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2199 lines (1681 loc) · 163 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project does not adhere to Semantic Versioning.

v2021.11.03 November 03 2021


  • Implemented support for conditional comments in the script engine's parser, allowing to exclude blocks of code (including top-level commands) from parsing based on a condition, in a similar fashion to ifdef directives in the C preprocessor. See doc/script_commands.txt and the pull request description for detailed information on their use. (#3080)
  • Added a setting to prevent the GM administration NPCs from loading (leveraging conditional comments). (part of #3080)
    • See script_configuration.load_gm_scripts in conf/map/script.conf.
    • The provided administrative NPCs have been updated to support this setting and third party scripters that want to do the same can put their administrative NPCs behind conditional comments controlled by the LOADGMSCRIPTS feature (see doc/script_commands.txt for details.
  • Implemented the bSubSkill item bonus, reducing damage in percentage from the specified skill. (#2970)
  • Implemented the bDropAddRace item bonus, increasing item drop rate in percentage when killing monsters of the specified race. (part of #2970)
  • Implemented the Star Emperor and the Soul Reaper job classes and their respective skills. (#3030)
  • Implemented an option to ignore the Discount and Overcharge effect for a given item ID. See the Item DB flags IgnoreDiscount and IgnoreOvercharge respectively. (#3060, issue #3055)
  • Implemented an SC config option HasVisualEffect to indicate that a skill displays a visual effect on the affected unit, de-hardcoding it from source. (#3061)
  • Implemented the Instant kill state (/item onekillmonster), allowing GMs to kill mobs in one hit (the @killmonster permission is necessary). (#3063)
  • Implemented support for loading captcha images on server startup (#3064)
  • Implemented the Lapine Upgrade user interface. (#3068)
  • Exposed the former rodex_sendmail_sub() function as part of the script interface, as script->buildin_rodex_sendmail_sub(). (part of #3071)
  • Implemented a checkhiding() script command, returning true if a character is hidden (Hiding, Cloaking or Chase Walking but not GM Perfect Hide). See doc/script_commands.txt for details. (part of #3081)


  • Reworked the drop rate calculation and the way drop rate bonuses stack, to better accommodate for the new bDropAddRace bonus. (part of #2970)
  • Changed various card slot processing functions to check all of them even if an item has a limited amount of card slots, since they could contain other (non-card) enchantment items. (#3066)
  • Converted the elemental damage table to libconfig. See (pre-)-re/attr_fix.conf. A converter script tools/attr_fix_converter.php has been provided in order to help converting any customized tables. (#3070)
  • Added the inventory index for each item in the @itemlist command (part of #3071)
  • Changed the ambiguous return value of getpetinfo(PETINFO_NAME) when no pet is found. The empty string "" is now returned instead of "null", which could ambiguously be considered a valid pet name. (part of #3079)
  • Changed the WARPNPC scripted warps to behave in a consistent way to real non-scripted warps. (#3081)
    • The use of OnTouch_ has been replaced with OnTouch to prevent players from holding an NPC dialogue open to abuse the serialization mechanism of the former event and block the script from triggering for other players.
    • A check for the hidden/cloaked status has been added, to match the behavior of non-scripted warps.
  • Applied the above OnTouch_ to OnTouch conversion to the NPCs from the Cursed Spirit quest in order to prevent the same serialization abuse and the glitches that derive from it. (part of #3081)


  • Fixed (implemented) lazy evaluation of the ternary conditional operator in the scripting language. Only the expected branch is now executed, as opposed to both branches. (#3074)
  • Fixed the behavior of the Splash Kunai (KO_HAPPOKUNAI) skill: (#3053, issue #1597)
    • Updated damage formula to 3 * (Kunai Atk+ Weapon Atk + Base Atk)) * (Skill Level + 5) / 5.
    • Pierce attack modifier no longer applies to it.
    • Element comes from the kunai rather than from the weapon.
    • SP Cost gets increased and Hit count should be 1.
  • Fixed the behavior of the Dragon Breath (RK_DRAGONBREATH) skill: (part of #3053, issue #1597)
    • It now applies the elemental modifier and ignores the target's flee.
  • Fixed the behavior of the Intense Telekinesis (WL_TELEKINESIS_INTENSE) skill: (part of #3053, issue #1597)
    • Damage is now tripled when the skill element is Ghost.
  • Fixed several warnings reported by the Visual Studio compiler (#3058)
  • Fixed an incorrect condition in the WoE mob status calculation. Instead of relying on castle IDs it now correctly detects the type of WoE castle (FE or TE) and applies the appropriate status modifiers. (#3062)
  • Fixed the inconsistent behavior of getcalendartime() when supplied with the current hour and minute. (#3072)
    • The command will now always return the next occurrence of the given time (as specified by the day of month or day of week parameter) instead of inconsistently returning today's timestamp in some cases.
  • Fixed the Lord Of Death spawning script never using one of the spawn locations. (#3075)
  • Fixed visual glitches in RoDEX when the first item of a character's inventory (having index 0) is added to an attachment slot. (#3071)
  • Fixed visual glitches when removing parts of an item stack from an attachment slot. (part of #3071)
  • Fixed some processing errors in RoDEX with newer clients, after the "bulk actions" update, that keep the rows from deleted messages on screen until refreshing and send bogus data to the server. (part of #3071)
  • Fixed the message body length check in the rodex_sendmail() script command, now allowing for the full message length of the RoDEX system as opposed to the shorter length from the earlier Mail system. (part of #3071)
  • Fixed the map->foreachinpath() path calculation having gaps or too narrow paths, affecting skills such as Sharpshooting. (#3076)
  • Fixed the behavior of the Acid Demonstration (CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION) skill: (#3077)
    • The strip effect from rogues was incorrectly applied when the Armor & Weapon Break triggers for non-player characters. Now nothing is applied instead, matching the official behavior.
  • Fixed the behavior of the Mental Charge (HLIF_CHANGE) skill: (#3078)
    • In pre-renewal the skill now makes the caster always use the raw max MATK as base damage, as in official servers.


  • Removed the set_sc_with_vfx() macro, superseded by the HasVisualEffect SC config flag. (part of #3061)
  • Removed the getguildname() script command, deprecated since v2019.11.17 and superseded by getguildinfo() - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (#3079)
  • Removed the getguildmaster() script command, deprecated since v2019.11.17 and superseded by getguildinfo() - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (part of #3079)
  • Removed the getguildmasterid() script command, deprecated since v2019.11.17 and superseded by getguildinfo() - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (part of #3079)
  • Removed the petstat() script command, deprecated since v2019.04.07 and superseded by getpetinfo() - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (part of #3079)
  • Removed the PET_* constants related to the petstat() command. (part of #3079)
  • Removed the specialeffect2() script command, deprecated since 2017 and superseded by specialeffect() - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (part of #3079)
  • Removed the pcblockmove() script command, deprecated since v2018.06.03 and superseded by setpcblock() - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (part of #3079)
  • Removed the kickwaitingroomall() script command, deprecated since v2020.11.16 and superseded by waitingroomkick() - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (part of #3079)
  • Removed the debugmes() script command, deprecated since v2019.05.05 and superseded by consolemes() - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (part of #3079)
  • Removed the misceffect() script command, deprecated since 2017 and superseded by specialeffect() - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (part of #3079)
  • Removed the pow() script command, deprecated since 2017 and superseded by the exponentiation oeprator ** - see PR page for replacements if you were still relying on the deprecated command. (part of #3079)

v2021.10.06+1 October 06 2021 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a critical guild storage saving issue causing item duplication. (#3059)
  • Fixed the return code of chr->memitemdata_to_sql() to behave as documented. (part of #3059)
  • Fixed a possible out of bound read from a buffer in clif_guild_basicinfo(). (part of #3059)

v2021.10.06 October 06 2021


  • Implemented the official Macro Detection/Captcha system. Note: a client patch may be necessary, in order to correct an inconsistency between the BMP formats accepted by the Register functions and the Detector/Preview UI. (#3051)
    • Includes:
      • The Macro Register UI, available through the /macro_register command.
      • The Macro Detector UI, triggered by the server to send captcha challenges to players.
      • The Macro Reporter UI, available through the /macro_detector command.
      • The Captcha Preview UI, available through the /macro_preview <captcha_id> command.
    • See the Pull Request #3051 description and for screenshots and more details.
  • Added a new SC flag NoMagicBlocked, to block a status change while under the no magic state. (#3050)
  • Added a startup check to ensure the best/fastest available clock source is used on Linux. (#3046)
  • Added the skill flags RangeModByVulture, RangeModBySnakeEye, RangeModByShadowJump, RangeModByRadius, RangeModByResearchTrap, replacing hardcoded skill range modifiers. (#3043)


  • Removed redundant sd->hd NULL checks before calls to homun_alive(). (#3056)
  • Regenerated the configure script with Autoconf 2.71. (part of #3046)
  • Updated .mailmap. (#3010)


  • Fixed Kaite in Renewal to increase melee damage to 400% as in official servers. (#3054)
  • Added a missing equipFlag to the ZC_ENCHANT_EQUIPMENT packet. (#3052)
  • Fixed SC_GENTLETOUCH_CHANGE not applying the WATK bonus. (#3048, issue #1629)
  • Fixed the Daehyon_Card script effect to only work on One or Two Handed Sword. (#3047, issue #2996)
  • Fixed SC_HOWLING_MINE to use status->isdead() through the HPM interface instead of directly. (#3044)
  • Fixed the weapon type requirement of KO_JYUMONJIKIRI to require that left and right hand aren't bare fists (but the right hand can be a shield). (#3041)
  • Fixed the Womens_Bundle item script and the npc_live_dialogues.txt documentation still referencing the F_RandMes() function instead of F_Rand(). (#3040, issue #3039)
  • Fixed a redundant MAPID_BABY_TAEKWON in the pc_jobchange() fame list check. (#3057)


  • Note: Even if we release at the beginning of the month, Hacktoberfest is still in progress! We'll be granting the hacktoberfest-accepted label to any valid PRs opened before October 31st, even if we'll include them in the November release. Make sure to sign up on and open your PRs before the deadline if you wish to participate. Happy Hacktoberfest!

v2021.09.01 September 01 2021


  • Added a sanity check of skill IDs against MAX_SKILL_ID when loading the skill database. (part of #3033)
  • Added Rebellion skills, items and SCs to the Pre-Renewal database. (#3031)
  • Added the NoBBReset flag for SC types that shouldn't be reset by the Rebellion skill Banishing Buster. (#3032)


  • Increased MAX_SKILL_ID to 10020 to fit all the currently existing skills. (#3033)
  • Updated the list of job IDs displayed by @jobchange. (#3029)


  • Fixed the mob groups reading the rate from the wrong object, resulting in the fallback value MOBID_PORING being returned in many cases. (#3037, issue #3036)
  • Fixed typos in various documentation comments. (#3035)
  • Fixed the Extreme Vacuum skill causing a permanent SC_VACUUM_EXTREME status when it hits several targets at the same time. (#3025, related to #2995)
  • Fixed the damage of piercing critical attacks with Thanatos Card in Renewal. (#3023, issue #3022)
  • Fixed the Ignition Break animation in recent (2018 and newer) clients. (#3034, issue #2511)
  • Fixed the Blast Mine, Claymore Trap and Land Mine damage to ignore card damage reductions. (#3024, formerly #1149)

v2021.08.04 August 04 2021


  • Added support for the official Guild Storage system, supported starting with PACKETVER 20131223. Older PACKETVERs aren't affected by this change. (#1092)
    • When the official system is enabled, a guild will require the GD_GUILD_STORAGE skill in order to obtain access to Guild Storage.
    • Starting with PACKETVER 20140205 it's possible to control access to the Guild Storage through permissions defined in the Guild window.
    • Since this change can lock existing guilds out of their storage until and if they invest skill points in GD_GUILD_STORAGE, it's possible to opt out and keep using the custom system (fixed size, no skills required) by defining the DISABLE_OFFICIAL_GUILD_STORAGE preprocessor macro.
    • When the official guild storage is enabled, MAX_GUILD_STORAGE can't/shouldn't be redefined. The GUILD_STORAGE_EXPANSION_STEP macro is instead provided, defining the amount of storage slots that each level of the GD_GUILD_STORAGE skill will provide.
    • Increasing the maximum level of the GD_GUILD_STORAGE skill may lead to unexpected behaviors. If you must, you'll at least need to edit the MAX_GUILD_STORAGE macro definition to increase the maximum skill level.
    • When this is enabled, the MAX_GUILD_STORAGE script constant will refer to the maximum possible guild storage, rather than the current size of a specific guild's storage.
    • This requires a database migration.


  • Moved the map->freeblock_unlock() call from skill_castend_nodamage_id_unknown() to its caller. (#3019)
  • Converted the random monster databases to libconfig. See db/*/mob_group.conf and db/mob_group2.conf. A converter (tools/ is provided, in order to convert custom databases. (#3013)
  • Major refactoring of the Guild Storage related code and documentation. The Guild Storage items are now held in a dynamically sized array. (part of #1092)


  • Fixed a crash when a bl is deleted twice. map->freeblock() will now detect it and prevent the double deletion. (#3021)
  • Fixed a damage overflow in GN_CART_TORNADO when a character's base strength is very high. The base str value is now capped to 130 for the skill formula's purposes. (#2927, issue #659)
  • Fixed the behavior of SC_POWER_OF_GAIA to increase the maximum HP in percentage rather than by a fixed amount. (#2918)


  • The txt version of the random monster databases (mob_classchange, mob_pouch, mob_boss, mob_branch, mob_poring) is no longer supported. Custom databases need to be converted to libconfig with the provided tool. (part of #3013)

v2021.07.07 July 07 2021


  • Updated some guild-related packets to use the struct format. (#3016)


  • Fixed off-hand damage bypassing any card reductions on the target. (#3014, issue #3011)
  • Fixed indentation and extra blank lines in the renewal skill db file. (#3012)
  • Fixed the use of setunitdata() on a mob to change that specific unit's view data instead of overwriting it globally. Any such changes will now persist in case of the mob database is reloaded. (#3006)

v2021.06.02 June 02 2021


  • Added diagnostic checks around map free blocks when asan is on, to track bl double free issues. (#3005)
  • Added support for checking the clients' supported features through client flags (requires a client patched with the SendClientFlags patch - currently supports ENABLE_CASHSHOP_PREVIEW_PATCH only, more to come later). See the login_configuration/permission/check_client_flags and login_configuration/permission/report_client_flags_error settings in login-server.conf. (#3001)
  • Added support for the Rebellion skills. (#2997)


  • Updated the cooldown of Neutral Barrier (NC_NEUTRALBARRIER) to depend on the skill level. (#2934)
  • Changed successremovecards() to automatically re-equip the item, for consistency with failedremovecards(). (part of #3004)


  • Fixed an issue that prevented dual monster races from completing. (#2990, issue #2989)
  • Fixed a crash with evolved homunculi. (#3008)
  • Fixed mapflags in instanced maps not getting reloaded correctly after scripts are reloaded. (#3003, issue #3002)
  • Fixed the visual effect of Killing Cloud (SO_CLOUD_KILL). (#2980, issue #2978)
  • Fixed a regression in Ankle Snare (HT_ANKLESNARE) caused by a recent Manhole update. (#2965, issue #2964)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented a character from equipping items after attempting to use the Refine skill with no refinable items in inventory. (#3007)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the automatic re-equipping of items by failedremovecards() setequipoption(). (#3004)

v2021.05.05 May 05 2021


  • Added settings to modify the chain item drop rates. See item_rate_add_chain, item_drop_add_chain_min and item_drop_add_chain_max in drops.conf for details. (#2983, issue #2982)
  • Added a check to ensure that the map->freeblock_lock() and map->freeblock_unlock() calls are balanced (GCC only). (#2992)


  • Documented that struct script_state::rid can contain the GID of a mob when called through OnTouchNPC. (part of #3000)
  • Merged the homunculus exp tables into exp_group_db (#2998)


  • Fixed a crash in the WL_WHITEIMPRISON skill as well as possible crashes in the ST_SWORDREJECT and ASC_BREAKER skills. (#2991)
  • Fixed the adoption request entry in the character context menu. (#2993)
  • Fixed the Vacuum Extreme status becoming permanent until logout or death. (#2995, issue #2919)
  • Fixed Free Cast ignoring other speed modifiers (bypassing speed debuffs such as Curse). (#2987, issue #2976)
  • Fixed the trade restrictions for the Monster Ticket item, which should disallow dropping, trading, etc. (#2986, issue #2985)
  • Fixed an issue in the custom warper NPC that caused characters to get stuck when selecting the last warp option when it wasn't set yet. (#2984)
  • Fixed an error when getarraysize(), soundeffectall(), atcommand() or useatcmd() are called from an OnTouchNPC script. (#3000, related to issue #2989)
  • Fixed montransform(), clan_join(), clan_leave() and clan_master() not reporting an error when called without RID attached. (part of #3000)
  • Fixed the Water Screen skill, now deflecting the damage to the Aqua elemental spirit and healing the master by 1000 HP every 10 seconds. (#2981)
  • Fixed the Guardians in WoE:SE spawning in random locations instead of their designated ones. (#2999)


  • Removed the homunculus_max_level and homunculus_S_max_level battle configuration flags, now replaced by the exp_group_db configuration. (part of #2998 and 32fea2586d)

v2021.04.05+1 April 05 2021 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a regression that caused the buffs from various skills not to get applied. (#2979, issue #2977)

v2021.04.05 April 05 2021


  • Added new SP_* constants in preparation for adding 4th jobs and reformatted the status_point_types enum to have one entry per line, with their respective values. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Summoner job class. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Ninja job class. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Kagerou and Baby Oboro job classes. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Taekwon job class. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Star Gladiator job class. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Soul Linker job class. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Gunslinger job class. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Rebellion job class. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Star Emperor job class and related skill ID constants and skill database entries. Skill ID conflicts between Star Emperor and Rebellion were solved in favor of the former for renewal and the latter for pre-renewal for the time being. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Star Emperor job class. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Soul Reaper job class and related skill ID constants and skill database entries. (part of #2968)
  • Added support for the Baby Soul Reaper job class. (part of #2968)


  • Moved the mappings between skills and status changes (Skill2SC table) into the StatusChange field of the skill database. The Skills field of the sc_config is renamed to Skill and limited to one associated skill per SC. (#2971)
  • Added the corresponding numeric value next to each entry in the e_class enum, to prevent accidental renumbering and to make lookup easier. (part of #2968)
  • Added some missing constants for job IDs or separators in the e_class enum. (part of #2968)
  • Improved validation of the class_exp_table of the job_db with additional sanity checks. (part of #2968)
  • Moved the EAJ_* constants from constants.conf to the source and added the ones that were missing (EAJ_WEDDING, EAJ_XMAS, EAJ_SUMMER, EAJ_BABY_SUMMONER). (part of #2968)
  • Changed the warning message displayed when a constant is redefined with the same value as previously defined to mention that it has the same value. (part of #2968)
  • Renamed the job_name() function to pc_job_name(). The public interface name is still pc->job_name(). (part of #2968)
  • Moved the job enum values into separate files (common/class.h, common/class_special.h and common/class_hidden.h), to be accessed through the ENUM_VALUE() X-macro and reduce repetition. (part of #2968)
  • Added the -Wswitch-enum warning to the default compiler settings (with an exception for libbacktrace). (part of #2968)
  • Improved validation of job_db2, now detecting missing jobs. (part of #2968)
  • Changed some function parameters from integers to the appropriate enums. (part of #2968)
  • Split the status change config into renewal and pre-renewal. (part of #2963)
  • De-hardcoded the status change calculation flags, moving them from the source to the CalcFlags field of the sc_config. (#2963)


  • Fixed a regression in the association between skills and status changes. (part of #2971, issue #2969)
  • Added support for the Summoner job to the db2sql plugin. (part of #2968)
  • Fixed validation of the skills cast through Abracadabra (Hocus Pocus). (#2972, related to #2859, issue #2824)
  • Fixed validation of the skills cast through Improvised Song. (#2972, related to #2859, issue #2823)
  • Worked around a client issue (packet containing garbage) that prevented proper validation of the Warp Portal skill use request when cast through Abracadabra, causing the caster to get stuck and unable to cast any other skills until relogging or teleporting. (#2972)


  • Removed the unused FixedCastTime field from the pre-renewal skill DB. (part of #2968)
  • Removed the status->set_sc() function, no longer needed. (part of #2963)

v2021.03.08 March 08 2021


  • Added support for preview in the cash shop. This is disabled by default and can be enabled by defining ENABLE_CASHSHOP_PREVIEW_PATCH or through the configure flag --enable-cashshop-preview-patch. A client patch is necessary, available at (#2944)
  • Added a console warning if a message that is not present in messages.conf is requested. (#2958)
  • Added the missing icons for SC_DEFSET and SC_MDEFSET. (#2953)
  • Added the SC_NO_RECOVER_STATE status preventing HP/SP recovery and the related item bonus bStateNoRecoverRace. (#2956)


  • De-hardcoded the association between status changes and skills from the source code. A new field Skills is added to the sc_config, allowing to specify a list of skills for each status change entry. The macro add_sc has been removed from status.c, use status->set_sc() instead. (#2954)
  • Converted the Homunculus database to libconfig. A tool to help converting custom databases has been provided in tools/ (#2941)
  • De-hardcoded the list of skills that are blocked under SC_STASIS and SC_KG_KAGEHUMI. A new pair of SkillInfo flags BlockedByStasis and BlockedByKagehumi has been added to the skill database. (#2959)
  • Updated the item script of Velum_Flail to its official effects. (part of #2956)


  • Fixed compilation with mingw. (#2945)
  • Fixed the CodeQL analysis builds in the CI. (#2946)
  • Fixed a possible use after free in unit_skilluse_id2(). (#2947)
  • Fixed the save point message of the Kafra in alb2trea. (#2950)
  • Fixed some issues/regressions in the regeneration code: (#2952)
    • Fixed an issue that caused the SP regeneration rate bonus to be applied to the HP regeneration.
    • Fixed the HP/SP regeneration always capping to a minimum of 1, causing unintended behavior. (issue #2910)
    • Fixed a issue that caused the homunculus regeneration configuration to apply to elementals instead.
    • Fixed the Happy Break bonus not triggering.
    • Fixed the doridori doubled SP regeneration applying to jobs other than Super Novice.
  • Fixed Emergency Call ignoring unit_skilluse_id2() in Renewal. (#2949)
  • Fixed Manhole working on Guardians/Emperium while it shouldn't. (#2942)
  • Fixed successremovecard() not running the cards' unequip scripts. (#2933, issue #2922)

v2021.02.08 February 08 2021


  • Extended the quest database with new options. (#2874)
    • Mob ID can be set to 0 to allow any monster ID.
    • A monster level range can now be specified.
    • A target monster's map can now be specified.
    • A target monster's type (size, race and/or element) can now be specified.
  • Added new quest database entries using the new options. (part of #2874)
  • Added a failed assertion backtrace report in the removing player error in unit->remove_map(). (part of #2938)
  • Added support for constants and improved error messages in the quest DB. This affects the Mob_ID, Drops/ItemId and Drops/MobId fields. (#2886)
  • Added inheritance mechanism for the pet DB. Inheritance works in the same way as the mob and item databases, allowing to specify the Inherit: true flag in order to inherit (rather than overriding) an existing entry with the same Id. (#2206, issue #2181)
  • Updated the map database, NPC and Hateffect constants with new data. (#2936)


  • Changed the free cell search (as used by random mob spawns or teleport) to ignore the map margins, as in official servers. The margin size defaults to the official value of 15 and can be changed by editing the search_freecell_map_margin setting in misc.conf. (#2911)
  • Refactored and sanitized map->search_freecell(). The function has been renamed to map->search_free_cell() since the meaning of its return values has changed. (part of #2911)
  • Refactored and documented some pet database functions and added validation of the pet DB entries before they're inserted into the database. The new constant ITEID_PET_FOOD has been added. (part of #2206)


  • Fixed a signed left shift overflow in socket.c. (part of #2938)
  • Fixed failing github workflows builds, switching from clang-10 to clang-11 since the former is no longer available in the Debian repositories. (part of #2938)
  • Forcefully disabled the compiler flag -fcf-protection to avoid issues in the setjmp() calls. (#2938)
  • Fixed some missing item IDs referenced by the quest DB in pre-re mode. (part of #2886)
  • Fixed grfio issues with large grf files. (#2937)

v2021.01.11 January 11 2021


  • Integrated the Renewal mob database with the correct DamageTakenRate value for MVPs that require it. Those MVPs have a green aura and only receive 10% of the damage dealt to them. (#2875)
  • Added an enum for client action types. See enum action_type. (#2930)
  • Added skill prerequisite checks before leveling up homunculus skills, allowing the definition of prerequisites for non-evolved or non-loyal homunculi, as it was previously limited to those. The check is disabled when the player_skillfree setting is enabled in the battle config. (#2807)
  • Added constants for the mercenary_delete() script command as well as the mercenary->delete() function and documentation for the formerly undocumented values. See enum merc_delete_type and the script constants MERC_DELETE_*. (part of #2858, issue #2843)


  • Cleaned up mob database from redundant MVPExp: 0 fields. (part of #2875)
  • Updated packet CZ_REQUEST_ACTNPC to use a struct. (part of #2930)
  • Changed the default mercenary delete type of the mercenary_delete() script command to be fired by the user (not updating loyalty). (#2843)


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Sign quest to lock up and become unfinishable for everyone when a player times out or logs out under certain conditions. (#2921)
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed multiple people into the solo room of the Sign quest. (part of #2921)
  • Fixed a failed assertion when using the MH_SUMMON_LEGION skill. (#2929)


  • Removed the undocumented and meaningless return value of mercenary->delete(), now returning void. It was previously relying on the return value of two other functions, and ultimately always returning zero. (part of #2843)

v2020.12.14+1 December 14 2020 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a crash in unit->run_hit() caused by a regression in the last update. (#2924)

v2020.12.14 December 14 2020


  • Added a warning when setnpcdisplay() or setunitdata() is called on a floating NPC. (#2907)
  • Added support for RSW formats up to 2.5 for reading map water level. (#2916)
  • Added a status->check_skilluse_mapzone() function, simplifying status->check_skilluse() and adding a useful plugin hooking point. (#2893)


  • Second part of the refactoring of the functions in unit.c, adding code documentation and following the code style guidelines. Functions have been renamed when backward compatible changes to the arguments or return values were made. (#2783)
    • Added proper documentation in doxygen-format.
    • Moved variables declaration closer to their first use
    • Corrected mistreatment on checks of non-boolean variables
    • Renamed some variables to clarify their use
    • Saved re-used calculations in variables or create local macros for them
    • Simplified logical checks / conditions when possible
    • Changed returning error-code in functions to obey code-style guidelines (Functions that are affected by this are renamed so that custom code fails to compile as to point at that change of behavior.)
    • Split too long lines according to code-style guidelines
    • Made functions use enums for directions (enum unit_dir), when dealing with a direction context
    • Reduced code-repetition by separating code-chunks into new functions
    • Fixed remaining code-style after applying all these changes if necessary
    • The following functions have been refactored:
      • unit->walktobl() (renamed to unit->walk_tobl())
      • unit->run_hit()
      • unit->run()
      • unit->escape() (renamed to unit->attempt_escape())
      • unit->movepos()
      • unit->walk_toxy_timer() (return value fix)
      • unit->blown() (renamed to unit->push())
      • path->blownpos() (related to the unit->blown() change)
      • added npc->handle_touch_events() function
      • the is_boss() macro now returns a boolean
  • Added static assertion checks to prevent MAX_STORAGE and MAX_GUILD_STORAGE from causing oversized inter-server packets (#2904)
  • Disabled the HP bar on Emperium and MVP monsters by default. The configuration flag show_monster_hp_bar has been extended to a bitmask, to allow specifying different setting for normal monsters, Emperium and MVPs. The new default value is 1 (normal monsters only), while the value corresponding to the previous behavior is 7 (4|2|1). (#2821)


  • Fixed a walk delay error in unit_stop_walking(). (part of #2783)
  • Fixed homunculi and mercenaries not warping back to their master in time. (part of #2783)
  • Reverted an unintended logical change in unit->walk_toxy_timer() done during the first part of the unit.c refactoring. (#2783)
  • Fixed a warning (Warning: #1681 Integer display width is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.) when importing the database schema in recent versions of MySQL. (#2903)
  • Fixed compilation with recent versions of the MySQL/MariaDB client libraries. (#2917)
  • Fixed a farming exploit at the Cursed Spirit NPC. (#2883)
  • Fixed the configuration flag monster_loot_type not working as intended. (#2855, issue #2834)


  • Removed the unused function skill->get_linked_song_dance_id(). (#2906)

v2020.11.16 November 16 2020


  • Added a new script command waitingroomkick() offering better control than kickwaitingroomall(). (#2048)
  • Added a new function map->get_random_cell_in_range() to get a random cell in a square around a center cell. (part of #2882)
  • Added a new function map->get_random_cell() imitating an official cell randomization behavior, returning a cell between a minimum and a maximum distance away from the center, in a square area. (part of #2882)
  • Added pc->calc_pvprank_sub() to the pc interface to allow plugins to hook into it. (#2894)


  • Updated the list of Hat Effect ID constants with new values. (#2878)
  • Updated the list of NPC Sprite ID constants with new values. (#2879)
  • Renamed the PARTY_BOOKING_JOBS and PARTY_BOOKING_RESULTS macros to MAX_PARTY_BOOKING_JOBS and MAX_PARTY_BOOKING_RESULTS respectively to better suit their purpose, and refactored some related code. The macros can now also be redefined externally. (#2231)
  • Extended the warpwaitingpc() and waitingroom() script commands with an argument to specify which NPC to execute the commands on, for consistency with other waitingroom commands. (part of #2048)
  • Refactored map->random_dir(), fixed a possible runtime error and added/clarified the function documentation. (#2882)
  • Changed the libconfig directive @include "FILENAME" directive to search inside conf/import/include/{SERVERNAME}/{FILEPATH} before {FILEPATH} allowing for example to easily override sql_connection.conf on a server by server basis without editing other files. (#2881)
  • Improved the error messages in the mob skill DB parser to include the monster ID constants instead of just the numeric IDs. (#2884)
  • Corrected the return values in the null pointer checks of mob->skill_use() and renamed it to mob->use_skill() due to the changed API. (part of #2887)
  • Corrected the return values in the null pointer checks of mob->skill_event() and renamed it to mob->use_skill_event() due to the changed API. (part of #2887)
  • Removed an unnecessary call to unit->set_dir() when the direction doesn't change in the busy unit->attack_timer_sub(), preventing a needless clif->changed_dir() broadcast. (#2891)
  • Added data validation to the rodex_sendmail*() commands to ensure that the item amount is valid. (#2901, issue #2897)
  • Added data validation to the rodex_sendmail_acc*() commands to ensure that the receiver ID is in a valid range. (#2901, issue #2898)


  • Added checks to the waitingroom script commands to ensure that their related waiting room and NPC exist. (part of #2048)
  • Fixed the random cell selection of Confusion and Chaos according to their official behavior (random cell in a square area). (part of #2882)
  • Fixed the random cell selection of WE_CALLPARTNER, WE_CALLPARENT, WE_CALLBABY, AM_RESURRECTION according to their official behavior (random cell in a quare area with minimum and maximum distance). (part of #2882)
  • Fixed the damage buff effect of Watery Evasion when using Freezing Spear. (#2873)
  • Fixed a missing scoreboard UI for battleground type 2. (#2849, issue #2848)
  • Fixed a null pointer error in the search store function when trying to search with an empty list or with an empty card list. (#2885)
  • Fixed the handling of the return value of mob->skill_use() and mob->ai_sub_hard(). (#2887)
  • Fixed summoned monsters not following their master if it's a BL_PC. (#2888, issue #2808)
  • Fixed the Impositio Manus behavior to always overwrite itself regardless of level. (#2890, issue #695)
  • Fixed a possible crash when changing the display class of a floating NPC, caused by missing data validation. (#2900, issue #2899)
  • Fixed the name of the Fruit Pom Spider Card item. (#2902, issue #2896)
  • Fixed the KO_GENWAKU skill effect, swapping the position of the caster and the target. (#2831)


  • Deprecated the HAT_DIGITAL_SPACE constant in favor of HAT_EF_DIGITAL_SPACE. (part of #2878)
  • Deprecated the kickwaitingroomall() script command in favor of waitingroomkick(). (part of #2048)

v2020.10.19 October 19 2020


  • Added a HERCULES_VERSION constant with the identifier of the current Hercules release, exposed to source and script engine. (#2868)
  • Added a CI script to run a CodeQL analysis. (#2861)


  • Removed SC_FRIGG_SONG from the Group A Song Skills list, since it is no longer part of it. (#2864)
  • Improved, clarified and corrected the documentation comments of the client.conf configuration file. (#2870)
  • Moved some messages to messages.conf. (#2866)
  • Updated the F_InsertComma() function to work with numbers that are too large to fit in a numeric variable (such as numbers, larger than a 32 bit signed integer, returned by SQL queries). (#2860)
  • Extended getcharid() to optionally accept a character ID as an alternative to the character name. (#2876)


  • Fixed a failed assertion in the char server when trying to save a plagiarized skill. (#2877)
  • Fixed the KO_ZENKAI AoE, to only trigger one of its status effects per tick. (#2863)
  • Removed duplicated code from the mapflag parser function. (#2857)
  • Fixed incorrect job class checks in several scripts. This fixes the special discount for assassins in the Morocc pub as well as a number of class-specific flavor text that wasn't displayed in various other scripts. (#2856)
  • Fixed a wrong variable name in the getcartinventorylist() documentation. (#2850, part of issue #2843)
  • Fixed the effect of Convex Mirror, now properly showing the position of the boss monsters on the map, if any are present. (#2862)
  • Fixed the Dancer Soul Link not granting the associated Bard skills. (#2852, issue #2815)

v2020.09.20 September 20 2020


  • Added a configure option --with-maxconn=VALUE to change the maximum number of allowed concurrent connections. (#2837)
  • Added a new script command mercenary_delete(), to remove the mercenary from a character. (#2818)
  • Added a configuration flag features/show_attendance_window to control whether the attendance window should pop up on login when there are unclaimed rewards. (part of #2812, issue #2101)


  • Increased the maximum number of concurrent connections to be 3072 by default when epoll is enabled. (part of #2837)
  • Converted the mapcache documentation to the Markdown format and updated to reflect the way the mapcache currently works and is generated. (#2274, issue #2060)
  • Improved, clarified and corrected the documentation comments of the configuration files. (#2827)
  • Changed the attendance system from character bound to account bound. This includes an irreversible database migration, a backup is strongly advised. (#2812, issue #2704)
  • Refactored and improved the natural HP/SP regeneration code. (#2594, cc7e1ecf0a, #2841)
    • Removed several unused variables from struct regen_data.
    • Renamed the members of struct regen_data to be more clear.
    • Changed the HP/SP heal frequency rate modifiers from a base of 1 to a base of 100 to reduce precision loss due to truncation.
    • Fixed the natural healing bonus of castle owners, to be correctly applied and removed when a castle changes ownership.
    • Extended the range of the variables in the regen data structures to int to reduce the possibility of overflows and underflows.
    • Split the status_calc_regen and status_calc_regen_rate functions into specialized functions for each affected bl type.
    • Limited various regeneration related status effects to the bl types that can be affected by them.
    • Fixed various regeneration related bonuses that were affecting the regeneration rate (time) instead of the regeneration power (amount healed).
    • Fixed the way different regeneration bonuses are stacked, to match the official behavior.
    • Added support for different and configurable regeneration rates for different bl types. This can be configured through the elem_natural_heal_hp, elem_natural_heal_sp, hom_natural_heal_hp, hom_natural_heal_sp, merc_natural_heal_hp, merc_natural_heal_sp configuration flags.
    • Fixed the HLIF_BRAIN and HAMI_SKIN regeneration bonuses to affect the regeneration rates instead of the regeneration powers.
    • Added a configurable cap to the regeneration rate. This can be configured through the elem_natural_heal_cap, hom_natural_heal_cap, merc_natural_heal_cap, natural_heal_cap configuration flags.
    • Fixed the behavior or Tension Relax when overweight, to just allow regeneration instead of increasing the regeneration rate and removed its effect on the SP regeneration.
    • Fixed the Magnificat effect in pre-renewal to only affect SP instead of both HP and SP. It was originally affecting both officially, but it was removed very early (Comodo update).
    • Made the regeneration data get recalculated on status changes that set the SCB_REGEN flag and added it to the 50% and 90% overweight SCs.


  • Fixed GitLab and GitHub CI builds broken due to upstream package changes. (#2838)
  • Fixed the generate_translations plugin on windows, not generating the output directories correctly. (#2836)
  • Fixed the MDEF and DEF reduction of Odin's Power to depend on the skill level. (#2833)
  • Fixed some skills (such as MO_EXTREMITYFIST TK_JUMPKICK, SR_DRAGONCOMBO, SR_GATEOFHELL) not sending the correct target type to the client when used as part of a combo. (#2829)
  • Fixed typos in the documentation comments of several db files. (#2828)
  • Removed duplicate lines in cash_hair.txt and clif.c. (#2840)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the "night mode" effect to be displayed. (#2839)
  • Fixed a dangling pointer causing memory corruption when using @unloadnpc or any other way to unload NPCs. (#2835)
  • Fixed a wrong IP check in the geoip code. (#2842)

v2020.08.23 August 23 2020


  • Added the missing mapflag constants MF_NOMAPCHANNELAUTOJOIN, MF_NOKNOCKBACK, MF_CVC, MF_SRC4INSTANCE. (part of #2654)
  • Added official item script for Rune Boots. (#2806)


  • Refactored the mapflag related code to reduce repetition. The mapflag constants exposed to the script engine mf_* have been changed to uppercase MF_* to match their source counterparts. Custom scripts may need to be updated to follow. (#2654)


  • Corrected the >10+ refine success chance with HD ores to match the normal ores. (#2772, issue #2771)
  • Corrected the duration of the Tao Gunka Scroll to be 3 minutes. (#2804)
  • Updated the Flying Galapago item script to match the official version. (#2799)
  • Fixed a duplicate path separator in the item_combo_db.conf loader console messages. (#2814)
  • Fixed an exploit in the autocast system, allowing to bypass the deletion of skill requirements under certain conditions. (#2819)
  • Fixed a typo that made the MERCINFO_ID constant unusable from the script engine. (#2817)

v2020.07.26 July 26 2020


  • Added information about the Random Item Options to the OnSellItem array list. (#2794, part of issue #2379)
  • Added a new mf_nopet mapflag to control pet restrictions on a map by map basis. This supersedes the pet_disable_in_gvg battleconf setting. (#2652)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-07-15. (#2788)
  • Added a new pair of item bonuses bSubDefEle and bMagicSubDefEle to reduce damage (physical and magical respectively) against a specific defense element. (#2790)


  • Changed the script command gettimetick(0) to never return negative values. The tick loop interval is reduced from about 50 to about 25 days, but the values are guaranteed to be positive. Since gettimetick(0) is only intended to be used for precise calculation of short durations, it is care of the scripter to account for overflows of the counter, treating it as a 31 bit unsigned integer operating in modulo 2**31. For most uses, gettimetick(2) should be preferred. (#2791, issue #2779)
  • Updated the Renewal formula for the RG_SNATCHER skill. (#2802)
  • Refactored the scripts that use OnTouch areas and enablednpc()/disablenpc() logic to warp characters, to use areawarp() instead, simplifying the scripts and resolving some possible exploits and issues. (#2798)
  • Changed the @item2 atcommand's parameters to be optional, except the item ID. Default values of 1 for the Identified and Quantity parameters and 0 for everything else will be used, when not specified. (#2795)
  • Updated/added the script for items that use bSubDefEle and bMagicSubDefEle. (part of #2790, issue #548)


  • Fixed a possible exploit in the Dokebi Battle Quest allowing to spawn a higher than expected amount of Am Muts. (#2797)
  • Fixed the Dokebi Battle Quest becoming impossible to complete until server restart under certain circumstances. (part of #2797)
  • Fixed the @changecharsex command not correctly saving the updated gender to the database. (#2796, issue #2789)
  • Fixed an issue that made the Moscovia Whale Island Quest impossible to complete. (#2792, issue #2715)
  • Fixed a missing cleanup of the dnsbl vectors on shutdown. (part of #2788)
  • Fixed the experience gain messages printing a literal %"PRIu64" instead of the gained amount of experience. (#2647)
  • Fixed several typos in the configuration files. (#2769)


  • Removed the pet_disable_in_gvg battleconf setting in favor of the new mf_nopet mapflag. (part of #2652)

v2020.06.28 June 28 2020


  • Added support to display a pet's intimacy in the egg's item description window. (#2781)
  • Added a convenience macro pc_has_pet() to check whether a character has a pet. (part of #2781)
  • Added convenience macros pc_istrading_except_npc() and pc_cant_act_except_npc_chat(). (part of #2775)
  • Added support for PACKET_ZC_PERSONAL_INFOMATION, to replace the old custom status messages about rates and penalties. (#2757)
  • Added a new configuration flag display_rate_messages (conf/map/battle/client.conf) to control whether and when to display the rate modifiers to players. (part of #2757)
  • Added a new configuration flag display_config_messages (conf/map/battle/client.conf) to control whether and when to display the configuration messages to players as well as which messages to display. By default, now the pet autofeed and guild urgent call setting are also displayed, along with the others. (part of #2757)
  • Added a new configuration flag send_party_options (conf/map/battle/client.conf) to control whether and when to display the party option messages to players, including some cases (on login, when options are changed, when a party member is added or removed) that were previously not available. (part of #2757)
  • Added a new configuration flag display_overweight_messages (conf/map/battle/client.conf) to control whether and when to display the overweight notification message to players. (part of #2757)
  • Added support to display the Tip of the Day message box on login. A new configuration flag show_tip_window (conf/map/battle/client.conf) is provided, in order to disable this feature. (part of #2757)
  • Added missing plugins to the makefiles. (part of #2778)
  • Added missing mobs and items in the pre-re database, necessary for loading custom scripts. (part of #2778)
  • Added support for GitHub actions and added builds to test different flags and compilers and different MySQL/MariaDB versions. (part of #2778 and 9b89425550)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-06-03. (#2763)


  • Updated the documentation of the instance_create() to clarify the type of ID required to create each type of instance. Notably, instances of type IOT_CHAR require an account ID and not a character ID. (part of #2732, issue #2326)
  • Updated the instancing system so that the instance information window is also displayed on login for instances of type IOT_CHAR, IOT_PARTY, IOT_GUILD, even if the instance state is INSTANCE_IDLE. (part of #2732)
  • Changed the chatroom creation and trade checks to allow dead characters to perform them. A new configuration flag allowed_actions_when_dead (conf/map/battle/player.conf) is now available, to allow neither, either or both. (#2755, issue #2740)
  • Changed the behavior when a pet's intimacy drops to 0 to immediately remove the pet rather than leaving it free to roam on the map. A new configuration flag pet_remove_immediately (conf/map/battle/pet.conf) has been added, to restore the old behavior. (part of #2781)
  • Centralized some repeated code related to pet spawning and consolidated the sending of the pet's intimacy and hunger information to the client when appropriate. (part of #2781)
  • Extended the guild_notice_changemap configuration flag with more fine grained settings on when to display the guild notice. Note: if you are currently overriding this setting, you'll need to update its value with the new meaning. (part of #2757)
  • Enforced the use of signed characters on platforms where char is unsigned. (part of #2778)
  • Travis-CI scripts and configuration updates: (part of #2778)
    • Improved the build speed by reducing the clone depth to 1.
    • Improved error reporting if an error occurs during tests.
    • Added configurations targeting the arm64 and ppc64le cpu architectures as well as the gcc-10 compiler.
    • Reduced the total amount of build configurations to improve the CI build time.
    • Added execution of the servers with all the plugins enabled in order to detect memory violations and errors.
    • Fixed some build failures caused by a false positive odr violation.
    • Added execution of the map server with all the custom scripts uncommented.
    • Disabled asan in the gcc-7 builds, as it's too slow.
  • Converted to Python 3. (part of #2778)
  • Changed the plugin handler to call all plugin events even when the server is running in minimal mode. (part of #2778)
  • Updated the friend list related packets for Zero clients. (part of #2763)
  • Changed the storage (account and guild storage) to automatically close when using the teleport skill. A configuration flag teleport_close_storage (conf/map/battle/skill.conf) has been added to restore the previous behavior. (#2756, issue #1762)


  • Fixed an issue when deleting instances of type IOT_CHAR. (part of #2732)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the removal of offline characters from parties to get correctly saved to the database. (#2762)
  • Fixed the deletion of skill units belonging to an NPC when it gets unloaded. (#2712, issue #768)
  • Fixed the selection of required items for various skills, such as Slim Potion Pitcher, for skill levels greater than 2. Required items are now selected through the skill->get_item_index() function. (#2774)
  • Fixed the description of the meaning of rows and columns in the documentation for db/*/attr_fix.txt. (#2765)
  • Fixed the behavior of the Megaphone item script to remove the normal script restrictions (walking, attacking, using skills and items, dropping and picking up items, trading, etc) while the message input box is present and not to be cancelled on death. (#2775, issue #2751)
  • Fixed a client freeze when talking with an NPC or using a Megaphone while the Rodex window is open. Rodex and NPC scripts (or megaphones) are now mutually exclusive. (part of #2775)
  • Added a workaround in the CI scripts to support MySQL/MariaDB setups where the normal grant code does not work. (part of #2778)
  • Fixed a memory violation between core and plugins in the HPMDataCheck code. (part of #2778)
  • Fixed warnings in the skill database parser when running in minimal mode. The battle configuration is now read in minimal mode. (part of #2778, issue #2776)
  • Fixed warnings about missing maps that were present in the map index and scripts. (part of #2778)
  • Fixed a duplicated fclose() call in the mapcache plugin. (part of #2778)
  • Fixed conflicting NPC names in re/merchants/hd_refiner.txt and in various custom scripts. (part of #2778)
  • Fixed builds on ARMv8, some ARMv7 versions and PPC64. (part of #2778)
  • Fixed the field size of struct script_state::npc_item_flag to support all the possible values and reduced the maximum value of the item_enabled_npc configuration flag to 3. (#2784)
  • Fixed the width of the path affected by Focused Arrow Strike to be 1 cell wide instead of 2 on each side. (part of #2785)
  • Fixed a missing character ID in name requests. (part of #2763)
  • Fixed an issue that caused loss of items when selling items to an NPC fails because of the character zeny cap. (#2782, issue #2780)
  • Fixed the disappearance of status icon timers when the character spawns. (#2786, issue #580)


  • Removed a duplicated function time2str from bg_common.txt. (part of #2778)

v2020.05.31+1 May 31 2020 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a crash in the db2sql plugin with the MariaDB client library. (#2748)
  • Fixed the job level stat bonuses for the Novice class to match the official servers. (#2747)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the walk-path check to be never executed for skills that require the caster to be able to move. (#2761)
  • Fixed an issue that caused "Unknown Skill" errors to appear while casting skills. The default value for the skill damage type field of the skill database is now NK_NONE instead of NK_NO_DAMAGE. (#2761, issue #2760)

v2020.05.31 May 31 2020


  • Added the possibility to declare local NPC functions as public or private. (#2142)
    • Functions declared as private can be called from other scripts with the syntax "npc name"::function_name().
    • The configuration option script_configuration.functions_private_by_default controls whether functions are public or private when not specified.
  • Added a new cast condition MSC_MAGICATTACKED to the mob skill database, allowing mobs to react to magical attacks. (#2733, issue #2578)
  • Added support for level-specific values in the skill database fields Hit, AttackType, InterruptCast, CastDefRate, Requirement.State, Unit.Id, Unit.Interval, Unit.Target, Requirements.Items.Amount (part of #2731)
    • Removed hardcoded required item amounts for various skills, moving them to the skill database.
  • Added support for Requirements.Items.Any in the skill database, allowing skills that require any one of their item conditions to be verified (as opposed to all). (part of #2731, issue #1250)
  • Added support for Requirements.Equip in the skill database, allowing to specify a required equipment to cast a skill. (part of #2731)
    • Removed hardcoded equip requirements for various skills, moving them to the skill database.
  • Added support for Requirements.MaxSPTrigger in the skill database, allowing to specify a maximum SP percentage that allows to cast a skill. (part of #2731)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-05-20. (#2713)
  • Added support for the gcc sanitizer flags address-use-after-scope, pointer-overflow, builtin, pointer-compare, pointer-subtract, shift-exponent, shift-base, sanitize-address-use-after-scope. (part of #2713)
  • Added support for binary and octal number literals in scripts and libconfig configuration files, using the syntax 0b000 / 0o000. (#2671)
  • Added support for number separators in number literals in scripts and libconfig configuration files. The symbol _ can be used as grouping separator (1_000_000, 0x_ffff_ffff, etc). (part of #2671)
  • Added a skill_enabled_npc battle flag allowing to specify whether self-targeted or targeted skills can be used while interacting with NPCs. (part of #2718, issue #862)
  • Added the loudhailer() script command, as used by the Megaphone_ item. (#2758, issue #2751)


  • Added validation for the maximum length of permanent string variables and consolidated it to 255 characters. This requires a database migration. (#2705, issue #1037)
  • Split the mapreg SQL table into separate tables for integer and string variables. This requires a database migration. (#2720)
  • Updated the AUTHORS file to include names and emails from every commit so far. A helper script tools/ to extract them has been added. (#2729, issue #245)
  • Updated the drop chance of the Black and White Wing Suits. (#2739, issue #562)
  • Improved validation and bounds checking in the skill database loader. (#2731)
    • Increased the maximum length of the skill descriptions (display names) to 50. (part of #2731)
    • Increased the maximum skill level to 20 (to support NPC_RUN). (part of #2731)
    • Capped the SkillInstances values to 25 (MAX_SKILLUNITGROUP) in the skill database. (part of #2731)
  • Extended the item_enabled_npc battle flag and the enable_items()/disable_items() script commands with finer grained options to allow the use of usable items or equipment while interacting with NPCs. (#2718)
  • Changed the default setting of player_warp_keep_direction to match the official servers' setting. (#2752)
  • Replaced the (failing) gitlab-ci centos6 builds with centos8 (released in september 2019). (#2759)


  • Fixed the logic and interaction between the (element)proof Potions and Undead Scrolls and their status icons. (#2708)
  • Fixed an issue in the Lost Puppies quest causing the dogs to be unable to reappear. (#2698)
  • Fixed a possible data corruption caused by gender mismatch after a changesex/changecharsex operation. (#2714, issue #985)
  • Fixed a warning and name truncation when receiving a whisper message with a recipient name with a length of 24 characters. This allows to whisper to scripts with a name length up to 20 (through the NPC:name syntax). (#2721, issue #718)
  • Fixed interaction between itemskill() other item/skill uses, including other itemskill(). The autocast code has been changed to use a vector, to allow multiple concurrent skills. (#2699)
    • It's now possible to use multiple itemskill() calls in the same item, as long there is at most one targeted skill, and it's the last one used.
    • It's now possible to use items while the target cursor for a previously activated skill is visible, without aborting it. (issue #816)
    • It's now possible to use a scroll while casting another skill (and the provided skill will be cast after the current one finishes). (issue #1026)
  • Fixed use of Fly Wing/Butterfly Wing while riding a cash shop mount (Boarding Halter) and having a falcon. (part of #2699, issue #2750)
  • Fixed the Requirements.MaxHPTrigger conditions for mercenary skills. (part of #2731)
  • Fixed a possible memory corruption or crash in the mob delayed removal function. (part of #2713, issue #2719)
  • Fixed a crash in the npcshopdelitem() script command. (part of #2713)
  • Fixed a crash in the achievement progress update code. (part of #2713)
  • Fixed a possible crash in the RODEX check name function. (part of #2713)
  • Added null pointer checks for missing view data in clif and status code. (part of #2713)
  • Added a check for the current map in mob and map code. (part of #2713)
  • Fixed an error or possible crash when a mob dies on an invalid map. (part of #2713)
  • Fixed an incorrect npc ID for the MOTD script after reloading or unloading scripts. (part of #2713)
  • Fixed an use after free in party->broken(). (part of #7213)
  • Fixed a possible crash in mapif->guild_withdraw(). (part of #2713)
  • Fixed a null pointer error in unit->steptimer(). (#2723, issue #2707)
  • Fixed the left-shift of a negative value in GN_CRAZYWEED_ATK. (#2734, issue #1151)
  • Fixed a missing "Beloved" attribute on the eggs of renamed pets. (#2744, issue #2743)
  • Fixed an inverted logic in the storage_use_item battle flag. (#2746)
  • Fixed the mineffect map property flag so that it's not affected by the character's minimized effects but only by the map type. It's enabled on all the guild castles, regardless of whether WoE is running. (#2754, issue #803)
  • Fixed a crash in the equip check code if a character logs wearing an item that was previously, but is no longer, equippable. (#2745)
  • Fixed a compiler warnings in 32 bit builds. (#2759)


  • Deprecated the (unintended and undocumented) possibility of calling local NPC functions as event labels if their name started with On. (part of #2142, issue #2137)
    • The functionality is now disabled by default, and can be enabled by changing the script_configuration.functions_as_events setting.


  • Removed old debug code from the SC_DANCING case of status_change_end_(). (#2736, issue #2716)
  • Removed useless FixedCastTime values from the pre-re skill database. (part of #2731)

v2020.05.03 May 03 2020


  • Added the new pets (including the jRO exclusive ones) and their related items/monsters to the renewal database. (#2689)
  • Added constants ALL_MOBS_NONBOSS, ALL_MOBS_BOSS, ALL_MOBS for the special mob IDs for global skill assignment in the mob skill database. (part of #2691)
  • Added support for __func__ on Windows, since it's now available in every supported compiler. (part of #2691)
  • Added documentation for the mob skill database. See doc/mob_skill_db.conf. (#2680)
  • Added missing functions for the name ack packets for BL_ITEM and BL_SKILL. (part of #2695)
  • Added/updated packets and encryption keys for clients up to 2020-04-14. (#2695)
  • Added support for packets ZC_LAPINEUPGRADE_OPEN, CZ_LAPINEUPGRADE_CLOSE and ZC_LAPINEUPGRADE_RESULT and a placeholder for CZ_LAPINEUPGRADE_MAKE_ITEM. (part of #2695)
  • Added a new cell type cell_noskill, to block skill usage. (#2188)


  • Removed warning messages about missing elements in the mob db, since it's an optional field. (part of #2689)
  • Updated the renewal pet database with the correct values and bonuses. (part of #2689, issue #2435)
  • Changed mob_getfriendstatus() to consider character as friends of their support monsters, for consistency with mob_getfriendhprate(). (part of #2691)
  • Changed MSC_AFTERSKILL to trigger on any skill when its ConditionData is 0, for consistency with MSC_SKILLUSED. (part of #2691)
  • Improved data validation and error reporting in the mob skill database. (part of #2691)
  • Changed return values of mob_skill_use() and mobskill_event(). Any third party code that uses them needs to be updated. (part of #2691)
  • Changed the battle configuration flag manner_system to be applied immediately to any existing SC_NOCHAT. (#2696, issue #227)
  • Changed the atcommand() command to ignore PCBLOCK_COMMANDS. (#2062)


  • Fixed SC_AUTOTRADE, SC_KSPROTECTED and SC_NO_SWITCH_EQUIP incorrectly recognized as unknown status changes. (#2686, issue #2684)
  • Prevented SC_KSPROTECTED from starting on dead monsters. (part of #2686)
  • Fixed character unhiding while disguised or when using @option 0. (#2687, issues #1556 and #2104)
  • Fixed an incorrect order of operations causing results too small in various calculations related to free cell search, mob skill chances/delays, exp penalty, pet hunger and friendly rates, cast duration. (#2690)
  • Fixed errors caused by pet_ai_sub_hard() called for monsters that haven't been added to a map yet. (#2693)
  • Fixed a wrong packet error displayed when using an incorrect password for the char-login connection. (part of #2695)
  • Fixed a security check in the lapine ack packet handler. (part of #2695)
  • Fixed some incorrect assumptions about the skill index values, causing the Bard/Dancer soul link to grant the wrong skills. (#2710, issue #2670)
  • Fixed some conditions that could cause a skill to be attempted to save to the database with a negative skill level, resulting in query errors and data loss. (part of #2710)
  • Fixed the skill type of RK_DRAGONBREATH and RK_DRAGONBREATH_WATER to be BF_WEAPON and support the bLongAtkRate bonus. (#1304)
  • Fixed SC_TELEKINESIS_INTENSE to add percent MATK instead of fixed MATK. (part of #1304)

v2020.04.05 April 05 2020 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a regression that prevented pets from hatching. (#2685, issue #2683)

v2020.04.05 April 05 2020


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-04-01. (#2663)
  • The setpcblock() and checkpcblock() can now be used on another character by passing the account id. (#2668)
  • Added new StatusChange types (SC_POPECOOKIE, SC_VITALIZE_POTION, SC_SKF_MATK, SC_SKF_ATK, SC_SKF_ASPD, SC_SKF_CAST, SC_ALMIGHTY) and updated relevant items. (#2658, related to #1177)
  • Added libbacktrace support (currently Linux-only) for better error call stack logging. (#2581)


  • Extended the atcommand @fakename with a new options parameter, to select which names will be displayed. (#2637, related to issue #1966 and #2168)
  • Refactored the pet system code. (#2600, issues #2434 and #303)
    • Added enumerations for pet hunger/intimacy levels
    • Added value capping to pet_set_intimate() function.
    • Adjusted pet catch rate calculation. The old, custom, calculation can be restored by setting the pet_catch_rate_official_formula battle config flag to false.
    • Adjusted pet intimacy calculation when feeding.
    • Improved validation of the Pet DB fields and of the input of various pet related functions.
    • Removed the redundant SpriteName field from pet DB.
    • Changed EggItem field in pet DB to be mandatory.
    • Added new field HungerDecrement to pet DB. This replaces the pet_hungry_friendly_decrease battle config setting.
    • Added new field Intimacy.StarvingDelay to pet DB.
    • Added new field Intimacy.StarvingDecrement to pet DB.
    • Increased MAX_MOB_DB to 22000.
    • Added pet DB documentation file. (doc/pet_db.txt)
    • Removed fields from pet DB where default values can be used.
    • Added intimacy validation to pet DB EquipScript fields. This replaces the pet_equip_min_friendly battle config setting.
    • Adjusted inter_pet_tosql() and inter_pet_fromsql() functions to use prepared statements.
    • Refactored and/or updated code style of various functions that were touched by this pull request.
  • Added a backtrace to the error message of clif_unknownname_ack(). (part of #2663)
  • Added a UNIQUE constraint to the userid column of the login SQL table to prevent having multiple accounts with the same name. (#2666, related to #2169)
  • Increased the column size of listfor the ipbanlist SQL table to accomodate for non-wildcard IPv4 and for IPv6 compatiblity. (#2665, issue #2631)


  • Fixed memory violations and incorrect handling of npc_data in the quest info code. (#2682)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the fake name to show up when using @fakename in RE clients. (part of #2637)
  • Fixed a compiler error in PACKET_ZC_SE_CASHSHOP_OPEN. (part of #2663, issue #2669)
  • Added missing libraries into the plugins Makefile, causing a linking error when a plugin uses MySQL or other libraries. (part of #2663)
  • Fixed a bug causing failed assertions that appeared when attacking a skill unit (such as Ice Wall). (#2678)
  • Fixed a bug causing failed assertions in timer_do_delete(), related to ud->walktimer. (#2676)
  • Fixed a bug allowing to equip bullets and grenades regardless of the weapon type. (#2660, issue #2661, related to #2579)
  • Fixed a memory leak in barter NPCs. (#2655)
  • Fixed a pointer overflow in the script command getiteminfo(). (#2656)
  • Refactored and fixed several bugs in the skill auto-cast system. (#2657, issue #1211)


  • Removed the pet_hungry_friendly_decrease battle config setting, superseded by the HungerDecrement field of the Pet DB. (part of #2600)
  • Removed the pet_equip_min_friendly battle config setting, superseded by the code inside the Pet DB EquipScript fields. (part of #2600)
  • Removed the redundant SpriteName field from pet DB. (part of #2600)

v2020.03.08+2 March 08 2020 PATCH 2


  • Fixed an incorrect return value in unit->walktobl() causing mobs to get stuck when they try to loot. (#2664)

v2020.03.08+1 March 08 2020 PATCH 1


  • Fixed an incorrect return value in unit->walktobl() causing mobs to be unable to walk to their target. (#2659)

v2020.03.08 March 08 2020


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-03-04. (#2645)
  • Exposed the item bound type (IBT_*) constants to the script engine. (#2650)
  • Added item scripts for item IDs 12459 through 12465 and corrected their name in the pre-renewal DB. (#2634, issue #1196)
  • Added the unitiswalking() script command, to check whether an unit is walking at a given time. (#2628)


  • Changed the default PACKETVER to 2019-05-30. (part of #2645)
  • Major refactoring of the functions in unit.c, adding code documentation and following the code style guidelines. Functions have been renamed when backward compatible changes to the arguments or return values were made. (#2546)
    • A new header unitdefines.h has been added.
    • enum unit_dir is now provided, to standardize handling of facing/walking directions.
    • The macros unit_get_opposite_dir(), unit_is_diagonal_dir(), unit_is_dir_or_opposite(), unit_get_ccw90_dir(), unit_get_rnd_diagonal_dir() have been added.
    • unit->walktoxy_timer() has been renamed to unit->walk_toxy_timer() and its return values have been changed and documented.
    • unit->walktoxy_sub() has been renamed to unit->walk_toxy_sub() and its return values have been changed and documented.
    • unit->delay_walktoxy_timer() has been renamed to unit->delay_walk_toxy_timer() and its return values have been changed and documented.
    • unit->walktoxy() has been renamed to unit->walk_toxy() and its return values have been changed and documented.
    • unit->walktobl_sub() has been renamed to unit->walk_tobl_timer() and its return values have been changed and documented.
    • unit->setdir() has been renamed to unit->set_dir() and its return value and arguments have been changed and documented.
    • unit->getdir() has been renamed to unit->get_dir() and its return type and constness of the arguments have been changed.
    • unit->warpto_master() has been added.
    • unit->sleep_timer() has been renamed to unit->sleeptimer() and its return values have been changed and documented.
    • unit->calc_pos() now accepts enum unit_dir.
    • map->check_dir() now accepts enum unit_dir.
    • map->calc_dir() now returns enum unit_dir and accepts a const bl.
    • npc->create_npc() now accepts enum unit_dir.
    • skill->blown() now accepts enum unit_dir.
    • skill->brandishspear_first() now accepts enum unit_dir.
    • skill->brandishspear_dir() now accepts enum unit_dir.
    • skill->attack_blow_unknown() now accepts enum unit_dir.
    • The remaining unit functions have been documented.
  • New return values have been added to pc->setpos(), for better error handling. (#2633, issue #2632)
  • Increased the MAX_MOB_LIST_PER_MAP value to 115 in pre-renewal builds, to fit all the default spawns. (#2638, issue #1915)
  • Extended the getiteminfo() command to also accept item names, and added the types ITEMINFO_ID, ITEMINFO_AEGISNAME, ITEMINFO_NAME. (#2639)
  • Changed itemskill() to ignore conditions by default. The ISF_CHECKCONDITIONS needs to be explicitly passed if conditions should be checked/consumed. (part of #2648)
  • Changed the NPC shop behavior to prevent selling items from the favorites tab of the inventory. (#2651)
  • Updated Doxygen configuration to speed up generation and fix compatibility warnings. (0d747896e0)
  • Updated the Travis-CI configuration file according to the validation warnings and notices. (eb97973e68)


  • Fixed a missing get_index() call in Skill2SCTable, causing some skills to activate the wrong status. (#2643, issue #2636)
  • Fixed a compilation error C2233 in Visual Studio. (part of #2645)
  • Fixed Basilica unintentionally restraining boss mobs. (#2612, issue #1276, related to issue #2420)
  • Fixed the handling of unequip scripts in zones where an item is restricted. The OnUnequip script is now never executed when unequipping in a restricted zone, but it is always executed when entering such zones, regardless of the unequip_restricted_equipment battle flag. (#2642, issue #2180)
  • Fixed the handling of skill requirements and conditions by the itemskill() command. (#2648, issue #2646)
  • Added missing requirements to CASH_INCAGI and RK_CRUSHSTRIKE. (part of #2648)


  • Removed the ISF_IGNORECONDITIONS flag previously used by itemskill(), now the default behavior. (#2648)

v2020.02.09 February 09 2020


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-02-06. (#2625)
  • Added support for the expanded barter shop, see example script in npc/custom/expandedbartershop.txt and the related script commands sellitem(), startsellitem(), sellitemcurrency(), endsellitem(). Note: this includes a database migration. (part of #2625)
  • Added the new script commands cloakonnpc() and cloakoffnpc(). (part of #2615)
  • Added the new script command achievement_iscompleted() to check for achievement completion. (part of #2615)
  • Added Exploration Achievement NPCs. (#2615)
  • Added support for an OnNPCUnload label, where a script can perform its cleanup before being unloaded (such as removing mapflags, etc). (part of #2590)
  • Added the Rebellion jobchange quest and its related mobs and items. (#2621)
  • Added support for switching madogear type. See the documentation for setmount() and the related MADO_ROBOT and MADO_SUITE constants. (#2586)


  • Changed the logic of skill_get_index to make it easier to add new skills, custom or official. (#2596)
  • Refactored int_party code related to exp sharing calculations. (part of #2601)
  • Updated the Duel system cooldown to be configurable with seconds granularity. The duel_time_interval setting can be safely updated and with @reloadbattleconf, applying to any existing cooldowns. (#1495)
  • Converted PACKET_ZC_STATE_CHANGE to use its struct format and added a function to send it to a single target. (part of #2615)
  • Changed the behavior of @unloadnpc, @reloadnpc, @unloadnpcfile to kill the monsters that were spawned by the unloaded script (non-permanent spawns). (#2590, issue #2530)
  • Updated the tool to support Race, Size and Element constants. The script now requires Python 3. (#2620)
  • Cleaned up a duplicate definition of SP_VARCASTRATE in pc_readparam(). (#2624, issue #1311)
  • Extended itemskill() with a new ISF_INSTANTCAST flag to be able to cast a skill without cast time. (part of #2616)
  • Extended itemskill() with a new ISF_CASTONSELF flag to be able to forcefully cast a skill on the invoking character. (part of #2616)
  • Converted ZC_AUTORUN_SKILL to use its struct format. (part of #2616)


  • Fixed some signed/unsigned mismatch compiler warnings. (#2601, issue #1434)
  • Fixed some cases where the family exp sharing state wasn't correctly detected. (part of #2601)
  • Fixed a duplicate "Skill Failed" message when using Asura Strike. (part of #2248, issue #1239)
  • Fixed an issue that made a character turn to face its target after casting Asura Strike. (#2248, issue #1239)
  • Fixed the position of a character after a failed Asura Strike cast, to be 3 cells from its original position instead of 2. (part of #2248, issue #1239)
  • Fixed the status icon from the Elemental Resistance Potions and the Undead Element Scroll not disappearing when the status changes end. (#2614, issue #2593)
  • Fixed a crash when using @loadnpc, @reloadnpc or @unloadnpcfile on a directory. (part of #2590, issue #1279)
  • Fixed PR_STRECOVERY to only cure status effects if the target's element isn't Undead. (#2618, issue #2558)
  • Fixed the mobs spawned by mob_clone_spawn() (clone(), @evilclone) being invulnerable because of an uninitialized dmg_taken_rate taking the value of 0. (#2617, issue #2607)
  • Fixed a crash when the script function getunits() was called with an invalid mapindex. Now an error message is added when the mapindex validation fails. (#2619)
  • Fixed a crash when map_forcountinmap() was called with an invalid mapindex. Now the function will return 0 instead. (part of #2619)
  • Fixed clientside errors when using a ViewData block in the mob database without specifying a HairStyleId. The hair style will now default to 1 when a ViewData block is specified. (#2622)
  • Fixed the damage calculation being too low when using weapons of type W_RIFLE (in pre-renewal). (#2623)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause homunculi to be in an unexpected partially-vaporized state (i.e. when a Vanilmirth kills its own master through HVAN_EXPLOSION). (#2626)
  • Fixed NPC ID validation when SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT is defined, causing scripts to abort with an "Unknown NPC" error on the console. (#2627, issue #2073)
  • Fixed the skill condition checks and the flag parameter of itemskill(). The constants ISF_NONE and ISF_IGNORECONDITIONS are now available. (part of #2616)
  • Fixed the itemskill() items to provide their proper Aegis behavior, in their requirement checks, self-targeting and item consumption. (#2616, issue #819)
  • Fixed the Earth Spike Scroll to consume 10 SP when SC_EARTHSCROLL is active. (part of #2616)
  • Fixed warnings in the HPMHookGenerator. (1000b10026)

v2020.01.12 January 12 2020


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2020-01-08. (#2599)
  • Added support for auto exp insurance items. (#2603)
  • Added the script commands resetfeel() and resethate(). (#2285)
  • Added the atcommand @hatereset. (part of #2285)


  • Extracted packet ZC_SE_CASHSHOP_OPEN to a separate function. (part of #2599)
  • Renamed the functions clif_parse_CashShop* into clif_parse_cashShop*. (part of #2599)
  • Converted clif_partytickack() to use the struct version of packet ZC_PARTY_CONFIG. (part of #2599)
  • Extended setpcblock() with a new PCBLOCK_NPC functionality to prevent players interacting with NPCs (e.g. During some npctalk dialogue). (#2606)
  • Extended warpparty() and warpguild() with an option to disregard the nowarp and nowarpto mapflags. (#2604, issue #1861)
  • Updated copyright header for year 2020.


  • Fixed reading water level from RSW version 2.2 and newer. (part of #2599)
  • Fixed pc_have_item_chain() to retrieve the chain ID from the chain cache. (part of #2603)
  • Fixed an overflow in a zeny check condition in RODEX, causing code to never be executed. (#2266)
  • Fixed a re-definition of HPM related symbols in plugins with multiple compilation units. (#2608)

v2019.12.15 December 15 2019


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-12-11. (#2585)
  • Added new version of packet ZC_NOTIFY_EFFECT3. (part of #2583)
  • Added script function specialeffectnum(). (part of #2583)


  • Reduced the IP ban column length to 13 characters, matching the length of the inserted data. A database migration is required. (#2583, issue #2349)
  • Converted packet CZ_SE_CASHSHOP_OPEN into a struct. (part of #2583)
  • Replaced the old MySQL Connector with MariaDB C Connector 3.1.5 / Client Lib 10.4.3, for the Windows VS builds. (#2580)
  • Moved the functionalities of mob_avail.txt to the mob database, expanding it with more fields (see the mob_db documentation for details). (#2572)


  • Fixed incompatibilities with MySQL 8. (part of #2580)
  • Fixed errors when guild_skill_relog_delay is set to 1 (reset on relog). (#2592, issue #2591)
  • Fixed Tarot Card equipment breaking behavior to match the official, targeting only Left Hand (Shield), Armor and Helm. (#2589)
  • Fixed racial crit bonuses not being affected by katar crit bonus. (#2588)
  • Fixed interaction between Lex Aetherna and Stone/Freezing, now mutually exclusive. (#2598, issue #2559)


  • Removed mob_avail.txt, since its functionality has been moved to the mob database. (part of #2572)

v2019.11.17+1 November 17 2019 PATCH 1


  • Added an SQL linter. The ./tools/ script can be used to automatically validate the syntax of every file in the sql-files folder (note: dependencies might need to be installed through composer). The script is also executed in the Travis builds. (#2582)


  • Fixed a syntax error in the 2019-10-12--14-21.sql migration file. (part of #2582)

v2019.11.17 November 17 2019


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-11-13. (#2568)
  • Added support for packet CZ_REQ_MOUNTOFF. (part of #2568)
  • Added a missing building entrance portal in Juno and in Lighthalzen. (#2542)
  • Added the script command getguildinfo() and its related constants GUILDINFO_*, to lookup information about a guild. (#2566)
  • Added a separate configuration flag in map_log.enable to control the logging of LOG_TYPE_LOOT. (part of #2560, issue #2414)
  • Added a new log type, LOG_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT and its configuration flag, to control the logging of achievement-granted items. A database migration is required. (#2560, issue #2414)
  • De-hardcoded the boss monsters' resistance to some status effects. It's now controlled by a new NoBoss flag in sc_config. (#2570)
  • De-hardcoded the combo skills chaining check. It's now controlled by a new IsCombo flag in skill_db. (#2573)
  • De-hardcoded the status icons. They are now defined through a new Icon field in sc_config. (#2577)


  • Added error details to the python converter tools when a libconfig parsing error is encountered. (part of #2568)
  • Converted packet CZ_LAPINEDDUKDDAK_CLOSE into a struct. (part of #2568)
  • Updated the location of various NPCs: portals in Juno, sign post in Brasilis, Young Man in Payon (pre-renewal). (part of #2542)
  • Reordered the loading of the stylist DB to be before the loading of NPC scripts, for consistence with the other DB files. (#2571)


  • Fixed an incorrect nullpo check when slave monsters are summoned by an alchemist. (#2574, issue #2576)
  • Fixed the Steal skill not showing the HP bar of the targeted monster right away but only when leaving and re-entering sight range. (part of #2567)
  • Fixed a regression in the Steal skill that caused it to allow stealing of some cards. Card stealing prevention is now enforced by item type rather than by position in the drop list. (#2567)
  • Fixed the @fakename to display the overridden name regardless of whether the character is disguised. (#2548, issue #2539)
  • Fixed the target_to field not being cleared appropriately, causing monsters to get stuck in a loop walking to their previous target that has died, and causing hunters with auto-attack to be unable to walk away from their target and cancel their attack action. (#2564)
  • Fixed the handling of HULD .po translations that contain the \r escape sequence. (#2569)
  • Fixed the unintended clearing of status changes granted by passive guild skills, via sc_end(SC_ALL). (#2575, issue #1147)


  • Deprecated the script command getguildname(), use getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_NAME, <guild id>) instead. (part of #2566)
  • Deprecated the script command getguildmaster(), use getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_MASTER_NAME, <guild id>) instead. (part of #2566)
  • Deprecated the script command getguildmasterid(), use getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_MASTER_CID, <guild id>) instead. (part of #2566)


  • Removed the SI_* constants from the source code, now available through constants.conf. (part of #2577)

v2019.10.20 October 20 2019


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-10-02. (#2537)
  • Added a new config file conf/common/map-index.conf to customize the location of the map_index.txt file. (part of #2547)


  • Moved several hardcoded messages to messages.conf. (#2152, issue #1282)
  • Updated the @dropall command to correctly show the amount of dropped (and skipped) items. (#2545)
  • Split the HULD generated translations into smaller (and easier to manage) files. A translation will now consist of a folder, with one .po (.pot) file per script. Third party translations may need to be updated to match this change. (#2492)
  • Changed the slave monsters' behavior to react to chase the same target as their master, to match the official behavior. A configuration setting slave_chase_masters_chasetarget has been provided in battle/monster.conf for those that wish to keep using the old custom behavior. (#2561)
  • De-hardcoded the path to the db folder, now using map_configuration.database.db_path and char_configuration.database.db_path in the map and char server respectively. This allows the user to customize the location of the db folder. (#2547)


  • Fixed an exploitable issue in the Izlude Arena party mode script. (#2538)
  • Fixed a buffer overflow in the buildin_npcshopdelitem(). (#2540)
  • Fixed a potentially exploitable issue in the Ore Downgrade script. (#1935, issue #1934)
  • Corrected the item bonus for Drooping_Kitty_C. (#2543)
  • Corrected the display of the Sense skill to cap to 0 the negative resistance values instead of underflowing them. (#2544)
  • Fixed compilation warning with gcc-9. (part of #2537)
  • Fixed the HP bar of party members not showing when they unhide. (#2549)
  • Fixed the status change timers not showing the correct values in the client, after relogging. This requires a database migration. (#2551, issue #2018)
  • Corrected Magnum Break's 2 second delay to be an after-cast delay (reducible by Bragi's Poem) instead of a cooldown. (#2553)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from closing their own vending shop. (#2555, issue #2554)
  • Fixed the Homunculus skill requirements being applied to the master as well. (#2556)
  • Fixed the Homunculus skill failure message not displaying any required items (part of #2556)
  • Fixed the Chaotic Blessings skill from Vanilmirth never picking the enemy as its random target to heal. (part of #2556)
  • Fixed an issue that caused the saved character data to retain the old party ID after leaving or getting kicked. (#2562)
  • Fixed some possible crashes or memory corruption caused by dangling pointers to guilds in the character data. (part of #2562, related to issue #1266)
  • Fixed the party name not getting removed from all affected characters (clientside) when a party is disbanded. (part of #2562)
  • Fixed a crash in the console command parser when a line consisting only of spaces is executed. (#2563)
  • Fixed the argument string passed to console commands when the input starts with multiple adjacent spaces. (part of #2563)
  • Fixed the mapindex value not getting updated in the gm:info console command. (part of #2563)
  • Fixed an issue that caused aggressive monsters with ranged attack to be unable to attack from above a cliff. (#2550)


  • Removed the legacy, unused, castle_defense_rate option from battle/guild.conf. (#2552)

v2019.09.22 September 22 2019


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-09-18. (#2528)
  • Added the @changecharsex command, to change a character's sex. (part of #2528)
  • Added support for clan names in the name packets. (part of #2528)
  • Added support for multiple Token of Siegfried item IDs. (#2515)
  • Added support for the new guild UI features in the client. (#2519)
  • Added per-item scriptable start/end rental functions, replacing the previous hardcoded functionality. See the new item DB fields OnRentalStartScript and OnRentalEndScript. (#2462, issue #140)
  • Added the getfont() script command, to check the player's current chat font. (part of #2462)
  • Added support for gcc-9 by disabling the array bound checks until the ZEROED_BLOCK related code will be fully compatible (#2536)
  • Implemented the LapineDdukDdak System. (#2336)
  • Implemented the Library Mistake Quest, allowing players to bypass the rebirth costs. (#2532)


  • Converted sc_config to libconfig. A tool to convert from the old format has been provided in tools/ (#2526)
  • Converted packet ZC_TALKBOX_CHATCONTENTS into a struct. (part of #2528)
  • Extracted homunculus experience gain message code to a separate function. (part of #2528)
  • Changed function arguments to type enum battle_dmg_type where applicable. (part of #2528)
  • Changed pets, homunculi, etc. not to be loaded when autotrading. (part of #2524)
  • Changed the guild castle IDs order to match the client's. (#part of #2519)
  • Converted the item combo DB to libconfig. A tool to convert from the old format has been provided in tools/ (#2529)
  • Changed some remaining symbols to static. (part of #2536)
  • Updated the gitlab-ci builds to reflect the release of Debian 10 buster. Gcc-8 is now the primary compiler used for the gcov, asan and i386 builds. (part of #2536)
  • Increased the maximum allowed item ID to int32 max, for clients supporting it. (part of #2336)


  • Fixed packet ZC_ACK_RANKING on old (2013 and earlier) clients. (part of #2528)
  • Fixed an issue preventing homunculus auto-vaporize on death or skill reset, when the 80% HP condition isn't met. (#2524)
  • Fixed a bug that caused homunculi's HP and SP to be refilled on every login instead of just on creation. (part of #2524)
  • Fixed the intimacy requirement check for the homunculus ultimate skills. (part of #2524)
  • Fixed the MVP tombstones causing players to get stuck if they were reading their message when the MVP respawns. (#2525)
  • Fixed the MVP tombstones showing their message multiple times when clicked. (part of #2525)
  • Fixed some incorrect examples of use of while (select(...)) in the script documentation. (#2533)
  • Corrected the item ID used by the KVM Logistic Officer. (#2527, issue #2404)
  • Fixed several subtle issues caused by the nick partial match feature, when enabled. Now the partial match is only performed for lookups requested by atcommands and client features, while a full match is used for source and script lookups. (#2523)
  • Rewritten the itemdb_searchname_array function, now properly supporting the items with IDs greater than 65535. (#2535)
  • Fixed support for items with IDs greater than 65535 in the constdb2doc plugin. (part of #2535)
  • Fixed a minor C standard compliance error, mixing function pointers and non-function pointers. (part of #2536)
  • Fixed the (commented out by default) custom Venom Splasher countdown timer code. (part of #2536)

v2019.08.25 August 25 2019


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-08-21. (#2517)
  • Added icons for the elemental resistance status changes (SC_ARMORPROPERTY). (#2516)
  • Added Visual Studio 2019 solution. (#2520)
  • Added new NPC ID constants. (#2521)


  • Converted various packets (ZC_ADD_SKILL, ZC_SKILLINFO_LIST, ZC_SKILLINFO_UPDATE2) into structs and added a new version for ZC_NPC_MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT. (part of #2517)
  • Added missing sanity checks into many clif functions. (#2501)
  • Extended the getequiprefinerycnt() command to accept multiple equipment slots at the same time, returning the total refine of them. (#2512)
  • Added the path (relative to the Hercules root) to various database reading status messages. (#2513)


  • Fixed an overflow in the auto bonus processing function, that made it unable to handle costume/shadow gears. (#2514, issues #1355, #1190, #2451)


  • Removed Visual Studio 2013 solution. (part of #2520)
  • Removed round-trips to the inter-server for packets related to whisper messages, reports to GMs, GM broadcasts, party, guild and main chat, previously needed for, now unsupported, multi-zone setups. (#2522)

v2019.07.28 July 28 2019


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-07-24. (#2498)
  • Added a setting to have @autoloot take player drop penalties/bonuses into account. See autoloot_adjust in drops.conf for details. (#2505)
  • Added a mob DB field DamageTakenRate to change the rate of the damage received by each monster. (#2510)
  • Added a setting to allow homunculi to obtain a portion of the EXP gained by their master. See hom_bonus_exp_from_master in homunc.conf. Note: in order to restore the previous behavior, the setting can be changed to 0. (#2507, issue #2313)


  • Converted various packets (ZC_ACK_RANKING, ZC_STATUS_CHANGE_ACK, ZC_HAT_EFFECT) into structs. (part of #2498)
  • Changed pc_statusup() to send the actual stat value back to the client in case of error. (part of #2498)
  • Disabled the @refresh and @refreshall commands during NPC conversations, causing the character to be stuck on an invisible NPC dialog until relogging. (#2499)
  • Extended @reloadmobdb to update the currently spawned monsters. (#2500)
  • Changed the party sharing checks to avoid unnecessary SQL queries. (part of #2502)
  • Extended the @refine command with shortcuts to refine every normal equipment (-1), every costume equipment (-2) or every shadow equipment (-3). (#2504)
  • Extended the @refine command to list the costume and shadow equipments. (#part of #2504)
  • Increased the stack limit of Turisus, Asir and Pertz to unlimited and the other runestones to 60. (#2509)
  • Extended the commands getmonsterinfo() and setunitdata() / getunitdata() with accessors for the new DamageTakenRate mob DB field, using, respectively, MOB_DMG_TAKEN_RATE and UDT_DAMAGE_TAKEN_RATE. (part of #2510)
  • Converted the Guild Castle database to the libconfig format, in preparation for future updates. (#2506)


  • Sanitized the use of input() in all the scripts to work correctly if the minimum accepted value is changed to less than zero in the configuration. It's recommended that third party scripts get updated not to assume a positive value, since the default setting may change in the future. (#2494)
  • Fixed an issue in the Sealed Shrine script, allowing to unseal multiple Baphomets under certain conditions. (#2332)
  • Fixed an issue that allowed an appropriately created party to enable experience sharing even if outside the sharing range. (#2502)
  • Corrected the cooldown after killing Wounded Morroc. (#2503)
  • Corrected isequipped() and isequippedcnt() to correctly handle costume equipment. (#2508)

v2019.06.30 June 30 2019


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-06-05. (#2491)
  • Added support for the new shortcuts packets in the Zero clients. (part of #2491)
  • Added support for the Summoner class in stylist.txt. (part of #2357, issue #2356)
  • Implemented the new setfavoriteitemidx() and autofavoriteitem() script commands. (#2427)
  • Implemented the new @reloadnpc atcommand, to reload a single script file. (#2476)
  • Implemented the new identify() and identifyidx() script commands and @identifyall atcommand. (#2487)


  • Suppressed unnecessary ShowWarning messages related to the nosave, adjust_unit_duration and adjust_skill_damage mapflags when using @reloadscript. (#2410, issue #2347)
  • Updated the Rune Knight, Guillotine Cross and Ranger shops with missing items. (#2343)


  • Fixed monster spawns disregarding the custom names specified. (#2496, #2491, issue #2495)
  • Fixed the style range in stylist.txt, now starting from 1 instead of 0. (part of #2357, issue #2356)

v2019.06.02 June 2 2019


  • Added Stat Reduction Potions to the Renewal item DB. (#2483)
  • Added the constant MAX_NPC_PER_MAP to the script engine. (part of #2474)
  • Added the cap_value() script command, to cap a value between a minimum and maximum. (#2472)
  • Added the mesclear() script command, to clean an NPC message dialog without user interaction. (#2471)
  • Added a script for simplified installation on Windows development machines. (#2222)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-05-30. (#2468, #2490)
  • Added support for multiple hotkeys sets (two 'tabs' on the RE clients). The constant MAX_HOTKEYS_DB represents the maximum amount of hotkeys saved to the database. This requires a database migration. (part of #2468)
  • Added the delitemidx() script command, to delete an item by its inventory index. (#2394)
  • Added the getguildonline() script command, to return the amount of online guild members. (#2290)
  • Added the nostorage and nogstorage mapflags, disallowing storage usage on the affected maps. The bypass_nostorage permission is also provided, to bypass those mapflags. (#2221)


  • Moved the questinfo data from map to npc data, allowing the use of multiple questinfo() blocks. (#2433, issue #2431)
  • Removed code duplication from the map data cleanup functions. (part of #2433)
  • Allow to read negative values from input(). The minimum value is still set to 0 in the default configuration, but it can be overridden globally by editing input_min_value or locally by specifying the min and max arguments to input(). (#2375)
  • Extended the getmapinfo() command to return the total number of NPCs in a map (MAPINFO_NPC_COUNT). (#2474)
  • Updated the pre-renewal Byorgue summon slave delay to match the official value, increased before renewal to prevent farming exploits. (#2456)
  • Changed the "all" special value used by killmonster() to be lowercase and case sensitive, for consistency with other script commands. (#2380)
  • Updated and simplified the Windows installation instructions. (part of #2222)
  • Updated some NPC/name translations to match the official ones or the official intent. Cougar -> Kuuga Gai, Gaebolg -> Geoborg, Family -> Clan, Magic Gear -> Mado Gear (#2457)
  • Updated the Mado Gear rental NPC to sell Mado Gear Box and Cooling Device. (part of #2457)
  • Changed the expandinventoryack(), expandinventoryresult(), expandinventory() and getinventorysize() script commands to be lowercase, for consistency. (#2374)


  • Fixed the failedremovecards() command, to only remove the carts when type is set to 1, as described in its documentation. (#2477, issue #2469)
  • Fixed a crash when using npcspeed(), npcwalkto(), npcstop(), unitwalk(), unitwarp(), unitstop() on a floating NPC without a sprite. (#2430)
  • Fixed a stats calculation regression. (#2482)
  • Fixed a version check for the ZC_PING packet. (part of #2468)
  • Fixed errors caused by missing Option DB and Option Drop Groups DB data when the map server loads the mob database in minimal mode. (#2486, related to issue #2484)


  • Deprecated use of "All" with killmonster(). Use "all" instead. (part of #2380)
  • Deprecated the mixed case version of the expandInventoryAck(), expandInventoryResult(), expandInventory() and getInventorySize() script commands. Use the lowercase variants instead. (part of #2374)

v2019.05.05+4 May 5 2019 PATCH 4


  • Fixed a reading error in refine database caused refine chances to be incorrectly read. (#2481)

v2019.05.05+3 May 5 2019 PATCH 3


  • Fixed a calculation error in the ASPD (and/or other substats) when the maximum stats have values higher than default. (#2419)
  • Fixed a parsing error in the HPM Hooks Generator. (#2467)

v2019.05.05+2 May 5 2019 PATCH 2


  • Fixed a packet generation issue that caused the Guild Storage to appear empty. (#2464, issue #2463)
  • Fixed use of ZC_SE_PC_BUY_CASHITEM_RESULT on old packet versions that didn't support it. (#2465)

v2019.05.05+1 May 5 2019 PATCH 1


  • Fixed an issue in the player name packet causing names not to be sent correctly. (#2460, issue #2459)
  • Fixed a null pointer error on MVP drops. (#2461)

v2019.05.05 May 5 2019


  • Added consolemes() script function which allow the script engine to print error, warning, status, debug and info messages to the console. (part of #2440)
  • Added the item combo effect for Geffenia Tomb of Water (2161) and La'cryma Stick (1646). (#2441, issue #1982)
  • Added support for mobs to drop items with Random Options. See the new database file db/option_drop_group.conf and the new optional syntax in the drop entries of mob_db.conf. (#2309)
  • Added a global function F_MesItemInfo(), to print an item name with description link, formatted for the current client version. (#2068)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-05-02. (#2432)
  • Added a new function clif_selforarea() to send packets to self, falling back to area when no target is specified. (part of #2432)
  • Added script commands getunittitle() and setunittitle(), and the related information in the unit_data structure. (part of #2432)
  • Added support for players to automatically reject party invites through the party options. (part of #2432)
  • Added an option to automatically drop the connection on the server side when a character is kicked. See drop_connection_on_quit in client.conf (note: the previous behavior was equivalent to true). (part of #2432)
  • Added an option to force character save when the party options are changed. See save_settings in map-server.conf. (part of #2432)
  • Added the script command closeroulette() and the related packet ZC_ACK_CLOSE_ROULETTE to close the roulette window. (part of #2432)
  • Added a missing CSBR_BUSY value to enum CASH_SHOP_BUY_RESULT. (part of #2432)
  • Added support for the refinery UI. See the new refine_db.conf changes and the settings enable_refinery_ui and replace_refine_npcs in features.conf to toggle between the new UI and the previous scripted refiner. (#2446)
  • Added a new SkillInfo flag HiddenTrap, to make certain traps invisible, according to the trap_options configuration flag. The default settings have changed to match Renewal. Pre-renewal users might want to review trap_options and the now superseded traps_setting. (#2232, issues #1927 and #1928)


  • Extended @dropall to accept an optional argument for item type (#2439).
  • Updated copyright header in the configuration files for year 2019. (part of #2452)
  • Extended the getinventorylist() script command to return an array @inventorylist_favorite, set to true when the item is located in the favorite tab. (#2426)
  • Split the function clif_blname_ack() into bl type-specific functions. (part of #2432)
  • Extended getunitdata() and setunitdata() with support for the group ID (UDT_GROUP), and added the related information in the unit_data structure. (part of #2432)
  • Moved the UDT_* constants from constants.conf to script.c. (part of #2432)
  • Extended the guild expulsion information to include the character ID for supported client versions. This includes a database migration. (part of #2432)
  • Disabled packet validation in socket_datasync(). (part of #2432)
  • Moved the refine database and refine related functions to a new refine.c file. A public and private interface is provided, with public database accessors refine->get_bonus() and refine->get_randombonus_max(). (part of #2446)
  • Changed several battle calculation limits to be configurable through battle/limits.conf and no longer hardcoded. Several status_data fields and battle functions now use int instead of short to accommodate this change. (#2419)
  • Changed the unitwarp() script command to allow NPCs to be relocated to non-walkable cells (like movenpc()). (#2453)


  • Corrected MSVC version naming in console (#2450).
  • Corrected an example using a sprite number instead of a constant in (#2449)
  • Fixed an issue in a monster death label callback in npc/custom/events/mushroom_event.txt when the monster is killed without an attached player. (#2442, issue #1955)
  • Fixed an issue where when a chat room handler leaves, the following leader won't be checked for cell_chknochat and will bypass it. (#2443, issue #1569)
  • Corrected the documentation for pincode.enabled in the char-server configuration. (part of #2452)
  • Fixed an incorrectly displayed ITEMLINK entry in the OldGlastHeim script. (part of #2068)
  • Fixed a packet size underflow in the storage packet for certain client versions. (#2424)
  • Fixed an issue that caused named/brewed/forged items to be saved to database with the wrong character ID. Database migrations are provided, to update the existing data. (#2425, issue #2409)
  • Fixed a truncated title in the inventory window. (part of #2432)
  • Fixed a possible overflow in the guild member login field (only supporting timestamps until 2036-12-31). (part of #2432)
  • Fixed a compile error with old packet versions. (part of #2432, issue #2438)
  • Fixed a potential exploit related to the vending skill, by adding stricter validation on the vending status flags. (part of #2432)
  • Fixed a regression, restoring the ability for HPM Hooks to hook into private interfaces, through the new macros addHookPrePriv() and addHookPostPriv(). (#2447)
  • Fixed a zeny loss caused by the inter-server deleting zeny from messages when the user only requests to take items. (#2455)
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Perl 5.26 in the item converter script. (#2444)
  • Fixed various gitlab-ci build failures, by removing some no longer supported debian versions and packages. The gcc-4.6, gcc-4.7 and gcc-5 builds have been removed. (#2458)


  • Deprecated the script command debugmes(), superseded by consolemes(). (part of #2440)


  • Removed the superseded traps_setting configuration flag, replaced by trap_options. (part of #2232)

v2019.04.07+1 April 7 2019 PATCH 1


  • Fixed some race conditions and missing validation in the item and zeny handling code for RODEX. (#2437)
  • Fixed pet eggs getting lost for pets that were hatched before the pet evolution system. Pets are now automatically migrated to the new system that keeps eggs in the user's inventory. (#2428)

v2019.04.07 April 7 2019


  • Added a configuration flag to disable the achievement system even then it's supported by the current client version. See features/enable_achievement_system in battle/feature.conf. (#2170)
  • Added the PETINFO_* constants, to be used with getpetinfo(). (part of #2398)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-04-03. (#2406)
  • Added support for the ZC_PING and CZ_PING packets. (part of #2406)
  • Added support for the CZ_COOLDOWN_RESET packet and the related /resetcooltime client command. (part of #2406)
  • Added support for the "allow call" player configuration option. (part of #2406)
  • Added support to open the macro UI in the client. (part of #2406)
  • Added support for the CZ_STYLE_CLOSE packet. (part of #2406)
  • Exposed the MAX_ITEM_ID constant to the script engine. (#2367)


  • Extended getinventorylist() to return the item's inventory index in the @inventorylist_idx[] array. (#2401)
  • Extended gettimestr() to accept an optional argument providing a UNIX timestamp, as returned for example by getcalendartime(). (#2388)
  • Extended getpetinfo() to include information previously returned by petstat(). (#2398)
  • Renamed clif_charnameack() to the more accurate clif_blname_ack(). (part of #2406)
  • Extended showscript() to accept an optional argument to specify the send target. (#2415)
  • Updated to include links to the sections. (#2354)


  • Fixed a compilation error in the sample plugin, on systems where rand() is not available. (#2403)
  • Fixed a visual glitch caused by setunitdata(UDT_LEVEL, ...) not updating the monster level, when show_mob_info is configured to display it. (#2408)
  • Fixed the features/enable_pet_autofeed configuration value that was ignored and features/enable_homunculus_autofeed was used instead. (#2417)
  • Fixed an unescaped string in the db2sql generated data for the mob skill database. (#2416, related to #2407)
  • Fixed some possible null pointer warnings reported by gcc. (part of #2406)
  • Fixed a client crash with @bodystyle and Job_Super_Novice_E. (part of #2402, related to #2383)
  • Fixed a client crash when using @jobchange to a class that doesn't support alternate body styles while a body style is applied. (#2402)


  • Deprecated the command petstat(), superseded by getpetinfo(). (part of #2398)
  • Deprecated the PET_* constants, used by the petstat() command. (part of #2398)

v2019.03.10 March 10 2019


  • Added MOB_CLONE_START and MOB_CLONE_END to the constants available to the script engine. (#2390)
  • Added crash dumps to the Travis-CI output in case one of the servers crashes during the tests. (#2385)
  • Added gcc-7 and gcc-8 builds to Travis-CI. (part of #2385)
  • Added a configuration setting magicrod_type (skill.conf) to restore the old eAthena behavior for the Magic Rod skill. (#2034)
  • Added some missing information to the documentation for bg_create_team() and waitingroom2bg(), to remove the automatic respawn. (#2381)
  • Added the MERCINFO_* constants to the script engine, for getmercinfo(). (#2397)
  • Added support for MERCINFO_GID to getmercinfo(). (#2397)
  • Added the script commands mobattached() and killmonstergid(). (#2396)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-03-06. (#2377)
  • Added a missing value into enum BATTLEGROUNDS_QUEUE_ACK. (part of #2377)


  • Changed the Windows SDK from version 10.0.15063.0 into 10.0.17763.0 for Visual Studio 2017. (#2368)
  • Changed the return value of getunitdata() from 0 to -1 in case the requested value couldn't be retrieved, in order to differentiate between a zero and an invalid value. Note: this may break existing scripts. (#2392)
  • Updated the getunitdata() and setunitdata() documentation to clarify that the command only handles integer values. (#2391)
  • Added the function connect_client() into the socket interface. (#2378)
  • Moved the variable SOCKET_CONF_FILENAME to the socket interface. (#2378)
  • Moved local variables from atcommand.c to the interface. (#2378)
  • Moved defines from map.h to mapdefines.h to remove an inclusion loop. (#2378)
  • Moved the stylist-related functions to their own interface. (#2400)


  • Fixed some typos in the item bonus documentation. (#2376)
  • Fixed a typo in the setpcblock() documentation. (c9bab97108)
  • Fixed a missing return value in F_GetTradeRestriction(). (#2360)
  • Fixed the return value of bg_create_team() to be -1 in case of failure, as described in the documentation. (part of #2381)
  • Fixed the date field in the member list packet. (part of #2377)
  • Fixed the documentation for needed_status_point(), not supporting the char_id argument. (#2399)


  • Deprecated the UDT_MAPIDXY constant. Its use in setunitdata() is replaced by unitwarp() and its use in getunitdata() is replaced by getmapxy(). (#2391)
  • Deprecated the UDT_WALKTOXY constant. Its use in setunitdata() is replaced by unitwalk(). (#2391)

v2019.02.10+1 February 10 2019 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a buffer size issue in inter server packets (#2370, issue #2369)

v2019.02.10 February 10 2019


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-01-09. (#2339)
  • Added support for the barter type shops. See sellitem(), NST_BARTER and the demo scripts in doc/sample/npc_trader_sample.txt and npc/custom/bartershop.txt. (part of #2339)
  • Added the countnameditem() script command. (#2307)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2019-01-30. (#2353)


  • Improved the response codes and error messages related to the login/char server authentication. (#2151, issue #737)
  • Changed the character creation to use FIXED_INVENTORY_SIZE as default inventory size instead of relying on the SQL table default value. (part of #2353)
  • Changed the type of several variables from short to int. (#2364)


  • Fixed a bug that caused the custom disguise event to run indefinitely. (#2351)
  • Fixed issues (item db loading, item search by name) for item IDs higher than 65535. (#2337)
  • Fixed an issue while sending the last page of HC_ACK_CHARINFO_PER_PAGE. (part of #2339)
  • Fixed the minimum duration of Voice of Siren. (#1631)
  • Fixed the Sura Job Change Quest getting stuck after the first attempt. (#1656, issue #1655)
  • Added support for recent MySQL versions that don't define the my_bool type. (#2365, issue #2363)

v2018.12.16+1 December 16 2018 PATCH 1


  • Added a missing check in run_script_main(). (#2362)

v2018.12.16 December 16 2018


  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2018-12-12. (#2324)
  • Added support for the AC_LOGIN_OTP packets. (part of #2324)
  • Added script command enchantitem() and related packet ZC_ENCHANT_EQUIPMENT. (part of #2324)
  • Added script command servicemessage() and related packet ZC_SERVICE_MESSAGE_COLOR. (part of #2324)
  • Split packets struct definitions out from lclif into separate files for AC and CA packets. (part of #2324)
  • Added struct definitions header for HC packets. (part of #2324)
  • Added support for expandable inventory size, including database persistence, inventory expansion packets, the script commands expandInventoryAck(), expandInventoryResult(), expandInventory(), getInventorySize(), the item Inventory_Extension_Coupon and the script npc/other/inventory_expansion.txt. (part of #2324)
  • Added support for the client commands /viewpointvalue and /setcamera (like @camerainfo). The atcommand aliases @setcamera and @viewpointvalue are also provided. (part of #2324)
  • Added needed_status_point() script function and the global function F_CashReduceStat(), for permanent status point reduction. (#2246)
  • Added an option to include script interaction into the idle criteria, disabled by default. See idletime_criteria in conf/map/battle/player.conf and BCIDLE_SCRIPT. (#2244)


  • Extended support for 32 bit item IDs to the Zero and Main clients that support them. (part of #2324)
  • Renamed packet identifier macros from PACKET_ID_* to HEADER_*. (part of #2324)
  • Renamed packet struct definitions from packet_* to PACKET_*. (part of #2324)
  • Increased MAX_PACKET_LOGIN_DB to 0x0AD0 to match the existing packets. (part of #2324)
  • Added buffer size validation for char_mmo_char_tobuf. (part of #2324)
  • Updated npc/woe-se files to modern standards, including mes() and mesf(). (#2261)
  • Changed HPMDataCheck to exclude packetver-specific packet structs that would cause compile-time errors. (794ce3c89497a17bd64eacbc82bce22f07f00acb)


  • Fixed getunits() returning the wrong value if no area size is passed. (41d370cd3308be48b4ce00a50ee46515742978b0, issue #2330)
  • Fixed support for old (2010 and older) clients in packet ZC_PROPERTY_HOMUN. (part of #2324)
  • Fixed Gaia Sword not granting any bonus drops. This reworks the way s_add_drop differentiates between items and groups and the parameters passed to pc_bonus_item_drop(). Custom code may need to be updated to match. (#2327)
  • Fixed a 'Gungslinger' typo in item_db2. (#2335)
  • Fixed delay-consumed items missing consumption after using Abracadabra/Improvised Song (#2298, issue #1169)


  • Removed unnecessary typedef from clr_type. The type is now only available as enum clr_type. (part of #2324)

v2018.11.18+1 November 18 2018 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a regression in #1215 that prevented characters from being resurrected. (c34871cb3f65412db663a4793df6f055663e16fa)

v2018.11.18 November 18 2018


  • Added an option to prevent character renames when in a guild or a party. This is the official behavior, but disabled by default since it's unnecessary in Hercules. To enable, char_configuration/use_aegis_rename can be set to true in char-server.conf. (#1866, issue #1805)
  • Added the script command data_to_string(), to return the string representation of the given data (counterpart to getd()). (#2304)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2018-11-14. (#2310, #2321)
  • Added a configuration option for the maximum delay allowed by @channel setopt MessageDelay command, see chsys/channel_opt_msg_delay in channels.conf. (#2287)
  • Added a configuration option for more accurate emulation of the HP display on dead characters. This setting is enabled by default, but the old, less confusing, behavior is available by setting display_fake_hp_when_dead to false in client.conf. (#1215, issues #889 and #840)
  • Added common/packets, to provide a common interface to the packet DB, shared by all three servers. (#2321)
  • Added proof of concept of compile time validation of packet struct definition against the packet lengths DB (currently only for ZC_ITEM_PREVIEW). (part of #2321)
  • Added runtime client-server packet length validation in RFIFOSKIP() and WFIFOSET(). An unchecked WFIFOSET2() alternative is still provided, for packets that lack a db entry. (part of #2321)
  • Added runtime validation for the size of WIFOHEAD() buffer allocations. (part of #2321)


  • Made getunits() stop unnecessarily iterating when the maximum specified amount of units is reached. (#2105)
  • Updated the item bonus documentation, converted to the Markdown format in doc/ (#2259)
  • Improved the channel delay message to include the remaining time before a new message can be sent. (#2286)
  • Removed the unused type argument from getnpcid(). All the shipped scripts have been updated. (#2289)
  • Improved the charlog to include the stats, class, hair color and style whenever available. This affects the character selection and rename log entries, that had most fields zeroed before. (#2320)
  • Updated the quest variables documentation, converted to the Markdown format in doc/ (#2256)
  • Updated the monster modes documentation, converted to the Markdown format in doc/ (#2255)
  • Documented flag of the status->heal() function through the enum status_heal_flag. (part of #1215)
  • Added packet versions for all server types to the socket datasync validation. (part of #2321)


  • Fixed packet ZC_FORMATSTRING_MSG_COLOR for clients older than 20160406. (part of #2310)
  • Fixed the output formatting in the unhandled packet reporter. (part of #2310)
  • Improved grammar in the document. (#2303)
  • Fixed some logically dead code in status.c. (#2265)
  • Fixed some alerts reported by LGTM for the python scripts. (#2268)
  • Fixed some typos in the document. (#2283)
  • Fixed a crash and/or mapflag inconsistency when reloading scripts, especially in PK servers. Map zones are now removed correctly during a reload. (#2247, issue #2242)
  • Fixed an overflow in the defense calculation when fighting more than 22 enemies. (#1233, issue #1201)
  • Fixed the gitlab-ci builds with clang-4.0, which was removed from Debian testing/unstable. (#2323)
  • Fixed an issue that caused a character leaving their guild to still receive some #ally messages from certain allied guilds. (#2322)
  • Fixed an issue that caused a character joining a guild not to join its #ally channel group. (part of #2322)
  • Fixed a duplicated line in the @channel help output. (part of #2322)
  • Fixed some code that assumed a character to be already on a map and attempt to leave an invalid #map channel when logging in. (part of #2322)


  • Removed support for the MINICORE libraries, which were unused but needlessly built since the new mapcache system was implemented in #1552. (#2319)
  • Removed the unused src/tool directory. (part of #2319)

v2018.10.21 October 21 2018


  • Unknown packets are now printed to the console, when the option to dump them to disk (DUMP_UNKNOWN_PACKET) is disabled. (part of #2226)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2018-10-02 (#2226)
  • Implemented the script command removespecialeffect(). (part of #2226)
  • Implemented the atcommand @camerainfo and the script commands camerainfo() and changecamera(). (part of #2226)
  • Added options to enforce a minimum buy/sell price for NPC items, defaulting to the official values of 1 and 0, respectively. (#2208, issue #2177)
  • Added documentation for the script command achievement_progress(). (#2249)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2018-10-17 (#2278)
  • Implemented script command itempreview(). (part of #2278)
  • Added placeholders for 493 items from kRO. (#2280)


  • Converted the effect list documentation to Markdown ( (#2230, issue #2215)
  • Improved the GitHub pull request and issue templates. (#2237)
  • Allowed getd() to work with constants and params (although this is a discouraged practice). (#2240)
  • Converted the permissions documentation to Markdown ( (#2253)
  • Extended getiteminfo() and setitmeinfo() with the trade restriction information (ITEMINFO_TRADE). The ITR_* constants are made available to the script engine, and the global function F_GetTradeRestriction() has been provided, for convenience. (#2172)
  • Converted the global configuration documentation to Markdown ( (#2229, issue #2216)
  • Removed duplicated code from the showevent() icon validation. (#2250)
  • Extended setquestinfo() with a mercenary class option (QINFO_MERCENARY_CLASS). (#2251)
  • Removed duplicated/diverging code from the @bodystyle command. (#2264)
  • Removed duplicated code for prompt(), now sharing the same function as select(). The new constants MAX_MENU_OPTIONS and MAX_MENU_LENGTH have been provided. (#2279)


  • Fixed an assertion failure in the zeny achievement, when the amount of zeny is zero. (#2227)
  • Fixed issues when setting a char or account variable of another player. (#2238, issue #2212)
  • Fixed a failed assertion when a character is invited to and joins a guild. (#2235, issue #2210)
  • Fixed a failed assertion when sc_end() is called for SC_BERSERK. (#2239, issue #1388)
  • Fixed display issues with homunculus in old clients. (#2252)
  • Fixed damage reflection (through Reflect Shield, High Orc Card, etc) to work on traps. The old, unofficial, behavior can be restored through the battle configuration flag trap_reflect. (#2182, issue #1926)
  • Fixed Blast Mine and Claymore Trap damage, that wasn't getting split by the number of targets. (#2182, issue #1900)
  • Fixed an assertion failure when refining an item fails. (#2234, issue #2217)
  • Fixed the gitlab-ci builds with clang-5.0, which was removed from Debian testing/unstable. (58afe047cd)

v2018.09.23 September 23 2018


  • Added code quality badges to the README. (#2202)
  • Added maps and constants related to episode 17.1 to the map database and constants list. (#2203)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys and message tables for clients up to 2018-09-19 (#2199)
  • Added -Wvla to the compiler flags, to prevent accidental usage of variable length arrays. (#2199)
  • Extended setquestinfo() with support for item amount ranges. (#2218)
  • Implemented the Mob Skill DB generator into the db2sql plugin. (#2149)


  • Changed the Travis build to use the maximum available PACKETVER, so that the recent code is tested. (#2199)
  • Added a shorthand to call mes() without arguments to mean mes(""). (#2193)


  • Added a missing IF NOT EXISTS clause in the char_achievements table creation query. (e71e41b36b)
  • Fixed an issue in packet ZC_INVENTIRY_MOVE_FAILED (#2199, issue #2213)
  • Fixed a validation error in setquestinfo(). (#2218)
  • Fixed an error in the achievement system, when killing a cloned mob. (#2204, issue #2201)
  • Fixed a truncation issue in the card columns of the database. (#2205, issue #2187)
  • Fixed a crash when a character is removed from the char table but not from the guild_member. (#2209, issue #2173)

v2018.08.26+1 August 29 2018


  • Fixed a bug which prevented the script engine from updating params. (#2200, e554c1c9c)

v2018.08.26 August 26 2018


  • Added the @setzone command, which allows changing the zone of the current map on the fly. (#2162)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys, and message tables for clients up to 2018-08-08. (#2176)
  • Added support for sak and ad clients. (#2185)
  • Made the server display the client type (main, RE, zero, sak, ad) on startup. (#2185)
  • Added const-correct wrappers for strchr(), strrchr(), strstr(), when building with C11-compatible compilers. (#2189)


  • Made the map zone db also reload when @reloadscript is used. (#2162)
  • Updated the is_function script command to support built-in commands, local functions, and local subroutines. (#2154)
  • Updated the debugmes script command to support printf format strings. (#2146)
  • Changed the language specification to C11 in autoconf builds. (#2189)


  • script->add_str() should no longer be used by plugins to inject variables, as script->add_variable() supersedes it. (#2164)


  • Fixed the @mapflag command not working with the town mapflag. (#2133, #2162)
  • Fixed some issues with the banking and roulette packets. (#2190)
  • Fixed the compiler throwing a warning when MAGIC_REFLECTION_TYPE is set to 0. (#1920, 2175)
  • Fixed some vague item bonus documentation for bHealPower and bHealPower2. (#2125)
  • Fixed some issues in the GitLab CI CentOS builds that prevented the pipelines from succeeding. (#2191)
  • Reverted v2018.07.29+1 and fixed the underlying issue, which caused some script variables to end up with an incorrect type. (#2164)
  • Fixed some constants that had an invalid type, which caused undefined behaviour with getdatatype. (#1801, #2164)
  • Fixed zeny spending achievements recording the zeny amount in negative values. (#2171)

v2018.07.29+2 August 1 2018 PATCH 2


  • Fixed a wrong preprocessor directive that prevented some clients from connecting. (#2165, #2166)

v2018.07.29+1 Jul 30 2018 PATCH 1


  • Added a temporary patch for getd() when variable types are C_NOP. (#2163)

v2018.07.29 Jul 29 2018


  • Added support for the Achievements system and the Titles system. (#2067, #2157, #2161)
  • Added a stylist db option to restrict some hairstyles for the Doram race. (#2155)
  • Added/updated packets, encryption keys, and message tables for clients up to 2018-07-18. (#2139, #2126, #2132)
  • Added support for the overweight percentage packet for clients older than 2017-10-25. (#2139)
  • Added support for the chat commands /changedress and /nocosplay. (#2139)
  • Added support for the party member death notification packet for clients older than 2017-05-02. (#2139)
  • Added support for body style to the stylist. (#2138)
  • Added a dead_area_size battle config option to configure the area to which player death packets are sent. (#2088)
  • Added project files for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (#2131)


  • Updated the warp list packet for clients older than 2017-04-19. (#2139)
  • Simplified the questinfo() script command and added setquestinfo(). This may break some scripts, but is easily fixable with a regular expression search/replace. (#2107)
  • The constants database will now also be reloaded when calling @reloadscript. (#2130)
  • The maximum item ID for the item database is now 65535 for clients older than 2018-07-04, and 131072 for newer clients. It may be increased up to a maximum of 2147483648 in the future, as needed. (#2134)
  • Added the missing pos parameter to skill_init_unit_layout_unknown(). (#2143)


  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 is no longer officially supported. (#2131)


  • Removed the EF_ANGEL3 effect from the novice academy, as it is now triggered by the Achievements system. (#2156)


  • Fixed a bug which made the Venom Splasher skill consume gemstones twice. (#2148)
  • Fixed a bug that could make skill cooldowns never expire, rendering the skill unusable. (#2147)
  • Fixed the maximum array size being higher than the maximum integer (uint32 vs int32), which could cause integer overflows in scripts. (#2093)
  • Fixed a wrongly named constant, which made Sea-Otter Card not increase the Sushi heal rate. (#2117)
  • Fixed misc bugs related to pet evolution. (#2136, #2153)
  • Fixed a bug that sent an attendance system message without the attendance ui being opened. (#2129)
  • Corrected several outdated documentation references to db/constants.conf, to point to doc/ (#2090)
  • Fixed an issue in the script command getd() that wouldn't properly initialize the type of newly created variables through set(getd(...), ...) (#2158)
  • Fixed a missing memory initialization in several dummy struct block_list entries created as local variables. (#2159)

v2018.07.01+1 Jul 1 2018 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a regression that made it impossible to invite guild members. (#2124, issue #2122)

v2018.07.01 Jul 1 2018


  • Added/updated packets and message tables for clients from 2018-05-30 to 2018-06-12. (#2064)
  • Added/updated a pair of enums (cz_ui_types, zc_ui_types) for the values used by packets 0xa68 and 0x0ae2, fixed compatibility with older clients. (part of #2064)
  • Added the possibility for a plugin to abort the skill currently being cast by returning true from skill_check_condition_castend_unknown(). (#2076)
  • Implemented Pet Evolution. This adds a new Evolve field to the Pet DB, and a generator script is provided, to automatically create entries from the pet evolution lua. (#2063)
  • Implemented Pet Autofeeding. This adds a new AutoFeed field to the Pet DB, and can be completely disabled through the enabe_pet_autofeed flag in feature.conf. (#2063)
  • Added the script command setparam(), the setter counterpart of readparam(), accepting an optional account id argument. (#2081)
  • Updated maps database/mapcache with new maps (part of #2098)
  • Added/updated packets and message tables for clients from 2018-06-20 to 2018-06-27. (#2095)
  • Added new map/mapserver-change packets for the airship system. (part of #2095)
  • Added new (unused) 'dns host' field in char_send_map_info(), compatible with clients newer than 2017-03-29. (part of #2095)
  • Added an option to hide names in the script commands unittalk() and npctalk() (#1831, formerly #1571, issue #1523)


  • Updated README with more info about the development dependencies. (b57232ac29)
  • Updated instance_create() when trying to create an already existing instance, to match the official behavior. (#1924, issue #1651)
  • Removed the RTLD_DEEPBIND flag from the plugin-loading functions, for compatibility with asan in gcc-8. (#2079)
  • Standardized the function call syntax in the script command documentation. (#2084)
  • Changed the way pet eggs are handles in the inventory (they don't get deleted when hatched), for compatibility with the pet evolution system. (part of #2063)
  • Extended the script command readparam() with the ability to receive an account id as optional argument, as an alternative to the character name. (#part of 2081)
  • Updated the Private Airship map list to match the main kRO servers, and enabled the functionality on the main packetvers. (#2098)
  • Updated pin code status packets for the 2018 clients. (part of #2095)
  • Updated the authentication error packets in the map server to use the most recent version for the current packetver. (part of #2095)
  • Updated the roulette packets for the 2018 clients. (part of #2095)
  • Updated GitLab-CI builds to include more recent compilers and platforms: clang-5.0, clang-6.0, clang-7, gcc-7, gcc-8 ubuntu 18.04, MariaDB 10.1 are now tested. (part of #2111)
  • Updated GitLab-CI builds to include builds with a recent Zero packetver, to ensure that recent code is compiled/tested. (part of #2111)
  • Split the function clif_disp_overhead into two and converted its packet handling into the struct format. (part of #1831)
  • Cleaned up the mapif-related code, splitting mapif packet processing from inter logic and moving the mapif functions to mapif.c. (#2108)
  • Changed all the functions (where possible) to have static linking, in order to prevent incorrect symbols to be used by plugins, as a safer alternative to RTLD_DEEPBIND. Plugin authors are still advised to avoid naming their local symbols with the same name as non-static symbols exported by the code. (#2112)
  • Prevented compilation of the non-memmgr memory management function wrappers when the memory manager is enabled. (part of #2112)


  • Fixed a crash when entries from the job_db are removed. (#2071, issue #2070)
  • Fixed getunits() to always return a value, even in case of error. (d2c0e453fc)
  • Fixed an incorrect response message in the stylist shop. (#2066, issue #2065)
  • Fixed an issue in the clif_parse_OpenVending() processing when the item list is empty. (#2072)
  • Fixed various typos in code documentation/comments. (#2069)
  • Fixed a field size in the character creation packet. (part of #2064)
  • Added some missing fields in the AC_ACCEPT_LOGIN packet structure. (part of #2064)
  • Fixed compilation with packetvers older than 20090805. (part of #2064)
  • Fixed the rodex_sendmail_acc() command to correctly use the account_id field as stated in the documentation. (#2075, issue #2024)
  • Fixed the shutdown callback calls, that weren't getting called any longer since core.c was interfaced. (#2106)
  • Fixed a parsing error when the pre-increment/pre-decrement operator is used in a conditional's body without braces. (#2077, issues #705, #912, #1553, #1710)
  • Fixed SC_NOEQUIPWEAPON/RG_STRIPWEAPON (Renewal only) and SC_INCATKRATE/NPC_POWERUP whose ATK increment/reduction were ineffective on monsters. (#2097)
  • Fixed an error when a player's PIN code is set for the first time. (#2100, issue #2046)
  • Fixed the searchstore packet for compatibility with item options. (part of #2095)
  • Fixed GitLab-CI build failures caused by MySQL client versions incompatible with the updated docker images. (#2111)
  • Fixed the novending map/cell flag that would cause players to get stuck. (#2091, issue #662)
  • Fixed the documentation for the queueopt() script command. (#2086)
  • Fixed documentation comments related to the exp_group_db (#2114, #2115)
  • Fixed an issue in the travis builds when the console error output is too long. (part of #2112)

v2018.06.03 Jun 3 2018


  • Added/updated packets support for clients from 2018-05-09 to 2018-05-23. (#2043)
  • Added client/version-specific enum clif_messages values for msgstringtable message IDs. All the related functions have been updated. (#2038)
  • Added the script commands setpcblock() and checkpcblock(), to prevent various character actions - see the script command docs for details. (#842)
  • Implemented the Stylist UI, available in clients starting from 2015. Configurable in stylist_db.conf, accessible to scripts through openstylist(). (#2004)


  • Extended the script command getunits() with support to look up units globally, making the map argument optional. (#1851)
  • Updated copyright headers to year 2018. (#2054)
  • Converted exp.txt (now exp_group_db.conf) to the libconfig format, now better integrated with job_db.conf. (#2036, originally #1944)


  • Fixed an issue in the mob skill db parser that limited the mob skills to a maximum of 5 (#2042, issue #2044)
  • Fixed some incorrect msgstringtable IDs. (part of #2038)
  • Fixed inheritance in the mob DB, no longer overwriting the Range field with a default value. (#2055)
  • Fixed the skill element getter for levels above MAX_SKILL_LEVEL. (#2059)
  • Fixed interaction between the pvp_nocalcrank mapflag and the script/atcommands to toggle PvP. (#2057, issue #2056)


  • While not officially deprecated yet, use of maprespawnguildid() and playbgmall() has been superseded by getunits(). (part of #1851)
  • Deprecated the pcblockmove() script command. Use the more flexible setpcblock() instead. (part pf #842)

v2018.05.06 May 6 2018


  • Added a configurable PIN code blacklist, to prevent use of certain codes. (#2007 and #2029, issue #769)
  • Added/updated packets support for clients from 2018-04-11 to 2018-05-02. (#2021, #2030)
  • Implemented option to allow guild skill cooldowns to continue when the leader is logged out. Enabled by default and controlled by the guild_skill_relog_delay flag in guild.conf. (#2005, issue #1774)
  • Implemented the Private Airship system, currently using the list of maps from the Zero server. (#1998)
  • Added the constants DEFAULT_MOB_JNAME and DEFAULT_MOB_NAME (source only) to replace hardcoded use of "--ja--" and "--en--" respectively. (part of #2027)


  • Replaced custom messages related to the PIN code system with the official ones. (part of #2007)
  • Updated the minimum client version that enables certain features: new drop packet now in PACKETVER >= 20180418, attendance system now in PACKETVER_ZERO_NUM >= 20180411. (#2020)
  • Introduced a friendly error message when the delwall() script command fails due to a non-existent wall. (#2017)
  • Refactored some code to move MAPID_* related code into separate functions. (#2022)
  • Changed the plugins Makefile to honor the $MYPLUGIN variable passed through the environment, to make it easier to compile specific plugins without editing files. (#2025)
  • Converted the Mob Skill DB to the libconfig format. A converter script ( has been provided for convenience. (#2019)


  • Fixed interaction between Curse and Blessing. When under Curse or Stone Curse, Blessing will only remove the negative statuses and will need to be cast again to obtain the buff. (#1706, issue #680)
  • Added support for time_t as return type in the HPMHookGen. (bb0e228bd29dd689ca76f64578de8759415a763b)
  • Fixed some possible buffer overflows. (#2028)
  • Fixed the return value of BUILDIN(getunitdata). (d6785d389cbee4f34078f6762626ca61b2d6cc25)
  • Improved support for clients version 2018-02-07 and Zero 2018-01-31. (part of #2030)
  • Fixed the clan names in some clan-related NPC dialogs. (#2032)
  • Fixed the display name of monster summoned through the SA_SUMMONMONSTER skill. (#2027)


  • Removed all the code related to the anonymous-stat-reporting system. (#2023)

v2018.04.08 April 8 2018


  • Added/updated packets support for clients from 2018-03-14 to 2018-04-04. (#1994 and #2014)
  • Introduced macros PACKETVER_RE_NUM, PACKETVER_ZERO_NUM and PACKETVER_MAIN_NUM to simplify client type-specific version checks. These macros are defined to PACKETVER only if, respectively, PACKETVER_RE, PACKETVER_ZERO or neither are defined. (part of #1994)
  • Implemented Hat Effects, available in clients starting from 2015-04-22. (#1965)
    • The hateffect() script command has been implemented.
    • The related constants (with prefix HAT_EF_*) have been added and made available to the script engine.
  • Added the 2015 variant of the quest-related packets. (#1111)
  • Added login date information for guild members, on clients starting from 2016-10-26. The message format can be customized on the client side, by editing line 3012 of msgstringtable.txt. (#1986)
  • Added support for the ZC_FORMATSTRING_MSG and ZC_MSG_COLOR packets, handling msgstringtable messages. (#2012)
  • Added a setting (storage_use_item in items.conf) to control the use of items (usable/consumable/boxes) when the storage is open. (#1868, issue #1806)
  • Implemented the Attendance System, requiring client 2018-03-07bRagexeRE or newer. Configuration is available in feature.conf and db/attendance_db.conf. (#1990)
  • Added a configurable delay to the MVP Tombstone. The delay can be configured through the mvp_tomb_spawn_delay setting in monster.conf. (#2001, issue #1980)


  • Updated the functions handling quest-related packets to use the struct-based form. (part of #1111)
  • Converted the Pet DB to the libconfig format. A converter script ( has been provided for convenience. (#2000)
  • The noteleport mapflag has been added to the Archer Village (pay_arche), to match official servers. (part of #2006)
  • The script->sprintf() function has been renamed to script->sprintf_helper(). (part of #2009)


  • Removed a duplicated line in the login server VS project that would prevent Visual Studio from loading it. (#1992)
  • Prevented a console warning when a nonexistent map is passed to the getmapinfo() script command. (584e8de35)
  • Fixed a RODEX loading data problem when a message's expiration date was manually edited. (#1995)
  • Corrected the error messages displayed when using various restricted items to match the official servers. (#2006)
  • Added a missing status refresh for the Homunculus Autofeed system when changing maps. (#2002)
  • Fixed a NULL pointer check failure when TK_JUMPKICK is used by a non-player. (#2015, issue #1875)
  • Fixed compilation of the HPMHooking plugin on systems where sprintf() is a macro. (#2009, issue #2003)

v2018.03.11 March 11 2018


  • Added a new mapcache plugin to convert, update or recreate mapcache files in the new format. (part of #1552)
  • Added appveyor configuration to the repository. (part of #1552)
  • Exposed script->sprintf() to plugins. (#1976)
  • Added/updated packets support for clients from 2018-02-21 to 2018-03-09. (#1983)


  • Updated the mapcache to a new, git-friendly, format having one file per map. (#1552, #1981)
    • For info on how to convert or recreate mapcache entries, see the mapcache plugin (./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --help)
  • Removed the display of PIN codes and passwords from the @accinfo GM command. Old code is kept commented out for those that may wish to re-enable it. (#1975)
  • Updated with some clarifications and corrections. (#1985)


  • Updated the VS project files with the recently added .h files, for better intellisense/search. (#1970)
  • Fixed a NULL pointer in login->accounts, only affecting plugins. (part of #1979)
  • Fixed a case of use after free in the @reloadatcommand GM command. (part of #1979)
  • Added several missing checks in various clif_parse_* functions. (part of #1979)
  • Fixed various PIN code related exploits. (part of #1979)
  • Fixed a case of use after free when the option delay_battle_damage is set to false. (part of #1979)
  • Fixed a segmentation fault in clan-related code when using the db2sql plugin. (#1989, issue #1984)
  • Fixed an incorrect behavior in RODEX returned messages. (part of #1987)
  • Fixed an error that made RODEX mails impossible to delete in some cases. (part of #1987)
  • Fixed a NULL pointer in RODEX when the user tried to perform actions on unloaded mails. (part of #1987, issue #1977)
  • Fixed an incorrect interaction between RODEX and NPCs. (#1936)
  • Fixed an incorrect Kafra Points / Cash Points calculation. (#1541, issue #1540)


  • Removed the old mapcache executable, superseded by the new plugin. (part of #1552)

v2018.02.11+1 February 13 2018 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a possible crash in @cvcon (and possibly other functions) when a referenced map zone doesn't exist. (#1972, issue #1971)
  • Fixed the messages displayed when enabling or disabling CvC. (part of #1972)
  • Extended the bg_message string termination fix to all the clients. (#1973)

v2018.02.11 February 11 2018


  • Added/updated packets support for clients from 2017-12-13 to 2018-01-24. (part of #1957)
  • Implemented the official Clan System, including the possibility of customization and a Clan vs Clan versus mode. (#1718, #1964, #1968, related to issue #241)
    • New GM commands: @claninfo, @joinclan, @leaveclan, @reloadclans, @cvcon and @cvcoff.
    • New script commands: clan_join(), clan_leave() and clan_master(); extended strcharinfo() and getcharid().
    • Configuration changes: see conf/clans.conf, conf/map/logs.conf, db/clans.conf, db/*/map_zone_db.conf.
    • Note: This requires the SQL migrations 2017-06-04--15-04.sql and 2017-06-04--15-05.sql.
    • Note: The npc/re/other/clans.txt script is now loaded by default in renewal mode.
  • Added several (status-icon related) constants to the script engine (through the new file). (part of #1718)
  • Implemented the missing HPM interfaces in the login server (account, ipban, lchrif), added the missing variables into the login interfaces. (#1963, issue #1908)
    • The _sql suffix has been removed from the source files in the login server.
    • Functions in account.c and loginlog.c have been prefixed with account_ and loginlog_ respectively.
    • The chrif_ functions of the login server have been renamed to lchrif_.
    • The server[] array has been moved to login->dbs->server[].
    • The account (account.h), ipban (ipban.h), lchrif (login.h), loginlog (loginlog.h)
    • Several log_* global variables have been moved to the loginlog interface, with their respective names.
    • The account_engine[0] variable has been moved to login->dbs->account_engine (note: this is not an array!)
  • Added/updated packets support for clients from 2018-01-31 to 2018-02-07. (#1969)


  • Applied script standardization to the Bakonawa Lake instance script. (#1874)
  • Applied script standardization to the Buwaya Cave instance script. (#1877)
  • Applied script standardization to the Eclage Interior instance script. (#1878)
  • Applied script standardization to the Hazy Forest instance script. (#1880)
  • Applied script standardization to the Malangdo Culvert instance script. (#1881)


  • Fixed compatibility issues with the 2013-12-23 client. (part of #1957, issue #1956)
  • Prevented the leak of a hidden GM's presence through area packets. (#1200)
  • Fixed an unterminated string in the bg_message() related packets, with certain client versions. (#1890)

v2018.01.14 January 14 2018


  • Added support for the AllowReproduce flag in the skill DB. This supersedes the skill_reproduce_db. (#1943)
  • Added support for the ZC_PROGRESS_ACTOR packet. The packet is exposed to the script engine through the progressbar_unit() command (available on PACKETVER 20130821 and newer). (#1929)
  • Added support for the new item drop packet for the Zero clients. The packet is controlled by the ShowDropEffect and DropEffectMode item DB flags and ignored by non-Zero clients. (#1939)
  • Added support for the new Map Server Change packet 0x0ac7. (part of #1948)


  • Always enabled assertions and null pointer checks. In order to disable them (very discouraged, as it may lead to security issues), it is now necessary to edit nullpo.h. (#1937)
  • Disabled the address sanitizer's memory leak detector in the travis builds, since it produced failures in third libraries. (#1949, #1952)
  • Applied script standardization to the Nydhogg's Nest instance script. (#1871)
  • Split packet_keys.h into separate files for main clients and zero clients. (part of #1948)
  • Split packets_shuffle.h into separate files for main clients and zero clients. (part of #1948)
  • Replaced the custom bank unavailable error message with the actual bank check error packet. (part of #1948)
  • Updated and corrected the party member and party info packets. (part of #1948)
  • Updated with more relevant badges and links (added Discord, removed Waffle, added more GitHub information). (#1951)


  • Updated Xcode project to include the RODEX related files. (#1942)
  • Fixed RODEX loading mails when it requires multiple packets. (#1945, issue #1933)


  • Removed the skill_reproduce_db, now superseded by the AllowReproduce skill flag. (part of #1943)

v2017.12.17 December 17 2017


  • Implemented Homunculus Autofeeding, available on the 2017 clients. The feature can be disabled by flipping features.enable_homun_autofeed in feature.conf. (#1898)
  • Added support for the newly released Ragnarok Zero clients. The client type is controlled with the --enable-packetver-zero configure-time flag (disabled by default). (#1923)


  • Applied script standardization to the Old Glast Heim instance script. (#1883)
  • Split packets.h into two files: packets.h and packets_shuffle.h. (part of #1923)


  • Corrected a wrong path displayed in an error message pointing to the map-server configuration. (#1913)
  • Fixed the natural expiration of the Poison status when under the effect of Slow Poison. (#1925)

v2017.11.19+2 November 28 2017 PATCH 2


  • Fixed an item loading failure in RODEX. (#1917, issue #1912)
  • Fixed invisible NPCs (such as FAKE_NPC) being displayed as novices. (#1918, issue #1916)

v2017.11.19+1 November 24 2017 PATCH 1


  • Suppressed assertions in the Skill DB accessors when called with skill_id = 0 (normal attacks). (#1910, issue #1909)

v2017.11.19 November 19 2017


  • Added several missing members to the login interface. (Part of #1891)
  • Added support for colored character server population counter in the service selection list. Configurable through users_count in login-server.conf. (#1891)
  • Added top-level command miniboss_monster to label monsters as minibosses, and to send them as such to the client. (part of #1889)
  • Added support for 2017-10-25 - 2017-11-01 clients. (#1889)
  • Added support to display NPCs with player classes, including equipment and styles (best with clients starting from 20170726). This extends getunitdata() and setunitdata() with support for UDT_SEX, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, UDT_HEADTOP, UDT_CLOTHCOLOR, UDT_SHIELD, UDT_WEAPON, UDT_ROBE, UDT_BODY2. (#1893)
  • Added type constants for the getiteminfo() and setiteminfo() script commands. Existing third party code must be updated to use the new constants (see the pull request description and the command documentation for details). (#1902)
  • Added global function F_GetAmmoType(), counterpart to F_GetWeaponType() for ammunitions. Both functions have now been updated to only check the subtype if the item type is correct (IT_AMMO and IT_WEAPON respectively). (part of #1902)
  • Added support for the Skill Scale packet, available in client versions 20151223 and newer. (#1903)


  • Applied script standardization to the Octopus Cave instance script. (#1882)
  • Applied script standardization to the Ghost Palace instance script. (#1879)
  • Applied script standardization to the Sara's Memory instance script. (#1884)
  • Extended the script command setequipoption() with the possibility to remove item options from an equipment piece. (#1865)
  • Updated the QTYPE_* constants (questinfo(), showevent()) to support the new 2017 client icons. (#1894)
  • Applied script standardization to the Orc's Memory instance script. (#1872)
  • Applied script standardization to the Sealed Shrine instance script. (#1873)
  • Extended the global function F_GetArmorType() to support costumes and shadow equipment. (#1836)
  • Extended the script commands has_instance() and has_instance2() with support to search instances of type IOT_NONE. (#1397)
  • Applied script standardization and improvements to the Endless Tower instance script. (#1862)
  • Cleared some confusion between skill IDs and indexes through the codebase. Rewritten Skill DB accessors in a safer, more readable way. (part of #1896)


  • The use of numeric type constants with getiteminfo() and setiteminfo() is deprecated. For technical reasons, no deprecation notice is displayed. (part of #1902)


  • The MAX_SKILL constant has been removed, in favor of the more clear MAX_SKILL_DB, to be used in all places that use the compacted Skill DB array. For use with the non-compacted clientside Skill IDs, the MAX_SKILL_ID constant is still available. (part of #1896)


  • Fixed compilation warnings when compiling with gcc-7. (#1887)
  • Fixed the display flag for monsters labeled as boss_monster to be that of MVP monsters instead of miniboss monsters. (part of #1889)
  • Fixed a subtle error in case skill->unit_group_newid overflows, causing certain skill unit entries to get stuck and never get deleted correctly. This can manifest itself with some monster spawns becoming immune to certain AoE spells having the UF_NOOVERLAP flag (Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, etc). (#1896)
  • Implemented MATK support in the getiteminfo() and setiteminfo(). This functionality was previously advertised as available in the command documentation, but was not implemented. (part of #1902)
  • Restored View Sprite support in the getiteminfo() and setiteminfo(). This functionality was lost with #1828. (part of #1902, issue #1895)
  • Reimplemented the global function F_GetArmorType() to reflect the fact that ITEMINFO_LOC returns a bitmask. The function now handles multi-slot headgears and other uncommon cases better. (part of #1902)
  • Corrected some incorrect data types passed to the SQL StmtBind functions, causing query errors and data loss. Said functions will now have a runtime assertion to ensure the right data type is passed. Third party code needs to be updated to reflect this stricter requirement. (#1901, issue #1531)
  • Corrected some RODEX related queries in case MAX_SLOTS or MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS are set to custom values. (part of #1901)

v2017.10.22+1 October 22 2017 PATCH 1


  • Fixed a wrong null pointer check in logmes(), which caused the command to never log and instead print debug information.

v2017.10.22 October 22 2017


  • Added the script command getmapinfo(), which allows to obtain misc information about a map. (#1852)
  • Added an option to restrict party leader changes to characters on the same map. Controlled by the setting party_change_leader_same_map (defaults to true). (#1812)
  • Added initial support (shuffle packets, obfuscation keys) for clients 2017-09-27, 2017-10-02, 2017-10-11, 2017-10-18. (#1859)
  • Added the noautoloot mapflag, allowing to disable the @autoloot functionality on a map by map basis. (#1833)


  • Extended the script command logmes() with an option to log to the atcommandlog table. (#1843)
  • Updated RoDEX, with support for packetver 20170419 and newer. (#1859)
  • Updated Exp-related packets and handling functions to support values larger than 2 billions (as seen in packetver 20170830 and newer). (#1859)
  • Changed the diagnostic message in skill_init_unit_layout() to report the skill ID instead of its index. (#1854)


  • Corrected the Kafra dialog in case a Doram without the Summoner's Basic Skill attempts to open the Storage. (#1864)
  • Changed the cell stack counting algorithm to ignore invisible NPCs, improving the Dancer Quest experience as well as other cases of hidden NPCs blocking off certain cells. (#1827)
  • Improved the handling of the cardfix value to make it more resistant to overflows, especially in renewal mode. Simplified the related renewal/pre-renewal conditional code. (#1825)
  • Fixed some compilation warnings occurring in VS2017. (#1870)


  • New versioning scheme and project changelogs/release notes (#1853)