Target version: 1.0.0
create:class [options] className
create:interface [options] className
create:abstract [options] className
create:trait [options] className
extend:class [options] className interface1 [interface2]
extend:abstract [options] className interface1 [interface2]
implement:abstract [options] className interface1 [interface2]
implement:class [options] className interface1 [interface2]
- --check-class-exists|-c Check, that all usages classes available with autoload.
- --default-path|-d Path to generated files, when autoloader can't suggest anything for this namespace.
- --parents|-p List of parent classes (and interfaces).
- --overwrite|-w Overwrite existing file on collision.
- --output|-o Target file or stream.
See \FreeElephants\GeneralPi\GeneratorInterface
and related.