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The ShowDialog Action

HCaseira edited this page Dec 27, 2023 · 1 revision

An Action to display a dialog above the current contents of the app.


  • jumpToScreen the Screen to render on the Dialog.

  • state a json object to be merged into the jumpToScreen's State map and act as it's initial State.

  • barrierDismissible used to determine whether this route can be dismissed by tapping the modal barrier.

  • barrierColor the color used for the modal barrier.

  • backgroundColor the background color of the surface of the Dialog.

  • padding sets the minimum space between the screen's edges and the Dialog.

  • alignment the position of the Dialog on the screen;

  • elevation the z-coordinate for the Dialog.

  • transition allows you to configure the transition animation for the Dialog.

  • transitionDuration the duration of the transition animation in milliseconds.


  • onPop an Action to be executed when the Dialog Pops from Flutter's Navigator stack. You can use this to reload a List's data or show a message to the user.