diff --git a/code/modules/mob/mob_say.dm b/code/modules/mob/mob_say.dm
index dd44363101f9..0fe2254aaece 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/mob_say.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/mob_say.dm
@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@
//queue this message because verbs are scheduled to process after SendMaps in the tick and speech is pretty expensive when it happens.
//by queuing this for next tick the mc can compensate for its cost instead of having speech delay the start of the next tick
- message = fix_brainrot(message, TRUE)
- if(message && proverka_na_detey(message, src))
+ if(message)
+ if(stat != DEAD)
+ if(GLOB.ic_autocorrect[message])
+ message = "*[GLOB.ic_autocorrect[message]]"
+ check_for_brainrot(message, src)
SSspeech_controller.queue_say_for_mob(src, message, SPEECH_CONTROLLER_QUEUE_SAY_VERB)
///Whisper verb
@@ -27,8 +31,10 @@
to_chat(usr, span_danger("Не могу шептать."))
- message = fix_brainrot(message)
- if(message && proverka_na_detey(message, src))
+ //if(GLOB.ic_autocorrect[message]) // Не работает >> шепчет, "*laugh"
+ // message = "*[GLOB.ic_autocorrect[message]]"
+ if(message)
+ check_for_brainrot(message, src)
SSspeech_controller.queue_say_for_mob(src, message, SPEECH_CONTROLLER_QUEUE_WHISPER_VERB)
///whisper a message
@@ -48,8 +54,9 @@
var/ckeyname = "[usr.ckey]/[usr.name]"
webhook_send_me(ckeyname, message)
- message = fix_brainrot(message)
- if(proverka_na_detey(message, src))
+ if(message)
+ check_for_brainrot(message, src)
SSspeech_controller.queue_say_for_mob(src, message, SPEECH_CONTROLLER_QUEUE_EMOTE_VERB)
///Speak as a dead person (ghost etc)
diff --git a/white/hule/wordlist.dm b/white/hule/wordlist.dm
index ae5ea4004ffe..18d8a4fef3ca 100644
--- a/white/hule/wordlist.dm
+++ b/white/hule/wordlist.dm
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(exc_start, world.file2list("cfg/autoeban/exc_start.fackuobema")
GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(exc_end, world.file2list("cfg/autoeban/exc_end.fackuobema"))
GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(exc_full, world.file2list("cfg/autoeban/exc_full.fackuobema"))
-/proc/proverka_na_detey(var/msg, var/mob/target)
+/proc/check_for_brainrot(var/msg, var/mob/target)
- return TRUE
+ return
msg = lowertext(msg)
for(var/bad_word in GLOB.bad_words)
bad_word = lowertext(bad_word)
if(findtext_char(msg, bad_word) && isliving(target) && bad_word != "")
@@ -16,37 +17,31 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(exc_full, world.file2list("cfg/autoeban/exc_full.fackuobema"))
if(bad_word in GLOB.exc_start)
for(var/word in words)
if(findtext_char(word, "[bad_word]") < findtext_char(word, regex("^[bad_word]")))
- return TRUE
+ return
if(bad_word in GLOB.exc_end)
for(var/word in words)
if(findtext_char(word, "[bad_word]") > findtext_char(word, regex("^[bad_word]")))
- return TRUE
+ return
if(bad_word in GLOB.exc_full)
for(var/word in words)
if(findtext_char(word, bad_word) && (word != bad_word))
- return TRUE
+ return
target.client.bad_word_counter += 1
message_admins("[ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(target)], возможно, насрал на ИЦ словом \"[bad_word]\". Это его [target.client.bad_word_counter]-й раз.
([strip_html(msg)]) [ADMIN_SMITE(target)] [target.client.bad_word_counter > 1 ? "Возможно, он заслужил смайт." : ""]")
- return FALSE
- return TRUE
+ return
+ return
var/bad_word_counter = 0
-/proc/fix_brainrot(var/word, make_into_emote = FALSE)
- var/static/list/simple = list( ")" = "smile", "(" = "frown", \
- "))" = "laugh", "((" = "cry", \
- "лол" = "laugh", "lol" = "laugh", \
- "лмао" = "laugh", "lmao" = "laugh", \
- "рофл" = "laugh", "rofl" = "laugh", \
- "кек" = "giggle", "kek" = "giggle", \
- "хз" = "shrug", "hz" = "shrug")
- . = word
- if(simple[word])
- return "[make_into_emote ? "*" : ""][simple[word]]"
+GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(ic_autocorrect, list( ")" = "smile", "(" = "frown", \
+ "))" = "laugh", "((" = "cry", \
+ "лол" = "laugh", "lol" = "laugh", \
+ "лмао" = "laugh", "lmao" = "laugh", \
+ "рофл" = "laugh", "rofl" = "laugh", \
+ "кек" = "giggle", "kek" = "giggle", \
+ "хз" = "shrug", "hz" = "shrug"))