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The configuration management tool that loves Bash

Simple, lightweight and fully customizable


If you find this project interesting, feel free to contribute with pull requests. We are happy to receive commits for the GO engine or some Bash stockrooms.

Table of Contents



Quick Examples





Run Worksplaces

Run Workplace Remotely

Run Multiple Workplaces Remotely

Docker cluster example with congruit


Build your workplaces

Try Congruit With Vagrant


Congruit is a lightweight configuration management and automation tool. It is written in Go but works through Bash. It manages shell scripts you created to configure your Linux platforms.


  1. git clone

  2. go build congruit.go

  3. Start Congruit

./congruit -stockroom-dir=./stockroom

./congruit -stockroom-dir=./stockroom -debug

Quick Examples

  • Do worksplace test
luckysideburn@local:[~/WORK/GO/src/congruit]: ./congruit -gitrepo -workplaces test
                         _ _
 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _|_| |_
|  _| . |   | . |  _| | | |  _|
|___|___|_|_|_  |_| |___|_|_|
Version: 1.1.0

2017/01/05 10:21:10 Loading works...
2017/01/05 10:21:10 Loading workplace: test@1
2017/01/05 10:21:10 Workplace: test@1
2017/01/05 10:21:10 Checking places...
2017/01/05 10:21:10 Testing Place: osx
2017/01/05 10:21:10 Command is
case "$OSTYPE" in
  darwin*)  exit 0 ;;
  *)        exit 1 ;;
2017/01/05 10:21:10 Executing Work:
touch /tmp/foobar
2017/01/05 10:21:10
2017/01/05 10:21:10 Extecuted works: 1+


The main concepts of Congruit are

  • Stockroom repository
  • Works
  • Places
  • Workplaces


The Stockroom is the main repository that describes your platform. Congruit reads the stockroom and does things.


A place is a shell script that must return 0. You should be in a right place to do a work. Example:

Is this Linux server a Centos 7?

[ ! -e /etc/redhat-release ] && exit 1
cat /etc/redhat-release | grep "Centos Linux release 7.*"


Work is a shell script that installs and configures programs or runs Docker containers like in the following example:

docker run --rm -p 8888:8080 tomcat:latest &> /dev/null &


Workplaces are the union between works and places and are JSON file.


   "places": ["debian","screen_is_not_installed"],
   "works": ["screen_package_apt"]
   "places": ["centos7","screen_is_not_installed"],
   "works": ["screen_package_yum"]

the workplace is able to decide which is the correct strategy to install software. Congruit executes places and, if they return 0, it does works.

Run Workplaces

-workplaces test,test2

./congruit -gitrepo -workplaces test,test2

Run Workplace Remotely

Start a remote Congruit:

congruit -debug -friend -token foobar -debug -gitrepo  -ssl_cert /vagrant/insecure-domain.crt -ssl_key /vagrant/insecure-domain.key

Start remotely a workplace using:

curl  --header "Token:foobar" --header "Workplace:test"

Run Multiple Workplaces Remotely

Start a remote Congruit:

congruit -debug -friend -token foobar -debug -gitrepo  -ssl_cert /vagrant/insecure-domain.crt -ssl_key /vagrant/insecure-domain.key

Start remotely multiple workplace using:

curl  --header "Token:foobar" --header "Workplaces:test,test2"

Docker Cluster

Congruit manages cluster through supervisor and friend mode

You can configure light Docker clusters as described in the following example.

  1. Start Docker01 and Docker02 using Vagrant


vagrant up Docker01
vagrant up Docker02

vagrant provision Docker01
vagrant provision Docker02

vagrant status
Docker01                  running (virtualbox)
Docker02                  running (virtualbox)

Congruit starts and waits for commands sent by a cluster controller.

==> Docker02: Running provisioner: shell...
    Docker02: Running: inline script
==> Docker02: Running provisioner: shell...
    Docker02: Running: inline script
==> Docker02: Running provisioner: shell...
    Docker02: Running: inline script
==> Docker02:                          _ _
==> Docker02:  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _|_| |_
==> Docker02: |  _| . |   | . |  _| | | |  _|
==> Docker02: |___|___|_|_|_  |_| |___|_|_|
==> Docker02:             |___|
==> Docker02: Version: 1.0.0
==> Docker02: 2017/01/04 17:11:06 There are no workplaces to apply... Doing nothing...
==> Docker02: 2017/01/04 17:11:06 Extecuted works: 0
  1. Start dockers from your workstation:
./congruit -gitrepo -supervisor  -debug


  • -supervisor => Runs congruit in supervisor mode.

  • -friend => Runs congruit in friend mode. A Congruit instance receives remote commands to execute workplace

  • -token => authentication tocken for security

  • -stockroom-dir=stockroom-docker-clu-controller/ => custom stockroom for a cluster controller

Used works are like this:

curl  --header "Token:foobar" --header "Workplace:tomcat-docker"
curl  --header "Token:foobar" --header "Workplace:tomcat-docker"

Build your workplace

  1. Create your stockroom. I would like create a public repository with common and useful workplaces. For now you can take a look at

  2. You need to describe your places. Example:

  • is this server running a specific Linux distribution?
  • are there particular configuration files, installed software, environment variables that describe the role or the functionality of this server?
  • places are executed before works... You can copy files which contain environment variables that can be used by works. Put places in stockroom/places/ folder
  1. Create works. Put the scripts in stockroom/works. Works install software, get configuration file from a repository, manage Docker containers ecc..

  2. Create workplaces in stockroom/workplaces. Try to make them usable in more environments and follow this example:

Workplaces are array of hashes

   "places": ["is_linux", "is_frontend","is_apache_not_istalled"],
   "works": ["install_apache"]

   "places": ["is_linux", "is_frontend", "has_additionl_vhost"],
   "works": ["additional_vhost","restart_apache"]

   "places": ["is_production"],
   "works": ["do_backup"]


Try Congruit With Vagrant

  • List all virtual machine in current Vagrant project
eugenio@local:[~/WORK/GO/src/congruit]: vagrant status
Current machine states:

Centos7                   running (virtualbox)
  • Provision and test your workplaces
export WORKPLACES_ENABLED=install_screen
vagrant provision Centos7

Remember to set WORKPLACES_ENABLED (example: WORKPLACES_ENABLED=do_this,do_this2,do_foobar) in order to execute workplaces

Example of Vagrant's output:

==> Centos7:                          _ _
==> Centos7:  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _|_| |_
==> Centos7: |  _| . |   | . |  _| | | |  _|
==> Centos7: |___|___|_|_|_  |_| |___|_|_|
==> Centos7:             |___|
==> Centos7: Version: 1.0.0
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Loading places...
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found place: centos7
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found place: debian
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found place: docker_tomcat_is_not_running
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found place: everywhere
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found place: fedora
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found place: git_is_not_installed
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found place: osx
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found place: screen_is_not_installed
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Loading workplaces...
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found workplace: install_screen
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Loading workplace: install_screen@1
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Loading workplace: install_screen@2
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Loading workplace: install_screen@3
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Loading works...
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found work: run_tomcat_docker
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found work: screen_package_apt
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found work: screen_package_dnf
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Found work: screen_package_yum
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02
==> Centos7:  ***
==> Centos7:  Going to apply workplaces
==> Centos7:  ***
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Workplace: install_screen@1
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Checking places...
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Testing Place: debian
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Executing Place:
==> Centos7: [ -e /etc/debian_version ] && exit 0
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Workplace install_screen@1 not needed here!
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Workplace: install_screen@2
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Checking places...
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Testing Place: centos7
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Executing Place:
==> Centos7: [ ! -e /etc/redhat-release ] && exit 1
==> Centos7: cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -i "Centos Linux release 7.*"
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Place execution output: CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Testing Place: screen_is_not_installed
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Executing Place:
==> Centos7: which screen
==> Centos7: if [ $? -ne 0 ]
==> Centos7: then
==> Centos7:   exit 0
==> Centos7: else
==> Centos7:   exit 1
==> Centos7: fi
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Place execution output:
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:02 Executing Work:
==> Centos7: yum -y install screen
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:04 Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
==> Centos7: Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
==> Centos7:  * base:
==> Centos7:  * epel:
==> Centos7:  * extras:
==> Centos7:  * updates:
==> Centos7: Resolving Dependencies
==> Centos7: --> Running transaction check
==> Centos7: ---> Package screen.x86_64 0:4.1.0-0.23.20120314git3c2946.el7_2 will be installed
==> Centos7: --> Finished Dependency Resolution
==> Centos7:
==> Centos7: Dependencies Resolved
==> Centos7:
==> Centos7: ================================================================================
==> Centos7:  Package    Arch       Version                                   Repository
==> Centos7:                                                                            Size
==> Centos7: ================================================================================
==> Centos7: Installing:
==> Centos7:  screen     x86_64     4.1.0-0.23.20120314git3c2946.el7_2        base     552 k
==> Centos7:
==> Centos7: Transaction Summary
==> Centos7: ================================================================================
==> Centos7: Install  1 Package
==> Centos7:
==> Centos7: Total download size: 552 k
==> Centos7: Installed size: 914 k
==> Centos7: Downloading packages:
==> Centos7: Running transaction check
==> Centos7: Running transaction test
==> Centos7: Transaction test succeeded
==> Centos7: Running transaction
==> Centos7:   Installing : screen-4.1.0-0.23.20120314git3c2946.el7_2.x86_64             1/1
==> Centos7:   Verifying  : screen-4.1.0-0.23.20120314git3c2946.el7_2.x86_64             1/1
==> Centos7:
==> Centos7: Installed:
==> Centos7:   screen.x86_64 0:4.1.0-0.23.20120314git3c2946.el7_2
==> Centos7:
==> Centos7: Complete!
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:04 Workplace: install_screen@3
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:04 Checking places...
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:04 Testing Place: fedora
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:04 Executing Place:
==> Centos7: [ ! -e /etc/redhat-release ] && exit 1
==> Centos7: grep -i "Fedora release 2[012].*" /etc/redhat-release
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:04 Workplace install_screen@3 not needed here!
==> Centos7: 2017/01/03 09:02:04 Extecuted works: 1