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Project Proposal — Bear With Me |
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HtL Project Proposal – Bear With Me
Team members: Eric, Jared, Toby
[Review in class on Thursday 2/1]
Creating authentic human connection in the modern world, via bear.
When you call, the Bear calls someone else (who has registered) and connects you into a conference call.
Stretch Goals:
User call frequency preferences, and initiating connections
Fancy conversation starters
Signup workflow with user contact time preferences
Calls aren't fun
Nobody signs up
Missed feature completeness for learning goals
Make more bad features instead of fewer good features (test & docs)
Unintuitive user experience (unusable)
Thermonuclear War breaks out
What resources (pointers to information, time with instructors) will help you succeed?
[Due by noon on Monday 2/4]
For each practice area:
How you will demonstrate command of this area? What does success look like? [2-5 sentences]
A successful continuous integration pipeline will...
Automatically integrate and test changes to the code before they have been merged into master
- (extension) require tests to pass before merging to master
Execute both unit and integration tests
Execute tests both locally on the development machine and in the cloud
Be reasonably well-documented and understandable by future users of the project.
The technology that I have seen used other places most commonly is Jenkins CI, but I am open to other approaches
Setup both a production and a local database, with a migrations workflow for development.
Document setup instructions, and use flask_sqlalchemy as an ORM.
Get comfy with postgres.
Keep an eye out for injection points.
Make sure debugging endpoints are removed before deployment.
Protect against malicious callbacks.
[In class Thursday 2/8]
Add a link to your slides, if any, here.