- (ioKlausi) Implementation of sensor abort functionality
- (ioKlausi) Add delay time, to perform action
- (ioKlausi) Default entries for sensor table
- (ioKlausi) Bug fix for Sentry errors
- (ioKlausi) Revice coding
- (ioKlausi) Implement actions for window sensors
- (ioKlausi) Redesign coding
- (ioKlausi) Rework of signal notifications
- (ioKlausi) Send No-Token-Error as a notification
- (ioKlausi) Timer established for token refresh
- (ioKlausi) Added new API request 'createnewhomeschedule'
- (ioKlausi) Added Signal as a new message type
- (ioKlausi) Revision of the documentation
- (ioKlausi) Corrections for OAuth2
- (ioKlausi) New authentication method established
- (ioKlausi) Additional information added to admin tab cards
- (ioKlausi) Change thermostat mode functionality added to thermostat card
- (ioKlausi) Dropdown menu to change heating plan added to the thermostat card in the admin page
- (ioKlausi) i18n files for npm added
- (ioKlausi) Added status icons to plug
- (ioKlausi) Added a slider to each valve to change the temperature and added some API requests to admin tab to transfer changes to the cloud
- (ioKlausi) Messages for specific events created
- (ioKlausi) Close message functionality added on admin tab
- (ioKlausi) Bridge information added to each card
- (ioKlausi) Rework README.md & WIKI
- (ioKlausi) Refresh functionality added to admin tab
- (ioKlausi) Plug added to admin tab
- (ioKlausi) Admin tab for valves added
- (ioKlausi) Bugfix Easy Admin
- (ioKlausi) Bugfix setroomthermpoint
- (ioKlausi) setroomthermpoint - Trigger for valve-mode implemented
- (ioKlausi) Bugfix - send message
- (ioKlausi) Transfered Customizing-UI to json
- (ioKlausi) Redesign coding
- (ioKlausi) Create major version
- (ioKlausi) Release Script added
- (ioKlausi) AbortController added
- (ioKlausi) Übersetzungen hinzugefügt & Kompaktmodus getestet
- (ioKlausi) Creation of states adapted
- (ioKlausi) Compatibility check to js-controller 4.0
- (ioKlausi) Bug fixing (Sentry errors)
- (ioKlausi) Adapter finalized & wiki created
- (ioKlausi) Separate icons for widget-signals created
- (ioKlausi) Widget adapted for window opened, bug fixing setroomthermpoint
- (ioKlausi) Bug fixing
- (ioKlausi) Widget for valve added
- (ioKlausi) Notification services added
- (ioKlausi) Bug fixing token expiring
- (ioKlausi) Redesign coding, add sentry, check token expiring
- (ioKlausi) Type of adapter changed
- (ioKlausi) Add API requests getmeasure and getroommeasure for manual use
- (ioKlausi) Add API request synchomeschedule for manual use
- (ioKlausi) Add API request switchhomeschedule dynamically
- (ioKlausi) Change role logic
- (ioKlausi) Add schedule for refresh homestates and redesign config screen
- (ioKlausi) Password encryption/decryption added
- (ioKlausi) Publish new NPM version
- (ioKlausi) Redesign coding
- (ioKlausi) Changed "SpecialRequests" to Device "energyAPP"
- (ioKlausi) Send API homestatus request immediately
- (ioKlausi) Bug fixing and publishing adapter
- (ioKlausi) Fixed adapter for latest repository
- (ioKlausi) ACK Logic changed
- (ioKlausi) Changed creation of API request folder
- (ioKlausi) Translation and bug fixing
- (ioKlausi) Add API requests and automatically generation of home structure and documentation
- (ioKlausi) initial release Start to create the adapter.