From 56109f1ea646ab1957ce925b04ed4b88c541031a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ali Caglayan Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 04:32:10 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] category of group presentations Signed-off-by: Ali Caglayan --- theories/Algebra/Groups/Presentation.v | 353 ++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 319 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/Algebra/Groups/Presentation.v b/theories/Algebra/Groups/Presentation.v index 0087fc6b10..2abdd4e44a 100644 --- a/theories/Algebra/Groups/Presentation.v +++ b/theories/Algebra/Groups/Presentation.v @@ -6,11 +6,10 @@ Require Import Algebra.Groups.GroupCoeq. Require Import Spaces.Finite Spaces.List.Core. Require Import WildCat. - Local Open Scope mc_scope. Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope. -(** In this file we develop presentations of groups. *) +(** * Presentations of groups *) (** The data of a group presentation *) Record GroupPresentation := { @@ -22,39 +21,327 @@ Record GroupPresentation := { gp_relators : gp_rel_index -> FreeGroup gp_generators; }. -(** Note: A relator is a relation in the form of "w = 1", any relation "w = v" can become a relator "wv^-1 = 1" for words v and w. *) +(** Note: A relator is a relation in the form of [w = 1], any relation [w = v] can become a relator [wv^-1 = 1] for words [v] and [w]. *) + +(** ** Category of group presentations *) + +(** Group presentations together with their morphisms form a category. We can later show that this category is equivalent to the category of groups. *) + +Record GroupPresentationMorphism {p q : GroupPresentation} := { + gpm_map : gp_generators p $-> FreeGroup (gp_generators q) ; + gpm_rel_index : gp_rel_index p $-> FreeGroup (gp_rel_index q) ; + gpm_map_relators + : FreeGroup_rec gpm_map $o FreeGroup_rec (gp_relators p) + $== FreeGroup_rec (gp_relators q) $o FreeGroup_rec gpm_rel_index ; +}. +Arguments GroupPresentationMorphism p q : clear implicits. + +Definition gpm_idmap (p : GroupPresentation) : GroupPresentationMorphism p p. +Proof. + snrapply Build_GroupPresentationMorphism. + - exact freegroup_in. + - exact freegroup_in. + - exact ((freegroup_rec_in $@R _) $@ cat_idl _ $@ (cat_idr _)^$ + $@ (_ $@L freegroup_rec_in^$)). +Defined. + +Definition gpm_comp {p q r : GroupPresentation} + (f : GroupPresentationMorphism q r) (g : GroupPresentationMorphism p q) + : GroupPresentationMorphism p r. +Proof. + snrapply Build_GroupPresentationMorphism. + - exact (FreeGroup_rec (gpm_map f) o gpm_map g). + - exact (FreeGroup_rec (gpm_rel_index f) o gpm_rel_index g). + - refine (_ $@ vconcat (gpm_map_relators g) (gpm_map_relators f) $@ _^$). + + snrapply FreeGroup_ind_homotopy; intros x. + nrapply freegroup_rec_compose. + + by snrapply FreeGroup_ind_homotopy. +Defined. + +Global Instance isgraph_gp : IsGraph GroupPresentation + := {| Hom := GroupPresentationMorphism |}. + +Global Instance is01cat_gp : Is01Cat GroupPresentation + := {| Id := gpm_idmap; cat_comp := @gpm_comp |}. + +Record GroupPresentationHomotopy {p q : GroupPresentation} + {f g : GroupPresentationMorphism p q} := { + gph_map_homotopy : gpm_map f $== gpm_map g ; + gph_rel_index_homotopy : gpm_rel_index f $== gpm_rel_index g ; +}. +Arguments GroupPresentationHomotopy {p q} f g. + +Global Instance is2graph_gp : Is2Graph GroupPresentation + := fun p q => {| Hom := GroupPresentationHomotopy |}. + +Definition gph_idmap {p q : GroupPresentation} (f : p $-> q) : f $-> f. +Proof. + by snrapply Build_GroupPresentationHomotopy. +Defined. + +Definition gph_compose {p q : GroupPresentation} {f f' f'' : p $-> q} + : (f' $-> f'') -> (f $-> f') -> (f $-> f'') + := fun h1 h2 => {| + gph_map_homotopy := gph_map_homotopy h1 $o gph_map_homotopy h2; + gph_rel_index_homotopy := gph_rel_index_homotopy h1 $o gph_rel_index_homotopy h2; +|}. + +Global Instance is01cat_gpm {p q : GroupPresentation} : Is01Cat (p $-> q) + := {| Id := gph_idmap; cat_comp := @gph_compose p q; |}. + +Definition gph_inverse {p q : GroupPresentation} {f g : p $-> q} + : (f $-> g) -> (g $-> f) + := fun h => {| + gph_map_homotopy := (gph_map_homotopy h)^$; + gph_rel_index_homotopy := (gph_rel_index_homotopy h)^$; +|}. + +Global Instance is0gpd_gpm {p q : GroupPresentation} : Is0Gpd (p $-> q) + := {| gpd_rev := @gph_inverse p q |}. + +Definition gph_postwhisker {p q r : GroupPresentation} + (h : q $-> r) {f g : p $-> q} (s : f $== g) + : h $o f $== h $o g + := {| + gph_map_homotopy := _ $@L gph_map_homotopy s; + gph_rel_index_homotopy := _ $@L gph_rel_index_homotopy s; +|}. + +Definition gph_prewhisker {p q r : GroupPresentation} + (h : p $-> q) {f g : q $-> r} (s : f $== g) + : f $o h $== g $o h. +Proof. + snrapply Build_GroupPresentationHomotopy. + - intros x. + snrapply FreeGroup_ind_homotopy. + exact (gph_map_homotopy s). + - intros x. + snrapply FreeGroup_ind_homotopy. + exact (gph_rel_index_homotopy s). +Defined. + +Global Instance is1cat_gp : Is1Cat GroupPresentation. +Proof. + snrapply Build_Is1Cat. + - exact _. + - exact _. + - intros p q r h. + snrapply Build_Is0Functor. + exact (@gph_postwhisker p q r h). + - intros p q r h. + snrapply Build_Is0Functor. + exact (@gph_prewhisker p q r h). + - intros p q r s f g h. + snrapply Build_GroupPresentationHomotopy. + 1,2: intros x; snrapply freegroup_rec_compose. + - intros p q r s f g h. + symmetry. + snrapply Build_GroupPresentationHomotopy. + 1,2: intros x; snrapply freegroup_rec_compose. + - intros p q f. + snrapply Build_GroupPresentationHomotopy. + 1,2: intros x; nrapply freegroup_rec_in. + - intros p q f. + snrapply Build_GroupPresentationHomotopy. + 1,2: intros x; nrapply FreeGroup_rec_beta. +Defined. + +Global Instance hasequivs_gp : HasEquivs GroupPresentation + := cat_hasequivs _. + +(** ** Group presentations to groups *) + +(** Given the data of a group presentation we can construct the group it is meant to be presenting. This is known as the presented group of a group presentation. *) +Definition group_gp : GroupPresentation -> Group + := fun p => GroupCoeq (FreeGroup_rec (gp_relators p)) zero_morphism. + +(** The free group on the generators of a presentation has a natural map to the presented group. *) +Definition group_gp_in_word (p : GroupPresentation) + : FreeGroup (gp_generators p) $-> group_gp p + := groupcoeq_in. + +Definition group_gp_in (p : GroupPresentation) + : gp_generators p -> group_gp p + := group_gp_in_word p o freegroup_in. + +(** This map takes relations to the unit element. *) +Definition group_gp_glue' (p : GroupPresentation) (i : gp_rel_index p) + : group_gp_in_word p (gp_relators p i) = group_gp_in_word _ _ + := groupcoeq_glue (freegroup_in i). + +Definition group_gp_glue (p : GroupPresentation) (i : gp_rel_index p) + : group_gp_in_word p (gp_relators p i) = 1 + := group_gp_glue' p i @ grp_homo_unit _. + +Definition group_gp_rec {G : Group} (p : GroupPresentation) + (f : gp_generators p -> G) + (h : forall r, FreeGroup_rec f (gp_relators p r) = 1) + : group_gp p $-> G. +Proof. + snrapply groupcoeq_rec. + - exact (FreeGroup_rec f). + - refine ((freegroup_rec_compose _ _)^$ $@ _). + nrefine (_ $@ freegroup_const). + snrapply FreeGroup_ind_homotopy. + exact h. +Defined. + +Definition group_gp_rec_beta_in {G : Group} (p : GroupPresentation) + (f : gp_generators p -> G) + (h : forall r, FreeGroup_rec f (gp_relators p r) = 1) + : group_gp_rec p f h o group_gp_in p == f. +Proof. + intros x; apply grp_unit_r. +Defined. + +Definition group_gp_ind_homotopy {G : Group} {p : GroupPresentation} + {f g : group_gp p $-> G} (r : f o group_gp_in p == g o group_gp_in p) + : f $== g. +Proof. + snrapply groupcoeq_ind_homotopy. + snrapply FreeGroup_ind_homotopy. + exact r. +Defined. + +Global Instance is0functor_group_gp : Is0Functor group_gp. +Proof. + snrapply Build_Is0Functor. + intros p q f. + snrapply group_gp_rec. + - exact (group_gp_in_word q o gpm_map f). + - intros r. + lhs nrapply freegroup_rec_compose. + lhs nrapply (ap (group_gp_in_word q) (gpm_map_relators f (freegroup_in r))). + change ((group_gp_in_word q $o FreeGroup_rec (gp_relators q)) (gpm_rel_index f r) + = grp_homo_const (gpm_rel_index f r)). + snrapply FreeGroup_ind_homotopy; clear r; intros r. + apply group_gp_glue. +Defined. + +Definition fmap_group_gp_beta_in {p q : GroupPresentation} (f : p $-> q) + : fmap group_gp f o group_gp_in p == group_gp_in_word q o gpm_map f. +Proof. + reflexivity. +Defined. + +Definition fmap_group_gp_beta_in_word {p q : GroupPresentation} (f : p $-> q) + : fmap group_gp f $o group_gp_in_word p + $== group_gp_in_word q $o FreeGroup_rec (gpm_map f). +Proof. + by snrapply FreeGroup_ind_homotopy. +Defined. + +Global Instance is1functor_group_gp : Is1Functor group_gp. +Proof. + snrapply Build_Is1Functor. + - intros p q f g h. + snrapply group_gp_ind_homotopy. + intros x; simpl; do 4 f_ap. + exact (gph_map_homotopy h x). + - intros p. + by snrapply group_gp_ind_homotopy. + - intros p q r f g. + snrapply group_gp_ind_homotopy. + intros x. + rhs nrapply (ap _ (fmap_group_gp_beta_in _ _)). + rhs nrapply fmap_group_gp_beta_in_word. + nrapply fmap_group_gp_beta_in. +Defined. + +(** ** Standard presentation *) + +(** Every group can be given a standard presentation. The set of generators are + the elements of the groups and the relations are such that the group operation + agrees with word concatenation. *) +Definition gp_trivial : Group -> GroupPresentation. +Proof. + intros G. + snrapply Build_GroupPresentation. + - exact G. + - exact (G * G)%type. + - intros [g h]. + exact ((freegroup_in (g * h))^ * freegroup_in g * freegroup_in h). +Defined. + +(** Given a group, we have a homomorphism to the group presented by the standard presentation. *) +Definition group_gp_trivial_corec (G : Group) + : G $-> group_gp (gp_trivial G). +Proof. + snrapply (Build_GroupHomomorphism (group_gp_in (gp_trivial G))). + intros x y. + unfold group_gp_in. + rhs_V nrapply grp_homo_op. + lhs_V nrapply grp_unit_r. + rewrite <- (group_gp_glue (gp_trivial G) (x, y)). + lhs_V nrapply grp_homo_op. + apply ap. + lhs nrapply grp_assoc. + snrapply (ap (.* freegroup_in y)). + rhs_V nrapply grp_unit_l. + lhs nrapply grp_assoc. + snrapply (ap (.* freegroup_in x)). + nrapply grp_inv_r. +Defined. -(** Given the data of a group presentation we can construct the group. This is sometimes called the presented group. *) -Definition group_gp : GroupPresentation -> Group. +(** The group presented by the standard presentation is isomorphic to the original group. *) +Definition cate_group_gp_trivial (G : Group) + : group_gp (gp_trivial G) $<~> G. Proof. - intros [X I R]. - exact (GroupCoeq - (FreeGroup_rec R) - (FreeGroup_rec (fun x => @group_unit (FreeGroup X)))). + snrapply cate_adjointify. + - snrapply group_gp_rec. + + exact idmap. + + simpl. + intros [g h]. + nrapply grp_inv_l. + - apply group_gp_trivial_corec. + - intros x. + apply grp_unit_r. + - snrapply group_gp_ind_homotopy. + intros x. + simpl. + apply ap, grp_unit_r. Defined. +(** In a similar way, every presentation ought to be equivalent to the standard presentation of the presented group. This is far from trivial however. A special case is the Nielson-Schrier theorem for which there are toposes where it fails. *) + +(** ** Properties of group presentations *) + (** A group [G] has a presentation if there exists a group presentation whose presented group is isomorphic to [G]. *) -Class HasPresentation (G : Group) := { +Record HasPresentation (G : Group) := { presentation : GroupPresentation; - grp_iso_presentation : GroupIsomorphism (group_gp presentation) G; + grp_iso_presentation : group_gp presentation $<~> G; }. +Arguments grp_iso_presentation G _ : clear implicits. Coercion presentation : HasPresentation >-> GroupPresentation. +(** The trivial presentation means that any group has a presentation. *) + +Definition haspresentation_trivial (G : Group) : HasPresentation G. +Proof. + snrapply Build_HasPresentation. + - exact (gp_trivial G). + - exact (cate_group_gp_trivial G). +Defined. + (** Here are a few finiteness properties of group presentations. *) (** A group presentation is finitely generated if its generating set is finite. *) Class FinitelyGeneratedPresentation (P : GroupPresentation) := finite_gp_generators : Finite (gp_generators P). +Global Existing Instance finite_gp_generators. + (** A group presentation is finitely related if its relators indexing set is finite. *) Class FinitelyRelatedPresentation (P : GroupPresentation) := finite_gp_relators : Finite (gp_rel_index P). +Global Existing Instance finite_gp_relators. + (** A group presentation is a finite presentation if it is finitely generated and related. *) Class FinitePresentation (P : GroupPresentation) := { - fp_generators : FinitelyGeneratedPresentation P; - fp_relators : FinitelyRelatedPresentation P; + fp_generators :: FinitelyGeneratedPresentation P; + fp_relators :: FinitelyRelatedPresentation P; }. (** These directly translate into properties of groups. *) @@ -79,12 +366,12 @@ Class IsFinitelyPresented (G : Group) := { (** ** Fundamental theorem of presentations of groups *) (** A group homomorphism from a presented group is determined with how the underlying map acts on generators subject to the condition that relators are sent to the unit. *) -Theorem grp_pres_rec {funext : Funext} (G : Group) (P : HasPresentation G) (H : Group) +Theorem equiv_grp_pres_rec {funext : Funext} (G : Group) (P : HasPresentation G) (H : Group) : {f : gp_generators P -> H & forall r, FreeGroup_rec f (gp_relators P r) = group_unit} <~> GroupHomomorphism G H. Proof. - refine ((equiv_precompose_cat_equiv grp_iso_presentation)^-1 oE _). + refine ((equiv_precompose_cat_equiv (grp_iso_presentation _ _))^-1 oE _). refine (equiv_groupcoeq_rec _ _ oE _). srefine (equiv_functor_sigma_pb _ oE _). 2: apply equiv_freegroup_rec. @@ -93,7 +380,7 @@ Proof. srapply equiv_iff_hprop. { intros p. change (equiv_freegroup_rec H _ f $o FreeGroup_rec (gp_relators P) - $== equiv_freegroup_rec _ _ f $o FreeGroup_rec (fun _ => group_unit)). + $== equiv_freegroup_rec _ _ f $o grp_homo_const). rapply FreeGroup_ind_homotopy. exact p. } intros p r. @@ -103,31 +390,29 @@ Defined. (** ** Constructors for finite presentations *) -Definition Build_Finite_GroupPresentation n m - (f : FinSeq m (FreeGroup (Fin n))) - : GroupPresentation. +(** Any finite group is finitely presented via the trivial presentation. *) +Global Instance isfinitelypresented_finite_group {G : Group} {fin : Finite G} + : IsFinitelyPresented G. Proof. - snrapply Build_GroupPresentation. - - exact (Fin n). - - exact (Fin m). - - exact f. + snrapply Build_IsFinitelyPresented. + - apply haspresentation_trivial. + - snrapply Build_FinitePresentation; hnf; simpl; exact _. Defined. +Definition Build_Finite_GroupPresentation n m + (f : FinSeq m (FreeGroup (Fin n))) + : GroupPresentation + := Build_GroupPresentation (Fin n) (Fin m) f. + Global Instance FinitelyGeneratedPresentation_Build_Finite_GroupPresentation {n m f} - : FinitelyGeneratedPresentation (Build_Finite_GroupPresentation n m f). -Proof. - unshelve econstructor. - 2: simpl; apply tr; reflexivity. -Defined. + : FinitelyGeneratedPresentation (Build_Finite_GroupPresentation n m f) + := {}. Global Instance FinitelyRelatedPresentation_Build_Finite_GroupPresentation {n m f} - : FinitelyRelatedPresentation (Build_Finite_GroupPresentation n m f). -Proof. - unshelve econstructor. - 2: simpl; apply tr; reflexivity. -Defined. + : FinitelyRelatedPresentation (Build_Finite_GroupPresentation n m f) + := {}. (** ** Notations for presentations *) @@ -142,7 +427,7 @@ Local Open Scope nat_scope. Notation "⟨ x | F , .. , G ⟩" := (Build_Finite_GroupPresentation 1 _ (fscons ((fun (x : FreeGroup (Fin 1)) - => F : FreeGroup (Fin _)) (ff 0%nat)) + => F : FreeGroup (Fin _)) (ff 0)) .. (fscons ((fun (x : FreeGroup (Fin 1)) => G : FreeGroup (Fin _)) (ff 0)) fsnil) ..)) (at level 200, x binder).