The following steps will provision Azure resources (new vnet, bastion, ansible jump host, compute and storage instances) and configures IBM Spectrum Scale cloud solution.
Change working directory to
.cd ibm-spectrum-scale-cloud-install/azure_scale_templates/azure_new_vnet_scale/
Create terraform variable definitions file (
) and provide infrastructure inputs.Note: In case of multi availability zone, provide 3 AZ values for the vpc_availability_zone
keyword. Ex:"vnet_availability_zones"=["1", "2", "3"]
Minimal Example-1 (create compute, storage cluster with managed disks and remote mount configuration):
{ "client_id": "f5b6a5cf-fbdf-4a9f-b3b8-3c2cd00225a4", "client_secret": "0e760437-bf34-4aad-9f8d-870be799c55d", "tenant_id": "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47", "subscription_id": "e652d8de-aea2-4177-a0f1-7117adc604ee", "vnet_location": "eastus", "vnet_availability_zones": ["1"], "resource_group_name": "spectrum-scale", "compute_cluster_ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQDeFX5ZECXQwqTjczwuTBWYtx0joQ+2d16z/6DDGcouJ42hD0Pslx2m94jl+dyeb+1NFETBRAJ5PrVd+LjgGeEkPwb0Gu3VLRR2gmcAzMjo6FQewBFds1mBh2fi93bolUG3FHf34su6JYE5Ei7+8/0X9zGCPOKFd6bjj19cvy0kN/LUL4n9dnKWM3vnXU2Tj6aDEiwDrQk87c6nmdxyD4J1MDCab/ARK1dK7iAcy9QMod5UBQpDQu7kH054Mfc21ymIK/EkJZ9gMIuP/5q1IGw8NOlQuhIVJSKvS41EVIeY5w0kIWDIkTEKOYZiQ2br2ymWjQ/ 1ScsVyqsxROPhi0EP9aYJ2p0UJDEN9V1lg1SWaPN8TKhG/CAlQzGXdnc20a98cqxu5jzvj8Q7SQoAWL0ZMe1zUVJVs0XvBQItDLW6ZDpGyWTsxAcDwLqYCJubrg3aja17iFa+MCsa5esgY4GsawPtV+o9Dqx63m3joEH/fo53vNpJ6wlwaRK65hE5pkM=", "storage_cluster_ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQDeFX5ZECXQwqTjczwuTBWYtx0joQ+2d16z/6DDGcouJ42hD0Pslx2m94jl+dyeb+1NFETBRAJ5PrVd+LjgGeEkPwb0Gu3VLRR2gmcAzMjo6FQewBFds1mBh2fi93bolUG3FHf34su6JYE5Ei7+8/0X9zGCPOKFd6bjj19cvy0kN/LUL4n9dnKWM3vnXU2Tj6aDEiwDrQk87c6nmdxyD4J1MDCab/ARK1dK7iAcy9QMod5UBQpDQu7kH054Mfc21ymIK/EkJZ9gMIuP/5q1IGw8NOlQuhIVJSKvS41EVIeY5w0kIWDIkTEKOYZiQ2br2ymWjQ/ 1ScsVyqsxROPhi0EP9aYJ2p0UJDEN9V1lg1SWaPN8TKhG/CAlQzGXdnc20a98cqxu5jzvj8Q7SQoAWL0ZMe1zUVJVs0XvBQItDLW6ZDpGyWTsxAcDwLqYCJubrg3aja17iFa+MCsa5esgY4GsawPtV+o9Dqx63m3joEH/fo53vNpJ6wlwaRK65hE5pkM=", "compute_cluster_gui_username": "admin", "compute_cluster_gui_password": "Passw0rd", "storage_cluster_gui_username": "admin", "storage_cluster_gui_password": "Passw0rd", "total_storage_cluster_instances": 4, "total_compute_cluster_instances": 3, "ansible_jump_host_ssh_private_key": "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" }
terraform init
andterraform apply -auto-approve
to provision resources.
Name | Version |
terraform | ~> 1.0 |
azurerm | ~> 2.0 |
Name | Description | Type |
client_id | The Active Directory service principal associated with your account. | string |
client_secret | The password or secret for your service principal. | string |
compute_cluster_gui_password | Password for Compute cluster GUI. | string |
compute_cluster_gui_username | GUI user to perform system management and monitoring tasks on compute cluster. | string |
compute_cluster_ssh_public_key | The SSH public key to use to launch the compute cluster host. | string |
resource_group_name | The name of a new resource group in which the resources will be created. | string |
storage_cluster_gui_password | Password for Storage cluster GUI | string |
storage_cluster_gui_username | GUI user to perform system management and monitoring tasks on storage cluster. | string |
storage_cluster_ssh_public_key | The SSH public key to use to launch the storage cluster host. | string |
subscription_id | The subscription ID to use. | string |
tenant_id | The Active Directory tenant identifier, must provide when using service principals. | string |
vnet_availability_zones | A list of availability zones ids in the region/location. | list(string) |
vnet_location | The location/region of the vnet to create. Examples are East US, West US, etc. | string |
ansible_jump_host_ssh_private_key | Ansible jump host SSH private key path, which will be used to login to ansible jump host. | string |
compute_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint | Compute cluster (accessingCluster) Filesystem mount point. | string |
compute_cluster_image_offer | Specifies the offer of the image used to create the compute cluster virtual machines. | string |
compute_cluster_image_publisher | Specifies the publisher of the image used to create the compute cluster virtual machines. | string |
compute_cluster_image_sku | Specifies the SKU of the image used to create the compute cluster virtual machines. | string |
compute_cluster_image_version | Specifies the version of the image used to create the compute cluster virtual machines. | string |
compute_cluster_login_username | The username of the local administrator used for the Virtual Machine. | string |
compute_cluster_os_disk_caching | Specifies the caching requirements for the OS Disk (Ex: None, ReadOnly and ReadWrite). | string |
compute_cluster_os_storage_account_type | Type of storage account which should back this the internal OS disk (Ex: Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS and Premium_LRS). | string |
compute_cluster_vm_size | Instance type to use for provisioning the compute cluster instances. | string |
create_separate_namespaces | Flag to select if separate namespace needs to be created for compute instances. | bool |
data_disk_size | Size of the volume in gibibytes (GB). | number |
data_disk_storage_account_type | Type of storage to use for the managed disk (Ex: Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS or UltraSSD_LRS). | string |
data_disks_per_storage_instance | Additional Data disks to attach per storage cluster instance. | number |
filesystem_block_size | Filesystem block size. | string |
resource_prefix | Prefix is added to all resources that are created. | string |
scale_ansible_repo_clone_path | Path to clone | string |
spectrumscale_rpms_path | Path that contains IBM Spectrum Scale product cloud rpms. | string |
storage_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint | Storage cluster (owningCluster) Filesystem mount point. | string |
storage_cluster_image_offer | Specifies the offer of the image used to create the storage cluster virtual machines. | string |
storage_cluster_image_publisher | Specifies the publisher of the image used to create the storage cluster virtual machines. | string |
storage_cluster_image_sku | Specifies the SKU of the image used to create the storage cluster virtual machines. | string |
storage_cluster_image_version | Specifies the version of the image used to create the storage cluster virtual machines. | string |
storage_cluster_login_username | The username of the local administrator used for the Virtual Machine. | string |
storage_cluster_os_disk_caching | Specifies the caching requirements for the OS Disk (Ex: None, ReadOnly and ReadWrite). | string |
storage_cluster_os_storage_account_type | Type of storage account which should back this the internal OS disk (Ex: Standard_LRS, StandardSSD_LRS and Premium_LRS). | string |
storage_cluster_vm_size | Instance type to use for provisioning the storage cluster instances. | string |
total_compute_cluster_instances | Number of Azure instances (vms) to be launched for compute cluster. | number |
total_storage_cluster_instances | Number of Azure instances (vms) to be launched for storage cluster. | number |
using_direct_connection | If true, will skip the jump/bastion host configuration. | bool |
using_packer_image | If true, gpfs rpm copy step will be skipped during the configuration. | bool |
using_rest_api_remote_mount | If false, skips GUI initialization on compute cluster for remote mount configuration. | string |
vnet_address_space | The address space that is used by the virtual network. | list(string) |
vnet_compute_cluster_dns_domain | Azure DNS domain name to be used for compute cluster. | string |
vnet_compute_cluster_private_subnets_address_space | List of cidr_blocks of compute private subnets. | list(string) |
vnet_create_separate_subnets | Flag to select if separate private subnet to be created for compute cluster. | bool |
vnet_public_subnets_address_space | List of address prefix to use for public subnets. | list(string) |
vnet_storage_cluster_dns_domain | Azure DNS domain name to be used for storage cluster. | string |
vnet_storage_cluster_private_subnets_address_space | List of address prefix to use for storage cluster private subnets. | list(string) |
vnet_tags | The tags to associate with your network and subnets. | map(string) |
Name | Description |
ansible_jump_host_id | Ansible jump host instance id. |
ansible_jump_host_private_ip | Ansible jump host instance private ip addresses. |
ansible_jump_host_public_ip | Ansible jump host instance public ip addresses. |
bastion_instance_public_ip | Bastion instance public ip addresses. |
compute_cluster_instance_ids | Compute cluster instance ids. |
compute_cluster_instance_private_ips | Private IP address of compute cluster instances. |
resource_group_name | New resource group name |
storage_cluster_instance_ids | Storage cluster instance ids. |
storage_cluster_instance_private_ips | Private IP address of storage cluster instances. |
storage_cluster_with_data_volume_mapping | Mapping of storage cluster instance ip vs. device path. |
vnet_id | The ID of the VNET. |