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Patch Layout

Wilson edited this page Feb 24, 2017 · 2 revisions

The FTI patcher will be structured in the following form:

FTI_Patcher.exe - The patching executable that performs patching operations. patch.dat - This is a GZip archive and will contain everything the patcher needs to do its job.

patch.dat will contain the following structure:

|  +--icon.ico         - Icon used by the patcher.
|  +--background.png   - Background image displayed in the patcher window.
|  +--meta.xml         - This XML configures the window, sets the version number, and populates the about box.
|  +--patch.xml        - The complete instruction set that the patcher needs to perform to finish its job.
|  +--tool1.exe        - Any executables necessary to perform the patching. i.e. xdelta3.exe
|  +--tool2.exe        
|  +--sub_directory1/
|  |  +--file1.ext
|  +--file2.xdelta
|  +--file3.xdelta
|  +--...
|  +--file47.xdelta

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