- deffrom_structured(
+ deffrom_structured2d(da:xr.DataArray,x:str|None=None,y:str|None=None,
+ x_bounds:xr.DataArray=None,
+ y_bounds:xr.DataArray=None,)->"UgridDataArray":""" Create a UgridDataArray from a (structured) xarray DataArray. The spatial dimensions are flattened into a single UGRID face dimension.
By default, this method looks for:
- 1. ``"x"`` and ``"y"`` dimensions.
- 2. ``"longitude"`` and ``"latitude"`` dimensions.
- 3. ``"axis"`` attributes of "X" or "Y" on coordinates.
- 4. ``"standard_name"`` attributes of "longitude", "latitude",
- "projection_x_coordinate", or "project_y_coordinate" on coordinate
- variables.
- Specify the x and y coordinate names explicitly otherwise.
+ 1. "x" and "y" dimensions
+ 2. "longitude" and "latitude" dimensions
+ 3. "axis" attributes of "X" or "Y" on coordinates
+ 4. "standard_name" attributes of "longitude", "latitude",
+ "projection_x_coordinate", or "projection_y_coordinate" on coordinate
+ variables Parameters ----------
- da: xr.DataArray
- Last two dimensions must be the y and x dimension (in that order!).
- x: str, default: None
- Which coordinate to use as the UGRID x-coordinate.
- y: str, default: None
- Which coordinate to use as the UGRID y-coordinate.
+ da : xr.DataArray
+ The structured data array to convert. The last two dimensions must be
+ the y and x dimensions (in that order).
+ x : str, optional
+ Name of the UGRID x-coordinate, or x-dimension if bounds are provided.
+ Defaults to None.
+ y : str, optional
+ Name of the UGRID y-coordinate, or y-dimension if bounds are provided.
+ Defaults to None.
+ x_bounds : xr.DataArray, optional
+ Bounds for x-coordinates. Required for non-monotonic coordinates.
+ Defaults to None.
+ y_bounds : xr.DataArray, optional
+ Bounds for y-coordinates. Required for non-monotonic coordinates.
+ Defaults to None. Returns -------
- unstructured: UgridDataArray
+ UgridDataArray
+ The unstructured grid data array.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ When using bounds, they should have one of these shapes:
+ * x bounds: (M, 2) or (N, M, 4)
+ * y bounds: (N, 2) or (N, M, 4)
+ where N is the number of rows (along y) and M is columns (along x).
+ Cells with NaN bounds coordinates are omitted.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Basic usage with default coordinate detection:
+ >>> uda = xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured2d(data_array)
+ Specifying explicit coordinate names:
+ >>> uda = xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured2d(
+ ... data_array,
+ ... x="longitude",
+ ... y="latitude"
+ ... )
+ Using bounds for curvilinear grids:
+ >>> uda = xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured2d(
+ ... data_array,
+ ... x="x_dim",
+ ... y="y_dim",
+ ... x_bounds=x_bounds_array,
+ ... y_bounds=y_bounds_array
+ ... ) """ifda.ndim<2:raiseValueError("DataArray must have at least two spatial dimensions. "f"Found: {da.dims}.")
- grid,stackdims=Ugrid2d.from_structured(da,x,y,return_dims=True)
- face_da=da.stack(# noqa: PD013
- {grid.face_dimension:stackdims},create_index=False
- ).drop_vars(stackdims,errors="ignore")
+ ifx_boundsisnotNoneandy_boundsisnotNone:
+ ifxisNoneoryisNone:
+ raiseValueError("x and y must be provided for bounds")
+ yx=(y,x)
+ grid,index=Ugrid2d.from_structured_bounds(
+ x_bounds=x_bounds.transpose(y,x,...).to_numpy(),
+ y_bounds=y_bounds.transpose(y,x,...).to_numpy(),
+ return_index=True,
+ )
+ else:
+ # Possibly rely on inference of x and y dims.
+ grid,yx=Ugrid2d.from_structured(da,x,y,return_dims=True)
+ index=slice(None,None)
+ face_da=(
+ da.stack(# noqa: PD013
+ {grid.face_dimension:(yx)},create_index=False
+ )
+ .isel({grid.face_dimension:index})
+ .drop_vars(yx,errors="ignore")
+ )returnUgridDataArray(face_da,grid)
+ @staticmethod
+ deffrom_structured(
+ da:xr.DataArray,
+ x:str|None=None,
+ y:str|None=None,
+ x_bounds:xr.DataArray=None,
+ y_bounds:xr.DataArray=None,
+ )->"UgridDataArray":
+ warnings.warn(
+ "UgridDataArray.from_structured is deprecated and will be removed. "
+ "Use UgridDataArray.from_structured2d instead.",
+ FutureWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ returnUgridDataArray.from_structured2d(da,x,y,x_bounds,y_bounds)
- deffrom_structured(
+ deffrom_structured2d(dataset:xr.Dataset,topology:dict|None=None)->"UgridDataset":""" Create a UgridDataset from a (structured) xarray Dataset. The spatial dimensions are flattened into a single UGRID face dimension.
By default, this method looks for:
- 1. ``"x"`` and ``"y"`` dimensions.
- 2. ``"longitude"`` and ``"latitude"`` dimensions.
- 3. ``"axis"`` attributes of "X" or "Y" on coordinates.
- 4. ``"standard_name"`` attributes of "longitude", "latitude",
- "projection_x_coordinate", or "project_y_coordinate" on coordinate
- variables.
- Specify the x and y coordinate names explicitly otherwise, see the
- examples.
+ 1. "x" and "y" dimensions
+ 2. "longitude" and "latitude" dimensions
+ 3. "axis" attributes of "X" or "Y" on coordinates
+ 4. "standard_name" attributes of "longitude", "latitude",
+ "projection_x_coordinate", or "projection_y_coordinate" on coordinate
+ variables Parameters ----------
- dataset: xr.Dataset
- topology: dict, optional, default is None.
- Mapping of topology name to x and y coordinate variables.
- If None, defaults to ``{"mesh2d": (None, None)}``.
+ dataset : xr.Dataset
+ The structured dataset to convert.
+ topology : dict, optional
+ Either:
+ * A mapping of topology name to (x, y) coordinate names
+ * A mapping of topology name to a dict containing:
+ - "x": x-dimension name
+ - "y": y-dimension name
+ - "bounds_x": x-bounds variable name
+ - "bounds_y": y-bounds variable name
+ Defaults to {"mesh2d": (None, None)}. Returns -------
- unstructured: UgridDataset
+ UgridDataset
+ The unstructured grid dataset.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ When using bounds, they should have one of these shapes:
+ * x bounds: (M, 2) or (N, M, 4)
+ * y bounds: (N, 2) or (N, M, 4)
+ where N is the number of rows (along y) and M is columns (along x).
+ Cells with NaN bounds coordinates are omitted. Examples --------
- By default, this method will look for ``"x"`` and ``"y"``
- coordinates and returns a UgriDataset with a Ugrid topology named
- mesh2d:
- >>> uds = xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured(dataset)
- In case of other names, the name of the resulting UGRID topology and
- the x and y coordinates must be specified:
- >>> uds = xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured(
- >>> dataset,
- >>> topology={"my_mesh2d": ("xc", "yc")},
- >>> )
- In case of multiple grid topologies in a single dataset, the names must
- be specified as well:
- >>> uds = xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured(
- >>> dataset,
- >>> topology={"mesh2d_xy": ("x", "y"), "mesh2d_lonlat": {"lon", "lat"},
- >>> )
+ Basic usage with default coordinate names:
+ >>> uds = xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured2d(dataset)
+ Specifying custom coordinate names:
+ >>> uds = xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured2d(
+ ... dataset,
+ ... topology={"my_mesh2d": {"x": "xc", "y": "yc"}}
+ ... )
+ Multiple grid topologies in a single dataset:
+ >>> uds = xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured2d(
+ ... dataset,
+ ... topology={
+ ... "mesh2d_xy": {"x": "x", "y": "y"},
+ ... "mesh2d_lonlat": {"x": "lon", "y": "lat"}
+ ... }
+ ... )
+ Using bounds for non-monotonic coordinates (e.g., curvilinear grids):
+ >>> uds = xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured2d(
+ ... dataset,
+ ... topology={
+ ... "my_mesh2d": {
+ ... "x": "M",
+ ... "y": "N",
+ ... "bounds_x": "grid_x",
+ ... "bounds_y": "grid_y"
+ ... }
+ ... }
+ ... ) """iftopologyisNone:
+ # By default, set None. This communicates to
+ # Ugrid2d.from_structured to infer x and y dims.topology={"mesh2d":(None,None)}grids=[]dss=[]
- forname,(x,y)intopology.items():
- grid,stackdims=Ugrid2d.from_structured(
- dataset,x=x,y=y,name=name,return_dims=True
- )
+ forname,argsintopology.items():
+ x_bounds=None
+ y_bounds=None
+ ifisinstance(args,dict):
+ x=args.get("x")
+ y=args.get("y")
+ if"x_bounds"inargsand"y_bounds"inargs:
+ ifxisNoneoryisNone:
+ raiseValueError("x and y must be provided for bounds")
+ x_bounds=dataset[args["x_bounds"]]
+ y_bounds=dataset[args["y_bounds"]]
+ elifisinstance(args,tuple):
+ x,y=args
+ else:
+ raiseTypeError(
+ "Expected dict or tuple in topology, received: "
+ f"{type(args).__name__}"
+ )
+ ifx_boundsisnotNoneandy_boundsisnotNone:
+ stackdims=(y,x)
+ grid,index=Ugrid2d.from_structured_bounds(
+ x_bounds.transpose(*stackdims,...).to_numpy(),
+ y_bounds.transpose(*stackdims,...).to_numpy(),
+ name=name,
+ return_index=True,
+ )
+ else:
+ grid,stackdims=Ugrid2d.from_structured(
+ dataset,x=x,y=y,name=name,return_dims=True
+ )
+ index=slice(None,None)
# Use subset to check that ALL dims of stackdims are present in the# variable.checkdims=set(stackdims)
@@ -895,16 +1026,30 @@
Source code for xugrid.core.wrap
dss.append(dataset[ugrid_vars]# noqa: PD013.stack({grid.face_dimension:stackdims})
+ .isel({grid.face_dimension:index}).drop_vars(stackdims+(grid.face_dimension,)))grids.append(grid)
# Add the original dataset to include all non-UGRID variables.dss.append(dataset)# Then merge with compat="override". This'll pick the first available# variable: i.e. it will prioritize the UGRID form.merged=xr.merge(dss,compat="override")returnUgridDataset(merged,grids)
+ @staticmethod
+ deffrom_structured(
+ dataset:xr.Dataset,topology:dict|None=None
+ )->"UgridDataset":
+ warnings.warn(
+ "UgridDataset.from_structured is deprecated and will be removed. "
+ "Use UgridDataset.from_structured2d instead.",
+ FutureWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ returnUgridDataset.from_structured2d(dataset,topology)
Parameters ---------- x_intervals: np.ndarray of shape (M + 1,)
- x-coordinate interval values for N row and M columns.
+ x-coordinate interval values for N rows and M columns. y_intervals: np.ndarray of shape (N + 1,)
- y-coordinate interval values for N row and M columns.
+ y-coordinate interval values for N rows and M columns. name: str """x_intervals=np.asarray(x_intervals)
@@ -2655,9 +2655,9 @@
Source code for xugrid.ugrid.ugrid2d
Parameters ---------- x_intervals: np.ndarray of shape shape (N + 1, M + 1)
- x-coordinate interval values for N row and M columns.
+ x-coordinate interval values for N rows and M columns. y_intervals: np.ndarray of shape shape (N + 1, M + 1)
- y-coordinate interval values for N row and M columns.
+ y-coordinate interval values for N rows and M columns. name: str """x_intervals=np.asarray(x_intervals)
@@ -2684,30 +2684,63 @@
Source code for xugrid.ugrid.ugrid2d
- )->"Ugrid2d":
+ return_index:bool=False,
+ )->Union["Ugrid2d",Tuple["Ugrid2d",Union[BoolArray,slice]]]:"""
- Create a Ugrid2d topology from a structured topology based on 1D bounds.
+ Create a Ugrid2d topology from a structured topology based on 2D or 3D
+ bounds.
- The bounds contain the lower and upper cell boundary for each cell.
+ The bounds contain the lower and upper cell boundary for each cell for
+ 2D, and the four corner vertices in case of 3D bounds. The order of the
+ corners in bounds_x and bounds_y must be consistent with each other,
+ but may be arbitrary: this method ensures counterclockwise orientation
+ for UGRID. Inactive cells are assumed to be marked with one or more NaN
+ values for their corner coordinates. These coordinates are discarded
+ and the cells are marked in the optionally returned index. Parameters ----------
- x_bounds: np.ndarray of shape (M, 2)
- x-coordinate bounds for N row and M columns.
- y_bounds: np.ndarray of shape (N, 2)
- y-coordinate bounds for N row and M columns.
+ x_bounds: np.ndarray of shape (M, 2) or (N, M, 4).
+ x-coordinate bounds for N rows and M columns.
+ y_bounds: np.ndarray of shape (N, 2) or (N, M, 4).
+ y-coordinate bounds for N rows and M columns. name: str
+ return_index: bool, default is False. Returns ------- grid: Ugrid2d
+ index: np.ndarray of bool | slice
+ Indicates which cells are part of the Ugrid2d topology.
+ Provided if ``return_index`` is True. """
- nx,_=x_bounds.shape
- ny,_=y_bounds.shape
- x=conversion.bounds_to_vertices(x_bounds)
- y=conversion.bounds_to_vertices(y_bounds)
- node_y,node_x=(a.ravel()forainnp.meshgrid(y,x,indexing="ij"))
- returnUgrid2d._from_intervals_helper(node_x,node_y,nx,ny,name)
diff --git a/_sources/api.rst.txt b/_sources/api.rst.txt
index be9e2df9e..c6a7924a5 100644
--- a/_sources/api.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/api.rst.txt
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ UgridDataArray
- UgridDataArray.from_structured
+ UgridDataArray.from_structured2d
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ UgridDataset
- UgridDataset.from_structured
+ UgridDataset.from_structured2d
UGRID Accessor
diff --git a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured.rst.txt b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured.rst.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cfdb5ca79..000000000
--- a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured.rst.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-.. currentmodule:: xugrid
-.. automethod:: UgridDataArray.from_structured
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured2d.rst.txt b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured2d.rst.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1b6dd13a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured2d.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.. currentmodule:: xugrid
+.. automethod:: UgridDataArray.from_structured2d
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.rst.txt b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.rst.txt
index 415ccad6d..bd92a81a1 100644
--- a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataArray.rst.txt
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
+ ~UgridDataArray.from_structured2d
diff --git a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured.rst.txt b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured.rst.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d0c6fd972..000000000
--- a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured.rst.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-.. currentmodule:: xugrid
-.. automethod:: UgridDataset.from_structured
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured2d.rst.txt b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured2d.rst.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01af5d9a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured2d.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.. currentmodule:: xugrid
+.. automethod:: UgridDataset.from_structured2d
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.rst.txt b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.rst.txt
index c95af50e1..506fbf1ef 100644
--- a/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/api/xugrid.UgridDataset.rst.txt
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
+ ~UgridDataset.from_structured2d
diff --git a/_sources/changelog.rst.txt b/_sources/changelog.rst.txt
index 5199a67d8..43aeb216b 100644
--- a/_sources/changelog.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/changelog.rst.txt
@@ -9,6 +9,29 @@ The format is based on `Keep a Changelog`_, and this project adheres to
+- :meth:`xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured` and
+ :meth:`xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured` are deprecated and will be
+ removed in the future; calling them will raise a FutureWarning. They have
+ been replaced by :meth:`xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured2d` and
+ :meth:`xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured2d` respectively.
+- :meth:`xugrid.Ugrid2d.from_structured_bounds` now accepts 3D bounds to allow
+ conversion of grids with non-monotonic x and y coordinates, such as strongly
+ curvilinear grids.
+- :meth:`xugrid.Ugrid2d.from_structured_bounds` now takes an optional
+ ``return_index`` argument to return the indices of invalid grid faces,
+ identified by one or more NaNs in its bounds.
+- This method is used in :meth:`xugrid.UgridDataArray.from_structured2d` and
+ :meth:`xugrid.UgridDataset.from_structured2d` when the optional arguments
+ ``x_bounds`` and ``y_bounds`` are provided.
[0.12.2] 2025-01-31
diff --git a/_sources/examples-dev/sg_execution_times.rst.txt b/_sources/examples-dev/sg_execution_times.rst.txt
index 6e0cc882f..8655d5e36 100644
--- a/_sources/examples-dev/sg_execution_times.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/examples-dev/sg_execution_times.rst.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Computation times
-**00:01.367** total execution time for 1 file **from examples-dev**:
+**00:01.334** total execution time for 1 file **from examples-dev**:
.. container::
@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ Computation times
- Time
- Mem (MB)
* - :ref:`sphx_glr_examples-dev_voronoi.py` (``voronoi.py``)
- - 00:01.367
+ - 00:01.334
- 0.0
diff --git a/_sources/examples-dev/voronoi.rst.txt b/_sources/examples-dev/voronoi.rst.txt
index 39a9b3796..52412ea8c 100644
--- a/_sources/examples-dev/voronoi.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/examples-dev/voronoi.rst.txt
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ The figure shows:
.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing
- **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 1.367 seconds)
+ **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 1.334 seconds)
.. _sphx_glr_download_examples-dev_voronoi.py:
diff --git a/_sources/examples/connectivity.rst.txt b/_sources/examples/connectivity.rst.txt
index f38590207..2a690ed6f 100644
--- a/_sources/examples/connectivity.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/examples/connectivity.rst.txt
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ By default, the border value for binary erosion is set to ``False`` (equal to
.. code-block:: none
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ start by setting a single value in the center of the grid to ``True``.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ alternative border value:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ analyse connected parts of the mesh.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Tesselation.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ the original.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ We can break down one of the Voronoi tesselations from above into triangles:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ the upper and lower parts:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ We can now use Laplace interpolation to fill the gaps in the grid.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ interpolation.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ To illustrate, let's take a look at the connectivity matrix of the Xoxo grid.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -554,14 +554,14 @@ locality:
.. code-block:: none
.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing
- **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 1.432 seconds)
+ **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 1.426 seconds)
.. _sphx_glr_download_examples_connectivity.py:
diff --git a/_sources/examples/overlap_regridder.rst.txt b/_sources/examples/overlap_regridder.rst.txt
index 60db537f3..e64456deb 100644
--- a/_sources/examples/overlap_regridder.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/examples/overlap_regridder.rst.txt
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ some bathymetry) of the Netherlands, and a coarser target grid.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ conservative methods, such as conductance:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ OverlapRegridder:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Then, provide it as the regridder method as above:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ Then, provide it as the regridder method as above:
.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing
- **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 3.795 seconds)
+ **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 3.835 seconds)
.. _sphx_glr_download_examples_overlap_regridder.py:
diff --git a/_sources/examples/partitioning.rst.txt b/_sources/examples/partitioning.rst.txt
index 3c5f55cfe..1ff4df2e3 100644
--- a/_sources/examples/partitioning.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/examples/partitioning.rst.txt
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ into several parts.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ We can easily plot this data to visualize the partitions:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ merge these partitions back into one whole for post-processing:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ data:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ Note that partioning and merging does not preserve order!
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ Dataset and calling the :py:meth:`UgridDataArray.ugrid.plot()` method.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ the edges results in a different kind of plot:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ We can put them side by side to illustrate the differences:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@ filled contours for data associated with the face dimension:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ We can also overlay this data with the edges:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ All these (2D) plots are illustrated here for completeness' sake:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ The ``surface`` methods generate 3D surface plots:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ used:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ take an xarray DataArray and a xugrid grid as arguments.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -970,14 +970,14 @@ somewhere in the unstructured topology, and plot the resulting timeseries:
.. code-block:: none
- []
+ []
.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing
- **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 13.953 seconds)
+ **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 14.170 seconds)
.. _sphx_glr_download_examples_plotting.py:
diff --git a/_sources/examples/quick_overview.rst.txt b/_sources/examples/quick_overview.rst.txt
index 9e6056c7d..29e3529ee 100644
--- a/_sources/examples/quick_overview.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/examples/quick_overview.rst.txt
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ We'll start by fetching a dataset:
elevation (node) float64 73kB ...
depth (time, node) float64 4MB ...
mesh2d int32 4B ...
- face_node_connectivity (face, nmax_face) float64 405kB ...
@@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ Plotting
.. code-block:: none
@@ -1888,7 +1888,7 @@ To select based on the topology, use the ``.ugrid`` attribute:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -2293,7 +2293,7 @@ Computation on DataArrays is unchanged from xarray:
@@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ and the aggregated mean.
.. code-block:: none
- [, , , , ]
+ [, , , , ]
@@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@ To illustrate, we will zoom in to a part of the Netherlands.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ the triangles.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ the regridders work for any collection of (convex) faces.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ is kept the same.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ is kept the same.
.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing
- **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 9.372 seconds)
+ **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 9.549 seconds)
.. _sphx_glr_download_examples_regridder_overview.py:
diff --git a/_sources/examples/selection.rst.txt b/_sources/examples/selection.rst.txt
index db882f035..554eb15b0 100644
--- a/_sources/examples/selection.rst.txt
+++ b/_sources/examples/selection.rst.txt
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ elevation of the Netherlands.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ A subset of the unstructured grid is returned by using slices without a step:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ In such a case the entire grid is returned.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ This means we can easily select along a single dimension:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ Or, using ``None`` if we only care about the start:
.. code-block:: none
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ Two values will select a point:
mesh2d_x (mesh2d_nFaces) float64 8B 1.5e+05
mesh2d_y (mesh2d_nFaces) float64 8B 4.63e+05
- unit: m NAP
@@ -1904,9 +1904,9 @@ We can sample points along a line as well by providing slices **with** a step:
mesh2d_x (mesh2d_nFaces) float64 80B 1e+05 1.1e+05 ... 1.8e+05 1.9e+05
mesh2d_y (mesh2d_nFaces) float64 80B 4.65e+05 4.65e+05 ... 4.65e+05
- unit: m NAP
@@ -2780,15 +2780,15 @@ As well as a slice with a step and multiple values:
mesh2d_x (mesh2d_nFaces) float64 160B 1e+05 1.1e+05 ... 1.9e+05
mesh2d_y (mesh2d_nFaces) float64 160B 4e+05 4e+05 ... 4.3e+05 4.3e+05
- unit: m NAP
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ burn into the grid.
.. code-block:: none
@@ -992,9 +992,9 @@ we want to compute the average surface elevation per province:
* id (id) float64 96B 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
- unit: m NAP
Create a Ugrid2d topology from a structured topology based on 2D or 3D
The bounds contain the lower and upper cell boundary for each cell for
+2D, and the four corner vertices in case of 3D bounds. The order of the
+corners in bounds_x and bounds_y must be consistent with each other,
+but may be arbitrary: this method ensures counterclockwise orientation
+for UGRID. Inactive cells are assumed to be marked with one or more NaN
+values for their corner coordinates. These coordinates are discarded
+and the cells are marked in the optionally returned index.
x_bounds (np.ndarray of shape (M, 2)) – x-coordinate bounds for N row and M columns.
y_bounds (np.ndarray of shape (N, 2)) – y-coordinate bounds for N row and M columns.
x_bounds (np.ndarray of shape (M, 2) or (N, M, 4).) – x-coordinate bounds for N rows and M columns.
y_bounds (np.ndarray of shape (N, 2) or (N, M, 4).) – y-coordinate bounds for N rows and M columns.
When using bounds, they should have one of these shapes:
+* x bounds: (M, 2) or (N, M, 4)
+* y bounds: (N, 2) or (N, M, 4)
+where N is the number of rows (along y) and M is columns (along x).
+Cells with NaN bounds coordinates are omitted.
Create a UgridDataArray from a (structured) xarray DataArray.
Return axis number(s) corresponding to dimension(s) in this array.
Get an index for a dimension, with fall-back to a default RangeIndex
groupby([group, squeeze, ...])
groupby([group, squeeze, ...])
Returns a DataArrayGroupBy object for performing grouped operations.
groupby_bins(group, bins[, right, labels, ...])
groupby_bins(group, bins[, right, labels, ...])
Returns a DataArrayGroupBy object for performing grouped operations.
Return a new DataArray whose data is given by the the first n values along the specified dimension(s).
Like equals, but also checks the array name and attributes, and attributes on all coordinates.
idxmax([dim, skipna, fill_value, keep_attrs])
idxmax([dim, skipna, fill_value, keep_attrs])
Return the coordinate label of the maximum value along a dimension.
idxmin([dim, skipna, fill_value, keep_attrs])
idxmin([dim, skipna, fill_value, keep_attrs])
Return the coordinate label of the minimum value along a dimension.
integrate([coord, datetime_unit])
integrate([coord, datetime_unit])
Integrate along the given coordinate using the trapezoidal rule.
interp([coords, method, assume_sorted, kwargs])
interp([coords, method, assume_sorted, kwargs])
Interpolate a DataArray onto new coordinates.
interp_calendar(target[, dim])
interp_calendar(target[, dim])
Interpolates the DataArray to another calendar based on decimal year measure.
interp_like(other[, method, assume_sorted, ...])
interp_like(other[, method, assume_sorted, ...])
Interpolate this object onto the coordinates of another object, filling out of range values with NaN.
interpolate_na([dim, method, limit, ...])
interpolate_na([dim, method, limit, ...])
Fill in NaNs by interpolating according to different methods.
isel([indexers, drop, missing_dims])
isel([indexers, drop, missing_dims])
Return a new DataArray whose data is given by selecting indexes along the specified dimension(s).
Tests each value in the array for whether it is in test elements.
Test each value in the array for whether it is a missing value.
Copy an element of an array to a standard Python scalar and return it.
Manually trigger loading of this array's data from disk or a remote source into memory and return this array.
map_blocks(func[, args, kwargs, template])
map_blocks(func[, args, kwargs, template])
Apply a function to each block of this DataArray.
max([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
max([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
Reduce this DataArray's data by applying max along some dimension(s).
mean([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
mean([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
Reduce this DataArray's data by applying mean along some dimension(s).
median([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
median([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
Reduce this DataArray's data by applying median along some dimension(s).
min([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
min([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
Reduce this DataArray's data by applying min along some dimension(s).
Test each value in the array for whether it is not a missing value.
pad([pad_width, mode, stat_length, ...])
pad([pad_width, mode, stat_length, ...])
Pad this array along one or more dimensions.
Trigger computation in constituent dask arrays
pipe(func, *args, **kwargs)
pipe(func, *args, **kwargs)
Apply func(self,*args,**kwargs)
polyfit(dim, deg[, skipna, rcond, w, full, cov])
polyfit(dim, deg[, skipna, rcond, w, full, cov])
Least squares polynomial fit.
prod([dim, skipna, min_count, keep_attrs])
prod([dim, skipna, min_count, keep_attrs])
Reduce this DataArray's data by applying prod along some dimension(s).
quantile(q[, dim, method, keep_attrs, ...])
quantile(q[, dim, method, keep_attrs, ...])
Compute the qth quantile of the data along the specified dimension.
query([queries, parser, engine, missing_dims])
query([queries, parser, engine, missing_dims])
Return a new data array indexed along the specified dimension(s), where the indexers are given as strings containing Python expressions to be evaluated against the values in the array.
rank(dim, *[, pct, keep_attrs])
rank(dim, *[, pct, keep_attrs])
Ranks the data.
reduce(func[, dim, axis, keep_attrs, keepdims])
reduce(func[, dim, axis, keep_attrs, keepdims])
Reduce this array by applying func along some dimension(s).
reindex([indexers, method, tolerance, copy, ...])
reindex([indexers, method, tolerance, copy, ...])
Conform this object onto the indexes of another object, filling in missing values with fill_value.
reindex_like(other, *[, method, tolerance, ...])
reindex_like(other, *[, method, tolerance, ...])
Conform this object onto the indexes of another object, for indexes which the objects share.
Returns a new DataArray with renamed coordinates, dimensions or a new name.
Rearrange index levels using input order.
resample([indexer, skipna, closed, label, ...])
resample([indexer, skipna, closed, label, ...])
Returns a Resample object for performing resampling operations.
reset_coords([names, drop])
reset_coords([names, drop])
Given names of coordinates, reset them to become variables.
reset_index(dims_or_levels[, drop])
reset_index(dims_or_levels[, drop])
Reset the specified index(es) or multi-index level(s).
roll([shifts, roll_coords])
roll([shifts, roll_coords])
Roll this array by an offset along one or more dimensions.
rolling([dim, min_periods, center])
rolling([dim, min_periods, center])
Rolling window object for DataArrays.
rolling_exp([window, window_type])
rolling_exp([window, window_type])
Exponentially-weighted moving window.
round(*args, **kwargs)
round(*args, **kwargs)
searchsorted(v[, side, sorter])
searchsorted(v[, side, sorter])
Find indices where elements of v should be inserted in a to maintain order.
sel([indexers, method, tolerance, drop])
sel([indexers, method, tolerance, drop])
Return a new DataArray whose data is given by selecting index labels along the specified dimension(s).
Register the function that releases any resources linked to this object.
set_index([indexes, append])
set_index([indexes, append])
Set DataArray (multi-)indexes using one or more existing coordinates.
set_xindex(coord_names[, index_cls])
set_xindex(coord_names[, index_cls])
Set a new, Xarray-compatible index from one or more existing coordinate(s).
shift([shifts, fill_value])
shift([shifts, fill_value])
Shift this DataArray by an offset along one or more dimensions.
sortby(variables[, ascending])
sortby(variables[, ascending])
Sort object by labels or values (along an axis).
squeeze([dim, drop, axis])
squeeze([dim, drop, axis])
Return a new object with squeezed data.
stack([dim, create_index, index_cls])
stack([dim, create_index, index_cls])
Stack any number of existing dimensions into a single new dimension.
std([dim, skipna, ddof, keep_attrs])
std([dim, skipna, ddof, keep_attrs])
Reduce this DataArray's data by applying std along some dimension(s).
sum([dim, skipna, min_count, keep_attrs])
sum([dim, skipna, min_count, keep_attrs])
Reduce this DataArray's data by applying sum along some dimension(s).
Returns a new DataArray with swapped dimensions.
Return a new DataArray whose data is given by the the last n values along the specified dimension(s).
Return a new DataArray whose data is given by each n value along the specified dimension(s).
to_dask_dataframe([dim_order, set_index])
to_dask_dataframe([dim_order, set_index])
Convert this array into a dask.dataframe.DataFrame.
to_dataframe([name, dim_order])
to_dataframe([name, dim_order])
Convert this array and its coordinates into a tidy pandas.DataFrame.
to_dataset([dim, name, promote_attrs])
to_dataset([dim, name, promote_attrs])
Convert a DataArray to a Dataset.
to_dict([data, encoding])
to_dict([data, encoding])
Convert this xarray.DataArray into a dictionary following xarray naming conventions.
Convert this variable to a pandas.Index.
Convert this array into a iris.cube.Cube
Convert this array into a numpy.ma.MaskedArray
to_netcdf([path, mode, format, group, ...])
to_netcdf([path, mode, format, group, ...])
Write DataArray contents to a netCDF file.
Coerces wrapped data to numpy and returns a numpy.ndarray.
Convert this array into a pandas object with the same shape.
Convert this array into a pandas.Series.
to_unstacked_dataset(dim[, level])
to_unstacked_dataset(dim[, level])
Unstack DataArray expanding to Dataset along a given level of a stacked coordinate.
to_zarr([store, chunk_store, mode, ...])
to_zarr([store, chunk_store, mode, ...])
Write DataArray contents to a Zarr store
transpose(*dim[, transpose_coords, missing_dims])
transpose(*dim[, transpose_coords, missing_dims])
Return a new DataArray object with transposed dimensions.
Unify chunk size along all chunked dimensions of this DataArray.
unstack([dim, fill_value, sparse])
unstack([dim, fill_value, sparse])
Unstack existing dimensions corresponding to MultiIndexes into multiple new dimensions.
var([dim, skipna, ddof, keep_attrs])
var([dim, skipna, ddof, keep_attrs])
Reduce this DataArray's data by applying var along some dimension(s).
Weighted DataArray operations.
where(cond[, other, drop])
where(cond[, other, drop])
Filter elements from this object according to a condition.
Create a UgridDataset from a (structured) xarray Dataset.
The spatial dimensions are flattened into a single UGRID face dimension.
By default, this method looks for:
The spatial dimensions are flattened into a single UGRID face dimension.
+By default, this method looks for:
"x" and "y" dimensions.
"longitude" and "latitude" dimensions.
"axis" attributes of “X” or “Y” on coordinates.
"standard_name" attributes of “longitude”, “latitude”,
-“projection_x_coordinate”, or “project_y_coordinate” on coordinate
“x” and “y” dimensions
“longitude” and “latitude” dimensions
“axis” attributes of “X” or “Y” on coordinates
“standard_name” attributes of “longitude”, “latitude”,
+“projection_x_coordinate”, or “projection_y_coordinate” on coordinate
Specify the x and y coordinate names explicitly otherwise, see the
dataset (xr.Dataset)
topology (dict, optional, default is None.) – Mapping of topology name to x and y coordinate variables.
-If None, defaults to {"mesh2d":(None,None)}.
dataset (xr.Dataset) – The structured dataset to convert.
topology (dict, optional) – Either:
+* A mapping of topology name to (x, y) coordinate names
+* A mapping of topology name to a dict containing:
+- “x”: x-dimension name
+- “y”: y-dimension name
+- “bounds_x”: x-bounds variable name
+- “bounds_y”: y-bounds variable name
+Defaults to {“mesh2d”: (None, None)}.
When using bounds, they should have one of these shapes:
+* x bounds: (M, 2) or (N, M, 4)
+* y bounds: (N, 2) or (N, M, 4)
+where N is the number of rows (along y) and M is columns (along x).
+Cells with NaN bounds coordinates are omitted.
By default, this method will look for "x" and "y"
-coordinates and returns a UgriDataset with a Ugrid topology named
Create a UgridDataset from a (structured) xarray Dataset.
Get an index for a dimension, with fall-back to a default RangeIndex
groupby([group, squeeze, ...])
groupby([group, squeeze, ...])
Returns a DatasetGroupBy object for performing grouped operations.
groupby_bins(group, bins[, right, labels, ...])
groupby_bins(group, bins[, right, labels, ...])
Returns a DatasetGroupBy object for performing grouped operations.
Returns a new dataset with the first n values of each array for the specified dimension(s).
Like equals, but also checks all dataset attributes and the attributes on all variables and coordinates.
idxmax([dim, skipna, fill_value, keep_attrs])
idxmax([dim, skipna, fill_value, keep_attrs])
Return the coordinate label of the maximum value along a dimension.
idxmin([dim, skipna, fill_value, keep_attrs])
idxmin([dim, skipna, fill_value, keep_attrs])
Return the coordinate label of the minimum value along a dimension.
Concise summary of a Dataset variables and attributes.
integrate(coord[, datetime_unit])
integrate(coord[, datetime_unit])
Integrate along the given coordinate using the trapezoidal rule.
interp([coords, method, assume_sorted, ...])
interp([coords, method, assume_sorted, ...])
Interpolate a Dataset onto new coordinates.
interp_calendar(target[, dim])
interp_calendar(target[, dim])
Interpolates the Dataset to another calendar based on decimal year measure.
interp_like(other[, method, assume_sorted, ...])
interp_like(other[, method, assume_sorted, ...])
Interpolate this object onto the coordinates of another object.
interpolate_na([dim, method, limit, ...])
interpolate_na([dim, method, limit, ...])
Fill in NaNs by interpolating according to different methods.
isel([indexers, drop, missing_dims])
isel([indexers, drop, missing_dims])
Returns a new dataset with each array indexed along the specified dimension(s).
Tests each value in the array for whether it is in test elements.
Test each value in the array for whether it is a missing value.
Manually trigger loading and/or computation of this dataset's data from disk or a remote source into memory and return this dataset.
Create a new dataset from the contents of a backends.*DataStore object
map(func[, keep_attrs, args])
map(func[, keep_attrs, args])
Apply a function to each data variable in this dataset
map_blocks(func[, args, kwargs, template])
map_blocks(func[, args, kwargs, template])
Apply a function to each block of this Dataset.
max([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
max([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
Reduce this Dataset's data by applying max along some dimension(s).
mean([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
mean([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
Reduce this Dataset's data by applying mean along some dimension(s).
median([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
median([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
Reduce this Dataset's data by applying median along some dimension(s).
merge(other[, overwrite_vars, compat, join, ...])
merge(other[, overwrite_vars, compat, join, ...])
Merge the arrays of two datasets into a single dataset.
min([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
min([dim, skipna, keep_attrs])
Reduce this Dataset's data by applying min along some dimension(s).
Test each value in the array for whether it is not a missing value.
pad([pad_width, mode, stat_length, ...])
pad([pad_width, mode, stat_length, ...])
Pad this dataset along one or more dimensions.
Trigger computation, keeping data as chunked arrays.
pipe(func, *args, **kwargs)
pipe(func, *args, **kwargs)
Apply func(self,*args,**kwargs)
polyfit(dim, deg[, skipna, rcond, w, full, cov])
polyfit(dim, deg[, skipna, rcond, w, full, cov])
Least squares polynomial fit.
prod([dim, skipna, min_count, keep_attrs])
prod([dim, skipna, min_count, keep_attrs])
Reduce this Dataset's data by applying prod along some dimension(s).
quantile(q[, dim, method, numeric_only, ...])
quantile(q[, dim, method, numeric_only, ...])
Compute the qth quantile of the data along the specified dimension.
query([queries, parser, engine, missing_dims])
query([queries, parser, engine, missing_dims])
Return a new dataset with each array indexed along the specified dimension(s), where the indexers are given as strings containing Python expressions to be evaluated against the data variables in the dataset.
rank(dim, *[, pct, keep_attrs])
rank(dim, *[, pct, keep_attrs])
Ranks the data.
reduce(func[, dim, keep_attrs, keepdims, ...])
reduce(func[, dim, keep_attrs, keepdims, ...])
Reduce this dataset by applying func along some dimension(s).
reindex([indexers, method, tolerance, copy, ...])
reindex([indexers, method, tolerance, copy, ...])
Conform this object onto a new set of indexes, filling in missing values with fill_value.
reindex_like(other[, method, tolerance, ...])
reindex_like(other[, method, tolerance, ...])
Conform this object onto the indexes of another object, for indexes which the objects share.
Returns a new object with renamed variables, coordinates and dimensions.
Returns a new object with renamed dimensions only.
Returns a new object with renamed variables including coordinates
Rearrange index levels using input order.
resample([indexer, skipna, closed, label, ...])
resample([indexer, skipna, closed, label, ...])
Returns a Resample object for performing resampling operations.
reset_coords([names, drop])
reset_coords([names, drop])
Given names of coordinates, reset them to become variables
reset_index(dims_or_levels, *[, drop])
reset_index(dims_or_levels, *[, drop])
Reset the specified index(es) or multi-index level(s).
roll([shifts, roll_coords])
roll([shifts, roll_coords])
Roll this dataset by an offset along one or more dimensions.
rolling([dim, min_periods, center])
rolling([dim, min_periods, center])
Rolling window object for Datasets.
rolling_exp([window, window_type])
rolling_exp([window, window_type])
Exponentially-weighted moving window.
round(*args, **kwargs)
round(*args, **kwargs)
sel([indexers, method, tolerance, drop])
sel([indexers, method, tolerance, drop])
Returns a new dataset with each array indexed by tick labels along the specified dimension(s).
Register the function that releases any resources linked to this object.
Given names of one or more variables, set them as coordinates
set_index([indexes, append])
set_index([indexes, append])
Set Dataset (multi-)indexes using one or more existing coordinates or variables.
set_xindex(coord_names[, index_cls])
set_xindex(coord_names[, index_cls])
Set a new, Xarray-compatible index from one or more existing coordinate(s).
shift([shifts, fill_value])
shift([shifts, fill_value])
Shift this dataset by an offset along one or more dimensions.
sortby(variables[, ascending])
sortby(variables[, ascending])
Sort object by labels or values (along an axis).
squeeze([dim, drop, axis])
squeeze([dim, drop, axis])
Return a new object with squeezed data.
stack([dim, create_index, index_cls])
stack([dim, create_index, index_cls])
Stack any number of existing dimensions into a single new dimension.
std([dim, skipna, ddof, keep_attrs])
std([dim, skipna, ddof, keep_attrs])
Reduce this Dataset's data by applying std along some dimension(s).
sum([dim, skipna, min_count, keep_attrs])
sum([dim, skipna, min_count, keep_attrs])
Reduce this Dataset's data by applying sum along some dimension(s).
Returns a new object with swapped dimensions.
Returns a new dataset with the last n values of each array for the specified dimension(s).
Returns a new dataset with each array indexed along every n-th value for the specified dimension(s)
to_array([dim, name])
to_array([dim, name])
Deprecated version of to_dataarray
to_dask_dataframe([dim_order, set_index])
to_dask_dataframe([dim_order, set_index])
Convert this dataset into a dask.dataframe.DataFrame.
to_dataarray([dim, name])
to_dataarray([dim, name])
Convert this dataset into an xarray.DataArray
Convert this dataset into a pandas.DataFrame.
to_dict([data, encoding])
to_dict([data, encoding])
Convert this dataset to a dictionary following xarray naming conventions.
to_netcdf([path, mode, format, group, ...])
to_netcdf([path, mode, format, group, ...])
Write dataset contents to a netCDF file.
Convert this dataset into a pandas object without changing the number of dimensions.
to_stacked_array(new_dim, sample_dims[, ...])
to_stacked_array(new_dim, sample_dims[, ...])
Combine variables of differing dimensionality into a DataArray without broadcasting.
to_zarr([store, chunk_store, mode, ...])
to_zarr([store, chunk_store, mode, ...])
Write dataset contents to a zarr group.
transpose(*dim[, missing_dims])
transpose(*dim[, missing_dims])
Return a new Dataset object with all array dimensions transposed.
Unify chunk size along all chunked dimensions of this Dataset.
unstack([dim, fill_value, sparse])
unstack([dim, fill_value, sparse])
Unstack existing dimensions corresponding to MultiIndexes into multiple new dimensions.
Update this dataset's variables with those from another dataset.
var([dim, skipna, ddof, keep_attrs])
var([dim, skipna, ddof, keep_attrs])
Reduce this Dataset's data by applying var along some dimension(s).
Weighted Dataset operations.
where(cond[, other, drop])
where(cond[, other, drop])
Filter elements from this object according to a condition.
xugrid.Ugrid2d.from_structured_bounds() now accepts 3D bounds to allow
+conversion of grids with non-monotonic x and y coordinates, such as strongly
+curvilinear grids.
xugrid.Ugrid2d.from_structured_bounds() now takes an optional
+return_index argument to return the indices of invalid grid faces,
+identified by one or more NaNs in its bounds.
xugrid.UgridDataArrayAccessor.from_structured() previously required the
literal dimensions ("y","x"). This requirement has been relaxed, it will
@@ -680,10 +704,10 @@
Release 0.12.0 changed the return type of the face node connectivity of
xugrid.Ugrid2d.voronoi_topology from a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix to
@@ -724,8 +748,8 @@
xugrid.Ugrid1d and xugrid.Ugrid2d will generally preserve
the fill value and start index of grids when roundtripping from and to xarray
@@ -750,10 +774,10 @@
The xugrid.BarycentricInterpolator now interpolates according to
linear weights within the full bounds of the source grid, rather than only
@@ -762,8 +786,8 @@
The regridders will no longer flip around data along an axis when regridding
from data from structured to unstructured form when the coordinates along the
@@ -801,8 +825,8 @@
xugrid.snap_nodes() to snap neighboring vertices together that are
located within a maximum snapping distance from each other. If vertices are
@@ -814,10 +838,10 @@
The reduction methods for the overlap regridders now behave consistently when
all values are NaN or when all weights (overlaps) are zero, and all methods
@@ -832,8 +856,8 @@
xugrid.UgridDataArrayAccessor.reindex_like() will now take the tolerance
argument into account before sorting. In the past, near ties could be resolved
differently between otherwise similar grid topologies due to roundoff.
Selection operations along a line, or at point locations, will now prefix the
name of the grid in the x and y coordinates. This avoids name collisions when
@@ -1091,8 +1115,8 @@
parts of xarray were used which no longer existed.
xugrid.UgridDatasetAccessor.sel() would return only a single grid
topology even when the selection subject contains more than one grid. It now
@@ -1100,20 +1124,20 @@