 0], + [568595.816, 5929576.092, 0], + [568606.483, 5929554.492, 0], + [568621.163, 5929522.709, 0], + [568677.129, 5929390.94, 0], + [568678.394, 5929385.75, 0], + [568678.097, 5929379.983, 0], + [568674.38, 5929369.219, 0], + [568673.56, 5929364.68, 0], + [568665.078, 5929342.991, 0], + [568653.293, 5929311.953, 0], + [568643.071, 5929295.232, 0], + [568629.263, 5929268.493, 0], + [568616.518, 5929240.724, 0], + [568605.232, 5929203.73, 0], + [568599.703, 5929180.679, 0], + [568596.204, 5929159.369, 0], + [568593.822, 5929138.526, 0], + [568592.056, 5929117.056, 0], + [568592.525, 5929087.488, 0], + [568594.016, 5929066.605, 0], + [568601.075, 5929024.447, 0], + [568587.168, 5929024.298, 0], + [568590.811, 5929001.791, 0], + [568583.395, 5928997.498, 0], + [568463.706, 5929014.413, 0], + [568450.436, 5929022.219, 0], + [568353.289, 5929035.578, 0], + [568340.093, 5929036.76, 0], + [568329.38, 5929039.311, 0], + [568312.802, 5929043.647, 0], + [568300.049, 5929047.473, 0], + [568285.256, 5929053.594, 0], + [568276.843, 5929057.626, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'U-061 - Sanierung der Deponie Georgswerder', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '08.12.1989', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'Zustimmung', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'Grünfläche', + massnahmenstatus: 'festgesetzt', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '437265.6768', + hektar: '44,0000', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_445371', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [567357.787, 5928923.949, 0], + [567315.644, 5928961.167, 0], + [567294.262, 5928980.485, 0], + [567266.077, 5928943.721, 0], + [567264.453, 5928941.474, 0], + [567250.88, 5928951.822, 0], + [567244.539, 5928958.237, 0], + [567288.796, 5929008.833, 0], + [567276.848, 5929019.384, 0], + [567297.769, 5929042.745, 0], + [567317.301, 5929064.721, 0], + [567323.939, 5929072.335, 0], + [567335.083, 5929085.128, 0], + [567339.285, 5929084.829, 0], + [567344.103, 5929081.528, 0], + [567350.428, 5929074.203, 0], + [567352.927, 5929070.973, 0], + [567356.902, 5929067.697, 0], + [567367.062, 5929060.056, 0], + [567368.663, 5929053.734, 0], + [567371.115, 5929050.485, 0], + [567375.441, 5929046.828, 0], + [567387.577, 5929031.78, 0], + [567401.087, 5929020.575, 0], + [567428.271, 5929001.666, 0], + [567429.489, 5929002.375, 0], + [567357.787, 5928923.949, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'U-061 - Sanierung der Deponie Georgswerder', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '08.12.1989', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'Zustimmung', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'extensiv genutztes Grünland', + massnahmenstatus: 'festgesetzt', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '13912.17', + hektar: '1,3909', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_445859', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [567127.09, 5929119.895, 0], + [567127.985, 5929120.911, 0], + [567130.358, 5929123.604, 0], + [567147.174, 5929140.753, 0], + [567160.241, 5929153.479, 0], + [567176.115, 5929169.519, 0], + [567187.449, 5929179.496, 0], + [567191.052, 5929182.756, 0], + [567195.175, 5929180.848, 0], + [567209.577, 5929169.185, 0], + [567223.784, 5929158.511, 0], + [567233.903, 5929152.536, 0], + [567237.231, 5929144.525, 0], + [567254.191, 5929139.763, 0], + [567257.055, 5929139.517, 0], + [567250.885, 5929130.647, 0], + [567233.685, 5929105.925, 0], + [567217.271, 5929084.086, 0], + [567214.738, 5929080.928, 0], + [567205.369, 5929069.245, 0], + [567197.853, 5929059.619, 0], + [567156.646, 5929095.768, 0], + [567127.09, 5929119.895, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'M-089 - BPlan Wilhelmsburg 72', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '17.01.1994', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'BPlan', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'Fließgewässer und Gräben', + massnahmenstatus: 'Maßnahme § 9 (1) Nr. 20 BauGB', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '8001.0111', + kompensationsmassnahme_detail: + 'Entwicklung naturnaher Ufergehölze; Entwicklung von Uferrandstreifen', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_443869', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [567231.266, 5929046.507, 0], + [567255.323, 5929073.702, 0], + [567283.414, 5929104.669, 0], + [567323.986, 5929072.271, 0], + [567317.352, 5929064.659, 0], + [567297.815, 5929042.682, 0], + [567276.892, 5929019.321, 0], + [567267.022, 5929008.2, 0], + [567249.716, 5929022.363, 0], + [567239.261, 5929029.874, 0], + [567225.324, 5929039.885, 0], + [567231.266, 5929046.507, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'M-089 - BPlan Wilhelmsburg 72', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '17.01.1994', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'BPlan', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'Fließgewässer und Gräben', + massnahmenstatus: 'Maßnahme § 9 (1) Nr. 20 BauGB', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '4486.4625', + kompensationsmassnahme_detail: + 'Entwicklung naturnaher Ufergehölze; Entwicklung von Uferrandstreifen', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_443868', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [567225.324, 5929039.885, 0], + [567220.366, 5929043.447, 0], + [567236.412, 5929063.977, 0], + [567226.756, 5929071.529, 0], + [567265.335, 5929119.107, 0], + [567283.414, 5929104.669, 0], + [567255.323, 5929073.702, 0], + [567231.266, 5929046.507, 0], + [567226.907, 5929041.58, 0], + [567225.324, 5929039.885, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'M-089 - BPlan Wilhelmsburg 72', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '17.01.1994', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'BPlan', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'Fließgewässer und Gräben', + massnahmenstatus: 'Maßnahme § 9 (1) Nr. 20 BauGB', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '1493.4451', + kompensationsmassnahme_detail: + 'Entwicklung naturnaher Ufergehölze; Entwicklung von Uferrandstreifen', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_443867', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [567214.738, 5929080.928, 0], + [567217.271, 5929084.086, 0], + [567233.685, 5929105.925, 0], + [567250.885, 5929130.647, 0], + [567265.335, 5929119.107, 0], + [567226.756, 5929071.529, 0], + [567214.738, 5929080.928, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'M-089 - BPlan Wilhelmsburg 72', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '17.01.1994', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'BPlan', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'Fließgewässer und Gräben', + massnahmenstatus: 'Maßnahme § 9 (1) Nr. 20 BauGB', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '1014.0151', + kompensationsmassnahme_detail: + 'Entwicklung naturnaher Ufergehölze; Entwicklung von Uferrandstreifen', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_443870', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [567283.414, 5929104.669, 0], + [567293.86, 5929116.185, 0], + [567296.655, 5929119.249, 0], + [567306.145, 5929111.82, 0], + [567310.907, 5929109.094, 0], + [567319.286, 5929104.094, 0], + [567324.432, 5929093.142, 0], + [567333.796, 5929085.163, 0], + [567335.136, 5929085.067, 0], + [567323.986, 5929072.271, 0], + [567283.414, 5929104.669, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'M-089 - BPlan Wilhelmsburg 72', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '17.01.1994', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'BPlan', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'Fließgewässer und Gräben', + massnahmenstatus: 'Maßnahme § 9 (1) Nr. 20 BauGB', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '987.9114', + kompensationsmassnahme_detail: + 'Entwicklung naturnaher Ufergehölze; Entwicklung von Uferrandstreifen', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_443859', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [567265.335, 5929119.107, 0], + [567278.897, 5929135.832, 0], + [567289.82, 5929125.988, 0], + [567296.655, 5929119.249, 0], + [567293.86, 5929116.185, 0], + [567283.414, 5929104.669, 0], + [567265.335, 5929119.107, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'M-089 - BPlan Wilhelmsburg 72', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '17.01.1994', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'BPlan', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'Fließgewässer und Gräben', + massnahmenstatus: 'Maßnahme § 9 (1) Nr. 20 BauGB', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '491.4061', + kompensationsmassnahme_detail: + 'Entwicklung naturnaher Ufergehölze; Entwicklung von Uferrandstreifen', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_443861', + }, + { + type: 'Feature', + geometry: { + type: 'Polygon', + coordinates: [ + [ + [567257.055, 5929139.517, 0], + [567264.469, 5929138.876, 0], + [567274.527, 5929139.769, 0], + [567278.897, 5929135.832, 0], + [567265.335, 5929119.107, 0], + [567250.885, 5929130.647, 0], + [567257.055, 5929139.517, 0], + ], + ], + }, + properties: { + vorhaben: 'M-089 - BPlan Wilhelmsburg 72', + vorhaben_zulassung_am: '17.01.1994', + vorhaben_verfahrensart: 'BPlan', + kompensationsmassnahme: 'Fließgewässer und Gräben', + massnahmenstatus: 'Maßnahme § 9 (1) Nr. 20 BauGB', + flaechensicherung: 'k.A.', + flaeche: '335.7387', + kompensationsmassnahme_detail: + 'Entwicklung naturnaher Ufergehölze; Entwicklung von Uferrandstreifen', + }, + id: 'DE.HH.UP_AUSGLEICHSFLAECHEN_443871', + }, + ], +} diff --git a/packages/clients/snowbox/src/index.html b/packages/clients/snowbox/src/index.html index 1e8617d69..091217213 100644 --- a/packages/clients/snowbox/src/index.html +++ b/packages/clients/snowbox/src/index.html @@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
This illustrates which kind of data can be retrieved from the map client.
diff --git a/packages/clients/snowbox/src/polar-client.ts b/packages/clients/snowbox/src/polar-client.ts index 4a539ec87..b9181d266 100644 --- a/packages/clients/snowbox/src/polar-client.ts +++ b/packages/clients/snowbox/src/polar-client.ts @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { changeLanguage } from 'i18next' import { enableClustering } from '../../meldemichel/src/utils/enableClustering' import { addPlugins } from './addPlugins' import { mapConfiguration, reports } from './mapConfiguration' +import { exampleFeatureInformation } from './exampleFeatureInformation' addPlugins(polarCore) @@ -80,3 +81,11 @@ document target[1].innerHTML = value === 'en' ? 'German' : 'Deutsch' }) }) + +document.getElementById('vuex-target-clicky')!.addEventListener('click', () => + // @ts-expect-error | added for e2e testing + window.mapInstance.$store.dispatch( + 'plugin/gfi/setFeatureInformation', + exampleFeatureInformation + ) +) diff --git a/packages/plugins/Gfi/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/plugins/Gfi/CHANGELOG.md index 5b91da3ad..58c1e3b33 100644 --- a/packages/plugins/Gfi/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/packages/plugins/Gfi/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # CHANGELOG +## unpublished + +- Feature: Add new action `setFeatureInformation` to be able to set feature information in the store and trigger all relevant processes so that the information displayed to the user is as if he has selected the features himself. + ## 2.0.0 - Breaking: Upgrade `@masterportal/masterportalapi` from `2.8.0` to `2.40.0` and subsequently `ol` from `^7.1.0` to `^9.2.4`. diff --git a/packages/plugins/Gfi/README.md b/packages/plugins/Gfi/README.md index 352df4ac1..fb562cc26 100644 --- a/packages/plugins/Gfi/README.md +++ b/packages/plugins/Gfi/README.md @@ -178,6 +178,56 @@ featureList: { ## Store +### Actions + +#### setFeatureInformation + +This method can be used to set the feature information in the store and trigger all relevant processes so that the information displayed to the user is as if he has selected the features himself. +Note that calling this method completely overrides the previously set feature information. + +If a layer has a `isSelectable`-function configured, the features are filtered using that function. + +```js +map.$store.dispatch('plugin/gfi/setFeatureInformation', { + "anotherLayer": [], + "yetAnotherLayer": [], + "relevantInformation": [ + { + "type": "Feature", + "geometry": { + "type": "Point", + "coordinates": [ + 565669.6521397199, + 5930516.358614317 + ] + }, + "properties": { + "propertyOne": "B0", + "propertyTwo": "B1" + } + }, + { + "type": "Feature", + "geometry": { + "type": "Point", + "coordinates": [ + 565594.9377660984, + 5930524.52634174 + ] + }, + "properties": { + propertyOne: "A0", + propertyTwo: "A1" + } + } + ] +}) +``` + +The payload object expects a layer id as a key and an array of GeoJSON-Features as its value. + +The selected feature information can be reset by calling the method with an empty object. + ### State If a successful query has been sent and a response has been received, the result will be saved in the store and can be subscribed through the path `'plugin/gfi/featureInformation'`. If, however, a query for a layer fails, a `Symbol` containing the error will be saved in the store instead to indicate the error. diff --git a/packages/plugins/Gfi/src/store/actions/debouncedGfiRequest.ts b/packages/plugins/Gfi/src/store/actions/debouncedGfiRequest.ts index e0d86b37b..286e67970 100644 --- a/packages/plugins/Gfi/src/store/actions/debouncedGfiRequest.ts +++ b/packages/plugins/Gfi/src/store/actions/debouncedGfiRequest.ts @@ -10,18 +10,17 @@ import { Map, Feature } from 'ol' import { Geometry } from 'ol/geom' import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector' import compare from 'just-compare' -import { addFeature } from '../../utils/displayFeatureLayer' +import { filterFeatures } from '../../utils/filterFeatures' import { requestGfi } from '../../utils/requestGfi' import sortFeatures from '../../utils/sortFeatures' -import { GfiGetters, GfiState } from '../../types' +import { FeaturesByLayerId, GfiGetters, GfiState } from '../../types' +import { renderFeatures } from '../../utils/renderFeatures' interface GetFeatureInfoParameters { coordinateOrExtent: [number, number] | [number, number, number, number] modifierPressed?: boolean } -type FeaturesByLayerId = Record