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Call for Papers – Workshop on Vision-based Human Activity Recognition

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We are looking for visionary, exciting, original contributions, both from academia and industry. We are accepting both position papers and technical contributions.

The acceptance criteria will emphasize more originality and potential impact than the nitty-gritty technical details. Do you have a neat idea? Does it have great potential for social/economical/technological/scientific impact? Can you convince someone other than your dog of that? Then write us a paper, even if you don't have all experiments run, all theorems demonstrated, all t's crossed, and all i's dotted.

We will accept contributions on Human Activity Recognition (HAR) and its applications, such as the development of smarter homes, schools, hospitals, and public environments. Both vision-only approaches, and those that combine sensor- with vision-based HAR are welcome. Below there is a non-exhaustive list of areas of interest:

  • Action recognition;
  • Violence detection;
  • Pose estimation and its application for HAR;
  • Feature extraction for VHAR;
  • Embedded solutions for visual surveillance;
  • People detection/tracking - both 2D and 3D;
  • Sports visual analytics;
  • Depth-cameras for monitoring environments;
  • Visual privacy;
  • Visual concept learning.

Also, we are specially interested in proposals/evaluations of datasets for vision-based HAR (databases with human actions and activities).

Best Paper Award

The Workshop on Vision-based Human Activity Recognition, sponsored by Samsung, will award a phablet Samsung Galaxy Note 3 for the best paper in the workshop. The announcement will be in the workshop.


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Important Dates

  • Paper submission: May 23, 2014 (new deadline!)
  • Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2014
  • Camera ready due: June 30, 2014

The submission system is available at: CMT System

Submission Guidelines

All papers must be written in English and formatted according to the IEEE standard (the same of the main conference). We welcome both full papers of up to 8 pages or short papers of 2-4 pages, including bibliography and illustrations. Short papers can be position or early result papers, with the option of extending them to full papers for the post-proceedings. There is no penalty for length. Full and short papers are equally welcome!

All papers should describe original work and should not contain any information that could identify the authors in the submission phase.

Review Process

All papers will be double blindly reviewed by at least three experts, and all papers recommended for acceptance for all reviewers will be accepted and scheduled for oral presentation. If one reviewer has a negative review, than this will lead to an immediate rejection of a submission, or to rigorous follow-up discussion among all reviewers, possibly including additional reviewers.

The review process starts after the paper submission. The paper is then distributed to the reviewers, who will evaluate the paper, share their comments with the authors, decide on the paper's acceptance, and eventually require corrections. The authors of an accepted paper then upload their final version of the paper and its publication is validated by the oral presentation in the event.

Student Travel Grants

Samsung is pleased to sponsor travel grants to student authors to present their accepted work. Student primary authors and co-authors are eligible to apply for these awards. The grants will be awarded to a limited number of applicants who have a genuine need for financial support.

The workshop can only provide partial support for student attendance. Please seek funds from research grants that support your research.

The application must include the following documents in one compressed zip file via email to Vanessa Testoni at

For best consideration for SIBGRAPI 2014, applications should be received until June 30, 2014. Applicants will be notified of the decision by mid July 2014 (the exact date is to be determined).

