diff --git a/api/src/Page/Download.php b/api/src/Page/Download.php
index debeaeb45..a1ed29bca 100644
--- a/api/src/Page/Download.php
+++ b/api/src/Page/Download.php
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class Download extends Page
array('/ap/attachments(/:AUTOPROCPROGRAMATTACHMENTID)(/dl/:download)', 'get', '_get_autoproc_attachments'),
array('/ap/archive/:AUTOPROCPROGRAMID', 'get', '_get_autoproc_archive'),
+ array('/ap/log/:AUTOPROCPROGRAMID', 'get', '_get_autoproc_log'),
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ function __get_autoproc_attachments()
INNER JOIN datacollectiongroup dcg ON dcg.datacollectiongroupid = dc.datacollectiongroupid
INNER JOIN blsession s ON s.sessionid = dcg.sessionid
WHERE s.proposalid=:1 $where
- ORDER BY importancerank"
+ ORDER BY importancerank, filename"
), $args);
return $rows;
@@ -413,6 +414,48 @@ function _get_attachment()
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Get the most important log of an autoprocessing job
+ function _get_autoproc_log()
+ {
+ if (!$this->has_arg('prop')) {
+ $this->_error('No proposal specified');
+ }
+ $args = array($this->proposalid, $this->arg('AUTOPROCPROGRAMID'));
+ $rows = $this->db->union(array(
+ "SELECT app.autoprocprogramid, appa.filename, appa.filepath
+ FROM autoprocintegration api
+ INNER JOIN autoprocprogram app ON api.autoprocprogramid = app.autoprocprogramid
+ INNER JOIN autoprocprogramattachment appa ON appa.autoprocprogramid = app.autoprocprogramid
+ INNER JOIN datacollection dc ON dc.datacollectionid = api.datacollectionid
+ INNER JOIN datacollectiongroup dcg ON dcg.datacollectiongroupid = dc.datacollectiongroupid
+ INNER JOIN blsession s ON s.sessionid = dcg.sessionid
+ WHERE s.proposalid=:1
+ AND app.autoprocprogramid=:2
+ AND appa.importancerank=1
+ AND appa.filetype='Log'",
+ "SELECT app.autoprocprogramid, appa.filename, appa.filepath
+ FROM autoprocprogram app
+ INNER JOIN processingjob pj on pj.processingjobid = app.processingjobid
+ INNER JOIN autoprocprogramattachment appa ON appa.autoprocprogramid = app.autoprocprogramid
+ INNER JOIN datacollection dc ON dc.datacollectionid = pj.datacollectionid
+ INNER JOIN datacollectiongroup dcg ON dcg.datacollectiongroupid = dc.datacollectiongroupid
+ INNER JOIN blsession s ON s.sessionid = dcg.sessionid
+ WHERE s.proposalid=:1
+ AND app.autoprocprogramid=:2
+ AND appa.importancerank=1
+ AND appa.filetype='Log'"
+ ), $args);
+ if (!sizeof($rows)) {
+ return $this->_error('No log file found');
+ }
+ $this->_get_file($rows[0]['AUTOPROCPROGRAMID'], $rows[0]);
+ }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get an archive of an autoproc
diff --git a/client/src/js/templates/dc/dc_autoproc.html b/client/src/js/templates/dc/dc_autoproc.html
index cde85c1f9..94c69e5d9 100644
--- a/client/src/js/templates/dc/dc_autoproc.html
+++ b/client/src/js/templates/dc/dc_autoproc.html
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
<% } %>
+ Processing Log
Logs & Files