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Recurrent Models of Visual Attention



  1. the model selects the next location to attend to based on past information and the demands of the task




  1. Glimpse Sensor: At each step $t$, sensor extracts a retina-like representation $\rho (x_t;l_{t-1})$ around location $l_{t-1}$ from image $x_t$

以$l_{t-1}$为中心得到一系列不同分辨率的图像$x_t$ (glimpse)

  1. Glimpse network $f_g$: to produce the glimpse feature vector $g_t = f_g(x_t; l_{t-1}; \theta_g)$ where $\theta_g = {\theta_g^0;\theta_g^1;\theta_g^2}$

产生 glimpse feature vector

  1. Internal state: summarizes information extracted from the history of past observations; is instrumental to deciding how to act and where to deploy the sensor. This internal state is formed by the hidden units $h_t$ of the recurrent neural network and updated over time by the core network: $h_t = f_h(h_{t-1}; g_t; \theta_h)$.

总结历史信息,有助于act和部署sensor。它就是RNN的隐状态,根据$t-1$的隐状态和$t$的glimpse feature vector来更新

  1. Action:
    1. location action $l_t$: how to deploy its sensor 定位
    2. environment action $a_t$: might affect the state of the environment 分类


  1. Reward: In the case of object recognition,$r_T=1$ if the object is classified correctly after $T$ steps and $0$ otherwise. $R = \sum_{t=1}^T r_t$


$r_T=1$ if the object is classified correctly after T steps and 0 otherwise $$ J(\theta)=\mathbb E_{p(s_{1:T};\theta)}[\sum_{t=1}^Tr_t]=\mathbb E_{p(s_{1:T};\theta)}[R] $$

只有当最后一步分类正确时$r_T=1$,其余为0。$J$是奖励函数,$s_i$是序列,$p$ depends on policy

$$ \triangledown_\theta J \approx \sum_{t=1}^TE_{p(s_{1:T};\theta)}[\triangledown_\theta \log\pi(u_t|s_{1:t};\theta)R]=\frac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^M\sum_{t=1}^T\triangledown_\theta \log\pi(u_t^i|s^i_{1:t};\theta)R^i $$

梯度的无偏估计unbiased estimate[26]。M是回合数(episodes)

为了减小Variance $$ \triangledown_\theta J \approx \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^M\sum_{t=1}^T\triangledown_\theta \log\pi(u_t^i|s^i_{1:t};\theta)(R^i_t-b_t) $$

$R_t^i=\sum_{t'=1}^Tr_{t'}^i$是累积奖励(cumulative reward) $b_t$ is a baseline that may depend on $s^i_{1:t}$ (e.g. via $h^i_t$) but not on the action $u^i_t$ itself。这里选择$b_t=\mathbb E\pi[R_t]$[21]


[26] R.J. Williams. Simple statistical gradient-following algorithms for connectionist reinforcement learning. Machine Learning, 8(3):229–256, 1992. [25] Daan Wierstra, Alexander Foerster, Jan Peters, and Juergen Schmidhuber. Solving deep memory pomdps with recurrent policy gradients. In ICANN. 2007. [21] Richard S. Sutton, David Mcallester, Satinder Singh, and Yishay Mansour. Policy gradient methods for reinforcement learning with function approximation. In NIPS, pages 1057–1063. MIT Press, 2000.

