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Predict your chances of acceptence for different Universities

js-standard-style npm Generic badge

➡️ Description

Semester Project for Advance Web

System that take various variable like CGPA,GAT, SOP e.t.c and predict chances of acceptance for different universities

Linear Regression to predict chances of acceptance, Node, Express backend and Angular Frontend with passportjs Authentication and session management.

⬆️ How to Setup

Step 1: git clone this repo:

Step 2: cd to the cloned repo:

Step 3: cd to REST and hit npm install in terminal:

Step 4: cd to AngularFrontEnd and install depedencies by npm install:

▶️ How to Run App

  1. cd to the REST
  2. Run nodemon server to run the back end
  3. cd to AngularFrontEnd
  4. run ng serve


http://localhost:4200/signup for Signup

http://localhost:4200/login for Login

http://localhost:4200/prediction for Main Prediction System


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