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Gorzon edited this page Aug 7, 2023 · 14 revisions

Variables that you can change while creating the bro. They are shown with their default value.
Some variables don't have an impact, cause they are for enemies.


// Acid
canBeCoveredInAcid = true;
meltDuration = 0.7f;
// Air Dash
canAirdash = false;
airdashMaxTime = 0.5f;
defaultAirdashDelay = 0.15f
// Animation
canDoIndependentMeleeAnimation = false;
doRollOnLand = false;
useDashFrames = false;
useNewFrames = false;
useNewKnifingFrames = false;
useNewLedgeGrappleFrames = false;
useNewThrowingFrames = false;
useNewPushingFrames = false; 
useNewHighFivingFrames = false;
hasNewAirFlexFrames = false;
useNewKnifeClimbingFrames = false;
useNewLadderClimbingFrames = false;
useLadderClimbingTransition = false;
useDuckingFrames = true;
useNewDuckingFrames = false;
// Boost
highFiveBoostTime = 3.7f;
highFiveBoostM = 1.4f;
// Cheat
immuneToOutOfBounds = false;
// Dash
canDash = true;
dashSpeedM = 1f;
// Death
canGib = true;
bloodColor = BloodColor.Red;
bloodCountAmount = 80;
deathSoundVolume = 0.4f;
willComeBackToLife = false;
reviveZombieTime = 2f;
canDisembowel = false;
// Physics
JUMP_TIME = 0.123f; // The time you can hold jump for jumping. Be careful adding a small number can really increase time.
speed = 110.0f; // Speed of the bro.
maxFallSpeed = -400f; // The speed for falling when he is in the air.
_jumpForce = 260f; // Jump height.
quicksandChokeCounter = 2f;
// Sound
bypassNewVoicesOnThisBro = false;
pitchShiftAmount = 1f;
// Weapon
rumbleAmountPerShot = 0.3f;
fireRate = 0.0334f;
fireDelay = 0f;
breakDoorsOpen = false;
// Other
canWallClimb = true; // If false, you still climbing but the animation is messed up
canPushBlocks = true;
canLedgeGrapple = false;
canUnFreeze = false;
canBeStrungUp = false;
maxHealth = 1
canCeilingHang = false;
hangGraceTime = 0.3f;
cancelMeleeOnChangeDirection = false;
BroBase.MeleeType meleeType = BroBase.MeleeType.Knife;
knifeClimbStabHeight = 18f;
maxWallClimbYI = 100f;


scanningRange = 10f;
chargeTimePerBulletFired = 0.075f;
specialCooldownDelay = 0.13f;

Bro Ceasar

miniGunFireDelay = 1.25f;
pushBackForceM = 1f;


knifeSpeed = 270f;
knifeSpraySpeed = 320f;
knifeSprayCount = 12;
test6Frames = false;


sliceVolume = 0.3f;
maxElectricShocks = 4;
upperCutAnimationRow = 7;
lightningRange = 50;
chainLightningRange = 40;
zapperXOffset = -16f;
zapperYOffset = -12f;

Bro Dredd

remoteProjectileSpeed = 90f;

Bro Gummer

remoteProjectileSpeed = 800f;
extraFireDelay = 0.3f;
scanningRange = 10f;
specialCooldownDelay = 0.13f