See the RegisterRoutes function in handler.go, currently here:, and the parse function in query_parser.go, currently here:
- http://localhost:3001/api/**services** -- returns a list of service names
- http://localhost:3001/api/**operations**?service=qe-automation -- returns a list of operations; requires service name
- http://localhost:3001/api/**traces**?service=qe-automation
- This requires servicename, and accepts the following options 2. limit=n -- number of traces (most recent?) to receive 3. start=time in unix microseconds 4. end=time in unix microseconds 5. minDuration=strValue (units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h") 6. maxDuration=strValue (same units as minDuration) 7. tags (Not sure how these work yet.) 1. tag ::= 'tag=' key | 'tag=' keyvalue 2. key := strValue 3. keyValue := strValue ':' strValue
- http://localhost:3001/api/**traces**/{traceId} -- return a specific trace
- http://localhost:3001/api/**archive**/{%s} -- TODO
- http://localhost:3001/api/**archives**/{%s} -- TODO
- http://localhost:3001/api/**dependencies** -- TODO
- http://localhost:3001/api/**services**/{%s}/**operations** -- Get operations for a service. Legacy?