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<path d="m399.628906 395.457031-47.335937-47.351562v-340.105469c0-4.417969-3.582031-8-8-8h-240c-.152344 0-.296875.078125-.449219.0898438-.734375.0351562-1.460938.1835942-2.152344.4296872-.234375.070313-.46875.152344-.695312.25-.890625.382813-1.703125.925781-2.398438 1.597657l-96 96c-.671875.679687-1.214844 1.472656-1.601562 2.34375-.113282.25-.175782.496093-.265625.753906-.230469.664062-.367188 1.355468-.40625 2.054687 0 .175781-.105469.328125-.105469.503907v303.976562c0 4.417969 3.582031 8 8 8h276.175781l47.34375 47.320312c8.964844 9.066407 21.195313 14.152344 33.945313 14.121094 19.433594.015625 36.957031-11.6875 44.390625-29.644531 7.429687-17.953125 3.304687-38.617187-10.453125-52.339844zm-67.816406 45.34375-124.519531-124.480469 45.320312-45.328124 124.480469 124.527343zm-131.289062-140.34375-10.847657-47.066406 47.074219 10.839844zm-104.230469-273.144531v68.6875h-68.6875zm-80 372.6875v-288h88c4.417969 0 8-3.582031 8-8v-88h224v316.097656l-78.015625-78.074218-.089844-.054688c-.660156-.628906-1.421875-1.140625-2.253906-1.511719-.226563-.097656-.441406-.167969-.664063-.25-.28125-.125-.566406-.234375-.859375-.328125l-73.597656-16.957031c-2.691406-.625-5.511719.183594-7.464844 2.132813-1.953125 1.953124-2.757812 4.777343-2.136718 7.464843l16.960937 73.601563c.09375.292968.203125.582031.328125.863281.082031.214844.144531.429687.25.648437.367188.84375.886719 1.617188 1.527344 2.277344l.039062.066406 78.070313 78.023438zm372 52.039062c-5.984375 6.003907-14.113281 9.378907-22.589844 9.378907s-16.605469-3.375-22.585937-9.378907l3.765624-3.773437 41.480469-41.472656c6.003907 5.992187 9.375 14.132812 9.359375 22.617187-.011718 8.484375-3.40625 16.613282-9.429687 22.589844zm0 0"/>
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<h3>Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning</h3><div id="show_hide_1"><a class="show" href="javascript:ShowInfo('show_hide_1');">More information</a><p>A recent report, by Royal London, has found that over 5.4 million UK adults do not have a Will and would not know where to start if they were to write one; The research indicated that 31% of those respondents who had made a Will in the past, had also
lived through a significant life event like marriage (which invalidates a Will) or having a child. However, 53% had failed to update their Will following these monumental and life changing events.</p><p>Wills and estate planning can enable you to protect assets, shield loved ones from financial or practical difficulties and disputes, save tax and benefit valued individuals and causes ensuring your wishes are honoured. However, Wills and Estate Planning
isn't just about passing on money and assets but also about making the most of life right now ensuring you have enough to live on to meet your goals.</p><p>Through instructing a professional, a relatively small time and financial investment today can reap manifold benefits tomorrow for those left behind and potentially for generations to come.</p><a class="hide" href="javascript:HideInfo('show_hide_1');">Hide</a></div></article><article onclick='ShowIfMobile("show_hide_2")'><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path d="M155.36 334.2a33.68 33.68 0 0 0 32.85-25.42l17.93 17.91a33.89 33.89 0 0 0 24.14 10c9.12 0 17.69-3.55 24.13-10a33.89 33.89 0 0 0 10-24.13 33.9 33.9 0 0 0-10-24.14l-15.4-15.4a33.81 33.81 0 0 0 25.4-32.88c0-9.11-3.55-17.69-10-24.13l-21.45-21.44a33.79 33.79 0 0 0 25.42-32.87c0-9.12-3.55-17.69-10-24.13l-60.52-60.52V8.53a8.54 8.54 0 0 0-17.07 0v45.4c-12.36-4.81-27.4-2.39-37.06 7.26a34.08 34.08 0 0 0-6.32 39.19 33.21 33.21 0 0 0-17.82 9.1 34.08 34.08 0 0 0-6.47 38.9 33.89 33.89 0 0 0-17.66 9.36 34.08 34.08 0 0 0-6.47 38.91 33.85 33.85 0 0 0-17.66 9.36 33.89 33.89 0 0 0-10 24.13 33.9 33.9 0 0 0 10 24.14l69.9 69.9a33.88 33.88 0 0 0 24.13 10.01zM145.8 73.25c3.22-3.22 7.5-5 12.06-5 4.57 0 8.85 1.78 12.08 5l3.35 3.35 63.02 63.03c3.23 3.23 5 7.5 5 12.07 0 4.55-1.77 8.84-5 12.06-6.45 6.45-17.69 6.45-24.13 0L145.8 97.4a17.1 17.1 0 0 1 0-24.14zm-24.15 48.28c3.23-3.23 7.52-5 12.08-5s8.84 1.77 12.07 5l96.54 96.54c3.23 3.22 5 7.5 5 12.06 0 4.57-1.77 8.85-5 12.08-6.44 6.44-17.69 6.44-24.13 0l-37.55-37.55-46.93-46.93-.02-.02-12.06-12.05a17.1 17.1 0 0 1 0-24.13zm-24.13 48.27c3.23-3.22 7.51-5 12.08-5 4.55 0 8.83 1.77 12.05 4.98l46.95 46.95 73.74 73.75c3.23 3.22 5 7.5 5 12.07 0 4.55-1.77 8.84-5 12.06-6.44 6.45-17.69 6.45-24.13 0l-38.69-38.68s0-.02-.02-.02l-34.95-34.96-47.02-47.02a17.1 17.1 0 0 1 0-24.13zM68.4 230.13c0-4.55 1.77-8.84 5-12.06 3.23-3.22 7.51-5 12.07-5 4.56 0 8.85 1.78 12.06 5l4.93 4.92 65.01 65.02a17.09 17.09 0 0 1-.02 24.1c-6.45 6.45-17.7 6.46-24.14 0l-69.9-69.9c-3.23-3.23-5.01-7.51-5.01-12.08zM426.54 213.33a8.53 8.53 0 1 0 17.07 0c0-61.68-25.75-98.03-41.13-119.75-4.49-6.33-10.07-14.22-10.07-16.78V8.53a8.54 8.54 0 0 0-17.07 0V76.8c0 7.99 5.54 15.82 13.22 26.65 15.12 21.36 37.98 53.63 37.98 109.88zM179.32 477.87a8.54 8.54 0 0 0-8.53 8.53v17.07a8.54 8.54 0 0 0 17.07 0V486.4a8.54 8.54 0 0 0-8.54-8.53z"/>
<path d="M405.67 223.3c-20.07-13.38-83.1-49.94-86.25-51.74-5.7-2.84-12.03-2.45-17.81 1.14-12.48 7.7-20.13 28.86-20.13 40.63 0 16.4 11.5 26.36 23.69 36.91 4.22 3.65 8.58 7.44 12.94 11.8l42.67 42.66c2.82 2.83 5.5 5.5 5.86 2.3.17 4.09-2.01 5.39-17.77 23.41-31.34 37l-94.13 85.58c-2.49 2.45-7.73 6.06-11.06 6.06h-76.8c-9.41 0-17.07-7.65-17.07-17.06s7.65-17.07 17.07-17.07h59.73c11.73 0 21.97-9.9 23.1-11.03l59.73-59.74a8.54 8.54 0 0 0-12.06-12.06l-59.71 59.7c-2.48 2.45-7.72 6.06-11.06 6.06h-85.33a17.08 17.08 0 0 1-17.07-17.06c0-9.42 7.65-17.07 17.07-17.07h68.26a8.54 8.54 0 0 0 0-17.07H102.28a17.08 17.08 0 0 1-12.73-28.44 8.54 8.54 0 0 0-12.7-11.4 34.05 34.05 0 0 0-8.7 22.78c0 17.6 13.42 31.95 30.53 33.77a33.72 33.72 0 0 0-4.94 17.43c0 17.6 13.43 31.94 30.54 33.77a33.72 33.72 0 0 0-4.94 17.43 34.17 34.17 0 0 0 34.14 34.13h76.8c11.72 0 21.96-9.9 22.8-10.75l94.16-85.62c36.64-36.63 36.64-45.71 36.64-48.7 0-11.32-1.4-13.46-11.04-23.1l-42.66-42.67c-4.8-4.8-9.6-8.95-13.84-12.62-11.7-10.13-17.8-15.8-17.8-24 0-10.78 9.18-26.52 12.79- 65.24 37.83 84.88 50.92 22.06 14.7 47.4 37.87 47.4 86.76 0 36.63-28.8 86.29-47.85 119.14-13.62 23.47-20.17 35.1-20.17 43v17.07a8.54 8.54 0 0 0 17.07 0v-16.98c.35-4.33 9.65-20.38 17.86-34.52 21.16-36.5 50.16-86.48 50.16-127.7 0-57.64-31.4-85.23-55.01-100.97z"/>
<h3>Lasting Power of Attorney</h3><div id="show_hide_2"><a class="show" href="javascript:ShowInfo('show_hide_2');">More information</a><p>Sadly there are situations where people become unable to make decisions about their own affairs. not only due to old age and dementia but also as a result of accident, illness or some other mental incapacity. This can happen at any age. In some instances
people can make some decisions but need help with others. A lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is needed in these situations.</p><p>There are two types of LPA, Property and Financial Affairs and a Health and Welfare. Both allow someone (your attorney) to manage your affairs should you no longer be able to.</p><p>A little forward planning in setting up an LPA can avoid costly and time consuming court proceedings resulting in considerable stress and expense. Even essential, everyday transactions such as the use of a joint bank account can become impossible without
an appropriate LPA should incapcity occur. Contact us about the two types of LPAs and how they can help protect you and your loved ones.</p><a class="hide" href="javascript:HideInfo('show_hide_2');">Hide</a></div></article><article onclick='ShowIfMobile("show_hide_3")'><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 60 60">
<path d="M14 36.18h14v-10H14v10zm2-2v-3h10v3H16zm10-6v1H16v-1h10zM14 40.18v12h14v-12H14zm6 2v3h-4v-3h4zm-4 5h4v3h-4v-3zm6 3v-3h4v3h-4zm4-5h-4v-3h4v3zM32 36.18h14v-10H32v10zm2-2v-1h10v1H34zm10-6v3H34v-3h10z"/>
<path d="M59 48.18a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1h-1v-1a1 1 0 1 0-2 0v1h-1v-20.2a3.99 3.99 0 0 0 5.61-3.96 4.02 4.02 0 0 0-1.52-2.83L32.72 3.34 30 .82l-2.66 2.47-25.43 19.9a4.01 4.01 0 0 0-.46 5.87 3.97 3.97 0 0 0 4.55.92v20.2H5v-1a1 1 0 1 0-2 0v1H2v-1a1 1 0 1 0-2 0v9a1 1 0 1 0 2 0v-1h1v1a1 1 0 1 0 2 0v-1h1v2h48v-2h1v1a1 1 0 1 0 2 0v-1h1v1a1 1 0 1 0 2 0v-9a1 1 0 0 0-1-1zM2.91 27.7a1.98 1.98 0 0 1-.53-1.52c.05-.57.32-1.07.77-1.42L28.64 4.81 30 3.55l1.43 1.32 25.43 19.9a1.98 1.98 0 0 1 .23 2.93c-.7.76-1.86.85-2.69.22l-.4-.31L30 9.1 6.39 27.3l-.8.6c-.82.64-1.97.55-2.68-.21zM2 55.17v-3h1v3H2zm3 0v-3h1v3H5zm29 2v-15h10v15H34zm18 0h-6v-17H32v17H8V28.6l22-16.96L52 28.6v28.6zm2-2v-3h1v3h-1zm3 0v-3h1v3h-1z"/>
<h3>Estate Administration and Probate</h3><div id="show_hide_3"><a class="show" href="javascript:ShowInfo('show_hide_3');">More information</a><p>The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences most of us have to face and it's particularly hard that at these times there is much to organise, administer and arrange which can be complex and time consuming.</p><p>A lay person acting as an executor can find themselves dealing with a specialised and sometimes highly complex undertaking at an otherwise challenging time. This is when many will engage the services of a professional administrator to assist with the
estate after bereavement.</p><p>This then helps to avoid getting out of their depth and it's associated consequences and also alleviates the responsibility for getting things right for the beneficiaries some of whom might question the executor's activities. In the long term choosing
a professional can save considerable time and expense. <a href="index.html#contact">Contact us to discuss further</a>.</p><a class="hide" href="javascript:HideInfo('show_hide_3');">Hide</a></div></article><article onclick='ShowIfMobile("show_hide_4")'><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-26 0 512 512">
<path d="M290 380a10 10 0 1 0 0-20 10 10 0 0 0 0 20zm0 0M170 380a10 10 0 1 0 0-20 10 10 0 0 0 0 20zm0 0"/>
<path d="M130 512h200a10 10 0 0 0 10-10v-44.49c0-2.42.88-4.76 2.48-6.59l.07-.08L452.62 322.2a30.02 30.02 0 0 0 7.38-19.71V160c0-22.05-17.95-40-40-40s-40 17.95-40 40l-.03 86.39a39.38 39.38 0 0 0-3.67-4.23c-16.16-16.16-41.98-13.93-54.12-1.43l-87.97 90.63a50.73 50.73 0 0 0-4.21 4.93 50.3 50.3 0 0 0-4.2-4.9l-87.98-90.66c-11.9-12.26-37.75-14.95-54.12 1.43a40.1 40.1 0 0 0-3.68 4.24C80 245.98 80 160 80 160c0-22.05-17.95-40-40-40S0 137.95 0 160v142.49a30 30 0 0 0 7.38 19.7l110.14 128.73a10.02 10.02 0 0 1 2.48 6.6V502a10 10 0 0 0 10 10zm118.55-166.69l87.63-90.28a19.46 19.46 0 0 1 25.98 1.27 19.36 19.36 0 0 1-.01 27.4l-50.95 50.96a10 10 0 0 0 14.14 14.14l54.16-54.16a69.53 69.53 0 0 0 20.5-49.5V160c0-11.03 8.97-20 20-20s20 8.97 20 20v142.49c0 2.42-.88 4.76-2.48 6.59l-.07.08-110.07 128.65a30 30 0 0 0-7.38 19.7V492h-80V366.28c0-7.87 3.03-15.31 8.55-20.97zm-226-36.15l-.07-.08a10.02 10.02 0 0 1-2.48-6.6V160c0-11.03 8.97-20 20-20s20 8.97 20 20v85.15c0 18.7 7.28 36.27 20.5 49.5l54.16 54.15a10 10 0 1 0 14.14-14.14L97.84 283.7a19.36 19.36 0 0 1 25.98-28.67l87.65 90.3a29.82 29.82 0 0 1 8.53 20.95V492h-80v-34.49a30 30 0 0 0-7.38-19.7zm0 0"/>
<path d="M140 190v20a10 10 0 0 0 10 10h160a10 10 0 0 0 10-10v-20c0-49.53-40.07-90-90-90-49.63 0-90 40.38-90 90zm90-70c38.61 0 70 31.25 70 70v10H160v-10c0-38.6 31.4-70 70-70zm0 0M280 50c0-27.57-22.43-50-50-50s-50 22.43-50 50 22.43 50 50 50 50-22.43 50-50zm-50 30c-16.54 0-30-13.46-30-30s13.46-30 30-30 30 13.46 30 30-13.46 30-30 30zm0 0"/>
<h3>Advising the Elderly and Vulnerable</h3><div id="show_hide_4"><a class="show" href="javascript:ShowInfo('show_hide_4');">More information</a><p>A recent study published in the Lancet Public Health journal, predicts that people aged 85 and over, requiring 24-hour care, will double by 2035 and a million people aged over 65 will also need similar 24-hour care by 2035.</p><p>This has far reaching consequences raising issues of capacity to make decisions, advice on rules concerning care fees and how to legally mitigate them, protecting the family home and savings and arranging funeral plans.</p><p>Goldcrest Legal Services endeavours to make the transition towards later life as smooth and as financially efficient as possible. We are also able to advise on preparing Wills and Trusts to protect vulnerable dependents. Contact us today
for further information.</p><a class="hide" href="javascript:HideInfo('show_hide_4');">Hide</a></div></article></div></section><section id="about_us"><section><h2>About Us</h2><p>Goldcrest Legal Services was founded by Marina Brierley.
After obtaining a degree in Economics and Economic History at University College London, Marina went on to study law and qualified as a solicitor in 1995.
Having gained several years experience working in Housing Civil Litigation, a career break to raise and teach her children followed, together with volunteering in the community. </p><p>Marina now specialises in private client matters and is motivated to provide the highest standard of service.
In her spare time she enjoys walking, gardening, cooking, ornithology and music. </p></section></section><section id="we_can_help_if"><h2>We Can Help if...</h2><section id="scroll"><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>you need to apply to become a deputy for an elderly relative who has lost the ability to manage their affairs and who didn't register a Lasting Power of Attorney.
Your relative may also need a Statutory Will</p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>you're a parent, grandparent, godparent, aunt, uncle or someone else who has a concern that children and grandchildren are at risk if they receive or inherit too much too soon.
We can create a
to hold the assets until the children are older and wiser.</p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>(i) you are named as
in a Will and are overwhelmed by the responsibility, too distressed or simply too busy to act at a time of loss or in need of urgent help with practical as well as legal matters,
(ii) a named executor has died, moved away or has otherwise become incapable of acting or
(iii) you have recently lost a relative or friend who died without making a Will and there is no one able or willing to administer the estate. </p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>you have a son or daughter or someone else you would like to benefit who has a
or is in some other way vulnerable and in need of special care; or for some other reason be incapable of managing their own financial affairs.
In any of these situations cash, shares, property or other forms of wealth can be placed into a suitable family trust and those who manage the trust have full discretion on how the beneficiaries are helped with the funds.</p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>you are a
business owner
who wants to ensure your business continues and your loved ones are protected should anything happen to you.</p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>you are concerned that by giving away in your Will all your wealth to a spouse/partner, the money may be spent or invested unwisely, so that little or nothing will remain for your children to enjoy.
We can create a Will
to ensure capital is protected for children but without loss to a
surviving spouse
of any benefit during their widow(er)hood. </p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>you currently have an aged dependant – perhaps a widowed mother who would need continuing care should you die before them.
We can create a
to hold sufficient capital to continue to help them.
At the passing of your
elderly relative
the funds can then return to you or go to other family members. </p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p> you are concerned about funding
later life care
and wish to have the most recent, ethical advice on how to best look after your interests. </p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p> You are approaching or are already over the threshold for Inheritance Tax (IHT) and wish to ensure your Will is as tax efficient as possible and that through IHT estate planning you make the most of all the reliefs and exemptions available to you.</p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p> You wish to make provision for someone who would not receive a legacy according to the laws of Intestacy if you died without a Will , or you would like to ensure that a pet is cared and provided for.</p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>you have an adult son or daughter in danger of bankruptcy, has dependency issues or is in an unstable marriage or other relationship.
In any of these
cash, shares, property or other forms of wealth can be placed into a suitable family
managed by
with complete discretion regarding ways in which your son or daughter is helped financially whilst they receive support.</p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>you would like to know more about
charitable giving
through your Will, and how it can benefit both you and the charities.
We also can also assist with more information on worthy local charities.</p></section><section><img src="private/images/svg/logo.svg"><p>And through our business associates we can help with advice on how to maximise wealth through lifetime financial planning including investments and pensions, releasing equity tied up in your home or ensuring funeral costs are taken care of and delivered by a caring and professional local funeral director</p></section><p>Above are just some of the ways Goldcrest Legal Services can assist.</p><div><div><p>Scroll for more.</p></div></div></section></section><section id="extra_photos"><div></div><div></div><div></div></section><section id="why_choose_us"><h2>Why Choose Us?</h2><div><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 29.735 29.735">
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<p>Clear and thorough communication with regular case updates throughout.</p></article><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
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<p>Fewer overheads therefore competitive rates.</p></article><article><svg height="640" viewBox="0 -24 480 480" width="640" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<p>Remote working and COVID-19 compliant home visits and appointments.</p></article><article><svg viewBox="0 -26 512 512" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<p>Comprehensive areas of work but also a bespoke and individual service.</p></article><article><svg height="512pt" viewBox="0 -47 512 512" width="512pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<p>A commitment to quality and excellence </p></article><article><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<p>Professional, ethical and fully insured.</p></article><article><svg height="512pt" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="512pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<p>Price transparency</p></article><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 500 500">
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<p>Value packages for Wills and LPAs.</p></article></div></section><section id="testimonials"><h2>Recent Testimonials</h2><div><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M6.63 2.55q-.67.46-1.3 1.02-.65.56-1.16 1.23-.48.64-.8 1.38-.27.74-.27 1.54 0 .84.25 1.1.56 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.5.87-.34.41-.88.67-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.23-.23-.59-.25-1.05-.74-.46-.51-.77-1.28Q0 11.5 0 10.4q0-.94.26-2.04.28-1.13.94-2.3Q1.87 4.87 3 3.7q1.12-1.18 2.84-2.25zm9.37 0q-.7.46-1.33 1.02-.64.54-1.13 1.2-.46.64-.77 1.39-.28.74-.28 1.61 0 .92.26 1.1.51 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.51.87t-.9.67q-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.2-.23-.6-.25-1.06-.74-.46-.51-.76-1.28-.28-.8-.28-1.9 0-.94.25-2.04.26-1.13.9-2.3.66-1.18 1.76-2.36 1.13-1.18 2.85-2.25z" aria-label="“" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
<p>Definitely Satisfied with the service provided</p><p>- Mr D. Lloyd, Polegate</p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M0 13.45q.7-.48 1.33-1.02.64-.56 1.1-1.2.49-.67.77-1.41.3-.74.3-1.62 0-.92-.27-1.58-.26-.67-.7-1.13-.43-.49-.97-.8-.54-.3-1.1-.53 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.62 0 1.87 0 .95-.25 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.64 1.18-1.77 2.38-1.1 1.18-2.82 2.25zm9.4 0q.66-.48 1.28-1.05.64-.56 1.12-1.2.51-.67.8-1.38.3-.74.3-1.56 0-.85-.28-1.51-.26-.67-.69-1.16-.44-.5-1-.84-.54-.36-1.07-.59 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.61 0 1.2.23t1.05.74q.46.49.74 1.87 0 .95-.28 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.67 1.18-1.8 2.38-1.12 1.18-2.84 2.25z" aria-label="”" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
</article><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M6.63 2.55q-.67.46-1.3 1.02-.65.56-1.16 1.23-.48.64-.8 1.38-.27.74-.27 1.54 0 .84.25 1.1.56 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.5.87-.34.41-.88.67-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.23-.23-.59-.25-1.05-.74-.46-.51-.77-1.28Q0 11.5 0 10.4q0-.94.26-2.04.28-1.13.94-2.3Q1.87 4.87 3 3.7q1.12-1.18 2.84-2.25zm9.37 0q-.7.46-1.33 1.02-.64.54-1.13 1.2-.46.64-.77 1.39-.28.74-.28 1.61 0 .92.26 1.1.51 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.51.87t-.9.67q-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.2-.23-.6-.25-1.06-.74-.46-.51-.76-1.28-.28-.8-.28-1.9 0-.94.25-2.04.26-1.13.9-2.3.66-1.18 1.76-2.36 1.13-1.18 2.85-2.25z" aria-label="“" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
<p>Very pleased</p><p>- Mrs J. Beaumont, Eastbourne</p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M0 13.45q.7-.48 1.33-1.02.64-.56 1.1-1.2.49-.67.77-1.41.3-.74.3-1.62 0-.92-.27-1.58-.26-.67-.7-1.13-.43-.49-.97-.8-.54-.3-1.1-.53 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.62 0 1.87 0 .95-.25 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.64 1.18-1.77 2.38-1.1 1.18-2.82 2.25zm9.4 0q.66-.48 1.28-1.05.64-.56 1.12-1.2.51-.67.8-1.38.3-.74.3-1.56 0-.85-.28-1.51-.26-.67-.69-1.16-.44-.5-1-.84-.54-.36-1.07-.59 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.61 0 1.2.23t1.05.74q.46.49.74 1.87 0 .95-.28 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.67 1.18-1.8 2.38-1.12 1.18-2.84 2.25z" aria-label="”" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
</article><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M6.63 2.55q-.67.46-1.3 1.02-.65.56-1.16 1.23-.48.64-.8 1.38-.27.74-.27 1.54 0 .84.25 1.1.56 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.5.87-.34.41-.88.67-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.23-.23-.59-.25-1.05-.74-.46-.51-.77-1.28Q0 11.5 0 10.4q0-.94.26-2.04.28-1.13.94-2.3Q1.87 4.87 3 3.7q1.12-1.18 2.84-2.25zm9.37 0q-.7.46-1.33 1.02-.64.54-1.13 1.2-.46.64-.77 1.39-.28.74-.28 1.61 0 .92.26 1.1.51 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.51.87t-.9.67q-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.2-.23-.6-.25-1.06-.74-.46-.51-.76-1.28-.28-.8-.28-1.9 0-.94.25-2.04.26-1.13.9-2.3.66-1.18 1.76-2.36 1.13-1.18 2.85-2.25z" aria-label="“" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
<p>Everything went smoothly</p><p>- Anon, Eastbourne</p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M0 13.45q.7-.48 1.33-1.02.64-.56 1.1-1.2.49-.67.77-1.41.3-.74.3-1.62 0-.92-.27-1.58-.26-.67-.7-1.13-.43-.49-.97-.8-.54-.3-1.1-.53 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.62 0 1.87 0 .95-.25 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.64 1.18-1.77 2.38-1.1 1.18-2.82 2.25zm9.4 0q.66-.48 1.28-1.05.64-.56 1.12-1.2.51-.67.8-1.38.3-.74.3-1.56 0-.85-.28-1.51-.26-.67-.69-1.16-.44-.5-1-.84-.54-.36-1.07-.59 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.61 0 1.2.23t1.05.74q.46.49.74 1.87 0 .95-.28 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.67 1.18-1.8 2.38-1.12 1.18-2.84 2.25z" aria-label="”" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
</article><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M6.63 2.55q-.67.46-1.3 1.02-.65.56-1.16 1.23-.48.64-.8 1.38-.27.74-.27 1.54 0 .84.25 1.1.56 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.5.87-.34.41-.88.67-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.23-.23-.59-.25-1.05-.74-.46-.51-.77-1.28Q0 11.5 0 10.4q0-.94.26-2.04.28-1.13.94-2.3Q1.87 4.87 3 3.7q1.12-1.18 2.84-2.25zm9.37 0q-.7.46-1.33 1.02-.64.54-1.13 1.2-.46.64-.77 1.39-.28.74-.28 1.61 0 .92.26 1.1.51 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.51.87t-.9.67q-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.2-.23-.6-.25-1.06-.74-.46-.51-.76-1.28-.28-.8-.28-1.9 0-.94.25-2.04.26-1.13.9-2.3.66-1.18 1.76-2.36 1.13-1.18 2.85-2.25z" aria-label="“" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
<p>Very pleased and happy with each visit from Goldcrest Legal Services to sort out both our wills and trusts. Great care and time taken to explain to us in simple terms all aspects of our wills and trusts so that we understood everything. We thought that the price was very fair</p><p>- Mr G. King and Mrs J King, Hastings</p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M0 13.45q.7-.48 1.33-1.02.64-.56 1.1-1.2.49-.67.77-1.41.3-.74.3-1.62 0-.92-.27-1.58-.26-.67-.7-1.13-.43-.49-.97-.8-.54-.3-1.1-.53 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.62 0 1.87 0 .95-.25 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.64 1.18-1.77 2.38-1.1 1.18-2.82 2.25zm9.4 0q.66-.48 1.28-1.05.64-.56 1.12-1.2.51-.67.8-1.38.3-.74.3-1.56 0-.85-.28-1.51-.26-.67-.69-1.16-.44-.5-1-.84-.54-.36-1.07-.59 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.61 0 1.2.23t1.05.74q.46.49.74 1.87 0 .95-.28 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.67 1.18-1.8 2.38-1.12 1.18-2.84 2.25z" aria-label="”" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
</article><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M6.63 2.55q-.67.46-1.3 1.02-.65.56-1.16 1.23-.48.64-.8 1.38-.27.74-.27 1.54 0 .84.25 1.1.56 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.5.87-.34.41-.88.67-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.23-.23-.59-.25-1.05-.74-.46-.51-.77-1.28Q0 11.5 0 10.4q0-.94.26-2.04.28-1.13.94-2.3Q1.87 4.87 3 3.7q1.12-1.18 2.84-2.25zm9.37 0q-.7.46-1.33 1.02-.64.54-1.13 1.2-.46.64-.77 1.39-.28.74-.28 1.61 0 .92.26 1.1.51 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.51.87t-.9.67q-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.2-.23-.6-.25-1.06-.74-.46-.51-.76-1.28-.28-.8-.28-1.9 0-.94.25-2.04.26-1.13.9-2.3.66-1.18 1.76-2.36 1.13-1.18 2.85-2.25z" aria-label="“" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
<p>Very happy!, made everything easy and made me feel very comfortable, thank you again.</p><p>- Mrs S. Masters, Eastbourne</p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M0 13.45q.7-.48 1.33-1.02.64-.56 1.1-1.2.49-.67.77-1.41.3-.74.3-1.62 0-.92-.27-1.58-.26-.67-.7-1.13-.43-.49-.97-.8-.54-.3-1.1-.53 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.62 0 1.87 0 .95-.25 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.64 1.18-1.77 2.38-1.1 1.18-2.82 2.25zm9.4 0q.66-.48 1.28-1.05.64-.56 1.12-1.2.51-.67.8-1.38.3-.74.3-1.56 0-.85-.28-1.51-.26-.67-.69-1.16-.44-.5-1-.84-.54-.36-1.07-.59 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.61 0 1.2.23t1.05.74q.46.49.74 1.87 0 .95-.28 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.67 1.18-1.8 2.38-1.12 1.18-2.84 2.25z" aria-label="”" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
</article><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M6.63 2.55q-.67.46-1.3 1.02-.65.56-1.16 1.23-.48.64-.8 1.38-.27.74-.27 1.54 0 .84.25 1.1.56 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.5.87-.34.41-.88.67-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.23-.23-.59-.25-1.05-.74-.46-.51-.77-1.28Q0 11.5 0 10.4q0-.94.26-2.04.28-1.13.94-2.3Q1.87 4.87 3 3.7q1.12-1.18 2.84-2.25zm9.37 0q-.7.46-1.33 1.02-.64.54-1.13 1.2-.46.64-.77 1.39-.28.74-.28 1.61 0 .92.26 1.1.51 0 .47-.18.95-.15.46-.51.87t-.9.67q-.54.25-1.25.25-.62 0-1.2-.23-.6-.25-1.06-.74-.46-.51-.76-1.28-.28-.8-.28-1.9 0-.94.25-2.04.26-1.13.9-2.3.66-1.18 1.76-2.36 1.13-1.18 2.85-2.25z" aria-label="“" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
<p>Very happy with the price and service. Communication was good. Service was exceptional and I would definitely recommend. </p><p>- Ms H. Crouch, Polegate</p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g style="line-height:1.25;-inkscape-font-specification:Yesevca">
<path d="M0 13.45q.7-.48 1.33-1.02.64-.56 1.1-1.2.49-.67.77-1.41.3-.74.3-1.62 0-.92-.27-1.58-.26-.67-.7-1.13-.43-.49-.97-.8-.54-.3-1.1-.53 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.62 0 1.87 0 .95-.25 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.64 1.18-1.77 2.38-1.1 1.18-2.82 2.25zm9.4 0q.66-.48 1.28-1.05.64-.56 1.12-1.2.51-.67.8-1.38.3-.74.3-1.56 0-.85-.28-1.51-.26-.67-.69-1.16-.44-.5-1-.84-.54-.36-1.07-.59 0-.46.15-.92.18-.49.54-.87.36-.41.87-.67.54-.25 1.28-.25.61 0 1.2.23t1.05.74q.46.49.74 1.87 0 .95-.28 2.07-.26 1.1-.92 2.28-.67 1.18-1.8 2.38-1.12 1.18-2.84 2.25z" aria-label="”" font-family="Simonetta" font-size="40" font-weight="400" letter-spacing="0" style="-inkscape-font-specification:Simonetta" word-spacing="0"/>
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<p>Excellent speedy service.</p><p>- Ms C. Bacon, Eastbourne</p></article><article><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
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<p>We found the service very helpful, thorough and clear. All questions were answered in a timely and efficient manner.</p><p>- Mr R and Mrs K. Lee, Polegate</p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
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</article></div></section><section id="part_of"><figure><img class="smaller" src="private/images/svg/part_of/73_IPW TSI member.svg" onclick='ShowIfMobile("show_hide_5")' alt="IPW member"><img src="private/images/svg/part_of/RAC_Campaign_Supporter_RGB.svg" onclick='ShowIfMobile("show_hide_5")' alt="RAC Campaign Supporter"></figure><p>This firm complies with the IPW Code of Practice</p><div id="show_hide_5"><a class="show" href="javascript:ShowInfo('show_hide_5');">More information</a><p>Goldcrest Legal Services Ltd as a company is regulated by the IPW rather than the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
The Institute of Professional Will Writers which has been in existence for more than 25 years is a not-for-profit self-regulatory organisation, attracting members from a range of areas including private practice and financial services, as well as solicitors,
barristers and accountants.</p><p>Consumer protection is central and the IPW works directly with such organisations as the Legal Services Board, the Competition and Markets Authority, the Office of the Public Guardian and the Chartered Trading Standards Institute to raise and enforce
standards.</p><p>All members operate through a Code of Practice which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute and:</p><p><span>carry at least £2 million Professional Indemnity insurance cover per client</span></p><p><span>carry at least £5 million Public Liability insurance cover</span></p><p><span>undergo a Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure</span></p><p><span>undertake Continuous Professional Development to ensure that advice is accurate and reflects best practice</span></p><a class="hide" href="javascript:HideInfo('show_hide_5');">Close</a></div></section><section class="colour-block foot"><section id="contact"><h2>Contact Us</h2><div><section class="hours"><p>Hours: 9.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday<span>Calls are monitored outside office hours for emergencies.</span></p></section><section class="tel"><p>Tel: 01323 332543</p></section><section class="email"><p>Email: mb@goldcrestlegal.co.uk</p></section><section class="addr"><div><p>Mrs Marina Brierley</p><p>Solicitor and Director</p><p>Goldcrest Legal Services Ltd</p><p>44 Willingdon Park Drive</p><p>Eastbourne</p><p>East Sussex</p><p>BN22 0BT</p></div></section></div></section></section><footer><nav><a href="https://twitter.com/LtdGoldcrest"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="1.41" clip-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
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