This document is likly to change. Please check it to stay informed
First, when you find a bug, check under github issue if it's not reported yet. If not, please create a new issue repport and use the right template. Give it a relevant title, a clear description and other informations like the template.
You fixed a open github issue ? In this case, please open a new pull request with the patch. Give it a description which clearly describe the problem and the solution And refer to this document to know all code conventions.
If you have a suggestion to improve pphi, please check if no one has ever had the idea in the github issue section. If not, open a new github issue give it releveant title and follow template to give it informations.
For PhpStorm or WebStorm user, please use configuration/other/jetbrain/pphi-jetbrain.xml
as code style scheme.
Comming soon