- for any given pair of images
$x_1$ and$x_2$ , there exists a shared latent code$z$ in a shared-latent space, such that we can recover both images from this code, and we can compute this code from each of the two images.
shared-latent space assumption 包含了 cycle-consistency assumption
Assume a shared intermediate representation
$h$ ,$z\to h\to x_1/x_2$ -
$G_1=G_{L,1}\circ G_H$
$G_H$ 是高维生成器$z\to h$ $G_{L,1}$ 是低维生成器$h\to x_1$
- 一个例子,sunny and rainy image translation
- 高层表达--$z$:car in front, trees in back
$z$ 的某一个实现(通过$G_H$)--$h$:car/tree occupy the following pixels - 对每一个模态(sunny or rainy),真实图像的生成方程--$G_{L,1},G_{L,2}$: tree is lush green in the sunny domain, but dark green in the rainy domain
variational autoencoders (VAEs) + generative adversarial networks (GANs)
6 subnetworks:
- two domain image encoders:
$E_1,E_2$ - two domain image generators:
$G_1,G_2$ - two domain adversarial discriminators:
- two domain image encoders:
- VAE1 first maps
$x_1$ to a code in a latent space$Z$ via the encoder$E_1$ and then decodes a random-perturbed version of the code to reconstruct the input image via the generator G1.
$x$ 通过$E$编码到潜在空间$Z$,这个编码(受随机扰动)再通过$G$重建$x$-
$z\in Z$ 是条件独立的高斯分布,方差为$1$-
$E$ 输出一个均值vector:$E_{\mu,1}(x_1)$ -
$z_1$ 的分布表示为$q_1(z_1|x_1)=\mathcal N(z_1|E_{\mu,1}(x_1), I)$
$I$ 为单位阵- 重建的图像表示为:
$\widetilde x_1^{1\to1}=G_1(z_1\sim q_1(z_1|x_1))$
- VAE1 first maps
- share the weights of the last few layers of
$E_1$ and$E_2$ that are responsible for extracting high-level representations of the input images in the two domains. - share the weights of the first few layers of G1 and G2 responsible for decoding high-level representations for reconstructing the input images.
$E_1,E_2$ 共享后面几层参数,$G_1,G_2$共享前面几层参数 - share the weights of the last few layers of
- reconstruction stream
$\widetilde x_1^{1\to1}=G_1(z_1\sim q_1(z_1|x_1))$
can be supervisedly trained
- translation stream
$\widetilde x_2^{2\to1}=G_1(z_2\sim q_2(z_2|x_2))$
only apply adversarial training to images from the translation stream
- reconstruction stream
Cycle-consistency (CC) 尽管 the shared-latent space assumption implies the cycle-consistency,还是用它来 further regularize the ill-posed unsupervised image-to-image translation problem
- Overall objective
$$ \min_{E_1,E_2,G_1,G_2}\max_{D_1,D_2}\mathcal L_{VAE_1}(E_1,G_1)+ \mathcal L_{GAN_1}(E_1,G_1,D_1)+\mathcal L_{CC_1}(E_1,G_1,E_2,G_2)+ \mathcal L_{VAE_2}(E_2,G_2)+ \mathcal L_{GAN_2}(E_2,G_2,D_2)+\mathcal L_{CC_2}(E_2,G_2,E_1,G_1) $$ - VAE training aims for minimizing a variational upper bound In Overall objective
$$ \mathcal L_{VAE_1}(E_1,G_1)=\lambda_1KL(q_1(z_1|x_1)||p_\eta(z)) - \lambda_2\mathbb E_{z_1\sim q_1(z_1|x_1)}(\log p_{G_1}(x_1|z_1)) $$
- KL divergence terms penalize deviation of the distribution of the latent code from the prior distribution
- The prior distribution is a zero mean Gaussian
$p_\eta(z)=\mathcal N(z|0,I)$ -
$P_G$ is Laplacian distributions; minimizing the negative log-likelihood term is equivalent to minimizing the absolute distance between the image and the reconstructed image. 等价于L1距离 KL散度知乎介绍: 是一种衡量两个分布(比如两条线)之间的匹配程度的方法
- GAN objective
$$\mathcal L_{GAN_1}(E_1,G_1,D_1)=\lambda_0\mathbb E_{x_1\sim P_{\mathcal X_1}}[\log D_1(x_1)] + \lambda_0\mathbb E_{z_2\sim q_2(z_2|x_2)}[\log (1-D_1(G_1(z_2)))]$$
只针对translation stream
CC objective $$ \mathcal L_{CC_1}(E_1,G_1,E_2,G_2)=\lambda_3KL(q_1(z_1|x_1)||p_\eta(z)) + \lambda_3KL(q_2(z_2|x^{1\to2}1)||p\eta(z)) - \lambda_4\mathbb E_{z_2\sim q_2(z_1|x^{1\to 2}1)}(\log p{G_1}(x_1|z_2)) $$
alternating gradient update scheme similar first apply a gradient ascent step to update
$D_1,D_2$ with$E_1, E_2, G_1, G_2$ fixed. We then apply a gradient descent step to update$E_1, E_2, G_1, G_2$ with$D_1,D_2$ fixed.
- Overall objective
- shared-latent space assumption
- variational autoencoders + GANs