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File metadata and controls

361 lines (255 loc) · 24.6 KB


The Organizationmanager is a service of the Superb Data Kraken for the management of organizations and spaces.

SDK is organized in organizations and spaces, where a space represents a use-case and an organization packages use-cases.

On a technical level, an organization corresponds to a Storage Account, whereas a space corresponds to a Container. Each organization has a dedicated " Container" called 'loadingzone', which serves as an intermediate store for incoming data. After processing, this data will be moved to the main-storage (target-space) - however this is out of this service's scope.

In addition to organizations and spaces, the organizationmanager manages the authorization for these. For information on which roles exist and what they are authorized for, please refer to the roles/rights concept (TODO: ). If users require authorization to a certain organization/space, they can request access ("UserRequest") with the desired roles. An administrator (or owner) can then grant permission or deny it. An administrator (or owner) can also directly grant permissions to users.

NOTE on organization's confidentiality

The organizations confidentiality marks the minimum-confidentiality of its spaces. Though a PRIVATE organization may have PUBLIC spaces, they will be ignored in role-checks.


Execute the following steps to set up your local environment for development and testing:

  • Clone the repository
  • Connect to Azure Artifacts-Feed -> Select Maven and edit your settings.xml according to the instructions
  • copy-paste application-local-template.yml into application-local.yml and check for necessary adjustments to your environment.
  • start local postgres instance with docker run --name postgres -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres
  • set "Active profiles" to "local" within your IDE
  • Run "OrganizationManagerApplication" (preferably through your IDE)
  • access swagger under http://localhost:8090/organizationmanager/swagger-ui/index.html


Commands that are required in order to use the service.

  • mvn package to build the service
  • mvn test to execute the tests
  • mvn spring-boot:run to run a spring service
  • docker build for building the docker container


For deployment push the service to Azure DevOps, the pipeline will start automatically for development (deploys to development environment) and master (deploys to production environment) branches. For feature branches, please start it manually. The deployment manifest is azure-pipeline-prod.yml for production environment (prod cluster) and azure-pipeline-dev.yml for development environment (dev cluster).

Build/Deployment steps

  • Build and Push: an image is built using the Dockerfile and pushed to the corresponding ACR (SDK or AICloud).
  • Deployment: kubernetes manifests are deployed to the corresponding AKS (SDK or AICloud):
    • config-map.yml writes the spring boot configuration application.yml as a config map
    • rbac.yml gives permission for backend namespace
    • deployment.yml yields the k8 deployment "organizationmanager", i.e. describes the desired state for Pods and ReplicaSets
    • service.yml yields the corresponding k8 service "organizationmanager", i.e. an abstract way to expose an application running on a set of Pods as a network service.
    • ingress.yml yields the ingress "organizationmanager" to the service, i.e. manages external http access to the service in the cluster via the public IP
  • When deploying to the development environment (dev cluster) the kubernetes manifests that are applied are set up for dev using extra variables ( i.e. postfix) or files (i.e. ingress-dev.yml)

Service connections

For setting up the pipelines, the following service connections are needed in Azure Devops -> Project Settings:

Docker Registry service connection

  • for SDK tenant: sc-efs-sdk-acrsdk (type: Azure Container Registry).

    • NOTE: dev environment uses the same registry from SDK tenant
  • for AICloud tenant: sc-efs-sdk-acraicloud (type: others)

    • docker registry:
    • docker id: acraicloud
    • docker password: obtained from portal -> ACR -> access keys -> enable admin user -> copy password

Kubernetes service connection

  • for SDK tenant:
    • sc-efs-sdk-aks-sdk_devops (prod environment)
    • sc-efs-sdk-aks-sdk-dev_devops (dev environment)
  • for AICloud tenant:
    • sc-efs-sdk-aks-aicloud_devops

Both are of type Service Account and have the following parameters

  • server url: obtained (as described in Azure DevOps) from
    kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath={.clusters[0].cluster.server}
  • secret: obtained from
    kubectl get serviceAccounts <service-account-name> -n <namespace> -o=jsonpath={.secrets[*].name}
    where namespace is default and the service account is e.g. appreg-aicloud-aks-main.

Pipeline Variables

The following pipeline variables are required:

name example
dockerRegistryServiceConnection sc-efs-sdk-acraicloud
kubernetesServiceConnection sc-efs-sdk-aks-aicloud_devops
environment aicloud

The container registry service connection is established during pipeline creation.

Built With

  • Maven v3.6.3 (see this Link)


See the Contribution Guide.


See the Changelog.


Organization and Space Management

Storage is organized in organizations and spaces, where a space represents a use-case and an organization packages use-cases. On a technical level (assuming Azure as the storage provider), an organization corresponds to a Storage Account, whereas a space corresponds to a Container. Each organization has a dedicated "Container" called 'loadingzone', which serves as an intermediate store for incoming data. After processing, this data will be moved to the main-storage (target-space) - however this is out of this service's scope.


Available endpoints for storage-organization:

  • organization-management:
    • POST /api/v1.0/organization Creates an organization
    • GET /api/v1.0/organization?permissions={permissions} Get all organizations (optionally filtered by given permissions)
    • GET /api/v1.0/organization/{id} Gets organization by id
    • GET /api/v1.0/organization/name/{name} Gets organization by name
    • PUT /api/v1.0/organization/{id} Updates an organizations
  • organization-userrequest-management:
    • PUT /api/v1.0/userrequest/{orgaId}/userrequests/{id}/decline Decline organization-userrequest
    • PUT /api/v1.0/userrequest/{orgaId}/userrequests/{id}/accept Accept organization-userrequest
    • GET /api/v1.0/userrequest/{orgaId}/userrequests Gets organization-userrequests
    • POST /api/v1.0/userrequest/{orgaId}/userrequests Create organization-userrequest
  • organization-user-management:
    • GET /api/v1.0/organization/{orgaId}/users Gets users in organization
    • PUT /api/v1.0/organization/{orgaId}/users/{userId} Set organization-roles to user
  • space-management:
    • POST /api/v1.0/space/{orgaId} Creates a space
    • GET /api/v1.0/space/{orgaId}?permissions={permissions} Get all spaces within the given organization (optionally filtered by given permissions)
    • GET /api/v1.0/space/{orgaId}/{spaceId} Gets space by id
    • GET /api/v1.0/space/{orgaId}/name/{spaceName} Gets space by name
    • PUT /api/v1.0/space/{orgaId}/{spaceId} Updates a space
    • DELETE /api/v1.0/space/{orgaId}/{spaceId} Deletes space
    • PUT /api/v1.0/space/{orgaId}/{spaceId}/setDeletionState Sets a state for the suitable space for deletion operation
  • space-user-management:
    • GET /api/v1.0/space/{orgaId}/space/{spaceId}/users Gets users in space
    • PUT /api/v1.0/space/{orgaId}/space/{spaceId}/users/{userId} Set space-roles to user
  • space-userrequest-management:
    • PUT /api/v1.0/userrequest/{orgaId}/space/{spaceId}/userrequests/{id}/decline Decline space-userrequest
    • PUT /api/v1.0/userrequest/{orgaId}/space/{spaceId}/userrequests/{id}/accept Accept space-userrequest
    • GET /api/v1.0/userrequest/{orgaId}/space/{spaceId}/userrequests Gets space-userrequests
    • POST /api/v1.0/userrequest/{orgaId}/space/{spaceId}/userrequests Create space-userrequest

An organization consists of:

Attribute Description Example
name name of the organization company, department
description description of the organization
displayName display-name of the organization
confidentiality confidentiality of the organization PUBLIC: organization visible for all logged in users
INTERNAL: only for users with special roles visible
PRIVATE: INTERNAL + only for users that know the organization exists
state state of the organization OPEN: data can be supplied
CLOSED: space was finalized
- project finished or the like, candidate for deletion
LOCKED: space was being locked, no changes possible
created timestamp of organization-creation UTC time
modified timestamp of organization-modification UTC time - automatically updated on each update
tags tags to describe the organization
appConfig list of application-configurations
company company owning the organization e:fs TechHub GmbH
owners list of references to organization-owners

A space consists of:

Attribute Description Example
name name of the space projectname
identifier e.g. project-no from external system
default_retention_time retention period, how many days must data be kept in storage 365
state state of the space OPEN: data can be supplied
CLOSED: space was finalized - project finished or the like, candidate for deletion
LOCKED: space was being locked, no changes possible
displayName display-name of the space
description description of the space
descriptionRef reference to description-text of the space
schemaRef reference to metadata-schema of the space
confidentiality confidentiality of the space PUBLIC: space visible for all logged in users with rights to the organization
INTERNAL: only for users with special roles visible
PRIVATE: INTERNAL + only for users that know the space exists
created timestamp of space-creation UTC time
modified timestamp of space-modification UTC time - automatically updated on each update
metadata_generate whether default-metadata should be generated true
metadata_index_name name of the index the metadata should be stored at
gdpr_relevant marks, whether the space contains personal data
capabilities list of capabilities the space has e.g. metadata, storage
tags tags to describe the organization
appConfig list of application-configurations display dashboard as name "My Dashboard" from path https://MY_PATH
owners list of references to space-owners

When it comes to roles, SDK's role/rights concept must be taken into account, which specifies that an authorization consists of the access to the organization (org_<>_access) and the authorization to a space (spc_<>_<role>). Therefore the following OAuth-roles will be created:

Scope role porpuse
organization org_<>_access dedicated to organization-access
organization org_<>_admin dedicated to organization-administration
organization org_<>_trustee dedicated to dashboard-management
space spc_<>_user dedicated to read-access within space
space spc_<>_supplier dedicated to write-access within space
space spc_<>_trustee dedicated to delete-access within space

NOTE on confidentiality

The organizations confidentiality marks the minimum-confidentiality of its spaces. Though a PRIVATE organization may have PUBLIC spaces, they will be ignored in role-checks.

An Organization-Userrequest consists of:

Attribute Description Example
userId id of the user requesting access some UUID
orgaId the id of the organization the user is requesting access to 1
role the organization-scoped permission the user is requesting ACCESS/ADMIN/TRUSTEE
created timestamp of userrequest-creation UTC time - automatically set on creation
modified timestamp of userrequest-modification UTC time - automatically updated on each update
state the state of the userrequest OPEN/ACCEPTED/DECLINED

A Space-Userrequest consists of:

Attribute Description Example
userId id of the user requesting access some UUID
orgaId the id of the organization the user is requesting access to 1
spaceId the id of the space the user is requesting access to 1
role the space-scoped permission the user is requesting USER/SUPPLIER/TRUSTEE
created timestamp of userrequest-creation UTC time - automatically set on creation
modified timestamp of userrequest-modification UTC time - automatically updated on each update
state the state of the userrequest OPEN/ACCEPTED/DECLINED

Technical Context

Formerly, the endpoints for organization and space management were part of the accessmanager backend. They were moved to their own service to decouple storage provider (i.e. Azure Blob) independent functionality. The old endpoints from accessmanager are now deprecated and simply recall the endpoints of the organizationmanager.


In order to access storage-instances (be it organization or space) in a read-only-manner, one must have the role org_<organization>_access, in case of public organizations org_all_public should be enough.

To edit a storage-instance one must have org_<organization>_admin (independent of the confidentiality).

Here is an overview of how the rights are being checked when listing organizations/spaces by permission (READ, WRITE or DELETE):


Inter service communication

With Version 1.6 the communication between services has changed from asynchronous (kafka) to synchronous (via REST) communication. On create / update / delete operations, all clients extending com.efs.sdk.organizationmanager.core.clients.AbstractServiceRestClient class are called (in parallel) via REST, as shown below: Storage-Organization


For editing roles in Keycloak the following configuration needs to be provided:



  • organizationmanager.auth.client-id ID of the confidential(!) OIDC-Client
  • organizationmanager.auth.client-secret Secret of the confidential(!) OIDC-Client
  • organizationmanager.auth.realm-endpoint Endpoint for user-/role-management (something like "https://<YOUR_OIDC_URL>/auth/admin/realms/efs-sdk")

Please note that the OIDC-Client needs to be confidential and a service account needs to be activated with according rights to create and update roles.



  • Metadataservice endpoint for managing OpenSearch context resources
  • Storagemanager endpoint for managing Storage context resources


The API is documented using Swagger (OpenAPI Specification). Developers may use Swagger UI to visualize and interact with the API's resources at http(s)://(host.domain:port)/organizationmanager/swagger-ui/index.html.


Currently, the documentation is located in usual files like,, and inside the root folder of the repository. That folder is not processed by MkDocs. To build the technical documentation for MkDocs we could follow these steps:

  • Move the documentation to Markdown files inside the docs folder.
  • Build a proper folder/file structure in docs and update the navigation in mkdocs.yaml.
  • Keep the usual files like,, and inside the root folder of the repository (developers expect them to be there, especially in open source projects), but keep them short/generic and just refer to the documentation in the docs folder.