This Dockerfile builds the Docker image to work with the Haplotypo pipeline.
This is our recommended option.
docker pull cgenomics/haplotypo
docker run -it cgenomics/haplotypo python /root/src/haplotypo/bin/ -h
Process the data inside the image - all data will be lost at the end
docker run -v `pwd`/output/:/root/src/haplotypo/shared/output:rw -it cgenomics/haplotypo python /root/src/haplotypo/bin/ -o /root/src/haplotypo/shared/output -amb 0 -hapA /root/src/haplotypo/dataset/A.chr6.fa -hapB /root/src/haplotypo/dataset/B.chr6.fa -idA A_AB -idB B_AB -f1 /root/src/haplotypo/dataset/AB.chr6.1.fq.gz -f2 /root/src/haplotypo/dataset/AB.chr6.2.fq.gz -caller GATK
Replace {mydatasetfolder} and parameters with your dataset folder path. It will be created an output folder with the result files.
docker run -v /{mydatasetfolder}/:/root/src/haplotypo/dataset:rw -it cgenomics/haplotypo \
python /root/src/haplotypo/bin/ \
-o /root/src/haplotypo/dataset/output \
-amb 0 \
-hapA /root/src/haplotypo/dataset/{myfileA.fa} \
-hapB /root/src/haplotypo/dataset/{myfileB.fa} \
-idA A_AB \
-idB B_AB \
-f1 /root/src/haplotypo/dataset/{myfileAB.1.fq.gz} \
-f2 /root/src/haplotypo/dataset/{myfileAB.2.fq.gz} \
-caller GATK
Every time you run a Docker container, it uses the Haplotypo Docker image to remake it. When the container is closed, everything in it goes away! Also, for every one of those containers you need to name it with an alias.
docker run -dit --name=your-alias -v /your/haplotypo/location:/root/src/haplotypo/shared --rm cgenomics/haplotypo`" 0 0;;
docker run -it cgenomics/haplotypo
Cinta Pegueroles; Veronica Mixao; Laia Carreté; Manu Molina; Toni Gabaldon, PhD
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.