iOS SDK for IndieSquare API written in objective-c, futher api documentation can be found here
Download the .bundle and .a files from the releases section or download the xcode project file and include it in your own project. Make sure to add the IndieCore.bundle to "Copy Bundle Resources" and libIndieCore.a to "Link Binary With Library" under "build phases"
See the example project below for set up and usage, (all results are logged in the console) example project demo app
Full usage can be seen in the example project below (all results are logged in the console) example project demo app
First initialize IndieCore in your main viewcontroller and wait for callback
self.iCore = [[IndieCore alloc] initWithViewController:self andAPIKey:@"fd244d6b1660b353fb58c8c31ec91a3d" andTestNet:false andCompletion:^(NSError*error, NSDictionary *response) {
//is initialised
Create a send transaction
[self.iCore createSend:@"12sWrxRY7E7Nhmuyjbz4TtGE9jRewGqEZD" andTokenName:@"NETX" andDestination:@"1M1LeAiECEiGb1n8pEBdoybRw6e5gQD34w" andQuantity:1 andCompletion:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *response) {
NSLog(@"response %@",response);
//unsigned tx is returned here
Sign transaction with users installed IndieSquare Wallet
[self.iCore signTransactionWithWallet:@"MYURLSCHEME" andTx:unsigned_hex andCompletion:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *response) {
NSLog(@"sig %@",response);
//signed transaction is returned here
Broadcast signed transaction
[self.iCore broadcast:signedTx andCompletion:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *response) {
NSLog(@"response: %@",response);
//returns tx id
You must add your apps urlscheme (represented by MYURLSCHEME) in your plist, so IndieSquare can return to your app after the user authorizes address usage.
[self.iCore getAddressFromWallet:@"MYURLSCHEME" andCompletion:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *response) {
NSLog(@"address %@",response);
//returns users address is verified or error if unable to verify