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The Toolbar

HCaseira edited this page Dec 27, 2023 · 1 revision


Settings and Statistics


Displays some statistics like the number of screens the model contains, or the amount of Widgets registered via flutter code.

Also, allows setting the first screen to be rendered when the app starts and the location of the model file.


Saves the model to a file in the assets folder.

Environment Variables


A table for managing static key/value pairs for each environment you may find useful.

You can use them as a value for a property like so: ${env.api_url}.

You can have as many different environments as you want, just specify one when running or building your app.

void main() async {
  runApp(DemoApp(environment: "QA"));

You may want to create a main.dart file for each environment to make running and building easier.

You can quickly select the environment you want to use on the flutter client.


Language Resources

A table for managing static key/value pairs for each language you want to make available.


Upon starting, the app will try to match the device language with any available, otherwise the first one declared will be applied.

You may want to declare a language code like en-US to specify a language variation.

Any label or message rendered by the app will use a matching key/value pair to present a translated text to the user.

For instance, a text of a Button Widget will be translated (if a match exists), but a value of a Text Widget won't.

For that you can set a Translate formatter on the Text Widget like so:


Import Swagger

You can import a swagger schema from an url or a file to make Requests available in the model.


Helpful Links

A list of useful links to help you master Lowder.