🚧 An experimental Unity render pipeline.
The main goals of the project are:
- GPU Driven pipeline.
- Modern high fidelity rendering techniques.
- Minimal reliance on temporal algorithms.
- Pushing technical constraints of Unity.
🔨 Developed with Unity 6000.0.26f1.
❎ Only Windows/DirectX 12 configuration is supported at the moment.
- GPU Driven pipeline
- Hierarhical Cluster Rendering (Virtualized Geometry)
- Frustum, Cone, and Occlusion Culling (Two-Pass)
- Visibility Buffer + GBuffer
- PBR lighting
- Cook-Torrance BRDF
- Image-Based Lighting
- Irradiance and Pre-Filtered Environment maps generated from an HDR cubemap
- Cascaded Shadow Mapping
- PCF 5x5 Soft Shadows
- Clustered Lighting
- Bent Normals
- "Micro Shadowing": directional light contact shadow approximation
- FSR 1.0
- ACES/Neutral Tonemapping
- ShaderModel 6.6 bindless resources (right here in Unity!)
- In-Editor PIX for Windows integration
- Packages/com.deltation.aaaa-rp: Unity SRP package.
- DELTationBindlessPlugin: native Unity plugin providing support for bindless and PIX integration.
- zeux/meshoptimizer: mesh simplification and meshlet generation.
- KarypisLab/METIS: graph partitioning.
- TsudaKageyu/minhook: WinAPI hooking library.