diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c98ae33..5a4a5f0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,62 +11,11 @@ PS: It doesn't cover everything yet, more to come.
##What it does
-This directive adds automatic validation messages to your forms, by just adding the directive to your form and fields.
-It also prevents your form from being submitted unless it's valid
+This directive adds automatic validation messages to your forms, by just adding it to your form and fields.
+It also prevents your form from being submitted unless it's valid.
For example:
![example image](http://s27.postimg.org/amxtpgwsz/Screen_Shot_2014_11_25_at_10_56_40_PM.png)
-It comes with a bunch of predefined messages for commonly used validation messages, such as email, number, minlength, url and more. _You can always custom them if you think the stock messages suck!_
-##What it doesn't do
-It doesn't create custom validation rules, there are plenty of modules for that.
-It doesn't make your forms prettier, use Bootstrap/Foundation/Zimit/Custom css for that.
-Use bower:
-bower install angular-valiadtion-messages
-Or just [download](https://github.com/GabiGrin/angular-validation-messages/archive/master.zip) the files
-And then add the following files to your html:
-Add `'gg.vmsgs'` to your app's dependencies
-Now just add the "vmsg-form" directive to your forms, and "vmsg" to the inputs you wish to show validation messages for.
-##Overriding options
-To override global options, use `ValidationMessagesHelper.setOptions(yourOptions)` in a run block.
-Both vmsg-form and vmsg directive can also receive an options object. When multiple overrides are used, the most specific one "wins".
-###Supported options
-Name | Explanation | Accepts| Default
-showTrigger| trigger to show messages | blur/keydown/submit | blur
-hideTrigger| trigger to hide messages | valid/keydown|valid
-messageClassName| class name added to the message dom element | any string | 'validation-message'
-messageTemplate| html to use as the template for the messages. | any valid html, with 1 root, containing a element (which will receive the message |
-hideClassName | class that is added to hide messages | any classname | ng-hide
-parentErrorClassName | adds (or removes) a class name to a field's parent element, if it matches the 'parentErrorClassName' option. Good for using with bootstrap, where you want to add 'has-error' to the parent div.form-group | any string | 'has-error'
-parentContainerClassName | only if this class name is present in the parent element, parentErrorClassName will be applied | any string | 'form-group'
-errorMessages| allows you to override error messages for specific errors. The error messages passed will be combined with the default ones (using angular.extend)| any valid object | please check src/helper.js:36
-* Just-add-water form validation messages
-* Allows custom message templates to be used
-* Does not require "name" attribute to be intact
-* Submit only valid forms
-* Customize error messages
-* Override options either globally, per form or per control
-* Supports different show/hide message triggers
-* 100% test coverage
-* No jQuery used, no other dependencies - 100% AngularJS
-* Out of the box bootstrap parent form-group has-error support
When writing forms, a you will soon find yourself writing the same code over and over again, just to display what is invalid in the form.
This directive turns this:
@@ -110,7 +59,55 @@ $scope.doSomething(){
+It comes with a bunch of predefined messages for commonly used validation messages, such as email, number, minlength, url and more. _You can always override them if you think the stock messages suck!_
+##What it doesn't do
+It doesn't create custom validation rules, there are plenty of modules for that.
+It doesn't make your forms prettier, use Bootstrap/Foundation/Zimit/Custom css for that.
+Use bower:
+bower install angular-valiadtion-messages
+Or just [download](https://github.com/GabiGrin/angular-validation-messages/archive/master.zip) the files and add the following files to your html:
+Add `'gg.vmsgs'` to your app dependencies (`angular.module('yourApp', ['gg.vmsgs']`)
+Now just add the "vmsg-form" directive to your forms, and "vmsg" to the inputs you wish to show validation messages for.
+* Just-add-water form validation messages
+* Allows custom message templates to be used
+* Does not require "name" attribute to be intact
+* Submit only valid forms
+* Customize error messages
+* Override options either globally, per form or per control
+* Supports different show/hide message triggers
+* 100% test coverage
+* No jQuery used, no other dependencies - 100% AngularJS
+* Out of the box bootstrap parent form-group has-error support
+##Overriding options
+To override global options, use `ValidationMessagesHelper.setOptions(yourOptions)` in a run block.
+vmsg-form and vmsg directive can also receive an options object. When multiple overrides are used, the most specific one "wins".
+###Supported options
+Name | Explanation | Accepts| Default
+showTrigger| trigger to show messages | blur/keydown/submit | blur
+hideTrigger| trigger to hide messages | valid/keydown|valid
+messageClassName| class name added to the message dom element | any string | 'validation-message'
+messageTemplate| html to use as the template for the messages. | any valid html, with 1 root, containing a element (which will receive the message |
+hideClassName | class that is added to hide messages | any classname | ng-hide
+parentErrorClassName | adds (or removes) a class name to a field's parent element, if it matches the 'parentErrorClassName' option. Good for using with bootstrap, where you want to add 'has-error' to the parent div.form-group | any string | 'has-error'
+parentContainerClassName | only if this class name is present in the parent element, parentErrorClassName will be applied | any string | 'form-group'
+errorMessages| allows you to override error messages for specific errors. The error messages passed will be combined with the default ones (using angular.extend)| any valid object | please check src/helper.js:36
*The vmsg-form directive will add the "novalidate" attribute automatically, so the browser doesn't catch the validation issues by itself.
*It doesn't support hiding the messages when the form is pristine at the moment. Will be added in the near future.
*When overriding the message html template, you must have only one root element, and include the where you want the message displayed. There is no validation for this yet, so be aware.