- updates for 2.1.3 catalogs
- including apcor,fiber_ratio as column in catalogs and detections.py
- finalized source_catalog.py command line functionality
- add source_type column in source_catalog
- incorporated continuum h5 file into amp_widget.py and elixer_widget_cls.py
- Updates to SourceCatalog.ipynb
- Updates to QueryWidget
- Updates to hetdex_tools/source_catalog.py
- Release for 2.1.2 catalogs
- updates to make_curated_catalog
- created hetdex_tools/source_catalog.py to make a unique source catalog
- hetdex_tools/interpolate.py developed for data cube and collapsed image
- developed hetdex_api/cube_widget.py to scan a HETDEX cube
- developed hetdex_api/amp_widget.py to interactively explore individual amp observations
- masking tools: hetdex_tools/galmask.py, hetdex_api/mask.py
- organized and made lots of new notebooks
- added hetdex_tools/get_contour.py to perform grid line fitting
- updated hetdex_api/elixer_widget_cls.py for new team classifying
- add API for mask development hetdex_api/mask.py
- updated line fitting tools in hetdex_tools/line_fitting.py
- added hetdex_tools/make_curated_catalog.py to document catalog creation
- added tool to grab flim slice and detections hetdex_tools/plot_flim_slice.py
- Still release for HDR2.1.1
- using healpy to speed up query speed on FiberIndex
- small changes in docs for cleaner organization
- catalog curation: added 82 new bad shots, a bad fiber and some bad amps, caught 960 charge trap issues.
- Release for HDR2.1.1
- Detections class function refine() now operational for HDR2.1
- Added curated_version option for Detections class to pull stable catalog
- small changes in docs for cleaner organization
- catalog curation: added 82 new bad shots, a bad fiber and some bad amps, caught 960 charge trap issues.
- The
array in theSensitivityCube
class has been replaced by an array of the 1 sigma noise calledsigmas
- When initialising a
an nsigma parameter can be passed that converts the input to signmas via input/nsigma - You must now pass a
parameter to all the flux limit functions, which specifies the S/N cut - Different flux limit models for different releases are
now available via the
option - The alphas array can be 3D, in which case an alpha can be specified for
each location