diff --git a/Content.Server/_DV/Implants/Radio/RadioImplantSystem.cs b/Content.Server/_DV/Implants/Radio/RadioImplantSystem.cs
index 567a20eaf94..36c58a8ef27 100644
--- a/Content.Server/_DV/Implants/Radio/RadioImplantSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/_DV/Implants/Radio/RadioImplantSystem.cs
@@ -13,20 +13,22 @@ namespace Content.Server._DV.Implants.Radio;
public sealed class RadioImplantSystem : SharedRadioImplantSystem
- [Dependency] private readonly INetManager _netManager = default!;
- [Dependency] private readonly RadioSystem _radioSystem = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly INetManager _net = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly RadioSystem _radio = default!;
- private EntityQuery _actorQuery;
+ private EntityQuery _actor;
public override void Initialize()
+ _actor = GetEntityQuery();
- _actorQuery = GetEntityQuery();
@@ -43,27 +45,29 @@ private void OnMapInit(Entity ent, ref MapInitEvent args)
private void OnSpeak(Entity ent, ref EntitySpokeEvent args)
// not a radio message, or already handled by another radio
- if (args.Channel is null)
+ if (args.Channel is not {} channel)
- // does the implant have access to the channel the implantee is trying to speak on?
- if (ent.Comp.Implant is {} implant
- && TryComp(implant, out var radioImplantComponent)
- && radioImplantComponent.Channels.Contains(args.Channel.ID))
+ // does an implant have access to the channel the implantee is trying to speak on?
+ foreach (var implant in ent.Comp.Implants)
- _radioSystem.SendRadioMessage(ent, args.Message, args.Channel.ID, implant);
- // prevent other radios they might be wearing from sending the message again
- args.Channel = null;
+ if (TryComp(implant, out var radioImplant) &&
+ radioImplant.Channels.Contains(channel.ID))
+ {
+ _radio.SendRadioMessage(ent, args.Message, channel.ID, implant);
+ // prevent other radios they might be wearing from sending the message again
+ args.Channel = null;
+ }
/// Handles receiving radio messages and forwarding them to the implantee.
- private void OnRadioReceive(EntityUid uid, RadioImplantComponent component, ref RadioReceiveEvent args)
+ private void OnRadioReceive(Entity ent, ref RadioReceiveEvent args)
- if (_actorQuery.TryComp(component.Implantee, out var actorComponent))
- _netManager.ServerSendMessage(args.ChatMsg, actorComponent.PlayerSession.Channel);
+ if (_actor.TryComp(ent.Comp.Implantee, out var actor))
+ _net.ServerSendMessage(args.ChatMsg, actor.PlayerSession.Channel);
@@ -74,12 +78,12 @@ private void OnInsertEncryptionKey(Entity ent, ref EntIns
// check if the insertion is actually something getting inserted into the radio implant storage, since
// this evt also fires when the radio implant is being inserted into a person.
if (ent.Owner != args.Container.Owner
- || !TryComp(args.Entity, out var encryptionKeyComponent))
+ || !TryComp(args.Entity, out var key))
// copy over the radio channels that can be accessed
- foreach (var channel in encryptionKeyComponent.Channels)
+ foreach (var channel in key.Channels)
@@ -99,6 +103,7 @@ private void OnRemoveEncryptionKey(Entity ent, ref EntRem
// clear the radio channels since there's no encryption key inserted anymore.
+ // if you ever make the storage have more than 1 key's space you will have to rebuild it instead
@@ -109,18 +114,17 @@ private void OnRemoveEncryptionKey(Entity ent, ref EntRem
private void UpdateRadioReception(Entity ent)
- if (ent.Comp.Channels.Count != 0)
+ if (ent.Comp.Channels.Count == 0)
- // we need to add this comp to actually receive radio events.
- var channels = EnsureComp(ent).Channels;
- foreach (var channel in ent.Comp.Channels)
- {
- channels.Add(channel);
- }
+ RemComp(ent);
+ return;
- else
+ // we need to add this comp to actually receive radio events.
+ var channels = EnsureComp(ent).Channels;
+ foreach (var channel in ent.Comp.Channels)
- RemComp(ent);
+ channels.Add(channel);
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_DV/Implants/Radio/HasRadioImplantComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/_DV/Implants/Radio/HasRadioImplantComponent.cs
index db312646a59..d3e8b64d3e3 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/_DV/Implants/Radio/HasRadioImplantComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/_DV/Implants/Radio/HasRadioImplantComponent.cs
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ namespace Content.Shared._DV.Implants.Radio;
/// This indicates this entity has a radio implant implanted into themselves.
-[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, AutoGenerateComponentState, Access(typeof(SharedRadioImplantSystem))]
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(SharedRadioImplantSystem))]
public sealed partial class HasRadioImplantComponent : Component
- /// The radio implant. We need this to be able to determine encryption keys.
+ /// A list of radio implants. We need this to be able to determine encryption keys.
[DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
- public EntityUid? Implant;
+ public HashSet Implants = new();
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_DV/Implants/Radio/SharedRadioImplantSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/_DV/Implants/Radio/SharedRadioImplantSystem.cs
index fc868a7419d..bce5590729a 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/_DV/Implants/Radio/SharedRadioImplantSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/_DV/Implants/Radio/SharedRadioImplantSystem.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-using Content.Shared.Actions;
using Content.Shared.Implants;
-using Content.Shared.Storage;
-using Content.Shared.Storage.EntitySystems;
+//using Content.Shared.Storage;
+//using Content.Shared.Storage.EntitySystems;
using Robust.Shared.Containers;
namespace Content.Shared._DV.Implants.Radio;
@@ -15,42 +14,45 @@ public abstract class SharedRadioImplantSystem : EntitySystem
public override void Initialize()
- SubscribeLocalEvent(OnPossiblyUnimplanted);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRemoved);
/// Handles implantation of the implant.
- private void OnImplanted(EntityUid uid, RadioImplantComponent component, ImplantImplantedEvent args)
+ private void OnImplanted(Entity ent, ref ImplantImplantedEvent args)
- if (args.Implanted is not { Valid: true })
+ if (args.Implanted is not {} user)
- component.Implantee = args.Implanted.Value;
- Dirty(uid, component);
+ ent.Comp.Implantee = user;
+ Dirty(ent, ent.Comp);
// make sure the person entity gets slapped with a component so it can react to it talking.
- var hasRadioImplantComponent = EnsureComp(args.Implanted.Value);
- hasRadioImplantComponent.Implant = uid;
- Dirty(component.Implantee.Value, hasRadioImplantComponent);
+ var implanted = EnsureComp(user);
+ implanted.Implants.Add(ent);
+ Dirty(user, implanted);
/// Handles removal of the implant from its containing mob.
/// Done via because there is no specific event for an implant being removed.
- private void OnPossiblyUnimplanted(EntityUid uid, RadioImplantComponent component, EntGotRemovedFromContainerMessage args)
+ private void OnRemoved(Entity ent, ref EntGotRemovedFromContainerMessage args)
- if (Terminating(uid))
+ if (TerminatingOrDeleted(ent) ||
+ ent.Comp.Implantee is not {} user ||
+ // this gets fired if it gets removed from ANY container but really, we just want to know if it was removed from its owner...
+ // so check if the ent we got implanted into matches the container's owner (here, the container's owner is the entity)
+ user != args.Container.Owner ||
+ !TryComp(user, out var implanted))
- // this gets fired if it gets removed from ANY container but really, we just want to know if it was removed from its owner...
- // so check if the ent we got implanted into matches the container's owner (here, the container's owner is the entity)
- if (component.Implantee is not null && component.Implantee == args.Container.Owner)
- {
- RemComp(component.Implantee.Value);
- component.Implantee = null;
- }
+ implanted.Implants.Remove(ent);
+ if (implanted.Implants.Count == 0)
+ RemComp(user);
+ else
+ Dirty(user, implanted);
+ ent.Comp.Implantee = null;