- CNN is still difficult to find accurate corresponding points in inherently ill-posed regions such as occlusion areas, repeated patterns, textureless regions, and reflective surfaces.
- ParseNet[16]: empirical receptive field is much smaller than the theoretical receptive field in deep networks
- Spatial Pyramid Pooling Module, SPP
- Cost Volume
- 3D CNN:
- basic architecture
- stacked hourglass architecture
- three main hourglass networks, each of which generates a disparity map.
[16] W. Liu, A. Rabinovich, and A. C. Berg. ParseNet: Looking wider to see better. arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.04579, 2015.
采用特殊的结构end-to-end回归出视差图,有监督训练,所用的数据集有Scene Flow, KITTI 2015, KITTI 2012