We aim to keep this privacy policy as clear, concise, and easy to understand as possible. We are committed to being transparent and open. This article explains generally how we receive information about you, and what we do with that information once we have it.
Members on Hitchmap can view their profile information on Hitchmap.
You are always able to remove personal information from your profile.
You are able to remove your profile from Hitchmap by asking us to delete your account.
We will never, ever sell your profile data to anyone or try to otherwise use it commercially.
This information is collected when you provide it to us (like when you fill your profile) or use features of our service (like editing the map).
- Basic profile information such as name, email, language, name, picture, gender, age, living location, usernames in other networks.
- Information about your hitchhiking experiences.
Our server (and thus your data) is securely hosted in the EU.
Hitchhiking and more broadly mobility research might be conducted using the data collected on Hitchmap including user data. No individual data will be published, only aggregate data. See our statistics page for more information.