- Homepage
- FQA (lots of things to learn and also very funny)
- Download
- Wiki (other things to learn, more practical)
- Homepage
- All software sucks
- Plan 9 papers (4th edition)
- adventuresin9 (channel)
- Narrated Plan 9 Demo
- Basic Plan9 Installation
- A Tour of the Acme Editor (by Russ Cox)
- Read a paper: Plan 9
- FOSDEM 2006 plan9
- "Basics of the Unix Philosophy"
- "Plan 9: The Way the Future Was"
- 9legacy
- "Plan 9: An Operating System Decades Ahead of Its Time" on Linkedin
- r/plan9 on Reddit
- "Linux Namespaces Are a Poor Man's Plan 9 Namespaces"
- Plan9Tutorial from MagmaSoft
- "The Plan-9 Effect or why you should not fix it if it ain't broken"
- "Plan 9" by Permacomputing
- "Plan 9 is a fully-featured, clean, compact and uniform operating system built as a successor to Unix."
- Plan 9 desktop guide
- Introduction to OS Abstractions using Plan 9 from Bell Labs [PDF]
- chötrin's notes on Plan 9
- Articles about Plan 9 on seh.dev