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VanDerPol control constrained

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Formulation of the VanderPol control constrained problem in QuITO

In the problem definition file VanderPolControlConstraints.m, we first encode the function handles for system dynamics:

% Set system dynamics
problem.dynamicsFunc = @dynamics;

Function handles for the cost function:

% Set Lagrange cost (Stagewise cost) to be minimized
problem.stageCost = @stageCost;

% Set Mayer cost (Terminal cost)
problem.terminalCost = @terminalCost;

Specify the time variables:

% Initial time. t0<tf. NOTE: t_0 has to be zero.
problem.time.t0 = 0; 

% Final time. tf is fixed. = 4;

Specify the state and control dimension:

% Number of states.
problem.nx = 2;

% Number of inputs. = 1;

For state variables we specify initial conditions:

% Initial conditions for system. Bounds if x0 is free s.t. x0l=< x0 <=x0u
% If fixed, x0l == x0u
problem.states.x0l = [0 1]; 
problem.states.x0u = [0 1]; 

State bounds:

% State bounds. xl=< x <=xu
problem.states.xl = [-inf -inf];
problem.states.xu = [inf inf];

Terminal state bounds:

% Terminal state bounds. xfl=< xf <=xfu. If fixed: xfl == xfu
problem.states.xfl = [-inf -inf];
problem.states.xfu = [inf inf];

For control variables we specify bounds:

% Input bounds
problem.inputs.ul = [-1];
problem.inputs.uu = [1];

Next, we define the system dynamics by specifying the respective ODEs in the function dynamics:

dx1 = x(2);
dx2 = (1 - x(1)^2) * x(2) - x(1) + u(1);

The Lagrange cost is defined in the function stageCost:

lag = 0.5 * (x(1)^2 + x(2)^2);

The Mayer cost (terminal cost) is defined in the function terminalCost:

mayer = 0;

After defining the problem data i.e., the dynamics, the constriants, and the objective we move towards setting up the optimization problem and other parameters in the options.m file. We define the default quasi-interpolation parameters (if not passed as input to the options function):

options.variance = 2; % D = 2 default
generating_function_flag = 1; % default

The desired generating function for the approximation is chosen as:

% Select a generating function as per flag
% Gaussian order 2                 (1)
% Laguerre gaussian order 4        (2) 
% Laguerre gaussian order 6        (3) 
% Hermite polynomial order 10      (4)
% Trigonometric guassian order 4   (5)
% Hyperbolic secant order 2        (6) 

The desired discretization scheme is chosen as:

% Euler method              ('euler')
% Trapezoidal method        ('trapezoidal') 
% Hermite-Simpson method    ('hermite') 
% Runge-kutta 4 method      ('RK4')

For solving the optimization problem we choose the interior point solver IPOPT:

options.NLPsolver = 'ipopt';

The associated IPOPT solver settings are:

options.ipopt.mu_strategy ='adaptive';

Meshing option is chosen as:


We specify the following output and exit variables:

% Display computation time
options.print.time = 1;

% Display cost (objective) values
options.print.cost = 1;

The plotting setting is specified as:

% 0: Do not plot
% 1: Plot only action trajectory
% 2: Plot all figures (state and input trajectory)
options.plot = 2;


Finally, in order to solve the optimization problem and observe the results, we run the main file main.m. We fetch the problem and options and consequently solve the resultant NLP:

%% Set-up and solve problem

problem = VanderPolControlConstraints;      % Fetch the problem definition
opts = options(200, 2);        % Get options and solver settings (N,D),
                               %where step size h=(tf-t0)/N
solution = solveProblem(problem, opts);

We plot the results by using the postProcess.m file:

postProcess(solution, problem, opts)