- Updated to support new Plasma 5.21 design and features
- Fixes various spacing issues, especially with scaling enabled.
Adds support for some things added in 1.30 HUE API, namely:
- new types of rooms
- entertainment groups (limited support, can't be edited, but can be controlled or removed)
- zones (full support, but not throughout tested)
- This release finally adds shippable translations for Get new plasmoids / .plasmoid methods.
- Non-undoable deletion of actions, lights, groups and schedules now asks for confirmation.
- Fix a bug caused by a hue update, so it no longer immediately returns up to date info about a group or light.
- Add coloured icons for all types
- Change the editAction GUI to make icon and colour easier to pick
- Fix a bug in ActionEditor when "All lights" is selected
- Add some placeholder texts in bridge config
- Add http as a default protocol when none is given
- Existing action commands can now be edited
- Fix a bug that prevented weekly schedules to be filled correctly
- Fix a bug that prevented action editor from loading an "off" state correctly
- Workaround a plasma bug that makes configuration unavailable
- Update tooltip as soon as data is initially available
- ActionEditor now can load existing actions, thus you can modify existing schedule commands
- Added Swiss German as translation
- Bug fixes
- Translation updates
- Fix potential bug when opening the config before the plasmoid
- Update translations
- Lights can be added and edited (renamed)
- Groups can be added and edited
- Actions allow fading, effects and blinking
- Schedules can be added and edited
- Bug fixes all over the place
- 100% translated to German
- Show two default actions, turn on and off all lamps
- Offer a GUI to add and remove actions
- Show all lights with curent status, coloured
- Switch lights on / off
- Adjustable brightness
- Adjustable colour
- Adjustable white temperature
- Show detailled light info
- Show all groups with curent status, coloured, with room type icon
- Lights of a group are children items, with the same possibilites as "Lights"
- Switch groups on / off
- Adjustable brightness
- Adjustable colour
- Adjustable white temperature
- Show detailled group info
- Configurable bridge address, auto-discoverable via Philips Server
- Authentication with bridge from config dialogue
- Alt address can be set including http basic auth, only used when main address is unreachable
- Prepared for translations