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Quickstart guide to setting up MEV-boost for your ETH validator.

💰 Guide | MEV-boost for Ethereum Staking

{% hint style="info" %} The following steps align with our mainnet guide. You may need to adjust file names and directory locations where appropriate. The core concepts remain the same. {% endhint %}

❓What is mev-boost?

  • Permite a los productores individuales y domésticos acceder al MEV, Valor Máximo Extraíble.
  • Permite a los validadores obtener mayores recompensas por bloque.
  • Opcional y no necesario para la apuesta ETH.
  • Middleware de código abierto gestionado por validadores para acceder a un mercado competitivo de construcción de bloques.
  • contruido por Flashbots como una implementacion de proposer-builder separation (PBS) for proof-of-stake (PoS) Ethereum.
  • home-staker (you) >> mevboost >> relay >> builder >> searcher +/- frontrun/sandwich += efficient markets :)

{% hint style="info" %} tldr: As of August 2023, MEV is estimated be 24% of a validator rewards. Other estimates suggest it can boost staking rewards by over 60%. {% endhint %}

Estimated earnings per validator. Source:

:hammer_pick: How to MEV?

{% hint style="warning" %} Prerequisite: You run a full Ethereum node (Execution Layer client [e.g. geth/besu/nethermind/erigon] + Consensus Layer client [e.g. prysm/lighthouse/teku/lodestar/nimbus]) and a validator. {% endhint %}

Step 1: Create mevboost service account

El servicio systemd se ejecutará bajo esta cuenta, mevboost

sudo useradd --no-create-home --shell /bin/false mevboost

Step 2: Install mevboost

  • Descargar binarios suele ser más rápido y cómodo.
  • Construir a partir del código fuente puede ofrecer una mejor compatibilidad y está más alineado con spirit of FOSS (software libre de código abierto).
Option 1 - Download binaries

Ejecute lo siguiente para descargar automáticamente la última versión de Linux, descomprimir y limpiar.

BINARIES_URL="$(curl -s $RELEASE_URL | jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name) | .browser_download_url" | grep linux_amd64.tar.gz$)"

echo Downloading URL: $BINARIES_URL

cd $HOME
# Download
wget -O  mev-boost.tar.gz $BINARIES_URL
# Untar
tar -xzvf mev-boost.tar.gz -C $HOME
# Cleanup
rm mev-boost.tar.gz LICENSE

Install the binaries.

sudo mv $HOME/mev-boost /usr/local/bin
Option 2 - Build from source code

Install build dependencies.

sudo apt -y install build-essential

Install Go and removing any previous Go installations.

cd $HOME
wget -O go.tar.gz
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go.tar.gz
rm go.tar.gz
echo export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

comprobar que se instalo 1.18+ imprimiendo la información sobre la versión.

go version

instalar mev-boost con go install

CGO_CFLAGS="-O -D__BLST_PORTABLE__" go install

Instalar binarios en /usr/local/bin y actualizar los permisos de propiedad.

sudo cp $HOME/go/bin/mev-boost /usr/local/bin

crear mevboost systemd archivo de unidad.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/mevboost.service

The ExecStart line lists relays: Flashbots, UltraSound, Aestus, bloXroute Max Profit, WenMerge. Remove or add other relays according to your preferences. Add as many or as few relays as you wish.

{% hint style="info" %} Find relay endpoints at:

Multiple relays can be specified by -relay


-relay https://RELAY1.COM \
-relay https://RELAY2.COM \
-relay https://RELAY3.COM

Important: Ensure each relay line ends with \ except the last relay line.

{% endhint %}

Pegue lo siguiente en su mevboost.service file. despues salir y guardar nano editor, press Ctrl + X, then Y, thenEnter.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Ethereum Mainnet" %}

Description=MEV-Boost Service for Ethereum Mainnet

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mev-boost \
  -mainnet \
  -min-bid 0.03 \
  -relay-check \
  -relay \
  -relay \
  -relay \
  -relay \


{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Holesky Testnet" %}

Description=MEV-Boost Service for Holesky

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mev-boost \
  -holesky \
  -min-bid 0.03 \
  -relay-check \
  -relay \
  -relay \
  -relay \
  -relay \
  -relay \


{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

{% hint style="info" %} Using -min-bid flag, you can set a minimum bid value in ETH.

  • Si todos los relés no pueden pujar por encima de su valor mínimo, su cliente de ejecución local producirá block.
  • Al establecer este valor, puede capturar oportunidades MEV para bloques de mayor valor y mantener un cierto grado de control para la producción local de bloques, lo que ayuda a fortalecer la resistencia a la censura y una red Ethereum neutral.. {% endhint %}

Recarga systemctl para recoger el nuevo archivo de servicio.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

{% hint style="info" %} Good to know: Si añades o eliminas puntos finales de retransmisión, tendrás que volver a ejecutar este comando systemctldaemon-reload y reiniciar los servicios mevboost.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart mevboost

{% endhint %}

Habilite mevboost para que se inicie automáticamente al reiniciar el sistema e inicie el servicio.

sudo systemctl enable mevboost
sudo systemctl start mevboost

Check that the service started successfully.

sudo systemctl status mevboost

Sample of systemd logs showing mevboost running nominally.

● mevboost.service - mev-boost ethereum mainnet
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/mevboost.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-09-17 23:32:00; 10s ago
   Main PID: 12321 (mev-boost)
      Tasks: 11 (limit: 34236)
     Memory: 15.4M
     CGroup: /system.slice/mevboost.service
             └─12321 /usr/local/bin/mev-boost -mainnet -relay-check -relays,https://0xad0a8bb54565c2211cee576363f3>

View Logs with the following command:

sudo journalctl -fu mevboost

Sample of logs showing mevboost running nominally.

Sep 17 23:32:23 ethstaker systemd[1]: Started MEV-Boost Relay.
Sep 17 23:32:23 ethstaker mev-boost[12321]: time="2022-09-17T23:32:32-00:00" level=info msg="mev-boost v1.3.1" module=cli
Sep 17 23:32:23 ethstaker mev-boost[12321]: time="2022-09-17T23:32:32-00:00" level=info msg="Using genesis fork version: 0x00000000" module=cli
Sep 17 23:32:23 ethstaker mev-boost[12321]: time="2022-09-17T23:32:32-00:00" level=info msg="using 2 relays" module=cli relays="[{0xac6e77dfe25ecd6110b8e780608cce0dab71fdd5ebea22a16c0205200f2f8e2e3ad3b71d3499c54ad14d6c21b41a37ae} {0xad0a8bb54565c2211cee576363f3a347089d2f07cf72679d16911d740262694cadb62d7fd7483f27afd714ca0f1b9118}]"
Sep 17 23:32:23 ethstaker mev-boost[12321]: time="2022-09-17T23:32:32-00:00" level=info msg="Checking relay" module=service relay=""
Sep 17 23:32:23 ethstaker mev-boost[12321]: time="2022-09-17T23:32:32-00:00" level=info msg="Checking relay" module=service relay=""
Sep 17 23:32:23 ethstaker mev-boost[12321]: time="2022-09-17T23:32:32-00:00" level=info msg="listening on localhost:18550" module=cli

Step 3: Update consensus client and validator

{% hint style="info" %} Tanto el cliente de la capa de consenso como el validador necesitarán Builder API flags. {% endhint %}

Consensus Client Layer Changes (beacon chain)

Add the appropriate flag to the ExecStart line of your consensus client service file.

Select the tab appropriate to your staking setup.

To exit and save from the nano editor, press Ctrl + X, then Y, thenEnter.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="V2 Staking Setup (Current)" %}

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/consensus.service

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="V1 Staking Setup" %}

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/beacon-chain.service

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Lighthouse" %}


{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Teku" %}

Option 1: Systemd service file configuration - Use for V2 Teku staking setup

Si su cliente Teku está configurado por --parameters en el systemd service file, añada los siguientes cambios.

--validators-builder-registration-default-enabled=true --builder-endpoint=

Option 2: TOML Configuration - Use for V1 Teku staking setup

Si tu cliente Teku está configurado pasando un TOML file (i.e. teku.yaml), edit teku.yaml with nano.

sudo nano /etc/teku/teku.yaml

Add the following lines to the yaml file:

# mevboost
validators-builder-registration-default-enabled: true
builder-endpoint: ""

{% hint style="info" %} Use one configuration or the other but not both! {% endhint %} {% endtab %}

{% tab title="Lodestar" %}

--builder --builder.urls

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Nimbus" %}

--payload-builder=true --payload-builder-url=

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Prysm" %}


{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Por ejemplo, éste es el resultado esperado de una actualización ExecStart line of a V2 Staking Setup Prysm consensus client service file.

Flag es añadido en la ultima linea

Al añadir una nueva línea, observe que las líneas anteriores requieren una barra invertida \.

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/beacon-chain \
  --mainnet \
  --checkpoint-sync-url= \
  --genesis-beacon-api-url= \
  --execution-endpoint=http://localhost:8551 \
  --jwt-secret=/secrets/jwtsecret \
  --suggested-fee-recipient=0x_CHANGE_THIS_TO_MY_ETH_FEE_RECIPIENT_ADDRESS \
  --accept-terms-of-use \

Validator Client Changes

Si es necesario, añada el indicador apropiado a la línea ExecStart line of your validator client service file. para salir y guardar desde el nano editor, press Ctrl + X, then Y, thenEnter.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/validator.service

{% tabs %} {% tab title="Lighthouse" %}


{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Teku" %} For Teku running in standalone validator configuration,


For Teku running in combined BN+VC configuration, there is no extra configuration needed. {% endtab %}

{% tab title="Lodestar" %}


{% endtab %}

{% tab title="Nimbus" %} For Nimbus running in standalone validator configuration,


For Nimbus running in combined BN+VC configuration, there is no extra configuration needed. {% endtab %}

{% tab title="Prysm" %}


{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

For example, here is the expected result of an updated ExecStart line of a V2 Staking Setup Prysm validator client service file.

Flag is added on the last line.

When adding a new line, notice that previous lines require a backslash \

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/validator \
  --mainnet \
  --accept-terms-of-use \
  --datadir=/var/lib/prysm/validators \
  --beacon-rpc-provider=localhost:4000 \
  --wallet-dir=/var/lib/prysm/validators \
  --wallet-password-file=/var/lib/prysm/validators/password.txt \
  --graffiti "" \
  --suggested-fee-recipient=<0x_CHANGE_THIS_TO_MY_ETH_FEE_RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> \

After configuring your consensus client and validator to enable mevboost, reload and restart your services. Finally, verify your logs look error-free and show use of the new MEV configurations.

{% tabs %} {% tab title="V2 Staking Setup (Current)" %} Lighthouse, Lodestar, Prysm

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart consensus validator

sudo journalctl -fu consensus
sudo journalctl -fu validator

Teku or Nimbus

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart consensus

sudo journalctl -fu consensus

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="V1 Staking Setup" %} Lighthouse, Lodestar, Prysm

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart beacon-chain validator

sudo journalctl -fu beacon-chain
sudo journalctl -fu validator

Teku or Nimbus

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart beacon-chain

sudo journalctl -fu beacon-chain

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

{% hint style="success" %} Congrats! Your validator with mev-boost will earn more rewards when proposing a block. {% endhint %}

🎯 How to Update MEV-boost

Update to the latest release with the following commands.

Review the latest MEV-boost release notes for new requirements or breaking changes.

Option 1 - Download binaries

Run the following to automatically download the latest linux release, un-tar and cleanup.

BINARIES_URL="$(curl -s $RELEASE_URL | jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name) | .browser_download_url" | grep linux_amd64.tar.gz$)"

echo Downloading URL: $BINARIES_URL

cd $HOME
# Download
wget -O  mev-boost.tar.gz $BINARIES_URL
# Untar
tar -xzvf mev-boost.tar.gz -C $HOME
# Cleanup
rm mev-boost.tar.gz LICENSE

Stop the service, install the binaries and start the service.

sudo systemctl stop mevboost
sudo mv $HOME/mev-boost /usr/local/bin
sudo systemctl start mevboost

Verify the new version number.

/usr/local/bin/mev-boost --version
Option 2 - Build from source code

Compile new binaries and stop the service.

CGO_CFLAGS="-O -D__BLST_PORTABLE__" go install
sudo systemctl stop mevboost

Install new binaries and start the service.

sudo cp ~/go/bin/mev-boost /usr/local/bin
sudo systemctl start mevboost

Verify the new version number.

/usr/local/bin/mev-boost --version

🗑️ Uninstalling MEV-boost

sudo systemctl stop mevboost
sudo systemctl disable mevboost
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/mevboost.service
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/mev-boost
sudo userdel mevboost

Finally, remove the Builder API changes made in step 3 to your consensus client and validator.


How do I verify I'm registered with my relays?

Verify that your validator is registered with a particular relay by making a request to the relay's API.

You can either manually query the relay's API or use dabauxi's Check MEV-Boost Relay Registration script.

Check MEV-Boost Relay Registration by dabauxi

Review notes and source code here. Requires python.

# Install python
sudo apt install python3

# Download the script

# Assign execution permissions
chmod +x

# Check mevboost registration
./ <your-validator-address>

Sample output showing your validator's registration to relays.

./ 0x8000a44457e18388c5be046e22e86aedae1a07638394df63adfcd32d29b4e86c030219e94782ebebe398c9a05a8a28e7

Validator '0x8000a44457e18388c5be046e22e86aedae1a07638394df63adfcd32d29b4e86c030219e94782ebebe398c9a05a8a28e7'
Relay: '', ❌ not found
Relay: '', ❌ not found
Relay: '', ✔️ registered
Relay: '', ✔️ registered
Relay: '', ✔️ registered
Relay: '', ❌ not found
Relay: '', ✔️ registered
Relay: '', ❌ not found
Relay: '', ✔️ registered
Relay: '', ✔️ registered
Relay: '', ✔️ registered
Relay: '', ✔️ registered

Check Manually

For example, to verify that your validator is registered with the flashbots relay, enter the following URL into your browser. Replace <myPubKey> with the public key of your validator and you will see registration data such as your fee recipient address.<myPubKey>

Sample command:

Sample output:

Where will I get MEV-boost payments?

When a block is produced using MEV-boost, you may receive your payment in 1 of 3 ways.

Specifically, your MEV payment may arrive as:

1) by setting you as the block's Fee Recipient

2) an internal transaction

3) or a normal transaction

Why run MEV-boost?

Refer to this article by Stephane Gosslin, which explains the benefits of MEV-boost to the network and you, as a validator.

How does MEV-boost work?
  • Ethereum stakers must run three pieces of software: a validator client, consensus client, and an execution client.
  • MEV-boost is a separate piece of open source software, which queries and outsources block-building to a network of builders.
  • Block builders prepare full blocks, optimizing for MEV extraction and fair distribution of rewards.
  • They then submit their blocks to relays.
  • Relays aggregate blocks from multiple builders in order to select the block with the highest fees.
  • One instance of MEV-boost can be configured by a validator to connect to multiple relays.
  • The Consensus Layer client of a validator proposes the most profitable block received from MEV-boost to the Ethereum network for attestation and block inclusion.
What are the risks of running MEV-boost?
  • Adding more relays increases risk of adding a "bad" relay (hacked, withholds bid, performance issues) and causes your validator to miss a proposal.
  • More relays = more chance of getting a high-bid block however this also increases chance of getting rugged by "bad" relays and missing a proposal.Requires trust that relays and block builders will act honestly. MEV is not yet a trust-less process until there is protocol-level proposer-builder-separation (PBS).

Detailed explanation:

Summary of risks: Only add relays you trust.

What's the real-time status of MEV?

Track network participation, recent MEV blocks, top relays and block builders at

I'm using multiple relays. Which one is chosen?

If multiple relays are available, the relay bidding highest MEV reward will be chosen. If all relays are not available, the local execution client builds the block without MEV.

What's makes a MEV relay ethical or not?

Based on varying degrees of profit or censorship, MEV relays can decide on what transactions to bundle in a block.

  • Ethical relays: will not censor transactions or profit from front running / sandwich attacks, which is harmful to everyday users on Ethereum.
  • OFAC relays: will censor transactions according to the OFAC list.
  • Maximal profit relays: profit is all that matters, ethics have no meaning.
Do I need to open any incoming ports on the firewall?

No changes needed. mevboost only makes outgoing tcp calls.

:track_next: Next Steps

📚 References

👍 Credits

Inspired by Remyroy's Guide on how to Prepare for The Merge