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HOL-Light definition of real numbers in Coq using nat

This library provides a translation in Coq of the definition of real numbers in HOL-Light, using the Coq type nat for natural numbers.

It has been automatically generated from HOL-Light using hol2dk and lambdapi.

Proofs are not included but can be regenerated and rechecked by running reproduce (it takes around 5 minutes on a machine with 32 processors Intel Core i9-13950HX and 64 Gb RAM).

As HOL-Light is based on higher-order logic, this library assumes classical logic, Hilbert's ε operator, functional and propositional extensionnality (see HOLLight.v for more details):

Axiom classic : forall P:Prop, P \/ ~ P.
Axiom constructive_indefinite_description : forall (A : Type) (P : A->Prop), (exists x, P x) -> { x : A | P x }.
Axiom fun_ext : forall {A B : Type} {f g : A -> B}, (forall x, (f x) = (g x)) -> f = g.
Axiom prop_ext : forall {P Q : Prop}, (P -> Q) -> (Q -> P) -> P = Q.
Axiom proof_irrelevance : forall (P:Prop) (p1 p2:P), p1 = p2.

Installation using opam

opam repo add coq-released
opam install coq-hol-light-real

Usage in a Coq file

Require Import HOLLight_Real.theorems.