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Determine new space groups for analyzing pump-probe crystallography experiments


This program relies on sgtbx for the hierarchical grouping of different crystallographic space groups. Currently, it does not seem that cctbx can be easily installed with pip, so this dependency must be installed separately. The following snippet should install the regroup command-line program to your current environment:

conda install -c conda-forge cctbx
pip install git+


regroup requires knowledge of the experimental geometry of the crystal in the lab reference frame in order to determine the new space group based on the orientation of the crystal relative to the "pump" perturbation. Since much of our group's work is conducted at the BioCARS Laue beamline (APS 14-ID-B), this program currently only supports Precognition geometry files (.inp format).

If anyone is interested in support for additional file formats, please reach out by filing an issue.

For a full list of options and parameters, type regroup --help into your terminal.

What does it do?

The user supplies a series of .inp files, which (among other things) describe the crystal orientation with an A matrix. The user also supplies the orientation of the electric field in the lab frame (via the --ef flag). Given the crystal orientation and the EF direction, regroup walks through the possible crystal facets to see which will have a facet-normal parallel to the electric field. Then, regroup walks through the possible subgroups of the spacegroup to find those that will preserve the direction of the facet-normal (as an idealized electric field vector) for all of their subgroup symops.

What do I do with the outputs?

regroup will print out something like the following:

           Facet       Angle                                    spacegroup n_symops
                        mean       std count                                       
0      (1, 1, 1)    2.231812  0.147201    46      P 1 (a+b,a-b,-c) (No. 1)        1
1      (1, 1, 0)   31.680535  0.145917    46      P 1 (a+b,a-b,-c) (No. 1)        1
2      (1, 0, 1)   34.806997  0.098994    46      P 1 (a+b,a-b,-c) (No. 1)        1
3      (0, 1, 1)   39.268555  0.117977    46      P 1 (a+b,a-b,-c) (No. 1)        1
4      (1, 0, 0)   50.767813  0.114569    46               C 2 1 1 (No. 5)        2

Each row corresponds to a facet of the crystal, ranked by how close the normal vector of that facet is to the electric field vector. In the above example, you can see that the electric field is very nearly normal to the (1, 1, 1) facet of the crystal. Across the 46 .inp files included, this facet is just ~2.2 degrees off from the EF vector with standard deviation <0.15 degrees.

For each facet, regroup also tells you the new spacegroup caused by symmetry breaking along the EF vector. In the case of row 4 above, the new spacegroup would be C211 with no change in unit cell or indexing. However, rows 0-3 above require the change-of-basis (a+b,a-b,-c). This can be accomplished via the following code (or similar):

import reciprocalspaceship as rs
import gemmi

def change_spacegroup(filename, opstring, sg='P1'):
    Function for reading in an unmerged, high-symmetry MTZ, changing basis and reindexing, and writing out the new version
    filename : str
        mtz to be read in
    opstring : str
        String to feed to gemmi.Op constructor. Used as change of basis, and the inverse of which is used as the reindexing operation
    sg : str
        Optionally, provide a non-P1 reduced-symmetry spacegroup for the output.
    mtz = rs.read_mtz(filename)
    op = gemmi.Op(opstring).inverse() # can confirm visually that this gives the intended rhombus

    # note that this works equivalently to gemmi's "unit cell reduction" algorithm
    mtz.cell = mtz.cell.changed_basis_forward(op, False) 
    mtz.spacegroup = sg
    mtz.apply_symop(op.inverse(), inplace=True) # reindexing via inverse operation

    mtz.write_mtz(filename.removesuffix('.mtz') + '_new_spacegroup.mtz')